Kingsland News November 2016

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Kingsland News


November 2016 Dear Parishioners, What a long and lovely Autumn we have had this year. The church looked splendid at Harvest time and thank you to all those who made our harvest celebrations so wholesome – to the flower arrangers, and those who prepared the supper, to those who read and the choir who sang and to Nick whose sermon explained why our income tax year begins on April 6th!. It was rounded off with the school harvest in church and a lovely South African song that lifted us all. The proceeds from the supper exceeded £600 so helped church funds and there is a car load of tins to go to the local food bank in Leominster. All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin! It certainly has gone dark in the mornings all of a sudden! The days are shorter and we are stopped from so much activity outside and encouraged inside. Time to reflect before the cycle starts again. November is traditionally a time to remember, to remember our loved ones who have lived and died, whom we love still, to remember the cost of those who gave their lives for our

peace, and in the midst of all this to have some fun with bonfires and fireworks (please remember the sensible safety around these). There are church services to aid our remembrance: on Tuesday 1st November a service for All Saints and All Souls at 6.30pm, a quiet service with candle lighting, readings and music and space for your own thoughts and thanksgivings, and on Sunday 13th November at 10.50am a formal Remembrance Day Service where we gather with all the uniformed sectors of our community to remember those times of our nation’s life that we would rather forget and make a pledge to work for peace. I find wisdom in the words of the Bible to help with the difficult things we have to face in life. The psalms especially have an honesty that is refreshing. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23). When we walk in these shadowlands we are not alone and God who is beyond time and all that we are is there to guide us and be a light.

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