Kingsland News December 2016

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Dear Parishioners, By the time this magazine appears Kingsland Church will have held its 40th consecutive Advent Carol Service, a magnificent achievement, and setting an example for many others who started this at a later date (the Cathedral!). Thank you to all those who came to sing and read. Advent marks the beginning of the Church Year and the time of preparation for the Festival of Christmas. The church is devoid of flowers during this time and so the wonderful display of Christmas Decorations becomes all the more spectacular! The travelling crib will begin its journey on Advent Sunday, so if you would like it to visit your home, do let me know and I will book you in. The beginning of December is busy with events – on Friday 2nd December there is a Light up a Life service which this year is being held at the Luctonians at 7.30pm. The Hospice Chaplain is coming to this along with musicians and organisation from the Church, and it is a quiet reflective service with time to remember our loved ones who have died and to sponsor a light for them and their names in a book of remembrance for this service. You can pick up a leaflet about this from the church or

from Luctonians, fill it in and send it off. Monies raised go to St Michael’s hospice. Saturday 3rd December is the Christmas Cracker Night in the Coronation Hall, in aid of the church and the Teddy Trust – do come and enjoy a fun evening with friends. Sunday December 4th is the Christingle Service at 9.30am in Church and then on Tuesday 6th December there is a Christmas Coffee Morning at the Corners with an opportunity to order Christmas Wreaths and to buy some Christmas Presents whilst enjoying coffee, all in aid of the Church, thanks to Terrance and Emma. The Christmas Spirit really begins to get going, I feel, with the Carol Services on the Sunday before Christmas and there will be mulled wine and mince pies so come and join the festive spirit. Christmas Eve was traditionally the time to bring in your tree and decorate your house, maybe we’ve brought that forward now but the expectation grows as the Crib Service starts and Midnight Mass brings the reality of the birth of the Christ Child to our minds and hearts. Many births happen during the night hours when most of the population are oblivious through sleep. On that night the world changed for the better and the Light of the World helps us now through the dark nights of our own lives and the

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