Kingsland News November 2016

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Kingsland News


November 2016 Dear Parishioners, What a long and lovely Autumn we have had this year. The church looked splendid at Harvest time and thank you to all those who made our harvest celebrations so wholesome – to the flower arrangers, and those who prepared the supper, to those who read and the choir who sang and to Nick whose sermon explained why our income tax year begins on April 6th!. It was rounded off with the school harvest in church and a lovely South African song that lifted us all. The proceeds from the supper exceeded £600 so helped church funds and there is a car load of tins to go to the local food bank in Leominster. All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin! It certainly has gone dark in the mornings all of a sudden! The days are shorter and we are stopped from so much activity outside and encouraged inside. Time to reflect before the cycle starts again. November is traditionally a time to remember, to remember our loved ones who have lived and died, whom we love still, to remember the cost of those who gave their lives for our

peace, and in the midst of all this to have some fun with bonfires and fireworks (please remember the sensible safety around these). There are church services to aid our remembrance: on Tuesday 1st November a service for All Saints and All Souls at 6.30pm, a quiet service with candle lighting, readings and music and space for your own thoughts and thanksgivings, and on Sunday 13th November at 10.50am a formal Remembrance Day Service where we gather with all the uniformed sectors of our community to remember those times of our nation’s life that we would rather forget and make a pledge to work for peace. I find wisdom in the words of the Bible to help with the difficult things we have to face in life. The psalms especially have an honesty that is refreshing. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23). When we walk in these shadowlands we are not alone and God who is beyond time and all that we are is there to guide us and be a light.


At the end of the month at 6.30 pm on Sunday 27th November we shall be celebrating the beginning of Advent and the run up to Christmas with a special service of Music and Readings appropriate to this season. In 1977, when the first such service was held in Kingsland Church, this was an unusual thing for a Parish Church to do, although, in more recent years, others, including the Cathedral at Hereford, have regularly celebrated Advent in this way. Because no year since 1977 has been missed, this is the 40th successive Advent Celebration. If you have been before, you will not want to miss this one. This is a time for looking forward to the coming of light, the glorious hymns speak of the promise of the birth of Jesus, and the readings complete the story. Looking ahead to December a few dates for your diaries – the Light up a Life service this year which is organised by the hospice in conjunction with the local churches is happening on Friday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Luctonians Clubhouse. We are going out into the community this year to make a space there to remember and to light a light for the work of the hospice. You can pick up a leaflet about this in the church or the Post Office if you want to sponsor a light in memory of a loved one and give some money to the work of the hospice. There will be a Variety Entertainment in the Coronation Hall on Saturday 3rd December called ‘A Christmas Cracker’ raising money for the church and the Teddy Trust – the last Variety night was great fun and many wanted another one, so now the Kingsland

Players are organising this. And from 10 am to 12 noon on Tuesday 6th December there will be coffee and Christmas shopping in the Corners in aid of the Church. This will be a lovely opportunity to gather together in the warmth, and stay in touch with each other. Julie


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Dear Readersl, Re: Poems by Jill Probyn My brothers & I have brought out a book of Jill's poems. There are about sixty of them, from various periods. Costs are ÂŁ4 + p&p paperback, or ÂŁ8 + p&p hardback. All profits go to Kingsland village green and/or Kingsland church. I have attached one poem as a sample.

DAWN RAGA There are as many voices as stars and who is singing in the night thousands of drying tangled grasses are singing along the road along the hay-scented night thousands of women singing to the stars or insects rubbing sitar-legs together under the dry grass setting the stars vibrating in the rice-field sky where women in thousands are transplanting stars glinting along the field whose star-legged grasses spray me with song here on the bed of night a thousand insect-eyes are gazing round me They are gathering songs along the field these thousand women with faint grasshopper voices as many as the restless long-legged stars rub from the scented grass a sitar song bringing along the hay-sweet road the heavy light. If you would like a copy (or several), please drop me a line with your address at 58, St Giles Street, NORWICH, NR2 1LW, or email me a, . I'll pass on my bank details. If you know anyone who might like a copy, please forward this message or pass me their contact details! With best wishes, David Hugh-Jones


Telephone: 01568 780 912


Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


Light Up Kingsland this Christmas Kingsland Flower Show Committee have acquired a number of battery operated, timer controlled outdoor festive Christmas lights. It would be nice if we could replicate what Pembridge do through their village by hanging sets of lights on trees/shrubs in front gardens in our village along North Road and Longford. We hope that as many of you as possible will be willing to join in this festive activity by borrowing a set of lights from us if you are a resident of the "main drag". The lights will be available from early December from either Caroline Southgate (01568 708010) or Janet Vaughan (01568 708760) You are earnestly encouraged to support this event. Kingsland Flower Show Committee



Mortimer Firewood Seasoned Hardwood Seasoned Softwood Kiln-dried Hardwood Lots of Load-sizes available Please phone Mike to discuss your requirements.

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Kingsland and Eardisland Hospice Friends Bridget Eastaugh set up the Kingsland Hospice Friends group in 1990. The group expanded ten years later to become Kingsland and Eardisland Hospice Friends. Having helped the group raise thousands of pounds, as well as awareness, for St Michael’s Hospice, Bridget has decided to step down. To thank her for the exceptional service she has given to the Hospice for more than a quarter of a century, she was presented with flowers from us at the end of September when she joined fellow group members for tea and cake at St Michael’s, followed by a tour of the Hospice. Jean Barbour will now take over the role of chair. St Michael’s Hospice

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

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Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340



Would you like to play host to an International Student? Offer your hand for international friendship! Welcome an adult international student into your home for a day, weekend, or 4 days at Christmas, and do your bit to make the world a little friendlier. Many adult international students from across the world would love to spend a few days with you, learning about British culture, experiencing UK home-life, and telling you about their own country. A Christmas invitation is particularly valuable to students facing a holiday on an empty university campus. Japanese student, Mamiko Moda, wrote “Thanks to my hosts and their kindness, I could spend a nice Christmas here instead of staying at home alone. I am grateful to you all.” Hosting is a voluntary position suitable for all ages and is also available throughout the year with HOST, a charity set up in 1987 by the British Council, Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Victoria League, which encourages international friendship and understanding by arranging for adult international students at universities in the UK to spend 1 – 4 days in a British home. Hosting is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from around the world and introduce them to our customs.

G. D. Lloyd TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

To find out more or be put in touch with your local organiser, please visit, or call 020 7739 6292.

Kimberley Brough (HOST)

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Luctonians Sports Club It is a busy and eventful time with the Rugby Season in full swing. The news is mostly good and the organisation is good, too. The 1st XV competes well in National League ll North, as do the 2nd & 3rd XV’s at their own levels. Hordes of juniors involved in their various age groups. The ground, club house and surrounding areas are a credit to those in making it so. Visiting teams and Supporters make very favourable comments and all tables for lunch are taken at 1st XV home matches. A number of injuries have occurred, so there is a need for a large squad of players. Training on Tuesdays and Thursdays is well-attended and the Physio keeps busy. What a difference from yesteryear when hamstrings, pulled muscles and concussion were never heard of, or for that matter team managers, second officials or official touch judges. Ah, but we did much physical work and didn’t train – a changing world! R.W.H.

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour    

Bathing Clipping Nail Cutting Canine Massage

Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 7, Boarsfield, Kingsland



Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan News The Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan has been recommended by Herefordshire Council to go forward for its independent Examination and at the time of writing the Parish Council will be selecting the examiner from a list provided by Herefordshire Council at their 18th October meeting. We have no dates for when the examination will be completed but will update when we get further news. The Progress to Examination report and Representations received can be seen on the Herefordshire Council website under Planning/Neighbourhood Areas and Plans/Kingsland. There is also a direct link on the Neighbourhood Plan News page on (under Parish Council). We will keep updating this page as we get further news. Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group



Look back ….. Attracting over 1000 visitors and with sales of £15,300, of which 25% goes towards the continuing renovation and improvement of the Church, we are delighted report that this year’s Kingsland h.Art was our most successful yet. Hard on its heels, the Arcadia Music Festival enthralled with works by Walton, Schoenberg, Ravel and Elgar on a timely theme of Home and Abroad. The concert raised over £350. As ever, our thanks to all who supported these wonderful events. …. and upcoming events Hank Wangford Trio, “No Hall 2 Small” Friday 18 November, Coronation Hall, 7.30

If you love Country music, or if you think it can take itself too seriously, try this! Hank Wangford, acknowledged godfather of British Country music, Brad Breath (Andy Roberts) and Spanner Anna Robinson perform honkytonking heart-broken songs of 1950s and 1960s rural America, via the 1984 British miners’ strike, right up to the present day. Described as “a must see and must hear gig” the music is beautiful, the stories funny and the band have a great taste in cowboy gear. Tickets at £15. Licensed bar. “Your Bard”. Nicholas Collett Company, Sat 28 January, The Corners Inn, 7.30 Nicholas Collett performs “Your Bard” with additional material by William Shakespeare. A fast and furious romp through Shakespeare’s life - his family, what it’s like on tour and the glory days at the Globe. Queen Elizabeth I, Christopher Marlowe and Ned Alleyn – all performed by the Bard himself. Tickets £15.

And finally, the SMAAAK AGM will take place on 18 November in the Coronation Hall at 6pm. Your chance to meet the SMAAAK team! As ever, all event tickets are available from Kingsland Post Office or T: 01568 709579, or on the door (but please check availability). Remember SMAAAK members receive a 10% discount! Check out our full



Dee Wurm and Jim Davies, Trustees SMAAAK







Kingsland Players are proud to present:

KINGSLAND CHRISTMAS CRACKER An evening of comedy, drama, music and much more!

Saturday 3rd December at 7.30 pm at the Coronation Hall, Kingsland. Tickets ÂŁ6 available at Kingsland Post Office and on the door. Bring your own food and drink. Cabaret seating. Mulled Wine will be available to purchase and there will be a raffle. All profits will be shared between Kingsland Church and The Teddy Trust.



Church Services in the Benefice for November Tuesday 1st November All saints and All Souls 6.30pm Service for All Saints and All Souls Sunday 6th November (3rd before Advent) 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) Evening Prayer (benefice)Day) Friday6.00 11thpm November (Armistice 10.45 am Gather for Armistice Day Service Sunday 13th November (Remembrance) 10.45 am Service of Remembrance 10.50 am Service of Remembrance Sunday 20th November (Christ the King) 8.00 am Said Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service 11.00 am Family Communion (CW) 3.30 pm Evensong th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 27pm November (Advent) 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 6.30 pm Advent Carol Service

Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland

and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches at 11 am except on November 13th November: 6th 13th 20th 27th

Miss H Price United Service (Remembrance) Rev Den Bulloss Mr John Simons

Kingsland Pembridge War Memorial Kingsland Shobdon

N. B. The service on 13th November starts at 10.45am

CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE


The Parish Diary 2016 November 9th W.I. Cake Icing th 7 RBL Social Evening and Quiz 12th Pre-School Christmas Craft Fayre 13th RBL Remembrance Day 15th Pre-Christmas Coffee Morning (Hospice Friends) 18th SMAAAK event: Hank Wankford Trio 27th Advent Celebration Service December 3rd Kingsland Christmas Cracker (Kingsland Players) th 6 Church Coffee Morning 7th RBL Social Evening 15th RBL Lunch 18th Church Carol Service 24th Church Crib Service

Coronation Hall 7.30 pm Corners Inn 7.45 pm Coronation Hall 11.00am to 4pm Church Assemble 10.30am Luctonians 10 am to 12noon Luctonians 7.30 pm Church 6.30 pm Coronation Hall Corners Inn Corners Inn Corners Inn Church Church

7.30 pm 10 am to 12noon 7.45 pm 12 for 12.30 pm tba 4.00 pm

(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)

Luctonians 1st XV Home Fixtures to end of Season Kick-offs 2.15 pm Nov: 5th Preston Grasshoppers rd Dec: 3 South Leicester th Jan (17): 7 Leicester Lions th Feb: 4 Sedgley Park Kick-offs 3.00 pm Mar: 11th Otley Apr: nd Apr: 22 Scunthorpe

19th 26th 21st 18th

Hinckley Boxing Day Games Sale Caldy

1st 29th

Tynedale Sheffield tigers

Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Kingsland

Make sure you and your children don’t miss our next

Family Service Sunday, 6th November, 9.30 am. A 40 minute service led by Mrs Wendy Maddocks

Theme: When the Saints go marching in!



Kingsland Bowling Club (mid Sept – mid Oct 2016) – Friendly Fridays, folks! Our season finished with our final contest, the Sunset Shield. This started with rinks at 10am – a good idea, as we were able to play ourselves in. Still, I feel a little melancholy as we view the green on October Tuesdays – you can look but (apart from the Green Super and support) you had better not touch! However, Club Nights have been well patronised with indoor games merrily going on. Friday Winter Social Nights begin on 4th November with the Cheese and Wine Night organised by Pat and Carol – tickets already on sale. There’s a Quiz Evening on 18th November. After this, we enjoy Rat Racing on Friday 2nd December; Jimmy & Jane assure me that no rat has been harmed in the making of this activity. Then its eyes down at Kingsland Coronation Hall on 7th December as our Annual Bingo Night gets under way. Meanwhile, back at the Leominster Golf Club, we had a jolly Presentation Dinner on 14th October. Our VIP guests were Herefordshire Bowls Men’s President Glyn Williams and his wife Teresa, and Ladies’ Vice-President Ann Walters with her husband Colin; seated with Vice-Captain Gary were the County Coach Bill Wheatley and his wife Marion – we were honoured to have them all. Congratulations again to our 2016 winners (some immortalised? on camera by yours truly!); excellently done to Social Secretary Stuart on all his work. Many thanks to Pat Cartwright & Chris Richmond for selling raffle tickets and Pat Allport & Diane Quigley for artistic flowers – and to Carol who knows all the ins and outs of organising. We were serenaded by local songbird Keri Hoffman; and we had masses to eat and drink! The Indoor-Outdoor Club League at Leominster Leisure Centre has begun with

me ‘organising’ our club team - I am now able to run in five directions at once instead of only two. After a bit of a slow start, Fred and Mike always excepted, we are delighted to say we won our second game with three new members playing. Keep shining, my dear KBC people, you are all stars. If you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact me. Susanna Checketts (Secretary) 01568 770546



Steven Rees Traditional Upholsterer  Antique Furniture  Modern Furniture  Over 30 years’ experience  Free Estimates and Advice Hawthorne Cottage Shirlheath, Kingsland Herefordshire HR6 9RJ Tel: 01568 709435 Mob: 07927845655 Email:

O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches … Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland



Kingsland W I At our October meeting Pete Knight, our local Police Community Support Officer gave a talk on his role in the area. When first set up the duties of the Community Support Service were fairly limited, mainly dealing with anti-social behaviour, but as regular police resources have reduced they have been called upon to undertake more work. They can now be on duty up to midnight instead of 8 p.m. so now might be dealing with more serious offences. They can also provide information to the regular police regarding drug suppliers. PCSO Knight is often the first on the scene at road traffic accidents. One incident he described involved a large and belligerent swan on the A44 at Bromyard. When he arrived at the traffic jam at Bringsty Common he was expected by the motorists to deal with this swan so very bravely he

picked it up and while still directing the traffic carried it to a nearby brook where it swam off quite happily! We all enjoyed a really interesting talk. Our next meeting on the 9th November will be a demonstration of cake icing. Pat Hughes



R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 2-4 New St., Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise


Knitting and Crochet Classes in Weobley The knitting and crochet classes have now started, but if you would like to join us please do come along. They are held every Tuesday from 2.00 – 4.00pm and I am happy to teach complete beginners or to help on more difficult techniques, such as lengthening or shortening a garment, picking up stitches, adding in colour etc. The charge is £30 for the term, this year the money going to Community Wheels. Tea and coffee included! If you are interested, please email me at or ring me on 01544 318513 Kate Best




Nature Notes 14/10/16 The hours of daylight shorten, but a wonderful spell of autumn weather has enabled the harvest of various crops, and seeding to take place, with minimum mud on the roads. There won’t be a shortage of potatoes, silage (Grass and Maize), hay, or food grain. There are plenty of cider apples. The marketing of crops and milk is a changing scene, usually a problem! A report of a school of Long-tailed Tits on a bird table in October. This suggests that their natural food in the wild was not available. Do Seagulls use text messages? About 200 appeared shortly after ploughing commenced in a stubble field. Their favourite diet is worms, but who spread the information? More about Otters from a fisherman who states that Otters and Mink don’t like each other. If you have Otters you won’t have Mink, doubtless a food and territory issue as usual.

The Swallows have all gone, leaving by various stages with no farewells. This is to spread the risk of bad weather as they cross the sea. Frost, fog and snow to come! Oh dear, - drink more cider – better for the system than the vast selection of wine available. R.W.H. Alzheimer’s Society Leominster Meeting Centre is intended to improve the lives of people with dementia, and the lives of their carers. It is based at Leominster Multi-Agency Building, Coningsby Road, Leominster, HR6 8LL (Opposite the Leominster Leisure Centre). and is open from 10.00am to 4 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you think you , or someone you know, is interested in the Meeting Centre there is


more information to be had by contacting Debbie Powney by ringing 01432 371137 or by email at Encouraging comments from users of the centre together with coloured photographs are to be found on the flyers and posters available from Debbie, David Noon (Editor)

Kingsland Millennium Green Prize Draw Each quarter the Millennium Green holds a Prize Draw. October's Prize Draw was won by Mr P Robert-Johns who received a cheque for £40.00. The second prize went to Mr P King who received £25.00. Congratulations to both gentlemen. All money raised by these quarterly Prize Draws goes towards The Green's annual maintenance costs. I am sure many of you get a great deal of pleasure, either by sitting on the benches on the green chatting or contemplating life, playing with your children on the play area, walking your dogs or attending one of the activities held there. However you enjoy your visit to The Green, perhaps you would like to make an annual donation towards its maintenance costs. Each £12 pledged gives you one number to go into the quarterly draw. Standing order/Gift Aid forms are available from both myself (telephone 01568 708982) or Jackie Markham. We are able to claim gift aid on your contributions from the Inland Revenue if you are a UK tax payer which adds a valuable amount to Green funds. Please help support this wonderful recreational area for future generations, Sally Good (Hon. Treasurer KMGT)


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Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734



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WE AIM TO RE-CYCLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Odd Jobs Undertaken – no vat 01544 340377 07508461523


Weobley Theatre Goers Kiss Me, Kate is our next trip to the Cardiff Millennium Theatre on Thursday 8th December, leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 10.00am for the 2.30pm performance, and returning around 7.30pm. I have cancelled the reservation for Cinderella as, unfortunately, there wasn’t enough support for that. But wishing to go to something uplifting in February, I have now reserved seats for Dreamboats and Petticoats at the New Theatre in Cardiff for Saturday 18th February leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 10.00am for the 2.30pm performance. This theatre is near the shops, so will give you the opportunity to go shopping or to find something to eat. The cost is £40 to be paid before 5th December please. Seats are in the circle rows C, D, E and F. th

On 9 March we shall be going to Birmingham again to see Billy Elliot. If you would like to be on the cancellation list please let me know. This is leaving Weobley at 9.30am for the 2.00pm performance. Then on Wednesday 10th May we shall be going to see Funny Girl at the Birmingham Hippodrome, leaving Bell Square at 9.30am for the 2.00 pm performance. You may well have heard all the rave reviews about this show with Sheridan Smith – I doubt she will be in this touring show, but her understudies have been amazing too, so hopefully this will be a show to remember. The tickets are all in the circle front rows and will cost £57 to be paid before 12th December and within 2 weeks of reserving please. Book early as I think these tickets will go very quickly. For further information: ring 01544 318513 or email Kate Best

KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA

01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.


Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549


Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible and note that photographs do not reproduce well. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month Costs:

Size no. of insertions

Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page ⅛ Page

1 £12 £6 £4 £2



£60 £30 £20 £10

£100 £50 £30 £15

Parish Church of St Michael and all Angels, Kingsland

Readings and Music to Celebrate

Advent Sunday November 27th, 2016, 6.30 pm Come and enjoy the readings and music of this season of great promise with Kingsland Church Choir and Friends! This will be the 40th successive celebration of Advent in this church!


Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755 Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388


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