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Midnight Walk For All
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CONTENTS MARCH/APRIL 2019 7 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 24 27 29 30 32 36 45 46 48 50 52 54 58 60 62 63 64 66 68 70 72
Comment North Horsham Parish Council No Incinerator 4 Horsham Warnham Discovery Hub Global Gruffalo Project Launched Picturing The District 2019 Reading Challenge Like A Couple Of Intertwining Vines Midnight Walk For All Horsham Bridge Club Apprenticeship Fair BMX Pump Track Opened Hearts For Horsham Slinfold Concert Band Mixed Fruit From A Sussex Tree Brangwyn In Horsham Legal Advice Pets Corner A History Of Horsham Private Schools Studio 2 Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity Recipe Kinder Living Christ’s Hospital Choral Society Mel’s Milers 10K Holbrook Community Information Roffey Community Information Horsham What’s On Puzzle Answers, Discounts & Offers
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MAR/APR 2019
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n case you are not aware there is going to be an appeal to build an industrial incinerator at the former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road, Horsham. The developer plans to import up to 230,000 tonnes per year of commercial and industrial waste from across 6 counties. On page 10 you can read about the recent meeting that was held by No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) to formalise how communities can fight the incinerator appeal. The original application (No. WSCC/015/18/NH) was refused on 11th July 2018 by West Sussex County Council for 6 reasons, referencing the county waste strategy. The developer has not demonstrated that the facility is needed to maintain net self-sufficiency to manage the
transfer, recycling and treatment of waste generated within West Sussex plus the development would have an unacceptable impact on landscape and the visual amenity of the area, on highway capacity, residential amenity and public health. The development, along with other existing, allocated and permitted development, including the North of Horsham development, would result in adverse cumulative impacts. At this stage you can help by contributing to the Ni4H fighting fund and adding your name to the petition. You can find more details on how to do this by visiting Richard Milbourn, Editor E:
Editorial/Advertising Deadline
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T: 01403 588618 E: Editor Richard Milbourn 0750 7109039 Sales Manager Gemma Gray 0794 2743948 Client Liaison & Admin Manager Dee Ryder 0794 2743952 Distribution Manager Clare West Advertisement Design KNS Design, Horsham Printing Foundry Press, Horsham
Carnah Events Limited is an independent publisher and does not officially endorse any products, services or organisations advertised or otherwise featured in this magazine. Carnah Events Limited cannot be held responsible for any advertisement content, including errors and omissions. Statements and opinions in Horsham Pages North, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in Horsham Pages North may not be produced in any form without the permission of the Editor.
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MAR/APR 2019
BECOME A LOCAL COUNCILLOR Make a change‌.become a local Councillor. If you care about where you live and are passionate about your community, we need you.
he Parish Council has made proactive representations on behalf of the local community on several significant issues relating to development affecting North Horsham over the last couple of months. Whilst the Parish Council had no objection to housing and employment opportunities being developed on the former Novartis site on Parsonage Road, there were serious concerns about the lack of associated infrastructure and the knock-on effect to residents. The Parish Council continued to object to the proposed incinerator at Langhurstwood Road. There is insufficient information regarding the impact that emissions resulting from potential development at Gatwick Airport and additional development in and around Horsham may have on air quality, especially for those residents who may live on the development north of Horsham and for the children attending schools in the close vicinity of the proposed incinerator. For fuller responses to the planning applications see the Parish Council website. The Parish Council responded to the consultation on the Gatwick Masterplan, supporting development at the airport as it brings employment opportunities for those living in North Horsham. However,
MAR/APR 2019
there was serious concern that the current infrastructure would not support the potential growth, especially public transport links which are poor and often unreliable. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 15th April 2019‌ look out for more details on our notice boards. More information about North Horsham Parish Council can be found on the Parish Council website, or contact the Parish Council through the Clerk on 01403 750786, e-mail
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N O I N C I N E R AT O R 4 H O R S H A M C O M M U N I T Y G R O U P
esidents have now met to formalise the
have something new to say, or wish to
master plan on how communities will fight
modify/withdraw your previous representation,
the Britaniacrest incinerator appeal. A No
you must do so by 25 February 2019 (quoting
Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group (Ni4H) spokesperson said: “The meeting was well
APP/P3800/W/18/3218965). Comments may be submitted online, by email or
attended - many thanks to everyone who came
along and to all those who sent messages of
support. We have a strong, enthusiastic team
ready to have fun fundraising and keep busy
Post: Helen Skinner, The Planning Inspectorate,
researching and challenging this appeal.”
Room 3/J, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square,
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has sent an Appeal Notification Letter to people who made
Bristol BS1 6PN. Residents need to include their name and
representations to them about the planning
address, appeal reference number and site address:
application. A copy of the letter is on the updated
Former Wealden Brickworks, Langhurstwood Road,
Ni4H website ( Residents are being
Horsham RH12 4QD. Previous representations
encouraged to get involved – If you did not write
about the planning application will be fully
at application stage, or you did write and now
considered by the inspector. The appeal documents are available on West Sussex County Council’s online planning register (reference WSCC/015/18/NH) and are also available for inspection at County Hall in Chichester. Ni4H urgently requires legal advice, consultancy reports by recognised experts, and a barrister, who can explain and present the case for concerned
residents, to the Planning Inspector at the Public
Fully Insured
objected to the planning application - if everyone
Inquiry with authority. UK Without Incineration Network (UKWIN) has advised that they may need to raise £30,000 as soon as possible and may need as much as £50,000. An Ni4H spokesperson said: “Over 5,500 people gave £10 we would raise £55,000; if 250 people
Call Andrew on Mobile 07881 535394 or 01403 253246
gave £200 we would raise £50,000”. If you or your business are able to donate, help with fundraising, research, printing, distribution or advertising, or would like to be added to the newsletter list,
please email or go to Donations to Ni4H can be made via bank transfer: Sort Code: 20-42-58, Account Number: 63387127 (contact Ni4H to donate by cheque).
MAR/APR 2019
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C plet Complet Co ette new ew w roo r ofs un ndertak nderta rtak ken
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Ye ST ar s
orsham District Council is celebrating with the Friends of Warnham Nature Reserve, as plans for a new Discovery Hub at Warnham Local Nature Reserve have been given the go-ahead. The Council has been awarded some £278,000 by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development who support investment in public recreational infrastructure. Additional funding from both the Council and the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve (right) is being added to the project with grants of £90,000 and £10,000 respectively. The current site on Warnham Road, Horsham was designated a Local Nature Reserve in 1987 and has grown in popularity ever since. Already home to a small visitor centre and café, the addition of the Discovery Hub will draw visitors from across the District and beyond. The Discovery Hub (artists impression above), will boast a unique octagonal design created from wood and one-way glass. Large panoramic windows will offer breathtaking views across the Nature Reserve’s millpond. The space will be used for both educational and leisure purposes and will tell the story of the industrial, natural and social heritage of this important nature and conservation reserve. “We are delighted that the Discovery Hub has been given the green light with EU funding” explained Councillor Jonathan Chowen, Horsham
MAR/APR 2019
District Council Cabinet Member for Community and Culture. He continued: “The team have worked closely with the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve, the general public and the funding authority to make a robust case for this important addition to the Horsham District. The discovery trail is due to be completed by June 2019, with structural work on the Discovery Hub scheduled to start towards the end of the summer. Once underway, the project should take three months to complete with the reserve remaining open to the public for most of the time and disruption kept to a minimum. The whole project is due to be completed and officially opened at the end of the year in celebration of the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019. To read all the latest news on the progress of the Discovery Hub, please visit /warnhamdiscoveryhub and receive regular updates by signing up to our dedicated newsletter at parksandcountryside/parks-and-countryside .
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MAR/APR 2019
Julia Donaldson with the Global Gruffalo sponsors.
wenty Gruffalo toys, sponsored by a variety of local businesses, have been sent out into the world to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Gruffalo, written by Horsham District resident Julia Donaldson CBE. The toys are part of the Global Gruffalo project, created as part of the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019 to celebrate the patron of the Year, Julia Donaldson CBE, and the 20th anniversary of her most famous book, The Gruffalo. The launch took place at Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens in Lower Beeding, Horsham, with a performance of the Gruffalo by Julia and special guests to children from the Holy Trinity CEP School, Horsham. The concept behind Global Gruffalo is straightforward – l Receive a Gruffalo l Take a picture, and upload to the website with where you are in the world OR add to social media via @GlobalGruffalo #GlobalGruffalo l Give him to someone else to do the same! It’s planned that all 20 will return to Horsham by the end of the year so they can feature in a year-long exhibition at Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens during 2020, where people will be able to see the toys and discover their stories.
MAR/APR 2019
Global Gruffalo sponsor Brock Taylor Estate Agents.
Sponsors of the Gruffalos are Gatwick Airport, Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens, Magic Light Pictures, Macmillan Children’s Books, Swan Walk Shopping Centre, Chestnut Treehouse Hospice, Saxon Weald, Foresters Friendly Society, Forestry Commission, Travel Counsellors, Creative Technology, The Capitol Horsham, Horsham Rotary Club, Brock Taylor, Global Financial, By Jove Media, Tomfoolery, Horsham District Council and Creative Assembly. Plans for the Gruffalos include them travelling the world with Gatwick Airport, visiting Peru with actress Jodie Kidd and Chestnut Treehouse Hospice, visiting all the schools in the District with the Brock Taylor sponsored Gruffalo and enjoying some wine in South Africa with the Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens sponsored one. Julia Donaldson CBE commented: “Global Gruffalo is such a fun way of promoting the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019 and celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Gruffalo. I can’t wait to see where they end up!” All updates can be found on social media on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram via @GlobalGruffalo, or using the #GlobalGruffalo. Additionally, you can also visit the dedicated website
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MAR/APR 2019
SUDUKO Solution on page 72.
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Due to the success of the business, we are now covering Susssex
1 discount on all neew and flat roofs 15% Office: 014003 560172 / 01483 378511 Mob: 07425 396324 Suite 17, Standby Business B Centre, Foundry Lane, Horsham m, RH13 5PX Please mention HORSHAM North PAGES when responding to adverts
PICTURING THE DISTRICT Artists have flocked to Horsham district inspired by the peoples and places to create a varied canvas that portrays a district of great personality and colour. Picturing the district is a masterpiece created out of local scenes that has many surprises.
Chanctonbury, Charles William Taylor.
Slinford Cottage, Gillian Hobbs.
he new temporary exhibition at Horsham
Roxby Bott’s Billingshurst, a village that also
District Council’s Horsham Museum and Art
inspired Fox. There is inspiration across the District,
Gallery reveals how Horsham District, a land
including a back garden in Henfield by Mrs Wells.
inspired artists. It shows how the everyday is in
looming presence of Chanctonbury Ring, a
fact remarkable; from a cottage in Slinfold that
prehistoric hill fort enhanced by a crown of trees.
caught Gillian Hobbs’ eye, to one in Amberley that
The magisterial feature has caught the artist’s eye,
inspired R B Wilson to pick up the brush; and why
creating either an eye-catching view, or a
graves in a cemetery in the very centre of the
backdrop to everyday life going on its shadow.
district are so evocative, as seen by Gordon
Edward Wesson caught the mood of the scene in
winter; Charles Taylor in full summer heat.
that lies between Brighton and London, has
Over the last 250 years the art world has been
Dominating the south of the District is the ever
Picturing the District is the perfect exhibition to
transformed from the introduction of water
start the District’s Year of Culture as it shows the
colours to contemporary art with all the various
rich and varied landscape that inspired artists,
art movements in between. Yet one thing has
actors, poets, playwrights, craftsmen, musicians
remained constant; the desire to paint landscapes,
and dancers, but also forms a backdrop to
to capture that magical essence that makes all of
activities and events that make the culture of the
us stand and stop to take in what we see. For
Sidney Moss (RBA) it can be the industrial
Picturing the District opens on Saturday 5
workings of Amberley chalk pits, or for Mr Heath,
January till 25 March – a real visual treat to start
the windmill at Shipley. For others it can be the
the Year of Culture, is at Horsham Museum and Art
village high street, from Amy Scott’s Bramber to
Gallery, admission free
MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
Amberly chalk Pits, Sidney Moss.
Henfield Garden, Mrs Wells.
Warnham Mill Bridge, Robertson.
Billingshurst, Fox.
All Pl P umbing and Heating services Ca all Luke on 07 7843 227278 mr.lukeferris @ VA AT T No.294677544
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MAR/APR 2019
s part of Horsham District Year of Culture, your local libraries are inviting you to take part in our 2019 Reading Challenge. Join us in making 12 reading resolutions that we hope will inspire you, challenge you and connect you to fellow readers in the district. The challenge is running in Horsham, Southwater, Storrington, Billingshurst, Steyning, Henfield and Pulborough Libraries. Join the challenge by popping in with your library card (or some ID) or by giving us a call. Find out how to contact your local library www.west You might want to join as an individual reader, looking to kick start a reading habit or get out of a reading rut. Or perhaps you would like to join us as part of a reading group. Maybe create a new group with your colleagues? However you choose to be involved, everyone is welcome to take up the challenge. Sign up in any Horsham district library. Please join us at any time, and don’t panic if you miss a month. It’s the taking part that counts! At the end of the year join us for our celebration “Books Light Up Your Life” event, where everyone who has taken part will be
welcomed to Horsham Library to celebrate our year of shared reading. The challenge itself is as follows: January read a novel based on a real person or event February read a book published over 100 years ago March read a collection of short stories April read a book under 150 pages May read a book that was banned at some point June read a translated book July read a book with a connection to Horsham District August read a book written by someone under the age of 30 September read a book recommended to you by a friend, librarian or neighbouring book group October read a prize winning book November read a children’s classic December read a book published this year
eofon is delighted to announce their Landscape Artist Competition, in conjunction with Horsham Districts Year of Culture 2019. Seofon Business Services will be hosting an annual art contest with the finalists displayed in The Leonardslee Estate at the captivating Leonardslee Lakes & Gardens. This competition is an experience that is not to be missed, so why not you give it a go and paint, sketch or
MAR/APR 2019
illustrate your own breath-taking landscape, (must be of a Landscape in the Horsham District) in any medium of your choice except photography. This year the theme is landscapes of the Horsham District, this could be Horsham itself, Southwater, Slinfold, Pulborough or any other village and view in the Horsham District. There are junior, teen and adult categories with an applicatiion form at
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St Mary’s Parish Church from a postcard, Horsham early 1900s.
orsham’s oldest surviving institution is surely the Church, and St.Mary’s is the (we hope) enduring symbol of it. But where must we look to find the runner-up in the Horsham History Stakes? Surely, the prize money for second place must go to Collyer’s, formerly ‘The Grammar School’, now the College of Richard Collyer in Horsham. The foundation date of Collyer’s is reckoned to be 1532, the year that Richard Collyer (or Collier) signed the will that endowed his school. So one need not have attended Collyer’s to work out that Collyer’s the institution is about half the age of the Parish Church. Over the centuries both institutions have grown in Horsham like a couple of intertwining vines, and both have developed and changed over the centuries to such an extent that Richard Collyer and Roger of Wallingford (the first identified Vicar) would be astonished to see their respective institutions today. Collyer never saw his at all, of course - such is the fate of all testatory benefactors! It is tempting to muse that Richard Collyer’s
MAR/APR 2019
The ‘new’ Collyer’s School from 1893.
story is one of ‘rags to riches’, and it probably is. He was born in or around Horsham, and is first heard of on his way up as a merchant in the Mercers’ Company, the great City guild that today is the premier City livery company and one of great beneficence and substance. By the time Collyer made his will he also had amassed wealth and property, and, motivated by the spirit of the age, ‘Christian charity’ featured prominently in his will. One of his many bequests was to build a school-house for sixty Horsham boys, and although the Mercers were to be the trustees of the funds, the Vicar and Churchwardens of Horsham were to be responsible for the school’s management, which included the selection of the scholars and the appointment of the headmaster and usher. Thus it was that the Church in Horsham became deeply involved in the birth of Collyer’s, and played a major part in its development through the following centuries. To this day, the Vicar (or Team Rector, as he is now) is an ex officio governor.
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Although by 1532 Henry’s row with the Pope was near to boiling over, the Catholic piety underlying Collyer’s will is unmistakable. He not only left money for the Horsham clergy to pray for his soul, but also, as a quid pro quo for being educated, desired that the children at the school should do the same. The vicissitudes of the school and its relations with the Church, the people of Horsham, and the Mercers’ Company are chronicled by the late Austin Willson in his scholarly and entertaining work, A History of Collyer’s School 1532 to 1964, a treasure trove that has been shamelessly plundered to produce this article. (Somehow, I don’t think he would mind, as he was my own history master during my time at Collyer’s, and is universally remembered with great affection.) When the Grammar School was eventually built, as befits a school with close links with the Church, it lay almost within the shadow of St.Mary’s, roughly on the site of today’s St.Mary’s School. In spite of alteration and re-building, the School finally outgrew its premises in Denne Road, and new buildings were opened on its present Hurst Road site in the April of 1893. The School adopted the insignia of the Mercers’ Company, ‘The Maiden’, with the motto Honor Deo. This most ancient of symbols, probably dating back to early in the Fourteenth Century, was once thought to depict The Virgin, and it would have made a neat conclusion to highlight the connexion between St.Mary’s Church, the Company and its Virgin, and Collyer’s. But alas and alack! The Maiden probably started out as a trade sign to symbolize the Mercers’ wares, honouring the ladies who made them, and the wealthier ones who would be wearing them. In spite of the now supposed secular origin of the Collyer’s erstwhile ‘Virgin’, the school has nevertheless done its bit to swell
The first Collyer’s School as depicted by Henry Burstow 1911.
‘the household of faith’, including producing one saint, at least two bishops, and enough clergy to pack a handful of vestries. But that, as they another story. John Snelling An extract from MIXED FRUIT from a SUSSEX TREE (ISBN 978-1-910489-52-9) published by Country Books and can be obtained Price £20.00 from all bookshops or on-line from or
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MAR/APR 2019
M I D N I G H T WA L K F O R A L L Dust off your trainers and gather your friends because St Catherine’s Hospice Midnight Walk is back!
aking place on Saturday 8 June at
congratulating you, it was a very poignant moment
Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, this event
for me. I would encourage others to take part in
gives people the chance to walk in support of
the Midnight Walk because doing something like
their local hospice or in memory of a loved one. For
that to raise money for such a wonderful
the very first time, this event is open to walkers of
organisation is very important. It's not a
all ages and abilities, with a brand new 2 mile route
competition or race, just come along and have a go,
added so the whole family can get involved.
there's no winners or losers - we're all winners
Sponsored by Gatwick Airport, the walk offers a choice of 2, 7, 13 or 20 miles.
because we all take part in the event.” St Catherine’s can currently only reach 1 in 3 local
Melanie Wrightson, Community Engagement
terminally ill people, and their families, when they
Manager at Gatwick Airport said, “We’re thrilled to
need them most. With the support of people like
be sponsoring St Catherine’s Hospice Midnight Walk
you, they can be there for everyone when life
for the third year running. It’s always a fantastically
comes full circle.
uplifting night, and we can’t wait to see thousands
Louise Brown, Events Fundraiser at St Catherine’s
of people hitting the streets of Horsham to support
said: “Last year was our biggest ever Midnight
their local hospice.”
Walk, and this year we’re hoping lots of you will
Last year, over 1,100 people walked through
join us to help us beat our target again!”
Horsham, lighting up the town with a brilliant
It doesn’t matter whether you’re walking
orange glow. This year, St Catherine’s is hoping even
individually or as a group, for the first time or for
more of you will join them and make your steps
the tenth time, as a personal challenge or in
count for your local hospice.
memory of someone. It just matters that you walk.
Maureen, whose daughter-in-law, Nicola, was
Ready to join this inspiring night? Sign up online
cared for by St Catherine's, has taken part in several
at: or call St
of our Midnight Walks. She said: “We had so much
Catherine's Events Team on 01293 447355. Make
fun on the walk. When I crossed the finish line for
sure you sign up by 5pm on Sunday 21 April to
the first time and then each year after, I just felt
receive a special early bird entry rate of £10. After
proud that I've done it and quite elated; the feeling
this date, it'll cost £15 to take part. All entry fees
with everybody at the end cheering you on and
include a free T-shirt, finisher's breakfast and medal.
MAR/APR 2019
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MAR/APR 2019
That’s how much you, as a West Sussex resident, could expect to pay for your care in a residential or nursing care home. Choosing care for yourself, or supporting a family member to do so, is a lifechanging and important decision to take. It’s vital that you seek trusted independent specialist financial advice. Don’t leave it to chance that your finances will meet the cost of your care.
Ease the worry of paying for care The good news is that there is advice and support available to help you with this important financial decision. Carewise offers advice and guidance, so that you can choose the most cost-effective way of paying for your care. Carewise has an approved panel of care fees specialists who are all qualified independent financial advisers.
They will inform you of the available options and discuss products and services from across the whole market. Your first consultation with a care fees specialist is free, and they will explain the cost of any further advice. As part of this scheme, you can also access a free money advice service from Age UK West Sussex.
Take control of your finances It is now even simpler to arrange your FREE consultation with a care fees specialist with our new ‘request a call back’ service. Visit where you will find a list of all the care fees specialists, choose the adviser you would like to talk to, and request a call back from them. You will then be contacted within one working day.
Rose’s story by a Carewise care fees specialist I first met 83-year-old Rose in 2005. She was in good mental and physical health, but she had lost confidence about living on her own and wanted to move into a care home. Once her house was sold, Rose had around £218,000 in available capital. Together, we
reviewed her income and expenditure, and worked out that she would have a shortfall of £16,410 per year in meeting the cost of her care home. I obtained quotes for an immediate care plan for Rose and recommended she purchase a plan where the payout would
increase by five per cent per year. This would help to cover future increases in care fees at the home. The income payments were paid to the care home, tax-free. Rose paid £85,925 for the plan. By 2009, Rose’s care plan had paid for itself. In 2013, the plan had paid out £155,257, which is £69,332 more than she paid for it. (This is a real case with the name of the customer changed.)
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Could you afford to pay £45,000 or more a year for your care?
wo players from Horsham Bridge Club came top in a national competition for first-year bridge students. Gill Southern and Polly Hobbs won the ‘MiniBridge Simultaneous Pairs’ run by the English Bridge Union. It involves local heats, with the scoring done nationally. Gill and Polly won the Horsham heat. Their score was highest of all 84 pairs playing across England. Gill said: “We were delighted to have won! It was our group of students’ first competition; we have great fun and have made good friends.” Jane Handley, Chair of Horsham Bridge Club added: “They won with an amazing score of more than 77 percent; six percent ahead of second place. All our first year students did well
Vehicle Graphics
Polly Hobbs (left) and Gill Southern receive their Mini Bridge winners' certificate from Jane Handley (right), Chair of Horsham Bridge Club.
and enjoyed the event. The club runs weekly courses for first and second year bridge students, and several ‘improvers’ sessions.” Horsham Bridge Club hosts sessions in its East Street premises every weeknight plus two afternoons. There are also lessons for beginners and improvers. New members are always welcome. Details at
Screen Printing
The sign, display & promotion experts
01403 255442 | To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
orsham District Council is offering local residents a completely free service called LEAP (Local Energy Advice Partnership) to help them save money and keep their homes warm and cosy. Keeping warm is an important part of keeping healthy particularly during the winter months and heating bills can be expensive with many people struggling to afford them. Eligible residents can get a free home visit from a friendly, qualified Home Energy LEAP Advisor. The advisor can help check if you are on the cheapest energy tariffs (average savings are £280 a year), install free simple energy saving measures, give you day-to-day energy efficiency hints and tips, and ensure your heating system is set up to keep you
warm and save money. The LEAP advisor will also be able to refer you for grants for heating improvements. LEAP can also arrange a telephone advice service to help with benefits, debt and other money problems. You may be eligible for a LEAP visit you have a low income, receive tax credits or housing benefit, receive an income or disability related benefit, or have a long term illness or disability. LEAP visits are available to qualifying people who are homeowners or rent either from a housing association or private landlord. To find out more, or to book a home visit, call LEAP direct on 0800 060 7567 or apply online at
i i i i i i i i i i
MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
s part of National Apprenticeship Week (4 to 8 March) Horsham District Council, in conjunction with West Sussex County Council, is hosting the Horsham Apprenticeship Fair on Saturday 9 March from 10am to 2pm in the Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham. National Apprenticeship Week is a celebration of all that is good about apprenticeships, with events across the country marking the significant role of apprentices in today’s working environment. The Horsham Fair this year will see more than 40 apprentice employers and training providers, from a wide variety of sectors, present their opportunities. The event is free and anyone is welcome to attend. It is a major career route for young people starting out on their careers, but also older, more experienced people are now starting to retrain using apprenticeship courses. Commenting on the return of the event, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for the Local Economy Cllr Gordon Lindsay said: “I think it is good news for all people considering an apprenticeship that the Apprenticeship Fair is making a return to Horsham after last year’s successful event. “Apprenticeship training programmes let you gain real work experience (and earn money) while you learn and at the end you receive a recognised qualification “I believe this event goes a long way to ensuring apprenticeships are represented as a real and meaningful alternative to university entrance and are fast becoming a new route to a different career for experienced workers.”
Horsham District Council, a major local employer, now runs a successful apprenticeship programme with 12 apprentices working across a variety of departments. This year’s Apprenticeship and Traineeship Fair follows on from last year’s very successful first event, when 34 exhibitors with more than 500 opportunities saw in excess of 1000 visitors attend the event. Confirmed employers this year include Gatwick Airport, AJW Aviation, Apollo Motor Group, the British Army and RAF, HMRC Border Force, Kier Construction, Metricell, NatWest, Nestle, RSPCA, Sussex Police, Thales, NHS, Brighton and Chichester Universities and Virgin. There will be many more employers and training providers with hundreds of opportunities attending. For a full list of exhibitors and for more information visit or email Leigh Chambers at
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MAR/APR 2019
n Sunday 10th February, Horsham residents were given a day to remember at the new BMX pump track officially unveiled at Berkeley Homes’ Highwood Village. Over 400 people watched professional displays throughout the day, with 250 local residents, aged 5 to 60 using demonstration bikes around the track by Hayes Hawks BMX Club. An exciting new sculpture project was also unveiled, which is part of the Horsham District Year of Culture. Officially opened by Councillor Peter Burgess, Chairman of Horsham District Council, and Ben Annetts, Sales & Marketing Director of Berkeley Homes Southern, the BMX pump track is an off road cycling facility which is suitable for mountain bikers and BMX riders of all ages. Comprising a circuit of banked turns, the pump track is designed to be ridden without pedalling, as riders ‘pump’ the features using the up and down movement of their body to make forward momentum. The event also provided residents with the first of many opportunities during the coming year, to get involved in creating an exciting new piece of art. Designed to help develop the community’s identity and sense of place, artist Jon Edgar instructed willing volunteers, including Councillor Burgess, in basic carving skills and encouraged them to get involved with the evolution of the six tonne sculpture. Local resident Ben, aged 10, carved the stone with one of the 20 Global Gruffalo’s being taken to events and countries across the globe, as part of the Horsham District Year of Culture. Councillor Peter Burgess, Chairman of Horsham District Council, comments: “Berkeley provided the perfect opportunity to bring the Horsham community together, with people keen to watch the demonstrations and ride the BMX pump track throughout the day. This new facility is ideal for riders of all ages across Horsham and
MAR/APR 2019
the wider area, and I would encourage people to go and give it a try.” “It was also great to celebrate Horsham’s Year of Culture, with the six-tonne stone unveiled and residents, myself included, helping Jon Edgar start to carve the stone. I look forward to seeing the finished sculpture in 2020.” Ben Annetts, Sales & Marketing Director of Berkeley Homes Southern, comments: “The launch event has been a great day filled with excitement and community spirit. Highwood Village is a vibrant neighbourhood and today has captured this perfectly. At Berkeley Homes, we like to encourage community engagement and would like to welcome the wider community to come and enjoy the new BMX pump track.” Highwood Village creates a vibrant new community with its own identity, comprising stylish one and two-bedroom apartments, as well as beautiful three, four and five-bedroom family houses, all within easy walking distance of Horsham town centre. Prices at Highwood Village start from £230,000. For further information on the homes and the community day, please contact the marketing suite on Tel: 01403 886 449 or visit For more information on the public art project please visit
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
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MAR/APR 2019
HEARTS FOR HORSHAM St Valantines Day was used to launch a HeART for Horsham campaign: a brand new art trail coming to Sussex and Surrey in 2019 with each heart uniquely designed by local artists to raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice so that more people with a terminal illness can receive the care they need.
campaign has been launched to raise money to buy St Catherine’s Hospice Hearts for Horsham so there is a great local trail in Horsham for visitors to follow during HeART to Heart 2019. In July 2019 St Catherine's Hospice will be introducing HeART to Heart: a brand new art trail coming to West Sussex and East Surrey. (July 4th to September 19th). Hearts for Horsham is the name given to the local campaign to raise money to bring a number of hearts to Horsham and District. This will show our community’s support for the charity and help to bring visitors that are seeking out all of the hearts on the trail. This is a community campaign inspired by the fantastic work that St Catherine's do to support so many life's in the area and is being led by local St Catherine's fundraisers, supported by Horsham District Council and other local organisations. Deputy leader of Horsham District Council,
MAR/APR 2019
Jonathan Chowen is keen to see as many ‘Hearts’ across Horsham District as possible saying, “Quite apart from supporting the amazing work that St.Catherine’s do in our community, the HeART to Heart trail is a fantastic community art project that will add another dimension to Horsham’s own District Year of Culture in 2019” What’s happening? On Valentine’s Day the Hearts for Horsham campaign was launched to buy fund raising hearts for Horsham. At the heart of the day was a St. Catherine’s HeART to Heart display on Swan Walk’s mosaic featuring a few of the hearts that could form part of Horsham’s trail along with their prospective artists and fund raisers from the charity. Possible heart locations include Swan Walk, West Street, The Capitol, Waitrose/John Lewis, Horsham Station, The Forum and Horsham Park. We are inviting everyone in Horsham to wear
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
a heart on the day and make a small donation for doing so either at Swan Walk, by coordinating your own collections where you work or via our linked Just Giving Page via Local businesses are encouraged to make donations from their own community funds or through profit share on a popular product on the day or for a period thereafter. The fund raising campaign will run (initially) until 31st March with ‘totalisers’ in Swan Walk, Parkside Council Offices and in the foyer of Waitrose/John Lewis keeping track of our fund raising progress. Each heart needs a sum of £3,500 to be raised so lets get donating and see just how many Hearts Horsham can ‘sponsor’. How can I get involved? • Wear a heart to work, or come to that anywhere, on Thursday 14th February and donate online or get collection boxes from us in
advance for you place of work. email • Visit our display in the centre of Swan Walk on 14th February to learn more, meet the artists and where we will have some heart badges and pins available for donations. • As a business get involved and help us to bring some amazing artist designed hearts to Horsham for our community. Become a sponsor, make corporate contributions and matching staff fund raising are all options. Contact • If you a retail business why not set up a profit share on a popular item so that your customers can contribute? Contact • Look out for more news about fund raising events in local and social media
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
CROSSWORD Solution on page 72. Down
2 Threadbare (6)
1 Judged the value of (8)
3 Period of time (3)
6 Exclusive, only (4)
4 Decorative cupboard or
8 Possible danger (6)
bureau (9)
9 Clarify, explain (6)
5 Faulty (3)
10 Shock ________, car
6 Protect, shelter (9)
part (8)
7 Joined, connected (6)
13 Delight, joy (4)
11 Surpasses, exceeds (9)
14 Paddle-wheel driven
12 Burglaries (9)
river vessel (9)
15 Anaesthetise (6)
17 100th of a Euro (4)
16 Yeast, mushroom,
18 Awful, terrible (8)
mildew (6)
19 Recreational
20 Sticky substance,
gambling (6)
rosin (3)
21 Deep purple-blue (6)
22 Dike, barrier (3)
23 Dowels, pins (4) 24 Hotchpotch (8)
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MAR/APR 2019
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MAR/APR 2019
linfold Concert Band is marking its fortieth birthday this year with a Celebratory Concert in Horsham's Drill Hall in Denne Road on 27th April. The Band is keen to create a party atmosphere, and as well as a selection of pieces which should cater for all musical tastes, a welcome drink and light buffet will be included in the cost of a ticket. The Band was founded in 1979 by a few musical enthusiasts in the village of Slinfold. Originally 'Slinfold Brass', the inclusion of woodwind players, many of them local schoolchildren, necessitated a change of name and 'Slinfold Concert Band' was born. Forty years on the Band has grown in both reputation and size, and now numbers around Fifty musicians, although restrictions on space often mean that a smaller Band is required. The Band’s Musical Director is Christopher Newport. A freelance professional musician, he has played the French Horn with many leading orchestras in venues throughout the UK, and works as a brass teacher in Surrey and West Sussex. The Band performs all over the South East, and sometimes further afield, on public bandstands, at shows, and various other corporate and private functions. Additionally the Band likes to host its own concerts once or twice a year, and has also performed with local choral groups, including a number of successful fund raising concerts with the choir of St. Mary's, Horsham. In recent years the Band has enjoyed playing in a number of other churches across Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire, and is keen to add to that collection, so please contact us if
MAR/APR 2019
you would like to have a concert in your local church! The Band became a charity in 2015, and is proud of its involvement within the local community. As well as playing at shows and fetes in support of local organisations, members of the Band may often be heard in Horsham and surrounding villages during the Christmas period, when they also enjoy entertaining those in local care homes and day centres. The Band has amassed a large library, and can call on marches, overtures both classical and modern, excerpts from shows and films, music from the dance band era, pop classics, etc. Ensemble pieces are complemented by solos from all sections of the Band, so whatever the occasion the Band can find a suitable programme. We hope all our regular supporters, along with those who have not seen the Band before will come along to 'Fanfare for Forty' on 27th. April for what promises to be a great evening. Tickets are £12 for adults, £5 for those aged 18 and under, and are available from our website, or from 01403 710015. Our website also has a lot more information about the Band.
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MAR/APR 2019
t the end of
2018 Brock Taylor’s
Letting & Property
Management department were proud to receive a special award in recognition of their high level of customer service, when they were crowned a Gold Winner, in the British Property Awards. This followed a rigorous period of judging, where the team were both monitored and mystery shopped, in order to compare
minimum criteria on a local level. The team at The
them with the other letting agents in the local area.
British Property Awards personally mystery shop every
As the team performed outstandingly throughout
estate agent against a set of 25 criteria to obtain a
the extensive judging process, they have now also been
balanced overview of their customer service levels. The
shortlisted for both regional and national awards, that
judging criteria is both comprehensive and detailed
will also be announced in early 2019. The British
exploring different mediums, scenarios and time
Property Awards provide agents throughout the UK
periods to ensure that agents have been rigorously and
with an invaluable opportunity to compare the service
fairly judged.
that they provide against the service provided by their
Robert McLean from The British Property Awards
local, regional and national competition. Agents who
said “Our awards has been specifically designed to be
go that extra mile and provide outstanding levels of
attainable to all agents, removing common barriers to
customer service are rewarded with this accolade,
entry, such as cost, to ensure that we have the most
which acts as a beacon to highlight these attributes to
inclusive awards. Our award has also been designed to
their local marketplace.
remove any opportunity for bias or manipulation. If an
Brock Taylor’s letting manager Suzanna Evershed
agent has been attributed with one of our awards, it is
commented “We were both thrilled and delighted to
simply down to the fantastic customer service levels
receive this high profile award, especially as it was the
that they have demonstrated across a prolonged period
first time letting agents have judged in the area. We
of time. Winning agents should be proud that their
always work hard to help every landlord and tenant
customer service levels provide a benchmark for their
achieve their goals, and had a record-breaking year in
local, regional and national competition”. So if you are own a property that you are looking to
2018, in spite of the numerous challenges that are generally effecting the housing market. We have also
let, or have a property on the market that has not yet
had a busy start to 2019, with a high number of new
found a tenant, then Suzanna, and her team at Brock
properties letting and strong demand from tenants
Taylor would be delighted to offer free advice to
keen to find properties, so are looking forward to
ensure that you find a tenant as quickly as possible for
another strong year.”
the best price. Alternatively, if you’re trying to sell a property, without success, then we have helped a
The British Property Awards is one of the most inclusive estate agency awards providers as they do not
number of “accidental landlords” quickly find tenants
charge to enter and so this makes it a level playing
that has helped them to quickly move to their new
field. This has enabled their award to be structured in a
home. Brock Taylor’s lettings team can be contacted on
manner that ensures maximum participation, on
01403 272002, or email the office at
average judging over 90% of agents that meet their
MAR/APR 2019
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Embrace the Space Looking for some open space, not just in your home but all around you? Come and visit us today and appreciate the expanse at Abingworth Meadows. With a cricket green, bridle paths, pond, a football pitch and village hall - you won’t want to leave!
Part Exchange Available & Stamp Duty Paid* A collection of 2, 3, 4 & 5 bedroom homes | Prices from £419,950 t: 01798 813071 New Show Home & Marketing Suite Open Daily 10am - 5pm *Help to Buy, Part Exchange & Stamp Duty Paid on selected homes & are subject to scheme rules & qualifying criteria Help to Buy is available on homes priced under £600,000
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MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM CYCLING Horsham District gears up for more healthy bike rides this year
orsham District Council’s Sports Development team together with local volunteer ride leaders are set to organise more healthy bikes rides this year following last year’s successful ‘Horsham District Health Rides’ pilot progamme. 'Horsham District Health Rides' are free social bike rides for starter-level cyclists. They are a great way to improve cycling ability, socialise with others and develop new skills. All participants need is a working bicycle and the ability to ride. The rides are free of charge and are supported by leaders who are trained and experienced to adapt to individual rider needs with aspects such as pacing, helping groups gel together appropriately and keeping people safe.
Following last year’s pilot programme of health rides, rides for 2019 are being offered over a longer period, from February to November, and new rides have been added to the Programme. Routes around Warnham, via Pedlar’s Way to Southwater and to Sumner’s Pond in Barns Green will be available in addition to the established 6K Shelley ride route and longer two and three hour rides. There will be more emphasis on road riding during winter months and more off-road rides during the summer, spring and autumn. Anyone wishing to find out more about the Healthy Rides Programme should contact Ian Ford, by email at or by calling 07764 146338 or visit and search ‘Health Rides’.
SLINFORD GOLF CLUB Slinford Four are real aces with rare hole-in-one coup
he odds of an amateur golfer making a hole-in-one are 12,500-1, but during 2018, four Slinfold ladies accomplished that golfing rarity. Ann Grain got her hole-inone on the 16th at Slinfold Golf Club, Maggie Jowett hit hers on the second, and Pat Taylor recorded an ace on the 16th. As the club celebrated the remarkable achievement, they also confirmed that the mysterious fourth hole-in-one hitter wished to remain anonymous. Outgoing lady captain Jeanne Coker said: “It has been a number of years since one of our ladies made a hole-inone at Slinfold, and yet this year we have had four, which is unprecedented. Four aces in a pack is the norm for card games, but for golf it is remarkable.” Commenting on her year, Coker added: “Four
hole-in-ones during my captaincy has been one of the highlights of an amazing year as captain. “Also at the top of the list is the sum of £1,400 raised by the ladies section for my chosen charity, Chestnut Tree House. “I give my best wishes to our incoming captain, Jenny Wise, and I am confident that our ladies will give her and her chosen charity, St Catherine’s Hospice, their full support.”
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Kitchens have been our ÆƚŸĜĹ域 üŅų Ċlj Ƽå±ųŸ å åĵŞĬŅƼ ƋĘå ĵ± ±ģģŅųĜƋƼ Ņü Ņƚų ŅƵĹ Ƌå±ĵ Ņü ĀƋƋåųŸ ±ĹÚ Ƌų±ÚåŸŞåŅŞĬåØ Ƶå Ï±Ĺ Ę±ĹÚĬå ±ĬĬ åĬåÏƋųĜϱĬ ±ĹÚ č±Ÿ ĀƋƋĜĹč ƵŅųĩ ±Ÿ ųåŧƚĜųåÚţ Because we employ the majority of our own Ƌų±ÚåŸŞåŅŞĬĬå å Ƶå ±ųå ±ÆĬĬå å ƋŅ Ņýåų ŅĹå ŸĜĹčĬåØ ÏĬå±ų ±ĹÚ ĜƋåĵĜŸåÚ ŧƚŅƋå ƋŅ ÏŅƴåų ±ĬĬ ĀƋƋĜĹč ĜĹÏĬƚÚĜĹč åĬåÏƋųĜÏ ±ĹÚ č±Ÿ ƵĜƋĘ ĹŅ ĘĜÚÚåĹ åƻƋų±Ÿţ
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MAR/APR 2019
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MIXED FRUIT FROM A SUSSEX TREE Local Horsham author and Rotary member, John Snelling, introduces a fascintating collection of his stories, essays, poems and plays, with a dash of history and Sussex.
John Snelling (picture by John Lee).
magine if you will a long train journey, during which you start chatting with the stranger opposite and realise later that a couple of hours have passed easily by, full of fascinating anecdote, light and shade, wit and wisdom; an all too rare treat in our hectic but increasingly isolated modern life. You part as new friends, vowing to stay in touch. That is how I felt on reading this little gem of a book for the first time. Storytelling in an easy conversational style. ‘If you want to be a writer, write’ was never more apposite than here. John has clearly been thinking and writing for most of his life, and the range of this collection is impressive. Social comedy, local history, the use of very different voices and some subtle and moving poetry. The silver thread which runs through it all is that of a devoted and close family within and outside the Anglican church, with some deft pen-portraits of great men and womenwhomade a largely unsung difference tomany lives. As a record of vanished times,
small scale and local, itwill be an ornament to any social history collection, and it fulfils an important role in the fast-disappearing narrative on which future historians and biographers will come to rely. Amusing, thought-provoking, puckish and intimate by turns, peopled by types whomwewewill all knowfromour own lives, but never stereotypical, this is a quiet celebration of an English life which many of us will recognise with affection and nostalgiawithout everwishing to turn back the clock. MIXED FRUIT from a SUSSEX TREE ISBN 978-1-910489-52-9 is published by Country Books and can be obtained Price £20.00 from all bookshops or online from or
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
BRANGWYN IN HORSHAM Brangwyn in Horsham, the stunning new temporary exhibition at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, marks his arrival in the town by showcasing three of the cartoons he created for the Chapel and puts them into context with other work by this renowned artist.
ust before the outbreak of First World War
Royal Academician in 1919 and held the post of an
Frank Brangwyn, one of the leading up and
Official War Artist. Horsham Museum has two of
coming artists of the day, came to Horsham;
the preparatory drawings, which are full of vigour
Christ’s Hospital, to be precise, and started work on
and drama. Unfortunately, the House of Lords
a masterpiece. Following on from the mediaeval
decided the murals were not right for them, but
tradition, he was commissioned to paint murals to
Swansea, who were then building a new Guildhall,
adorn the newly built school chapel walls.
took the murals where they are today seen as one
The exhibition at Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is part of the
of the art treasures of Wales. Brangwyn in Horsham is an ideal introduction in
District’s Year of Culture. It will show for the first
to the work of Sir Frank Brangwyn RA, an artist
time, outside the School, three stunning drawings
who created an outstanding work of art in Horsham
of the designs for the Chapel walls. It was from
and one that is rightly being celebrated in the Year
these drawings or cartoons as they are known, and
of Culture. The exhibition also gives a taste of what
others held by the School, that Brangwyn
can be seen in the major exhibition on Brangwyn at
transferred the images on to the walls to create
Christ’s Hospital Museum, from 23 April, where
highly colourful masterpieces. The exhibition, using
seven of the magnificent cartoons will be on display
drawings lent by Christ’s Hospital Museum, will also
as well as the murals themselves in the Chapel.
give other examples of his mural work including
Brangwyn in Horsham, featuring Christ’s Hospital
drawings produced for the Rockefeller Centre in
cartoons, opens on 9 February and runs till 23
New York some 20 years later in 1933-4.
March 2019 at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery. The
Horsham Museum & Art Gallery will also display
exhibition would not have been possible without
two recently acquired cartoon drawings for designs
the support and help of the Christ’s Hospital
commissioned by the House of Lords in 1924.
Museum and Toovey’s Fine Art Auctioneers and
British Empire Panels were designed to mark the
Valuers who have sponsored this stunning
end of World War One and were considered a
exhibition. Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is open
prestigious commission to adorn The House of
Monday-Saturday 10am – 5pm. Admission Free. For
Lords. Frank Brangwyn had by then been elected a
more information see:
MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
We offfe er a g grreat selection of all pet supplies in both of ourr storre ess s s s s s s s
All major brands of pet foo od Great choice of all wild bird d seeds and treats Lovely co Lovel cosy pet beds,, blankkets and duvets Chicken food,, grits and treaats Bedding, litterr, cages,, hutchees,, crates and carriers Aquarianss,, aquatic food and d accessories Many toyss and treats for alll your pets
Best Seller – ou B ur own brand ‘G Grain Free’ do og fo food in many great fla av vours ours.
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
A family run business fo for o over 30 years. W ye We e offfe er free and friend dly advice and ende eav avo our to supply all a your pet needs. n
MAR/APR 2019
ost couples hope that their estate will pass to their children and grandchildren eventually. But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay care home fees. The solution to help protect a couple’s estate is a will incorporating a trust. A testamentary trust can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of one partner, their will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren. But under the terms of the trust the surviving partner has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the other partner the trust
comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries. As the surviving partner does not own the deceased's share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the beneficiary's inheritance is protected. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property they can still sell the property and the proceeds be used to purchase a new property; the terms of the trust remain over the new property. Westminster Law assesses the circumstances of couples and arranges the trust that will provide the best protection for them, their family and their assets. Contact 01483 256625, email or visit
1 Brighton Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5BD Opening Times: Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm Saturdays: 10am - 4pm
Tel: 01403 240855
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s ar ye
Es ta bl is he d
Traditional Sports Shop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Vast Stock â&#x20AC;&#x153;Simply the Best for Service and Priceâ&#x20AC;?
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Maltman Cosham Veterinar e y Surge geryy provides veterinary care for Horsham and the surrounding area. Run by local veterinary surgeon Mark Maltman, with assisstant vets Hannah West, st Lindley Lindle Stewart, Stewart Cla are Newton, Newton Philippa Bulman, Poppy Winter, Be ecky Pritchard and Anna Etherton. UÊ >À }Ê> `ÊV «>ÃÃ >Ìi veterinary team UÊ -i«>À>ÌiÊ` }Ê> `ÊV>ÌÉÀ>LL ÌÊÜ>À`Ã Ü ÊÊÊ UÊ -«>V ÕÃÊ> `Ê `iÀ ÊÀiVi«Ì Ê>Ài> UÊ >À}iÊV>ÀÊ«>À ÊÊ UÊ ÀiiÊ i i Ê Õ} ÊÛ>VV >Ì Ê with all dog vaccinations UÊ } Ì>
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www maltmancosham www.maltmancosham m co uk Lyons Farm Estate, Lyons Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, RH13 0QP
01403 791011 50
MAR/APR 2019
t is tick season again! Ticks are blood sucking parasites. Adult ticks have eight legs and wait in vegetation for a passing animal to jump onto, they are often found in areas where sheep and deer graze. They bite and as they feed over several days their bodies enlarge and become grey in colour, and then they drop off. Some animals react to the tick bite resulting in an area of localised swelling and inflammation which may become infected and require treatment. Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis. Lyme disease can affect both dogs and humans in the UK. Dogs may show signs such as loss of appetite, lethargy, painful joints and swollen lymph nodes. Babesiosis is rare in the UK; the parasite invades the dog’s red blood cells causing anaemia. Ehrlichiosis is not currently present in the UK but is a risk in travelling pets as is Babesiosis. Cats can be infected with Mycoplasma as a result of a tick bite and this parasite can cause anaemia. If you find a tick on your pet it should be removed with a special two pronged tick hook (not tweezers) which you slide under the tick and then gently twist ensuring the body is removed with the head and mouthparts attached. As with most parasites prevention is best and various products are available from your vet to repel or kill ticks including medicated collars, spot-ons and tablets. Tel: 01403 791011.
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Business Tax
REVIEWING THE CHANGES TO ENTREPRENEURS’ RELIEF Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER) is available to taxpayers on the disposal of the whole or part of their business, allowing them to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) at a rate of 10% rather than 20% (subject to a lifetime limit of £10 million). In the 2018 Autumn Budget, new conditions were introduced to ensure shareholders benefiting from ER have a ‘minimum economic stake in the company’.
be demonstrated by the shareholder. The alternative test asks whether the taxpayer is entitled to 5% of the disposal proceeds in the event of a disposal of the ordinary share capital of the company being sold.
Qualifying companies
New legislation provides relief where a growing company wishes to raise finance by means of the issue of new shares for cash. At present this could result in an individual’s shareholding becoming ‘diluted’, and falling below the 5% required to claim ER.
ER is available on the gains made on the disposals of shares and securities in a trading company or the holding company of a trading group. A trading company is defined as one ‘carrying on trading activities whose activities do not include, to a substantial extent, activities other than trading activities’. Put another way, trade must make up the majority of company activity.
Shareholders making new investments on or after 6 April 2019 will be able to make an election, and treat them as if they had disposed of their shares and immediately reacquired them at market value just before dilution. In order to avoid an immediate CGT bill on this deemed disposal, a further election can be made to defer the gain until such time as the shares are actually sold. ER can then be claimed. The £10 million lifetime limit remains intact, and taxpayers continue to benefit from an annual exempt amount of £12,000 in 2019/20, on which CGT is not due.
How we can help Outlining the new conditions In order to qualify for ER, the taxpayer must be an officer or employee of the company and hold at least 5% of the ordinary share capital, and 5% of the associated voting rights. Shareholders must now also show they are entitled to at least 5% of the company’s distributable profits and 5% of net assets on the winding up of the company. However, an alternative test is available if these conditions cannot
As you can see, the ER rules are particularly complex. If you are considering selling or giving away part or all of your business, please get in touch with us to see if you qualify for ER. Tax Adept offers a range of services which are specifically designed to help you and your business. You can find further information on tax-saving measures in the Resources section of our website: Please contact us via telephone on 01403 750046, or visit our website.
Manor aerial.
oday the fascinating story of the network of Horsham’s private boys and girls schools has been almost wiped from history, like chalk dust from the blackboard. However after nearly twenty years research, former teacher Elizabeth Vaughan, has rescued those faint traces left by the dust of history and created a fascinating story that lights up, like the new digital whiteboard, the history of Horsham’s private schools from 1887-1990. Horsham was a hot bed of private education. Middle class parents were deserting the state system and sending their young to private schools to become the leaders of postWorld War one Britain. Schools such as Horsham College, Springfield Park Preparatory School, Heron’s Ghyll, Forest Grange, Parkfield, The Manor House or St Peter’s School, St John’s College, Causeway School, Gringley are just some of the 21 recorded in the book. Using first-hand oral and written accounts by former pupils, adverts from the local press, prospectuses and photographs as well as a thorough knowledge of the
MAR/APR 2019
town’s history Elizabeth has woven a series of mini essays that tell the history of each school. In addition Liz has added the human touch by using the memories of real pupils – Mrs Monro Higg at the Causeway School wore a pink angora jumper and Miss Neve at Heron’s Ghyll was remembered as having a lovely smile and a good sense of humour. That school targeted the daughters of gentlemen who went hunting with the Horsham and Crawley Hunt, and some of the former pupils were presented at court. This reveals a hidden side to Horsham and how the town functioned in time that is so close, yet so distant in so many ways. A few of the pupils at these schools went on to achieve national and international fame, including the popular author Hammond Innes who attended Causeway School, Donald Campbell, who later broke eight world water speed records attended The Manor House School opposite, and of course, the actress Virginia Mckenna went to Heron’s Ghyll. With numerous photographs, delightful
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
Causeway School.
Forest Grange dorm.
sketches and fascinating quotes “The Best Years of your Life? A History of Horsham’s Private Schools 1887-1990” is a real treat that rewards the reader with real insights in to Horsham. Those that read it will willingly give Elizabeth Vaughan a Gold star and an apple. The Best years of your life? by Elizabeth Vaughan is available only from Horsham Museum and Art Gallery where Elizabeth
has worked as a volunteer for over 20 years. Published by the Friends of Horsham Museum and Art Gallery, the book has been designed by Edwina Wilsher who has recently joined the Friends and also volunteers at the Museum. “The Best Years of your Life? A History of Horsham’s Private Schools 1887-1990” a fully illustrated paperback is available at £9.50.
Need an Accountant? For friendly, expert help with your self assessment tax return, speak to our team on
01403 283955 to arrange a FREE meeting at your location. We can also help with: Ɣ Business Accounts and Taxation Ɣ Bookkeeping Ɣ VAT Returns Ɣ Payroll Ɣ Company Formations Ɣ Business Start-ups Ɣ CIS Contactors Ɣ Making Tax Digital t e w
01403 283 955
The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL
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MAR/APR 2019
ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Home and Garden Care Experienced handyman available for general home and garden maintenance. Professional and reliable service guaranteed. Fully insured.
Gareth Jones 07938-496056 Web UNDER CONSTRUCTION
MAR/APR 2019
ou may remember, as previously declared in these pages, January, February and March are, controversially, my favourite months. Days get longer, spring is just around the corner and a whole fresh year ahead of us all puts a spring in my step. Now, I do love a wedding don’t you? Generally, they are a bit like buses - you know, one comes along about every five years. So far Tim and I have already been invited to six this year, two of our offspring amongst them! Now that is a lot of outfits! A wedding brings friends and family together with the sharing of food, wine and a general good time - you get to meet new friends and catch up with others that you might not have seen for a while. At Studio 2 we love to create a culture where we get to know the friends and families of our existing guests - we call it our “introduce a friend program”. I’m sure many of you have taken part in this before. It works like this; send a relative, friend, team mate, workmate, lover (hello!!), complete stranger who compliments your hair in the supermarket (true story), or anyone that you would like to share a present with and we will reward you both with an amazing 2 for 1 offer*. We all enjoy a surprise present so please shout about our best kept secret! Call now on 01403 255555 for more details or visit * Terms and conditions apply
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
Make your steps count! Walk 20, 13, 7 or 2 miles so no one has to face death and loss alone. Saturday 8 June 2019, from 8pm Open to everyone. Sign up online today:
Registered charity number 281362 and as a Company in England no. 1525404.
WORD SEARCH For many people with busy lives and lack of time, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not easy to keep on top of all those odd jobs and home improvvements. So, let your local Smarthomes Ha andyman do the hard work for youâ&#x20AC;Ś
Solution on page 72.
UĂ&#x160; Â?>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;*>VÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Â?Ă&#x152; UĂ&#x160; Â?iVĂ&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;V>Â?Ă&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;ViĂ&#x192; UĂ&#x160;*Â?Ă&#x2022;Â&#x201C;LÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;ViĂ&#x192; UĂ&#x160; iVÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;ViĂ&#x192; UĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;VÂ&#x2026;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x192; UĂ&#x160;-Â&#x17D;Ă&#x17E;] Ă&#x17E;]Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iiĂ&#x192;>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iiĂ&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;iĂ&#x153;Ă&#x160;-iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x203A;Â&#x2C6;ViĂ&#x192; UĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;iÂ&#x201C;>Ă&#x160; Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;>Â?Â?>Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC; UĂ&#x160;"Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x152;`Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;>}iĂ&#x160;7Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x17D; UĂ&#x160;* Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x2022;ÂŤÂŤÂ?Â&#x2C6;i`Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160;,iÂŤ>Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x20AC;i` UĂ&#x160; Â?Â?Ă&#x160;9Â&#x153; 9Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;"``Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;LĂ&#x192; Full public liability covered
Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;>VĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2026;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;\Ă&#x160;ä£{äĂ&#x17D;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;{Â&#x2122;xnĂ&#x17D;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x2030;Ă&#x160;äĂ&#x2021;nnÂŁĂ&#x160;nÂŁĂ&#x17D;Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x2021; Â&#x2021;Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2C6;Â?\Ă&#x160;Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2C6;Â?JĂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;>Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;iĂ&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;>Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x17E;Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2DC;°VÂ&#x153;°Ă&#x2022;Â&#x17D; www.smarthomes-handyma
MAR/APR 2019
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READY FOR THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION? Teresa Noon from Indigo Tax & Accountancy explains how she’s helping prepare her clients for HMRC’s Making Tax Digital initiative with a simple 3 step approach. 3 STEPS TO SUCCESS FOR YOUR BUSINESS
ndigo has set out a simple 3 step approach to running your business. Staying compliant, harnessing the power of ‘cloud’ accounting and allowing control of your finances from anywhere. Teresa explains “Cloud accounting software gives amazing information on how your business is performing, but it has to be kept up to date. Working with our digital accounts team we have developed a simple 3 step plan”. • INVOICE on Indigo cloud accounting software • SNAP your receipts with the “Snap” App (right) • The Indigo team RECONCILE your bank account monthly
“SUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS IS THE KEY” From tiny beginnings in the 1990s, Indigo Tax & Accountancy now has a 14-strong team serving clients across all sectors including a large performing arts and creative industries division. The practice is based in Horsham West Sussex. READY FOR THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION Teresa says, “We have really embraced the digital revolution. HMRC’s Making Tax Digital campaign was obviously a key driver. We currently have over 200 clients using cloud based online bookkeeping software, all new clients are set up on it as standard when they come on board.” With HMRC paving the way to mandatory cloud reporting in the near future and Making Tax Digital for VAT coming into force from April 2019, Indigo’s clients can rest assured they are ALREADY compliant. Teresa explains, “Collaborating ‘on line’ has always suited our practice. We’ve been a ‘digital’ practice from day one. The Indigo team all work remotely from home, whilst our clients
including musicians, bands, camera operators and producers could be working on location anywhere in the world.” The Indigo team are fully trained and can guide their clients through the process of going digital, helping their business integrate with the right cloud accounting package is an important facet to their service. With a recent nomination for the IRIS National Best Use of Technology Award 2018, the company seem to be making waves in the Industry too. Teresa has also been a panellist at the accounting Industry’s IRIS World and advises on the Kashflow User Group “discussing issues and keeping up to date with other industry professionals is vital” she explains. With a new tax year starting, Indigo reports a healthy uptake of new client activity. Teresa says, “more and more business owners are now embracing our simple 3 step approach” This forward-thinking company seem to be ready for the digital revolution…are you? Why not give us a call today on 01403 892683 or you can email or for more information please visit Teresa Noon.
Please mention HORSHAM PAGES North when responding to adverts
MAR/APR 2019
D A M E V E R A LY N N C H I L D R E N ’ S C H A R I T Y
ame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity based in Cuckfield, West Sussex are holding a Will Writing Week from Monday 25th to Friday 29th March 2019. We are delighted to have the support of Kreston Reeves Private Client LLP in Horsham who are supporting the Charity by offering a limited number of appointments to help make or update your existing Will and instead of their usual fees, will be offering reduced rates which they will be donating to Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity. If your needs are of a more complex nature than that of a standard document, we will need to charge an appropriate fee in addition to the donation and this will be discussed during your appointment. Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity supports
MAR/APR 2019
under 5s with cerebral palsy and other motor learning impairments through their early intervention service. They have helped over 600 families from across the South East. If you would like to take advantage of the Will Writing scheme and make an appointment please contact Carole Whorwood on 01444 473274 or email:
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
his female vocal harmony group formed over 6 years ago, connecting through their love of singing, great music and vintage dresses. Taking inspiration from celebrated vocalists and close harmony singers of the 20th century, their current repertoire ranges from 1920s to 1960s (although they sing more modern songs too and are willing to give anything a go!). They say, “Our retro set was born out of our passion for the clothes, songs and timeless glamour. We adore singing together and we aim to share that when performing.” The Angels have been delighted to sing at a wide variety of events; highlights include a blacktie garden party, Ladies Day at the Races, and The West Sussex Poppy Appeal Launch. They are proud to support St Catherine’s Hospice in
Crawley when possible, through performing at their special events, or helping to fundraise, particularly in December. They’re even on board The British Pullman for the once-in-a-lifetime St Catherine’s train ride this spring. The Angel Delights would bring fun, music and sparkle to any event you’re planning. Email or via Facebook
atrick McIntosh isn’t a man afraid of a challenge! Not content with trekking to the South Pole or beating cancer three times, Patrick is taking on his next challenge – his Lifecycle. And supporting his local hospice, St Catherine’s Hospice, in the process. Patrick is attempting to cycle around the world to raise awareness of the fight against cancer. In May 2019, Patrick will begin his epic cycle ride, taking on a journey of over 7,000 miles to Japan. Eventually he hopes to go on to circumnavigate the world. Patrick will cross several continents in a staggered two year journey during his global cycling challenge. In May, he will set off from St Catherine’s Hospice in Malthouse Road, cycling towards Pease Pottage, which will be the site of a new, larger hospice building in years to come. From there it’s off to Twickenham Stadium before
Patricia Brayden, St Catherine's Hospice Medical Director with Patrick McIntosh.
cycling across Europe and Russia, with the aim of reaching Tokyo for the opening game of the Rugby World Cup in September. As part of his cycle ride, Patrick is raising money for the new hospice building. He said, “It’s an honour to support St Catherine’s as part of my next big adventure. As a cancer survivor I know the importance of their vital care. And I want more people to be able to have hospice care in the future so I’m raising money for St Catherine’s new larger hospice. Follow Patrick’s amazing adventure on Twitter at: @KMGfoundation
Please mention HORSHAM PAGES North when responding to adverts
MAR/APR 2019
version of this supper
1 tsp Sugar
2 tbsp Worcester sauce
Serves 6-8
2 tbsp Tomato purée
Preparation time
Bunch fresh basil,
Cooking time 30 minutes
For the creamy spinach and ricotta sauce
375g Spinach
Pack lasagne sheets
Knob of butter
125g Mozzarella, sliced
500g Ricotta
30g Parmesan
250g Mascarpone
For the tomato sauce
4 medium free-range
Olive oil
egg yolks
1 Onion, finely chopped
Grated zest 1 lemon
2 Garlic cloves, crushed
Pinch freshly grated
150ml Red wine
2 x 400g Tins chopped
40g Parmesan, grated
reheat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan/ gas 6. Heat the oil in a medium pan, then fry the onion for 6-8 minutes until soft. Add the garlic and fry for a further minute. Pour in the red wine; turn up the heat and simmer for 3-4 minutes to reduce the liquid by half. Add the tomatoes, sugar, Worcester sauce and tomato purée. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes until thickened. Add the basil, and season well. Place the spinach in a large pan with a knob of butter. Cover and cook over a
MAR/APR 2019
medium heat for 2-3 minutes until the spinach has wilted. It will seem to almost disappear! Drain the cooked spinach in a colander and press to squeeze out any excess water. Roughly chop, then mix with the rest of the creamy sauce ingredients. Taste and season well Spread a little of the spinach and ricotta sauce over the base of the baking dish, then cover with slightly overlapping lasagne sheets. Pour over a third of the remaining white sauce, sprinkle over a little of the grated cheese and top with half the tomato sauce. Cover with another layer of lasagne sheets, top with half the remaining white sauce, then all the remaining tomato sauce. Add the final layer of lasagne sheets, then spread with the rest of the white sauce. Scatter with the remaining grated cheese. Top with mozzarella slices and the grated Parmesan and bake for 30 minutes until golden and bubbling.
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
ocal charities are set to benefit from a new
The scheme will launch as a year- long trial and
council - run lottery scheme in the Horsham
will include a top prize of £25,000 and other
District. At a Horsham District Council
smaller prizes.
Cabinet meeting on 24 January, councillors backed proposals to establish a new community lottery. This exciting new initiative will give local
It will be free for local good causes to join the scheme. Voluntary organisations and charities wishing to benefit will put their details on a bespoke
voluntary and community groups the opportunity
website. Players will then buy tickets online and
to increase the money they raise for their
have the option to nominate a preferred cause to
community work across the District.
receive the money generated.
Residents will be able to help raise income for their favourite good causes and be in with a chance of winning a cash prize themselves. The Council will be working with an external
Councillor Tricia Youtan, Cabinet Member for Community and Well Being said: “The council really values all the work that local good causes carry out week in, week out in
company to set up the lottery. This organisation
our communities. This initiative will give them the
will also be responsible for the day-to-day
opportunity to raise more money to continue
running of the scheme.
their important work.
The Horsham born critically acclaimed pianist Jeremy Young has a distinguished performing career that has gained him a reputation as one of the UK’s most respected and versatile musicians ‘a player of natural ebullience, he was stylish all evening’. He returns to Horsham on Friday 22nd March in the Drill Hall at 7.30pm to give a recital in the Horsham Music Circle’s 77th Season. His
performance includes music by Beethoven, Debussy and Schubert. Jeremy has appeared at many prestigious venues including Bridgewater Hall, the South Bank and Wigmore Hall as well as performances in Dublin, New York, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong and Singapore. On May 11th at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Church the Circle celebrates its 77th Anniversary. We have drawn together some of our busiest Horsham musicians, involved with performance and education, to form a chamber ensemble. Both concerts have been supported by Horsham’s Year of Culture funding scheme. Tickets are available in advance from 01403 252602, email, on line from MusicCircle, Horsham Museum 01403 211661.
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
T I P S F O R S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y By Jeanette Mercer
hatever the weather, Spring has always been the time when thoughts turn to our homes and gardens. The DIY and gardening stores are beckoning, and before we know it we’ve bought some new electric tool and daubed paint from tester pots on a wall. Does creating a more sustainable home mean we shouldn’t be doing this? Not at all. Change is a part of human nature and our homes and gardens should be places that nurture and refresh us. To be more sustainable, we just need to think those changes through - we’ll probably save ourselves money too. Here are our tips for a more sustainable Spring: 1) Plan before you buy or begin. So many home projects end up unfinished, causing stress and wasting materials, through lack of planning. Ask yourself these questions: • Do you have the skills and TIME to complete the project? • Do you have a realistic budget and timeframe? • Are you sure what’s the best order for the work you’re planning to do? (Many local tradespeople are happy to work on projects where a homeowner is doing some of the work themselves and can advise on a sensible order.) 2) Don’t skimp on the quality of materials and tools. Good quality tools can last many years. Good quality materials will often give a better finished result and last longer.
MAR/APR 2019
3) Cut the chemicals. Environmental standards were tightened in the paint industry, but there are still some paints that are more eco friendly than others. Go for water based paints and varnishes wherever possible, and those which are low (or even zero) in VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). As well as reducing the potentially harmful chemicals you and your family are breathing in, water based paints are much easier to clean up after use. 4) Re-use, repair, re-purpose. Some of the satisfying buzz that comes from a well executed DIY project is even better when you know you’ve saved something from ending up at the tip! Our grandparents and great grandparents wouldn’t have dreamt of just disposing of something that was a little broken. If you don’t think you have the skills, Horsham now has a monthly Horsham Repair Cafe, where volunteer repairers will help with repairs. Recycling is fine, but it still takes energy and public funds to do. Re-use and re-purposing (finding a new use for something) is better. If you don’t need it, local Facebook groups are a great place for asking “can anyone make use of?” Finally, spring is of course prime time in the garden. If you’ve never grown your own vegetables, why not give it a go this year? You’d be amazed what even a few pots can hold. For more information on Kinder Living see our website:
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hrist’s Hospital Choral Society were delighted to present a very generous cheque from their recent Christmas Carol concert to Medical Detection Dogs. This medical charity works with dogs’ incredible
Home and Garden Care Experienced handyman available for general home and garden maintenance. Professional and reliable service guaranteed. Fully insured.
Gareth Jones 07938-496056 Web UNDER CONSTRUCTION
sense of smell; while one branch works on the development of a device for early-diagnosis of cancer, Parkinson’s and a number of other illnesses, the other branch trains dogs to alert sufferers of life-threatening illnesses to an imminent attack. The dogs all live a very happy family life – and love their work! Please visit for lots of fascinating facts. Meanwhile, the choir is getting ready for their next concert, the Angus Ross Gala concert on Sunday 24 March, which promises to be a real treat. The celebration of music will feature highlights from Händel’s wellloved Messiah. Christ’s Hospital Choral Society will be joined by the school’s Chapel Choir and professional soloists. The other half of the performance will feature two concertos played by Grecian pupils, together with the school’s Symphony Orchestra, and in collaboration with the English Chamber Orchestra. Very exciting! Big School, Christ’s Hospital, 7pm on Sunday 24 March. For tickets please contact the Box Office on 01403 247434, speak to a member of the choir, or at the door on the night.
Please mention HORSHAM PAGES North when responding to adverts
MAR/APR 2019
M E L’ S M I L E R S 1 0 K
he seventeenth staging of Mel’s Milers 10k race will take place on Sunday 31st March 2019. With around 400 entrants it is has a friendly atmosphere and a fantastic setting, starting in the avenue and finishing in the quadrangle of Christ’s Hospital school. Bluecoat Sports Centre provides shower and changing facilities as well as the cafe upstairs. Registration and prize giving take place in the Wakefield Centre. Chip Timing UK results are available at The race is on mixed terrain which is mostly off-road, taking in a lap of the school grounds before heading off to Southwater along the Downs Link, through the Country Park, and back along the Downs Link. In dry conditions this can be a fast course, being mainly flat and also an ideal first-time race. Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd men and women, as well as age category awards for over 40, over 50, over 60 and over 70 men and women. To encourage more younger runners the entry age has been lowered to 15, and additional prizes will be awarded to the first under 18 male and female runners. All finishers will receive a medal. Each year a donation is made to a charity from the proceeds of the race. The 2018/19 charity is Contact the Elderly. Previous charities supported include Medical Detection Dogs,
MAR/APR 2019
Ovarian Cancer Action, Sussex Cancer Fund, Macmillan, Horsham Alzheimers, the Chanctonbury Play Scheme, Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, Help for Heroes, Springboard Project, Sussex Air Ambulance and Chestnut Tree House. To enter visit and search Mel’s Milers.
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
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MAR/APR 2019
Community Information Board
Holbrook Community Pre-School Sessional day care for children between 2 and 5 Place North Heath Hall Contact Jacky Tee 01403 265793 / 07925 576391
North Heath WI Horsham North Heath WI meet at The Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road on the 1st Tuesday of the month. 10.00am-12 noon. Visitors very welcome. Contact Mrs E. Ghinn. Tel: 267510
Mini Marks Activities for under 5s and their carers on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 12.30pm Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Junior Pay-As-You-Go Football Sessions Fridays 5.00-6.30pm in term-time. School holiday day camps too Place Holbrook Tythe Barn Contact David Groom 07860 461982 Chesworth Rovers Football Club Under 9s (School year 4) Train at the Holbrook Tythe Barn on Mondays from 6-7pm. Match days : Saturdays. Wednesday evening training. Under 12s (School year 7) are looking for new players for their team. Training-Monday evenings 6-7pm (Hurst Road) Match days will be Saturday mornings at the Holbrook Club. Interested? T: 07765240821 Angelo Penge - Team Manager RAINBOWS, BROWNIES & GUIDES Rainbows, Brownies and Guides There are many units throughout Horsham, various days, venues and times. Please add your daughter’s details to the Girlguiding web-site – and use the register your interest tab. Someone from Horsham will then contact you.
MAR/APR 2019
Holbrook Horsham WI A friendly group of ladies meets on third Tuesday of every month, except August for guest speakers and activities. 7.45 – 10.00pm. Place: Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road Contact: Anita 01403 272120. FOR ALL Icebreakers Singles Dining Club Are you single and looking to meet new people? If so why not contact Icebreakers – a local dining club for the single over 40s. We meet every few weeks for a meal at a number of different venues in West Sussex and Surrey. There is always a friendly atmosphere and new people are welcomed into the group by the organiser and existing members. There’s no membership or joining fee so members feel free to attend as often as they would like to. See for more information or call Jacquie on 01403 273480. Horsham Speakers Club Improve your speaking skills in friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Meet second and last Tuesday of month 7.45-10.30pm Place Tythe Barn Contact Barry 01903 246546 Compton Bowls Club meets every Thursday 7.30-9.45pm. New members welcome. Place North Heath Hall Contact Bill King 253752
St Mark’s, Parish of Holbrook Every Sunday 8.30am for Holy Communion Sunday 10.30am Morning Worship with Holy Communion every third Sunday. Wednesday 9:45am Traditional Service Café Praise 7.30pm every 1st and 3rd Sunday; informal service with refreshments Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 HDC Health Walks Two mile circular walk around riverside at 10.45am every Monday. Suitable for new walkers. Meet at Sussex Barn car park Contact Ann & John 268885 One and a half mile walk around Horsham Park at 10.30am every Wednesday. Suitable for the elderly and people recovering from illness, operation or accident. Meet at the bandstand in the Carfax Contact Wyn 256630, Sue 255710 or Emmy 255517 Gentle walk from St Mary’s Church in The Causeway including Chesworth Farm.10.30am every Friday. Wheelchairs can be taken if advance notice provided. Contact Peter 260783 Holbrook Community Centre Hire our centre for your event, or join one of the groups running sessions at our centre. See our website for further details and availability calendar at, email or Contact 01403 210550. Junior Club & Senior Club Pool table, table tennis, TV, coffee bar and tuck shop, football and basketball in the floodlit outdoor court, topical discussions, air hockey, games consoles and arts and crafts available each week in addition to programme specific activities.
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
Junior Club - Wednesdays 6.30pm to 8.30pm for ages 8 to 12. Senior Club - Tuesdays 7.00pm to 9.00pm for ages 13 to 16. Run by 4 The Youth on behalf of Holbrook Community Centre. Place Holbrook Community Centre, Holbrook School Lane Contact /, or telephone 01403 800142. Horsham Flower Club 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 2pm. (no meeting in August) Place North Heath Hall, North Heath Lane Contact Helen Macklearn 01403 790368, Tea at Three Every third Sunday afternoon of the month – an opportunity to meet with friends over a cup of tea and cake at St Mark’s Church. Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 Horsham Sugarcrystals Club Sugarcraft Demonstrations
The club meets on the first Friday of each month (except January) at 7.30pm for 8.00pm at North Heath Hall, St Marks Lane, Horsham, RH12 5PU. Visitors £4.00 or m Contact 01403 261881 for further details. FOR OVER 50s 50+ Wednesday Activity Club 9.30am onwards Wednesday mornings £2.50 members £4.50 non members. The activity available is Table Tennis. Place Holbrook Club Wednesday mornings Contact 01403 751150 Young at Heart A weekly club for people aged 50+. Enjoy activities such as tennis, table tennis, badminton, short mat bowls, yoga and snooker. The weekly cost is £4.50. Place Holbrook Club on Monday mornings, 9am - 12noon
Contact 01403 215637 For new entries or corrections, please email HOLBROOK USEFUL NUMBERS Holbrook Surgery Enquiries/Appts 08448 151 072 Dentist 259717 Holbrook School 272500 North Heath School 254790 All Saints School 270460 Holbrook Club 751150 St Mark’s Hall Bookings 261380 Tythe Barn Hall Bookings 260228 North Heath Hall Bookings 260228 Tennis Courts at Tythe Barn 260228 St Mark’s Church 261380 Police Community Support 101 Voicemail no. 13375 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Power cut? UK Power Networks 0800 3163 105 or 0333 3232 105 from a mobile (24hrs)
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
Community Information Board
for boys and girls aged 8-10½ yrs Noah’s Ark
1st Roffey Cub Scout Pack
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Church Service and refreshments for
Meet on Tuesdays from 6.30-8.00pm
There are many units throughout
parents and toddlers
Contact: Martin Richardson 211448
Horsham, various days, venues and times.
Fridays 10.00am - 11.30am term time
Please add your daughter’s details to the
Place: All Saints Parish Hall
for boys and girls aged 10½ - 14 yrs
Girlguiding web-site –
Contact: Fr Russell Stagg 274297
1st Roffey Scout Troop and use the
Meet on Thursdays from 7.00-9.00pm
register your interest tab. Someone from
Contact: Martin Richardson 211448
Horsham will then contact you.
Hawkesbourne Rd, Horsham RH12 4EH
Explorer Scouts
Pre-school sessions for children aged 2-5,
for boys and girls aged 14-18 yrs. 1st
Stay-and-play session on second Saturday
Roffey Explorer Scouts. Meet on Tuesdays
Open Door
each month
from 7.30-9.30pm
Coffee, tea and friendship every Thursday,
Contact: 01403 258994
Contact: Martin Richardson 211448
10am-12 noon
Jack and Jill Pre-School Littlehaven Infant School
Place: All Saints Parish Hall The 1st Roffey Boys’ Brigade and Girls’
Contact: 274297
Little Stars
Association Company
Parent/Carer and Toddler Group
Friday evenings in term time: 5.30-6.30
The Cafe@StAndrews
Tuesdays during term time
pm for Anchors (5-8 years)
Community Cafe - drinks, homemade
9.15-11 am
6.30-8 pm for Juniors (8 -11 years) and 7-
cakes and friendship on Wednesdays at
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church,
8.30 pm for Company Section (11+)
10am - 12 noon
Crawley Road, Roffey
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church Hall,
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church
Contact: 01403 268994
Crawley Road, Roffey
Contact: 01403 275456
Contact: Rosemary Johnston
Horsham and District Citizens Advice
For Dads/male carers and their children
The Roffey Children & Family Centre
1.00pm By appointment unless not busy
(0-6s). £1 per family.
Godwin Way For 13-18 year olds
Place: Millennium Hall
Loads of toys laid out for fun, and
Contact: 754511
Roffey Branch, Mondays 10.00am -
Who Let The Dads Out?
Horsham Scottish Country Dancing
refreshments incl. bacon butties! 2nd Saturday of the month, from 10am-
Duke of Edinburgh
Open Award Centre
We meet every Monday 8-10pm and pay
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church,
Meet at Roffey Youth Centre
£2.50 an evening. Scottish dancing is fun
Crawley Road, Roffey
Tuesdays from 7.30-9.00pm
as well as good exercise. No need to bring
Contact: Kate Hall 754511
a partner as beginners dance with
Just bring a pair of soft shoes.
for girls 14+ , Wednesdays 7.00-9.00pm.
Place: Millennium Hall, Crawley Road,
Roffey Fun Club
Place: Millenium Hall, Crawley Road
Roffey RH12 4DT.
Breakfast, After School and Holiday
Contact: 260018
Contact: 01403 269439 or email through
someone who can guide them through.
Childcare Services for 4-11 yrs.
our web site
Contact: Karen or Adrian Compton
Roffey Robins Football Club
260909 or 07512 985700
Under 7’s - Under 16’s
Horsham French Club
Contact: For players of all age groups,
We are a group of francophiles and
francophones who meet once a month.
Under 14’s (School year 9)
We have a common interest in French
for boys and girls aged 6-8
Match Day: Saturday morning
language, culture and history and offer a
yrs, 1st Roffey Beaver Colony
Train: Wednesday 7:30-9pm
programme of varied activities (talks,
Meet on Thursdays from 5.30-6.30pm
Contact: Andy 01403 255220
news, games etc), designed to entertain
Contact: Martin Richardson 211448
and inform all those who are interested
MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
in France, whether French, British or
(followed by tea/coffee for those who
another nationality by origin. New
wish to stay and chat)
members are always welcome.
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church &
Millennium Hall
Meet on the second Friday of every
Centre, Crawley Rd, Roffey RH12 4DX
Roffey Instit’e Village Hall 210976
month at 8pm.
Contact: 01403 275456
Leechpool Primary School 210233
Place: Millenium Hall,Crawley Road,
St Robert Southwell School 252357
Roffey. Visitors £7 including refreshments.
For dates and times visit our blog:
Littlehaven Infants School 260608
Contact: 01403 733878 for
Northolmes Junior School 261822
Roffey Sports and Social Club210223
further information or visit
Roffey Cricket Club
North Horsham Parish C’cil 750786 Do you need some peace and quiet?
Roffey Greenfields WI
Taketime provides a relaxed space for a
A friendly welcome awaits visitors and
Emergency Numbers
guided 30 minutes of silence and
new members. We meet on the 2nd
NHS Direct
0845 46 47
reflection inspired by the stories of Jesus.
Thursday of each month (except August)
Meals on Wheels
No religious knowledge or background
from 7.45 – 10pm.
Horsham Hospital
227 000
needed. Feeling shy – then try it for
Place: St Andrews Methodist Church Hall,
East Surrey A&E
01737 768 511
yourself first online at:
Crawley Road, Roffey RH12 4DX
Gas Leaks Transco
0800 111 999
We also meet informally at various
South East Water
0845 602 1724
Every 2nd Sunday of the month – 6-7pm
locations during the 4th week of the
Horsham Council
01403 215 100
(includes an optional additional 30
month for different activities.
National Rail Enqs
08457 48 49 50
minutes for those who wish to listen to
Contact: Maj-Britt 01403 263961 or Sue
Public Transport Helpline 0870 608 2608
members of the group share their
01403 266639.
UK Power Networks
reflective journey)
0800 3163 105 or 0333 3232 105 from a
Every 4th Thursday – 10-10.30am
mobile (24hrs)
Printing Quality printing, just one of your ingredients for successful marketing communications. Call the King of Print on 01403 216 120 to find how he can enhance your marketing and communications.
Enabling you to communicate your messages through print Foundry Press, Unit A, Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PX t: 01403 216 120 f: 01403 242 700
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
Sunday 24th March Horsham District
Cook & Book Culture Club: Seni Glaister
writing, stories, footage, images and objects
Showcase Tour
28 February. £35. 19:30 - WeFiFo HQ
contributed by some of Horsham District’s
Around 30 Piazza Italia/American/English/VW
Sussex Comedian of the Year 2019 – Heat 1
own football clubs.
air cooled cars, vans and bikes tour special
28 February. 20:00 - Horsham Sports Club
events in 6 towns throughout Horsham
(The Cricket Club)
Below the Belt- Costume Exhibition
District. Start from CH (TBC) ends at
Organ Recital at St Peter’s Church, Henfield
4 February 2019 - 6 June 2019
Leonardslee. Organised by HDC E Dev
Friday 11 March. £12.50. 19:30 - St. Peter’s
Our new costume display, ‘Below the Belt’, is
With partners across District.
Church, Church Lane, Henfield
an eclectic selection of the many types of
Lucy May Walker
clothing worn below the waist, taking in
Saturday & Sunday 1st/2nd April
Friday 11 March. 19:30 - The Holbrook Inn,
underwear, footwear and most layers in
Sussex Guild Craft Show
Members of the Guild will be exhibiting their
fine crafts. Parkside.
The Leonardslee Crime Festival
Frederick Du Cane Godman
Organised by Sussex Guild.
Saturday 2 March. £35. Leonardslee Gardens
18 February 2019 - 20 April 2019
Frederick Du Cane Godman was one of the
Easter Holiday 6th to 22nd April
Tea Tasting
great naturalists of Britain in an age of
The Bunny Hunt Town Trail
Wednesday 6 March. 10:00 - Leonardslee
naturalists. He built South Lodge in Lower
Up to 30 businesses apply to be in the Easter
Beeding as his family home and then funded
trail for children and their parents.
Samba & stomp workshop – Children
and took part in explorations of South
Town Centre.
Saturday 9 March. 10:00 - Colgate Memorial
America publishing a monumental study of
Organised by Horsham Rotary.
over 60 volumes.
Supported by HDC E Dev.
Horsham Writers Circle. Lintot – Horsham’s
include objects and images from the Museum’s collections, along with a range of
Greatest Literary Entrepreneur
Brangwyn in Horsham
Good Friday 19th April
Wednesday 13 March. £2.00
9 February 2019 - 23 March 2019
Horsham Piazza Italia 2019
19:00 - Beeson House
Sir Frank Brangwyn RA, one of the leading
14th Easter Italian Festival. Celebration of
Creative Writing Workshop
20th century artists, came to Christ’s Hospital
fast cars, Italian Food and Culture. Town
Thursday 14 March. Free
School in 1913 to design and paint 16 wall
15:00 - Horsham Library
murals depicting incidents in the history of
Organised by HDC E Dev.
Sussex Comedian of the Year 2019 – Heat 2
the Christian church. Due to World War One
With commercial and voluntary partners.
Thursday 14 March
they took 10 years to complete. Brangwyn
20:00 - Shelley Arms
gave the school 7 cartoons, or preparatory
Easter Saturday 20th April
designs for the murals which carry signs of
Horsham Easter Festival
their use.
Picturing the District
The Written Word: a Literary Life of
5 January 2019 - 25 March 2019
Horsham District
Easter Monday 22nd April
Over 200 years artists have flocked to
30 March 2019 - 22 June 2019
Horsham Piazza Italia 2019
Horsham district inspired by the peoples and
Shelley, Conan Doyle, Belloc, Hornung,
14th Easter Italian Festival. Celebration of
places to create a varied canvas that portrays
Brown, Pope, Lintott – this area of West
fast cars, Italian Food and Culture. Town
a district of great personality and colour.
Sussex has proved to be birthplace, host and
Picturing the district is a masterpiece created
inspiration (as well as tomb) of many writers
Windows Organised by HDC E Dev.
out of local scenes that has many surprises.
spanning the last 400 years. This exhibition
With commercial and voluntary partners.
From George Robertson to Roxby Bott artists
tells the brief stories of these and many
have revealed the district to be an amazing
others, illustrated with examples of their
work to celebrate the literature of the
New Easter themed market day. Carfax TBC.
Sunday 28th April Horsham Scouts St. Georges Day Parade
district along with objects and photographs
Thousands of scouts and their parents from
The Beautiful Game: A History of Football in
across the town early afternoon. Carfax
Horsham District
Bandstand. Organised by Horsham Weald
12 January 2019 - 30 March 2019
Accents on the Landscape - Ancient Churches
and Horsham West District Scouts.
To mark the start of Horsham District’s Year
of West Sussex by Gordon Rushmer
of Culture the Museum is producing an
30 March 2019 - 1 June 2019
exhibition looking at the history of football
Gordon described this exhibition as: “A
across Horsham District. The exhibition will
painter's rural rides in search of the hidden
MAR/APR 2019
to provide a sense of place.
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
delights and details”. After 18 months of
The Wizard of Oz
Anniversary Tour
cycling across West Sussex capturing the
Thu 7 - Sat 9 Mar , Various Times
Fri 5 Apr , 7:30pm
essence of the ancient churches that
2D Captain Marvel (12A TBC)
Dame Patricia Routledge & Piers Lane:
populate the Sussex countryside, Gordon has
Fri 8 - Thu 14 Mar , Various Times
Admission One Shilling...
created an artistic monument and record.
3D Captain Marvel (12A TBC)
Sat 6 Apr , 7:30pm
Museum & Art Gallery, 9 Causeway,
Fri 8 - Sun 10 , Tue 12 - Thu 14 Mar , Various
Moya Brennan - The Voice of Clannad
Sun 7 Apr , 7:30pm
West Sussex RH12 1HE.
Family Film Fun Screening: Into The
HFS The Handmaiden (18)
Tel: 01403 254959 or visit
Woods (PG)
Mon 8 Apr , 8pm
Sat 9 Mar , 10:30am
Exhibition on Screen: Rembrandt
Juan Martin in Concert
Tue 9 & Tue 16 Apr , Various Times
Sun 10 Mar , 7:30pm
An Evening with Aggers
Leo Houlding - The Spectre Expedition
Wed 10 Apr , 7:30pm
Sat 13th April Fundraiser
Mon 11 Mar , 7:30pm
NT Live: All About Eve
Roffey Millenium Hall
HFS Western (12A)
Thu 11 Apr , 7pm
2 pm – 4 pm
Mon 11 Mar , 8pm
Heather Small
Sun 12th May Homing Show
Julian Clary - Born To Mince
Thu 11 Apr , 7:30pm
Broadbridge Heath Village Centre
Wed 13 Mar , 7:30pm
ELO Again
11 am – 2 pm
Nathan Carter
Fri 12 Apr , 7:30pm
Sat 18th May Fundraiser
Thu 14 Mar , 7:30pm
Motionhouse presents Charge
Horsham Hospital Fete
Gaelforce Dance
Tue 16 - Wed 17 Apr , Various Times
1 pm – 4 pm
Fri 15 Mar , 7:30pm
RSC Live: As You Like It (12A TBC)
Sat 8th June Fundraiser
The Boy and The Mermaid
Wed 17 Apr , 7pm
Barns Green Village Hall
Sat 16 Mar , Various Times
Steeleye Span: 50th Anniversary Tour
1 pm – 3 pm
Fisherman's Friends
Thu 18 Apr , 7:30pm
Details on 01403 854464 or visit
Wed 20 Mar , 7:30pm
Alice in Wonderland
Vienna Festival Ballet presents Coppelia
Fri 19 Apr , Various Times
Thu 21 Mar , 7:30pm
Conrad Anker - Hold Fast
Money For Nothing
Sat 20 Apr , 7:30pm
Fri 22 Mar , 7:30pm
Upbeat Dance: Kaleidoscope
Monday meetings at 7.30pm in Wesley Hall,
Sing-a-long-a The Greatest Showman
Mon 22 Apr , 6:30pm
London Road, Horsham, RH12 1AN. Free car
Sat 23 Mar , Various Times
Midge Ure: Songs and Stories
parking behind the hall.
Pitchy Breath Theatre Company: The Truth /
Wed 24 Apr , 7:30pm
4 March – Birds of the Long White Cloud:
The Flats
Northern Soul Live
Some birds of New Zealand and observations
Sat 23 - Sun 24 Mar , Various
Sat 27 Apr , 7:30pm
on their conservation – Tim Thomas
Lee Mead: My Story
The Picture of Dorian Gray
11 March – A Few Observations of Sussex –
Sun 24 Mar , 7:30pm
Mon 29 Apr - Sat 4 May , Various Times
Roger Patterson
The Magnificent Music Hall
Everyone is welcome.
Tue 26 Mar , 2:30pm
Hello Again: The Story of Neil Diamond
Thu 28 Mar , 7:30pm Shipley Arts Festival: Leonardslee Gardens
Saturday 2 March 10am-4pm & Sunday 3 March
Dinner Concert
10am-3pm. County Hall North (Parkside), Chart
The Best of Queen
Fri 29 Mar , 6:30pm
Way, Horsham RH12 1XH.
Thu 28 Feb 2019 , 7:30pm
Roy Orbison & The Travelling Wilburys
If Beale Street Could Talk (15)
Fri 1 - Thu 7 Mar , Various Times
Fri 29 Mar , 7:30pm
Boy Erased (15)
Metropolitan Opera Live: Die Walküre
Fri 1 - Thu 7 Mar , Various Times
Palm Sunday 14 April
Go Now: The Music of The Moody Blues
Sat 30 Mar , 4pm
8:30am Holy Communion
Fri 1 Mar , 7:30pm
Jackson Live In Concert
10:30am All Age Morning Worship
Family Film Fun Screening: The Boss Baby (U)
Sat 30 Mar , 7:30pm
Maundy Thursday 18 April
Sat 2 Mar , 10:30am
Horsham Symphony Orchestra - March 2019
8pm Holy Communion
Sooty's Magic Show
Sun 31 Mar , 7:30pm
Good Friday 19 April
Sat 2 Mar , Various Times
Hancock's Half Hour
9:30am All Age Messy Church
Metropolitan Opera Live: La Fille Du
Tue 2 - Wed 3 Apr , Various Times
2pm An Hour by the Cross
Julian Dutton in Do You Think That's Wise?
Easter Sunday 21 April
Sat 2 Mar , 5:55pm
Thu 4 Apr , 7:45pm
8:30am Holy Communion
Act Too Arts Academy presents
The Simon and Garfunkel Story: 50th
10:30am All Age Holy Communion
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
C R O S S W O R D PA G E 3 4
W O R D S E A R C H PA G E 5 6
DISCOUNTS & OFFERS MAR/APR 2019 Standby - 3 Months For The Price Of 2
Page 3
James for Carpets - 10% Discount
Page 5
P. Green - Free Guttering For A Limited Period
Page 11
Flackwoods – Free Half Hour Advice
Page 15
Bathe In Safety - Zero VAT on Mobility Bathroom
Page 16
G & S Roofing – 15% Discount On All New And Flat Roofs
Page 17
Nightingales – £10 Amazon Voucher
Page 33
Jim Hill Sports – Up To Half Price Sale
Page 49
T: 01403 588618
E: Editor Richard Milbourn
0750 7109039
Sales Manager Gemma Gray
0794 2743948
Client Liaison & Admin Mgr Dee Ryder
MAR/APR 2019
0794 2743952
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
Psychotherapy and Couns selling Experienced, UKCP P registered, psychoanalytic psycchotherapisst offering in-depth therapy t to d i in individuals facing difficulties their lives. Please see website for furtherr d t il or call details ll D Debb bb bie Moore o on
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To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit HORSHAM PAGES North
MAR/APR 2019
INDEX Accountancy & Bookkeeping
Great Driver 23
Sussex Kitchen Designs 48
Driving School
The Kitchen Store 31
Indigo Tax & Accountancy 13
Rookwood Driveways & Patios 9
Mortgage Consultant
Tax Adept Accountants 51
Private Wealth Mortgages 56
Tax Assist 53
David J Long Limited 73
Oven Cleaning
Art Classes
Nick Simmonds Electrical 34
Oven Rescue - Horsham 44
The Seasons Art Class 49
Estate & Letting Agents / Homes
Pet Services
for Sale
R & H Pet Supplies 47
Bathe in Safety Ltd 16
At Home 75
Plumbing / Heating / Boiler
Building Services / Carpentry /
Brock Taylor Estate Agents 76
Oakford Homes 41
Ferris Plumbing & Heating 19
AMA Property Maintenance 73
Open House Horsham 3
Holbrook Plumbing 35
Northern Heights Loft
Fascias / Soffits / Gutters
PST Plumbing 73
Conversions 4
P Green House Maintenance 11
Printing/Graphic Design
NPD Developments 35
Foot Services
Parker Fix 25
Horsham Podiatry 15
Foundry Press 69
Smart Homes Handyman 56
Funeral Services
Roofing Contractor
Car Services
Francis Chappell & Sons 44
G & S Roofing & Guttering 17
Mercury Car Sales 47
Garden & Landscaping Services
Satellite & Aerial
Care Services
Fairalls 10
Atlas Mobility .67
Lawn3 4
TAS Aerials 54
Carpet / Flooring
WJC Pease Garden Landscâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;g 16
Self Storage
Berwicks of Horsham 38 & 39
Hair & Beauty
Standby Self Storage 3
James For Carpets 5
Studio 2 54
Health & Wellbeing
BELsigns 27
St Catherines Hospice 55
Debbie Moore Counselling &
Psychotherapy 73
Flackwoods Solicitors 15
Horsham Sports Club 58
PRH Therapy 73
Smith Gadd & Co 28
Transform Health & Beauty 1
Sports Equipment
North Horsham Parish Council 8
IT / Web Design Services
Jim Hills Sports 49
West Sussex County Council 21/26
Rob Haskins 71
Swim School
Woodstock IT Services 37
Horsham Swim School 19
Roffey Co-Op 2
Kitchens / Bedrooms
Curtains / Blinds / Interiors
Absolutely Kitchens, Bedrooms
Maltman Cosham Limited 50
Mobile Curtain Showroom 6
and Bathrooms 25
Wills & Estate Planning
Driveways / Patios
Alexander Kitchens 43
Westminster Law 6
MAR/APR 2019
HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit
of the year
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