Kingsland News July 2016 Dear Parishioners, Well done, Her Majesty! 90 years is something to celebrate and we celebrated in Kingsland Church with a strawberry tea and celebratory service! We sang for the Queen and Kingsland Church Choir were joined by friends to sing Parry’s ,“I was glad when they said,” (as had been sung at her coronation). Thanks to David Noon for teaching us all. It was, as we should have expected, more elaborate than we usually sing, with two choirs needed at one point and often 6 parts instead of 4, but we did it!! Thanks to those who decorated the church with bunting and prepared a wonderful strawberry and cake tea. It is so lovely to have something to celebrate together and we did. I can’t say much about the weather at the moment but I’m hoping it is going in a monthly cycle and so July will swing again and the rain will stop. At the time of writing this we are looking forward to the second wedding of the month and the Pet Service and Show on Sunday. More joyful occasions and so important to give thanks for our pets who give us such joy and love.
The referendum is fast approaching and I’m hoping that you will engage with this very important decision that will have a serious impact on the life of our country. My belief is that whatever the result we will be for a difficult time ahead and that we all need to be part of this and not leave it to someone else. We will all have to pull together and work together for the benefit of ourselves and others in the months ahead. May we do this with love and care. At the beginning of July there will be Open Gardens and a Scarecrow weekend in aid of the Church and Hospice. Please pray for the sun to shine and come out and join in. The scarecrows will line the main street but those of us who live off this can bring their scarecrows and line the path down to the Church so let’s all have some fun. (read the posters to find out how to be part of this). On the Saturday of that weekend (2nd July) my eldest Son, Jonathan, is coming to give a concert in the Church at 7pm. He plays in the RAF regiment band and he a 3 others are walking 100km later in July in aid of the Gurkha Welfare Trust and OXFAM, and they