Kingsland News June 2015 Dear Parishioners June is the month of some interesting and important gatherings in the life of the church. On th Thursday 4 June at 7pm there will be a special service for congregations from across our deanery in Kingsland Church with a talk from the Rev Preb Michael Kneen, the rural dean and rector of Leominster. It is on the feast of Corpus Christi when we give thanks for the gift of the meal that Jesus gave us to remember him by – the Last Supper, Holy Communion, Mass, The Eucharist, or whatever name you like to think of it by. Do come along and be part of that gathering. On Sunday 7th June at 10.30am in Kingsland Church there will be a Confirmation Service at which the bishop of Ludlow, the Right Rev Alistair McGowan will be presiding. There is a goodly group of younger and older who are coming on this next step of their journey of faith, and it would be lovely for there to be a good crowd of support and welcome to those who are stepping out. Please note the slightly earlier time of service.
For your information the bells will be ringing on Saturday 20th June as the National Guild of Women Bellringers are coming to Kingsland for their annual gathering. They are having a service at 3pm in the church and before and afterwards they will be ringing – so expect a goodly sound on that day! On Tuesday 30th June we are delighted to have been invited to join together in a joint fundraiser for the church and St Michael’s Hospice – a Gala Evening celebrating 25 years of Hair at Jazz Studios, at Westfield Farm at 7pm. Tickets £20 from Jean at the Post Office. Please come and support the event see the posters around. Thank you to the Vaughan Family for their kind invitation. As I write this the weather is still on the chilly side and we look forward to longer, lighter and warmer days and the opportunity to get out and mingle. One of the pear trees in the Rectory garden blew down in the winds recently. Time to plant again and see new things grow. I hope that you will see new things happening in your lives, in the lives