Brighton’s grumpiest guvnor, Ian Thomas who was
otherwise you could possibly cause embarrassment when
proud of the fact that his bar, ‘Bianco’s’ had a hideous
travelling. This happened back in 1883 when Brighton’s
pink interior and of his reputation for being miserable.
Volks’ Electric Railway suffered humiliation on its opening
He moaned about the fact that he had to be cleaner,
run. The combined weight of corpulent Aldermen
barman and doorman despite the fact this was due to
assembled in the railway carriage of the world’s first and
him laying off all seven staff just two days after taking
oldest continually running electric passenger railway
over. Bizarrely, the pub’s takings soared in the first ten
temporarily proved too much for the then futuristic
days that Ian was in charge, despite his stock line of
method of transport. Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to
“what the hell do you want?” when asked for a drink.
have happened to the i360 yet, but judging by how
The customers seemed not to mind his hefty prices and
much my office chair is currently creaking, I think I’ll pass
moaning at them to “sit up straight!” Fittingly for such a
on going on it again just for the moment.
dour drinking hole, the pub had not a happy hour but a
For zoom or (eventually) group Sussex talks and
grumpy hour, repeated from 11am to 11pm.
motorised tours, please call All-Inclusive History on
Finally, we move from drink to food. Especially whilst
07504 863867 or email
we wait for our turn to be vaccinated, this New Year is
Other tours, talks and events are available including
definitely one where many of us plan to focus on health,
‘Spooky Worthing, ‘Brilliant Brighton’, ‘Super Sussex’ and
and for some of us after Christmas excess, we need to
‘Scrumptious Sussex’. Kevin’s next book, ‘Celebrating
fight the flab and part with those pounds. Weighing too
Brighton and Hove’ can be pre-ordered from
much when COVID and obesity are linked is one good
reason for exercise, but another reason could be
hove/kevin-newman/9781398100206 for £15.99
appy New Year to everyone and we look forward to more exciting technology adventures with you in 2021. If you are struggling with new Xmas gadgets, then we can help you set them up. It could be a Desktop PC, laptop, tablet, iPhone, Smartphone, camera, Apple Airpods Pro, Arlo Video Doorbell, Moto 360 Smartwatch or Ember Mug – this list is endless! Be vigilant when exploring online advertisements asking you to subscribe to a free trial! These often lead to you giving your bank details to get a free trial and unwittingly subscribing to a monthly payment. The Banks can take the view that you signed up to the offer, therefore they can do nothing to stop it! This can result in the closing of the
To advertise call 01403 588618 CRAWLEY PAGES South
account, as the only way of stopping the Company from removing funds from the account, which can be a real headache. So beware! Exciting new Zoom Workshops to keep you occupied and learning during lock down: Friday 5th February 2021 The Internet - a short history of the internet and how it works. Friday 12th February 2021 Email - we will look at how email works and follow an email from home to Adelaide. More Workshop dates and topics to be released soon! Give us a call on 07752 684733 to book an appointment (we can visit you or conduct a remote session). FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021