Crawley Pages South February/March 2021

Page 5




t the time of going to press we were just

up to four months, with the frequency of the

entering the third Lockdown and facing

intervention and the type of activities undertaken to be

enormous pressures on the NHS. However, at

determined by agreement with their Employment

least the light at the end of the tunnel was that the

Coach, tailored to their individual needs.

vaccines were started to be rolled out. No doubt that

The care sector in West Sussex will be under

this will impact even further on the economy and

increased pressure this year with the additional

increase the numbers seeking work across the County.

challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and as a result

In this issue there are two initiatives that may help

the County Council’s Proud to Care initiative has been

those suddenly facing the awful pospect of

set up to help anyone thinking of working in care -

unemployment. On page 28 you can find out about a

there are more details on page 23 and at

new programme launched across the region to support which advertises

both unemployed and economically inactive local

hundreds of vacancies.

people progress to job search readiness or move into paid employment.

I wish you luck if you are seeking work in these unprecedented times and, more importantly, that you

Each participant in the Education Development Trust

stay safe and well.

programme will receive support from their Making a

Richard Milbourn, Editor

Difference Employment Coach at regular intervals for


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