Horsham Pages North March/April 2021

Page 46


Great gadgets from simple track kers to the smartest smartwatches One of the simplest and cheapest exerc trackers is the pedometer, which tells yo how many steps you you’ve ve walked in a give period. There are lots of them around fo little money: for example, the Omron Wa Style One Step Counter, a pocket-sized pedometer, is around £16. However, if you’d like to track more than VWHSV \RXµOO QHHG WR ORRN DW D GHGLFDWHG WQHVV tracker. These aren’t necessarily much more expensive – you can get Huawei’s attractive and effective Huawei Band 4 for less than £30 – but they’re more useful, as they typically add heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, calories burned and other key data. Some also offer sleep tracking. Although they’re battery-powered they usually last much longer than smartwatches, typically going for over a week between charges and not needing long to recharge. There are versions designed for kids, too, such as the Fitbit Ace, which track activity but not calories. es. 7KH QH[W VWHS XS IURP ¾WQHVV WUDFNHUV LV WKH smart watch. Apple’s watch is the market leader here, but it’s also one of the most expensive, and you can get good smartwatches such as tthe e Sa Samsung su g Ga Galaxy a y ((£159) 59)) o or tthe e Huawei ua ei hese devices GT2e (£99) for a lot less. Th RIIHU D ZLGHU UDQJH RI ¾WQHVV WUDFNLQJ features and usually connec ct to your smartphone to share data with w your KHDOWK DQG RU ¾WQHVV DSSV ,Q PDQ\ FDVHV WKH OLQH EHWZHHQ ¾WQHVV trackers is blurred. For exam mple, the watch, but Fitbit Versa Lite is a smartw UHDOO\ LWµV D VXSHU SRZHUHG ¾WQHVV tracker and unlike more exp pensive ur own apps. devices you can’t install you The latest generation of the Apple Watch is really impressive, both as a smartwatch DQG DV D ¾WQHVV WUDFNHU ,W LVQµW FKHDS ° WKH latest model, the Series 6, starts at £379 – but the more affffordable Apple Watch SE starts at £269. The older Apple Watch Series 3 is £199, although we think the SE is more capable and worth paying slightly more for.



Apple pp Watch SE This is the current mid-range Apple Watch and itt’s effffectively a cut-down version of the range-topping Series S com ,WµV SDFNHG ZLWK ¾WQHVV IHDWXUHV £269, Apple.c Sig gma ROX 7.0 Cycle Computer If you prefer pedalling to pounding pavem ments ments, s GPS cycle computer can track your S Sigma’ performance on every ride and deliver every conceivable kind of statistic. £59, Wig ggle.co.uk

Omron Walking lki St Style l One O 2.0 2 0 Step St p C Counter This pocket-sized device contains the t same NLQG RI ' DFFHOHURPHWHU VHQVRU \RXµOO ¾QG LQ sma artphones enabling you to track your artphones, y steps, steps killometres and miles. £15.99, Argo os.co.uk Fitbit Inspire HR This Fitbit is cheap but that do oesn’t mean it’s lacking in features. It has a workout monitor and heart ra ate sensing as well as step and ca alorie counting, and it syncs nicely with w Fitbit’s phone app. £59, Fitbit..com

Honor Band B 5 Smart Fitness Tracker $ IXOO\ IHDWXUHG ¾WQHVV WUDFNHU IRU u under £30? That’s what this little marvel from f Honor delivers. It’s a great little device available in a range of c colours. £29.99, Amazon.co.uk

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