Kingsland News June 2016 To all in Kingsland. It falls to me to write this front page article since Julie is busy with other matters at the moment. The 1st Sunday in May saw the Benefice congregation at Hall Farm, Leinthall Earls, for the Rogation Day service. Fortunately, the welcome from the Hutchings family was a good deal warmer than the weather, and, in traditional fashion, a variety of animals and growing crops were given blessings! What a fine setting Hall Farm is, and what splendid beasts occupied the barns! The 2nd Sunday in June is the Official Birthday of Her Majesty, the Queen, and is also ‘Music Day’ this year for the Royal School of Church Music. For these reasons a rather special church service will be held in Kingsland Church. This will be the only service that day. It will follow a Strawberry and Cream Tea from 4.30pm, served in the Church (and taken outside if the weather is good). The service will begin at 6.00 pm. It is hoped to have an augmented choir, which will sing the Parry anthem ‘I was glad’. Music for the Congregation will include
‘Jerusalem’ and ‘I vow to Thee my country’. All this should make for a stirring event, and the more of you who come, the better it will be. More details are in the advert on the back page. Instead of the Family Communion on the 3rd Sunday of the month the Church is holding a Pet Service at 11 o’clock followed by a Pet Show on the Millennium Green at about 12.30 pm. Barbecue Food will be available. Please bring as many pets as you can to church for the service and then let them take part in the Pet Show. (Look out for advertising nearer the event.) A combined ‘Fund-raiser’ in aid of the Church and the Hospice will take place at the beginning of July. Open Gardens in Kingsland are planned for the 1st weekend (2nd & 3rd). Details are on page 39) As an added attraction there will be a Scarecrow Competition with prizes for the best in each class. By supporting all of these events you will make them more enjoyable for everyone else, so please do your best to come along, David Noon (Editor)