Designing your kitchen Using a designer is the most expensive option but if you are going for a high-end kitchen, this ZLOO SD\ IRU LWVHOI LQ WKDW \RXµOO JHW LW ULJKW ¾UVW time. Cheaper is to design it yourself, as well as source all components such as units, worktops and appliances. The middle option is to use your kitchen supplier’s design and installation service. If you’re asked to take your own measurements, be careful: even in a new-build, walls are not DOZD\V WUXH DQG WKH VXUIDFHV ¿DW 7DNH DW OHDVW WKUHH PHDVXUHPHQWV DW ¿RRU ZRUN VXUIDFH DQG wall-unit height, and work to the smallest width. Comparing prices When comparing prices, ensure that you know exactly what you’re buying – a cheap option can cost considerably more if there are many little extra costs. Ask the right questions. Will they GLVSRVH RI H[LVWLQJ ¾WWLQJV" 3UHSDUH SOXPELQJ DQG HOHFWULFDO ZRUN" &DUU\ RXW DVVRFLDWHG EXLOGLQJ ZRUN" )LW ¿RRU DQG ZDOO ¾QLVKHV" :KDW DERXW ¾QDO GHFRUDWLQJ HOHFWULFDO ZRUN DQG RWKHU FDUSHQWU\ VXFK DV VKHOYLQJ" ,V WKHUH D JXDUDQWHH DQG DIWHUVDOHV VHUYLFH" Checking for quality Budget suppliers will give you machine-made units, whereas luxury ones offer hand-built cupboards by cabinet-makers. These aren’t necessarily poor quality, though they will have ‘plant-on’ doors that sit in front of the frame, rather than ‘in-frame’ doors, individually made to ¾W SHUIHFWO\ LQVLGH WKHLU IUDPHV Doors Solid-wood doors with traditional mortise and tenon joints are the highest quality. In-frame doors may expand and contract with the
humidity. Good suppliers offer an aftersales VHUYLFH WR FKHFN WKHLU ¾WWLQJ DIWHU D IHZ PRQWKV Veneered doors are cheaper and easier to maintain. Check whether painted doors are machine-sprayed or painted by hand with a brush. Carcasses Top-of-the-range carcasses are made of solid wood. Next-level-down ones are usually made IURP SO\ZRRG RU 0') YHQHHU ZKLOH FKHDSHU ones are chipboard, sometimes with just hardboard backs. Check the thickness of the chipboard – 18-20mm is a good guide. Hinges 3RRU KLQJHV DUH XVXDOO\ PDGH IURP WKLQ PHWDO and will wear quickly, meaning that the doors hang unevenly. While many people are happy with good quality Blum or Blumstyle hinges (concealed, adjustable and available in a variety RI VSHFL¾FDWLRQV VROLG EUDVV EXWWV DUH EHWWHU Worktops Very cheap laminate worktops can burn, scratch and wear out quickly. High-pressure laminates are more durable than low-pressure ones; check that the underside is sealed to prevent water damage from appliances beneath. In a more luxurious kitchen package, you’ll be offered solid ZRRG DW OHDVW FP WKLFN LV EHVW JUDQLWH FP PDQ PDGH VROLG VXUIDFHV VXFK DV &RULDQ RU even glass or concrete. Installation $ JRRG ¾WWHU FDQ PDNH DQ DYHUDJH NLWFKHQ DSSHDU IDQWDVWLF ZKHUHDV SRRU ¾WWLQJ ZLOO PDNH the most luxurious kitchen look terrible. Consider this if you’re planning on doing it yourself. If you’re XVLQJ D ¾WWHU DVN WR VHH H[DPSOHV RI WKHLU ZRUN When buying an expensive, bespoke kitchen, it’s ZLVH WR XVH WKH FRPSDQ\µV RZQ ¾WWHUV Please mention HAYWARDS HEATH Pages when responding to adverts