Banstead Beacon October 2019

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Issue 13

l October 2019

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New Village Sign


A Great Team Effort

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ou may recall an article in the April 2018 edition of the Banstead Beacon written by the then Vice Chairman, Marion Hayns, of the Banstead Village Residents’ Association in which she wrote an article entitled ‘A Sign for our Times’. It urged residents to get behind the vision of one man, Brian Ransom, who, together with a small band of volunteers has done so much to enhance that all important gateway to the village at the bottom of Bolters Lane. It has been a long process and required a unanimous vote of approval from the members of the Planning Committee for the relevant planning permission required for his colourful village sign. When the Planning Committee met in October, Councillor Lynne Hack was at great pains to thank him on



behalf of the residents of Banstead for all his hard work and dedication. On page 4 you can read about the culmination of two years of planning, publicity and fundraising with Mayor Cllr. Keith Foreman unveiling the sign in front of one hundred people on a very wet and rainy morning on Saturday 27th July. With budget cuts in Surrey Council the benefit has been the ability of local residents to address can-do projects. Thanks to the initiative of Brian Ransom and the support of its residents and businesses, Banstead now has a new village sign to be proud of and proved that where there’s a will, there’s a way! Richard Milbourn, Editor E:


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Nov 2019 Dec 2019 Jan 2020

Please contact Richard Milbourn, Editor • T: MNTPT=OOOPMT • E: êáÅÜ~êÇKãáäÄçìêå]Å~êå~ÜKÅçKìâ • ïïïKãóäçÅ~äé~ÖÉëKÅçKìâ Carnah Events Ltd., 64 Sandlands Road, Walton on the Hill, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7HZ.

30th June 31st July 31st August

3,000 1,500 4,000

Statements and opinions in the Banstead Beacon, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in the Banstead Beacon may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the Editor.

All magazines are A5 and published quarterly with advertisements costing as little as £79 for a half page or £133 for a page with series discounts available. To advertise call 01737 222307 or visit B E A C O N






hanks to the support of its residents and businesses, Banstead now has a new village sign. On Saturday 27th July following over two years of planning, publicity and fundraising Mayor Cllr. Keith Foreman unveiled the sign in front of one hundred people on a very wet and rainy morning. Luckily the rain eased off whilst the mayor removed the drape and said a few words The sign design follows the tradition of Norfolk village signs and it is a pictorial representation of Banstead past and present. It shows two of our well



known buildings and depicts Banstead’s history of sheep farming and general agriculture. The design also includes the growing of Mint and Lavender for the production of their essential oils. Made of cast aluminium and painted in bright, long lasting colours it sits atop of a substantial oak post and is held securely in a hand-made iron scroll work frame. The Village Sign People have been producing these signs for over 35 years and if you visit their website [] you will see many other B E A C O N To advertise call 01737 222307 or visit

BA N S T E A D V I L L AG E R E S I D E N T S ’ A S S O C I AT I O N wonderful examples of their work. Banstead Village Residents Association has now taken legal ownership of the sign and will be responsible for its maintenance, which will be minimal for many years to come. Its location on the corner of Winkworth Road and Bolters Lane was chosen as it was the only route, and arguably the main route into Banstead, that didn’t benefit from a ‘welcome to Banstead sign’. The colours of the sign really stand out against the woodland backdrop, especially when lit by the rays of the setting sun in the evening. My thanks go once again to all the residents and organizations of Banstead who helped me in this initiative. With their donations and other support we have succeeded in erecting this welcoming symbol of our lovely village. Brian Ransom BVRA committee member

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Brian Ransom with the Major.





he Probus Club of Banstead in Surrey


active with a membership of 73. The maximum

was launched in 1969 - the same year

number of members is set at 80 to ensure that

that Neil Armstrong first set foot on the

the Club’s warm and friendly atmosphere is

Moon and hence 2019 has been a special year

maintained. Members have also been offered a

for the Club as it has celebrated its 50th

special issue commemorative Probus lapel

Anniversary. Having been one of the first

badge at modest cost, incorporating the words

dozen or so clubs to be formed it is pleasing to

‘50 Years’.

note that the number of Probus Clubs has continued to rise to around 2,000 in the UK. The current Officers and Committee are

The celebratory 50th Anniversary lunch attended by 114 members (pictured above) and partners was held on the 8th May 2019 at

proud to be the custodians of the heritage of

the Bridge House Hotel in Reigate. The four-

The Probus Club of Banstead and in recognition

course lunch menu was developed by a small

of the 50th Anniversary milestone have

group of Committee members’ wives and

documented the founding and development of

included main course options of Beef

the Club as a record for subsequent

Wellington or Sole Veronique. The lunch was

generations. The Club’s archives were

preceded by a drinks’ reception enlivened by

interrogated, and members’ memories searched

two close-up magicians circulating and amazing

to provide the source information from which

the guests with their tricks. After lunch there

a 50-page booklet that has been produced and

was dancing to the No.1 hits of the past and it

distributed to the current members. Copies of

was good to see many members and guests

the booklet have been lodged with the British

taking to the dance floor to relive their youth

Library and the local history section at Banstead

and dance to the Rolling Stones and Abba

library to ensure that it will remain available as

amongst many others.

a source of information for future generations

During the second half of the 50th

and the wider community. As part of the

Anniversary year the Probus Club of Banstead

research for the history booklet it was

will be working to identify and then establish a

interesting to note that in the year that the

permanent commemoration of the anniversary

Club was formed the price of a pint of lager

within Banstead to enhance public amenity and

was 20p (4 shillings) and the annual

increase public awareness of Probus.

membership fee was 50p (10 shillings) both

The Probus Club of Banstead is in good

have risen over the years to £3.70 and £15

order and well set to move on towards the

today respectively!

100 year mark in 2069.

The Probus Club of Banstead remains very



Chairman - Probus Club of Banstead

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Precious moments everyday The best things in life are the people you love and the memories you cherish. At Greenacres care home we’re here to support you to create more special moments. Greenacres care home The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ Call 0808 102 5218 Visit


Banstead Village in Bloom. Pictures by Jane Alexander Photography.


he judges have been and gone and now we await their verdict on all that has been achieved during this past year – we should know the result on September 13th – a Friday as it happens! We have been tremendously encouraged by the large number of you who have joined in with us to ‘make a difference’ and we thank you all for the varied ways in which you have supported us, be it with a very welcome cash donation, through to helping to paint, plant, deadhead, undertake regular watering, litter pick, weed – the list is endless! The numerous benefits gained from volunteering are well documented, including both to our physical and mental well being and if you would be interested to join with us regularly or just occasionally as time permits please do just email me at the address below. We have a job to suit everyone! And please don’t forget our annual



fund raiser – our very popular Quiz Night at Banstead Community Hall 7.15 for 7.30 on Saturday October 26th. If you have access to the internet you can view lots of the projects on which we have been engaged over the past year on our website or check out our Facebook page @Bansteadvillageinbloom. For those of you that prefer a proper book(!) copies of our work journal with lots of before and after photos can be viewed in the library, JT Snuggs, Edibles, Sevenoaks Hearing, Specsavers of Banstead and the Open Door Cafe( All Saints Church). Many of you I know will agree with us that the Lady Neville Park and play area are looking very tired and shabby. According to one of our local councillors this is due for total refurbishment in 3 years time (there is a rolling programme for the updating of each major

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Tim Vine judging ‘Aliens from Outerspace’. Pictures by Jane Alexander Photography.

park in the borough every 10 years apparently) and thus our major focus over the coming year will be on enhancing the beds where we can and putting pressure on Reigate & Banstead to create an overall vision for what is potentially a wonderful green space in the middle of our village. With the help of a very generous donation from one of our major supporters, Specsavers of Banstead, we are looking into creating a sensory garden there and we are hopeful that the Bowls Club will refurbish the long bed alongside Pistachio’s leading into their grounds. Comedian Tim Vine kindly gave up a Saturday morning in July to judge our ‘Aliens from Outer Space’ recycling competition which attracted the support of 96 children from 5 local Beaver colonies! Congratulations to 7th Banstead and also to 3rd Banstead (Huron Colony) who were runners up with 1st Woodmansterne in 3rd place. Commiserations to 3rd Banstead and 1st Nork colonies whose exhibits it has to be said were equally scary! My grateful thanks to Beavers Assistant District Commissioner Liz Batten, pictured right, without whose whole hearted support and encouragement I could never have got the competition going, and also to Tim who was an absolute delight as he spent time chatting with the excited children. Marion Hayns Please mention B E A C O N when responding to adverts

Tim Vine judging ‘Aliens from Outerspace’ and Liz Batten (right).. Pictures by Jane Alexander Photography.


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here are lots of reasons for leaving a job. Some people decide to resign because they’re unhappy or want something better. Others find their job is redundant. Others again are sacked. Whatever the cause, it’s important that both employer and employee do things properly. Dismissal Being sacked from your job can come as a shock and often feels unfair. Of course employers can dismiss people, but they must do it fairly. For a dismissal to be fair you must have been a full employee for 2 years. If they do it unfairly, you can challenge their decision. But you must act quickly – you’ve got just 3 months less a day from the date you were dismissed to start taking action for an unfair dismissal. Redundancy You might be told you’re at risk of redundancy if your employer has one or more jobs they can’t afford or no longer need. They have a lot of freedom to choose who they make redundant, but there are still rules to follow. Your employer must give you full accurate information on your redundancy pay, your notice period during redundancy, your options if another job is available. Citizens Advice online helps with all these matters. It also tells you how to check if your redundancy is fair, and how to make a challenge if you think it isn’t. Resigning Resigning might feel like a good option if you feel you’re being badly treated. But it’s a big step and it’s important to think about all the options first. You could try to solve the problem a different way or find another job before resigning. If you decide to resign,



there are steps you should follow to do it properly. Getting a job reference When you're looking for a new job, you usually need your employer to provide a reference if asked by your new employer. Your employer can make it as short as they like – a lot of references only say what your job was and when you worked there. However, any reference must be accurate. All these issues can be complicated and everyone’s situation is different. Check out our online information at Or contact Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead on 03444 111 444, 10am-4pm Monday-Friday. You can also drop-in at The Horseshoe Banstead: for opening hours go to

The Gage Players P present

Good Thhings b Liz by L L Lochheaad

28th, 29th an nd 30th Novemberr 2019 The Riddell Hall, Deans Lane, Wal Walton-on-the-Hill, ton-on-the-Hill, KT20 7UL ŽŽƌƐ Θ Ăƌ͗ ϳ͘ϯϬ Ɖŵ dŝĐŬĞƚƐ͗ άϭϬ Ždž KĸĐĞ͗ Ϭϭϳϯϳ ϴϭϮϳϬϯ ŬƐ ĂŶ ĂŵĂƚĞƵƌ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ďLJ ĂƌƌĂŶŐĞŵĞŶƚ ǁŝƚŚ EŝĐŬ ,ĞƌŶ ŽŽŬƐ

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Two Week Respite Care

Pop in for a tour or call 01737 924977 for more details.

RESIDENTIAL & DEMENTIA CARE At Sunrise of Banstead we know how valuable respite care can be for those caring for their loved ones or those requiring recuperation after an illness. That’s why we offer two week respite care stays with a highly-trained and compassionate team on hand 24/7 to care and support.*

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Our warm and friendly home, providing freshly prepared nutritious home-cooked meals together with daily and social activities, is the perfect location to rest and recover. *Terms and conditions apply. Please visit the website for more details.


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LOUISE COLLINS - ARTIST Please tell me a little about yourself, I have lived in and around Banstead all my life. My earliest and most inspirational teacher was Mrs Smale who taught art at Woodmansterne Primary School. Have you had any formal training as an artist? After completing ‘A’ levels, I hoped to attend art college but was asked to reapply the following year as my portfolio wasn’t varied enough. Feeling somewhat disillusioned, I trained as a hairdresser when by chance, I came across an advert which read - ‘Artists, looking for something different?’ Art graduates needed to apply, however, after an initial interview with the company’s MD who loved the very same portfolio the art college had previously rejected, I managed to secure a post as a mannequin artist using oil paints. Ten years later, I was one of only two remaining artists left out of

summer, I was commissioned to produce two large

the initial six.

pieces using acrylic paints, which has now become

However, the company struggled during the

my preferred medium. Working with acrylics, allows

recession when traditional mannequins with heads

me to create much larger pieces and I love its

were on the decline and had to reinventing itself,

durability once sealed and varnished. I work on

by replacing them with the more fashionable forms

canvas panels and enjoy the flexibility it offers for

in stone finish.

display as a framed or unframed piece.

Following a ten-year break to raise my family, I

Where can people see your art, do you have

became a teaching assistant and for the past

any exhibitions coming up?

sixteen years, I’ve been able to expand my

I’ve belonged to Banstead Art Group for the past

creativity by making props, designing 3D

three years and have the fantastic opportunity to

headdresses and painting backdrops for school

exhibit my work during village days, at our October


annual exhibition and on our group’s Instagram.

Do you have a particular subject or theme you

Our monthly meetings are an amazing way to

work to?

meet very friendly, like-minded artists whilst sharing

Four years ago, I began pet and wildlife portraiture

experiences and ideas and visiting artists also come

using artists pencils. I followed an artist called Lisa

and appraise our work.

from ‘Lachri Fine Art’ who gives online tutorials and

You can see Louise Collins’ work at the

researches materials by pitching them up against

forthcoming exhibition on 24-26th October at the

each other whilst creating identical pieces. Last

Banstead Community Hall (see opposite page).



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Kingswood Court Nursing Home

Family run home providing high quality nursing, residential and respite care for the elderly

Set within 4 acres of grounds within easy reach of the A217 Warren Lodge Drive, Tadworth, KT20 6QN

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Ugnius Pauliukonis.

Maxwell Quartet.

SATURDAY, 12th OCTOBER 2019, 7.30 pm MAXWELL QUARTET - Play works by Haydn, Shostakovich and Beethoven. Prizewinners at the Trondheim Chamber Music Competition in 2017, the Maxwell Quartet has established itself as a significant presence in this country and abroad. One of Beethoven’s towering late quartets will be the sublime climax to a programme that includes an engaging late Haydn masterpiece and Shostakovich at his most enigmatic and intense. SATURDAY 16th NOVEMBER 2019, 7.30 pm UGNIUS PAULIUKONIS, piano – Plays a variety of pieces by Chopin Haydn and Debussy. The young Lithuanian pianist Ugnius Pauliukonis, Gold Medal winner at the Royal Northern College of Music, and Silver Medallist of the Worshipful Company of Musicians, brings to Banstead a wide-ranging, inspirational programme of Chopin in all his infinite variety, with Haydn and Debussy providing context and contrast. Supported by Making Music’s Philip & Dorothy Green Award for Young Concert Artists scheme SATURDAY 8th FEBRUARY 2020, 7.30 pm PLEYEL ENSEMBLE – Play works by Schumann, Haydn and Schubert. The Pleyel Ensemble bring together some of the UK’s leading instrumentalists who share a passion for chamber music past and present. In a piece of highly original programming they

bring us a trio, a quartet and a quintet which offer rewarding contrasts in scale and ensemble. Haydn’s classical poise is followed by Schumann at his most passionate, and Schubert’s gloriously tuneful Trout Quintet, one of the best-loved works in the repertoire, rounds off a sumptuous programme. SATURDAY 21st MARCH 2020, 7.30 pm TRIO CON BRIO, Copenhagen – Play works by Sørensen, Beethoven and Shostakovich. Trio Con Brio Copenhagen, who celebrate their 20th Anniversary this year, have played for us twice before with such magnificent musicianship that we had no hesitation in inviting them back for a third visit. They open with a fascinating work written specially for them by Danish composer Bent Sorensen, continue with one of Beethoven’s most exhilarating early trios, and conclude with the tense drama of Shostakovich’s Second Piano Trio, written in 1944 in response to the Holocaust. VENUE: All events will be at The Community Hall, Park Road, Banstead SM7 3AJ TICKETS: Adults £15 [no concessions], School Pupils: FREE BOX OFFICE: [from 4 weeks prior to event] Banstead Library, The Horseshoe, Banstead or or at the door as available. To reserve tickets: 01737 350288 or email:



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30 DAYS HATH SEPTEMBER... of the year rhyme that may date all the


name of Caesar Augustus mentioned most

way back to the 16th century.

frequently. His name appears in the birth

than its immediate successor October and its

decree that citizens in the whole Roman Empire

predecessors, August and July.

should be counted and taxed. It seems Augustus

0 days hath September...o says the months

It reminds us that September is a day shorter

Legends abound as to why August has 31 days.

It’s at Christmas that we tend to hear the

narratives of Jesus; Luke records that he issued a

wanted both to know how many people he

It used to be the sixth month in the original ten-

ruled over and to draw revenue from them all.

month Roman calendar and was a day or two

In both respects he sought to confirm his

shorter. Julius Caesar renamed it after his great–

position as the world’s most powerful man.

nephew and successor Augustus. There’s even the

Little did he know, but he was playing a role in

suggestion that Augustus nabbed a day from

the rise of the greatest King the world would

February to make his month as long and as great

ever know. His decree ensured that Joseph and

as the month named after his mentor Julius. The

Mary would travel from Nazareth to the royal

odd thing is that Augustus was born in

town of Bethlehem just in time for Jesus Christ


to be born there, in keeping with centuries-old

Not like myself. My birthday is August 31st. Perhaps I have Caesars Julius and Augustus to

predictions. Augustus is credited with instituting the ”Pax

thank. Were it not for their interventions in

Romana” – a period of relative harmony within

history, tacking on that extra day or two, I’d have

the Roman empire in contrast to the wars and

been born in September. I’d have been in the year

infighting that preceded it. Appropriately enough,

below at school; my whole life could have been

he died in the month named after him, in AD14.

very different. I may have a gone to a different

He lived less than 50 years and the peace he tried

secondary school, gone to university a whole

to bring to the world was largely illusory. Jesus

year later (if at all), met different friends, pursued

Christ, barely a teenager at the time Augustus

different careers. I cannot imagine my life having

died, lived only 33 years on earth and yet his life

followed such a radically different course, so on

has changed the world more than any other. The

the whole I am glad for the 31st day in August.

peace He offers us with God through His death

On the other hand, it’s also statistically the worst day of the year to be born if you wish to

and resurrection will last forever. At Banstead Community Church we seek to

be a professional footballer. As the youngest in

declare the truth about God from the whole

the academic school year, you are likely to be

Bible. We meet every Sunday at 10.30am in the

smaller than others born earlier in the year.

hall of Banstead Community Junior School in The

Under 12 football teams comprise players who

Horseshoe. We also meet in the Community Hall

are under twelve years of age on the first day of

every Tuesday morning in term-time at 11am to

September. On the 1st of September, 1982, I was

read the Bible. People are welcome to come

under twelve by precisely 364 days. Older, bigger,

along and ask questions, and lunch is provided

stronger kids tend to get noticed more in sports

just after midday.

teams. You’re most likely to become a

Contact Tim on 07761747170 if you have any

professional sportsman if you’re born between

questions, or see our website

September 1st and Christmas.



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he Deepwell Community is an emerging New Monastic Community based in Banstead. It started as a conversation 18 months ago between two people over a cup of coffee. We are a small locally dispersed group that is committed to social action and we believe this comes out of building a community that eats together, prays together, relaxes together and then works together. We believe that this world is God breathed and sustained and is beautiful and we have each been created in the image of God and, although we acknowledge that we are not perfect and get so much wrong, we trust we all start from a place of original blessing and are all firmly loved by God. We are committed to exploring ways to positively affect the physical, environmental, spiritual mental wellbeing of the community of Banstead in which we live and globally. Although we currently have strong links to All Saints, Banstead and Banstead URC we are not officially liked to any Christian Denomination and seek to explore and journey with other spiritual seekers, those of any faith or no faith , who wish to work for the welling being of Banstead Village. Although we meet unofficially on several occasions during the week, we are always looking for excuses to go for a coffee, we currently meet twice a month in a more structed way. We gather at 8pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at All Saints Church, Banstead – the Anglican Church in the middle of the High Street. At 8.15



pm we move into a time of silent Contemplative Prayer. This is a time where we try to find stillness amid the rush of life, to find silence amid the noise and to search for and spend time with God. Contemplation has been described as the ultimate mediation and if pray isn’t your thing then this time can be used as a time for meditation, or mindfulness to give it another title, or just to be quiet. As I have already said you don’t have to have a faith to come and join us. We believe that these times of silence are essential as it is from a contemplative stance to life, a place of inner strength, grace and peace, or to use my favourite Hebrew word Shalom that we begin to see ideas for compassionate action emerge. The time of silence finishes with a very short night prayer. Don’t worry if praying isn’t for you it is just a way of marking the end of that section of our gathering. We then retire to the pub where we allow these ideas for social action, that have started to flow from the time of contemplation, to take shape. This time is just as important for us as we firmly believe that contemplation and action are two sides of the same coin and one is always feeding the other. If anything that we are trying to do has grabbed your attention please either join us on our next Sunday gathering which is the 13th October or contact me Ian Whitley on either 0796138229 or As I said I’m always looking for an excuse to go for a coffee (or a pint) and chat about how we make this world a better place for all of us to live in.

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Precious moments everyday The best things in life are the people you love and the memories you cherish. At Ridgemount care home we’re here to support you to create more special moments. Ridgemount care home The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ Call 0808 102 4304 Visit Rated July 2019



Banstead People and Places through DQ (GZ ZD DUGLDQ 3KRWRJUDSKHU¶V /HQV

ta t alk by james crouch,

Banstead Historian


ABBY MATTHEWS S, Archive & F Fa amily History Centre Manager, Sutton Library


n 1904, Da av vid Knights-Whittome opened a photogr aphic studio in Sutton. 80 years later, a wonderful discovery w wa as made: over 10,000 glass plate negatives that had lain long forgotten in the basement. nearl ly y 300 of the photogr aphs show Banstead & Burgh Heath people and places.


Tickets £7.50 from Richard Mantle (01737 357055) and Banstead Library SM7 2A AW W or at the door if a av vailable

Lig gh ht h t refreshm re es me ents, raf ra affle ff fl & book ok ks st ta all



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We understand the journey people livving with dementia, and their families, go thro ough We understand how frightening and heartbreaking it can be for someone to lose their memories. Our dedicated team at Banstead Manor Care Home are specially trained to help people living with dementia make the most of each day. And our care is unique to o each person, son att every stage off their th i journe j y. To arrang ge a visit, call 01737 747066 or for more g information, ion, go to www.hallmark


HERITAGE OPEN DAY Lavender Ladies On a lovely sunny Monday evening in July the Woodmansterne Evening WI Members took a stroll through the beautiful Mayfield Lavender Fields for a ‘photo shoot’ as they have been invited to send The Woodmansterne and Greenbelt Resident’s


full coach of members from Woodmansterne

Association a photo of their WI which will then

Evening WI were very fortunate to enjoy a

appear on a page in their 2020 calendar and will

warm, sunny August day in Southampton,

be available for members to purchase later in the

which happened to be the day after the torrential rain and gales! They first stopped at Eastleigh en-

year. Back to the hall, where the evening continued

route, for a delicious pre-ordered Sunday roast lunch

with the usual business followed by Margaret

before continuing their journey to Southampton

Arnott from the National Garden Scheme. Using

Docks to board a ferry which sailed them around each

beautiful slides, Margaret gave members an insight

of the 3 Queens cruise ships moored and ready to set

into the way the NGS is run and has unique access

sail along the Solent to idyllic destinations. It was very

to over 3,500 exceptional private gardens in

special to see the ships altogether ready to set sail as

England and Wales, raising a lot of money for

it doesn’t happen very often.

nursing and health charities through admissions,

First to leave was Queen Victoria, giving several

the selling of tea and cakes and are now the most

farewell hoots as she passed The Oriana, which P&O

significant charitable funder of nursing in the UK.

had just retired. Everyone onboard waved bon-voyage

Ladies in Pink

to the passengers who were on the Queen Victoria as

It was even more friendly and warm at

she was leaving to sail around the British Isles. Followed

Woodmansterne Evenings’ June meeting with a

by more hooting and waving as the Queen Elizabeth

pink theme running through the venue, even the

sailed away for the Baltic Highlights. Finally Queen

members became ‘Ladies in Pink’ for the evening.

Mary2 hooted as we waved to her as she made her

There was a beautiful display of roses for the

way on a Transatlantic Crossing. It was a sight to see all

annual June Rose competition, which was won by

those enormous and magnificent ships!

1st Jill Constable; 2nd Tricia Drummond; joint 3rd

August was a busy month for Woodmansterne

Chris Layton and Barbara Anderson. Also a free

Evening's members, as following on from the great

raffle and the yearly Denman bursary was drawn,

day out to Southampton, members enjoyed their

which after 26 years of entering I was thrilled to

annual Summer Lunch (pictured above) on 19th

win. So, as soon as I arrived home out came the

August. The President Lesley Earl and committee

Course Brochure to study and make exciting plans.

‘pulled out all the stops’ and diets had to be put on

During the course of the evening Joy Robinson

hold for one day as there were so much yummy food

of Wallington & Carshalton WI joined the meeting

to tempt them, including; pies, quiches, salmon and a

to give a report on the National Meeting this year

variety of salads followed by very ’naughty but nice’

held at Bournemouth.

desserts. The tables were all laid with pretty

The following Saturday the Outings Organiser,

tablecloths and serviettes and the atmosphere, was as

Carole Evans, took a coach of members to the

usual, very friendly with everyone going home feeling

Royal Albert Hall for a matinee of a Space

full and happy.

Spectacular. Susanne Martina



B E A C O N To advertise call 01737 222307 or visit




e're not calorie counters here at

practised extensively in many areas of

eat to be slim (etbs), and quick-fix

psychotherapy. Having a health and life

diets aren't our thing. Instead,

balance coach helps its clients lose weight

we're all about focusing on how food fuels

and make lasting changes to their health. We

us, nourishes us, and makes us feel. That said,

are what we think and believe, and if our

if we are overweight, it is necessary for us to

thoughts and actions have made us

lose weight. That is, if we are ever going to

overweight and unhealthy, then addressing

get to our healthiest. One of my favourite

them will reap fruitful rewards in terms of

expressions is ‘fat but fit is a myth’. The thing

weight loss and health.

is, achieving our happiest and healthiest

For example: Say you typically finish a

weight isn't often as simple as cutting out

whole bag of cheese and onion crisps while

certain foods, especially if you actually want

watching TV, or you can't seem to help

to maintain it in the long term. Ask anyone

yourself when the office kitchen has

who's lost weight only to regain it all back

chocolate or biscuits winking at you, or you

again, and often with interest!

tend to head straight to the snack drawer or

There is so much conflicting weight loss

wine rack after a long day at work. Instead

and diet information out there. If you go to

of forcing yourself to ditch the

your GP or nurse practitioner, you will most

crisps/chocolate/wine habit, you would check

likely be given a leaflet offering blanket

in with your thoughts and feelings, and do a

advice where it's pretty black and white. NHS

mental retracing of your internal thought

weight loss strategies have been marketed as

steps to identify the different triggers,

a ‘one-size-fits-all’. Since my time working as

including your thoughts, feelings, and any

a weight loss coach, I have seen that people

other factors that enable your snacking. Only

are the most successful when they are fully in

then can you really understand and ‘get’

control of their own journey and goals.

exactly what keeps that behaviour you want

A thoughtful approach to weight loss

to change going. Think of it as just one part

When you sign up for your own personalised

of a jigsaw. Behaviour doesn't stand alone in

programme, you're given a plan with your

isolation. It's about why or how that

very own health coach who will work with

behaviour came to be; not just, 'OK, well, this

you to help you reach your weight loss goals.

is a thing that I want to change, so I'm just

The difference with etbs, as say compared to

going to stop doing it. With weight loss, it's

one of the well-known slimming groups is

never just the one thing—it's retracing your

that it's not about restriction—it actually isn't

steps back to what contributed to and keeps

even all about the food, either. It's about

that 'one thing' going. In other words,

identifying the totally individualised

knowing what to do and knowing how to

thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that

get yourself to do it are two different things.

contribute to weight gain and replacing

Changing certain behaviours and habitual

them with healthier responses. You've

patterns in the long term is how you get

probably heard of this before. It's called

meaningful results for life. For your

cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and it's

personalised free discovery session get in

an evidence-based treatment method that's

touch: 07702 779019.



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Consultations by phone, Skype or in person at my Kingswood office Personal programmes to get you the results you need VIP Programmes with unparalleled support

07702 779019 eat to be slim

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Call Ian on 07778 520642 for free quotation

Banstead History Centre Banstead Local History Centre is based in Banstead Library, and you can use the local history centre resources at any time that the library is open. Even better, visit us at the following times each month when volunteers are available to help you use the resources and equipment. First and third Tuesday 2.30 - 4.30pm Saturday 10am - 12noon Banstead Local History Centre exists to encourage interest in local and family history in Banstead, Burgh Heath, Chipstead, Hooley, Kingswood, Lower Kingswood, Netherne-onthe-Hill, Preston, Tadworth, Tattenhams, Walton-on-the-Hill and Woodmansterne. We offer an extensive range of resources including census records, parish registers, large scale maps, directories, illustrations and photographs. We provide a microfilm and microfiche reader-printer and there is access to the internet on the library computer terminals. If we can't answer your question, we can refer you to local experts or Surrey History Centre. When the centre is not staffed you can leave a written enquiry. The centre is a partnership between Surrey Libraries, Surrey History Centre, Banstead History Research Group and other local community and history organisations. The Banstead History Research Group has a very good website and has published many books on local history.



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The Friends of the Children’s Trust present


The So Soun undt dtrack of Your ur Liv iv e s

Ph hoto: Nicola Rowl wley Photogra raphy

This very ry popular local ba and will perform cllassic hits from th he last six decades, including the music m of: El i P Elvis Presley, l B Buddy dd Holly H lly, The Beatles, Cliff ff Richard, Ri h d R Roy O Orbison, bi Th B l Clif Neil Diamond, Abba,, Eagles, Carpenters and lots more. The songs you grew w up with, danced to, sang along to. The songs thatt have accompanied your life!

THE KINGSW WOOD VILLAGE HALL Waterhouse Lane, L Kingswood KT20 6EB

Saturday 19th October O 2019 at 7.30pm Ticke ets ÂŁ12 available from Kingswood Village Store, S Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood Or onliine from Ticket Source

For further details please contact 07504 060758 Bob Gunn on 0 Lisa Davies on 07770 328232

Please mention B E A C O N when responding to adverts



WHAT’S ON BANSTEAD FLOWER CLUB National Demonstrator PAM LEWIS presents ‘Autumn Opulence’ Wednesday 25th September at 2pm Raffle, members’ competition “A Walk in the Country” (landscape), floral sundries sales table and refreshments available. National Demonstrator LUCY ELLIS presents ‘Opera Goes to the Movies’ Wednesday 23th October at 2pm Raffle, members’ competition “Bewitched” floral sundries sales table and refreshments available. National Demonstrator CORAL GARDINER presents ‘Festive Highlights’ Wednesday 27th November at 2pm Doors open 1.30pm Raffle, members’ competition “Bring on the Bling” floral sundries sales table and refreshments available. We are a friendly local flower club affiliated to NAFAS, new members and visitors (£6) always welcome. Monthly meeting and demonstration at 2pm on the 4th Wednesday of every month at Banstead Community Hall, Park Road, SM7 3AJ For further details or enquiries, see our page at email, or contact Susan Macpherson 02086574328 Saturday 12th October 9.30am till 2.00pm in the Community Hall, Park Road, Banstead BANSTEAD COMBINED CHARITIES CHRISTMAS EVENT where 20 charities are present to offer their gifts and Christmas cards for purchase in aid of their causes. Refreshments available and there is ample parking. There is a generous raffle



BANSTEAD NEVILLE BOWLING CLUB invite you to come shopping at their CHRISTMAS FAIR on SATURDAY, 2nd Nov in their Pavilion in the Lady Neville Rec. Ground in Avenue Road, Banstead. Why not come along and enjoy a chat over a cuppa and cake and browse the various goods on sale, inc. homemade cakes, also take part in the raffles? 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. £1 entrance inc. coffee/tea. Further details from Gloria & Bryce Corp – 01737 370826. The North Weald Art Group Annual Exhibition, 12th - 24th November. 10-5pm - 4pm last day Denbies Wine Estate Art Gallery, London Rd, Dorking, RH5 6AA. The North Weald Art Group whose aims are to foster the work of local artists is holding its annual exhibition of around 120 framed paintings, prints and mixed media at the Denbies Art Gallery. For the first year the group is included in the Mole Valley Arts Alive Festival which showcases a variety of different art forms through out September, October and November. Most works in the exhibition are for sale as well as a large selection of unframed works and cards. The locally based society includes both amateur and professional artists. John Yardley the renowned watercolour artist and the group's president is one of the exhibitors. Contact Colin Twinn 01737 812136 The Gage Players are holding their next production Good Things by Liz Lochhead on 28th, 29th & 30th November at The Riddell Hall, Deans Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill KT20 7UL.

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