Kingsland News May 2016

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Kingsland News May 2016 Dear Parishioners, Today it snowed, the rectory chickens laid 3 eggs, a group of pilgrims slept in the church on the way from Bishop’s Castle to Hereford, there was a coffee morning which was great fun at Bell House to raise money for the maintenance of the churchyard, and the trees are bursting with new life with that amazing fresh colour of new life. Tomorrow we give thanks for all that has happened over the last year and appoint churchwardens and officers to serve the church for the coming year. It’s only when you look back over the year that you see what an amazing amount of activity has happened: we have celebrated with couples getting married and journeyed with families whose loved ones are dying, we have worshipped weekly and told again the amazing story of Jesus, we have welcomed the new Bishop of Hereford to preach and much, much more. So thank you to Jean Barbour

and Dave Davies and the PCC who share this responsibility with me for all your dedicated care in 2015. This month sees us praying for our farmers and the land at our Rogation Service at Hall Farm Leinthall Earles on May 1st at 11am. We join together from across the group of parishes for this and if you turn off right towards Leinthall Earles after Aymestrey you will come first to Yatton and secondly to Leinthall Earles and the farm is right there in the middle. Nick Read (my husband but also one of the chaplains here in the diocese is speaking at Rogation this year). Bring sensible shoes and a plate of food to share and the service involves a short walk around the workings of the farm and a blessing of the livestock and fields as we remember and pray for all the farmers of our parishes. All are welcome. On the last Sunday in May (29th) again there will be one service in our group of parishes and this time


we will be gathering together in Eardisland Church with the Archdeacon preaching (Paddy Benson) and we will be having a Christian Aid service to think about the work of this organisation and other aid organisations who work with those less fortunate than us to bring healing and wholeness. There will be a lunch after the service as we had last year. It was a lovely occasion! All money from this service will go to the work of Christian Aid and as this is our way of marking Christian Aid week please come. Ascension Day, a little like general elections, mainly falls on a Thursday in May. It marks 40 days after Easter (40 days being a goodly time in Bible Terms) and marks the end of the time that Jesus spent with his disciples after he rose from the dead, equipping them to step out on their own journey of faith and to bring the good news of what he did and who he is. This is our faith and I have already been approached by one person who is looking to prepare to be confirmed. There is a confirmation service locally in the Priory at Leominster at the end of July and if there are others who would like to be confirmed now is the time to make yourself known to me for preparation. When Jesus left his disciples for the last time he said to them “Remember I am with you always, even to the end of the age�. That is good news for them and for us. Julie

Compilers Obtained Thank you to all who contacted me offering to help with this process, a vital part of producing this magazine. Edie Bradley and family are going to work on the next few editions, but I have noted the names of others who wished to be involved and will call upon them in the future, should the need arise. David Noon (Editor)


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Response to the Editor over Problems with Broadband. I am very grateful to all who have given me details of problems and frustrations while using Broadband in the Kingsland Area. On your behalf I wrote direct to Openreach on March 24th and asked for replies to specific questions your letters and my own experiences had raised. I am grateful to Mr Alan Hulthen for the time he has taken to provide a prompt and detailed reply. Since my letter stated that I wished to publish his reply in the Kingsland News I now do so below. Whilst one or two questions remain, the news is generally good, especially the prospect of much faster Broadband in the near future. Ed Dear Mr Noon, Following on from my earlier email I’m replying to your letter of 24 March. Thanks for the opportunity to reply and for your patience while I looked into this for you. Your fault - I’m sorry you experienced a delay with the repair of your broadband and for any for any impact this had on you preparing the village newsletter. I appreciate broadband is an important part of everyday life, and when it’s not working, this will be frustrating. Any problems with your service needs to be reported to your Service Provider (SP) who will run diagnostics and contact us (Openreach) if they need any engineering assistance. Unfortunately I don’t have sight of any interactions you (or anyone else) has with their SP, so I can’t comment on what was done initially on your contacts i.e. send out replacement routers etc. Looking at our records I can see that we had a fault reported to us on 10 February which was appointed for an engineering visit on 18 February. The engineer found a problem at the exchange (your circuit was on an incorrect port and the engineer performed a ‘lift and shift’ to fix this). Why can’t investigation of broadband connections at the exchange be an early reaction to a broadband fault? -When you report a fault to your SP they will run diagnostics/tests which will determine the next steps they take. If there is a disconnection detected they would sent this us (Openreach) for engineering assistance. Our engineer will then investigate the network to find the problem and fix it. It’s possible because of the nature of this fault not being a ‘disconnection’, so when your SP was running tests, it all looked like it was still in synch and because of this, wanted to exhaust all avenues i.e. replacement router etc. before asking our engineers to investigate. You would need to check this with your SP as I can only speculate on what happened prior to the fault being


reported to us. The correct industry process to raise broadband faults or any queries is via the SP. Why are faults particularly frequent at present? I’ve spoken to the local Operation Manager who covers the Kingsland area who has confirmed that there have been no major faults on Kingsland exchange and no sudden spikes in fault volumes and the fault levels have not been excessive. When is faster broadband to be available in Kingsland? Kingsland exchange is one of our smaller exchanges serving over 800 premises and is being upgraded to deliver superfast broadband with support of the Fastershire BDUK project – in which BT is delivery partner. The aim of the project is to deploy fibre broadband in areas that are not covered by private commercial plans. The good news is that the exchange is in the project’s plans to be upgraded. However, given the complexity of the civil engineering project not all areas are upgraded at the same time. My advice is that you and the other residents let the Fastershire team know of your requirements and keep in touch with them for updates. More information can be found at: Individuals can check on their own situation by visiting our website They either need to put in their telephone number or postcode. I’ve copied the information for your address below: Your area is currently in our plans to be upgraded with Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), however we follow a different design and build process for FTTP so you won't see updates at each stage. When you are able to place orders you will see the Accepting Orders message. In some instances our FTTP plans change. If this happens you will move though the journey stages normally. If you'd like to know when you can order fibre, register your details. I'd recommend keeping an eye on our website at regular intervals. When we confidently are able to give an estimated date, it’ll be given via our website. If you've not already done so, you can register your details. I’m sorry I'm not able to provide an immediate solution, but hope both you and other residents in your parish will be encouraged to know that the project team plans to bring fibre broadband to Kingsland village. Best wishes,

Alan Hulthen Directors service office Telephone: 0800 432 0582 | 0331 667 7586




Kingsland W I At our April meeting we were unable to hear the talk on millinery but Mike Watkins kindly stepped in to tell us things we didn't know about the Titanic. He illustrated his talk with pictures, many of them showing how the workers were dwarfed by the enormous engines and other equipment alongside them. His interest in the Titanic originated in family history. His great uncle, who went down with the ship, was a second class steward and the employer of his brother (Mike Watkins' grandfather) was also lost. This meant that his grandfather lost his apprenticeship in the music business which had to close. The project was started by Lord Pirrie of Harland & Wolff and Bruce Ismay of the White Star Line. They were competing with the Cunard Line which was building the Lusitania and the Mauretania. The decision was to build the Titanic and her sister ship the Olympic 50% larger than the Cunard ships. To accommodate the Titanic the whole dockyard was renovated and 3 normal size slipways made into two and covered with four and a half feet of concrete. A giant crane was brought in and the port of Southampton was extended and deepened. The Olympic was launched first and received much more attention than the Titanic's launch. It was painted light grey which was considered more photogenic than the black of Titanic. Three years from the start Titanic left Belfast for nd Southampton on 2 April 1912. The story of her disastrous first voyage is very well known but Mike Watkins has a wealth of knowledge of lesser known facts, amongst others that her cargo included 5grand pianos,4 cases of

opium, a marmalade machine and a Morgan car. She burned 825 tons of coal every day which kept 33 greasers, 73 trimmers and 176 firemen/stokers busy . He told us about many of the well-known passengers who were on board and also about the rescue and the aftermath of the sinking and of the long inquiries which were held first in America and then in the U.K. We all enjoyed an interesting evening. Our next meeting on the 11th May will be on flowers and jam by Pam Bufton. We welcome visitors or new members. Pat Hughes



Luctonians Golf Croquet News Our season starts on Tuesday 5 May at 10.30am when we will be playing on 2 lawns/courts by the cricket pavilion at Mortimer park, one of which will be permanently open throughout the summer. Weather permitting, we usually play for 1½ hours. Croquet is a social game, but can be very competitive! We will be holding open evenings, which will be advertised on the website and locally. We look forward to welcoming new players of all ages. For further information, please contact: Jackie Markham 01568 708281 or Jim Davies 01568 709579.


With over 25 green-fingered entrants, we have had a great response to the Grand Kingsland Potato Growing Competition where, thanks to a generous anonymous donor, the winner will now receive £50! The Grand Weigh-In takes place on Sunday 28th August at The Angel.

Our 2016 programme continues with An Evening with Lord Lisvane, Former Parliamentary Clerk of the House of Commons, Friday 6th May at the Church, 7.30pm. Tickets at £10 include light refreshments and there will be a licensed bar. Please book quickly to avoid disappointment. The fantastic Pop Up Opera makes a welcome return, performing their witty take on Rossini’s Barber of Seville on Saturday 9th July at the Church, 7.30pm. Tickets at £25 and £10 for under 18s are on sale now. Showcasing 19 talented artists across a wide range of media, our lovely Church will host one of Herefordshire Art Week’s largest Group Shows, from 10th – 18th September. This year, in addition to the Opening Event on Friday 9th September, we are planning an Evening Event on Friday 16th to broaden the reach of the Show. Watch this space for more details… As ever, we would love to hear from you if you have ideas for future events which we may not have considered before. We are planning to run a Pub Quiz and would welcome any expertise in this area. Do get in touch on T: 01568 709579. All tickets available from Kingsland Post Office or T: 10568 709579. Remember SMAAAK members receive a 10% discount!



Parish Litter Pick Sunday 10th April Fortunately it was a dry and sunny day, so it was a very cheerful band of 42 villagers who presented themselves at The Coronation Hall to collect their litter picking equipment, provided by Herefordshire Council, and to select their routes. Equally cheerful groups returned at different times of the day with horror stories of the quantity, and quality of the rubbish they had found and bagged up all over the Parish! The bags were all piled up in the Hall car park for the Council to collect later in the week. There were a few small areas that weren’t covered and these we plan to tackle on Sunday 24th April starting at 9 a.m. from Westmead. All helpers welcome! Tel: 01568 708281 A plea has been made by the volunteers that dog owners refrain from leaving their bagged dog poos on paths and hanging from hedges but take them home to dispose of them! We still have some dog owners who do not pick up and bag their dog’s poos in the Church Yard, on the Millennium Green and on the footpaths bordering Fairfield and on the Glebe land. If you own and/or walk a dog PLEASE make sure you clean up after it wherever you are. Lisa Juson

Advance Notice

Betty Lister is organising a


on Saturday, 16th July, 2016. This will be in aid of Kingsland Fire Station Doors Open 6.30 pm Eyes Down 7.30 pm



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Kingsland Parish Neighbourhood Plan News At the time of writing we are working on providing information to Herefordshire Council that they requested following their ‘Regulation 16’ public consultation and the legal challenge to the Kingsleane planning approval. We are having some Steering Group meetings, which are open to the public, to discuss the issues that have arisen, so please do feel free to come along and give us your views. They are all publicised on the KingslandLife website, on our Facebook page and there are posters on the noticeboard in the village and the Post Office. This is a slow process but hopefully we will have more concrete information on the progress of our Neighbourhood Plan soon. Please keep an eye on our pages on KingslandLife where we will let you know if anything significant happens! KNDP Steering Group

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Kingsland Bowling Club (midMarch to mid-April 2016) – open sesame! Our field parking is now open (through the gate off to the right down Church Lane)! Our grass looks splendid, thanks to all the winter work from Malcolm and the team, a spring parking-field cut from Casey, and green treatment by Avonmore – we are proud to be ranked as the second green in the county, so congratulations also to Albert, last year’s superintendent. By the time you read this, we shall have had our first internal fun match on 16th April, with Captain’s Malcolm’s merry members battling against President Pat’s punchy players. It’s a great way to start the season and to remember what the bowls feel like - and for those who have tried to go gently on indoor rinks, it’s time to find out if we can get to the far end of the green! We had an excellent Opening Club Night on Tuesday 5th April with a fine spread of food from our Catering Group and a good attendance; Tuesday Club Nights with casual roll-ups and, importantly, the posting of teams selected for weekend matches now continue until mid-October. Our efficient Competition Secretary Peter has already posted the competition entry lists, so the season is taking shape – anyone for triples?! There will be Coaching Sessions organised by Vice-Captain

Gary on selected Saturdays (various topics include Etiquette and Marking) for all interested members. May sees Hereford Men’s League matches on Wednesday evenings, and on Monday 30th May we host our Club Tournament, once again organised by our indefatigable Captain ; teams are invited to take part from across the local area, refreshments are available, and a good time is had by all. Meanwhile, our stalwart recruiters have stood in B & Q and Morrison’s in their club shirts (and of course in the rest of their clothes) to give people information on the club – we are always happy to see people come and try their hand at our beautiful game (football, eat your heart out!), and we have room for more members; we offer 6 free coaching sessions. - if you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact me or go to Susanna Checketts (Secretary) 01568 770546


Telephone: 01568 780 912


Kingsland Millennium Green Trust We had great fun with the Easter Rabbit on Easter Sunday morning; he made his appearance on The Green just after morning service and between the rain showers. He used slightly different tactics this year and zig-zagged across The Green rather than tearing around in circles but as usual was chased by a huge number of children (and some adults!) who collected hundreds of brightly coloured chocolate eggs. Thank you, Easter Rabbit! And thank you too to everyone who sold and/or bought tickets for the Grand National Sweep Stake, the proceeds of which pay for the chocolate eggs. The race was run on Saturday 9th April and the winners were: 1st: Jim and Dee Davies; 2nd: Dot Brown; 3rd: Tricia Pothecary and 4th: Vicky Sowerbutts. A total of ÂŁ315.00 was raised with ÂŁ141.75 being awarded in prizes, the remainder being spent on the eggs and the maintenance of The Green.


Jackie Markham

Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Eardisland

A Royal Birthday Concert Saturday, 18th June, 7.30 pm, in Eardisland Church

Rhayader Male-Voice Choir Guest Soloist - Emma Powell Tickets £7.50 from:

Eardisland Community Shop 01544 388984 Richard Kirby 01544 388810 Tea Room & Gift Shop (by Post Free) 01544 388226 Dian Cope 01544 388317

Licensed Bar

Prize Draw

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Sunday 1st May Rogation 11.00 am Benefice Rogation Service Hall Farm

Leinthall Earls

Sunday 8th May Sunday after Ascension 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) Aymestrey 9.30 am Morning Prayer Eardisland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Kingsland th Sunday 15 May Pentecost 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland 11.00 am Family Communion Kingsland 3.30 pm Holy Communion Leinthall Earls Sunday 22nd May Trinity Sunday 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland 11.00 am Choral Matins with Sunday Seekers Kingsland Sunday 29th May 1st Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Benefice Christian Aid Service Eardisland Church Services in the Benefice for May and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: and at Said Holy Eucharist BCP 10.00 am each at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am unless otherwise Services Thursday stated: at st May: Mr N. Gibbon Kingsland Kingsland1th Rev. Jon Waldegrave Shobdon unless 8 th Rev. Deanne Evans Kingsland otherwise15nd Rev. Eaton-Challoner Shobdon stated: 22th Rev. D Bulloss (HC) Kingsland Said Holy29 Eucharist Village Stores Eardisley, by text to Kington Choral Society BCP 07968 044853, by email Treat yourself to a double bill of Welsh, or purchase composer Karl Jenkins' wonderful mass online price for peace "The Armed Man" and John ÂŁ12 (under-18s free). Rutter's "Requiem", with the Pax Musica orchestra, and guest conductor James Davies at Kington Choral Societies Spring Concert. This will be held on Saturday, 14th May, at St Mary's, Kington, at 7.30pm. Tickets available from Courtyard Antiques Presteigne, George's Deli Kington,


Terry (for KCS) The Parish Diary 2016 May 1st 6th 9th 11th 14th

Rogation Sunday Leinthall Earls SMAAAK event. Lord Lisvane RBL Social Evening/Quiz W.I Flowers & Jam Progressive Supper

June 6th 8th 11th 12th 19th

RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn W.I. Trip to Leintwardine for Fish & Chips School Summer Fair (Queen’s Birthday weekend) RSCM ‘Music Day’ Choral Evensong with tea Church PET Service and Barbecue Church

Hall Farm Church Corners Inn Coronation Hall Various

July 4th RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn nd rd 2 &3 Open Gardens & Scarecrow competition various 9th SMAAAK Pop-up Opera Church 13th W.I. Talk on Guiding Coronation Hall th 16 Bingo in aid of the Fire Station Coronation Hall?

11.00 am 7.30 pm 7.45 pm 7.30 pm tba

7.45 pm tba tba tba 11.00am

7.45 pm tba tba 7.30 pm From 6.30 pm

August 1st RBL Social Evening/Quiz 13 Kingsland Flower Show

Corners Inn Coronation Hall

7.45 pm 2.00 pm

September 5th RBL AGM th 10 – 18th SMAAAK H-Art exhibition 14th W.I. Talk on and Demonstration of Spinning

Corners Inn Church Coronation Hall

7.30 pm tba 7.30 pm

October 1st SMAAAK Arcadia Concert th 12 W.I.Talk on Community Police 13th Church Harvest Festival

Church Coronation Hall Church

tba 7.30 pm tba

November 9th W.I. Cake Icing 27th Advent Carol Service

Coronation Hall Church

7.30 pm 6.30 pm

December 18th Church Carol Service 24th Church Crib Service

Church Church

tba 4.00 pm

(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received)


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Listings information for Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s events in May 2016 Bromyard Downs Project: Practical Work Party Tues 3 May 10am-3.30pm Join the Bromyard Downs work party for practical habitat management work such as scrub clearance and woodland work. Bring a packed lunch and suitable outdoor clothes. The Bromyard Downs Project is a collaboration between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and the Bromyard Downs Common Association (BDCA). For further information about the project, go to Venue: Meet 10am at the main Downs car park, Bromyard Downs, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4QP Please contact Hannah Welsh, Bromyard Downs Project Officer, in advance if you are planning to come to a work party session on 01432 356872 / 07341 736182 Please be aware that there are no toilets or handwashing facilities on the Downs Bromyard Downs Project: Dawn Chorus survey Thurs 5 May 4.30am-8am Join us for our third dawn chorus survey and hot breakfast The Bromyard Downs Project is a collaboration between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and the Bromyard Downs Common Association (BDCA). For further information about the project, go to Venue: Meet main Downs Car Park, Bromyard Downs, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4QP. Cost: Free. To book a place contact Hannah Welsh on 01432 356872 / 07341 736182 or by email Go Toads! Lake Celebration

Sat 7 May


A day to celebrate the Go Toads! Community Project and say a big thank you to everyone that got involved. We will providing fun for all the family with WildPlay activities including mini beast hunting, bird watching, amphibian races, quizzes, catch a tadpole games and crafts. Venue: Bodenham Lake Nature Reserve, Bodenham, Herefordshire. Directions: Approximately half way between Hereford and Leominster, just off the A49. Follow signposts to Bodenham, go past the Railway inn and over the bridge and the entrance is about 1/2 mile on the right before you get to the village. Cost: Free. No booking required Please be aware that there are no public toilet facilities at the site Pooling Together Project: Compost toilet building course

Sat 7-Sun 8 May 10am-3pm

A two day practical course for anyone interested in learning how to build an outside compost toilet in their allotment, campsite, woodland or garden. These composting toilets are low impact, require no water and don’t need emptying – they just let nature get on with it. Tools and equipment will be provided. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing/footwear and bring a packed lunch. Venue: Brockhampton Estate, Bringsty, near Bromyard, Herefordshire, WR6 5TB Cost: £70 full price; £45 if resident in Herefordshire and over 19 years old (as of 1st Aug 2015) and receiving certain benefits. Free if resident in Herefordshire, over 19 years old and meet other criteria – please ask for more details. For more information or to book a place contact Jane Cabara (Pooling Together Project Officer) by phone on 01432 356872 / 07341 736185 or email


Pooling Together Project: Work Party Tues 10 May 9.30am-3pm Join the Pooling Together work party team to survey historic ponds. The Pooling Together project is a collaboration between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and Herefordshire Amphibian and Reptile Team. You can follow the project on Facebook for all the updates or visit Venue: Meet at Bromyard Downs Main Car Park, Bromyard Downs, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4QP before making one’s way to the day's location. Please contact Jane Cabara (Pooling Together Project Officer) in advance if you are planning to come to a work party session on 01432 356872 / 0734 1736185 or by email as the location may change Please be aware that there are no toilets or handwashing facilities on the Downs Bromyard Downs Project: Practical Work Party Thurs 19 May 10am-3.30pm Join the Bromyard Downs work party for practical habitat management work such as scrub clearance and woodland work. Bring a packed lunch and suitable outdoor clothes. The Bromyard Downs Project is a collaboration between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and the Bromyard Downs Common Association (BDCA). For further information about the project, go to Venue: Meet 10am at the main Downs car park, Bromyard Downs, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4QP. Please contact Hannah Welsh, Bromyard Downs Project Officer, in advance if you are planning to come to a work party session on 01432 356872 / 07341 736182 Please be aware that there are no toilets or handwashing facilities on the Downs Queenswood 80th Birthday Sat 21 May 10am-3pm A public event, run by the partnership of ‘Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’ and ‘New Leaf’ at Queenswood, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the gift of the country park and arboretum to the people of Herefordshire. The day will include guided walks and children’s play activities and stalls exhibiting woodland crafts. The day will be commemorated with a specially crafted plaque at one of the mature trees planted by the Girl Guides in 1935. Further details about the event will be available nearer the time on the new Queenswood and Bodenham Lake website Venue: Queenswood Country Park, Dinmore Hill Leominster HR6 0PY Cost: Free event No booking required Pooling Together Project: Work Party Sun 22 May 10am-3pm Join the Pooling Together work party team to survey historic ponds. The Pooling Together project is a collaboration between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and Herefordshire Amphibian and Reptile Team. You can follow the project on Facebook for all the updates or visit Venue: Meet at National Trust, Brockhampton Estate, Bringsty, near Bromyard, Herefordshire, WR6 5TB before making their way to the day's location. Please contact Jane Cabara (Pooling Together Project Officer) in advance if you are planning to come to a work party session on 01432 356872 / 0734 1736185 or by email as the venue may change.



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Royal British Legion Branch Meetings. The meeting on 4th April was again low on numbers because of various illnesses. Nevertheless, those attending raised £74 for our funds. The next meeting is on May 9th (avoiding the May Bank Holiday). New Member The Branch is pleased to welcome Philip Andrews. He lived in Kingsland for some years before moving to Pembridge – however he has elected to join our Branch because we hold more frequent meetings!! Upcoming events. The National Conference is being held in Eastbourne on 21/22 May I have posted the final agenda on our notice board – it is worth a quick glance. In particular, there are motions criticising the new joining and subscription payment systems. It will be interesting to see the result (if any). Heather and Ann hope to hold the regular and very enjoyable Summer Lunch in late July (final date to be decided). In Memorium It is with great regret that we report the death of Derek Shaw. Derek and Jenny joined the Branch in 2011 and were regular supporters despite two moves in the local area. Derek suffered a long period of illness which had prevented his attendance for many months. We extent our deepest sympathy to Jenny for this loss. Gordon Browne (Chairman)


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Luctonians Sports Club The 2015/16 Rugby season nears completion and the 1st team’s survival in the present League ll north is creating much interest. Barring some unlikely results in the remaining matches it would seem that this will be achieved – a considerable achievement by the players and those involved. A tense home match against Tynedale was won in the last minutes with a well-taken try witnessed by a large crowd. Pre-match lunches were sold out again, and the draw of the 200 club with the £1250 first prize was won by a popular local syndicate. This, and the televised Grand National Race at Aintree created a very special day. Cricketers are coming out of hibernation to flex their muscles and sharpen eye to arm co-ordination. This provides good news as the new changing rooms near completion – exciting times for the many concerned with this most recent project. The weekly ‘Lucsline (no.306) has gone out worldwide providing an update of club activities. The latest included a report in detail of the under 16’s tour of the Netherlands over Easter. This brings back memories that only Rugby Tours can provide. Some of these young men will perhaps help to run Luctonians in the future. R.W.H.


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builders. Jackdaws are easily the untidiest! The rookery would provide a study in coexistence. It seems they hop from one nest to another with a variety of noise. A report that urban foxes from Bristol being released in this area – totally wrong. Another observer tells of seeing a Buzzard carrying a fish in its talons. It was a pleasure to hear three Song Thrushes singing in a three mile radius recently as a shower of rain fell. R.W.H.

Nature Notes 2

Nature Notes (13/4/16) Primrose time! Did you know that April 19th is ‘Primrose Day’ – my parents’ wedding day, held in Kingsland Church and afterwards at Arrow Mill with the same Magnolia Tree in full bloom. Some Daffodils now fading, but a nice selection of varieties extends the show they provide. The first Swallow reported seen in Kings Pyon on April 7th, and a group of House Martins apparently enjoying flying high here yesterday. Much activity amongst the local bird life – Blue Tits refurbishing old nest sites, at least three Cock Pheasants with boundaries sorted out, competing for female company, these appearing from somewhere in their best feathers. 32 nests last counted in the Rookery. Rooks win the prize for the noisiest

On 30th March I spotted two female Blackbirds in the lane opposite our house having the most horrendous fight, one on the ground on her back, the other pecking and clawing her. I opened the window and clapped my hands at which they flew away. Today 2nd April on the bird feeder one very battered female with a very broken tail. Strange that they fight, when it is the males that are promiscuous. Jan Foyle

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Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388 Unique opening event at Moccas Hill Wood. Enjoying fabulous views over the Black Mountains and Herefordshire countryside, Moccas Hill Wood, part of Moccas Park National Nature Reserve, Pentre Lane, Bredwardine, will be opened to the public for the first time in living memory on Saturday 21st May. After years under plantation forestry, the site is being restored to open wood pasture using designs based on Capability Brown and ecological principles. Join local experts for free guided walks and learn about the history, wildlife and archaeology at this hilltop site. For more information and to book your place on this free, family event please contact me, on or call 01299 400686. Alice James



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EXERCISE FOR PEOPLE OVER 60 (Instructions supplied by a reader) Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags. Then try 50-lb bags and eventually try to get to where you can lift a100-lb bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level). After you feel confident at this level, start putting a potato in each bag.


Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month Size/ No insertions Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page ⅛ Page


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Benefice Rogation Service Sunday May 1st 11.00 am

at Hall Farm, Leinthall Earls. A ‘Bring & Share Lunch’ will follow the service.

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