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April 2020
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RECORDS WANTED VINYL LPs AND 7” SINGLES EXCELLENT PRICES PAID We also purchase music memorabilia (concert programmes, posters, ticket stubs etc)
PLEASE CONTACT CHRIS: Tel: 07812 903 667 Email: uk.vinylvault@sky.com
Parish Council Update
Plans For Enterprise Park
DIY Workshops
Southwater Welcome Club
Make A Will And Support Hospice
Consultation Deadline Imminent
Alison Milner-Gulland
Disaster Prepping
Lose Weight With 1:1 Diet
Garden View
Horsham Music Circle
Community Information Board
What’s On
Puzzle Answers, Discounts & Offers
Advertisement Index ` l k q^ ` q = r p qW=MNQMP=RUUSNU bW=áåÑç]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã= bÇáíçê=oáÅÜ~êÇ=jáäÄçìêå ÉÇáíçê]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã p~äÉë=j~å~ÖÉê=dÉãã~=dê~ó ÖÉãã~]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã `äáÉåí=iá~áëçå=C=^Çãáå=jÖê aÉÉ=oóÇÉê ÇÉÉ]Å~êå~ÜéìÄäáÅ~íáçåëKÅçã ^ÇîÉêíáëÉãÉåí=aÉëáÖå=hkp=aÉëáÖå mêáåíáåÖ=dÉãáåá=mêÉëë=pçìíÜÉêå Find us on
APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
Carpets, Vinyls & Luxury Vi V nyl Tiles
jamesforcarpets.co.uk (PDLO james@jamesforcarp r ets.co.uk
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APRIL 2020
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APRIL 2020
Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
on page 44 of this issue there is some detailed information regarding Southwater Wardens and what they can do to assist the community. They are based in Beeson House in Lintot Square and it is useful for everyone in Southwater to know in what ways they can help:• Provide a reassuring, uniformed patrolling presence. • Reduce fear of crime and improve the quality of life. • Deal with environmental crime issues. • Reduce incidents of criminal damage and antisocial behaviour. • Support the community with activities for young people. • Support vulnerable members of the community. • Offer advice on crime prevention and fire safety.
• Work in partnership with other agencies. • Act as professional witnesses. But what they don’t do is: • They are not a replacement for the police. • They are not an emergency service or response team. • They do not work 24/7. • They are not a care service but are able to signpost to the relevant agencies. • They are not parking wardens and cannot issue parking tickets. The Wardens can be contacted at: Dominic Woodhead 07789 943193 Jacquie Cave 07789 943156 or emailed at Southwater.Wardens@horsham.gov.uk Richard Milbourn, Editor E: editor@carnahpublications.com
plrqet^qbo LIFE
Editorial/Advertising Deadline
Print Run
Horsham Pages North Haywards Heath Pages Horsham Pages South Burgess Hill Pages Southwater Life
May/June 2020 May/June 2020 June/July 2020 June/July 2020 May 2020
9th April 9th April 11th May 11th May 9th April
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Carnah Events Limited is an independent publisher and does not officially endorse any products, services or organisations advertised or otherwise featured in this magazine. Carnah Events Limited cannot be held responsible for any advertisement content, including errors and omissions. Statements and opinions in Southwater Life, unless expressly written, are not necessarily those of The Editor. Material in Southwater Life may not be produced in any form without the permission of the Editor.
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APRIL 2020
PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE Parish & District Councillor walk-in surgeries
quotes for the work from local businesses have been
Come and talk to your councillor’s, raise your concerns.
received and are being considered.
1st Saturday of each month except August. Informal, no
• Donation for College Road bus stop seat – Metrobus
booking required. 10am to 11am Beeson House, 26
have kindly donated £500 towards the perching seat
Fairbank Rd, Southwater, RH13 9LA.
installation for the bus stop on College Road. SPC thank
Metrobus for their generous offer to the Parish of
Southwater Parish Council (SPC) has the following
vacancies; 3 x volunteer Parish Councillors. For further
• Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) –
details, please contact the Clerk at clerk@southwater-
In February 2020, Justin Tyler, previously Assistant Clerk
pc.gov.uk or call and speak to the Clerk on 01403
to SPC, successfully passed his CiLCA (Certificate in Local
Council Administration) and has been promoted to
Community Volunteers & Community Volunteer Groups
Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to SPC.
SPC and those partnerships we work closely with in
He has taken over the role of RFO from the Clerk and
striving to make improvements for the Community in
continues to work with the Clerk on all aspects of
which we live, are looking to link up with local
Council administration.
individuals and groups in trying to achieve similar goals.
• Skate Park in Stakers Lane – Would you be interested
If you are able to volunteer or share any skills or
in being part of a working party to help with
expertise in any field that would benefit the community,
improvements to the old Skate Park in Stakers Lane? If
please contact the Clerk at clerk@southwater-pc.gov.uk
you are, please contact the Parish Office on 01403
or call the Parish Office on 01403 733202.
In the news
Did you know?
• Southwater Ghyll CIO (formerly Southwater Leisure
• Ash Dieback Disease (Chalara Disease) will kill up to
Centre) update – The Southwater Ghyll CIO held its first
95% of ash trees across the UK at a cost of billions of
Trustees meeting in March. The main purpose of the
pounds over the next 10 to 20 years. Within Southwater
meeting was to establish and agree the Constitution of
Parish a large majority of woodland is populated with
the CIO. Further updates on progress will be given,
Ash trees. Ash Dieback is prevalent in the South East of
watch this space.
England. The first unknown UK reporting of the disease
• New kitchen for the Lardner Hall at The Ghyll – Prior
was in 2012. Currently the only known remedy is felling,
to the CIO taking operational control of The Ghyll, SPC
removal and proper disposal of diseased trees. See more
are preparing for the refurbishment and installation of a
information regarding this disease at the following
new kitchen at the Lardner Hall. This work is to be
websites: Woodland Trust, The Forestry Commission and
funded from available Section 106 funds. Currently
The Tree Council.
Southwater Parish Council Beeson House, 26 Fairbank Rd, Southwater, RH13 9LA. Phone 01403 733202, email clerk@southwater-pc.gov.uk or website www.southwaterpc.gov.uk/default.aspx
You can pay Parking Fines (Penalty Charge Notices or PCN’s) or Appeal PCN’s on line. Go to www.horsham.gov.uk/parking/parkingfines/pay-your-penalty-charge-notice
For collection and disposal of large household items and furniture; beds, sofas, fridge/freezers etc. Go to www.horsham.gov.uk/waste-recyclingand-bins/large-item-collection
Neighbourhood (Community) Wardens - Dominic Woodhead – 07789 943193 or Jacquie Cave – 07789 943156, Tweet them on @HorshamWardens, or email Southwater.Wardens@horsham.gov.uk and see web page www.southwater-pc.gov.uk/NeighbourhoodWardens.aspx Content correct at time of preparation.
APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
ALL CARPETS when mentioning Southwater Life
REMNANTS at Supafit Flooring Carpet and vinyl remnants from £5 Come and grab yourself a bargain...
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Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
APRIL 2020
orsham Enterprise Park proposals have taken a major step forward with the go-ahead for the county council to seek a development partner.
The partner will carry out a high quality, mixed use,
commercial and residential development on the
The main features of the outline development are: Up to 25,000 square metres of employment space such as offices, research and development uses, workshop space – on two-thirds of the site, including a new enterprise hub or collaborative workspace for
Wimblehurst Road site. The council’s public Cabinet
micro and small businesses
also approved the use of £4.157m for site enabling
• Up to 300 new homes on one-third of the site in a
works and infrastructure improvements and other
range of sizes, types and tenures, including provision
professional services connected with the project at
of 35 per cent affordable housing
their meeting on Tuesday.
• Facilities for convenience shopping and other services
Jeremy Hunt, Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “The agreement to procure a development partner is a significant step forward for the exciting plans to
• Cabinet’s decision is subject to the usual call-in period. The council has also committed to ensuring local
develop the enterprise park. The park will retain and
residents and businesses are well informed as the
promote high-value employment in Horsham and the
scheme progresses, and will be announcing dates
local area and generate a financial return for the
for Community Information Events in the coming
council’s investment.”
APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
Do you feel you are overweight? Have you been putting on the pounds recently? Are you ready to create healthier habits?
Weight FREE Off Workshops
WOW Weekly workshops offer: x Nutritional advice to help you lose weight x Interactive sessions
FREE* 12 week sessions.
x A toolkit of resources to help you make sustainable changes
Our workshops focus on weight loss, physical and emotional wellbeing along with advice and tips for sustainable lifestyle improvements.
x Support from a small group of like-minded individuals
Southwater Village Surgery, Tuesday 21 April, 5.45pm – 7.15pm
* Terms and conditions apply
For more information or to book your place call 01403 215111 or email info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk
@horshamhealth Horsham District Wellbeing
new business in Horsham is offering DIY workshops to learn how to Fix It Yourself and save money. They offer a unique range of workshops to teach practical household maintenance tasks, such as re-sealing a bath or shower, putting up a shelf, hanging pictures and rails, basic plumbing, basic electrics, tool use, understanding how your home works, DIY safety, and many invaluable top tips! David from Fix It Yourself says: “Many people are keen to avoid paying for costly home repairs, but lack the experience or knowledge to do those
repairs themselves. Up until now this training has not been available locally, but Fix it Yourself workshops are now available in Horsham. These are hands on and flexible, concentrating on the specific skills best suited to your needs.� The Fix It Yourself website enables you choose and book from a range of workshop options. You can choose to attend a mixed workshop, though women only workshops are also available. We have a female instructor, and really hope to enable more women to learn DIY skills'. To book online or for more information see www.fixit-yourself.com
Based in Broadbridge Heath, we specialise in the supply and fit of all styles of windows, doors and conservatories including PVC, Aluminum, Bi-fold, composite, sliding and traditional. For a free, no obligation quote, please contact our friendly professional team 01403 259593 info@heath-windows.co.uk www.heath-windows.co.uk
APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
Whatever place you’re into
“ Catch C t h me if you can.”” Clip n’ Climb now op pen at The Bridge Leisure Cent C re Sessions for pre-scchool After school sessio on Climb Club Extra sessions running during the school holidayys All sessions only £9 To book call us or visit ou ur website
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The Th Bridge B id LLeisu i re Cent C tre 01403 211311
Places for People Leisure Ltd. working in paartnership with Horsham District Council.
SUDOKU Solution on page 45.
APRIL 2020
Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
BENEFITS INCLUD DE: Just Wellness Induction Package A range of state-of-the-art equipment Dedicated weights area Group training sessions
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or our meeting on 22 January the speaker unfortunately cancelled but we had a good time celebrating Rose's 90th birthday! We played 'Schofel' brought by Jo on 5 February – to the uninitiated this is the old 'shove a ha'penny' and to clarify, this game we had to play with was made in Europe hence the name. We had a time of it trying to shove the replaced round wooden objects in a straight line and through the holes to score points! At our 19 February meeting we were entertained by Carol Baker, a wonderful saxophonist who also played the clarinet and violin which was enjoyed by us all. More birthdays celebrated and cake too!
APRIL 2020
Robert's talk on 4 March was most interesting. “Sleeping with the Enemy”, the story with slide photographs about Gabriella Bonheur Chanel the founder and namesake of the Chanel brand. She was by all accounts, quite a girl but in WWII sided with the enemy and their unsavoury aspects. We also celebrated Lena' 90th with sherry and, yes, a cake! On 18 March we will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary followed by our special outing on the Bluebell Railway for 1 April! Watch out for these! For details contact Deborah Bailey on 01403 731891 or Kris Massie on 01403 731553.
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
southwater@cubittandwest.co.uk cubittandwest.co.uk
01403 731 901 Your update to the Southwater area housing market
Having grown up in South hwaterr,, I feel incredibly luckily to be able to do somethingg I am so passionate about in a village that I know so well. And what a great time to start!
It’s now the beginning of March 2020 and the ‘Boris Bounce’ is not showing any signs of slowing down as we continue to improve our market share on sold properties to a whopping 58% of all sales agreed in Southwater excluding ne w builds. This data is from Rightmove Plus and spans from the 1 st of December to the 4 th March…
Movin ng house is an exciting time and I am looking for war a d to meeting our ne w and our returning o s and helping you on your onwards customer ne y. journ
At the time of writing this we are less than 2 weeks into March and we have already agreed 6 ne w sales. With lots of activity pending its looking like it will be another good month for us.
Dion ne Wallace Saless Manager
Pleasse pop in to see us anytime and meet the team , we look for ward to seeing you.
On average, we w will sel ell your hom home for o over
£7 7,,00 00 mor orre e
than han the other oth top ten agents in our area ea.* *Independent data provided by TwentyEA on properties sold within the Cubitt & West area in the 12 months up to 19/06/19. Selling your home for more based on an average property price of £350,000. If you have alre eady instructed another agent, the Te Terms and Conditions of that agreement must be considered before instructing Cubitt & West to avoid the possibility of being liable for two agents’ fees.
S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S H O S P I C E
as making or updating your will been on your to-do list? If you don’t have a will, or your circumstances have changed, you can get a professional will made, and support terminally ill people Ken and his girls. in your community, during St Catherine’s Make A Will Fortnight. None of us like to think about the end of our life but having a professionally written will means that when the time comes, you can be confident that people you love, and causes important to you will be looked after. When Wendy’s husband Ken died, she wanted to know that their girls would always be cared for so she used St Catherine’s Make A Will Fortnight. She said, “Immediately after Ken died I couldn’t remember anything. I lived off post-it notes, and even simple things weren’t possible. I’d never expected to lose my husband so soon or to become a lone parent, but I knew I had to do all I could to protect our girls. That meant sorting out my will. After what happened to Ken, I wanted to know that if anything happened to me our girls would be looked after. Writing my will, and acknowledging the huge change that had taken place, was so hard but St Catherine’s and a local solicitor made the process easy, and I felt comforted that I’d done it afterwards.” For two weeks in May (11 to 22 May 2020), carefully selected solicitors across Sussex and Surrey are generously giving up their time and expertise in return for a donation to St Catherine’s. Suggested donations are: • £120 for a single will • £180 for a joint will Your donation will help provide hospice care for people in your community. When making your will there’s no obligation to
APRIL 2020
include a gift to St Catherine’s, but any gift, big or small, is a wonderful way to make sure your care for your loved ones and local community will live on. Gifts left in wills to St Catherine’s fund the care of one in four hospice patients so they make a huge difference. Andy Perry, Legacy Officer at St Catherine's said, "Currently our hospice isn’t able to help everyone locally who needs our support, but in the future, we want to make sure no one faces death and loss alone. If you include a gift in your will, you’ll take us closer to helping more people in your community.” For full details and a list of solicitors taking part, please visit www.stch.org.uk/mawf or contact Andy Perry on: 01293 447369, or andyperry@stch.org.uk. Appointments are limited and must be booked by Thursday 7 May 2020.
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
7KH &RQIHGHUDWLRQ RI 5RRILQJ &RQWUDFWRUV VWDQGV IRU ,17(*5(7< < 5(/,$%,/,7< < DQG &86720(5 3527(&7,21
G&S Roofing Specialists Ltd
Due to the success of the business, we are now covering Susssex
1 discount on all neew and flat roofs 15% Office: 014003 560172 / 01483 378511 Mob: 07425 396324 www.gandsrooofing.co.uk gsroofingspecialists@gmail.com gandsroofingglimited@gmail.com Suite 17, Standby Business B Centre, Foundry Lane, Horsham m, RH13 5PX To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com SOUTHWATER Life
APRIL 2020
BEEF RENDANG Preparation time: 40 mins Cooking time: 2 and a half hours Serves: 6+ fkdobafbkqp=
3 tbsp vegetable oil 2kg beef shin or skirt, cut into bite-sized chunks 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised 2 x 400ml cans coconut milk 4 tbsp unsweetened desiccated coconut 2 kaffir lime leaves, torn 1 Beef stock cube 2 tbsp tamarind paste 1 tsp sugar Âź tsp salt For the paste 1/2 - 3 chillies chopped (depending on taste)
6-8 baby shallots 2 inch / 5cm piece ginger, chopped three cloves garlic jbqela For the paste, place all paste ingredients into a small food processor and blitz until smooth. Heat the oil in a heavy-based flameproof casserole dish or large saucepan. Fry the paste for 5-10 minutes until golden. Add the beef chunks and the lemongrass and mix well. Once the beef has coloured, add the coconut milk plus 250ml water. Bring to the boil, then lower to a very low simmer, uncovered for 2 hours. Stir occasionally to prevent the rendang sticking, and more often towards the end. Towards the end of the cooking time toast the coconut in a frying pan on a low heat for 5-7 mins until golden brown. Set aside to cool. Using a blender, coarsely blend it to finer pieces â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but not too fine. Put to one side. After 2 hrs, add the coconut, kaffir lime leaves, stock cube, tamarind paste, sugar and salt to the pan. Stir well and simmer for 30 minutes. The meat should be tender and falling apart when touched. Serve with rice and green salad.
APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
Call Us On:
01403 390040 For a FREE No Obligation Quote
01403 390040
Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
APRIL 2020
orsham District Council is required by Government to provide for an unprecedented increase in the number of homes in the District. This is a huge challenge for the Council and it urges all residents to read the development options and have their say. The purpose of the Draft Local Plan is to guide future developments in the Horsham District until 2036. None of the sites in the draft Local Plan has been selected by the Council. The document looks at potential sites that have been put forward by developers and assessed by Horsham District Council for suitability. There are a number of potential sites listed in the document, but it is anticipated that only some of these will ultimately be allocated for development. The decisions of the Council on sites to be allocated will depend in part on the responses it receives during this consultation. The site assessments have been published so that residents can read about the possible options, see how they have been assessed and give their feedback. The public consultation on the Horsham District Draft Local Plan (Regulation 2018) is now open and ends at 5pm on 30 March 2020. Cllr Claire Vickers, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Planning commented, “Many thanks to all of you who have already given feedback on the draft Local Plan. “Our public consultation is now half way through and I urge everybody to continue to give us their feedback on the options put forward by developers. “I wish to emphasize that although potential sites are listed in the draft
APRIL 2020
consultation document, no choices have yet been made. The decisions of the Council on the sites to eventually be allocated will depend on the feedback we receive during this consultation. “The Local Plan will help ensure that any developments are in suitable locations, helping the crucial delivery of local job opportunities and are set out in the Plan with contributions from developers to provide community infrastructure and upgrade transport links. “Failure to produce a Local Plan will put these vital elements in jeopardy and leave us exposed to unacceptable developments in totally unsuitable locations which none of us want.” Details about the Local Plan review process and timetable is available online now, including a video introducing the Local Plan process. Supporting background documents will also be published on this website, including a Sustainability Appraisal (which considers what the environmental, social and economic effects would be) and an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (which considers what infrastructure will be needed to deliver growth). For more information and to have your say visit www.horsham.gov.uk/localplanreview All responses should be made on the official form and returned by 5pm on Monday 30 March 2020. Call 01403 215100. Copies of the Draft Local Plan can also be viewed at the Council offices, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1RL (between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays), and in all District libraries during normal opening hours. A copy of the Draft Local Plan has also been sent to every Parish Council in the District.
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
South hwater Nursery relo ocating g new premises witth baby room to stunning Award winning Little e Barn Owls Nurseries are re elocating and expanding ursery to Easted Barn on Eassted Lane in Southwater. their Southwater Nu Our new home will b d barn with large, be a beautiful fully renovated d new baby rooms. stunning garden and (a a (a a (a (a a (a (a a
F/A;A6 ; a /F\/@!/T ! a^hEBa 33 4Ead//=Ua af/ T+a;A)a/ T>fa-TDFaD33 Dda) T;A6a3D 3DTa)9;>-T/Aah:4af/ TUa d;\9aA/da! !faTDD@U T;c \/adDD-> A-a A-a DT/U\a )9DD>a >>af/ T /da T\aU\_-;Da3D 3DTa)9;>-T/Aa A-a D_Ta T\;U\a;Aa /U;-/A)/ _>>a- fa A-aU)9DD>a- faU/UU;DAUa c ;> !>/ 3_A-/-a3T 3T//aF> )/Ua c ;> !>/a _>>fa3_ 3DTaDc/Ta]af/ TU 3D 3U 3U\/-a a a^hEB
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com SOUTHWATER Life
/daFT/@;U/U --T/UUad;>>a!/* U\/-a TA U\/-a A/ D_\9d \/T E]B >/ U/a) >> hE5h]aY]^Y^^ dddJ>;\\>/! TADd>UJ)DJ_= APRIL 2020
Autumn Light.
Alison Milner-Gulland in her Washington Studio.
nd what a life, from Oxford to Syria, Russia to
sheep in the snow, to seeing graffiti on the walls of
Washington, South Downs to desert, etching
the world, all have found expression in the colourful
to collage, print to pastel, crayon to ceramics
and vibrant art works. Such drama of the immediate
Alison Milner-Gulland has had a richly rewarding life,
and today are contrasted with paintings and prints of
creating along the way outstanding works of art.
long held stories and beliefs, especially the Greco-
Now Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, in conjunction
Roman and Christian iconography. Her time spent in
with Toovey’s, are delighted to showcase her
and studding Russia and their Eastern orthodox
remarkable art in the new temporary exhibition Alison
imagery sees the icon re-invented for the
Milner-Gulland a Life in Art, as she celebrates her 80th
contemporary, becoming a symbol of today’s stories,
but rooted in 1000 years of artistic heritage.
For over 60 years, Alison has always challenged
Rupert Toovey who has known the artist for over
herself and the viewer with her eye, her uniquely
twenty years has selected the works for Alison Milner
creative vision that combines powerful narrative along
Gulland – a Life in Art. This close friendship enabled
with the poetry of art. Where we would see a half
Alison to open up and explain the paintings as well as
burnt door as a failed attempt at burning rubbish,
making available rarely seen works. This has added real
Alison sees it as the “canvas” to portray the ravages of
depth to the exhibition which spans over 40 years of
a shattered peace, drawing on the sights she saw in
artistic creativity. This partnership along with the
the Middle East, using the symbol of the dove in
partnership between Toovey’s and Horsham Museum
turmoil, the narrative force. This powerful work
and Art Gallery has created a highlight of 2020, an
contrasts with her exploration of the mythic drama of
exhibition where the creative talent and ability of
her next-door neighbour Chanctonbury Ring. Here
Alison Milner-Gulland shines through.
Alisson uses print, etching and collage to illustrate the
Alison Milner-Gulland – a Life in Art at Horsham
tales of this magical place she explores on an almost
District Council’s Horsham Museum & Art Gallery
daily basis.
opens at 2pm on 7th March and runs till 27th June
Alison’s work also portrays great beauty, from the
2020. It has only been made possible through the
Moonlight over the sea, to Tangled Flowers growing
generous support of Rupert Toovey and Toovey’s
in her garden, outside her back door. The images of
Auction House. Free Admission. For more information
the everyday, from the farrier shooing her horse, to
see www.horshammuseum.org.
APRIL 2020
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Ye T ar s
Complete new roofs undertaken
01403 560321 31
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ombie apocalypse movies are perennially popular. Human beings love to imagine how we might survive after a global disaster. Recent flooding and the coronavirus have prompted an interest in ‘prepping’, as in ‘prepping for disaster’. Preppers have historically been cast alongside conspiracy theorists, and American survivalists, who build bunkers, live ‘off-grid’ and are scarier than any imaginary zombie. As flooding and extreme weather become ‘normal’ events in the UK, and every year seems to bring a new pandemic threat it’s easy to see why people feel helpless, and why ‘prepping’ becomes seductive. Should we prepare for imminent disaster? The answer isn’t a straightforward yes or no. In this country we are fortunate that food is plentiful. However, food is supplied on a ‘just-in-time’ basis, using predictions based on the public’s past shopping habits. If everyone shops normally, supply and demand remain balanced, but if large numbers of people suddenly panic-buy more than usual to stockpile food, shelves are stripped bare pretty quickly. It makes sense to be aware of this and to think about how we might manage if there was a temporary hiccup in our own food supply chain, perhaps because poor weather or flooding prevents us from accessing shops, or because we’re confined to our home through illness or quarantine. It does no harm to plan how we might be more self-reliant for a week or so, and to make sure that we have a basic emergency store cupboard. I would advise against specialist emergency food packs you see advertised. They are expensive, and freezedried food tastes like garden mulch. A few
APRIL 2020
extra tins in your weekly shop is easy for most people to achieve. Remember, in most instances you will already have food in, which can be used up first. Useful items for an emergency store cupboard: tinned meats, tinned vegetables, tinned beans, pulses and chickpeas, tinned soups and packet soups, tinned fruit, a large bag of rice, a large bag of porridge oats, cooking oil, salt, honey, long-life milk, longlife orange juice, packs of cereal, cereal and protein bars, dried fruit. If you live in an area where flooding and therefore water contamination is likely allow 2 litres of bottled water per person per day for drinking and cooking. A simple emergency store cupboard can be built up over a couple of months quite easily by adding a few extras into your weekly shop. A can opener is essential. Torches, batteries, and a camping stove insure against loss of electricity, and loo roll, bleach, hand sanitiser, paracetamol, ibuprofen, plasters and disinfectant are useful health and medical items. If you live in a flood zone, make sure your supplies are stored high up. Use a verminproof storage box in the coolest place possible, and every so often move items out into your regular cupboards, and replace them, to make sure that nothing goes beyond its sell-by date. One last thing. We all have important documents filed away such as birth certificates, passports, insurance documents and house deeds. Ideally these should be stored in a fire and waterproof deed box to protect them. A little thought and preparation goes a long way. No bunker required! Clare Becker
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
WORD SEARCH Solution on page 45.
Word Search Word List amused
glad gratified jocular
Home Decorating
APRIL 2020
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Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
APRIL 2020
LOSE WEIGHT EASILY WITH 1:1 DIET Lose Weight Easily With The 1:1 Diet and with your own personal 1:1 Diet Consultant for support
Alison (left) and Abigail.
Before and after 4 stone weight loss.
Before and after 2 stone weight loss.
snâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it time for a truly flexible, personal approach to
the way. So whether you want to lose 7lb or 7 stone,
weight loss? No more group sessions but 1:1
whether youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just beginning your weight loss journey
appointments where itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about you, finding the
or have tried every other diet going, give Alison and
Plan to suit your lifestyle and supporting your weight
Abigail a call on 07855 023080 or 07801 943021 and
loss journey. Trying to lose weight can feel
find out how they can help you make the change and
overwhelming. Changing your habits is no easy task,
finally reach your target. www.one2onediet.com
and there is so much misleading information around that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to know where to start! Abigail Bush and Alison Fielder are here to change this. As dedicated Consultants for the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, they are helping people across Sussex and Surrey wave goodbye to yo-yo dieting and finally achieve lasting weight loss. The 1:1 Diet has been helping people improve their health and wellbeing for over 35 years and is a totally personal and flexible way to lose weight and keep it off. Abigail and Alison pride themselves on their friendly approach, and as fully mobile Consultants they are
cto ry Int rodu offer!!
happy to come to you at times to suit you or you can pop in to see them at their homes. Instead of awkward group weigh-ins or one-size-fits-all meal plans, 1:1 Diet
1:1 support
Consultants work with you in regular personal sessions
No group meetings
to find a Plan to suit your lifestyle. And donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worry â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just shakes and soups! With a huge variety of flavours and products, there is something for everyone. Both Alison and Abigail have had great success using the 1:1 Diet Plan for their own weight loss. Alison lost almost 4 stone, and Abigail lost 2 stone in 2 months â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
Contact us local Consultants:
right on time for her wedding! They know the Plan works, and will be able to support you every step of
APRIL 2020
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i i i i i i i i i i
7HO +RUVKDP &DOO 6PLWK *DGG &R )LUVW *HW RQH VWHS DKHDG Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
Maltman Cosham Veterinar e y Surge geryy provides veterinary care for Horsham and the surrounding area. Run by local veterinary surgeon Mark Maltman, with assisstant vets H Hannah hW We est, t Li Lindley dl St Stewart, w t Cl Cla are N Newton, wt Philippa Bulman, Poppy Winter, Be ecky Pritchard, Anna Etherton and Catia a Paglierani. UÊ >À }Ê> `ÊV «>ÃÃ >Ìi veterinary team UÊ -i«>À>ÌiÊ` }Ê> `ÊV>ÌÉÀ>LL ÌÊÜ>À`Ã Ü ÊÊÊ UÊ -«>V ÕÃÊ> `Ê `iÀ ÊÀiVi«Ì Ê>Ài> UÊ >À}iÊV>ÀÊ«>À ÊÊ UÊ ÀiiÊ i i Ê Õ} ÊÛ>VV >Ì Ê with all dog vaccinations UÊ } Ì>
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www maltmancosham www.maltmancosham m co uk m.co.uk Lyons Farm Estate, Lyons Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, RH13 0QP
01403 791011 34
APRIL 2020
uinea pigs can make great children’s pets so knowing how to choose the most suitable guinea pig for your family is very important. Guinea pigs are very sociable animals so should not be kept on their own. They can be kept in single sex groups, pairs (a male and female) or in a harem (one male with multiple females). It is wise to do a little research into where you are going to buy your guinea pig, most reputable breeders will be happy for you to visit the litter before buying and this opportunity can be used to see the mother and littermates together. It is also a good time to question the breeder on the health of the parents and the current feeding regimes. Things to look out for: • The guinea pig should be bright and alert with no discharge from the nose, the eyes or around the mouth. • The front teeth should be well opposed and not overgrown. • There should be no hair loss or dandruff. • Watch the guinea pigs walking around the cage, they should be interested and show no signs of limping. • The rear should be clean with no urine or faecal staining and the feet should be pink with no ulceration. • Check whether there is a returns policy and how long it lasts for. Once you have chosen your new guinea pig it is wise to bring him/her into the vets for a full check over and to answer any questions you may have. Tel: 01403 791011. www.maltmancosham.co.uk Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
pril is the perfect month for planting container-grown fruit trees and bushes. Even if your garden space is limited you can still grow fruit trees and bushes. You can even grow them in containers on a balcony. The trick is to read the label. Look for dwarf varieties that won’t grow too large for your pot or garden. It’s a good idea to buy self-fertile plants too, especially if you don’t live in an area where lots of people grow their own fruit. Even on a small plot buy the biggest pot you can fit into the available space. Bigger pots hold more compost, so they contain more food, more water and more space for strong root growth. Make sure the pot has drainage holes and cover the base with drainage material. Handy hint – if wind is a problem on your site use heavy material like broken crockery or stones to add weight, whereas if you will need to be able to move the pot easily use polystyrene chunks, which are very lightweight. Fill the container with a loam-based potting compost. Remove the tree or shrub from its original pot, spread the roots a little and plant it in the new container to the same depth. Water the compost well initially and then whenever the surface is dry. If you want to plant your fruit tree in the garden dig a hole as deep as the root system, and about three times the width. Place the plant into the hole and refill it. Then firming the soil with your foot. If the tree is in an exposed area you might need to stake it. Fruit is very easy to grow, and there are a huge variety of fruit trees or bushes to suit every garden size and aspect, so you’re bound to find the perfect plant for your space. Try:
Dwarf apple trees, which provide interest all year round as well as fruit in the autumn. Any of the currants. Blackcurrants are particularly nice. They are low maintenance and great in jams and pies. They like a sunny spot and plenty of water Raspberries are lovely. They fruit in summer and like a sheltered sunny spot. You buy raspberry canes rather than bushes. Look for a thorn-free variety. Blueberries grow really well and are great for growing in a container because they like acid soil and in a container, this is easy to provide. Look for ericaceous compost which you should keep moist because like most soft fruits they are quite thirsty plants. Collect rainwater for the purpose as blueberries are not keen on tap water. I like to grow strawberries in large hanging baskets to make the most of the space. They are easy to grow this way but make sure you keep them well fed with a high potash fertiliser as nutrients leach away from hanging baskets very easily. I protect all my container-grown soft fruit with netting my garden birds tend to view my patio display as a rolling all-season buffet laid on especially for their benefit. Happy gardening. Rachael Leverton
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com SOUTHWATER Life
APRIL 2020
CROSSWORD Solution on page 45. Across
1 Prestidigitator (8)
1 Disguise, conceal (4)
2 Tennis term (5)
3 Bewilder, stupefy (8)
4 Sixth planet from the sun
8 Article of clothing (7)
9 Impression (5)
5 Neglect, disregard (7)
10 Board game (5)
6 Take to heart (4)
11 Document, log (6)
7 Population tally (6)
13 Direction of this clue! (6)
9 Membranous pouch (3)
15 Overpass (6)
12 Thwarted (8)
18 Type of reptile (6)
14 Pouring (7)
20 Thick, impenetrable (5)
16 Peppery salad vegetable
23 Nimble, lithe (5)
24 Scrutinise (7)
17 Laud, revere (6)
25 Won back (8)
19 Imitate, caricature (3)
26 Certificate, lease (4)
21 Sibling's daughter (5)
22 Bazaar, carnival (4)
Roffey Criccket Club RACE C NIGHT Funndraiser SAATTURDAAYY 25TH APPRIL AT AT 7.30PPM TToo help raise money for our upcomingg cricket seasson we are having a race night. Thiis is a greaat fun evening for all the family to enjoy. We are selling horses to own before thhe night at ÂŁ55 per horse, which can be purchassed from behiind the bar. On the t evening, the bar will be open aand you can bet on the 8 races shown on the big screen. So, if you are looking for a fun eveningg out withh all the family and want to supporrt a local sporrting organization please come aloong and join in our evening.
For more details email ail roffeycc@ggmail. il com orr call 01403 2260775 Crawley Road, Horrsham, West Sussex, RH12 4ET 36
APRIL 2020
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o complete the Music Circleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s season of concerts there will be two contrasting programmes of live music to enjoy. On Tuesday 21st April in the Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Gerald Taylor FRCO presents works from the organ repertoire. Gerald trained at the Royal College of Music followed by a career as organist at London churches including Westminster Abbey, teaching at schools in West Sussex and Surrey and playing regularly in the Horsham area. This hour long concert starting at 1pm includes pieces by Guilmant, Gigout, Mendelssohn and Handel. All are welcome - entry is free and there will be a retiring collection to support the Music Circleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concert promoting work. The year 2020 marks Beethovenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 250th
R.E.M. Landdscapes Ltd
Rob R from R.E.M. was om mpletely professional. rep pared to be flexible he en we changed esiigns. Gave us updates he work planned each f th ay and provided helpful dviice. We e would certainly ave e R.E.M. back for uturre projects. ndsscaping requirements this year then do not hesitate h in contacting us. I look forward to working with you. Rob
Te el: 07890 669613 3 or 01403 730313
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anniversary, the perfect reason for The Sharpenhurst Quartet (pictured above), to offer a performance of his wonderful string quartets on Saturday, 9th May 7.30pm in the lovely acoustic of the Unitarian Church, Worthing Road, Horsham. They will play his Quartets Op.18 No.5 in A Major, a homage to Mozart, and Op.59 No.1 in F Major 'Rasumovsky'. The occasion also marks the Music Circle's own 78th Anniversary of presenting concerts in the town. The Sharpenhurst Quartet was formed in 2019 specially to celebrate the Horsham Year of Culture with the Horsham Music Circle and named after the hill overlooking Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, where its members all teach. They are led by Rachel Ellis, leader of Horsham Symphony Orchestra, with Anna Giddey, violin, Emily Marsden, viola and Rhian Steel, cello. Despite having busy teaching, performing and family commitments between them, they find time for this incredible music, which stretches and inspires them in equal measures. Tickets are available in advance from 01403 252602, website www.horsham-musiccircle.org.uk, email horshammusiccircle@gmail.com, from Horsham Museum 01403 211661 and on line from www.wegottickets.com/HorshamMusicCircle and on the door. APRIL 2020
SOUTHWATER SOUTHWATER PARISH COUNCIL Southwater Parish Council Beeson House, Lintot Square Southwater, West Sussex RH13 9LA Acting Clerk: Mrs Dawn Spouge 01403 733202 www.southwater-pc.gov.uk Facebook: Southwater Parish Council www.facebook.com/southwater.council Twitter: @southwaterpc www.twitter.com/southwaterpc Southwater Community Police Office Opened in September 1996, the Southwater Community Police Office is a unique facility for Southwater, set up and run by volunteers from the Community. Place: Beeson House, Lintot Square, Southwater. Contact: 01403 734417 Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 09:30 - 12:30 and 14:30 - 17:00 FOR SMALL CHILDREN Kids Connect Fun and Friendly parent or carers toddler group Monday’s 10am - 11.30am (Term Time only). Jubilee House, Worthing Road, Southwater RH13 9JB Contact 01403 254241 www.wearelifespring.church/kidsconnect Southwater Children and Family Centre Information, advice and guidance on any family related issues, such as childcare, health, benefits, employment and education. Open Monday 9:00am - 3pm Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:00am 11:30am Place: Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9HA. Contact: 01403 213570 or email southwater.cfc@westsussex.gov.uk www.westsussex.gov.uk/southwatercfc pçìíÜï~íÉê=sáää~ÖÉ=e~ää=mêÉJpÅÜççä Caters for children from 2 years 4
APRIL 2020
Community Information Board
months to reception age, providing them with a fun and stimulating environment where they learn through play and exploration with the care of a dedicated team. With a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted at their 2016 inspection, the pre-school offers morning and afternoon sessions, and three all-day sessions from 9.15am to 4pm on Mon, Tues & Thurs with the inclusion of a ‘lunch link’ session. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT Contact: Manager, Heather Clarke 01403 733954 southwaterpreschool@hotmail.co.uk.
children of their own age. Scouting enables young people between 6 and 14 years of age to ‘learn by doing’. Place: Scout Hut, Church Lane, Southwater Contact: Wendy 01403 730747 to add your name to waiting list wendyhlowis@btinternet.com
Kids Like Us A club for Southwater children in the age range 4 – 11. Opening hours are 7.45am – 8.50am and 3.20pm – 6.00pm. Place: Southwater Infant Academy, Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9JH Contact: 01403 730050
Friday Night Club For ages 8 to 12 years, every Friday night come and let off some steam with sports, games, arts and crafts and sing or dance on the Wii. Cost £3 per child. 6.30pm- 8pm. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 01403 733208 Horsham Judo Club Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5.30pm for all ages Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: Derek on 07778 670124 or email: derekdoingdiy@btinternet.com www.horshamjudoclub.com
Infinity Gymnastics Pre-school, general, acrobatic and freestyle gymnastics. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 07763186554 or email info@infinity-gymnastics.co.uk www.infinity-gymnastics.co.uk
pçìíÜï~íÉê=vçìíÜ=mêçàÉÅí A wide range of activities intended to meet the physical, mental, spiritual and social needs of children and young people. Various activities please check the website for details. Contact: Angie Choat on 07795835905 or email angie@southwateryouthproject.org.uk
Southwater Guides Group Within the group we have units for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. All units offer a well balanced programme full of variety, fun and adventure. All groups (except 3rd Brownies) meet in the Scout and Guide HQ, Church Lane. Please contact: Sharon Berriman 01403 730703
2nd Southwater Scouts Our aim is to give youngsters in Southwater the opportunity to experience a wide range of fun activities - from crafts and games to camping and climbing - with other
Southwater U3A Southwater U3A (University of the Third Age) is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a
West Sussex County Council Youth Service The Youth Service is there to support your move from childhood to adulthood. So, if you are between the ages of 11-25, you can access the Youth Service! www.yourspacewestsussex.co.uk/
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friendly environment. Contact: 01403 730598 www.u3a.org.uk Southwater Welcome Club A club for 55+. It runs every other Wednesday afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Activities and occasional entertainers, parties and outings. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Deborah Bailey on 01403 731891 Southwater Young at Heart Two sessions for 50+s to meet others in an informal setting. Activities are available if you would like to participate. £3 per session including refreshments. Fridays 1.30 – 3.30pm. Place: Beeston House, Lintot Square, Southwater. Thursday Group Thursdays 10.00am - 12 noon Place: Southwater Sports Club Contact: Pat Chapman on 01403 730420 or Tina Andrews on 01403 731839 www.southwaterchurch.org.uk/south watertoungatheart.htm Sporting Moments Every Monday from 10am to 12pm, free gentle sports session for people with dementia and a family member. Come and meet others and enjoy the fun. Place: Southwater Leisure Centre, Pevensey Road, Southwater RH13 9XZ. Contact: Pauline on 01403 730190 i~îáåá~=eçìëÉ=lîÉê=RMë=`äìÄ Wide range of social activities and events including music and dance, darts league, card clubs, exercise classes, crafts. Onsite café, hairdressing, chiropody and holistic therapies. Transport from Southwater available Monday, Thursday and Friday. Ask about a free trial day. Contact: 01403 751327 or email hubsandclubsadministrator@ageukhor shamdistrict.org.uk FOR ALL Argentine Tango Classes with Sandra and Santiago Monticelli
Mondays (except the first Monday of every month) - from 7.30pm for beginners and 8.30pm intermediates. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: www.letstangouk.org, email: letstangouk@gmail.com or phone 07760 808642 Bingo Every other Wednesday afternoon 2 4pm. Cash prizes, raffle and refreshments. The more players the bigger the cash prizes! Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Teresa Longdon on 01403 732957 or bookings@southwatervillagehall.org.u k The Elsdon School of Dance Ballet and Modern tap dance classes for all ages. Now doing adult ballet. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT. Contact: Mrs Jackie Bearman on 01403 731578 Southwater Community First Responders CFR’s are volunteers who provide immediate care to those in their community who have fallen ill. The CFR’s are dispatched by the South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb). The aim of the group is to provide a service 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. If you think you can help in any way please call. Contact: Team Leader: Pauline Flores-Moore on 07702 743776 or visit our website www.southwaterresponders.org. Tea Dances Join Colin and Margret every second and fourth Friday of the month, for an afternoon of ballroom dancing. Cost £5 Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Contact: 01403 734409 pçìíÜï~íÉê=^êí=`äìÄ We are an informal, friendly ’self help’ group that holds regular (six per month) two and a half hour painting for pleasure sessions (details to be
Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
found on our website). You are expected to bring along your own art materials for the sessions and we provide refreshments. We welcome new members and encourage those interested to come along and try us out (session free). The Art Club Annual Membership is £20.00, with session fees £4.00. Contact the club via the website www.southwaterartclub.co.uk Southwater Library Lintot Square, Southwater 01403 734660 southwater.library@westsussex.gov.uk Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am – 5pm Sat 10am – 2pm Baby Rhyme Time (all babies and toddlers welcome) FREE Every Thursday 10.30-11.00am The Horsham & Shipley Community Project - The Workshop Practice old skills and develop new in our Community Workshop. Fully equipped with modern equipment (particularly for woodworking). Every Tuesday from 10.00am . Contact: Phil on philipgibbs669@gmail.com or call 07786 070939 - Petanque Try a new sport. The Shipley Petanque Club invite new comers to come along and give it a go on Tuesdays from 11.00am to 13.00 am. Contact: Melanie on melcjrob@gmail.com - Walking Football Come and join the fun on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 10.00am. Contact: Phil on philipgibbs669@gmail.com or call 07786 070939 - ‘Vets’ Football. Football for the over 35s. Contact: Trev on 07817 957461 to find out more. SPORTS CLUBS Southwater Badminton Club Tuesday evenings October to April from 7.30pm to 9.30pm and Thursday
APRIL 2020
evenings May to September from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Southwater Leisure Centre, Pevensey Road, Southwater, RH13 9XZ. Contact James Tillier on 01403 730319, james.tillier@outlook.com, or Andy Bilton on 01903 892241, andy.bilton@sky.com. www.southwaterbadmintonclub.co.uk Southwater Watersports Centre Offering Watersports for all, they will train anyone from 8 to 80 and undertake Watersports safely whilst having as much pleasure as possible. Group bookings welcome. Place: Southwater Watersports Centre, Cripplegate Lane, Southwater, RH13 9UN. Contact: 01403 734424 www.southwatersports.co.uk/ Southwater Bowls Club Bowls is a game for all ages! New members or visitors are welcome at any time. Place: We play on the Green behind the Leisure Centre, Pevensey Road, Southwater from April to September with a regular friendly roll up on Mondays from 1.30 to 4.00pm. We also play Short Mat Bowls in the Leisure Centre all year round on Tuesdays from 1.30 to 4.00pm October to April. Contact: Beryl on 01403 731761 or Tony on 01403 731177 or e-mail southwaterbowls@gmail.com www.southwaterbowlsclub.co.uk pçìíÜï~íÉê=iÉáëìêÉ=`ÉåíêÉ Pevensey Road, Southwater West Sussex RH13 9XZ. Tel: 01403 733208 www.southwater-pc.gov.uk Southwater Tuesday Night Badminton Club Open to all who enjoy badminton. New members welcome. Place: Dial Post Village Hall, Tuesdays 8.15 – 10.15pm Contact: Peter Buckley on 01403 730449 PLACES OF WORSHIP/RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS
APRIL 2020
Holy Innocent’s Church Sunday Service at 10am (including Sunday School on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays), Wednesday Said Holy Communion at 10.30am and Saturday Morning Prayer at 9.30am. Tinies, Teddies & Todlers on Wednesdays at 1.45pm in term time. Place: Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT Contact: 01403 730229 or email office@southwaterchurch.org.uk www.southwaterchurch.org.uk Southwater Community Methodist Church Every Sunday at 10am. Other meetings including socials, creative groups and afternoon tea. Please check the website for details. Place: Southwater Junior Academy, Southwater, RH13 1EH Contact: Rev Kath Jones on 01403 273454 or email hello@southwatermethodistchurch.org.uk www.southwatermethodistchurch.org.uk Elim Family Church Every Sunday at 10.30am. Please see the website for all our social events. Place Southwater Village Hall, RH13 9BT Contact Dave Taylor on 07860 859253 or dave@elimfamilychurch.com, elimfamilychurch.com. CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS ^äÅçÜçäáÅë=^åçåóãçìë For anyone who wants to stop drinking. Every Monday evening 8.00 – 9.30pm. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater, RH13 9BT Contact: 0845 769 7555 www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk Southwater Art Club We are an informal, friendly “self help” group. You will need to bring along a picture to work on and your own art materials. Refreshments available (no extra cost). Annual Membership £20.00 Workshop fees £4.00 per session (first session free). We welcome new members. Two Monday and two Wednesday
afternoons per month from 1.30pm 4pm Place: Southwater Leisure Centre Two Thursday evenings per month from 7.00pm - 10.00pm Place: Piper Room, Village Hall, Church Lane Contact: The Secretary on info@southwaterartclub.co.uk Full details including workshop dates are available on www.southwaterartclub.co.uk Southwater Dabblers Model Boat Club We sail all kind of rc boats from yachts to real steam. We meet at Southwater every Sunday morning and all day Friday. There is also yacht racing every Wednesday morning. We are a sociable club and are happy to encourage new members young and not so young! Place: Southwater Country Park, Cripplegate Lane, Southwater, RH13 9UN Chairman: David Cross Email: info@dabblers.co.uk Website: www.dabblers.co.uk Southwater Horticultural Society Your local, friendly gardening club, we run three shows a year (Spring, Rose & Sweet Pea and Summer) plus a plant sale every May for bargain hunters. Place: Southwater Village Hall, Church Lane, Southwater RH13 9BT Contact: Secretary: Nancy Brock on 01403 730449 or email: nancy.brock@macdream.net or find us on Facebook! Southwater Local History Club Our meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month. Everyone welcome. Non Members £3. Place: Beeson House, Lintot Square Contact: Chairman: Jeremy Senneck on 01403 731 247 www.southwaterhistory.co.uk Knit & Chat Group Held at Beeson House, Lintot Square every other Wednesday, from 10am 12 noon. Contact: Linda Briggs on 01403 731133 for further details
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
Southwater Angling Society Fishing at Castlewood Lake, Cripplegate Lane, Southwater. New members welcome. Pleasure and match fishing.Annual fee:- Adult £55. Senior £40. Junior £12 (must be accompanied by an adult member). Contact: Jim for more information on 01403 731779
with memory problems and their family supporter. Once a month from 2 – 4 pm (small charge for refreshments). Place: Southwater Leisure Centre, Pevensey Road, Southwater RH13 9XZ. Contact: 01273 494300 info@knowdementia.co.uk or visit our website www.knowdementia.co.uk
The Horsham & District Philatelic Society Meet 2pm on Mondays twice a month. Place: Beeson House, Lintot Square, Southwater. Contact: Angus Lincoln. 01403 256275 / angus@lincoln.tc
Southwater Networking Business Group Place: The Lintot, Southwater on first Thursday of the month. Contact: Tracy Sambrook on 07921 863499.
Know Dementia Memory Moments Café Please come and join us for an informal café including tea, coffee & cake, a little fun & laughter with games, talks, music, dance etc. Everyone is welcome, especially those
Southwater Crochet and Knitting Group An opportunity to share ideas, help and support one another with projects or simply to knit or crochet with other people - all standards welcome from beginner to advanced. Thursday evenings, 7.30 to 9.00pm. Contact: Laila on 079 3299 5530
SOUTHWATER USEFUL NUMBERS Castlewood Primary School 01403 734822 East Surrey A&E 01737 768511 Gas Leaks Trasco 0800 111999 Horsham Hospital 01403 227000 Meals on Wheels 01403 265280 National Rail Enquiries 0845 7484950 NHS 111 Power Cut Helpline 0845 6070999 Public Transport Helpline 0870 6082608 South East Water 0845 215100 Southwater Dental P 01403 732016 Southwater Jnr School 01403 730475 Southwater Leisure Ctre 01403 733208 Southwater Village Hall 01403 732957 Sussex Police 101 The Village Surgery (GP) 01403 730016 The Southwater Infant Academy 01403 733254
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Midnight Walk Saturday 6 June 2020 Join over 1,000 people for a magical nighttime walk through Horsham.
or call: 01293 447355 Registered charity number 281362
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Sign up online today! www.stch.org.uk/midnightwalk
10 % M O NW C FF O 4 DE:
20, 13, 7, or 2 mile routes available. Go the extra mile for your local hospice!
APRIL 2020
te^qÛp=lk HORSHAM TIME WELL SPENT EVENTS 4 to 19 April – Easter Bunny Hunt An essential part of Horsham’s Easter, Town Centre businesses will host their annual ‘Bunny Hunt’ trail during the School Holidays. Accompanied preteenage children can visit a range of shops and draw ‘Find the Carrot’ cards to discover whether they have won a little treat and then find which Bunny is hiding in that shop. Organised by The Rotary Club of Horsham. Good Friday 10 April – One Good Friday Horsham Horsham’s Passion Play will be part of a national programme of performances of the Wintershall play on Good Friday 2020. Two free 90 minute performances are planned that will tell the story of the life of Christ spanning from the Bishopric to the Carfax. Organised by Horsham Churches Together. These will be interspersed with a musical programme to be confirmed. An event that occurs annually over Whitsun weekend at Wiston House. Easter Monday 13 April – Horsham Sounds Focused on showcasing local musicians across multiple genres on up to 6 outdoor stages daytime and an as yet unknown number and variety of indoor venues from 4pm. Organised by Horsham Sounds a consortium of community partners supported by Horsham District Council Horsham’s VE75 Weekend 8-10 May Bank Holiday Friday 8 May: VE Day Friday -– A one off event celebrating the joy in the community that war was over and with a theme of new beginnings. Period entertainment, costumes and food, simple community games and activities. Organised by Horsham District Council, QM Studios and partners tbc. Saturday 9 May: Broadwood Morris Day of Dance Kicking off the start of Horsham’s Great British Weekend on Saturday, will be the
APRIL 2020
incredible Broadwood Morris Day of Dance; a riot of colour, music and dance featuring around 25 dance sides mostly from the local area. Sunday 10 May: Great British Sunday Sunday will be a Celebration of British traditions featuring a Concert in aid of Samaritans, organised by Horsham Folk Club and Horsham Samaritans, supported by Horsham District Council, plus stalls, traction engines, Medieval shows and parades. Sunday 24 May – Plum Jam Plum Jam is a free to attend Volkswagen show in the heart of Horsham town centre. If you dream of taking off into the sunset with just a campervan and a surfboard for company, if you appreciate the hard work, love and dedication it takes to restore a classic vehicle or if you just love a bit of nostalgia on a Sunday afternoon then you will love Plum Jam's classic Volkswagen show with cool vehicles placed throughout the town centre. Sunday 7 June Feria de Horsham Spanish Festival Inspired by Southern Spain’s traditional Spring fairs, Feria de Horsham is a resplendent celebration of Spanish cuisine and entertainment. Feria de Horsham recreates the scenes seen at many of Spain’s local Ferias. Spanish dancing workshops will proceed the weekend and there will be chances for everyone to get involved with the celebrations. This free festival is the perfect place for families and groups of all ages. Sunday 21 June – Carnivale Horsham – Caribbean and Latin American Festival Soak up the spirit of the Caribbean and Latin America in Horsham Town Centre. Experience themed Music and Dance Zones with conga’s connecting the two Street Food will feature exciting cuisines from across the area and showcase travel opportunities with Tourist Board Support organised by The Sussex Travel
Company, supported by Horsham District Council and partners. Sunday 5 July – Funday Sunday and Horsham Children’s Parade Many local schools will be invited to participate in the second Horsham Children’s Parade which will start in the town in the morning and end at the beginning of the amazing Funday Sunday Community Day out organised by Rotary Club of Horsham and friends. Featuring live entertainment, stalls, community groups, Benson’s Funfair, sport demonstrations and much more. All in Horsham Park from 12 midday. Sunday 12 July – Horsham French Fest Bastille Day France at Home French market and themed entertainments, Napoleonic reenactors plus vintage crafts, gifts and homeware from Horsham Markets by Food Rocks. For more information about these events: Email: events@horsham.gov.uk www.horshamtimewellspent.co.uk www.facebook.com/ horshamtimewellspent HORSHAM MUSEUM & ART GALLERY Highlights from the Archives 17th Jan 2020 to 18th Apr 2020 Highlights from the Archives Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is home to thousands of photographs that depict the people and places of Horsham District, as well as images brought back to Horsham from around the world. The images range from sports team photos, travel souvenirs and family portraits, to street surveys and records of buildings. Alison Milner-Gulland - A Life in Art 7th Mar 2020 to 27th Jun 2020 Always changing, inspired by her surroundings, the past and the present, Washington based artist Alison MilnerGulland has created an outstanding
SOUTHWATER Life To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com
contribution to the artistic culture of the region. Radically Different Landscapes: The New Art of Robin Alexander Elliott 21st Mar 2020 to 23rd May 2020 Developing and evolving his traditional techniques of landscape painting Robin’s art shifted dramatically from traditional landscape works to these new inspired architectural, regional scenes. Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, 9 Causeway, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1HE. Tel: 01403 254959 or visit www.horshammuseum.org THE CAPITOL HORSHAM The Manfreds Thu 2 Apr, 7:30pm Exhibition on Screen: Easter In Art Tue 7 & Tue 14 Apr, Various Times Herman's Hermits 55th Anniversary Tour Thu 9 Apr, 7:30pm Bond! An Unauthorised Parody Thu 9 Apr, 7:45pm The Amazing Bubble Man Fri 10 Apr, 2pm Greg Byron: Stand Up Poet Fri 10 Apr, 7:45pm Met Opera Live: Tosca (Puccini) Sat 11 & Sun 19 Apr, Various Times UpBeat Dance Company: Impact Sat 11 - Sun 12 Apr, Various Times Sounds Of The 70s Live with Johnnie Walker Fri 17 Apr, 7:30pm Horsham Comedy Gala Sat 18 Apr, 7:30pm Roy Hudd Sun 19 Apr, 3:30pm 3 Faces (Se Rokh) (15) HFS Mon 20 Apr, 8pm Ben Hart: Wonder Wed 22 Apr & Sun 3 May, Various Times Harpy Thu 23 Apr, 7:30pm Rock and Roll Revolution Fri 24 Apr, 7:30pm Rapunzel: A Tangled Musical Adventure Sat 25 Apr, Various Times Cathy O'Dowd - Everest and Beyond
Mon 27 Apr, 7:30pm The Storm Fri 1 May, 7:30pm The Fizz Sat 2 May , 7:30pm 42nd Street - The Musical (PG) Tue 5 May, Various Times La Voix: The UK's Funniest Red Head Thu 7 May, 7:30pm VE DAY 75: Live from the Royal Albert Hall Fri 8 May, 7pm The Navy Lark Fri 8 May, 7:30pm UpStage Showcase 2020 Sat 9 May, Various Times Met Opera Live: Maria Stuarda (Donizetti) Sat 9 & Sun 17 May, Various Times Shoplifters (15) HFS Mon 11 May, 8pm HAODS presents Sister Act Tue 12 - Sat 16 May, Various Times David Morgan Mon 18 May, 8pm Matthew Bourne's The Red Shoes (12A TBC) Tue 19 & Sun 24 May, Various Times Pam Ayres: Up In The Attic Tue 19 May, 7:30pm Pam Ayres: Up In The Attic Tue 19 May, 7:30pm NT Live: The Welkin (15) Thu 21 May, 7pm Money For Nothing Fri 22 May, 7:30pm A Night To Remember: The Joe Longthorne Songbook Tour 2020 Sat 23 May, 7:30pm Tamar Broadbent: Role Play Sat 30 May, 8pm www.thecapitolhorsham.com CATS PROTECTION FUNDRAISERS Sat 18th April 2020 - 2pm – 4pm Roffey Millenium Hall, Crawley Road, Roffey, Horsham SUSSEX PATHFINDERS RAMBLING CLUB WALKS Please check www.sussex-pathfinders.co.uk/ walks or call 07842 792962 for any
To advertise call 01403 588618 or visit www.horshampublications.com SOUTHWATER Life
updates to any of the walks listed below. Sorry, dogs are not permitted. Saturday 4 Apr 14:00 Washington 6 miles Undulating Explorer Map OL10/TQ123129 Meet outside The Frankland Arms pub. Walk via Rowdell, Washington Common, Mitchbourne, Kensett's Corner, Rock Common. Sunday 5 Apr 10:30 Ashington 11 miles Undulating Explorer Map OL10/TQ129160 Meet in Ashington Community car park in Church Close at the end of Church Lane. Walk via Jinkes Farm, Greenhurst Farm, Threal's Farm, Town House Farm, Thakeham (L), Bowford Farm, Hooklands, Westlands Farm. Saturday 18 Apr 10:30 Broadbridge Heath 5.5 miles Undulating, woods and fields Explorer Map OL34/TQ148316 Meet at the lay-by alongside the recreation ground on Broadbridge Heath Road, additional street parking in Old Guildford Road. Walk via Rapkyns, Rowland Wood. Saturday 25 Apr 10:00 Coldwaltham 5 miles Undulating Explorer Map OL10/TQ024164 Meet in Arun Vale off A29, opposite Church Lane. Walk via Church Lane, WeySouth Path, Waltham Brooks, Watersfield and Coldwaltham Farm. Saturday 2 May 10:15 Thakeham 5 miles Gently undulating Explorer Map OL 10/TQ109173 Meet in the free car park to the west of the church, at the south end of Crays Lane. Walk via privately owned bluebell woods (owners welcome visitors during April and May only), then towards Goose Green, Warminghurst returning to Thakeham. Sunday 10 May 10:00 Partridge Green 11 miles Undulating Explorer Map OL11/TQ191189 Meet in Star Road industrial estate. Walk via Downs Link, Cibses Cottage, Shermanbury Place, Little Parkminster, Littleworth (L), Hatterell Bridge, Lock Bridge, Partridge Green. Saturday 23 May 10:30 Mannings Heath 6.5 miles Undulating Explorer Map OL34/TQ204285
APRIL 2020
te^qÛp=lk VEGAN FEST HORSHAM Saturday 25th April 10.30am - 4.30pm Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF £2 entry (under 16s free) Vegan cheese, inspiring talks, street food, indulgent cakes, ethical clothing & accessories, plant based nutrition, beer & wine, scrumptious savouries and all cruelty free! All profits to our nominated charities: Animals Asia and Born Free. @veganfesthorsham veganfesthorsham@gmail.com
2020 at Tanbridge House School, Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1SR. This year it will be a little different as, in addition to the 18 traditional layouts, we are featuring a large LEGO layout with an accompanying specialist LEGO trader who stocks many hard-to-find specialist parts. Also, on the Sunday one child will be allowed in free with each adult. We look forward to seeing all those LEGO enthusiasts of all ages. Tel: 07990 566528. www.crawleymrs.org.uk/exhibition
Crawley Model Railway Society will be holding their annual model railway exhibition on Sat 18th - Sun 19th April
Open Garden, at Birchanger Gardens Handcross, RH17 6JY Sunday 24th May 2020 from 2.00 -
Your Southwa ater Parish Neighbourhoo od Wardens What we can do to assist the community:
Dominic Woodhead 07789 943193
Provide a reassuring, uniformed patrro olling prre esence. Provide P id an efficient ffi i t eyes and d ears service i aimed i d att re educing fear of crime and imprroving the quality of life. onmental crime issues, notably Deal with envirro dog fouling and littering, and help to prre eserve the envirro onment. Reduce incidents of criminal damage and antisocial behaviour by taking enforcement action where necessary, including issuing Fixed Penalty Notices, or referring r to the police. Support the community by encouraging the establishment of activities for young people. Support vulnerable members of the community by preventing isolation. Offer advice on crime prevention and fire safety in the home. W in partnership with other agencies to help benefit Work the community. Act as professional witnesses.
5.30pm, In aid of St Catherine’s Hospice Adults £5, children FREE, Refreshments with homemade cakes Marian Erritt on 01444 413391 SUSSEX CONNECTIONS Business networking Wednesday 15th April 9am registration for a 9:30am start 01403 610125 www.sussexconnections.co.uk Sussex Connections South meet on the third Wednesday of every month at Horsham Football Club's Hop Oast Stadium
To list your event please email details to editor@carnahpublications.com
WANTED DOOR-TO-DOOR DISTRIBUTORS Carnah Publications is looking for reliable and trustworthy distributors to join our in house distribution team. Multiple rounds of 250-350 magazines available in and around Southwater and Horsham.
What we don’t do:
Jacquie Cave 07789 943156 IN AN EMERGENCY AL LW WAYS DIAL 999
APRIL 2020
W We are not a replacement for the police. We W are not an emerrg gency service or response team. Crime and anti-social behaviour should be reported to the police directly. As we do not work 24/7 there will be times when neither warrd den is on duty. e When dealing with the elderly and vulnerable, we arre not there to provide a care service but we are able to signpost to the relevant agencies. W are not parking warrdens and cannot issue We parking tickets. If you wish to speak to us in confidence, please give us a call. Tweet us @HorshamW Wa ardens .Wardens@horsham.govv..uk or email Southwaterr.Wa
Approximately 2-3 hours per month with competitive rates of pay. A perfect opportunity for anyone who may have other commitments to fit around or retired. Please email gemma@carnahpublications.com for full details or call 01403 588618
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PUZZLE ANSWERS p r a l h r = m^ d b = N Q
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APRIL 2020
ADVERTISEMENT INDEX _áÅóÅäÉ=oÉé~áê=pÉêîáÅÉë Onsite Cycles 20 _ìáäÇáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉë=L=`~êéÉåíêó=L e~åÇóã~å Southwater Building Sol’ns 16 Tru English Bespoke Joinery 30 `~ê=pÉêîáÅÉë=L=p~äÉë Nightingale Service Centre 16 `~êéÉí=L=cäççêáåÖ Berwicks of Horsham 24/25 James For Carpets 5 Supafit 9 `Ü~êáíáÉë St Catherines Hospice 41 `äìÄë Bluecoat Sports 15 `çããìåáíó Horsham District Council 11 The Bridge 13 Slinfold Golf & Country Club 1 `ìêí~áåë=L=_äáåÇë=L=fåíÉêáçêë Mobile Curtain Showroom 6 bäÉÅíêáÅá~åë Aphilian Electrical Services 14 bèìáéãÉåí=eáêÉ=C=p~äÉë King & Stevens 14 bëí~íÉ=C=iÉííáåÖ=^ÖÉåíë=L eçãÉë=Ñçê=p~äÉ
APRIL 2020
At Home Estate & Lettings Agents 2 Brock Taylor Estate Agents 48 Cubitt & West 17 c~ëÅá~ë=L=pçÑÑáíë=L=dìííÉêë P Green House Maint. 27 d~êÇÉå=C=i~åÇëÅ~éáåÖ=pÉêîÛë Leyton Landscapes 31 REM Landscapes 37 eÉ~äíÜ=C=tÉääÄÉáåÖ The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan 32 Transform Health & Beauty Clinic 1 háíÅÜÉåë=L=_ÉÇêççãë= Alexander Kitchens 47 The Kitchen Store 29 içÅâëãáíÜë First Entry Locksmiths 10 Keymergency 21 jìëáÅ=pìééäáÉêë UK Vinyl Vault 4 kìêëÉêó=pÅÜççä Little Barn Owls Nursery 23 m~áåíáåÖ=L=aÉÅçê~íáåÖ=L mä~ëíÉêáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉë Tony Billings 30 m~êáëÜ=`çìåÅáä
Southwater Parish Council 8 mÉëí=`çåíêçä The Pest Man 4 mä~ååáåÖ=pÉêîáÅÉë WPS Planning 46 oççÑáåÖ=`çåíê~Åíçê G & S Roofing & Guttering 19 Hazelhurst Roofing 45 pçäáÅáíçêë Flackwoods Solicitors 31 Smith Gadd & Co 33 pïáã=pÅÜççä Horsham Swim School 31 sÉíë Arthur Lodge Vets (Downslink) 18 Maltman Cosham 34 táääë=C=bëí~íÉ=mä~ååáåÖ Westminster Law 6 táåÇçï=`äÉ~åáåÖ Puretech2o 3 táåÇçïëI=aççêë=C `çåëÉêî~íçêáÉë Best Choice Roofing 21 Heath Windows 12 Mark Antony Windows 33
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A family run business
Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom Specialists Free design & quote and full project management Complete installation service or supply only Unit H Foundry Close, Horsham RH13 5TX T: 01403 721086 E: sales@alexanderhorsham.co.uk W: alexanderhorsham.co.uk or visit our Worthing showroom Please mention SOUTHWATER Life when responding to adverts
APRIL 2020
We ve Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;v e go g t your property opertty in our sights.
So, whetherr you're looking o to sell or let yourr property , o then call us us, as we' e re ready to fo focus our eff ffo orts on getting you moved.
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