Kingsland News May 2016

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Kingsland News May 2016 Dear Parishioners, Today it snowed, the rectory chickens laid 3 eggs, a group of pilgrims slept in the church on the way from Bishop’s Castle to Hereford, there was a coffee morning which was great fun at Bell House to raise money for the maintenance of the churchyard, and the trees are bursting with new life with that amazing fresh colour of new life. Tomorrow we give thanks for all that has happened over the last year and appoint churchwardens and officers to serve the church for the coming year. It’s only when you look back over the year that you see what an amazing amount of activity has happened: we have celebrated with couples getting married and journeyed with families whose loved ones are dying, we have worshipped weekly and told again the amazing story of Jesus, we have welcomed the new Bishop of Hereford to preach and much, much more. So thank you to Jean Barbour

and Dave Davies and the PCC who share this responsibility with me for all your dedicated care in 2015. This month sees us praying for our farmers and the land at our Rogation Service at Hall Farm Leinthall Earles on May 1st at 11am. We join together from across the group of parishes for this and if you turn off right towards Leinthall Earles after Aymestrey you will come first to Yatton and secondly to Leinthall Earles and the farm is right there in the middle. Nick Read (my husband but also one of the chaplains here in the diocese is speaking at Rogation this year). Bring sensible shoes and a plate of food to share and the service involves a short walk around the workings of the farm and a blessing of the livestock and fields as we remember and pray for all the farmers of our parishes. All are welcome. On the last Sunday in May (29th) again there will be one service in our group of parishes and this time

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