Horsham Pages North May/June 2019

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May/June 2019


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Giving Denne Residents’ A Voice


Schools Dance Festival



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Our exciting programme of events continues across the District...

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CONTENTS M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 9 44 77 88 10 10 12 12 14 14 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 26 28 30 28 32 30 38 32 40 38 43 40 44 43 46 44 48 46 50 48 57 50 58 57 59 58 60 60 62 62 66 66 68 68 70 70

Contents Contents Comment Comment North North Horsham Horsham Parish Parish Council Council Horsham Horsham Denne Denne Neighbourh’d Neighbourh’d Council Council Year Year Of Of Culture Culture 2019 2019 Survey Survey On On End End Of Of Life Life Care Care Artist Artist Captures Captures The The Beauty Beauty Of Of Churches Churches Horsham Horsham District District Schools Schools Dance Dance Festival Festival Try Try Your Your Hand Hand At At Sculpture Sculpture Artists Artists Required Required For For Art Art Trail Trail PGA PGA Golf Golf Tour Tour Roffey CricketRebecca Club Local Author Brazier WI Author Rebecca Brazier Local Great Start For Hearts WI SpecialStart Vehicles Tour Horsham District Great For Hearts 5 PeaksVehicles Challenge Special Tour Horsham District Author David James Parker 5Local Peaks Challenge A Medicine To Town Local AuthorMaker DavidComes James Parker Free PSA Tests In Horsham A Medicine Maker Comes To Town Pet’s PSA Corner Free Tests In Horsham The Big Gig 19 Pet’s Corner Horsham Music The Big Gig 19 Circle Recipe Music Circle Horsham Kids’ Page Recipe Kinder Living Living Kinder Community Information Information Board Board Community Horsham What’s What’s On On Horsham Puzzle Answers, Answers, Discounts Discounts & & Offers Offers Puzzle Advertisement Index Index Advertisement C CO ON NTA TAC CTT U USS T: 01403 01403 588618 588618 T: E: info@horshampublications.com info@horshampublications.com E: Editor Richard Richard Milbourn Milbourn Editor editor@horshampublications.com editor@horshampublications.com Sales Manager Manager Gemma Gemma Gray Gray Sales gemma@horshampublications.com gemma@horshampublications.com Client Liaison Liaison & & Admin Admin Mgr Mgr Dee Dee Ryder Ryder Client dee@horshampublications.com dee@horshampublications.com Find us us on on Find

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ootball 4 Kids (F4K) is a family run club, founded by Dan and Vicki East, that specializes in teaching football skills to children aged 4 to 10 years old. Whilst fun is at the epicentre of everything they do, Dan and Vicky believe it is important to maintain structure in the sessions by working towards milestone goals. Each child is given a set plan of objectives to achieve as well as weekly awards for “most improved” and “star of the week” giving the children a real sense of pride and accomplishment. I took my daughter along for a trial session where she was warmly welcomed into the group and she thoroughly enjoyed Dan’s style of learning through play. I also asked some of the parents why they chose F4K for their children and their responses were no less than glowing recommendations all round. “My son Bobby is 5yrs old and we travel from

– by Gemma Gray

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ts quite possible that you have not heard about Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council (HDNC)? On page 10 you can read about the unparished parts of Horsham which have three Neighbourhood Councils - Denne, Forest and Trafalgar - who represent residents in local matters and liaise closely with Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council. In fact they have a big say on your environment and are involved in Planning Applications; Highways; Youth; Older People; Horsham Park; the Town Centre and the Neighbourhood Wardens. The HDNC area includes: the Park, the Town Centre, Highwood development, Warnham Nature Reserve, the Bus and Railway stations, The Capitol, Hospital, Drill

Hall, the Cricket Club, Causeway and St. Mary’s Parish Church, and part of the Riverside Walk. HDNC is currently involved in: improvements to the North Street and Railway subways; the Horsham Park Management Plan; the Pirie’s Place Development; the Town Vision; and the Horsham Enterprise Park proposals. HDNC is looking for volunteers who live in the area and care about where they live, and who can contribute time, enthusiasm and experience. Why not find out more details about becoming a Neighbourhood Councillor by visiting www.hdnc.org.uk and have your say in Horsham affairs? Richard Milbourn, Editor E: editor@horshampublications.com





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he new term for the Parish Council starts on 7th May 2019 with newly elected councillors signing their declaration of acceptance. It is

hoped that that all of the 19 seats on the Parish Council will be filled, but if not, the Council will be advertising the vacancies with a hope of co-opting councillors. If you are interested, please keep an eye on the notice boards and on the website for details of vacancies. As part of the Horsham District Council Year of Culture 2019, North Horsham Parish Council presents “North Horsham Now and Then” which is an opportunity to look back on North Horsham’s past and record the present for future generations. Residents

the wooden buildings that may have stood on the mound, the outline of the motte and bailey can be defined and there is an interpretation board on site to help make sense of the various undulations and marks on the ground. The site is owned by Horsham District Council.

are invited to take a photograph in North

For more information, look on the local

Horsham parish on one day in the year as

history part of the Parish Council website. More information about North Horsham

a pictorial record for the future. The date that has been chosen is 6th July 2019, which coincides with the annual Riverside Walk, part of which goes through North Horsham Parish. The

Parish Council can be found on the Parish Council website www.northhorshampc.gov.uk, or contact the Parish Council through

annual Riverside Walk is supporting the Queen

the Clerk on 01403 750786, e-mail

Elizabeth II School and joining instructions can be


found at www.horsham.community/2019-annualriverside-walk. When you have taken your


photograph, please submit it to North Horsham Parish Council with a note of where it has been

Holbrook East

Roland Knight

01403 256267

taken. By submitting the photograph, you are

Karen Burgess

01403 264072

Simon Torn

agreeing for the photograph to be published on

01403 273533

Ian Wassell


the website.

Tony Rickett

01403 258762

Roffey South

01403 217003

Richard Millington Joy Gough

meet for a morning’s reminiscence of “North

Rita Ginn

01403 241746

Horsham Now and Then”. Bring along old and

01403 264109

Roffey North

Ray Turner

new photographs and chat about them over a cup

Frances Haigh

Alan Britten

01403 259612

of tea and a piece of cake.

01403 253652

01403 272226

Sally Wilton

John Smithurst

James Davidson 01403 269126

Horsham District’s only listed Ancient Monument,

01403 262525


Councillors may

the Motte and Bailey Castle off Lemmington Way,

Holbrook West

Martin Loates

change after

also known as Chennelsbrook Castle. The

Peter Burgess

01403 269465

May 2nd local

photograph above shows the remains of the

01403 273533

David Searle


In September the Council will invite people to

The Parish Council is also working to promote

01403 261800

motte or mound. Whilst there are no remains from



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GIVING DENNE RESIDENTS’ A VOICE ho are we? The unparished part of


pleased that a trial has taken place on reversing the

Horsham has three Neighbourhood

entrance and exit and we hope that this will lead to a

Councils - Denne, Forest and Trafalgar -

permanent alteration.

closely with Horsham District Council and West Sussex


who represent our residents in local matters and liaise County Council. See the map below to check if you live in the Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council (HDNC) area or visit our website at www.hdnc.org.uk

HDNC has a longstanding agreement with HDC concerning consultation on future improvements and maintenance in the Park. We initiated the request for the outdoor gym equipment and are pleased at its popularity. We were involved in plans to landscape the area by the North Parade car park, and more recently in making the North Street entrance appear open and welcoming. HDNC is pleased to support the Friends of The HDNC area includes: the Park, the Town Centre, Highwood development, Warnham Nature Reserve,

Horsham Park in raising public interest and attracting volunteers.

the Bus and Railway stations, The Capitol, Hospital, Drill Hall, the Cricket Club, Causeway and St. Mary’s


Parish Church, and part of the Riverside Walk. OUR INVOLVEMENT INCLUDES: Planning applications; Highways; Youth; Older People; Horsham Park; the Town Centre; the Neighbourhood Wardens. HDNC is currently involved in: improvements to the North Street and Railway subways; the Horsham Park

HDNC and the Horsham Society were involved with

Management Plan; the Pirie’s Place Development; the

HDC on enhancing the Remembrance Garden and Mill

Town Vision; and the Horsham Enterprise Park

Bay. Much thought went into landscaping, the non-slip


path, new bridges and lighting, as well as information boards and has created an interesting and peaceful


area for people to enjoy.

Horsham Hospital – HDNC has been lobbying for several years for a change to the Hospital car park


entrance to prevent traffic jams in Hurst Road. We are

HDNC has been involved in improvements to the



HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com


railway station and forecourt. We were instrumental

objected to the planning application in its current

in ensuring the station toilets were upgraded. We also


strove to get seats in the bus shelters, a shelter for the taxi queue and sufficient cycle parking facilities.


Together with Forest NC we succeeded in getting the

HDNC has vacancies for volunteers who care about

flooding problem at the back of the station resolved.

where they live, and who can contribute time,

The subway lighting has been improved and at long

enthusiasm and experience. Neighbourhood

last our proposals to improve the pedestrian access

Councillors must be resident in our area and of voting

into the car parks from the footpath and the

age. We would be pleased to hear from you if you are

replacement of the ugly wire fence are happening.

interested in finding out more.



Although this site is not in the HDNC area we are

For further information or to express interest in

concerned that this proposed development, together

attending one of our monthly meetings (usually held

with the North of Horsham development, will increase

on the third Thursday of each month) please contact

traffic in the Denne area and create ‘rat runs’. Roads

the Clerk, by email at clerk@hdnc.org.uk Tel: 01403

such as Wimblehurst Road are not suitable for heavy

581896 or you can visit our new website:

traffic. HDNC has been involved in meetings with

www.hdnc.org.uk You can follow us on Twitter:

WSCC and the Wimblehurst Road Residents’

@DenneNC or on Facebook: Denne Neighbourhood

Association to discuss possible solutions, and has


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Y E A R O F C U LT U R E 2 0 1 9 The Horsham District Year of Culture is now in full swing and we have over 450 events listed on the website. What will you choose to see and do in the coming months? Here are some highlights to look out for in May and June.

Shipley Church Bernardi Chamber Ensemble.


ne of the most highly regarded Classical Music Festivals in the UK – The Shipley Arts Festival – continues in May and June with a programme of superb music at locations across the District including Broadbridge Heath, Shipley, Steyning, Coolham, Warnham Park, Knepp castle and Nuthurst. Find out more at www.shipleyartsfestival.co.uk. The variety of events this May is remarkable, ranging from an invitation to join the Horsham Writers Circle, tea tasting at Leonardslee, adult stitching, creative writing or circus skills workshops, bird watching at the RSPB Pulborough Brooks Nightingale Festival and free dancing taster sessions at various halls in the District. Amberley Working Museum is hosting a variety of Vintage Vehicle Days whilst South Lodge Hotel is offering garden tours and afternoon teas. HAODS are presenting Singing In The Rain at the Capitol Theatre whilst Heat 3 of the Sussex Comedian of the Year takes place at the George and Dragon in Shipley. If none of this appeals, look out for wine tasting days, animal family fun at



The Rudes.

Spanish Festival.

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Chesworth farm, Heritage Craft days, Steyning Country Fair, Horsham’s Caribbean Festival and more. Phew! The fun doesn’t stop in June either. The highlight of June may well be A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Knepp Castle from 21 to 29 June. This new production, made especially for the Horsham District Year of Culture, will enthral and delight whether you’re Shakespeare fans or not. Other events in June include story-time and craft activities across our district libraries, art exhibitions at Parham House and Horsham Museum and a Horsham Art Trail around the District. Outdoor theatre is on offer at Dial Post, Billingshurst and West Chiltington, enjoy a concert series at Leonardslee House and Gardens or a Father’s Day Banquet at Mannings Heath Golf and Wine Estate. Fitzherbert Stump is a must for all children, offering a brand new, hilarious adaptation of AF Harrold’s much-loved book for children featuring puppetry, magic and a lion with false teeth! Spanish lovers may want to visit Horsham to enjoy a free Spanish Festival, or why not pay a visit to Steyning to experience the St Cuthman’s Wheelbarrow race! This is just a selection of the wonderful events happening throughout May and June. You can find full details of these events and more at www.hdculture2019.co.uk. Please do check booking information and prices prior to attending an event. Follow @hdculture2019 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date with the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019.

St Mary’s The Virgin, Stopham.


St Mark’s Church | North Heath Lane

Children’s Activities • BBQ & Refreshments Saturday 25th May 2019 • From 12 ’til 4pm Follow us @HDCulture2019 on

Everyone welcome – everything free. Come along and have some fun!

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S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S H O S P I C E



t Catherine’s Hospice is producing the biggest ever survey on end of life care in Sussex and Surrey. Shortly, you’ll receive a survey through your door to ask for your views on end of life care, whether you have received hospice care or not. Jackie Chipps is a St Catherine’s community nurse caring for people in Horsham. Here she shares why it’s so important you have your say. “Every day, I have the privilege of caring for people in our community as they reach the end of their lives. My colleagues and I nurse our neighbours - the assistant in the corner shop, the refuse collectors who pick up our household waste, and the school teacher who educates our children. It’s possible we’ve even nursed some of your family and friends. We help people manage the symptoms of their illness and work with them to relieve their pain. We also make sure their family and friends have someone to talk to at what is often a very difficult time. For eight in ten local people, we provide this care in the comfort of their own homes. Homes all around you. Many people choose to be looked after at home as it’s the place they feel most comfortable. But right now, we know that we aren’t even close to reaching every person who needs us. In fact, we can currently only help one in three local people who need our expert support. We want to change this, so we’re building a new hospice in Pease Pottage to help us reach more people in our community. And to make sure that in the future nobody in East Surrey and West Sussex has to face death and loss alone. But building a new larger hospice is only



part of the solution. We also need to expand our services and, to achieve that, we need to know more. We need to know what you think about end of life care in our area and what you think needs to be different. I know what it’s like when you get lots of things through the post but when you receive our survey please don’t just throw it away. Please take just 10 minutes to fill it out. Even if you need to put it aside and come back to it later. Completing our survey is vitally important because it will help us develop our services. And it will give you a unique chance, the first of its kind locally, to share with us the type of care and support you think you, your family, friends and neighbours may need from us in years to come. Whatever your experience of end of life care has been you’ll have something valuable to tell us. It’s only thanks to the support of people like you that my colleagues and I can be there to provide care at the hardest of times. And knowing it’s your support that allows us to do this makes our jobs even more special. By sparing just 10 minutes on our survey when it arrives at your home, you can help make sure we’re there to provide care to many more local people in years to come. There’s no better reason to pick up your pen!” If you would like additional copies of St Catherine’s survey please contact Isabelle Taylor, Individual Giving Fundraiser at St Catherine’s, on 01293 583059 or alternatively please visit: www.bit.ly/StCatherinesHospicesurvey to fill out the survey online. Wherever possible we ask that you complete the postal survey.

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ARTIST CAPTURES THE BEAUTY OF CHURCHES War artist captures the beauty of ancient Sussex churches

St Nicolas Church and Priest House, Itchingfield.


fter 15 years of painting wars brought about by religious conflict, award winning war artist Gordon Rushmer has turned his brush and palette to capture the exquisite beauty of ancient churches of West Sussex and Horsham District in particular. From detailed observation used to record the minutiae of conflict, from recording the right type of kit worn by soldiers, Gordon’s gaze has turned to record the exact poise of the angel at Boxgrove, or wall plaster at Hardham. The stunning new exhibition Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex



at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is not an exercise in replication, but of seeing the churches and their landscape through the eyes of an award winning watercolour artist whose work is held in collections around the world. The exhibition, which opens on 30 March, is a remarkable record; three years in the planning and painting. In visiting the churches, imbibing their charm and creating the essence of what makes them special, Gordon Rushmer has created a remarkable work of art that is a wonderful record of the ancient churches of West Sussex. His

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watercolours will encourage you to explore familiar places anew, whilst also revealing the known unknowns; those places you knew about, but never visited. To act as a guide there is a stunning book published to coincide with this exhibition, using the voice of the artist to reveal what drew him to these special places. The exhibition Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex includes unusual views of the majestic Chichester Cathedral to the nude paintings in Hardham, lying just south of Pulborough, to portraits of windows that reflect the sun bursting through, highlighting the mellow stone and patina of age on oak pews. Such images are complemented by the age-worn stone of headstones and graves as they populate the churchyard and add poignancy to the watercolours. The new temporary exhibition is part of Horsham District Council’s Year of Culture programme at Horsham Museum & Art Gallery. Gordon Rushmer’s stunning exhibition is part of a tradition, spanning 250 years, of recording the historic churches, first commenced by William Burrell of West Grinstead who employed the Swiss artist Grimm. His watercolours are now in the British Library and seen as one of the outstanding pictorial records of 18th century Britain. The quality of Gordon Rushmer’s paintings stand in comparison. Some of Grimm’s watercolours became fine copperplate images in leather bound books. Today, thanks to modern technology, the public, if not able to buy one of the original works of art, can buy a beautifully produced book, illustrating all of the paintings in this amazing exhibition. The book will be available to purchase from 30 March from Horsham Museum & Art Gallery and will be priced at £12.50.

St Mary’s The Virgin, Stopham.

Accents on the landscape: Ancient Churches of West Sussex by Gordon Rushmer opens on 30 March and runs till 1 June 2019. From there it will also show at Weald and Downland Living Museum followed by Parham House in September 2019. For more information see www.horshammuseum.org Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is open MondaySaturday 10am-5pm, Free Admission.

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Warnham CE Primary School and The College of Richard Collyer (inset).


ver 350 pupils from 17 Horsham District schools took part in the Horsham District Schools Dance Festival 2019 across two nights in March at The Capitol in Horsham. The dance festival had returned to Horsham due to funding from the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019 and with two sell out nights, it was a sure fire success. Hundreds of hours of rehearsals and preparation came to fruition on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 March, with performances from children aged four and upwards. The dances followed themes such as ‘Follow the Swallow’ by Shipley CE Primary School, inspired by the book of the same name by Year of Culture patron Julia Donaldson CBE, and a striking performance by Collyer’s students inspired by the Carfax in Horsham. Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Cllr Jonathan Chowen said: “It really is a joy to watch your children performing in events such as these and I am delighted that this show has returned to its home in Horsham.



“For so many young people to take the time to rehearse and perform such an impressive array of dances is truly inspiring. “The work which has gone in from teachers and students is really something be admired and treasured. Well done all on your involvement.” Paula Kitchener who organises the event voluntarily, said: “‘It was so wonderful being able to come back to Horsham from Crawley as it’s a Horsham District schools event. “All of the children taking part did incredibly well, they did us all very proud.” Schools involved in the event were – Arunside School, Billingshurst Primary School, College of Richard Collyer, Greenway Academy, Kingslea Primary School, Leechpool Primary School, Northolmes School, Queen Elizabeth II School, Rusper Primary School, Shelley Primary School, Shipley C of E Primary School, St Mary’s C of E School, St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary School, Southwater Junior Academy, Tanbridge House School, Warnham C of E Primary School and Wisborough Green Primary School.

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MAY/JUNE 2019 MAY/JUNE 201921 5

T RY Y O U R H A N D AT SCULPTURE Throughout 2019 a new sculpture by Jon Edgar will be emerging at Highwood Village. Jon already has large works on display at Lewes, Pulborough, Slindon and the Surrey Hills and you can be involved with his new work.


on Edgar does not pre-plan the work but rather lets the block evolve in response to the people and environment its located in. Working on site, by hand, whatever the weather, lets him see and hear some of the experiences and history that we can impart. A 7 tonne block of Portland stone arrived in February and was lifted into place next to the River Arun, being unveiled when the BMX pump track adjacent was formally opened by Horsham District Council and Berkeley Homes. The stone is being worked over 60 days, predominently at weekends, and the sculptor has goggles, mallets and chisels ready to give the local visitor tuition in safe stone carving and involved in developing sculpture. Jon said: “After 12 sessions, the role of visitors is changing from initially helping me open up the surface of the stone; getting to know the tools. Gradually, as the history, landscape and nature of the area become known, the stone starts to slowly establish its own story in response. Volunteers take on the role of



apprentice, helping me move into the depths of the stone and revealing the final form. Several families that were present on the first day have returned at regular intervals to see how ‘their’ stone is progressing!” If you wish to carve, visit www.horshamsculpture.wordpress.com for directions and Jon’s dates on site between 10am and 4pm. New carvers need to drop in to the Sales Suite at Highwood to sign up for Health and Safety purposes, but once you have done this once, you can turn up and carve whenever Jon is there. Those involved have been aged between 4 and 94. If you want to come and recount your memories of the Red River or the High Wood, or just look at the sculpture - then Jon will welcome your thoughts - and on how the forms of the stone appear to you. The more input, the more chance of this work being a real legacy for Highwood Village. You can also follow @massform on Twitter or @thejonedgar on Facebook and Instagram.

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MAY/JUNE 2019 MAY/JUNE 201923 9

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t Catherine’s Hospice is calling on local schools, early years learning groups and community groups to get involved in an exciting, large scale art project while supporting their local hospice. Eight schools have already signed up for St Catherine’s Young Heart Project. This is part of the hospice’s HeART to Heart trail, sponsored by Thakeham, which will give visitors a chance to follow a trail of giant hearts across Sussex and Surrey this summer. These hearts will be displayed in the areas St Catherine’s provides people with expert end of life care. And there's still chance for other local schools, early year learning groups and community groups to become a crucial part of the hospice’s trail by joining the Young Hearts project. The project involves school or groups customising a wire heart for display in local spaces such as libraries and shopping centres. Their wire hearts will be displayed alongside larger heart sculptures. These sculptures have been uniquely designed by local artists and individually sponsored by local businesses and organisations. Each wire heart has also been handmade by a local artist and designed to create a beautiful structure that encourages children’s creative freedom. There is also the opportunity for young people to take part in workshops with local artists. Whyteleafe School in Tandridge, Surrey has already signed up to the project. Jenny Taylor, a Year 3 teacher at the school said, “We’re excited to take part in St Catherine’s Young Heart Project and to design a heart for the trail. We’re having a competition for the best designed heart and are looking forward to using our new art studio to give us inspiration. Our school council voted for St Catherine’s as our charity for the year. And we’re looking forward to holding



lots of fun events to help raise money for our local hospice.” Abi Harley, Community Fundraiser at St Catherine’s said, “I hope lots of schools and groups will get involved in our exciting art trail. To take part in Young Hearts, we ask your school or group to raise £500 or more to for your mini heart. The money you raise will help us care for more terminally ill people and their family and friends in the future. And will help us make sure that in years to come, nobody in our community has to face death and loss alone.“ Ready to open your heart? To sign up or for more information please contact Abi Harley, Community Fundraiser at St Catherine’s on 01293 447319 or email comfun@stch.org.uk Designs need to be completed by the end of May 2019.

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offey Cricket Club (RCC) is a growing community that

boasts four Saturday league teams, one Sunday team and a junior section suitable for both boys and girls. The ground, left in trust by the Innes Family, is situated off the Crawley

PGA 2018 Adam Streeter of Mannings and Billy Hemstock 2018 winner.

Road in North Horsham. There is also another ground in Faygate, where the third and fourth teams play


their home games.

August 8th to 10th 2019. It is free to attend and

successful season so far was in 2018, with the first

watch and is regarded as one of the best UK-based

eleven winning the league and making it to the

tours for young professionals. For details visit

country’s last four in both national knockout



he Nokia Masters PGA EuroPro Tour is returning to Mannings Heath Golf & Wine Estate at Horsham in West Sussex, from

The first team have won the Sussex Premier League for four of the last five years. The most

The event is preceded by the club’s own Pro-Am

Much of the club’s success can be credited to their

event on Wednesday 7th August. Team bookings

fantastic junior section that runs on a Friday

are available to purchase from Mannings Heath.

evening. Colts’ training resumes Friday 26th MAY

This offers the opportunity to play with a tour

2019 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, for under 9s through

professional and enjoy the gala dinner afterwards,

to under 16s, alongside an introduction to cricket

hosted by the PGA.

session suitable for 5 to 9 year olds. Over the years,

Penny Streeter, owner of Mannings Heath Golf

the youth section has produced some incredibly

and Wine Estate, said: “Events like the EuroPro Tour

talented cricketers who have progressed through the

are essential if the game is to thrive and young

adult teams to the Firsts. Most importantly, it gives

golfers helped to achieve their potential. We are

youngsters the chance to enjoy playing cricket with

honoured to have been approached again to host

their friends and become part of a wider family

one of the events which we feel confirms the

community in a fun and friendly environment.

quality of the classic Waterfall Course”.

RCC is the perfect place for parents to bring

Daniel Godding, Chief Executive of the

children, of all ages and ability levels, to play cricket

HotelPlanner.com PGA EuroPro Tour, said: “I am

and socialise with friends. Likewise, if you are an

delighted with the schedule we have built for the

adult looking to play competitive cricket, or just to

2019 season. We are welcomed back to some superb

enjoy the sport, there’s a place for you at Roffey.

venues which have previously hosted in addition to some fantastic new courses.

For more information please contact Toni Jeal on 07747 781231 or email roffeycc@gmail.com - Roffey

“With a £50,000 prize fund up for grabs at every

Cricket Club thanks all of their

tournament, not to mention TV exposure on Sky

sponsors for their ongoing support.

Sports broadcast to 100 Countries around the world,

For more information about

the HotelPlanner.com PGA EuroPro Tour truly is the

sponsorship opportunities email

best place to hone your game.”




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MAY/JUNE 2019 MAY/JUNE 201927 9


THE TWO FACES OF CANCER The Two Faces of Cancer is motivating and uplifting in how adversity can be faced and overcome, inspiring readers to live their lives.

Rebecca Brazier.


ancer was an unwelcome arrival 30 weeks into Rebecca’s second pregnancy, she was just 38 years old. Chemo began two weeks later and making the decision to have chemo while she was pregnant remains the most difficult choice she has ever had to make. A year’s worth of treatment followed with her daughter being born healthily mid chemo cycles. A recurrence of the same cancer was diagnosed just as she was going to be discharged 10 years later, she now has just 30% chance of surviving for another 10 years. A seemingly minor by comparison skin cancer was diagnosed early in 2016. Cancer impacted and changed every part of Rebecca’s life and she promised herself she would help other cancer patients who face a similar experience. After several years



volunteering at cancer charities she formerly trained as a counsellor and has a practice near where she lives. The Two Faces of Cancer explores Rebecca’s three personal experiences of cancer and then explains these using her professional skills and knowledge as a counsellor to raise awareness and understanding about the enormous and devastating impact cancer has. Rebecca experienced cancer as a frightening and isolating time which created powerful and intense emotions of fear, sadness and anger which Rebecca didn’t understand or know how to manage and which remained long after the treatment ended. The emotional impact of cancer took Rebecca to the brink of a mental break down on more than one occasion. Through understanding what these emotions were about and why she experienced them over time Rebecca has made changes to her life and has learnt to live alongside cancer. The Two Faces of Cancer is motivating and uplifting in how adversity can be faced and overcome, inspiring readers to live their lives. The profits of the book will be donated to Mummy’s Star (www.mummysstar.org) a charity which supports mums who have a diagnosis of cancer during or soon after pregnancy. Rebecca lives near Horsham with her two teenage daughters, husband and assortment of animals. She enjoys reading, nature and has a post cancer passion for travelling. Rebecca writes a weekly blog exploring the emotional impact of cancer which can be found at www.thetwofacesofcancer.com For more details contact Rebecca on info@thetwofacesofcancer.com

HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

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hat springs to mind when you think of the WI? There are actually many WI groups in this area, each offering a different experience, and it isn't all jam and Jerusalem! Trafalgar Treasures WI is a modern, evening WI group that formed in 2018 in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Rushams Road and meet every 2nd Friday of the month. In our first year we enjoyed talks from a female aerial photographer, and Sussex Green Living and had a go at book folding and sewing. We put together feminine hygiene kits for girls abroad and made no-sew cushion covers. We helped to make a quilt that will be donated to a women’s refuge and played skittles. We donated supplies for local ladies that are admitted to emergency mental health care and knitted squares for a blanket for premature babies. Most importantly, we enjoyed getting to know one another and plan to continue to grow into an entertaining, positive, supportive and welcoming group. As a WI member you will enjoy a varied programme of meetings that include talks, activities, social opportunities, and always cake. You can also get involved in numerous regional and national level events and activities. But there is also the chance to



make a difference both locally and nationally. The WI are to thank for the current NHS Breast Screening Programme and they were among the first in the UK to raise awareness of AIDS. Similar national campaigns are introduced each year and local groups can get as involved in each campaign as they wish. It can be easy to feel bogged down and isolated with work, responsibilities and social media but, once a month, you can chat to people with similar challenges who come together to be part of a community and to learn something new. If you think our group sounds like your cup of tea, why not give it a go? It is ÂŁ5 to visit, or you can join for the year. Our programme for 2019 is as follows: 10th May - Debate and discussion 14th June - Hypnotherapy 12th July - Belly dancing 9th August - Social 13th September - Craft 11th October - Annual meeting and pumpkin carving competition 8th November - Christmas card making 13th December - Fabric wreath making Please like our Facebook page Trafalgar Treasures - Horsham WI for more information.

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G R E AT S TA R T F O R H E A R T S St Valantines Day was used to launch a HeART for Horsham campaign: a brand new art trail coming to Sussex and Surrey in 2019 with each heart uniquely designed by local artists to raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice so that more people with a terminal illness can receive the care they need.


he Hearts for Horsham campaign was launched on Valentine’s Day to raise money to fund a number of locally designed heart sculptures, forming part of St Catherine’s Hospice summer HeART to Heart trail. St Catherine’s HeART to Heart trail will give our local communities the chance to follow a trail of uniquely designed heart sculptures across the Horsham District and the wider areas where St Catherine’s provides people with care. Each individual heart sculpture has been sponsored by a local organisation, business or private donor. Horsham District Council is thrilled to support its local hospice with this exciting new initiative. And keen for the whole community to get involved to fundraise for their own heart, as well as to encourage local businesses to sponsor heart sculptures. As part of the Valentine’s Day launch, Horsham held a range of community fundraising events. Money was collected in Horsham’s Carfax markets and the staff from RSA Insurance and Horsham



District Council held fundraising events. Swan Walk Shopping Centre also hosted “On the mosaic”, a vibrant display to enable people to donate money towards a community Hearts for Horsham sculpture. Over £2,000 was raised on Valentine’s Day alone, so this particular part of the project is now well on the way to the £3,500 needed for Horsham’s community to fund its own first heart. The launch day also revealed sponsorship funding for two hearts by private donors. One heart named ‘Together we are strong’ will be sponsored by Swan Walk Shopping Centre and situated in West Street as part of the wider trail. Another heart, sponsored by private supporters of St Catherine’s, and designed by day patients at the hospice called “Ellie our Angel”, will be positioned inside Swan Walk Shopping Centre. These will encourage people to visit Horsham as part of the trail. Places Leisure has also confirmed its support for Hearts for Horsham by announcing plans to

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fundraise across their Horsham sports and fitness centres to hopefully bring their own heart sculpture to the Bridge Leisure Centre foyer in July. Commenting on Hearts for Horsham, Gill Buchanan Centre Manager at Swan Walk Shopping Centre, said: “Swan Walk is pleased to be sponsoring the beautiful heart that will sit in West Street as well as be the home for the special angel wings heart which will sit on our mosaic for the summer. We are also excited to be launching a summer creative event for our community that will support St Catherine’s and an installation in our centre throughout October. More news on this will follow. ” Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure Cllr Jonathan Chowen added: “The Council is delighted to be working with St Catherine’s on such an original fundraising event. The benefits of this particular campaign are

many and varied. It’s obviously great that so much money will be raised for such a good cause, but it’s particularly special that during the Horsham District Year of Culture, so many different people and local organisations will be able to enjoy and create unique pieces of art that will be displayed around the whole District.” We hope you will support our fundraising as we drive towards hosting as many hearts in Horsham as possible as part of the hospice trail this summer. If you would like to get involved or would like more information please email the Council’s Economic Development team at events@horsham.gov.uk or Hannah Shorter, St Catherine’s Event Project’s Fundraiser, at hannahshorter@stch.org.uk Donations can be made online via www.heartsforhorsham.info to this great trail. All money raised will support St Catherine’s Hospice.

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North




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wing columnist (5)


4 Burrow, hideaway (3)

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6 Take wing (3)

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7 Pantry, food cupboard (6) 14 Beset, over-burdened 11 Mistake (5)


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SPECIAL VEHICLES TOUR HORSHAM DISTRICT In celebration of the Horsham District Year of Culture 2019, on Sunday 24 March amidst bright spring sunshine, Horsham District welcomed a tour of some 40 special vehicles as they travelled around its market towns and villages, stopping off to form static displays in various locations.


uilding on the success of the Piazza Italia District Tours in 2016 and 2017, the District Showcase Tour, saw up to 40 vehicles from five different Horsham Town events form a travelling cavalcade stop off in Billingshurst; Pulborough; Storrington; Steyning and Henfield in turn. It also passed through 3 district villages*. Managed by Horsham District Council, the tour presented the perfect opportunity for local businesses to open their doors and set out their stalls for the benefit of the many spectators who lined the routes and stopped off in local towns and villages to enjoy the unique spectacle. The Tour presented a broad mix of supercars, classic and muscle cars, police cars and camper vans. The cars represented a selection of those to be seen at Horsham Piazza Italia during the



Easter weekend, Horsham’s Great British Weekend in May, PlumJam Air-Cooled VW Rally, Bastille Day Horsham FrenchFest - a car display which is new for 2019 on 14 July and Horsham AmeriCARna in September. Accompanying the Tour was its own travelling band, The Downland Troubadours aboard a 1925 REO Speedwagon from the Les Searle collection which added hugely to the event atmosphere at every stop. For the most part, static display locations were positioned right in the heart of each high street, offering maximum opportunity for visitors to support local businesses. Each of the towns welcomed the tour in their own unique way. Some towns hosted fun activities for all the family such as the Italian market day in Storrington along with extra food stalls and a

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classic car display by Storrington and District Classic and Sports Car Enthusiasts (SADCASE). There was a French market in Steyning with street entertainers and food and drink stalls. Street stalls and a car themed shop window competition was staged in Henfield High Street. Horsham District Council worked collaboratively with partners across all the participating towns and villages including the Parish Councils, Community Partnerships, local businesses - Premier GT and Pilgrim Motorsports, SL2 Signs for their tour sticker service and enthusiast groups including SADCASE and Oddballs, to make the tour such a special celebration as part of the 2019 Horsham District Year of Culture. The organisers are massively grateful to SERV Sussex, the blood bike charity, who provided outriders to guide the Tour en-route, Garlic Wood Events for the drivers’ lunches and Christ’s Hospital School and South Lodge Hotel for hosting the drivers at the start and end of the day. Media services for the day were provided by Toby Phillips Photography, Silvertip Films and By Jove Media. Full details of all of the vehicle events to be hosted in Horsham Town Centre can be found on www.horshamtimewellspent.co.uk when responding to to adverts Please mention HORSHAM when responding adverts HORSHAMPAGES PAGESNorth North


39 13

S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S H O S P I C E



re you or someone you know looking for an adventure? Then join your local hospice in the beautiful Lake District as part of

their first ever UK trek. Caroline Mendes has already signed up for the challenge. Here, she explains why you should join her. “I work as part of the Clinical Admin team at St Caroline Mendes on a training walk at Truleigh Hill.

Catherine’s providing admin support to teams across the hospice. St Catherine’s is a community and the Lake District is a community too. There’s

raise money so we can be there to care for others. I’ve always felt an affinity to the Lake District

so much to explore there and much more than you

and when large areas were flooded in December

first see. It’s the same at St Catherine’s. People

2015 I started to follow a local website to keep up

often assume there are just nurses and doctors at

to date as the community rebuilt. People who live

the hospice, but there’s a whole team of people

there are always sharing stunning pictures of the

working tirelessly to provide the local community

area and there are pictures of proposals, sunrises

with end of life care. And we have supporters who

and all sorts! I can’t wait until June when I can experience the beautiful landscape in person instead of admiring it in a photograph. I’ve never walked the Peaks so when this trek came up it was perfect. If you’re tempted, I’d encourage you to join me because you’re doing more than just challenging yourself. You’re helping terminally ill people in your community too. You’ll also get to enjoy breathtaking views without having to travel out of


England. It’s a great opportunity to do something

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that doesn’t always come around. There’s a fantastic team ready to support you and those of us who have signed up are already doing training walks together. We’d love for you to join us!” The Lake District 5 Peak Challenge takes place from Friday 21 June to Sunday 23 June 2019. It includes five of the Lake Districts most demanding mountain peaks, including the highest - Scafell Pike. Ready to make your steps count? To find out more or to sign up, please contact Michaela Clements on 01293 583063 or email: events@stch.org.uk.



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Alexander is a fa family ly y run business and has been improving homes across Wo Worthing, Brighton, Chichester, Horsham and the rest of Sussex fo for Ċlj Ƽå±ųŸţ

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LOCAL WAR HEROES Missing, the wartime account of two brothers from a local first time author.


Wing Commander Ian Shaw, retired Flight lieutenant Stephanie Shaw, retired Gabriel Shaw, budding military historian




“What a super read – this book is written from the author’s personal perspective following the lives of two local boys who paid the ultimate price for their country. David’s passion for history and more importantly, his passion for bringing to life the story of these two men is abundantly evident. The story has a beautiful mix of local tales, historical facts and personal sentiment. The book is a must read for any budding historian. Although the book features a small town in West Sussex, the story is replayed in towns and cities across the country making it relatable to everyone regardless of age – my 11-year- old son was completely enthralled and loved it.”



Missing is the story of two brothers lost in two different theatres of war – the story of two ordinary local lads and their extraordinary contribution to the war effort. Harry was a bomber command pilot in 1939–40. At a time when the fighter squadrons were rightly earning the gratitude of a nation, Harry and his colleagues were carrying out no less a service in their efforts to halt the advance of the German war machine across Europe. Harry carried out observation and bombing missions against army and navy targets in France and Norway. William, the older brother, had joined the Royal Artillery in 1930. After periods of duty in Aden and Hong Kong he was transferred to Singapore in 1939. When the Japanese launched their impossible attack on the jewel in Britain’s far eastern crown William was there waiting for them... but not from the direction they came... Hidden amongst the big stories of World War Two are countless smaller ones that are no less significant to those affected, but are easy for us to overlook. A glass blower and a chemist in their civilian lives, William and Harry Warman were not close. They lived separate lives and fought in separate services but shared a similar fate. Under-equipped and under-prepared they faced two powerful enemies and paid the ultimate price.





new book about two brothers from Manning’s Heath has just been launched. Written by David James Parker. It concerns the stories of Harry and William Warman. Harry was in the Royal Air Force, flying Bristol Blenheim bombers from the outbreak of the Second World War. A pre-war airman, having joined the RAF in 1936, he was flying operations over the North Sea on anti-shipping patrols, he took part in the Norway campaign, flying from Lossiemouth and finally operating over France and the Low Countries, covering the retreat to Dunkirk. Harry was shot down and killed on the 27th of May 1940. William was a regular soldier, having joined the Royal Artillery in 1930. After serving in Hong Kong and Aden he was posted to Singapore in 1939. Captured at the fall of Singapore on the 15th of February 1942 and after a few months in prison camps on the island he was a member of a party of prisoners taken to Ballale as forced labour. With the Allies closing in and their work finished the Japanese killed the remainder of the prisoners, some having been killed in air raids and some dying of disease. David has also mentioned other people who were involved in this story. Harry Jones the cousin of William and Harry Warman was born

in Southwater. He was killed in October 1939 when HMS Royal Oak was sunk in Scapa Flow. At the time his family lived at Lorna Doone, Worthing Road which came under the postal address of Horsham, now Southwater. Harry was the first casualty Harry Jones. from Horsham in the Second World War. Due to the boundary changes Harry’s name was not placed on the Horsham War Memorial, this only happened in the 1990’s. The author has researched this over a number of years meeting up with people that knew the brothers along with a couple of family members. Not only is this a war story, it is very much a human story. David is a chimney sweep, working around the Horsham area. This is his first venture into writing, apart from a few magazine articles. He has been interested in history from a young age. His interest was fuelled by the history teachers at Forest Boys School. David‘s interest in these two brothers stems from being given Harry’s RAF mess tunic by Miss May Oakey, former teacher at Lower Beeding who had adopted Harry in the 1920’s. Fifteen years later he ended up with Harry’s medals and a discharge certificate which gave him the key to start unlocking the story. David is also becoming known for giving talks about the First World War, Second World War Home Front and his life as a sweep. Published by Redshank Books this can be ordered on line direct from Libri Publishing at www.libripublishing.co.uk. Also available from Horsham Museum. Priced £9.99.

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North






t was in April 1934 that local estate agent King and Chasemore put up a parcel of land for sale at Horsham Town Hall, advertised as ‘ripe for factory or building development’. There were 19 acres that ran alongside Parsonage Road, currently let out to Mr W.J. Standing as a market garden. The Swiss chemical firm of CIBA had bought a Manchester dyestuffs company in 1911 and had set up a small subsidiary pharmaceutical department in south-east London shortly afterwards. (In those pioneering days dyestuffs businesses were the midwife to the pharmaceutical industry since they usually started from the same basic chemical ingredients.) The young business flourished, and by 1934 the management had ideas of moving out of London and building a brand new factory to make their medicines and to do everything else on one site. It turned out to be a wise move, as six years later the London premises were fire-bombed to the ground. As a desirable location Horsham had plenty of competition, and the managers considered umpteen other sites including Sidcup, Maidstone, St. Mary Cray and Welwyn. The factory would need a good water supply, road and rail links. The company took out an option to purchase the Horsham land but it wasn’t until 1937 that a 250-foot borehole proved beyond doubt that water supply would be no problem. In April 1938 the first contracts for the driveway and the two entrance lodges were signed with London architects O’Donoghue and Halfhide of Upper Grosvenor Street. The high specification of the driveway alone astonished everyone, one man asserting that it was as good or better than the main road to London. This gave a clue that CIBA had already set a gold-standard of quality for whatever they were to build at Horsham. Logically enough, the two roadside lodges were designated Buildings 1 and 2. But it was the all-purpose edifice itself with its central tower, echoing Giles



Novartis withdrew from Horsham in 2014 eventually leaving only the art deco building standing.

Gilbert Scott’s Cambridge Library of 1934 and ever to be known as Building 3, of course, that took the breath away and over the years has become recognized as an art deco jewel to rival anything in that style anywhere else in the country. The staircase within the impressive central tower was illuminated from outside by glass bricks, while inside it the great bronze and glass chandelier is another classic piece of art deco design. The whole of the interior is clad in beautiful Travertine stone from quarries near Rome, and the supporting pillars faced in contrasting richly veined dark and polished marbles. The tower also served a practical purpose, since it originally concealed a chimney which took smoke from the boilers in the basement. Coal or coke delivered to the company’s railway siding was fed by an underground conveyor straight into the boiler room beneath the entrance hall, where a visitor might just detect a slight rumbling when the conveyor was working. During wartime the tower made a great look-out, and in daylight the firm’s commissionaire would go to the top to spot enemy aircraft, to warn the staff and then put out a flag so that a watcher at Collyer’s School a couple of fields away could also pick up his danger signal. The building, not quite finished as war broke out in 1939, was still echoing to the operatic arias

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of Italian craftsmen laying the floors, while back in London the heat was on, and CIBA managed to hire a greengrocer’s van to cart their finished medicines down to Horsham at £2.50 a trip. Only the two lodges were complete, so a handful of Londoners struggled to squeeze the packing cases into their tiny space. Soon the great building itself was ready and it was here that manufacturing in Horsham began. On the ground floor they started producing pharmaceutical chemicals, a process that in 1951 was transferred to a new factory that the Horsham staff set up near Grimsby. The first floor of Building 3 was devoted to making and packaging a variety of medicines, while everything else, including an elegant boardroomcum-library, occupied the top floor. During the war a secret Army convoy sometimes drove up in the dead of night to collect medical supplies for use by the Allies on the world’s battlefields.

Over the years the manufacturing and storage facilities at Horsham were expanded many times over by CIBA and then by Ciba-Geigy. The first biochemical research unit was opened on the site in May1965 and others followed, lastly under the management of Novartis, the name the company adopted after Ciba-Geigy had been joined by a third great Swiss pharma company, Sandoz. So as the world changes so the pages keep turning, often illuminated by the light of great achievement, sometimes stained with tears, and always with the hope of better things ahead. Mr Standing’s market garden had come an awfully long way since it was just growing cabbages. John Snelling An extract from MIXED FRUIT from a SUSSEX TREE (ISBN 978-1-910489-52-9) published by Country Books and can be obtained Price £20.00 from all bookshops or on-line from www.countrybooks.biz or www.sussexbooks.co.uk

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North






CaSO (Prostate Cancer and Support Organisation) supported by Mark Masonry of Sussex are again offering a day of FREE PSA Tests in Horsham. Last year 154 men took advantage of the offer and we would like to increase that number this year. 1 in every 2 men will have a health problem with their prostate at some stage of their lives. It could be an infection, enlargement or cancer. 1 in every 8 men will develop prostate cancer and those of African-Caribbean origin and those with a family history of the disease are 2 to 3 times more at risk. PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen; it is a simple blood test that measures the amount of antigen, produced by the

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prostate, entering the blood. It is not a direct test for cancer; a moderately raised reading can be an indicator of a prostate problem, a high reading should trigger further tests to determine if there is a need for any treatment. Some leading clinicians believe all men over 50 should know their PSA and have regular yearly tests. Swedish researchers say PSA testing every man aged 45 – 49 would predict nearly half of all prostate cancer deaths. Without screening, around 47,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. It is now the leading cancer found in men. It was recently announced that prostate cancer kills more men than breast cancer kills women. Almost 11,000 men die of this disease annually, one every 48 minutes. Caught in the early stages, cure rates are dramatically improved with over 80% success. General symptoms of problems with the prostate are frequent need to urinate especially at night; bursting to urinate, slow flow, difficult, painful; stop/start and dribbling, or blood in the urine. The free PSA testing will be at: The Normandy Masonic Centre, Denne Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1JF on Saturday 29th June 2019 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm The testing will be conducted by trained personnel and phlebotomy nurses taking blood from a vein in the arm, this will be analysed at a laboratory and the result posted or emailed to you in around 10 days. It is essential to book an appointment time online at www.psatesting.org/horsham (booking open now). For those unable to book online, phone: 0845 650 2555.

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accinations are essential

for pets to prevent life threatening diseases.

Working dogs, travelling pets, geriatrics and animals with other illnesses are higher risk.

Unfortunately many unvaccinated animals die of preventable diseases. Dogs are vaccinated against: - Distemper virus - attacks respiratory and nervous systems, surviving dogs may have ongoing

Maltman Cosham Veterinar e y Surge geryy provides veterinary care for Horsham and the surrounding area. Run by local veterinary surgeon Mark Maltman, with assisstant vets Hannah West, st Lindley Lindle Stewart, Stewart Cla are Newton, Newton Philippa Bulman, Poppy Winter, Be ecky Pritchard and Anna Etherton.

neurological problems. - Infectious canine hepatitis virus - spread by bodily fluids, survives in the environment for months, can cause sudden death. - Parvovirus – highly contagious, outbreaks still common in the UK. Puppies most susceptible and infection via contaminated faeces results in severe, often deadly, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea.

UÊ >À }Ê> `ÊV «>ÃÃ >Ìi veterinary team UÊ -i«>À>ÌiÊ` }Ê> `ÊV>ÌÉÀ>LL ÌÊÜ>À`Ã Ü ÊÊÊ UÊ -«>V ÕÃÊ> `Ê `iÀ ÊÀiVi«Ì Ê>Ài> UÊ >À}iÊV>ÀÊ«>À ÊÊ UÊ ÀiiÊ i i Ê Õ} ÊÛ>VV >Ì Ê with all dog vaccinations UÊ } Ì>

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- Leptospirosis - bacteria transmitted via rat’s urine. Dogs exposed to stagnant water is at greatest risk, can cause kidney and liver failure. Can be spread to humans (known as Weil’s disease). Cats are vaccinated against: - Herpes and Calicivirus - cause cat flu, often carried for life resulting in debilitating flare ups. - Panleucopaenia - causes reduction in white blood cells, can be transmitted to unborn kittens in unvaccinated pregnant cats causing abnormal brain and eye development. - Feline leukaemia virus – may result in cancer, weakens the immune system, there is no cure and it is fatal. Vaccines are not just for puppies and kittens, certain diseases require annual boosters to ensure

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immunity, others are only administered every three years minimising vaccination. Vaccines offer far more benefits than risks and save lives. Contact your vet to ensure your pet is up to date! Tel: 01403 791011. www.maltmancosham.co.uk

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Tax Adept

Business Tax


CONDUCTING AN EFFECTIVE BUSINESS MEETING A business meeting is a gathering of two or more people to discuss relevant issues. Meetings can be conducted in person, over the phone or via video conferencing. A meeting usually takes place when the issue at hand can’t be resolved by issuing a simple memo or sending a departmental email.

Considering the benefits of a meeting A meeting may be held to provide information; create a mechanism for decision making; and to allow for feedback and discussion on ideas. In addition, meetings give attendees a chance to contribute their views on the matter at hand, and give key players the opportunity to ‘own’ a problem, and ‘buy into’ the solution.

Focusing on solutions Rather than concentrating on the problems, it is better to direct your efforts into finding a solution. One way to do this is to introduce a simple rule that all contributions must be prefaced with the words, ‘how to…’. This will help to create a positive tone for the ensuing discussion, and focus minds on generating a solution.

Creating an action plan Finally, before the meeting ends, it is a good idea to summarise the points that were raised; decide upon the most appropriate course of action to take; and assign specific tasks to individuals, to be completed within a set timeframe.

How we can help We can help you to develop your firm and improve your business’s profitability.

Preparing ahead of time It is essential to ensure you are well-prepared for your meeting. Consider the outcomes you are looking for to allow people to come up with workable solutions. You may wish to draft an agenda, listing items for consideration. This will give participants an idea of what will be discussed, and ensure you cover each relevant issue. Encourage input from all participants by creating a friendly, non-judgemental and non-censorious atmosphere.

Tax Adept offers a wide range of tax and accounting services, which are specifically designed to help you and your business. You can find further information on developing your business and getting more from your meetings in the Resources section of our website: www.taxadept.co.uk. For more information, please contact us via telephone on 01403 750046, or visit our website.

Please mention HORSHAM PAGES North when responding to adverts www.taxadept.co.uk






eld at the Horsham Sports Club, ‘The Big

Tipi’ will house some arts and craft plus the

Gig 19’ confirms a full line-up of live

awesome Ollie Heath will be offering a

tribute music and family festival fun this

beatboxing rhythmic workshop for children.

summer, on Sat 22nd June 2019. 1.00-10.30pm Now in its fourth year, the Big Gig promises to

Bouncy inflatables, balloon modelling and glitter paint, completes the festival fun line-up. Foodies

offer a fantastically fun festival day out, and this

will enjoy the delicious array of street food stalls

year, as part of the Horsham District Year of

available throughout the day, as well as the club’s

Culture Fringe, make its mark as an established

own fully licensed bar and specialist tents selling

Family Music festival.

local ales, Prosecco, Pimms, and Cider.

Hosted on the grounds of Horsham Sports Club on Saturday 22nd June, the festival pledges to get everyone on their feet to a mix of five local

Horsham Sports Club Chairman Chris Wassell, enthused: “We’re really looking forward to offering a

and internationally acclaimed tribute acts.

well-established family friendly music festival.

Headlining this year are ‘Rule the World’

Having categorised from previous events what is

(pictured above right), the number one Take That

enjoyed most, we believe, this year will see the

tribute band in the world, recognised as such

right balance of entertainment, facilities and

even by the band themselves. With something for

festival fun. We encourage the community and

everyone, local band ‘Joe90’ will kick off the

beyond to book their tickets now and enjoy the

event with some brit pop favourites from Oasis,


Blur, The Kooks and more. The fabulous ‘Kieran’

Festival go-ers will be able to come and set up

as ‘Ed Sheeran’ (pictured above left) will be

their own space together with friends and family,

followed by the energetic ‘A tribute to Wham’.

so small gazebos (limited to size 10ft/10ft) are

The ever-popular local Blunter Brothers will be

welcome. Please note that no alcohol, glass,

there delivering Motown and Funk classics from

picnic hampers or coolers will be allowed in.

the greats including Stevie Wonder and James Brown.

This is a fundraising event so all profits will go to improving the club facilities and to our lead

If this wasn’t enough - the festival this year

charity Action Medical Research for Children.

promises to have a few more fun activities to

Action’s Community Fundraiser for Horsham Ruth

keep the whole family entertained. Courtesy of

Dean said: “We are absolutely delighted to be

Beautiful World Tents, a fully dressed ‘Giant Hat

involved with this year’s ‘The Big Gig’. The



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charity’s been based in Horsham since 1971 and so it’s fantastic to be a part of this truly local event in the heart of our hometown.” The Big Gig is the perfect day out for the whole family. Children under 5 are FREE and this year the club have introduced a special ‘Child Ticket’ price that covers the age range 5-15 years. Tickets on sale now. Advance Standard Adult Ticket Price: £20.00. Advance Standard Child Ticket (aged 5-15 years) Price: £10.00. Children under 5 are FREE. Pre-bookable limited car parking is available for £5 per car. Tribute Acts: 2.30pm – 10.30pm (Gates open: 1.00pm) Tickets are available online at www.thebiggig19.eventbrite.co.uk or in cash direct from Horsham Sports Club office or bar, Cricketfield Road. Tel: 01403 254628. To keep up-to-date with news and activity about The Big Gig, follow the hashtag #thebiggighorsham, on Facebook @biggighorsham and on Twitter @biggighorsham.

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hen I was fifteen it was

time to leave school, I had no clear vocation in

mind but a vague notion of wanting to help people. Having “fainted” on numerous occasions at the sight of

blood, nursing was not an option. My stepmother ran a hairdressers I’d helped out in on Saturdays. She suggested a hairdressing apprenticeship. My desire for learning really began, an eagerness to know all I could about hair, but also people and eventually business, has continued for me. I’ve been really lucky! At Studio 2 almost all of our team are homegrown. I asked five current apprentices about their course. Liv; “I like earning while learning, it’s always fun, education is constant and everyone is an educator here”. Abi; “You get a lot of opportunities, courses, people skills. You’re part of a team.” Beth; “I’ve made new friends, built confidence, particularly in communication, learnt everything from finance, management and gained a rounded education in hairdressing (I’ve finally nailed my Maths and English as part of my course!)” Lucy; “It’s a big team, there is always someone to talk to. The training is really good and we get day release to learn theory.” Cameron; “Who knew learning could be so enjoyable? I’m never bored, there is a real dedication to education, my success really matters to Mandy and the team - as much as it does to me.” If you know someone who might be keen to join our family in September 2019, call for more details or email CV’s to mail@studio2horsham.co.uk.



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COUNTR RY Y FA AY YRE Fun for all the familly y!

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o complete Horsham Music Circle’s 77th

Sharpenhurst Quartet, will be led by Rachel Ellis,

season on concerts there will be two

and joined by harpist Heather Wrighton and

contrasting programmes of live music to

clarinettist Steve Dummer. Rachel, is leader of the

enjoy. On Tuesday 9th April in the Unitarian

Horsham Symphony Orchestra, teaches and enjoys

Church, Worthing Road, Gerald Taylor FRCO

both solo and chamber music playing, Heather has

presents works from the organ repertoire. Gerald

a busy career as a soloist, orchestral and chamber

trained at the Royal College of Music followed by

musician. Steve Dummer, no stranger to the local

a career as organist at London churches including

music scene as the conductor of Horsham

Westminster Abbey, teaching at schools in West

Symphony Orchestra, first trained as a clarinettist

Sussex and Surrey and playing regularly in the

with Jack Brymer. He is involved with many

Horsham area. This hour long concert starting at

professional and community music groups and

1pm includes pieces by Handel, Bach and

enthuses about music anywhere he is asked to go!

Mendelssohn. All are welcome - entry is free and

The programme, supported by HDC Year of

there will be a retiring collection to support the

Culture funding, includes Elgar’s string quartet,

Music Circle’s concert promoting work.

Mozart’s clarinet quintet, and the Danse Sacré et

On May 11th at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Church, Horsham Music Circle celebrates its 77th

Profane for harp and strings by Debussy. Tickets are available in advance from 01403

Anniversary. Some of our busiest Horsham

252602, email horshammusiccircle@gmail.com,

musicians, have come together to form a chamber

from Horsham Museum 01403 211661 and on line

ensemble for this special concert. The

from www.wegottickets.com/HorshamMusicCircle


The trophy winners celebrate at Horsham Bridge Club's AGM and prize-giving LR: Terry Fishlock, Tomasz Serkowski, Jo Waddingham, Francis Kelly, Nina Segrove, Guy Davies, Jane Handley, Gini Phillips, Jim Downes, Helen Whiteley, Graham & Berry Hedley, Andrew Wooldridge, Peter Harbott, George Wilbourn. Horsham Bridge Club hosts sessions in its East Street premises every weeknight plus two afternoons. There are regular lessons for beginners and improvers. New members and visitors are always welcome. More information: www.horshambridge.co.uk

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VEGETABLE CURRY Serves 3 Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time 2030 minutes INGREDIENTS 2 medium potatoes (around 350g/12oz) peeled and cut into 2cm chunks 1 large carrot, peeled and sliced diagonally 1/2 cauliflower (around 300g/10 1/2oz), cut into small florets and halved 3 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil 1 large onion, coarsley grated or very finely chopped 1 tbsp medium or hot curry powder 1 x 227g tin chopped tomatoes 300ml/10fl oz vegetable or chicken stock



(made with 1/2 cube), gluten-free if required 100g/3 1/2 oz frozen peas or 2 large handfuls of spinach leaves, or a mixture Plain yoghurt or vegan alternative, to serve Mango chutney to serve



alf-fill a saucepan with cold water and add the potatoes and carrots. Bring to the boil and cook gently for 8 minutes. Add the cauliflower florets and cook for a further 2 minutes. Drain everything in a colander and set aside. Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan or wide-based saucepan. Add the onion, and cook over a medium heat for 8-10 minutes, stirring regularly until well softened and lightly golden. Add the curry powder and cook for 30 seconds, stirring all the time. Add the tomatoes to the onions and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the stock and bring to a gentle simmer. Add the partially cooked vegetables and peas and simmer gently for 5-10 minutes until everything is tender. If the sauce thickens too much, add a splash of water. Serve immediately with yoghurt, mango chutney, and rice or naan.

HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

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21 59

FOOD FOR THOUGHT By Jeanette Mercer


ost of us will have some childhood memory about being told to eat what was put in front of us. Whether it’s to eat vegetables if we want dessert, to think of starving children overseas, or simply out of courtesy to the cook, many children have been bribed, cajoled or even punished in relation to food. Perhaps that’s partly why, as grown adults, choice around what we eat is so important. There are even diets that advocate leaving something on the plate - just to prove that we have the willpower to do so. Attitudes to eating habits are certainly very personal - but food waste isn’t. West Sussex County Council estimates that almost a third of the average rubbish bin is food waste - which is the equivalent of nearly 20 rubbish trucks every day! Food waste is one of the most depressing kinds of waste. There’s the wasted effort and resources in producing it, wasted transport and packaging, it wastes your money - and as if that isn’t bad enough, at the same time there are people in our society going without food. Kinder Living is all about finding ways to actively do something about environmental issues, so here are some suggestions for how to cut down on food waste in your home. Plan ahead. We know that’s easier said than done in a busy life, but even something as simple as having an ongoing shopping list can help. One the favourite apps on my phone is a simple list called Shopping UK, which even sorts items into the isles of a typical supermarket. Get used to buying what’s on your list rather than wandering every isle. And of course, if possible avoid shopping when hungry! Avoid ‘offers’ such as ‘buy one get one half price’ unless you can freeze



or share the extra, or it has a long shelf life. Make the most of fruit and vegetables that are in season. They usually have the best taste and will be cheaper - or even free if you swap with friends or neighbours. Try growing your own. Whilst not everyone has a big garden, it’s amazing what a few pots can produce. Items like salad leaves are quick and easy to grow - and who hasn’t had to throw away a wilted bag of lettuce at some point?! Learn to love your freezer and feed it with variety. Some fruits and vegetables come out of the freezer as good as they went in. Others are not quite the same but that doesn’t matter if you’re making soups, stews, smoothies or looking for a filling for a pie or crumble. Check out social media for local food sharing groups - a great way for neighbours to pass on unwanted items, or try the Olio app for mobile phones. There are various useful websites where you can search for recipes to use up a particular item - try www.lovefoodhatewaste.com and www.bbcgoodfood.com. We also have an active local facebook group called Waste Not Want Not who are full of great ideas. For more information on Kinder Living see our website: www.kinderliving.co.uk

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St Cats


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61 21


Community Information Board



Holbrook Community Pre-School Sessional day care for children between 2 and 5 Place North Heath Hall Contact Jacky Tee hcp.registrar@gmail.com 01403 265793 / 07925 576391

North Heath WI Horsham North Heath WI meet at The Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road on the 1st Tuesday of the month. 10.00am-12 noon. Visitors very welcome. Contact Mrs E. Ghinn. Tel: 267510

Mini Marks Activities for under 5s and their carers on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 12.30pm Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 www.stmarksholbrook.org.uk FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Junior Pay-As-You-Go Football Sessions Fridays 5.00-6.30pm in term-time. School holiday day camps too Place Holbrook Tythe Barn Contact David Groom 07860 461982 Chesworth Rovers Football Club Under 9s (School year 4) Train at the Holbrook Tythe Barn on Mondays from 6-7pm. Match days : Saturdays. Wednesday evening training. Under 12s (School year 7) are looking for new players for their team. Training-Monday evenings 6-7pm (Hurst Road) Match days will be Saturday mornings at the Holbrook Club. Interested? T: 07765240821 Angelo Penge - Team Manager RAINBOWS, BROWNIES & GUIDES Rainbows, Brownies and Guides There are many units throughout Horsham, various days, venues and times. Please add your daughter’s details to the Girlguiding web-site – www.girlguiding.org.uk and use the register your interest tab. Someone from Horsham will then contact you.



Holbrook Horsham WI A friendly group of ladies meets on third Tuesday of every month, except August for guest speakers and activities. 7.45 – 10.00pm. Place: Tythe Barn, Pondtail Road Contact: Anita 01403 272120. FOR ALL Icebreakers Singles Dining Club Are you single and looking to meet new people? If so why not contact Icebreakers – a local dining club for the single over 40s. We meet every few weeks for a meal at a number of different venues in West Sussex and Surrey. There is always a friendly atmosphere and new people are welcomed into the group by the organiser and existing members. There’s no membership or joining fee so members feel free to attend as often as they would like to. See www.icebreakersclub.co.uk for more information or call Jacquie on 01403 273480. Horsham Speakers Club Improve your speaking skills in friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Meet second and last Tuesday of month 7.45-10.30pm Place Tythe Barn. Contact Barry 01903 246546 www.horshamspeakers.org.uk Compton Bowls Club meets every Thursday 7.30-9.45pm. New members welcome. Place North Heath Hall. Contact Bill King 253752 St Mark’s, Parish of Holbrook Every Sunday 8.30am for Holy

Communion. Sunday 10.30am Morning Worship with Holy Communion every third Sunday. Wednesday 9:45am Traditional Service Café Praise 7.30pm every 1st and 3rd Sunday; informal service with refreshments. Place St Mark’s Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 www.stmarksholbrook.org.uk HDC Health Walks Two mile circular walk around riverside at 10.45am every Monday. Suitable for new walkers. Meet at Sussex Barn car park Contact Ann & John 268885 One and a half mile walk around Horsham Park at 10.30am every Wednesday. Suitable for the elderly and people recovering from illness, operation or accident. Meet at the bandstand in the Carfax Contact Wyn 256630, Sue 255710 or Emmy 255517 Gentle walk from St Mary’s Church in The Causeway including Chesworth Farm.10.30am every Friday. Wheelchairs can be taken if advance notice provided. Contact Peter 260783 Holbrook Community Centre Hire our centre for your event, or join one of the groups running sessions at our centre. See our website for further details and availability calendar at www.holbrookcc.co.uk, email admin@holbrookcc.co.uk or Contact 01403 210550. Junior Club & Senior Club Pool table, table tennis, TV, coffee bar and tuck shop, football and basketball in the floodlit outdoor court, topical discussions, air hockey, games consoles and arts and crafts available each week in addition to programme specific activities. Junior Club - Wednesdays 6.30pm to 8.30pm for ages 8 to 12. Senior Club - Tuesdays 7.00pm to 9.00pm for ages 13 to 16. Run by 4 The

HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Youth on behalf of Holbrook Community Centre. Place Holbrook Community Centre, Holbrook School Lane Contact www.horshamyouth.org.uk/ holbrook-juniors / dean.sweet@4theyouth.org.uk, or telephone 01403 800142.

The club meets on the first Friday of each month (except January) at 7.30pm for 8.00pm at North Heath Hall, St Marks Lane, Horsham, RH12 5PU. Visitors £4.00. www.horshamsugarcrystals.co.uk or Contact 01403 261881. FOR OVER 50s

Horsham Flower Club 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 2pm. (no meeting in August) Place North Heath Hall, North Heath Lane Contact Helen Macklearn 01403 790368, macklearn@hotmail.com Tea at Three Every third Sunday afternoon of the month – an opportunity to meet with friends over a cup of tea and cake at St Mark’s Church. Contact Jo Allen and Brenda Harwood St Mark’s Church Office - 261380 Horsham Sugarcrystals Club Sugarcraft Demonstrations

50+ Wednesday Activity Club 9.30am onwards Wednesday mornings £2.50 members £4.50 non members. The activity available is Table Tennis. Place Holbrook Club Wednesday mornings Contact 01403 751150 Young at Heart A weekly club for people aged 50+. Enjoy activities such as tennis, table tennis, badminton, short mat bowls, yoga and snooker. The weekly cost is £4.50. Place Holbrook Club on Monday

mornings, 9am - 12noon Contact 01403 215637 For new entries or corrections, please email info@horshampublications.com HOLBROOK USEFUL NUMBERS Holbrook Surgery Enquiries/Appts 08448 151 072 Dentist 259717 Holbrook School 272500 North Heath School 254790 All Saints School 270460 Holbrook Club 751150 St Mark’s Hall Bookings 261380 Tythe Barn Hall Bookings 260228 North Heath Hall Bookings 260228 Tennis Courts at Tythe Barn 260228 St Mark’s Church 261380 Police Community Support 101 Voicemail no. 13375

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The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North




Community Information Board




for boys and girls aged 8-10½ yrs Noah’s Ark

1st Roffey Cub Scout Pack

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Church Service and refreshments for

Meet on Tuesdays from 6.30-8.00pm

There are many units throughout

parents and toddlers

Contact: Martin Richardson 211448

Horsham, various days, venues and times.

Fridays 10.00am - 11.30am term time


Please add your daughter’s details to the

Place: All Saints Parish Hall

for boys and girls aged 10½ - 14 yrs

Girlguiding web-site –

Contact: Fr Russell Stagg 274297

1st Roffey Scout Troop

www.girlguiding.org.uk and use the

Meet on Thursdays from 7.00-9.00pm

register your interest tab. Someone from

Contact: Martin Richardson 211448

Horsham will then contact you.

Hawkesbourne Rd, Horsham RH12 4EH

Explorer Scouts


Pre-school sessions for children aged 2-5,

for boys and girls aged 14-18 yrs. 1st

Stay-and-play session on second Saturday

Roffey Explorer Scouts. Meet on Tuesdays

Open Door

each month

from 7.30-9.30pm

Coffee, tea and friendship every Thursday,

Contact: 01403 258994

Contact: Martin Richardson 211448

10am-12 noon

Jack and Jill Pre-School Littlehaven Infant School

Place: All Saints Parish Hall

jack.jillps@hotmail.co.uk The 1st Roffey Boys’ Brigade and Girls’

Contact: 274297

Little Stars

Association Company

Parent/Carer and Toddler Group

Friday evenings in term time: 5.30-6.30

The Cafe@StAndrews

Tuesdays during term time

pm for Anchors (5-8 years)

Community Cafe - drinks, homemade

9.15-11 am

6.30-8 pm for Juniors (8 -11 years) and 7-

cakes and friendship on Wednesdays at

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church,

8.30 pm for Company Section (11+)

10am - 12 noon

Crawley Road, Roffey

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church Hall,

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church

Contact: 01403 268994

Crawley Road, Roffey

Contact: 01403 275456


Contact: Rosemary Johnston rosemaryjstandrews@gmail.com

Horsham and District Citizens Advice

For Dads/male carers and their children

The Roffey Children & Family Centre

1.00pm By appointment unless not busy

(0-6s). £1 per family.

Godwin Way For 13-18 year olds

Place: Millennium Hall

Loads of toys laid out for fun, and

Contact: 754511

Roffey Branch, Mondays 10.00am -

Who Let The Dads Out?

Horsham Scottish Country Dancing

refreshments incl. bacon butties! 2nd Saturday of the month, from 10am-

Duke of Edinburgh



Open Award Centre

We meet every Monday 8-10pm and pay

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church,

Meet at Roffey Youth Centre

£2.50 an evening. Scottish dancing is fun

Crawley Road, Roffey

Tuesdays from 7.30-9.00pm

as well as good exercise. No need to bring

Contact: rosemaryjstandrews@gmail.com

Contact: Kate Hall 754511

a partner as beginners dance with



Just bring a pair of soft shoes.

for girls 14+ , Wednesdays 7.00-9.00pm.

Place: Millennium Hall, Crawley Road,

Roffey Fun Club

Place: Millenium Hall, Crawley Road

Roffey RH12 4DT.

Breakfast, After School and Holiday

Contact: 260018

Contact: 01403 269439 or email through

someone who can guide them through.

Childcare Services for 4-11 yrs.

our web site www.horshamscdc.org.uk

Contact: Karen or Adrian Compton

Roffey Robins Football Club

260909 or 07512 985700

Under 7’s - Under 16’s

Horsham French Club


Contact: For players of all age groups,

We are a group of francophiles and

email WeAreRoffeyRobins@gmail.com

francophones who meet once a month.


Match Day: Saturday morning

We have a common interest in French

for boys and girls aged 6-8

Train - a mid week evening

language, culture and history and offer a

yrs, 1st Roffey Beaver Colony

Contact: Andy 01403 255220

programme of varied activities (talks,

Meet on Thursdays from 5.30-6.30pm

afchantrill@aol.com and Dave on 01403

news, games etc), designed to entertain

Contact: Martin Richardson 211448

259152/07959 496576

and inform all those who are interested



HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

in France, whether French, British or

(followed by tea/coffee for those who

another nationality by origin. New

wish to stay and chat)

members are always welcome.

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church &

Millennium Hall

Meet on the second Friday of every

Centre, Crawley Rd, Roffey RH12 4DX

Roffey Instit’e Village Hall 210976

month at 8pm.

Contact: 01403 275456

Leechpool Primary School 210233

Place: Millenium Hall,Crawley Road,


St Robert Southwell School 252357

Roffey. Visitors £7 including refreshments.

For dates and times visit our blog:

Littlehaven Infants School 260608

Contact: 01403 733878 for


Northolmes Junior School 261822


Roffey Sports and Social Club210223

further information or visit www.horshamfrenchclub.org.uk



Roffey Cricket Club


North Horsham Parish C’cil 750786 Do you need some peace and quiet?

Roffey Greenfields WI

Taketime provides a relaxed space for a

A friendly welcome awaits visitors and

Emergency Numbers

guided 30 minutes of silence and

new members. We meet on the 2nd

NHS Direct

0845 46 47

reflection inspired by the stories of Jesus.

Thursday of each month (except August)

Meals on Wheels


No religious knowledge or background

from 7.45 – 10pm.

Horsham Hospital

227 000

needed. Feeling shy – then try it for

Place: St Andrews Methodist Church Hall,

East Surrey A&E

01737 768 511

yourself first online at:

Crawley Road, Roffey RH12 4DX

Gas Leaks Transco

0800 111 999


We also meet informally at various

South East Water

0845 602 1724

Every 2nd Sunday of the month – 6-7pm

locations during the 4th week of the

Horsham Council

01403 215 100

(includes an optional additional 30

month for different activities.

National Rail Enqs

08457 48 49 50

minutes for those who wish to listen to

Contact: Maj-Britt 01403 263961 or Sue

Public Transport Helpline 0870 608 2608

members of the group share their

01403 266639.

UK Power Networks

reflective journey)

0800 3163 105 or 0333 3232 105 from a

Every 4th Thursday – 10-10.30am

mobile (24hrs)

Printing Quality printing, just one of your ingredients for successful marketing communications. Make time and call 01403 216 120 to find how we can enhance your marketing and communications.

Enabling you to communicate your messages through print Foundry Press, Unit A, Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PX t: 01403 216 120 f: 01403 242 700 info@foundry-press.co.uk


To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North






Volkswagen show in the heart of Horsham

Brown, Pope, Lintott – this area of West

town centre. If you dream of taking off into

Sussex has proved to be birthplace, host and

Saturday 4th May to 24th August

the sunset with just a campervan and a

inspiration (as well as tomb) of many writers

Carfax Bandstand Entertainment

surfboard for company, if you appreciate the

spanning the last 400 years.

There will be a traditional band performing

hard work, love and dedication it takes to

Accents on the Landscape - Ancient Churches

on the Carfax Bandstand every Saturday,,

restore a classic vehicle. 10am - 3pm. Town

of West Sussex by Gordon Rushmer

town centre events permitting. Funded by


30 March 2019 - 1 June 2019

the Horsham Neighbourhood Councils. 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. The Carfax Bandstand

Gordon described this exhibition as: “A Sunday 9th June

painter's rural rides in search of the hidden

Feria De Horsham

delights and details”.

Saturday 11th May

Inspired by Southern Spain’s traditional

Horsham District Captured by Light: A

The Broadwood Day of Dance

Spring fairs, Feria de Horsham is a

Photographic Record of the District's Cultural

A riot of colour, music and dance featuring

resplendent celebration of Spanish cuisine

Life in 2018

around 25 Morris dance sides mostly from

and entertainment. Such fairs date back to

6th Apr 2019 to 6th Jul 2019

the local area. There is also a small display of

the Middle Ages and over time have evolved

With Horsham Photographic Society and

classic Morris Minor cars on The Forum.

into huge regional events. Spanish cities,

Steyning Camera Club.

Commencing with a procession at 10.30am

towns and villages come alive as hundreds of

Scapes by Stef van Vuuren

the dancers then disperse throughout the

locals take to the beautifully decorated

16th Apr 2019 to 13th Jul 2019

town to perform a variety of dance

streets, brimming with food and drinks stalls,

Stef has lived in Horsham since 2004 when

traditions including Cotswold Morris, Step

in celebration of Andalusian culture. Carfax.

he arrived from South Africa.

Clogging, Border Morris, Appalachian


Beautiful Sussex by Sue Collins

Clogging, North West Morris and more….

27th Apr 2019 to 29th Jun 2019

listen out for the Drummers! Dance locations

For more information about these events:

Beautiful Sussex' is a solo exhibition by

include: Carfax Bandstand, Carfax

Email: events@horsham.gov.uk

printmaking artist Sue Collins.

Amphitheatre, East Street, Market Square,


The Forum, Bishopric – Horsham General


Market. At 3.00pm Musicians and dancers

Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, 9 Causeway, Horsham,

converge at the Bandstand for The Ceilidh


Sunday 12th May

Below the Belt- Costume Exhibition

Horsham’s Great British Festival Day

4 February 2019 - 6 June 2019

A celebration of British traditions featuring a

Our new costume display, ‘Below the Belt’, is

Concert in aid of Samaritans, organised by

an eclectic selection of the many types of

Horsham Folk Club and Horsham Samaritans,

clothing worn below the waist, taking in

Sun 12th May Homing Show

supported by Horsham District Council, plus

underwear, footwear and most layers in

Broadbridge Heath Village Centre

Medieval Jollity with Loxwood Joust


11 am – 2 pm

Traction Engines by Horsham Traction

Frederick Du Cane Godman

Sat 18th May Fundraiser

Company, Classic British Car Display by

18 February 2019 - 20 April 2019

Horsham Hospital Fete

SADCASE, Aston Martin and McLaren display.

Frederick Du Cane Godman was one of the

1 pm – 4 pm

Locally produced English Food & Ales.

great naturalists of Britain in an age of

Sat 8th June Fundraiser

naturalists. He built South Lodge in Lower

Barns Green Village Hall

Sunday 19 May

Beeding as his family home and then funded

1 pm – 3 pm

Horsham Caribbean Festival

and took part in explorations of South

Details on 01403 854464 or visit

The Sussex Travel Company based in Queen



Street, Horsham, supported by Horsham

Brangwyn in Horsham

District Council’s Economic Development

9 February 2019 - 23 March 2019

team are bringing a celebration of

Sir Frank Brangwyn RA, one of the leading

Caribbean culture to Horsham’s Carfax on

20th century artists, came to Christ’s Hospital

Northern Soul Live

Displays, Stalls, Music and Dance will

School in 1913 to design and paint 16 wall

Sat 27 Apr , 7:30pm

transport visitors to the sun kissed shores of

murals depicting incidents in the history of

The Picture of Dorian Gray

the Caribbean. 10am - 4pm. Carfax. Free.

the Christian church.

Mon 29 Apr - Sat 4 May , Various Times

The Written Word: a Literary Life of

Box Office Babies Screening: Red Joan (TBC)

Sunday 26 May

Horsham District

Tue 30 Apr , 10:30am

Horsham Plum Jam

30 March 2019 - 22 June 2019

Shipley Arts Festival: Shipley Church

Plum Jam is a free to attend air cooled

Shelley, Conan Doyle, Belloc, Hornung,

Sun 5 May , 6:30pm

West Sussex RH12 1HE. Tel: 01403 254959 or visit



www.horshammuseum.org CATS PROTECTION HORSHAM


HORSHAM PAGES North To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com

Mark Beaumont - Around the World in 80

How To Train Your Dragon 3

0PT. Meet at Barns Green car park (beyond


Sat 8 Jun , 10:30am

village hall) up Muntham Drive.

Tue 7 May , 7:30pm

Shipley Arts Festival: The Wilding Concert

Leader Pete Wong. No dogs

Walk Right Back: The Everly Brothers Story

Sun 9 Jun , 5:30pm

Mon 20 May Evening Walk

Thu 9 May , 7:30pm

Andrea McLean: Confessions of a

Knepp Castle Estate. Dial Post, West Sussex,

Jim Tavaré: From Deadpan to Bedpan

Menopausal Woman

RH13 8NN Map ref EXP 134 150 204. Parking

Fri 10 May , 7:45pm

Sun 9 Jun , 7:30pm

is free in the first Car Park at New Barn Farm.

He Writes The Songs - Barry's Ultimate

HFS Le Sens de la Fete (12A)

Leader Chris Hamilton. No dogs.


Mon 10 Jun , 8pm

Mon 03 June Evening Walk

Fri 10 May , 8pm

The Illegal Eagles

Loxwood Canal walk Map ref EXP 134 042

Metropolitan Opera Live: Dialogues des

Thu 13 Jun , 7:30pm

312. Park in car park at rear of Onslow Arms


Beyond The Barricade - 20th Anniversary

Loxwood B2133. Leaders Roger and Peggy

Sat 11 May , 5pm


Mason. Dogs OK

HFS In The Fade (15)

Fri 14 Jun , 7:30pm

Mon 10 June Evening Walk

Mon 13 May , 8pm

Family Film Fun Screening: Incredibles 2 (PG)

Copsale Downslink Map ref EXP 134 171 248

NT Live: All My Sons (12A)

Sat 15 Jun , 10:30am

Follow signs to Copsale from A24 after

Tue 14 May , 7pm

An Evening of Marvin Gaye

second Southwater roundabout. Car Park in

HAODS presents Singin In The Rain

Sat 15 Jun , 7:30pm

village. Leader Janet Owen. No dogs

Tue 14 - Sat 18 May , Various Times

Family Film Fun Screening: Wonder Park (PG)

Mon 17 June Evening Walk

Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers: Tribe

Sat 22 Jun , 10:30am

Near Ifield - A saunter around Julia’s

Sun 19 May , 7:30pm

Sounds of the 60s live with Tony Blackburn

meadow. Unspoilt – should be lots of insects.

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake (12A)

Sat 22 Jun , 7:30pm

RH11 0LL. Leader Julia Farmer. No dogs.

Tue 21 May , Various Times

NT Live: Small Island

Mon 24 June Evening Walk

Peter James

Thu 27 Jun , 7pm

Downslink 2nd outing Map ref EXP 134 183

Wed 22 May , 7:30pm

80s Mania

225. Leader Tim Thomas. No dogs.

The Counterfeit Stones: The Midnight

Fri 28 Jun , 7:30pm

Mon 1 July Evening Walk


Shipley Arts Festival: Nuthurst Concert

Warnham Nature reserve, Warnham Rd,

Thu 23 May , 7:30pm

Sun 30 Jun , 6:30pm

Horsham RH12 2RA. Park in car park. Warden directed walk. No dogs.

PJ Proby Farewell Tour Fri 24 May , 7:30pm


Sat 25 May , 7:30pm

Mon 8 July Evening Walk Woods Mill Nature Reserve -always a


pleasant walk. Map ref EXP 122 218 138 Car park at Nature Reserve. A2037 south of

Aliens Love Underpants Mon 27 May , Various Times

One Day Exhibition & Sale

Henfield. Leaders Edith Mitchell and Mary

NT Encore: All My Sons (12A)

Saturday 18th May 10am - 4pm

Nye. No dogs.

Tue 28 May , 7pm

Quaker Meeting House, Worthing Rd.

Mon 15 July Evening Walk

Pop Divas Live!

Horsham RH12 1SL

Denne Hill – woodland and river – always

Wed 29 May , 6pm

Free Admission Refreshments available

interesting. Map ref EXP 134 173 304. Meet

The Wizard of Oz

Details 01403 257784

at Denne Road car park. Parking at Denne Road car park (or car park behind the Drill

Thu 30 May , Various Times Bye Bye Baby


Hall) – charges apply. Leader Oliver Farley. No dogs.

Fri 31 May , 8pm Shipley Arts Festival: Warnham Park Concert

The Summer evening walks usually start at

Mon 22 July Evening Walk

Sat 1 Jun , 7pm

7pm (but please check time) and are fairly

Itchingfield for the views of the South

Shipley Arts Festival: The Chapel Choir of

local to Horsham. They will normally last

Downs Map ref EXP 134 132 287. Park in

Royal Holloway

about 2 - 2½ hours and will not be more

front of disused school. Leader Josie Allen.

Sun 2 Jun , 6pm

than 3 miles - often less if there is lots to see.

Dogs OK.

Dinosaur World Live

For more information please email Josie

Mon 29 July Evening Walk

Tue 4 - Wed 5 Jun , Various Times

Allen on josephinecallen@btinternet.com

Southwater Country Park area Map ref EXP 134 162 259. Park in Country Park car park

Exhibition on Screen: Van Gogh & Japan Tue 4 & Tue 11 Jun , Various Times

Mon 6 May Evening Walk

off Cripplegate Lane – charges apply. Leader

RSC Live: The Taming of The Shrew

Pulborough Brooks RSPB reserve – hopefully

Su Reed. Dogs OK.

Wed 5 Jun , 7pm

to hear the nightingales – Pulborough

Mon 5 August Evening Walk

Psychic Sally: 10 Year Anniversary Tour

Brooks is one of the best places in Sussex to

The Willows - Jan’s meadow and farm walk.

Thu 6 Jun , 7:30pm

hear them. Map ref EXP 121 058 164 A283

Finish with tea and coffee. Map ref EXP 121

Shipley Arts Festival: The Blue Idol

south of Pulborough. Park in RSPB car park.

105 492 or RH20 2LG. Meet at the Willows,

Fri 7 Jun , 7:30pm

Leader John Richardson. No dogs.

left side Harbolets Lane on B2133 south of

Life After Sherlock

Mon 13 May Evening Walk

Broadford Bridge. Leader Jan Dougharty.

Fri 7 Jun , 7:30pm

Barns Green Map ref EXP 134 125 272 RH13

Dogs OK.

To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com HORSHAM PAGES North






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Bathe in Safety – Zero VAT

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Nightingales – 10% Amazon Voucher

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TAS Aerials - £20 off

Page 39

P Green – Free Guttering

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Please mention PAGES North when responding to adverts MAY/JUNE 2019 2019 advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com To advertise callHORSHAM 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com RSHAM PAGES North To HORSHAM PAGES North 26 68 MAY/JUNE

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69 27


INDEX Accountancy & Bookkeeping

Horsham Denne

Alexander Kitchens 41


Neighbourhood Council 10

Sussex Kitchen Designs Ltd 29

Indigo Tax & Accountancy Ltd 21

Horsham District Council (YOC) 3

The Kitchen Store 17

Tax Adept Accountants 49

North Horsham Parish Council 8

Mortgage Consultant

Tax Assist 63

St Mark’s Church 13

Private Wealth Mortgages 54


The Bridge 9

Oven Cleaning

Bathe in Safety Ltd 27

Proud to Care WSCC 42

Oven Rescue - Horsham 24

Building Services / Carpentry /


Painting / Decorating / Plastering


David J Long Limited 69


AMA Property Maintenance 69

Nick Simmonds Electrical 25

Barrie Benjafield Painting &

Home & Garden Care 40

Estate & Letting Agents / Homes

Decorating 27

John Bellchamber 27

for Sale

Plumbing / Heating / Boiler

Northern Heights Loft

At Home Estate and


Conversions Ltd 55

Lettings Agency 71

Holbrook Plumbing 25

NPD Developments 35

Brock Taylor Estate Agents 72

Ferris Plumbing & Heating 4

Parker Fix 11

Moat Homes 2

PST Plumbing 69

Rookwood Driveways & Patios 53

Open House Horsham 23

Printing/Graphic Design Services

Smart Homes Handyman 54

Fascias / Soffits / Gutters

Foundry Press 65

Car Services

Just Gutters 69

Roofing Contractor

Denton’s Automotive

P Green House Maintenance 47

G & S Roofing & Guttering Ltd 15

Services Ltd 19

Foot Services

Satellite & Aerial Services

Horsham Hand Car Wash 33

Horsham Podiatry 45

TAS Aerials 39

Nightingale Service Centre 34

Garden & Landscaping Services

Self Storage

Care Services

Fairalls 46

Standby Self Storage 1

Oakhill House 29

Lawn3 55


Carpet / Flooring

WJC Pease Garden Landscaping 52

Flackwoods Solicitors 51

Berwicks of Horsham 36/37

Health & Wellbeing

Smith Gadd & Co 55

James For Carpets 5

Debbie Moore Counselling

Swim School


& Psychotherapy 69

Horsham Swim School 4

St Catherines Hospice 61

PRH Therapy 69



IT / Web Design Services

Maltman Cosham Limited 48

Henson Services 16

Woodstock IT Services Ltd 31

Wills & Estate Planning


Kitchens / Bedrooms

Westminster Law 6

Horsham Sports Club 42

Absolutely Kitchens, Bedrooms

Windows, Doors & Conservatories


and Bathrooms 35

Intratik Limited 69

28 70


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