Kingsland News February 2016

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Kingsland News February 2016 Dear Parishioners, I don’t know what you do with these early months of the year. I quite fancy the idea of hibernation but I tend to mumble and grumble my way through them. Today the sky is clear and the sun shining brightly and it does lift my soul to know that the days are now lengthening: a time to take stock perhaps and to sort out, a time to plan ahead and seek wisdom for the future? Easter is early this year and so therefore is Lent, we have hardly stumbled on February before it is time to get out the pancake pan and to bring ourselves with all our joys, sorrows, strengths and weaknesses before God on Ash Wednesday to ask him to be kind to us (be merciful) and lead us on. We lay ourselves open not to be ridiculed but to be loved and healed. The readings in church this last week were about John recognising Jesus as the expected one, who would sort out the good from the dross, the wheat from the husk, the genuine from the empty casings, who would look at us and see who we are deep down inside.

His life shows us the way, because he was the real thing. Ash Wednesday is 10th February and there will be a service at 7.30pm in church to set us on our way. Nick will be leading a Lenten study group and there will be more information about that in the churches. There will be a coffee morning on Thursday 18th February at the Rectory for us to gather together and catch up and raise some money for church funds from 10.30am – 12noon (after the Thursday morning communion) and then a time for a song and some fun on the evening of Saturday 27th February with a Variety Night at the Coronation Hall at7.30 pm (See poster on back page). Look forward to journeying together through the chances and changes of this world. With prayers and good wishes, Julie

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