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February/March 2020
for Burgess Hill and surrounding areas
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FEB/MAR 2020
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Station Road Carpets C Your lloocal ffllo Yo loorin riin ingg ssppeciiaaliis is t s
We W e offer a free estimating service and will provide no obligation quottes free of charge 45 Station Road Burgess Hill 01444 235522
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www w..stationroad-carpets.co.uk *On orders over ÂŁ300 - Discount on Materials Only. Offer valid until the end of February. Not available on stocked items and not in conjunction with any other offer. Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
FEB/MAR 2020
New Date For Marathon Weekend
Crowdfunding For Projects
New Repair Cafe Planned
The Beehive
Grottos Break All Records
Pitches Available For Fayre
Business Tax
Helping Your Body Detoxify
Book Review
South of England Showground
Garden View
Tourism Award For Leonardslee
Sussex A Cappella
Health And Fitness
Who Deals With Which Services
Community Information Board
What’s On
Puzzle Answers, Discounts & Offers
Advertisement Index ` l k q^ ` q = r p T: MNQMP=RUUSNU ïïïKãáÇëìëëÉñÜ~åÇÄççâKÅçKìâ bW=áåÑç]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã= bÇáíçê=oáÅÜ~êÇ=jáäÄçìêå ÉÇáíçê]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã p~äÉë=j~å~ÖÉê=dÉãã~=dê~ó ÖÉãã~]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã `äáÉåí=iá~áëçå=C=^Çãáå=jÖê=aÉÉ=oóÇÉê ÇÉÉ]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã aáëíêáÄìíáçå=j~å~ÖÉê=`ä~êÉ=tÉëí ^ÇîÉêíáëÉãÉåí=aÉëáÖå=hkp=aÉëáÖå mêáåíáåÖ=kÉïã~å=qÜçãéëçåI=_ìêÖÉëë=eáää Find us on
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
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FEB/MAR 2020
EMERGENCY 24hr CALLOUT Tel: 01444 250 262 Mobile: 07952 544 739 Email: davidshepard@sky.com
ALL GENERAL PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS - INSTALLATIONS - SERVICING FREE Magna clean filter with every Boiler Installation -
Bathroom/Shower Installations Electric or Power Showers Boiler Installations & Upgrades Kitchen Taps Central Heating System Flush Radiators & Thermostatic Valves Radiator Installations & Upgrades
FEB/MAR 2020
Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
WISHING YOU A HEALTHY NEW DECADE health and fitness particuarly after the excesses
detoxifying the body of its impurities and getting rid
of Christmas! In this issue there are a number of
of all those nasty toxins that can prevent it working
ways that will enable you to lose weight and get fitter
the way it should. Anna Pinnock explains on page 18
in the New Year.
how detoxification refers to the body’s natural ability
he New Year is a good time to reassess your
We know that getting fit is important for a healthy
Equally as important as exercise and dieting is
to convert potentially toxic substances into harmless
life. Often, we equate fitness with running, cycling,
particles that it then removes without us knowing.
walking or some other form of exercise. On page 29
Our bodies do such an amazing job of this (through
you can learn about one aspect of fitness that is
the liver in particular) that you might not realise that
almost always overlooked; our core muscles. When
we’re constantly surrounded by potentially toxic
talking about building muscle everyone pictures
substances. However, sometimes our bodies can get a
someone at a weight bench pumping iron until their
little overwhelmed if we don’t take care of ourselves.
biceps bulge out of their shirts. But strengthening and
By making a few simple changes to the way we
toning your muscles can be much more subtle. And
eat, we can all help our bodies to remove toxins and
even a small amount of work on your core strength
feel better in the new decade.
can dramatically improve your overall fitness and well-
Richard Milbourn, Editor
E: editor@horshampublications.com
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Horsham Pages North Haywards Heath Pages Southwater Life Horsham Pages South Burgess Hill Pages
Mar/Apr 2020 Mar/Apr 2020 March 2020 Apr/May 2020 Apr/May 2020
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11th February 11th February 11th February 11th March 11th March
12,500 12,000 4,200 12,500 12,000
Carnah Events Limited is an independent publisher and does not officially endorse any products, services or organisations advertised or otherwise featured in this magazine. Carnah Events Limited cannot be held responsible for any advertisement content, including errors and omissions. Statements and opinions in Burgess Hill Pages, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in Burgess Hill Pages may not be produced in any form without the permission of the Editor.
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FEB/MAR 2020
M I D S U S S E X M A R AT H O N W E E K E N D 2 0 2 0
ecause the early May Bank Holiday date will be moved to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, the decsion has been made to move the date of the Mid Sussex Marathon Weekend 2020 to the late bank holiday weekend in May. The event will now take place on the following dates; Saturday 23rd May 2020: East Grinstead 10 Mile Sunday 24th May 2020: Haywards Heath 10 Mile Monday 25th May 2020: Burgess Hill 10K The Mid Sussex Family Fun Run and Junior Mile Races will also take place on each day of the event. Don’t forget our early bird offer is still open until the end of August 2019, so why not enter now? Details at
Staff at Santa's Toy Factory last year in Hassocks.
www.midsussexmarathon.co.uk Over indulged this Christmas? If you need to burn off those extra calories, now might be the time to take up running! There are plenty of ways to get started, like the running course offered by Mid Sussex Wellbeing or find out about running clubs in your area. Start now and you’ll be ready to enter MSMW2020 before you know it! `i^fo=m^ohork=
lair Parkrun is a 5km run every Saturday at 9am, at Clair Park in Haywards Heath. It’s fun, friendly and
free. Parkrun is open to everyone, whatever your age or level of fitness – families run together, parents run pushing babies in buggies, people run alone or with friends. There’s no pressure, it's just you against the clock. It’s sociable too - every week there’s a post parkrun coffee in a local café which you are very welcome to join. Parkrun is free but you need to register before your first run and take a printed copy of your barcode. Clair Parkrun is entirely organised by volunteers – if you can help please email clairhelpers@parkrun.com. For further information, visit www.parkrun.org.uk/clair/.
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
CROWDFUNDING FOR PROJECTS The window is now open for community groups to put forward new initiatives and projects they would like to receive funding for from West Sussex Crowd
crowdfunding programme launched in May 2018 has seen more than 100 community-led projects in West Sussex hit their target and the window is now open until Thursday 13 February for community groups to put forward new initiatives and projects they would like to receive funding for. The West Sussex Crowd, run in partnership by West Sussex County Council and civic crowdfunding website www.spacehive.com/movement/westsussexcrow d, invites communities to come together and propose ideas to regenerate their local areas. Since its launch, more than 2,800 local people, businesses, district/borough and town/parish councils have backed projects across the county, collectively raising over £750,000 and showing the strength of community buy-in for their ideas. Duncan Crow, Cabinet Member for Fire & Rescue and Communities, said: “This grant funding is all about supporting community projects, strengthening communities and our councillors working with their communities to help generate support for key projects. “We are thrilled that 107 successful projects have hit their target with many more on the way. These diverse and extraordinary projects will strengthen local places and make West Sussex an even greater place to live, work and enjoy.” Alongside money raised by outside donations through the West Sussex Crowd, the county council can also pledge to crowdfunding campaigns for projects which will have real impact in their local area. Typically, pledges range from £1000 - £5000. Previous projects Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
which have received funding include: Friends of Downsbrook Forest School raised over £12,000, including a £6,000 county council pledge, from 51 backers to develop a community cabin to allow more people to engage with nature. The Apuldram Centre near Chichester raised over £10,000, of which £2,500 was pledged by the county council, from 75 backers for a new transit van so they can support more adults with learning disabilities to participate in real life work experience. Grandads Front Room in Bognor Regis raised over £9,000, including a county council pledge of £2,053, from 123 backers for a new allotment space, equipment and tools, bringing more local people together. Chris Gourlay, Founder and CEO of Spacehive, said: “Spacehive are delighted to be working in partnership with West Sussex County Council on this exciting initiative which has already inspired hundreds of people and groups from West Sussex to engage in transforming local places. “Our shared mission is to empower as many people as possible to shape their local area. We believe that if we can achieve that, people will feel a stronger sense of local belonging, and that the places we create together will better serve the needs and aspirations of local people.” Visit www.westsussexcrowd.org.uk to see the campaigns currently live and make a pledge. If you’re a community group who wants to find out more about this round of crowdfunding, Spacehive will be running free workshops on 15 January at Worthing and Haywards Heath to help guide interested parties through the process and people can register for a workshop via email info@spacehive.com. FEB/MAR 2020
urgess Hill aims to launch a Repair Café in the spring. Repair Cafes are free events where people can bring items that need repairing to people who have the necessary skills to repair them. And have a cup of tea while they wait. Repair saves time and money. More often than not, a very simple repair is all that is needed to fix a broken or damaged item thus saving the unnecessary cost of a replacement. When we send less waste to landfill, costs are reduced and the whole community – as well as the environment – benefits. The aim is to run the Repair Café one Saturday a month in the town centre. A range of volunteers are needed to help, including people with various repairing skills but also to staff the reception desk, help with administration and to serve refreshments. We throw away vast amounts of stuff. Even things with almost nothing wrong, and which could get a new lease on life after a simple repair. The trouble is, lots of people have forgotten that they can repair things themselves or they no longer know how. Knowing how to make repairs is a skill quickly lost. Society doesn’t always show much appreciation for the people who still have this practical knowledge, and against their will they are often left standing on the sidelines. Their experience is never used, or hardly ever. The Repair Café changes all that! People who might otherwise be sidelined are getting involved again. Valuable practical knowledge is getting passed on. Things are being used for longer and don’t have to be thrown away. This reduces the volume of raw materials and energy needed to make new products. It cuts CO2 emissions, for example, because manufacturing new products and recycling old ones causes CO2 to be released.
FEB/MAR 2020
The Repair Café teaches people to see their possessions in a new light. And, once again, to appreciate their value. The Repair Café helps change people’s mindset. This is essential to kindle people’s enthusiasm for a sustainable society. But most of all, the Repair Café just wants to show how much fun repairing things can be, and how easy it often is. Why don’t you give it a go? Repair Cafés are free meeting places and they’re all about repairing things (together). In the place where a Repair Café is located, you’ll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need. On clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, et cetera. You’ll also find expert volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields. Visitors bring their broken items from home. Together with the specialists they start making their repairs in the Repair Café. It’s an ongoing learning process. If you have nothing to repair, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Or you can lend a hand with someone else’s repair job. You can also get inspired at the reading table – by leafing through books on repairs and DIY. If you can help, please contact Anne Eves on 07720 892180 or email anne.eves@burgesshill.gov.uk. For further information about Repair Cafes, visit www.repaircafe.org
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
7KH &RQIHGHUDWLRQ RI 5RRILQJ &RQWUDFWRUV VWDQGV IRU ,17(*5(7< < 5(/,$%,/,7< < DQG &86720(5 3527(&7,21
G&S Roofing Specialists Ltd
Due to the success of the business, we are now covering Susssex
1 discount on all neew and flat roofs 15% Office: 014003 560172 / 01483 378511 Mob: 07425 396324 www.gandsrooofing.co.uk gsroofingspecialists@gmail.com gandsroofingglimited@gmail.com Suite 17, Standby Business B Centre, Foundry Lane, Horsham m, RH13 5PX To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
FEB/MAR 2020
THE BEEHIVE mä~åë=~êÉ=éêçÖêÉëëáåÖ=Ñçê=qÜÉ=_ÉÉÜáîÉI=_ìêÖÉëë=eáääÛë=åÉï=éÉêÑçêã~åÅÉ=îÉåìÉK qÜÉ=qçïå=`çìåÅáä=áë=ÇÉäáÖÜíÉÇ=íç=êÉÅÉáîÉ=íÜÉ=ëìééçêí=çÑ=a~ãÉ=sÉê~=ióååI=ïÜç=Ü~ë=âáåÇäó ~ÖêÉÉÇ=íç=äÉåÇ=ÜÉê=å~ãÉ=íç=íÜÉ=îÉåìÉK=qÜÉ=^ìÇáíçêáìã=ïáää=ÄÉ=å~ãÉÇ qÜÉ=a~ãÉ=sÉê~=ióåå=^ìÇáíçêáìã=áå=ÜÉê=ÜçåçìêK
ame Vera Margaret Lynn is an English singer of traditional popular music, songwriter and actress, whose musical recordings and performances were enormously popular during the Second World War. She is widely known as "the Forces' Sweetheart" for giving outdoor concerts for the troops in Egypt, India, and Burma during the war as part of Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA). The songs most associated with her are "We'll Meet Again", "The White Cliffs of Dover", "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" and "There'll Always Be an England". She remained popular after the war, appearing on radio and television in the UK and the US and recording such hits as "Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart" and her UK number one single "My Son, My Son". Her last single, "I Love This Land", was released to mark the end of the Falklands War. In 2009, at age 92, she became the oldest living
FEB/MAR 2020
artist to top the UK Albums Chart, with compilation album We'll Meet Again: The Very Best of Vera Lynn. Dame Vera also scored a number one in 2014, when she was 97 with the collection "Vera Lynn: National Treasure", and remains the oldest person to top the album charts. She has devoted much time and energy to charity work connected with ex-servicemen, disabled children, and breast cancer. She is held in great affection by veterans of the Second World War to this day and in 2000 was named the Briton who best exemplified the spirit of the 20th century. The Beehive will cost £5.5 million, of which a £3 million loan has been approved by the Public Works Loan Board and £0.3 million from the Town Council’s reserves. Work continues on raising the £2.2 million funding still needed for the project to commence. The plan will entail demolition of the existing
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Royal British Legion Club building and erection of a new entertainment and community venue on the site. The new venue will include a 237-seat theatre offering both tiered seating and flat-floor configurations to suit different event types. Other facilities include a multi-purpose dance/rehearsal studio (with sprung floor), meeting rooms and Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
dressing rooms/support spaces. The flexible frontof-house foyer spaces will incorporate an associated cafĂŠ/ bar operation to support the auditorium function. The proposal also includes relandscaping works to the north and south of the new building and to the alleyway to the east (alongside Cyprus Hall) - to improve the coherence and visual appearance of the public realm. FEB/MAR 2020
SUDOKU Solution on page 37.
FEB/MAR 2020
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family-run business has broken all records with its two Santa's grottos this year, and thanks everyone who has made it possible to
help a Sussex charity raise much-needed funds. Elves celebrated a very busy month, counting all the money raised for The Budding Foundation charity which came to a whopping £41,358. Tate of Sussex Garden Centres donated space at two of its venues: Santa's Toy Factory at South Downs
Nurseries and Santa's Enchanted Forest at Old Barn
family-run business. "I have enjoyed meeting some of
Garden Centre. They each welcomed more children
the children the charity has helped, who have come to
than ever in the run-up to Christmas.
visit Santa this year. The money raised will make a real
"We are thrilled to have been able to help The
difference to the lives of children and their families in
Budding Foundation raise so much money and would
Sussex." Thank you to everyone who came and
like to thank the charity and their team of 60
supported the charity by visiting Santa and to
volunteer elves for all their hard work running the
everyone who made a donation. This money will make
grottos this year", says Sarah Mead a director of the
a huge difference to children and families in Sussex.
Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
FEB/MAR 2020
he Burgess Hill Summer Fayre will be held in St John’s Park on Sunday 14 June 2020 from 11am to 4pm. The Fayre will showcase all the community groups in the town and celebrate all Burgess Hill has to offer. This event is part of the Summer Festival 6-14 June 2020. This is a great community event and the pitches do get booked so far in advance. If you would like to book your community group’s place please fill in the registration form at www.burgesshill.gov.uk/summerfayre that must be completed and returned to Jennifer at the Town Council. Priority is given to local community groups. A health & safety email will be sent to all attendees during May. Please read the
information as this will have your pitch number and allocated entry time. Attending groups will be allowed to bring one vehicle on to the site which will be expected to remain there for the duration of the event. There will be no vehicle movement before 4.30pm. For attending public to the event - please note there is very limited parking available at the park. Visitors will be encouraged to walk to the event where possible. The nearest public car park is the Martlets or Cyprus Road – both are a 5 minute walk away and are free as it is a Sunday. If you have any queries please contact Jennifer O’Grady on 01444 238207 (9am - 3pm daily) or email Jennifer@burgesshill.gov.uk
RECORDS WANTED VINYL LPs AND 7” SINGLES EXCELLENT PRICES PAID We also purchase music memorabilia (concert programmes, posters, ticket stubs etc)
PLEASE CONTACT CHRIS: Tel: 07812 903 667 Email: uk.vinylvault@sky.com 16
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
unregistered businesses, you must monitor the amount of sales you make in each EU Member State.
am a recently retired police dog handler. I am
When you reach a distance-selling threshold in the
thinking about starting up a business selling dog-
other Member State, you would be required to
training and pet accessories online through
register as a non-resident trader in that country,
Amazon. Do you have any pointers on what I need
charge local VAT, issue invoices and file return
to think about in terms of VAT obligations?
overseas in accordance with local rules. Member States set their own thresholds, which are between
€35,000 and €100,000 measured over a calendar
his is a complex area with multiple issues to
• For sales fulfilled by Amazon from stock held in their
consider. You might have EU obligations and/or
Fulfilment warehouses in other Member States (Pan
UK obligations and great care is needed.
European Fulfilment). You are highly likely to need
The first point to consider is UK VAT registration.
to register for VAT in the country that you hold
For VAT purposes, goods are treated as supplied from
stock in, from the very first item sold. This is because,
the place the goods are located when they are sold.
the place of supply of goods is where the goods are
Any sales of goods from stock held in the UK will all
located at the time of supply, and most, if not all,
count towards the VAT registration threshold. If your
Member States have a nil threshold for sales by
total sales reach the VAT threshold (currently £85,000)
businesses not established in the country. Sales to
you will have to register for VAT in the UK. If you VAT
customers in that same country will be subject to
register, you will have to think carefully about what you
local VAT. If you start selling goods from a foreign
are selling, who you are selling to and where your
warehouse to customers in other EU countries, you
customer is located. In your specific circumstances, for
will need to follow local rules for reporting
the sale of pet accessories:
dispatches and distance-sales. We strongly
• UK customers would be charged 20% VAT
recommend that businesses making supplies in other
• VAT-registered EU businesses could be charged 0%
Member States take VAT advice locally to ensure
VAT (if the correct evidence is obtained) • EU individuals would be charged 20%
that they are able to comply fully with local requirements.
• Non EU customers could be charged 0% VAT (if the correct evidence is obtained)
Tax Adept offers a range of services which are
Reporting details and retaining sufficient evidence of
specifically designed to help you and your
sales for a VAT Return, EC Sales List and sometimes
business. You can find further information on
instrastat declaration can be complicated and you
tax-saving measures in the Resources section of
would be best advised to seek help from an
our website: www.taxadept.co.uk. Please
contact via telephone on 01444 230777, or visit
The second point to consider is whether you have any
our website.
VAT obligations in other EU Member States. EU obligations will depend, where the goods are located when they are sold. There are 2 areas where EU compliance requirements need to be taken account:• For sales from the UK to EU private individuals and Please mention BURGESS HILL Pages when responding to adverts
FEB/MAR 2020
any new year resolutions involve some form of dieting. But equally as important is detoxifying the body of its impurities and getting rid of all those nasty toxins that can prevent it working the way it should. Detoxification refers to the body’s natural ability to convert potentially toxic substances into harmless particles that it then removes without us knowing. Our bodies do such an amazing job of this (through the liver in particular) that you might not realise that we’re constantly surrounded by potentially toxic substances. However, sometimes our bodies can get a little overwhelmed if we don’t take care of ourselves. Common signs and symptoms of the detoxification process not working properly may include: • Constipation/diarrhoea • Food allergies and sensitivities • Skin issues • Asthma • Inability to lose weight • Infertility • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) • Depression • Headaches • Poor memory and concentration Toxins can come from a number of sources including: pesticides in food, alcohol, poor air quality, parabens found in creams and make-up to name just a few. Before embarking on a detox programme – especially those quick fix ones – it’s always a good idea to contact your healthcare practitioner. They’ll advise you on the best way of detoxing your body, for if you do it too quickly, you could release too many toxins in a short period of time, which can also be harmful to the body. However, for a gentler approach to detoxification, we can make subtle changes to our
FEB/MAR 2020
diets which are easy to incorporate into our daily routines. Such changes include: 1. Increase the intake of dark green leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, rocket, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, turnip – they contain beneficial substances which support liver detoxification processes. 2. Eat more fresh or frozen berries such blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries which are rich in antioxidants. 3. Drink more water as it’s needed to flush out toxins – aim for 6-8 glasses a day. 4. Increase fibre intake to 30grams a day to optimise toxin elimination. 5. Include a variety of spices in cooking such as rosemary, coriander and turmeric. 6. Reduce the amount of processed foods, ready meals and foods high in sugar eaten. These have been linked to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes which harm the organs that play an important role in the detoxification processes. 7. Cut down on alcohol and cigarettes as they are especially damaging to the liver and lungs, our detoxification organs. The above should all help the body with its dayto-day detoxification processes, and let’s not forget that regular exercise and good quality sleep will also help the body to detoxify. In addition, there are also a number of natural supplements that can be taken to support detoxification, but you should always ask your nutritional therapist before taking these. By making a few simple changes to the way we eat, we can all help our bodies to remove toxins and feel better in 2020. www.annapinnock.co.uk
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
xperienced pilot Steve Ford (above) from Billingshurst has launched his debut book - 20 West: a journey through six decades of turbulent change within aviation. Sharing the adventure, joy, and - on occasion tragedy, that makes aviation one of the most fascinating industries to be a part of, 20 West reflects the diversity of the aerospace industry. It’s not only an absorbing read for anyone with a passion for aviation, but also for the next generation looking to embark upon a journey that has no final destination. 20 West follows Steve’s journey through aviation, from an ‘unmin’ child travelling the world on standby, training from an apprenticeship to a jet engine specialist, to his distinguished career as a long-haul commercial pilot. It also presents an insider’s history of the last 60 years of the industry, giving readers a fascinating insight into the ways commercial flight and the corporate giants that dominate it have evolved over the years. Packed with captivating stories from both above the clouds and down on the tarmac, it’s a must-read for anyone who’s ever wondered what really happens on the other side of the cockpit door. On making the decision to write and publish his enthralling career story, Steve said: “The reason for wanting to write this book was to provide ‘a record’; to attempt, as accurately as possible, to present a view from within the aviation industry during a period of monumental change. It spans six decades, stretching from propeller-driven
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transport aircraft to composite, fly-by-wire and wide-body double-decker aircraft, plucked from the pages of science fiction. “Over the years, I have probably worked with and flown with hundreds if not thousands of pilots, and one of the biggest drivers for me wanting to write this book was not because it is about me, but because it is about them. It will also allow those who have absolutely no idea what it is like to spend a lifetime in aviation to get a sense of what it looks, feels and smells like to be embraced by such a career. It is a way of life that wraps itself around you and enters every pore as you fall within its envelope.” 20 West is available in paperback (£8.99) and ebook format (£2.99) on www.amazon.co.uk For more information or to contact the author visit www.20WestBook.com
¹ĺĚ ƎƑūČĚƙƙ ūIJ ƥîŕŒĿŠij îŠē ċĚĿŠij ŕĿƙƥĚŠĚē ƥū ĺĚŕƎƙ ƭƙ ċĚČūŞĚ îDžîƑĚ ūIJ ūƭƑ ƥĺūƭijĺƥƙ îŠē IJĚĚŕĿŠijƙȡ DžĺĿČĺ ČîŠ ŕĚîē ƥū î ƙĚŠƙĚ ūIJ ƑĚŕĿĚIJ îŠē ČŕîƑĿƥNjȦ TIJ Njūƭ îƑĚ ĚNJƎĚƑĿĚŠČĿŠij îŠNj ūIJ ƥĺĚ IJūŕŕūDžĿŠijȠ ¬ƥƑĚƙƙ ŠNJĿĚƥNj gūDž ¬ĚŕIJ /ƙƥĚĚŞ gūDž qūūē cƭƙƥ Šūƥ IJĚĚŕĿŠij NjūƭƑƙĚŕIJ ūŠƥîČƥ ŞĚ îŕŕȠ ǦǭǪǦǩ ǬǦǯǩǬǬ ŞĿîʀŞĿîČūƭŠƙĚŕŕĿŠijȦČūȦƭŒ DžDžDžȦŞĿîČūƭŠƙĚŕŕĿŠijȦČūŞ
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FEB/MAR 2020
STICKY CHINESE CHICKEN WINGS This scrumptious supper dish is inspired by last month’s Chinese New Year festival Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes + 50 minutes Serves: 4-6 fkdobafbkqp=
1.5 kg chicken wings 2 level tbsp baking POWDER ¾ tsp table salt ½ tsp pepper 3 spring onions, chopped Sticky Chinese Sauce 1 tsp vegetable oil pinch of salt and pepper 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger peeled and finely chopped 1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce 2 tbsp honey
4 tbsp dark brown sugar 5 tbsp dark soy sauce 1 tsp lemon grass paste (you can buy this in tubes) 2 cloves garlic peeled and minced 1 tbsp sesame seeds (lightly toasted) jbqela Preheat the oven to 120C / 100C Fan Gas ½. Place a rack on a large baking tray. Cut each wing at the joint so you have a mini wing and a drumette. Dry these with kitchen roll (they mustn't be too damp, then place in a large bowl and add the baking powder, salt and pepper. Mix to combine. Remove the chicken and place in a single layer on the rack, skin side up. Discard the remaining coating mixture. Place the chicken on the lower shelf of the oven for 30 minutes to dry. After 30 minutes, turn the oven up to 220C / 200 Fan / Gas 6, rotate the tray and place on the middle shelf in the oven for 45-50 minutes until the wings are golden and crispy. Remove from the oven to cool slightly. Place all of the sauce ingredients into a saucepan, stir and bring to the boil. Allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes until the sauce reduces and thickens slightly. Turn off the heat. Place the cooked wing pieces in a large bowl and carefully pour over the warm sticky sauce. Mix to combine, then serve topped with chopped spring onions and some toasted sesame seeds.
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
Excellent 9.9 out of 10
Could equity release a help you realise your retirement dreams? To see how much tax-free cassh you could release, contact your local adviser based a in Burgess Hill:
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This is a Lifetime Mortgage which may impact the value of your esstate and could affect your entitle ement to means tested st state benefits. To underrsstand the features and risks, ask for a personalised p illustration. Responsible Equity Releasse is a trading style of Responsible Life onsible Life Limited charge an advice fee, currently not exceeding ÂŁ1,490. Limited. Only if your case completes will Respo
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FEB/MAR 2020
Spring Live! • Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd May 2020 • 9am - 5pm • South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex elebrate the great British outdoors with the arrival of spring at the iconic South of England Showground. Spring Live! features live and interactive entertainment, inspirational gardening demonstrations, over 200 shopping stalls, and a food hall jam-packed with mouth-watering artisan treats from local producers. Younger visitors can enjoy animal meet and greets, take part in wand-making workshops, let loose at the funfair and much more. There’s something for the whole family to enjoy, with live music on stage plus traditional countryside activities such as maypole dancing and axe throwing. Tickets are available from seas.org.uk and cost £11.70 for adults, £9.90 for senior citizens/students (inclusive of 10% online discount until 01.05.20) under 16s go free.
South of England Show 2020 • Thursday 11th, Friday 12th & Sat 13th June 2020 • 9am - 6.30pm • South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex ffering every generation the chance to reconnect with the countryside and have a
FEB/MAR 2020
great day out, the South of England Show features a non-stop programme of agricultural and equestrian competitions and displays, live entertainment, rural crafts, and an abundance of food, drink and shopping opportunities. Children can meet hundreds of animals, take part in the ‘roarsome’ Dinosaur trail and meet a TRex, experience life as a Saxon or Viking, try their hand at pond dipping, and so much more. The 2020 show will also feature amazing stunt displays from the Atkinson Action Horses as well as international level showjumping, heavy horse displays, livestock parades and lots more - a show set to wow visitors of all ages! Tickets are available from seas.org.uk and cost £19.80 for adults, £18 for senior citizens/students (inclusive of 10% online discount until 10.06.20) under 16s go free. Autumn Show & Game Fair 2020 • Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th October 2020 • 9am - 5pm • South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex perfect autumnal day out for all ages (and canine companions), the Autumn Show & Game Fair features a plethora of ‘have a go’ countryside sports, displays and activities, and mouth-watering food and drink stalls - all
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
designed to celebrate the joys of agriculture, countryside pursuits and 2020’s harvest. Visitors can try their hand at clay pigeon shooting, fly fishing, air rifle shooting, archery, axe throwing and more, while gardening enthusiasts can admire the horticultural displays and take part in the gardener’s Q&A sessions. Everyone will be wowed by Jonathan Marshall’s equine and falconry displays, and children will love the popular pumpkin trail, farm animals, traditional funfair, pony rides, kite flying and mini steam train. Tickets are available from seas.org.uk and cost £11.70 for adults, £9.90 for senior citizens/students (inclusive of 10% online discount until 02.10.20) under 16s go free. Winter Fair 2020 • Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd November 2020 • 9am - 5pm on 21st and 9am - 4pm on 22nd
• South of England Showground, Ardingly t the Winter Fair, visitors can shop till they drop with a plethora of artisan produce and gifts as well as food and drink on offer from local and independent traders. It’s not just about the shopping though; families are sure to enjoy the giant snow globe that they can step inside to capture the perfect Christmascard-worthy picture. There’s also festive street entertainment, street food area with live music, funfair, and of course Santa’s grotto. If that weren’t enough, there’s various festive workshops and demonstrations available covering everything from wreath making and cake decorating to decorating festive chocolates. Tickets are available from seas.org.uk and cost £6.75 for adults, £5.85 for senior citizens/students (inclusive of 10% online discount until 20.11.20) under 16s go free.
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
FEB/MAR 2020
or me February is where the gardening year begins...twice!
First - Reaping last year’s rewards: If you were industrious in the autumn, you could now be benefiting from a lovely display of snowdrops (Gallanthus) and Irises. My favourite snowdrops are G ‘Atkinsii’, which are tall with long, graceful flowers and G. nivalis ‘Viridapicis’ with sweet, green tipped flowers. It’s said they’re best planted ‘in the green’ in Spring but I’ve had lots of success with packaged bulbs planted in the autumn so they’re definitely worth trying. As for irises, the deep blue Iris ‘Joyce’ is hard to beat especially on my poor, free draining soil. I planted a witch hazel as soon as we moved into our present house; Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’. I can’t live without fragrance in my garden and at this bare, drab time of year the wonderfully scented pale-yellow flowers lift my spirits. I discovered we’d inherited an evergreen Clematis (C. armandii). I’d never grown it before but it’s worth seeking out. It needs a warm wall or fence and well-drained soil then rewards you by being frost-hardy and producing lovely creamy, scented flowers at this time of year.
Potting up summer bulbs is generally left until late spring, but I always pot up one or two pots in February. It allows them to get established and provides a nice early display for my patio. Happy gardening. By Rachael Leverton
Second - Planning this year’s display Perhaps you didn’t manage to plan ahead last year. But don’t panic; the beauty of gardening is that the seasons keep rolling round so make sure you use February to ensure your summer display is top notch. February is definitely the month to start sowing seeds. Fill pots or seed trays with seed compost then firm and level the surface. Sprinkle seeds on to the surface of the compost then cover with a layer of fine grit. Water well with a fine spray. Cover with clear plastic (a polythene bag will do nicely) and remove it once the seeds germinate. Learn from my mistake one year and don’t forget to label the pots!
FEB/MAR 2020
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eonardslee Lakes and Gardens at Horsham in West Sussex won the Beautiful South New Tourism Award at a ceremony at The Grand Brighton hotel on December 10th 2019, hosted by travel journalist and broadcaster Simon Calder. Adam Streeter, General Manager of Leonardslee Lakes & Gardens says:“We are delighted to win the Award for Excellence 2019. It confirms the superb work by our team at Leonardslee in ensuring our visitors a unique and exceptional experience each time they visit. “Leonardslee has been the largest UK garden restoration project in nearly 30 years, to create probably the finest woodland gardens in England. We have developed a full calendar of entertainment year-round too - including the Illuminated garden events we are launching now in December. The gardens will look spectacular when lit up at night. “Our team will continue to ensure that Leonardslee is a great place to visit and that its special wildlife and plant collections are protected and nurtured for this and future generations." Set in a valley, the gardens offer visitors a variety of scenic walks, with seven interlaced lakes, woodlands and parkland. There is an acclaimed Pulham rock garden built in 1890, a deer park and a colony of wallabies wandering the estate. The 240 acre estate features outstanding plant displays in every season. Plants were collected from all over the world since the early 1800s. The collection is exceptional in its diversity and maturity, with several rare ‘champion’ trees, threatened in their natural habitat. The gardens offer a protected ecosystem for rare wildlife. This includes Emperor Dragonflies and Damselflies, White Admiral and Purple Hairstreak butterflies and migratory and native birds - Kites, Great Tits, Tree Creepers, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers and Nightingales. Visitors can see a unique dolls house exhibition that depicts the Edwardian era estate and
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Left to right: Max Lawrence, Hospitality Assured, Adam and Beth Streeter, Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens, and Simon Calder, travel journalist.
neighbouring villages at 1:12 scale. They can then enjoy a classic afternoon tea in the Grade II Listed mansion house and dine in Restaurant Interlude, which offers a multi-course tasting menu under award-winning chef Jean Delport. www.leonardsleegardens.co.uk
FEB/MAR 2020
WORD SEARCH Solution on page 37.
Word Search Word List Adore
Devotion Dote Endearment Flirt Fondness Idolise Infatuation Intimacy Lovey-dovey
WANTED DOOR-TO-DOOR DISTRIBUTORS Carnah Publications is looking for reliable and trustworthy distributors to join our in house distribution team. Multiple rounds of 250-350 magazines available in and around Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath. Approximately 2-3 hours per month with competitive rates of pay. A perfect opportunity for anyone who may have other commitments to fit around or retired. Please email cwesthorshampublications@gmail.com for full details or call 07730 054880
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
fter it launched a new chorus for female voices – Sussex A Cappella - in early 2018, The Sussex Harmonisers club needed to rename its male-
voice chorus and chose the name Sussex Kings of Harmony. The name change seemed to work as the chorus was awarded the Most Improved Chorus and was placed 14th at a national competition in May 2019. The chorus sings a cappella (without instrumental
the ladies of Sussex A Cappella rehearse on Mondays at The King’s Centre, RH15 9LR.
accompaniment), in four-part harmony, mainly in the
Experience is not necessary and you don’t need to
barbershop style. It has fun at weekly rehearsals and
read music because recorded teach tracks are used to
lovesproviding entertainment at events such as parties
help with the learning process. Taster sessions are held
anddinners. It hosts an annual show with five rehearsals
at the first rehearsal every month so you are welcome
followed by a concert at St John’s Church in Burgess
to have a go and find out how making music can be so
Both of the club’s friendly choruses are based in
Visit www.sussexharmonisers.org.uk or email
Burgess Hill and are always on the lookout for new
info@sussexkings.org.uk for more information about
members so get in touch if you want to know more.
how to sing with the choruses or hire them for your
The men of Sussex Kings of Harmony rehearse on
event. You can also find the groups on Facebook and
Tuesday evenings at St Paul’s College, RH15 8GA whilst
ver wanted to sing? Well now’s your chance as a new Learn to Sing Course started on January 15th to encourage men to sing, make new
friends and experience all the fantastic health benefits that singing can bring. The course is being run by the Award Winning Chorus Vocal Fusion Acapella with their Director Zoe Peate on Wednesdays at the Steyning Centre 7.15 – 8.15. It offers the opportunity to sing close-harmony songs in the acapella & barbershop style, but we’ll also provide you with skills, including breathing exercises and vocal support, which will help you to sing well in
easy learning of the song. As well, we have an excellent
any style.
music team and experienced members ready to teach
You will learn a song within the group, which makes
and support all members of the chorus. So don't be shy,
it less daunting. And, very importantly, you do not have
come out and give it a try! You may just find an
to be able to read music. The chorus provides high
exciting and fun thing to add to your week. So book
quality digital learning tracks that are separated into
your place by contacting: vocalfusionacapella@gmail.com
the 4 parts (Tenor, Lead, Baritone, Bass) to facilitate
or call John Higgins on 01444 482183.
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
FEB/MAR 2020
CROSSWORD Solution on page 37. Across
1 Accomplishment (4)
1 Misfire, flop (4,4)
3 Infrequent (8)
2 Fury, acrimony (5)
9 Reasonable, coherent (7)
4 Engineered, conspired (6,7)
10 Children's comic (5)
5 Cyborg (5)
11 Conference (5)
6 Most expensive (7)
12 Revere, venerate (6)
7 Chicken pen (4)
14 Bureaucrat (13)
8 Shrewdness, intelligence
17 Sausage (coll) (6)
19 American actress and
13 Dark-haired (8)
activist Ms. _____ Sarandon
15 Wander, ramble (7)
16 Dwell, settle (6)
22 Avoid, dodge (5)
18 Deduce (5)
23 Definitely, absolutely (2,5) 20 Steam bath (5) 24 Unlit, gloom (8)
21 Short for Charles (4)
25 Aftermath (4)
ur Sales Manager, Gemma, is taking part in the St. Catherines
Hospice Firewalk 2020 and her children, Tia (10) and Grace (7), will be partaking in the children’s Legowalk (OUCH!) on Friday 13th March 2020 in The Carfax, Horsham. Gemma says “We are very excited to be taking part in the Firewalk and Legowalk this year. I have been fundraising for St. Catherine's Hospice by singing for a few years now and the girls have played their part in this by being fantastic collection bucket holders over the years, so we thought we would try something different to support this amazing charity in 2020.” To support Gemma, Tia and Grace to reach their fundraising target, please head over to their Gofundme page gf.me/u/xbjqza any support would be most appreciated – Thank you!
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
hy core exercises are important. We know that getting fit is important for a healthy life. Often, we equate fitness with running, cycling, walking or some other form of exercise. But there's one aspect of fitness that is almost always overlooked; our core muscles. Whenever I talk about building muscle everyone pictures someone at a weight bench pumping iron until their biceps bulge out of their shirts. But strengthening and toning your muscles can be much more subtle. And even a small amount of work on your core strength can dramatically improve your overall fitness and wellbeing. What Are Your Core Muscles? Your core muscles form a ring around the middle of your body. Most people think of the six pack muscles in the abdomen, but the core includes a range of muscles in your sides and back as well. Their job is to keep the top and bottom halves of your body connected together whilst allowing them to move independently. They form a strong foundation that the majority of your other muscles depend upon when you move your body. When Do I Use My Core Muscles? Practically every movement you make and every position you put your body into involves your core muscles. They are really important. Bending over to pick something up, twisting to look behind you and sitting up in bed are more obvious moments your core is activated. But running, walking, sitting in a chair and even standing still all rely on core strength. Without it the top half of your body would simply flop over. What Are the Benefits of Core Strength? Building a strong core provides a firm and flexible support for every activity your body performs. The stability provided gives you better balance and better posture which in turn helps prevent falls and injuries in your day-to-day life. The support from your core muscles takes the
strain away from your skeleton and helps hold it in place alleviating some forms of back pain, stiffness and soreness when you move your body. Any time you move whether it's for exercise or doing the housework or gardening, a strong core will help you perform better and reduce muscle fatigue in the other parts of your body by giving them a firm base to attach to. How Can I Build My Core Strength? One of the best things about core strength is that you don't need a gym or expensive equipment to improve it. There are lots of exercises you can do at home. Make sure you seek medical advice before attempting any new exercise regime. Most people think of sit ups as the prime core exercise. I advise people not to do sit ups as they are not particularly effective and the continual flexing of the base of your spine can lead to lower back injuries. My top tips are planks, leg raises and mountain climbers. If you're not sure what these are have a chat with your local personal trainer or gym instructor, or search on YouTube for easy-tofollow tutorials. Take your core strength seriously and it will improve every aspect of your fitness as well as provide the central support essential for your body. By Robert Grant
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
FEB/MAR 2020
Site Allocation Development Plan, Mid Sussex Design
such as: - Bus and rail passes, Rubbish collection
enquiries, Street light fault reporting, Information on
1st Saturday of the month
education, Blue badges, Photocopying facility (fee
Peter Chapman, Robert Duggan
applicable), Bus timetables, Information on local and
2nd Saturday of the month
national attractions and B & B/Hotel Information.
Janice Henwood, Sylvia Neumann
urgess Hill Town Council’s Help Point is a ‘One
Northern Arc, NewRiver Town Centre Development,
Stop Shop’ and provides a single point of contact for all local government enquiries in West Sussex,
Guide, or any other issue.
The Help Point is run by a friendly, dedicated team
3rd Saturday of the month
who will go that ‘extra mile’ to help their customers
Anne Eves, Simon Hicks, Max Nielsen
and they aim to provide you with immediate answers
4th Saturday of the month
to your questions. If they are unable to help then they
Janice Henwood, Mathew Cornish, Tofojjul Hussain
will put you in contact with someone who can.
This rota is subject to change. Our opening times are:
Regular surgeries such as Housing/Council Tax
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 09.00 – 17.00
Benefit, Registrar and the Housing Advice are held at
Wednesday - 10.00 – 17.00
the Help Point, view our surgery list for details.
96 Church Walk, Burgess Hill, RH15 9AS
Saturday Councillor Drop-ins
Tel: 01444 247726, Fax: 01444 233707,
Burgess Hill Town Councillors will be available in the
Email: helppoint@burgesshill.gov.uk
Help Point from 10am-12pm every Saturday to discuss
Website: www.burgesshill.gov.uk
and answer questions on the following documents:
Youth Website: www.you-bh.com
id Sussex District Council has updated its
eligible for a Council Tax reduction under the MSDC
Council Tax Support Scheme to make it
support scheme. Recipients of Universal Credit can find
simpler, more transparent and easier for
that the amount received varies slightly from month to
people to understand.
month which creates complications for the existing
The updated support scheme was approved at a
Council Tax Support Scheme. Every time the amount
meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 18 December
changes, even by just a few pence, the taxpayer’s
2019. Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) is required to
support must automatically change, as well as the
make changes to bring the Council Tax Support
amount they pay in Council Tax.
Scheme into line with the Government’s Universal
The updated Council Tax Support Scheme, which
Credit, which was introduced to Mid Sussex in June
will be effective from 1 April 2020, places recipients
into bands based on the income of their household.
The Council Tax Support Scheme offers a discount
This simplified approach means only significant changes
that helps low income households of working age to
in income will affect the level of discount awarded,
help pay their Council Tax. There are currently about
making it much easier for people to understand the
3,200 people of working age in Mid Sussex who are
amount of Council Tax they have to pay.
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL Pages To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk
f you are feeling more drab than fab, why not take steps to feel your best in 2020! Have you heard the saying ‘confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it? You really can wear ANY clothing and accessory if you have CONFIDENCE, and a little know-how! If we don’t feel confident, it’s hard to pretend, leading us to make ‘safe’ choices! Start the new year with a wardrobe declutter. Hold the clothes you wear near your face, under your chin and check in good light whether they make your skin look radiant or tired and dull. Donate the latter! Then turn all your coat hangers one way, and as you wear each item, turn them the other way. After 6 months, reassess the ones left hanging the original way. When clothes shopping, take a list and allow
enough time to try items on, otherwise it’s easily a waste of time and money. Keep ‘shopping’ your wardrobe, adding different accessories, or maybe shop a friend’s wardrobe with a ‘swishing’ party. As a personal stylist accredited by Colour Me Beautiful, I can help to discover your authentic style personality and how to express this through your clothes, establish which colours complement your unique colouring to make you look your radiant best, offering make-up tips. I can also review your wardrobe and make recommendations. Shopping and putting an outfit together becomes much easier once you know what suits you. Kathy Aldridge, Image Consultant Website: www.coloursbykathy.co.uk
Join thee challengge! To celebrate our love of books and reading, your loocal library is invitingg you to take on th he Mid Sussex Reading C Challenge. Join us in taking on twe w lve reading challenges acrooss the year that will inspirre you and connect you to fel e llow readers, led by West Sussex Libraries.
Find out more in Burggess Hill, Haywards He G i t d Hasso Grinstead, H k or H ks Hursttpierpoin pi i t librar b ies i or visit midsussexxreadingcha allenge.art.blog!
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
FEB/MAR 2020
BURGESS HILL 1st Burgess Hill Scout Group Monday and Thursday evenings. Scout Centre, Station Road, Burgess Hill. Unisex. 8-16yrs. Email: piers@piersbonnett.co.uk www.firstburgesshill.org.uk 8th Burgess Hill Scout Troop 5th Burgess Hill Worlds End Scouts Friday evenings – Cubs (8 years – 10 years) and Scouts (10+) Wednesday evenings – Beavers (6 years -8years) The Scout Hut, Gordon Road, Burgess Hill. Unisex. 6+yrs. Email: cliveeverest1@gmail.com 7th Burgess Hill Beavers, Cubs and Scout Group Tuesday: Cubs Wednesday : Beavers and Scouts (all term time only). St Andrews Youth Centre, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill. Boys and Girls 6-14yrs. www.7thburgesshillscouts.org.uk 8th Burgess Hill Scout Group - Scouts, Beavers and Cubs Beavers - ages 6-8 - Monday evenings 6-7.15pm Cubs - ages 8-10.5 - Thursday evenings 6.157.45pm Scouts - ages 10.5-14 - Friday evenings - 7.309pm Royal George Scout Hut, (adjacent to St Edwards Church, Royal George Road, Burgess Hill. Unisex. Ages 6-14. www.8thburgesshillscouts.co.uk Age UK Cherry Tree Centre Join our social club and have fun with friends, keep active and enjoy delicious freshly-cooked lunches. The Cherry Tree Centre, Fairfield Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8QB. T: 01444 236497 E: cherrytree@ageukwestsussex.org.uk www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk Burgess Hill and District Probus Club Probus is a club for local retired Professional men and Businessmen who meet on the first Thursday of each month at The Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane, Ditchling BN6 8XJ. Please contact Frederick Reynolds (Secretary) on 01444 236661. Website: www.probusburgesshill.co.uk Burgess Hill and District Rotary Burgess Hill and District Rotary have been
FEB/MAR 2020
Community Information Board
serving the community, both locally and internationally, since 1948. We meet on Tuesdays at 6.15pm (5th Tuesday in the month - 7.00pm) Mid Sussex Golf Club, Spatham Lane, Ditchling BN6 8XJ. Tel: 01273 841835 Burgess Hill Artists A cooperative of artists, crafters and designers from Burgess Hill and surrounding areas. http://www.burgesshillartists.co.uk/ Burgess Hill Choral Society Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 7:45pm to 10pm at the United Reformed Church hall, Junction Road, Burgess Hill, usually between September and April. www.burgesshillchoralsociety.org.uk/ _ìêÖÉëë=eáää=`áîáä=pÉêîáÅÉ=dêçìéK The Civil Service and Friends retirement group in Burgess Hill are looking forward to an interesting and challenging 2020. The group, which is for any retired person not just Civil Servants, has activities organised up to and including May next year. Among these are talks on “Scams” which affect too many retirees: a concert by the Sheddingdean Strummers: and hopefully a talk by the ex-West Ham footballer Steve Gill. There are also a couple of musical meetings and Scrabble for all. As the group’s chairman, Keith Sullens explained, “Originally we only had ex Civil servants as members but we found that too restrictive, which is why we have widened the membership to include all retirees. We aim to have an interesting and varied group of speakers which over the course of a year will have something for everyone”. The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Bolnore room in Kings Church at 2.00pm. Meetings usually finish about 4.00pm. Burgess Hill Flower Club Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 13.45 for 2pm in Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, contact Lesley Etherton on lesleyetherton@outlook.com Burgess Hill Horticultural Society We meet at the Cyprus Hall, Burgess Hill on the first Wednesday of the month - February to June and September to December. Email: membership@burgesshillhorticultural
society.com www.burgesshillhorticulturalsociety.com Burgess Hill Local History Society Meetings are held once a month in Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, usually the evening of the second Friday of the month. www.burgesshillmuseum.co.uk Burgess Hill Model Railway Club Weekly meetings are held from 20.00 on Monday and Wednesday evenings and prospective members over the age of 14 are welcome. www.burgesshillmrc.org.uk Burgess Hill and District Motorcycle Club The club meets each Monday evening (summer) at 7.00pm to depart at 7:30pm from The car park next to McDonald`s. Website: www.burgesshillmc.com Burgess Hill Keyboard Club The club usually meets at Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8DX on the third Friday of the month at 7.15pm. Contact name : Rosalie Birchmore Tel: 01444 241269 Email: bhkeyclub33@icloud.com www.organfax.co.uk/clubs/burgess-hill/ Burgess Hill Martlets Meetings on 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm Woodlands Meed School, Chanctonbury Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9EY www.thewi.org.uk/join-the-wi Burgess Hill Shed A safe, friendly place where you can work, relax and have fun. The Burnside Centre, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LH. Opening Times: Every Tuesday and Wednesday between 0930 and 1530 hrs. Website: www.bhshed.org.uk Email: shed@bhshed.org.uk Tel: 01444 236743 Mob: 07709 255631 Burgess Hill Symphony Orchestra We rehearse every Wednesday from 8.15pm to 10.15pm at the United Reformed Church, Junction Road, Burgess Hill RH15 0JS during school term times. www.bhso.org.uk
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Burgess Hill Theatre Club The Theatre Club has been staging productions in Burgess Hill since 1954. To get involved, contact membership secretary, Rachel Shuck on 01444 244214. www.burgesshilltheatreclub.com Burgess Hill Youth The youth club offers a range of recreational and educational activities. Term Time Club Sessions: Monday 7-8.30pm for school years 7-11 Wednesday 6.30 -8pm for ages 8 - school year 6 Fairfield Community Centre, Burgess Hill RH15 8QN. Unisex. 8-16 years. 20p per session (depends on activity). Tel: 01444 248343. Email: contact@burgesshillyou.org www.burgesshillyouth.org Cuckfield Archers Our shooting sessions are every Sunday afternoon at Warden Park Academy, Cuckfield and we hope to be adding a weekday outdoor evening session next season. In Summer we shoot on the playing field with beautiful views of the South Downs and in Winter we shoot indoors in the school gym. contact cuckfield.archers@gmail.com www.cuckfieldarchers.org.uk Mid-Sussex Amateur Radio Society We are a group of local radio amateurs who meet at 7.45pm each Friday evening at Cyprus Hall in Burgess Hill West Sussex where we have a fully equipped radio shack allowing communications worldwide. Contact Kirk Lord on 07752 464353 or email kirkslord@hotmail.com Burgess Hill U3A If you are retired or nearing retirement, you could open up a whole new world of learning and socialising by joining Burgess Hill U3A. Membership Secretary is Colin Payne, 3 Farm Close, Hassocks BN6 8PJ, 01273 841959, bh3memsec@gmail.com Mid Sussex Brass Band If you would like to contact our Musical Director, email md.msbb@gmail.com www.midsussexbrass.weebly.com Mid-Sussex Camera Club Based in Burgess Hill we meet on Monday evenings from 7.45pm to 10pm September to April. www.midsussexcamera.club/
Mid Sussex Ramblers We offer a varied programme of walks throughout the year to suit all ages and walking abilities. Walks are arranged on most Saturdays and Sundays, Tuesdays and Bank Holidays, with half day walks of 3 to 6 miles and, for the more energetic, all day walks of 10 to 12 miles. During summer months members enjoy Wednesday evening walks of 3 to 5 miles. www.midsussexramblers.co.uk Mumpreneurs Networking Club Business networking events for entrepreneurial women, business parents and those that want to reach them. Tel: 01273681484. info@mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk www.mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk Rainbow, Brownie & Guide Groups In Burgess Hill Martlets District Guides, Silverdale District Guides & Valemeads District Guides. Division Commissioners: Veronica Gibbs and Sue Mitchell. Email: ggbhdiv@gmail.com www.girlguidingsussexcentral.btck.co.uk Royal British Legion Women's Section A membership organisation that runs social activities primarily for women in the Burgess Hill area. The Branch hold a monthly meeting at Cyprus Hall on the First Tuesday of the month with a variety of speakers and entertainment as well as a popular monthly bingo evening on the third Wednesday of the month. Contact: Sarah Voce on 01444 246655 pìëëÉñ=_çåë~á=dêçìé Meetings on Fourth Wednesday of every month 7.30pm-10.00pm. Wivelsfield Village Hall, Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QH. We have advice and help on all aspects of Bonsai. Demonstrations throughout the year. All welcome to attend from beginners to experienced. Contact Ray Brunsden 07342 650713. Email: ray.b@talktalk.net www.Sussexbonsaigroup.wordpress.com Sussex Harmonisers Men - Weekly rehearsals on Tuesdays from 7.15pm at St Paul’s Catholic College, Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill RH15 8GA Contact: info@SussexKings.org.uk Women – Weekly rehearsals on Mondays from 7.15pm at The King’s Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Contact info@SussexACappella.com
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www.sussexharmonisers.org.uk Sussex Mountaineering Federation We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at the Swan in Falmer at 8pm. Please come along and meet us. info2@sussexmountaineeringfederation.org.uk www.sussexmountaineeringfederation.org.uk Sussex Pathfinders We usually have an all-day circular walk, typically of 9 - 11 miles, every Sunday all year round and shorter half day walks on most summer Saturdays and some winter Saturdays. Tel: 07842 792962 www.sussex-pathfinders.co.uk Worthing 1st Monday of the month Burgess Hill 2nd Monday of the month Brighton 3rd Monday of the month Horsham 4th Monday of the month Lewes 4th Thursday of the month The Group A club for unattached men and women aged 50+. Loads of events: walks, lunches & dinners, golf, theatre, quizzes, holidays. Meet on 2nd Monday of the month. www.thegroup.org.uk The Mid Sussex Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Meetings take place at Millfield Suite, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 8DX on Fourth Wednesday of each month at 10.00am Local group contact: Mike Mason Chairman T: 01444 245289 E: michael_mason6@hotmail.com Website: www.csrf.org.uk/mid-sussex The Young at Heart Club - Over 60 Club Every Wednesday at The Salvation Army, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill. Starts at 11.45 with a singing group, lunch for £3 and other entertainment. For further information, Contact Mrs Bacon on 01444 245 947. Worlds End Association Residents association for the neighbourhood. To enrol contact Kelvin Sutton on 245331 or email kelvin.sutton@outlook.com Website www.worlds-end-association.com
If you would like your club, society or association to be included in these listings, please email details to editor@carnahpublications.com
FEB/MAR 2020
te^qÛp=lk CHEQUER MEAD THEATRE EAST GRINSTEAD The Carpenters Experience Saturday 1st February at 7:30pm When we were young we’d listen to the radio, waiting for our favourite songs. Now they’re back again, like a long-lost friend, all the song we loved so well. . . Ardingly Prep School Show Thursday 6th February to Saturday 8th February Ardingly Prep bring their school production to the stage this Spring. West Side Story Wednesday 12th February at 2:00pm Enjoy this big score musical, based on the modern day Romeo and Juliet story and follow it with a tasty Afternoon Tea option. Head Full of Honey Wednesday 12th February at 7:30pm A sweet and poignant drama about the love of a grand daughter who tries to help her widowed grandfather, before his progressing Alzheimer’s takes over, by embarking on one last adventure to Venice- the city where he met his beloved wife. High School Musical Saturday 15th February at 2:00pm and 7:00pm Disney Channels smash hit musical, "High School Musical", springs to life this Spring as Bullfrog Productions brings the international phenomenon to the stage. Decades Sunday 16th February at 1:00pm and 5:00pm. Tickets go on sale on 6th January 2020. Evolution Dance Academy presents their Spring showcase for 2020. An Evening of Live Wrestling Tuesday 18th February at 7:00pm With incredible manoeuvres and larger than life personalities, the WrestleForce stars will do battle in a free-for-all bouts that the whole family can enjoy, in this two-hour adrenaline-fuelled, action packed show! Shark in the Park Wednesday 19th February at 2:00pm Timothy Pope is looking through his
FEB/MAR 2020
telescope - but wait, is that a Shark in the Park?! The Blues Band: 40 Years and Counting! Thursday 20th February at 7:30pm Many of the Blues Band’s 21st century fans weren’t even born when these five virtuosos, already music industry veterans, decided to fly in the face of musical fashion in 1979 and form a band ‘just to play the blues’. Richard Digance: 2020 Vision Tour Friday 21st February at 7:30pm Richard Digance will be negotiating motorway closures and diversions to embark on his one-man show for 2020. Women in Rock Saturday 22nd February at 7:30pm This is Europe’s only full live touring show that is a fitting tribute to the world’s greatest female rock legends. West End Stars 7 Sunday 23rd February at 2:00pm After two fantastic shows in 2019, West End star Matthew Goodgame returns to Chequer Mead to host another fun-filled afternoon, celebrating the world of musical theatre, all in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. All Is True Wednesday 26th February at 7:30pm It is 1613 and Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer of the age. The American Four Tops Thursday 27th February at 7:30pm Direct from the USA, Soul Satisfaction’s American Four Tops Motown Show will be bringing all the sweet soul music and the Motown magic to town for one night only. Kinky Boots The Musical Saturday 29th February at 2:00pm Kinky Boots The Musical, filmed live at the Adelphi Theatre in the heart of London’s West End, is strutting onto the big screen! Strictly Ann – An Evening with Ann Widdecombe Saturday 29th February at 7:30pm Sailing dangerously close to National Treasure status, one of the most outspoken politicians of our time embarks
on her first ever national tour. Lets Face The Music Sunday 1st March at 2:00pm The ConChord Big Band is back and bringing us another afternoon filled with memorable music from the big band era, featuring unforgettable sounds from the 1930s, the war years and beyond. Giselle Wednesday 4th March at 7:30pm Join Ballet Theatre UK in one of the greatest ballets of all time, Giselle. Sarah and Duck Thursday 5th March at 12:30pm The enchanting world of Sarah and Duck is brought to life featuring the wonderful characters from the BAFTA awardwinning CBeebies show. GO NOW! The music of The Moody Blues Friday 6th March at 7:30pm The music of The Moody Blues is an opportunity for fans to experience this timeless music live, in a tribute to... The Greatest Classic Rock Band of a Generation. Country Superstars – Dolly Parton and Friends Saturday 7th March at 7:30pm Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Dolly Parton being a Member of the Grand Ole Opry this truly unique show is hosted by Sarah Jayne who has been performing as Dolly Parton for over 25 years. Evolution - Talent Showcase Sunday 8th March at 2:00pm Dreamcatcher Productions proudly present their show, Evolution, for 2020 which will be showcasing their pupils talent. 42nd Street Wednesday 11th March at 2:00pm Ranked as one of the best musicals of all time, this 1933 film tells the tale of a new Broadway show and the naked ambitions of aspiring young chorus girls waiting for their big break. Cyrano de Bergerac Thursday 12th March at 7:00pm James McAvoy (X-Men, Atonement) returns to the stage in an inventive new adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac,
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broadcast to screens from the West End in London. Billy Connolly – The Sex Life of Bandages Friday 13th March at 7:30pm A big screen tribute to an iconic funny man! Elvis in Vegas Saturday 14th March at 7:30pm Don't miss this professionally produced stage show celebrating the Vegas Years of the King, Elvis Presley. Red Joan Wednesday 18th March at 7:30pm Inspired by an extraordinary true story of Joan Stanley who, living in contented retirement in a picturesque village in England, was shockingly arrested by MI5 and exposed as one of the most influential spies in living history. Billy Mitchell & Bob Fox Thursday 19th March at 7:30pm It has been a decade since their last tour but finally Billy Mitchell (Lindisfarne, Jack the Lad, Pitmen Poets) and Bob Fox (Warhorse Songman, Fox & Luckley, Pitmen Poets) are reunited again with their Water of Tyne, to Fog on the Tyne Tour. Aladdin Saturday 21st March at 2:00pm Lovable street rat, Aladdin, frees a powerful, wisecracking, larger-than-life genie from a lamp and requests a wish to transform himself into a charming prince in order to marry Princess Jasmine, the beautiful daughter of the sultan of Agrabah. East Grinstead Spring Comedy Gala Saturday 21st March at 8:00pm Another smashing night of comedy....guaranteed! www.chequermead.org.uk CLAIR HALL HAYWARDS HEATH Seriously Funny Comedy Club Friday 31st January 7.30pm Show 8pm Acts: TBC £10.00 There is nothing like LIVE stand up comedy! Back for its 13th season, the Clair Hall has played host to some fantastic acts before they reached their giddy stadium heights, including Michael McIntyre, Rhod Gilbert and Micky Flannigan! Andy Parsons: Healing the Nation
Friday 7th February 8pm £15 As seen on Mock the Week, Live at the Apollo, Q.I. etc. - and repeated on Dave. Seriously Funny Comedy Club Friday 28th February 7.30pm Show 8pm Acts: TBC £10.00 There is nothing like LIVE stand up comedy! Back for its 13th season, the Clair Hall has played host to some fantastic acts before they reached their giddy stadium heights, including Michael McIntyre, Rhod Gilbert and Micky Flannigan! Mark Steel: Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright Friday 20th March 8pm £15 Mark’s sell-out show Who Do I Think I Am, revealed his natural father was a world backgammon champion. Now the star of Radio 4’s Mark Steel’s in Town, and newspaper columnist of the year is touring a show which is guaranteed to make the world seem even more mental than it is. Whole Lotta Led: Setting the Standard Friday 27th March 7:30pm £20 General Admission £18 Concession Now in their twenty-fourth year they are the longest running, professional tribute to the music of Led Zeppelin with their customary two and half hour shows receiving acclaim from Zeppelin lovers the length and breadth of the UK and abroad. www.placesforpeopleleisure.org or booking office 01444 455440
Haywards Heath Methodist Church 28 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath Tickets Adults £15 and under 18 £5 available on the door or 01444417654 www.haywardsheathmusicsociety.org.uk Saturday 21st March 2020 7:30pm Local concert pianist, Caroline Tyler plays Chopin’s Polonaise-Fantasie Op. 61, Ravel’s Jeux d’eau and Trios by Rachmaninov and Shostakovich. St Wilfrid’s Church, Haywards Heath Tickets Adults £15 and under 18 £5 available on the door or 01444 417654 www.haywardsheathmusicsociety.org.uk
Saturday 1st February Pre Sussex Area AGM walk, 4.5mi / 7.2km, Easy. Saturday 1st February Sussex Area AGM, Moderate. Tuesday 4th February Circular from Firle Beacon, 6mi / 9.7km, Moderate. Saturday 8th February Barcombe Circular, 3mi / 4.8km, Moderate. Sunday 9th February Winter Wander 3, 4mi / 6.4km, Moderate. Tuesday 11th February A walk through history, 8mi / 12.9km, Easy. Wednesday 12th February "Sussex and the Napoleonic wars", Moderate. Saturday 15th February Figure of 8 around Newick, 10mi / 16.1km, Leisurely.
Annual Bridge Drive Friday 13th March 2020 2.00 – 5.00pm Wivelsfield Village Hall, Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QH Join the Haywards Heath Friends of St Catherine’s Hospice for an entertaining afternoon of Bridge. £40 per table, which includes a delicious Afternoon Tea. Free parking and Raffle. To book a table, please contact Gaynor on 01444 440452. HAYWARDS HEATH MUSIC SOCIETY Saturday 15th February 2020 7:30pm Jonathan Radford plays works by Debussy, Schumann and Gershwin arranged for alto, tenor and soprano saxophones.
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.midsussexhandbook.co.uk BURGESS HILL Pages
MIDSUSSEX ASSOCIATION OF THE NATIONAL TRUST Thursday 12 March at 2.30pm in the Main Hall of Clair Hall Perrymount Road Haywards Heath RH16 3BN Talk To Be Presented By Jan Parsons On The Title Of ‘Ancient Roads – Journeys Through Thrace and Italy’. Thursday 9 April at 2.30pm in the Main Hall of Clair Hall Perrymount Road Haywards Heath RH16 3BN Talk To Be Presented By Hilly Sloan On The Title Of ‘Chichester – Romans To Counterculture.’ MIDSUSSEX RAMBLERS
FEB/MAR 2020
te^qÛp=lk Sunday 16th February Plumpton Circular, 3.5mi / 5.6km, Moderate. Tuesday 18th February 4 Counties, 10mi / 16.1km, Moderate. Saturday 22nd February To Staplefield and Beyond, 5mi / 8km, Moderate. Tuesday 25th February Down in the Woods, 10.5mi / 16.9km, Moderate. Saturday 29th February Plumpton Circular, 4mi / 6.4km. Moderate. Sunday 1st March Wiggonholt 5mi / 8km. Moderate. Tuesday 3rd March Views towards Cissbury and Chanctonbury 11.3mi / 18.2km. Moderate. Saturday, 7th March Ashdown Forest - home to Winnie the Pooh, 8.5mi / 13.7km. Moderate. Sunday 8th March Winter Tea Stop Wander, 1mi / 1.6km. Easy. Tuesday 10th March Cissbury Ring and Findon, 7.5mi / 12.1km. Moderate.. Wednesday 11th March "The work of the Monday Group". Easy access. Saturday 14th March A different Plumpton Circular, 3.2mi / 5.1km. Moderate. Sunday 15th March Newick & Fletching Circular, 6mi / 9.7km. Moderate.
Tuesday 17th March Bolney, Cuckfield Circular, 9mi / 14.5km. Moderate. Saturday 21st March Saltdean and Telscombe, 5mi / 8km. Moderate. Tuesday 24th March Hever, Chiddingstone & Penshurst, 11mi / 17.7km. Moderate. Saturday 28th March Duncton Circular, 5mi / 8km. Leisurely. Sunday 29th March Arlington & Abbots Wood, 9mi / 14.5km. Moderate. Tuesday 31st March Linear walk from Crowborough to Ashurst, 8.4mi / 13.5km. Moderate. www.midsussexramblers.co.uk publicity@midsussexramblers.co.uk THE ARTS SOCIETY MID SUSSEX Clair Hall, Haywards Heath. Lecture; 10.00 to 11.50am coffee from 10.00am Non members welcome £7 on the door Wednesday 19th February 2020 Lecture: The Great Exhibition of 1851 Lecturer: Prassanajit de Silva Wednesday 18th March 2020 Lecture: Celebrating Raphael’s Quincentenary Lecturer: Jo Walton Wednesday 15th April 2020 Lecture: Field of Cloth of Gold, 1520: How did they do it?
Lecturer: Joanna Mabbutt Wednesday 20 May 2020 Lecture: Ravilious, Piper and English Romantic Modernism Lecturer: Dr Suzanne Fagence Cooper Wednesday 17th June 2020 Lecture: Packing up the Nation Lecturer: Dr Caroline Shenton Wednesday 16th September 2020 Lecture: The Extraordinary Life of Misia Sert, Queen of Paris 1872-1950 Lecturer: Julian Halsby Wednesday 21st October 2020 Lecture: The Avant-Garden of the GPO Film Unit Lecturer: John Francis _rodbpp=efii=rpbcri=krj_bop Citizens Advice Bureau MSDC Out of Hours 0 Pest & Control Parking Office NHS Direct Princess Royal Hospital Sussex Police Gas Leaks Travel Line Burgess Hill Town Council Help Point Haywards H. Town Council
0844 4771171 01444 458166 1444 257298 07762 239847 01444 257298 0845 4647 01444 441881 101 0800 111999 0870 6082608 01444 247726 01444 247726 01444 455694
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WANTED DOOR-TO-DOOR DISTRIBUTORS Carnah Publications is looking for reliable and trustworthy distributors to join our in house distribution team. Multiple rounds of 250-350 magazines available in and around Burgess Hill and Haywards Heath. Approximately 2-3 hours per month with competitive rates of pay. A perfect opportunity for anyone who may have other commitments to fit around or retired. Please email cwesthorshampublications@gmail.com for full details or call 07730 054880
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FEB/MAR 2020
ADVERTISEMENT INDEX ^ÅÅçìåí~åÅó=C=_ççââÉÉéáåÖ pÉêîáÅÉë Tax Adept Accountants 17 _ìáäÇáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉë=L=`~êéÉåíêó=L e~åÇóã~å Vintage Driveways Group 15 _ìíÅÜÉêë Handcross Village Butchers 40 `~ê=pÉêîáÅÉë=L=p~äÉë=L=`~êÉ pÉêîáÅÉë Sussex Car Charge 16 `~êéÉí=L=cäççêáåÖ Station Road Carpets 3 `ÜáãåÉó=pïÉÉéë Terry Healey Chimney Sweeps 31 `äÉ~åáåÖ=L=eçìëÉ=`äÉ~ê~åÅÉ Taskbusters 23 `ìêí~áåë=L=_äáåÇë=L=fåíÉêáçêë
Homestyle 14 Parker Curtain Design 37 bäÉÅíêáÅá~åë JS Electrical 4 bèìáíó=oÉäÉ~ëÉ Responsible Life 21 c~ëÅá~ë=L=pçÑÑáíë=L=dìííÉêë Just Gutters 1 d~êÇÉå=C=i~åÇëÅ~éáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉë DB Garden & Tree Care 15 Garden Unit 21 eÉ~äíÜ=C=tÉääÄÉáåÖ Foot Health Practitioner 24 Maggie Simkins Foot Health Practitioner 8 MIA Counselling 19 içÅâëãáíÜë Lee’s Locks 4 Lucy Locksmith 25
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