The Zen of Chickens by Derek Thompson
You can learn a lot about life from a chicken. Behind that beak and those golden eyes lies a creature bristling with poultry wisdom. Be in the moment. Chickens seem to have a very short attention span, unless they’re on the trail of a worm. However, they’re actually demonstrating an DELOLW\ WR GHWDFK IURP WKH VXSHU¾FLDO ZKLFK ° WR D FKLFNHQ ° LV DQ\WKLQJ LQHGLEOH Be curious about the world. Chickens are life’s OLWWOH H[SORUHUV 7KH\ FDQ ¾QG WKDW KROH LQ WKH fence that I blocked with some feeble bamboo canes and never got round to repairing properly, the last wild strawberry, or a snail who thought hiding behind the coop was a foolproof survival strategy. Celebrate your successes. The commotion a chicken makes before, while and after laying an egg is surely one of Nature’s cruellest jokes. Short of ringing a dinner bell, it’s the most HI¾FLHQW ZD\ RI VXPPRQLQJ DQ\ IR[ ZLWKLQ D WZR mile radius. Be how you feel. Our cat learned early on that it’s wise to keep out of the path of a broody, moody hen. She also discovered they can run surprisingly fast and launch themselves at unwitting felines. Me? I learned that the term ‘an affectionate peck’ doesn’t apply to poultry. Make time to relax. When they’re not eating, DGYHUWLVLQJ WKHLU HJJ OD\LQJ SURZHVV SOD\LQJ WXJ RI ZDU ZLWK VQDLOV RU HQMR\LQJ GLUW EDWKV chickens like nothing better than sitting still and Please mention HAYWARDS HEATH Pages when responding to adverts
watching the world go by. Or, if it’s a sunny day, a spot of Chicken Yoga might be in order. You can forget about downward dog, cat posture or doing the cobra. For chickens, the yogic routine LV D IHZ OX[XULRXV ZLQJ VWUHWFKHV VRPH ¿H[LQJ of the neck and then it’s time to sprawl out in the warm. And if it’s cold outside? They snuggle up together in what I call the ‘tea cosies’ posture. Eat your greens – and give peas a chance. Impressionable children the world over would have no qualms about devouring chard, lettuce or spinach (to name but three) if they had a chicken for a role model. And, being life’s gourmet connoisseurs, chickens will also happily try tomatoes, grapes, porridge, roast potatoes, bananas, raisins and spaghetti. Although someone we once met, who declared that she fed her hens leftover bacon and eggs, did, I feel, overstep the mark a little. The early bird really does get the worm. Although the slightly delayed bird may succeed in taking it off you, if you don’t pay attention. Opportunity not only knocks, it grabs too. Care for your environment. Once again, chickens lead by example. Whether it’s pulling up the weeds, providing some essential pest control or aerating the soil, chickens are constantly on the lookout for ways to contribute. Play to your strengths. &KLFNHQV GRQµW ¿\ RU glide and their singing isn’t up to much. But... they don’t waste food, or an opportunity, and they make eggcellent companions. MARCH/APRIL 2021