Crawley Pages South February/March 2021

Page 18


NEW OCCURRENCES, STARTS & CHANGES By Kevin Newman, a Sussex-born author, historian, tour guide and history teacher


ith the commencement of a new year we tend to use the occasion to review where we’ve been and see the first month of each

year as a time to look ahead. This year we welcome what we hope will be the first month of the year we enter the post-COVID-19 world. I thought I’d use this opportunity therefore to examine new occurrences, firsts, start-ups and changes from Sussex’s past. Many find that New Year is a time for new careers

Brighton’s Metropole Hotel.

and developing new skills. Many of us have developed a

out mid-talk and disrupt the meeting but the dust

portfolio of professions as the age of a full-time job for

within led to an unfortunate sneezing bout; foiling their

life has moved into the past and many now multitask

plans as their hiding place was discovered. So, should

different job roles. his is nothing new though. Before

you decide to recreate this fate, or indeed join a new

World War I, William Avenell, the first Chairman of

pressure group this year then you might not want to

Brighton and Hove Albion was also its fundraiser and

get rid of your COVID mask just yet.

even the club’s first photographer. If you too fancy

If your new year’s resolution instead is making sure

taking up photography as a new year’s hobby, then you

Fido and you both get enough walks, then you might

might be inspired that here in Sussex Agnes Ruge was

want to visit Brighton as in August 1894, the Palace

not only Brighton’s first female photographer, but one

Pier’s Brighton Dog Show was the first ever dog show

of the nation’s first. She owned a daguerreotype

ever to take place on a pier. Or if you plan to make

business that was based in Western Road.

2021 the year you discover your musical roots and learn

Brighton and Hove got its first female police officers

a new instrument, then head slightly west from there

in 1918 but it was not until 1942 sadly that the folk of

to Brighton’s Metropole Hotel. This is where on August

East Sussex would gain their first female Police

21st 1962 Brighton hosted the first ever ‘Disc Festival’ –

Constable. Perhaps they should have done the same as

as played by ‘Disc Jockeys’ (in other words, a records

Miss Mary Hare who in 1915 set up her own Women’s’

and music fair). Should you be awaiting your first live

police force against the wishes of her local constabulary.

gig in ages, then you might want to know two decades

If you are considering a new business venture or job,

later Kylie Minogue played her first ever live

then hopefully it’ll be better than the experience of

performance in Britain at the very same hotel in the

women who were first allowed onto the East Sussex

1980s. Should enjoying your music for free rather than

County Council from 1919 but were advised ‘not to

paid gigs be more your thing, then investigate

speak for the first six months’.

Worthing which in the 1970s was home to ‘Phun City’:

No wonder women early in the 20th century had joined the Suffragettes, formally known as the WSPU,

the UK's first large-scale free music festival. Festivals are often places of heavy drinking though

with one of their first branches opening in Brighton by

and so if you want to cut down on the demon drink

1906. It had gained over 150 Sussex members by 1907,

for 2021, then you might like the new concept one

two of whom attempted to sabotage a talk at the

Sussex pub landlord back in the early 1990s came up

Dome by the Prime Minister who had refused to give

with. He devised a pub that deliberately tried to make

them the vote, Herbert Asquith. The Suffragettes

its customers as miserable as possible. And no, it wasn’t

attempted to hide in the Dome’s organ ready to leap

Wetherspoons. The Argus reported back in 1992 about



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