مقرر اللغة ا إلجنليزية ()2 التعليم الثانوي ـ نظام املقررات (الربنامج امل�شرتك) (كتاب الطالب) الطبعة الثانية 1430هـ 1431 -هـ 2009 /م 2010-م
الطبعة الثانية 1431 - 1430هـ 2010-2009م
Name : .......................................................................................................... School : ..........................................................................................................
الت�صميم وا إلنتاج الفني :
رقـ ـ ــم ا إلي ـ ـ ـ ــداع 14٢7/3790 : ردمك 9960 - 48 - 340 - 5 :
قررتوزارةالرتبيـــــــــــــــــــــةوالتعليــــــــــــــــم تدري�س هذا الكتــــــــــــــــاب وطبعه على نفقتها
الطبعة الثانية 1431 - 1430هـ 2010-2009م
وزارة التربية والتعليم 1427 ،هـ
وزارة التربية والتعليم فهر�سة مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية أ�ثناء الن�شر
� إنجليزي ( 2التعليم الثانوي ) -الريا�ض 1427 ،هـ �150ص �27 x 21 ،سم ردمك9960-48-340-5: -1اللغة الإنجليزية -تعليم -2التعليم الثانوي-ال�سعودية- كتب درا�سية أ� ،العنوان 1427/2790 ديوي 428،241
رقم الإيداع 1427/3790 : ردمك9960-48-340-5 :
™jRƒàdGh áYÉÑ£dG ≈∏Y ±ô°TCG
á«°SQóªdG äGQô≤ª∏d áeÉ©dG IQGOE’G له ��ذا الكتاب قيم ��ة مهمة وفائدة كبي ��رة فحافظ عليه واجعل نظافته ت�ش ��هد على ح�سن �سلوكك معه . � إذا ل ��م تحتفظ بهذا الكتاب في مكتبتك الخا�صة في �آخر العام لال�ستفادة فاجعل مكتبة مدر�ستك تحتفظ به . حقوق الطبع والن�شر محفوظة لوزارة التربية والتعليم ـ المملكة العربية ال�سعودية
وزارة التربية والتعليم www.moe.gov.sa
البوابة التعليمية للتخطيط والتطوير http://www.ed.edu.sa
�إدارة التعليم الثانوي www.hs.gov.sa
اللكتروني إلدارة التعليم الثانوي البريد إ
ت أ�ليـــــف أ� .أ�نف ــال بنت عبدالعزيز �صـ ــابر أ��.سحـ���ر بنت ر�ش���دي العظمــة أ��.إمي���ان بن���ت جمي ـ���ل فكه ـ���اين أ��.سمريةبنتحممدح�سنيزيدان أ�.حنـ���ان بنت ر�ض���وان �سروجـي أ�.هنـ���اء بن���ت غ���ازي جمدلـ ــي أ�.حنـ���ان بن���ت عب���داهلل الري����س
مراجعة وتدقيق أ�.ذاكـ ـ ـ ــرة بن ــت أ�ختـ ـ ـ ـ ــر مـ ــرزا
أ�.زكي ـ���ة بن���ت معتـ���وق ح�سنيــن
جلنة املراجعة النهائية أ�.عبداهلل بن �سعد البدري أ�.خــالــد خمـ ــي�س �سع ـيـ ـ ــد
أ� .عبد الرحمن بن عبد القادر �سرتي
أ��شرف على الت�صميم الفني والتعليمي أ�.خــالــد خمـ ــي�س �سع ـيـ ـ ــد
أ�.عبداهلل بن �سعد البدري
أ��سهم يف ت�صميم الغالف أ� .مها حمزة كومي
unit 1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4
Study Skills Lesson 1... page 3
Lesson 5... page 14
Lesson 2... page 4
Lesson 6... page 17
Lesson 3... page 9
Lesson 7... page 20
Lesson 4... page 12
Lesson 8... page 22
The Brain Lesson 1... page 25
Lesson 5... page 36
Lesson 2... page 26
Lesson 6... page 38
Lesson 3... page 30
Lesson 7... page 42
Lesson 4... page 32
Lesson 8... page 46
Family Ties Lesson 1... page 49
Lesson 5... page 58
Lesson 2... page 50
Lesson 6... page 60
Lesson 3... page 53
Lesson 7... page 62
Lesson 4... page 55
Lesson 8... page 64
Revision Lesson 1... page 69
Lesson 3... page 75
Lesson 2... page 73
Lesson 4... page 79
unit 5 unit 6
The Islamic Cause Lesson 1... page 83
Lesson 5... page 96
Lesson 2... page 84
Lesson 6... page 98
Lesson 3... page 88
Lesson 7... page 100
Lesson 4... page 92
Lesson 8... page 102
Made In Saudi Arabia Lesson 1... page 105 Lesson 5... page 117 Lesson 2... page 108 Lesson 6... page 121 Lesson 3... page 111 Lesson 7... page 123
unit 7
Lesson 4... page 115 Lesson 8... page 128
Revision Lesson 1... page 132
Lesson 3... page 136
Lesson 2... page 133
Lesson 4... page 140
Book Map
Topic Areas
Unit 1 Study Skills
- What study skills. are. - Strategies to improve reading comprehension - Tips for studying for exams.
Unit 2 The Brain
- Human brain - Characteristics of left & right brained people. - Learning Styles.
Unit 3 Family Ties
- Family relations and roles. - Effective family communication. - Love for parents.
-Identifying main idea(s)
- Imperatives
- compare & contrast
Unit 6 Made In Saudi
Parts of speech.
- Compare and contrast.
Guessing meaning from context.
- Gerunds.
Prefixes & suffixes.
- Identifying cause and effect.
Unit 4 Unit 5 Islamic Cause
- The importance of Palestine . - Eye Witness Stories. - How You can Help. The Development of Saudi Industry. - Saudi Industry. - ÂŤSaudization.Âť
- Identifying fact and opinion.
- Reading graphs.
-Adjective clauses.(1)
Adjective phrases
Unit 7 A
Synonyms & antonyms.
Guessing meaning using cue words.
-Translating sentences.
- Listening for main idea.(s)
- Talking about ways to improve memory.
-Translating connecting words.
- Listening to find similarities and differences.
- compare different activities.
- Writing a compare and contrast essay.
- Talking about causes of peer pressure.
- Writing a cause & effect essay.
-Translating verbs.
- Listening for causes.
- Writing an opinion essay.
Revision -Translating adjective clauses.
- Listening for facts and opinions.
- Giving an opinion about an issue.
- Writing a book report.
-Translating adjective phrases.
- Listening to complete a chart.
- Talking about Saudi imports to the U.S.A
- Writing a book report
Revision B
Study Skills Test Taking - Identify main idea(s)
Time Management
is In th u yo Unit … will
The SQ3R
- Read about:
Method Reading
• study skills • the SQ3R method • taking exams
Concentration & Recalling Test Taking
- Listen to studying tips
- Speak about improving memory
- Write a persuasive paragraph
S t u d y
S k i l l s
survey question read recite review
Ready What it means to Study Feedback Loop
Short Term Memory
Long Term Memory
Long Term Memory Retrieval
In your opinion, what is the best study environment? Why is concentration important in understanding the material you learn? Do you read different materials differently? How? Why is it important to improve your reading skills? Does the word Test make you nervous? How can you avoid this? What do you think “study skills” means?
Study Skills
Work in groups. The following words are in bold in the reading selections. Locate them and try to guess the meaning of the ones you don’t know. Verbs connect recall recite review hesitate survey improve visualize estimate
Adjectives active independent
Nouns management memory schedule performance concentration results material
Identifying parts of speech: The word may be a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb or a preposition. A word can be more than one part of speech. For example the word “study” can be used as a noun and as a verb.
Knowing the part of speech helps in guessing the meaning of words from context
1 Look at the words in the chart below. Use one word to complete each
sentence. Write the part of speech next to the word. Verb
connect survey recall concentrate perform
connection survey recall concentration performance
a A good reader .................................. the passage to know what it is about
This .................................. helps him to identify the main idea. b To read .................................. means thinking about the text and asking questions
about it.
These questions will keep your mind .................................. as you read.
c .................................. is a technique for good comprehension. Reading in a
quiet place will help you .................................. better.
d Good school .................................. depends on how well you read.
1 Pre-Reading A Based on the discussion in lesson one tick what you expect to find in the reading.
Planning for the future
Making friends at school (
Preparing for exams
Improving reading comprehension (
Improving memory
Organizing time
B Read the beginning of each paragraph to find where each idea you predicted
is discussed . Write the number of the paragraph between brackets above.
Good school
performance often has a lot to do with how well, rather than how much you study. You can improve the way you study by developing certain skills that make studying easier and more effective. These are known as “study skills�. They include: a Time management. b Effective Reading. c The SQ3R method. d Concentration & Recall. e Test Taking. These skills have proven to be powerful guides for organizing studying and learning. Students who use these skills achieve better results and become more independent and active in their learning A
Time management
How you spend your time is very important, for this reason, setting a schedule is often helpful. When making a timetable, keep the following points in mind; Make a list of what you have to do. Estimate the time each task will take. Find the best time of the day for you to study. Study difficult subjects first. Sit in a quite place.
Study Skills
Regular evaluation of your schedule is also important. You can do this by asking yourself questions such as “Did I do every thing on my list?” Why or why not? Was the time enough? Was my time management effective? How can I improve my schedule? B
Effective Reading
In order to improve your reading skills, there are some important things to remember. - Look for the main idea and supporting details. - How is the main idea linked to the supporting detail? - Find the purpose of the reading.
The SQ3R Method
SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Following the SQ3R can help you understand and remember what you read! You will find more details on this method in the second reading.
SQ3R Review
Read Recall
Concentration and Recall
Concentrating: To improve your concentration, keep the following in mind: - Your place of study needs to be quiet and away from distractions; such as television, radio, telephone…etc. - The conditions around you should be suitable for studying; for example chair, desk, temperature and lighting (avoid studying while laying down). - The materials you need must be available at hand. Such materials may include your books, pens,... etc. - Use the same place to study for better concentration.
Recall: Students have two kinds of memory recall. The first is general which requires the recall of ideas. The second is specific, which is the recalling of exact words, formulas, rules, poetry ‌etc. The following tips can improve both memories: - learn main ideas first then details - connect the new information to what you already know. - use your body, stand up and read aloud, use arms, leg‌etc. - move the information from short to long term memory through repetition, visualizing , making links‌etc. - include time for recall, test yourself or teach the information to a friend. E
Test Taking When you have a test, you should prepare in advance. There is a detailed reading on taking exams on lesson five of this unit.
Finally, it is important to know that the secret to being a good student is in
developing a set of effective study skills. Practicing these skills regularly will make them part of your daily studying habit, learning how to use these skills is like knowing how to ride a bicycle or cook. It will last a lifetime and will provide you with many rewards.
Study Skills
Active Reading Main Idea Which statement best describes the main idea of the article? 1 The importance of study skills for children. 2 The inventor of study skills. 3 Improving study skills. Guessing Meaning from Context Read the sentences and write the part of speech of the underlined words between brackets. Then, circle the words that are closest to their meaning 1 You can improve the way you study by developing some skills that make
studying easier and more effective ( a serious c painful
2 Learners who use these skills achieve(
independent in their learning a send c get
b useful d difficult
) better results and become more b watch d try
3 How you spend your time is very important, for this reason setting (
a schedule is often helpful. a putting c discovering
b changing d ending
) stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and
5 Finally, it is important to know the secret (
developing a set of effective skills. a private c door
b paper d way
) to being a good student is in b surprise d mystery
Review. a book c idea
4 The SQ3R method (
Scanning Scan the article to find the answers to the following questions: 1 How many skills does the article discuss?
................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................
2 What does the SQ3R method stand for?
................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. 3 How many types of recall do students have? What are they?
................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................
Post Reading In groups , discuss the following questions : 1 In your opinion, which of the study skills mentioned in the text is the most
effective? Why? 2 Is there a method that you use and find helpful in studying? Tell the group
about it.
Study Skills
Imperatives We use imperatives to give suggestions, orders or instructions.
Form of the imperative The Imperative form of the verb is the same as its base form. Affirmative
Read your notes! Recite after you read!
Imperatives joined by <and>
Do not change
Review the test before you begin and decide how much time you will spend on each part.
answers! (long form)
Review the material! Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t drink coffee! (short form)
Change the imperative from affirmative to negative or from negative to affirmative. a Be afraid of making mistakes.
................................................................................................................ b Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use all the time given for the test.
................................................................................................................... c Answer difficult questions first.
................................................................................................................... d Do not stop studying when you are tired and do not take a break.
.................................................................................................................. f If you get nervous, drink coffee and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take deep breaths.
................................................................................................................... Page
2 Use the following verbs to form imperative sentences related to study skills
recite - hesitate - visualize - preview - apply
a ................................................................................................................ b ................................................................................................................ c ................................................................................................................ d ................................................................................................................ e ................................................................................................................
3 In pairs, discuss your studying problems. Take turn to give each other
suitable suggestions
When translating from English to Arabic, consider the following:
Word order: In English, the sentence usually starts with a subject not a verb so for better translation the words order may be changed; for example These skills have proven to be powerful guides for organizing… is translated : . Not
.. اثبتت هذه المهارات انها مر�شدات فعاله لتنظيم .... هذه المهارات أ�ثبتت أ�نها مر�شدات فعاله لتنظيم
However, the order of words doesn’t change if the verb is in the imperative form. For example Estimate the time each task will take, is translated as follow
Page 10
قدر الوقت الذي يحتاجه كل تمرين
Study Skills
Translate the following: These tips will help improve your memory organizational skills: - Find main ideas first then details - Link the new information to the information you know. - Use your body. You can stand up and talk aloud as you study, use your arms, legs, eyes, ears and voice.
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
Omitting ( is / are) .For example: Regular evaluation of your schedule is also important. Is translated as follow Not
التقييم المنتظم لجدولك هام أ�ي�ضا التقييم المنتظم لجدولك يكون هام أ�ي�ضا
Translate the following: Finally, it is important to know that the secret to being a good student is in developing a set of effective study skills. Practicing these skills regularly will make them part of your daily studying habit
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ 3
Merging the subject (pronoun ) with the verb: For example You can do this by asking yourself questions such as Is translated as follow Not
ت�ستطيع أ�ن تفعل هذا ب� ؤ س�ال نف�سك أ��سئلة مثل أ�نت ت�ستطيع أ�ن تفعل هذا ب� ؤ س�ال نف�سك أ��سئلة مثل
Translate the following: You can improve the way you study by learning some tools that make studying easier and more effective. These tools are known as “study skills”.
Page 11
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
2 Pre-Reading A What is the main idea of the reading selection? B Skim the reading selection again then write the topic and the topic
sentence of each paragraph. What is the SQ3R reading method? SQ3R is a five steps reading technique . It increases the readers ability to understand and remember the new material. It includes: survey, question, read, recite, review. Let’s take a look at the steps: Topic: The SQ3R method .............................................................................. Topic sentence: SQ3R is a five steps reading technique ................................. Survey – To survey is to get the big picture first. So, before you actually read, Question Survey take a few minutes to survey the material. Quickly read the headings and SQ3R subheadings to understand the organization of ideas. Scan all visual material such as pictures and graphs. Read introductory and summary paragraphs. This Review will enable you to predict what the reading isRead about Recall
Topic: Survey................................................................................................ Topic sentence: To survey is to get the big picture first .......................................
Question – Questions help you concentrate because they create a purpose for the reading. Asking: What are the main points of the section? and changing the headings and subheadings into questions. keep your mind engaged. Keeping your questions in mind as you read, will keep you interested in the material.
Topic: Question ............................................................................................ Topic sentence: Questions help you concentrate because they create a purpose
Page 12
for the reading. ..............................................................................................
Study Skills
Read for comprehension. Make this an active search for the questions you have prepared. As you read, underline key words only. Never underline whole paragraphs. Paraphrase the main ideas in your own words. This will help you review what you have read. If you are not sure you understand an idea, stop and re-read it. This might make the reading slow in the case of some texts, but it is very useful. Remember, the more active you are in the reading process, the more you will recall. Topic: .............................................................................................................. Topic sentence: ...............................................................................................
Recite - Immediate recitation is essential. At the end of each section, close the book and try briefly to recite the main points in your own words. If you can’t, look at the section again and don’t move to the next section until you can recite. This may take more time, but it will make the information clearer in your mind. Besides, it will enable you to differentiate what you know from what you don’t know. Topic: .............................................................................................................. Topic sentence: ................................................................................................
Review – Review builds up your memory and improves your mental organization. After you have finished the entire reading, check your memory with regard to the information introduced. If you can’t recall the main points or answer the questions you have formed, repeat the process. Review by rereading the text actively, or discussing the material with someone else. It will not take more than five to seven minutes. Do it once every couple of days. Topic: .............................................................................................................. Topic sentence: ................................................................................................
The SQ3R method is a useful technique to save time and fully understand written
Page 13
information. By using it, you can get the maximum benefit from your reading.
Active Reading Scan Scan the text for the following information 1 The SQ3R method stands for:
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ 2 The benefits of the SQ3R method include: a .............................................................................................................. b .............................................................................................................. 3 Number the steps of Survey in the order they appear in the article:
.............................................. Look at the headings and subheadings. .............................................. Read the introductory and concluding paragraphs. .............................................. Look at the pictures . 4 Find the correct word and write the paragraph number in the space provided. a The noun of recite ............................... paragraph no. ................................ b The adverb of active ............................ paragraph no. ................................ c The noun of revise ............................... paragraph no. ................................ d The adjective of visualize ...................... paragraph no. ................................
Post Reading In groups,discuss the answers to the following questions 1 Do you apply any reading strategy? Share it with your group. 2 Do you think you will use the SQ3R method the next time you read? Why?
Page 14
3 Which of the steps is the most useful? Why?
Study Skills
Pre-Listening a Do you believe there are ways to improve the memory? b What do you do to remember things better?
Active listening 1 Listen to the conversation. What is the main idea of the
............................................................................. .............................................................................. 2 Listen again. How many techniques are mentioned in
the conversation?
............................................................................. .............................................................................. 3 Match the phrases in box A with the sentences in box B.
B 1 Paraphrasing
Trying to picture new material in your mind
2 Connecting
Putting information in your own words
3 Categorizing
Saying, I can do it!
4 Visualizing
Putting the ideas in meaningful groups using webs or tables
5 Thinking positively
Relating new information to what you already know Page 15
1 In groups,answer the questions below:
How useful are the techniques mentioned in the listening activity? Which of the techniques do you find difficult and why? Choose one of the techniques and explain how it can be applied to any school subject.
2 Techniques for understanding and memorizing differ from one person to another.
In pairs, tell your partner how you memorize materials for tests. 3 In what way can you help your partner improve the way she/he memorizes?
Write some suggestions then discuss them together.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Page 16
Study Skills
3 Pre-Reading Skim the first paragraph to find the main idea. ................................................................................................................. Many students find exam stressful; others see them as a challenge. In both cases, test preparation is the best way to face any coming exams. Here are some ways to ease stress and to increase chances of success. Before the exam, general revision of the material is important. Review your notes, homework, textbook as well as other materials the teacher may have provided. While reviewing, write notes or underline things you don’t understand and don’t hesitate to get help from the teacher. Another very helpful method to prepare for exams is to predict test questions and look for their answers. It is also useful to read all the comments the teachers have written on returned quizzes and tests to identify and improve your weaknesses. You also need to prepare your body for the test. Keep in mind that a good night’s sleep and proper food are important before any exam. Don’t go to an exam with an empty stomach, fresh fruits and vegetables are often recommended to reduce stress; and to help you recall the information. On the other hand, food such as chocolate, soft drinks, eggs, fried foods, junk food, sugar, white flour products, and chips may increase anxiety. Unfortunately, some students think that drinking tea and coffee help them concentrate. In fact, too much caffeine makes you tense. During an exam, read the questions carefully and never assume that you know what they say. Quickly go over the questions and decide how much time you will spend on each part of the test. Answer easy questions first as it is a waste of time to stop over difficult question for a long time. It is better to go on to another question, otherwise, you may not be able to complete the exam. When you receive your corrected paper, read the teacher’s comments carefully. These comments will make you aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This will also give you an idea of what is required. You can also go over them before your finals to review the test layout.
Page 17
Finally, keep in mind that preparing for exams starts the first day of school. This will reduce test anxiety and will keep you from making mistakes. Try these tips and your results will greatly improve.
Active Reading Identifying the main idea 1 In pairs, write the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 2 :
.................................................................................. ..................................................................................
Paragraph 3 :
.................................................................................. ..................................................................................
Paragraph 4 :
.................................................................................. ..................................................................................
Paragraph 5 :
.................................................................................. ..................................................................................
Skimming 2
a Skim the reading for words you are not sure of. Write them below.
Write the part of speech between brackets.
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
..................... (
b Discuss the words with a partner. Then use a dictionary to check their
Page 18
Study Skills
3 Choose the answers that you find in the passage: a The best way to face exams is through 1 feeling challenged. 2 studying the night before the exam. 3 preparing for the test. b To reduce stress before the exam, 1 eat a bar of chocolate. 2 have a big breakfast. 3 eat fruits and vegetables. c To build up your confidence during the test, you should start with 1 difficult questions. 2 easy questions. 3 all questions. d Too much caffeine makes you 1 more relaxed. 2 concentrate better. 3 very tense. e The purpose of reviewing a corrected test is toâ&#x20AC;Ś 1 memorize test questions. 2 find out your weaknesses. 3 read answers to class.
Post Reading One of the test taking skills is to predict test questions. In Pairs, read the passage and try to predict questions.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Page 19
Remember Pre-Writing 1
What are the main study skills?
What are their pros and cons?
Study Skill
Pros= advantages Cons= disadvantages
3 In your opinion, which study skill is the most / least helpful?
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
Planning Expressing an opinion To express your opinion is to say how you feel about something. Opinion
Page 20
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 1
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
.................................... ....................................
Study Skills Phrases used to express opinions: In my opinion I think (that)
I feel (that)
Signal words to introduce reasons: First of all One reason that Second â&#x20AC;Ś etc For one thing
I believe (that)
For example also
Active Writing Drafting Write an opinion essay about the study skill you chose. Make sure to include strong opinion statement. Make sure to use suitable phrases and signal words to introduce your opinion and reasons.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Page 21
Post Writing Revising A Peer Revising: Exchange books with a classmate.
Read each other’s essays and use the following checklist to revise.
1 The essay has an opinion statement.
2 The opinion statement strongly states the writer’s opinion.
3 The number of reasons is sufficient.
4 The reasons are clear.
5 Does the conclusion restate the writer’s opinion?
B Return books then discuss your answers with your partner
Page 22
When you edit, you check to make sure that the grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are correct.
Study Skills
A Use the following check list to edit your paragraph.
1 Does the first word of each sentence begin with a capital letter?
2 Is the punctuation correct in all the sentences?
3 Are all sentences complete? Each sentence has a subject and verb
and express a complete thought. Yes No 4 Have you used the correct verb tense throughout your essay?
5 Do you have agreement of subject and verbs?
6 Do you have agreement of nouns and possessive pronouns?
7 Are all your words spelled correctly?
B Rewrite your essay in your notebook, using your classmateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and your editing
checklist to make any necessary changes.
Remember There is no good writing,
Page 23
only good rewriting.
T h e
B r a i n
two hemispheres
is In th u yo Unit … will
The Brain - Compare and contrast between different things.
- Read about: • the human brain • left or right brained. • learning styles
- Listen to brain teasers. - Talk about the differences between two activities.
The human brain is the most complex of all other organs in the body.
s e l y t ng S
i n r a e L
- Write an essay to compare and contrast the male and female brain.
To contrast :
What does the human brain look like? To find differences. What is the brain responsible for? To Compare: Can we improve our brain power? How? To find similarities When do you learn best, with groups or on your own? &. differences Why do some people prefer to draw maps while others prefer to give directions. Do men and women think differently? Give examples. How is the human brain different from the brain of other creatures?
The Brain
Work in groups. The following words are in bold in the reading selections. Locate them and try to guess the meaning of the ones you don't know. Nouns hemisphere energy injury cell style organ process function
Adjectives dominant logical auditory responsible kinesthetic creative
Verbs damage control
Guessing meaning from Context REMEMBER, you can give the meaning of a word only when it is used in a sentence . This sentence is the context which gives clues that will help you guess the meaning. These are called contextual clues. Contextual clues can be definitions, examples or the general sense of the sentence. How can you do that? First decide the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective or adverb) Second look at surrounding words in the sentence and in other sentences. Third think of the general meaning of the sentence.
Using the context to guess a new word needs practice. If you practice from you will guess more quickly and correctly.
Check your guess, replace the unknown word with your guess. If the sentence makes sense , your guess is probably correct. A Read each sentence then try to guess the meaning of the words in bold. A. 1 Our brain controls the way our body works and the way our mind thinks.
a. brings to
b. thinks about
c. takes care of
2 The brain is not the only organ in the human body. There are other organs
such as the heart, kidney and liver . a. sense 3
b. character
c. part
A simple test will show the dominant side that has more power over the brain. a. heavy
b. strong
c. weak
4 Each person has his own style of walking, dressing, working and thinking.
b. skill
c. way Page 25
a. mind
1 Pre reading A Based on the discussion in lesson 1 what do you expect to find in the
reading selection? Tick the boxes. Food and your brain ................ Children brain ......................... The brain and learning ............
Safety of the brain ........................ Description of the brain ................. Brain exercise ..........................
B Read the beginning of each paragraph to find if you guessed correctly.
Write the number of the paragraph in the space above if the idea is discussed. The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It is a soft , grayish, wrinkly organ that is responsible for all physical and mental activities. Despite its small size, it only weighs about 1.4kg, the brain allows us to talk, walk, read, laugh and remember things. That is not all; the brain also controls our feelings, appetite, sleep, heart rate and breathing. Just as the brain is responsible for everything in the body, it is also responsible for learning. The two hemispheres of the brain, left and right, receive information through the senses. Left Right Both sides can learn, reason and analyze but through different Hemisphere Hemisphere strategies.The right hemisphere deals more with visual activities while the left one analyzes information. Each person has a dominant side which determines these strategies. This explains why people learn through different learning styles known as visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
Page 26
In order to function, the brain needs energy. It gets this energy from oxygen, nutrients, water and sleep. The brain uses about 20% of the oxygen in the body. So, deep breathing feeds the brain and keeps it clear. In addition to oxygen, the brain needs nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins while water helps
The Brain
the brain work better, keeping in mind that the brain tissue is 85% water. Sleeping is a must for the brain. During sleep, the brain repairs itself and clears up the harmful chemicals that build up during the day. Unlike other cells, brain cells are not replaced when damaged. It is very important to avoid things that may endanger the brain. A study has shown that 37 - 50% of all brain injuries are the result of car accidents. For this reason, using seat belts is a must. Additionally, drugs, alcohol and smoking are harmful for brain cells. At the same time, many household products are hazardous to the brain. Thes include aluminum in cookware, tins and foil; chemicals found in cleansers, paints; pesticides and some art and beauty products. Because the brain is the most important organ in the human body, it is important to protect it and also exercise it. So solving maths problems, playing chess , and doing crossword puzzles are all brain challengers that improve mental abilities. A study has shown that a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mental ability lessens during holidays. This may be related to the rest that the brain gets during vacation. For this reason, keep your brain fit by keeping it active, you better â&#x20AC;&#x153;use it or you will lose itâ&#x20AC;?.
Active Reading Main Idea Which statement best describes the main idea of the article? 1 Parts of the brain and how each part functions. 2 Brain power and how to improve it. 3 The most important organ in the human body.
Compare and Contrast The second paragraph compares and contrasts .............................................
Page 27
and................................................................................................................. .
Guessing meaning from Context Circle the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined words. 1 A soft, grayish organ that is responsible for all our physical and mental activities. a mindly
b intellectually
c bodily
d psychologically
2 The brain gets its energy through oxygen, nutrients, water and rest. a power
b beauty
c weight
d relation
3 At the same time, many house hold products are hazardous for the brain.
These include aluminum in cookware, tins and foil; chemicals found in cleansers; paints; pesticides and some art and beauty products. a good
b useful
c unhealthy
d dangerous
Scan 1 The weight of the brain.
…………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 2 The names of the two sides of the brain.
…………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 3 The similarities between both sides of the brain.
…………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 4 The amount of oxygen the brain requires.
…………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 5 Things that can improve mental abilities.
Page 28
The Brain
Post Reading Brain Teasers 1 Look at these shapes and tell your partner what you can see.
1) A vase ?
2) Three Pacmen
3) Three lines make…
2 Write down the answers to the following brain teasers. a There is one in a month and one in a million, how many are there in a
millennium ? …………………………………………………………………………….…….………… …………………………………………………………………………….…….………… b Use each of the following numbers only once and put one digit in each box
to make a 100. …………………………………………………………………………….…….………… …………………………………………………………………………….…….…………
3 Compare between the brain teasers. Talk about interest – familiarity – side
Page 29
of brain used.
Connectors for compare and contrast Connectors are words or phrases used within a sentence or between two sentences to compare or contrast something. Here are some of the most commonly used connectors and the purposes they serve. Connecting Word / Phrase
- Car accidents cause brain injuries; on the other hand, playing chess can improve mental abilities. - Vacations are enjoyable, but they make your brain lazy. - Physical activity is related to the body while mental is related to the mind - Unlike fatty food, fresh fruits and vegetables are good for the brain
To connect two contrasting ideas; to differentiate idea
- Both aluminum and pesticides are harmful to the brain. - Eating fish as well as eating nuts is good for your brain.
To connect two similar ideas; to show similarities or for addition
a Join the sentences using the connectors between brackets. 1 Protiens are good for the brain. Carbohydrates are good for the brain. (as well as)
…………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 2 Aluminum is harmful to the brain.Fresh fruits and vegetables supply the
brain with the nutrients it needs. ( while ) …………………………………………………………………………….…….………… 3 Math problems can improve brain power. Brain teasers improve brain
power. (both … and…) …………………………………………………………………………….…….………… b In small groups, compare the effects of the following on the brain.
Page 30
Remember to form sentences using connectors . “ Sports / Sleeping late. Reading / Watching T.V.”
The Brain
Connectors When translating sentences with connectors, keep the following in mind that: the purpose of connectors is to connect two contrasting ideas, to connect similar ideas, to show similarities etc... some connectors do not have an exact translated word in Arabic, so it could be translated by giving a close meaning. An example of that is , “on the other hand“ is translated في املقابل أو من جهة أخرى a Use your dictionary to translate the following connectors.
Connectors both … and …………………… on the other hand …………………… although …………………… as well as ……………………
however …………………… unlike …………………… while …………………… whereas ……………………
b Read the following sentences then translate them into Arabic. 1 Although both hemispheres of the brain receive information through the
senses, they process it differently. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 The right hemisphere analyzes information artistically whereas the left hemisphere analyzes information logically. ………………………………………………………………………………………… c Read the paragraph below , then translate in your notebook.
Page 31
The brain is responsible for our memory. Memory plays an important role in our lives. We have two basic memories, long term memory and short term memory. Long term memory allows us to remember events that happened a long time ago, whereas short term memory allows us to remember events from the recent past. Unlike long term memory, short term memory is short lived and is affected by stress, illness and aging. Long term memory puts many events together as one memory. On the other hand, short term memory receives only seven items in sequence. Both memories are not accurate, but they tell us something about the person.
2 Pre-Reading Skim the following paragraphs. Then write the topic and the topic sentence of each paragraph. Are you right handed or left? Most people have a preferred or dominant hand that they use when writing, drawing or opening doors. This does not mean they can not use the other one, they just find it easier to use the dominant one. The same principle applies to using our brain. We take data in through our senses then process it with the dominant side of our brain. Since each hemisphere processes information differently, most people are either left brained (majority) or right brained. This reading explains how the right and the left hemispheres process information Topic: Right or left brained .............................................. Topic sentence: Most people are either left brained (majority) or right brained The left hemisphere processes information in sequence; it deals with one thing at a time. It processes from part to whole; it takes the pieces, lines them up, arranges them in a logical order, and then finally draws conclusions. A left brained person is usually a list maker and a good speller. He can also deal with symbols; numbers and figures. At the same time we find that a left brain dominant person makes decisions based on logic and proof not emotions. Added to that is the ability to control language. A left brain person is verbal and is usually good at speech. Nevertheless, we also find that a left brain dominant person can deal with things the way they are and can adjust to the environment. Topic: The left hemisphere ...................................... Topic sentence: ........................................................................................
Page 32
On the other hand, the right hemisphere processes information from whole to part. It sees the big picture first, then the details. It is the creative side of the brain; it is more visual, sensitive to colors and responds to pictures. The right hemisphere, wants to see, feel and touch when describing something.
The Brain
Thus a right brained person prefers to use a paper and pen and visualizes when reading. So it is usual to find the right brained person’s notebook full of colors. This side of the brain also addresses emotions and is affected by sounds and body language. It follows intuition and feelings rather than logic when making decisions . Topic: ........................................................................................................ Topic sentence: ........................................................................................ However, the two hemispheres do not work separately. In fact, they work together and complement each other. For example, the right hemisphere “sees” a book and the left hemisphere says, ‘I know whose book this is, it is my brother’s.” So being a left or a right brain dominant person does not affect the ability to learn. It may just affect the person’s choice of hobbies, subjects or career. Topic: ........................................................................................................ Topic sentence: .......................................................................................
Active Reading compare and contrast Based on the reading, compare the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere in relation to the categories in the box.
Making decisions Processing information learning
Right hemisphere …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………
Page 33
Left hemisphere …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………
Scanning for details 1
Answer the following questions. a Why is a left brained person good at mathematics?
………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… b What would a right brained person do to understand a reading text?
………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… c How can we increase our learning and maximize our understanding? Give
examples. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… d Why does a right brained person like arts?
………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Read the sentences. Put T for true or F for false. a We are left brained or right brained dominant because the two
hemispheres do not work together. b A left brained person is a better speaker and is more critical. c A right brained person can do well on objective questions because he
likes to see the whole picture. d Our hobbies and choice of acivities are determined by our dominant
hemisphere. e A left brained person feels that something is right while a right brained
Page 34
person knows it’s right.
The Brain
Post Reading Do you want to know your dominant hemisphere? Respond to the statements below to find out. Yes No 1
When telling a story, you give all the details.
You find it very difficult to be on time.
You like discussions and essay questions.
When taking a trip, you plan carefully for it.
You use gestures a lot when you talk.
You never say something without thinking about it.
You feel excited when changes happen in your life.
When there is a problem, you can come up with several solutions.
You like art, poetry, and social studies.
You always read manuals and instructions.
If you answered with yes to questions 1, 4, 6,8,10 you are left brain dominant person.
Page 35
If you answered with yes to questions 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, you are right brain dominant person
Pre-Listening - What type of brain teaser do you like? - Do you think they are useful? How? - Can all people draw well? Why?
Active listening Part 1 1 Listen to the riddles . Write the answers on the lines.
…………………… 1
…………………… 4
3 ……………………
2 Compare your answers with a partner. Are your answers the same?
Page 36
3 Listen and check your answers. How many of your answers are correct
The Brain
Part 2 1 Listen and follow instructions.
2 Now turn the book upside down . Look at the lines you drew, what do
they show? Are you surprised with the result? Why? 3 Compare the two drawings ? What do you think?
In groups. Compare the two parts of the listening activity using connectors. Talk about hemispheres, usefulness, difficulty and entertainment.
Yes, but I think that drawing is more fun.
Page 37
I think that puzzles encourage thinking.
3 Pre-Reading Skim the first paragraph. What is the main idea?
The way people receive information may be divided into three main categories known as learning styles. A learning style affects how a person learns and participates in group activities. Your hemispheric dominance, whether you are left or right, determines your learning style. People who process information in the right hemisphere understand better when they see diagrams, graphs and pictures. These are called visual learners. But those who process information in the left hemisphere and understand information by listening, are called auditory learners. However, people who learn best through movement and experience are known as kinesthetic learners. These people are either right hemispheric or move from one hemisphere to the other. Visual learners learn through seeing. They need to see the speaker. So, it is often best for visual learners to sit in the front of the classroom. This will help them avoid being distracted by people’s heads, movements or activities. Using diagrams and graphs is of great use to visual learners. They also prefer to see pictures and illustrations in books which help them understand better. Visual learners usually benefit greatly from taking notes during class; this helps them understand the information better .Visual learners will often speak with words like, “clear,” “see” and “color.” At the same time, they often believe that auditory and kinesthetic learners aren’t paying attention
Page 38
Auditory learners learn through listening. Discussions, speakers, and lectures are things that an auditory learner prefers and understand. They usually understand the speaker’s meaning by focusing on their tone of voice and speed. Auditory learners are the kind of learners that often benefit from reading the text aloud, since written information does not have much meaning until it has
The Brain
been spoken and heard. You will often hear them using words like, “silent,” “squeal,” or “blast.” While studying, those with the auditory learning style can profit greatly from the use of a sound recorder. Auditory learners often think that individuals with other learning styles aren’t really listening Kinesthetic learners learn by “doing”: they need the hands-on way of learning. Touching things, trying them out, and moving around are all ways that help kinesthetic learners to learn. This is why kinesthetic learners may have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time and simply listening to a lecture. Kinesthetic learners are also likely to connect experiences with strong feelings. They know they have understood something when they feel it inside. Their language often includes words such as “feel,” and “touch.” When dealing with others, Kinesthetic learners often feel that other learners are insensitive. Everyone has a certain way to learn. Your learning style influences the way you process information. Once you understand your leaning style, you may be able to adjust the way you study, so that you can learn things better and in less time. Not knowing your learning style may make studying and learning more difficult for you. Even when the material is not presented in the way you prefer, you can use your knowledge of learning styles to develop other ways of learning information.
Active Reading compare and contrast Read the text carefully; then with a partner write similarities and differences between auditory learners, visual learners, and kinesthetic learners. Items
Auditory Learners
Visual Learners
Kinesthetic Learners
Hemisphere Senses used Recall Concentration Graphics
Page 39
Guessing meaning from context Read each sentence then choose the word that best describes the underlined word. 1 The way people receive information may be divided into three main categories
known as learning styles a a part of the brain b a way of doing something
c a time for learning
2 Visual learners usually benefit greatly from taking notes during class; this
helps them understand the information better than just listening. a have time b find useful c look for ,
3 Auditory learners usually understand the speakers meaning by focusing on
the tone of their voice and speed. a sound b mouth
c idea
4 Kinesthetic learners learn through doing, they need hands-on learning. a seeing b doing c hearing
Post Reading What is your learning style? To find out, give yourself points for each statement, then total the scores for each section.
Often (3) Sometimes (2) Never (1)
a I remember information better if I write it down …………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………….. b When I take a test, I can see the textbook page in my head.
………………………………………………………………………………………… c I can “see” the page and where the answer is when I am taking a test.………
………………………………………………………………………………………...... d I have trouble following lectures. …………………………………………………
Page 40
The Brain
Auditory If I hear something, I will remember it. ………………………………………… b Writing has always been difficult for me. ………………………………… c I would rather listen and learn than read and learn. …………………………… d I understand how to do something if someone tells me rather than having to read it. ………………………………………………………………….. a
Kinesthetic a I hate to sit at a desk for long periods of time. ……………………………..... b I prefer first to see something done and then to do it myself. …………….... c I take many study breaks. …………………………………………………....... d I think well when I move around the room. …………………………..............
The section with the highest score indicates your learning style
2 Now, write the following information about yourself a My main learning style ……………………………………………………………..… b My least preferred learning style …………………….....…………………………
Page 41
3 Compare answers with a partner
Post Writing A Compare -Contrast Essay. Prewriting When writing a comparison- contrast essay, we often need to show how things are similar or different or both in the body paragraphs 1
We write a compare and contrast essay to: - show similarities and differences
- make a point. -support an opinion.
There are two ways to organize the body in a compare or contrast essay. - Block (whole to whole) method
Block (whole to whole) Method
- Point-by-point method.
Point by Point Method
1 - Paragraph includes features of A. - Paragraph Includes features of B
Page 42
- Paragraph includes all similarities between A&B - Paragraph includes all differences between A&B
- paragraph Includes features about A & B concerning a certain point. - 2nd paragraph include features about A & B concerning another point and so on.
The Brain
3 Look at the mind map ; discuss the questions
Page 43
- Do you think women’s brain is different from men’s? In what way? - Do men and women think in the same way? Give examples. - Do men and women have the same interests? - Do you think both brains have the same functions? Give examples. - Are women’s abilities the same as men’s? Give examples. - What are the similarities and differences between the two brains ?
Planning 1 Compare what you already know about male and female brain to the information
in the table below .Then use the information you need in your compare and contrast essay. Main Points
100 grams more
Cells & Connections
more cells
more connections
the same
the same
mathematic ability mechanics ask about main points give solutions to problems reason estimate time judge speed visualize objects in three dimensions care for the product
reading abilities languages ask for details understand problems emotion spoken ability perform detailed tasks sense and express emotion care for the process & product
The reason for writing your compare and contrast essay is: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Decide on the points that interests you the most to include in your essay. These points should support your reason for comparing and contrasting. (at least three points)
Page 44
…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
The Brain
4 When writing your compare and contrast essay, remember to use the following
connectors . Some compare signal words
Some contrast signal words
similar, like, still, likewise, in the same ways, in comparison, at the same time, in the same manner both, as well as, and.
however, on the other hand, but, yet, nevertheless, rather, on the contrary, nonetheless, in contrast, although, whereas, unlike.
Active Writing Drafting Before you start writing remember that compare and contrast essays are like all other essays, they have an introduction, a body and a conclusion
Compare/Contrast essay structure
…………………………………………………………………………….…….……… Point by Point Method …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… The Block Method …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….………
Page 45
…………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….………
Post Writing Revising Peer Revision: Exchange books with a classmate. Read each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essays. Give suitable grade to each criteria. Rating Scale: 1 to 5. 1=very weak, 2=weak,
3=okay, 4=very good,
Criteria 1
Topic sentence clearly identifies what is compared.
Effective introduction and conclusion.
Effective organization .
Sufficient information to support the topic sentence .
Efficient use of compare/contrast clue words .
Conclusion restates main idea
mechanical, grammatical, or spelling errors
5=super R
Editing 1 When you edit a paragraph, you check to make sure that the grammar,
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are correct. Use the following to edit your paragraph.
Does the first word of each sentence begin with a capital letter? Yes No
Is the punctuation correct in all the sentences? Yes
3 Are all sentences complete? That is, does each sentence have a subject
and verb?
Page 46
The Brain 4
Have you used the correct verb tense throughout your paragraph? Yes No
Do you have subject and verb agreement? Yes
Do you have agreement of nouns and possessive pronouns? Yes
Are all your words spelled correctly? Yes
2 Rewrite your paragraph in your notebook, revising and editing make any
necessary changes.
Page 47
…………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….……… …………………………………………………………………………….…….………
F a m i l y
T i e s
healthy family life
is In th u yo Unit … will
Family Ties - Identify cause and effect relationships.
Respect Responsibility Relationship
- Read about: • family Ties • effective Communication • the Story of «Shau»
- Listen to a family argument.
- Talk about Peer Pressure.
Communication is an important part of every day life. It contributes to better understanding and the development of healthy relationships.
- Write a “Cause and Effect” essay.
Ready What does family mean to you? What are the responsibilities of each family member ? What are your responsibilities towards your family? How do children show respect for their parents? What effects does respect have on family relationship? How do you show love to your family ? What are the causes of a strong family relationship? •The cause is
s t n e r a p r o f e Lov
why something happens.
• The effect is what happens; it’s the result.
Family Ties
Work in groups. The following words are found in bold in the reading selections. Locate them and try to guess the meaning of the ones you don’t know. Verbs argue provide for express expect overlook influence
Nouns Useful Expressions relationship ties win-win effort member conflict right privacy teenagers argument opinion role communication responsibility peer pressure
Suffixes & Prefixes Understanding the parts of a word and how they are put together helps you expand your vocabulary.These parts are the Root Word ( stem ), the Prefix and the Suffix. A Root Word is the main part of the word. e.g. Unarguable. A Prefix is a letter or a group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. e.g. Unarguable. A Suffix is a letter or a group of letters placed at the end of the word. Sometimes it changes the meaning the meaning of the word . Sometimes it indicates the part of speech of the word. e.g. Unarguable Turn to pages 66- 67 to learn the meanings of different prefixes and suffixes. This will help you form new words or guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. 1 Add the suffix and the prefix to the root words to form new words .Then
write the part of speech and the meaning of the new words : Prefix
Root word
New word
Part of speech
2 Find the root word for the following words, then use the list on pages
Meaning ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Page 49
66 - 67 to guess their meaning : Root word Irresponsible ………………… ………………… Mistrust ………………… Relation ………………… Influenced
1 Pre reading A Based on the discussion in lesson 1, tick what you expect to read in the
article. Roles of family members. .................... The change in family structure ............. Building good family relationships ........
The imprtance of respect ......... Responsibilities of diferent family members .....................
B Read the beginning of each paragraph to check you answers. B. Write the number of the paragraph in the space above.
Building strong family ties is important for a happy healthy life. People who put in time and effort to understand members of their family succeed in building these ties. Thus, learning about the â&#x20AC;&#x153;3Rsâ&#x20AC;? of effective ties is useful. They include; Respect, Responsibility and Relationship. These three words form the foundation or the cornerstone for building strong and lasting relationships. Respect is the first of the 3Rs. It is important in all relationships and is the solution for many family problems. Respecting the feelings, rights, opinions, and privacy of others is the key for having a win-win relationship. Family members need to keep in mind that respect should be shown not only to grown ups, but to children and teenagers as well. Unfortunately, this is often over looked by adults, and may sometimes cause low self-esteem.
Page 50
Responsibility is the duty that comes with a job or position. Within a family, each member has responsibilities and duties that are usually assigned according to culture, age and gender. Consequently, in the east, men are responsible for providing for the family; while women are responsible for raising children and looking after the house. However, in some cases, women may have to provide for the family as well. Children also have their duties and responsibilities such as showing kindness, respect and most of all obedience to parents.
Family Ties
Relationship is perhaps the most difficult of the “3Rs.”because it requires time, energy, personal involvement and above all, lots of love. Members of a family need to spend time together .This will help them communicate and therefore understand each other better. After looking at the “3Rs” of effective family ties, we can conclude that Respecting family members, shouldering family Responsibilities and taking family Relationships seriously result in happy families which in turn lead to a more peaceful community.
Active Reading Main Idea Give the main idea of the article in your own words.
................................................................................ ................................................................................
Identifying cause and effect Complete the table : effect
Paragraph 2
Low self esteem
................................... ...................................
Paragraph 3
Men are responsible for providing for the family
................................... ................................... ...................................
Paragraph 4
Relationship is the most difficult of the 3Rs.
................................... consequently, as a result, therefore, ................................... resulted in, thus. one result is, ...................................
For causes because, due to, one cause is, another is, since,for…
Page 51
For effects
Guessing Meaning from Context Circle the suffix and underline the prefix in the bolded words. Choose the word or phrase that is closest to their meaning. 1 These three words are the foundation or the cornerstones for building strong
and lasting relationships. a wall
b part
c frame
d base
2 Responsibilities within family are usually assigned according to culture, age
and gender a tasks
b professions
c jobs
d a and c
3 For example, in most families men are responsible for providing for the
family; while women are responsible for raising children and the house. a bringing up
b putting up
c giving up
d waking up.
4 Relationship is perhaps the most difficult of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;3Rsâ&#x20AC;? because it requires
time, personal involvement and lots of love. a communication
b participation
c concentration
d information
Post Reading In groups,discuss the following questions: Do you agree that relationship is the most difficult of the 3Rs? If Yes, why. If No, which one do you think is the most difficult ?
Page 52
In your opinion , what are the other causes to a healthy family relationship?
Family Ties
Gerunds Gerunds are nouns formed from verbs. They are formed by adding ing to verbs e.g respect - respecting, influence - influencing. Usages: A gerund is used as a noun. The gerund can be: A a subject
Expressing opinions politely strengthens family ties.
B an object
I enjoy spending time with my family. Peer pressure is one of the top reasons for smoking
C a complement
My favorite hobby is cooking .
1 What is the gerund formed from the words between brackets?
a ( provide ) ........................... c ( overlook ) ........................... e ( carry ) ...........................
b. ( care ) ................................ d ( argue ) ................................ f (express ) ................................
2 Find the gerunds in the following sentences and state if they are used as
subject, direct object, a complement or object of the preposition. a She likes being with family. ...................................................................... b Avoid ignoring your parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ideas........................................................... c Respecting opinions is the key to strong family relationship ........................ d Having meals and sharing events with family is good for teenagers mental health. ................................ e The cornerstone of a good relationship is sharing responsibilities................ ................................ . 3 Underline the verbs in the following sentences then correct using gerunds
where necessary : a One way of enjoy a healthy relationship is express your feelings . b Use appropriate gestures reinforces respect and shows that you mean what you say, c The best way of communicate with parents is by talk to them about your everyday events, d Be helpful and considerate sets up a base for good family relationship. Page 53
e Parents do not like argue with their children.
The Subject When translating , remember that the subject of the sentence may be: One word e.g. «Respect is important in all relations».
ا إلحترام مهم في جميع العالقات More than one word; e.g. «Respect of feelings is the key to a good relationship»
احترام الم�شاعر مفتاح العالقه الجيد The subject also comes in different types .This will affect your translation : - noun, «Responsibility is the duty that comes with any position»
....... الم�سئوليه هي الواجب الذي - pronoun « It requires time and effort.» هي تتطلب وقت... not تتطلب وقت.. (notice how the pronoun is substituted ) - gerund . «listening is important for ……..» ......( اال�ستماع مهم لNotice how the gerund is translated as )م�صدر Underline the subjects in the paragraph . Define their types ,then translate the paragraph. Responsibilities in the family are usually assigned according to culture, age and gender. For example, providing for the family is men’s responsibility while raising children and looking after the house are that of women .Children too have duties and responsibilities. Among these responsibilities is being kind, helpful, and above all obedient.
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... Page 54
Family Ties
2 Pre-Reading Skim the following paragraphs quickly. Write the topic and the topic sentence of each paragraph. Healthy communication is very important to overcome family conflicts. It helps family members express their emotions and understand each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs. Thus, problems such as lack of respect, neglect of roles and responsibilities, or giving in to negative peer pressure are less likely to happen. Successful communication needs cooperation, sincere efforts and a lot of practice. Here are some ways of improving communication within a family. Topic: ......................................................................................................... Topic sentence: ......................................................................................... Spending quality time with members of the family should become part of ones daily routine. This can be done by using wasted time wisely. For example, talking in the car, sharing daily events over meals, and doing activities together instead of watching TV. At the same time, devoting time to discuss matters that affect the family on weekends give a chance to express oneself. Consequently, communication becomes a habit that even little children can acquire. Topic: ......................................................................................................... Topic sentence: ......................................................................................... Clear and direct communication is the best style of communication. It occurs when the message is spoken plainly so it can be understood by the other member of the family. At the same time, communication is direct when the message is said openly to the appropriate member it is intended to. This is important at all times but more so when there are problems between family members. It is important to keep this in mind because indirect or unclear communication may cause more conflicts. Topic: ......................................................................................................... Topic sentence: ......................................................................................... Page 55
Good listening is essential for effective communication. Being an active listener involves trying to understand and respect the opinions of others. At the same time, it means paying attention to both verbal and non-verbal messages. In addition, active listeners show their concern and support all the time. For example, a nod or a simple I understand,” shows the other person that you care about what he or she is saying. Active listeners also ask for clarification in order to avoid misunderstanding. They do this by simply asking, What did you mean when you said…?” or Did I understand you correctly?” Topic: ......................................................................................................... Topic sentence: ......................................................................................... Effective communication within a family leads to closer relationship. This helps family members express their needs, feelings and differences. Through open and honest communication, family members can solve their arguments and live in peace. Topic: ......................................................................................................... Topic sentence: .........................................................................................
Active Reading Main Idea What is the main idea of the reading selection?
Page 56
Family Ties
Identifying cause and effect Scan the text for the following information in the article. 1 The effect(s) of lack of communication between family members.
.................................................................................................................. 2 The effect of indirect or unclear communication.
.................................................................................................................. 3 The three causes of healthy communication. a ...................................................................................................... b ...................................................................................................... c ...................................................................................................... 4 Words that indicate causes and words that indicate effects:
Causesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cue words ............................................................................... Effectsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cue words ................................................................................
Post Reading In groups ,discuss the following questions: 1 How can lack of effective communication cause family problems?
Give examples from a real life situation. 2 How can effective communication help build healthy family relationships?
Page 57
Give examples.
Pre-Listening Some causes of family arguments are : a. doing household chores. b. using the telephone for a long time. c. viewing TV . d. wearing improper clothes. e. wearing make up. f. all of the above.
Active Listening 1 Listen to the two arguments. Guess who the speakers are and what are
they arguing about? Argument (1)
Argument (2)
First speaker:
First speaker:
Second speaker:
Second speaker:
Cause of argument:
Cause of argument:
.............................................. ..............................................
.............................................. ..............................................
2 Listen to the arguments again. Decide if the following information is correct.
a Many of Manal’s friends wear makeup. b Manal’s mother allows her to go out wearing heavy make up. c Waleed’s father was really angry but understanding. d Waleed is worried that his friends may make fun of him. 3 Listen to the arguments again. Answer the question :
What is the main cause of both arguments?
Page 58
a Mother-daughter conflict. b Peer pressure. c Staying out late.
Family Ties
2 Choose the correct completion:
The feeling that you must do the same things as other people your age to make them like you called:….. a) friendly relationship b) peer pressure c) parents influence 2 Peer pressure is the cause to many teenagers behaviors. which of the
following effects have you experienced. Tick the boxes below.
Effects Cause
Performance at School Classroom Behavior Cheating
Smoking Leisure activities Use of phone Religious activities Choice of Language Choice of clothes
3 Was the change in your behavior positive or negative . Write P for positive
and N for negative for each effect. 4 In groups : Discuss the causes of giving in to peer pressure and how it can
be avoided . Here are some suggestions for avoiding it . Be direct be confident and say ; “No thanks” . Use humor use a funny comment that ends the conversation
Exit go to the bathroom, another room or home.
Ask for support stay among friends and plan what to do.
Change the subject or ask a question Page 59
Give an excuse by passing the responsibility on somebody else.
3 Pre-Reading 1 Skim the passage. Which statement best
describes the main idea? Circle the letter. a. Parents and children relationship b. Chinese culture and the western culture. c. Love towards parents through actions not words. 2 Skim the passage again. Find the sentence that best states the main idea.
Write it. ...............................................................................................
Shau Why do you think that the Chinese who are not influenced by western culture, rarely ever, say “ I love you” to their parents? It is certainly not because they do not love them, but because they believe that a more natural way of expressing love is through action. To them love for parents is unlike any other love. Therefore, they use a special word for it. This word in Chinese is Shau” which means ‘love for parents expressed in actions. Perhaps the word Shau is better understood by analyzing the two characters used to write it in Chinese. The first symbolizes a son while the second symbolizes the parent. Together, the two characters represent a son carrying his parent. Whoever invented this word was probably inspired by the scene of a son carrying his old parent. This act shows true love expressed through action.
Page 60
«Shau» is illustrated in a classic Chinese story about a young man named Shen. Shen was very considerate towards his parents. In summer, before his parents took a nap, he would cool their bed by fanning it, so that they could sleep comfortably. During winter, before his parents went to bed, he would lie in their bed long enough to make it warm so that his parents wouldn’t suffer from the cold. Shen didn’t need to tell his parents that he loved them because his actions showed his love.
Family Ties
Shau”, is a loving act towards parents. It is not forgetting about their health. It is waking up at two o’clock in the morning to give your mother her medicine. It is not visiting parents on the weekend when you don’t have anything better to do but taking time off work and spending it with them. It is not sending your parents away to an old people’s home, so that they will not ask you to run errands. Finally, it is having your parents live in your house, so that you can be at their service when they need you.
Active Reading Scanning 1 Each topic sentence has a sentence or more to support it. Complete the
table with the supporting sentence(s) for each idea. paraghraph
Topic sentence
supporting sentece
1 2 3 4
Identifying cause and effect 1 Why do Chinese use the word Shau” to express their love for their parents?
.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. Inferring effect What is the effect of using Shau” instead of I love you” on : Children ........................................................................................................ Parents ........................................................................................................
Post Reading Discuss the following questions : 1 Which do you prefer, expressing love to parents by words or by actions? Why? 2 What do you think is the effect of expressing love by actions on the society ?
Page 61
3 Our Islamic history is full of stories that show love to parents by actions. Discuss one.
Prewriting Cause and Effect Essay What is a cause and effect essay? A Cause-and-effect essay gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behaviors. It shows why things happen (causes) and what are their results (effects). To determine causes, ask, «Why did this happen?» To identify effects, ask, «What happened because of this?»
Planning Nowadays Family life faces many challenges . which challenge do you think is the most difficult? What are its causes? Plan a brief cause-and-effect essay .Complete the cause and effect graphic organizer . Define the challenge (effect ) then brainstorm to find its causes. Cause
.......................................... .......................................... Cause
.......................................... .......................................... Cause
.......................................... .......................................... Cause
Page 62
.......................................... ..........................................
Effect Teenagers dressing like actors.
................................................. ................................................. .................................................
Family Ties
Active Writing Drafting Use your ideas to a write a first draft of your brief cause and effect essay. To blend details smoothly in your cause and effect essay, use the connectors and phrases listed below.
For causes because, due to, one cause is, another is, since, for.
For effects consequently, as a result, thus, resulted in, one result is, another is, therefore
Page 63
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
Post Writing Revising Peer Revising: Exchange your book with a classmate. Read each other’s essays, check if the points of the cause and effect essay chick list are done. Requirements
Introductory paragraph clearly states the main idea, using the terms «cause» and/or «effect topic sentence clearly states a reason why the effect exists .( Body ) Ideas are arranged in a logical way. connectors are used to link sentences The cause-and-effect relationships were clearly described in detail The concluding paragraph restates the main idea in a clear convincing way A Return books then discuss your answers with your partner
Editing B Use the following check list to help you edit your paragraph. A 1 Does the first word of each sentence begin with a capital letter?
2 Is the punctuation correct in all the sentences?
3 Are all sentences complete? That is, does each sentence have a subject
and verb and express a complete thought.
Page 64
Family Ties
4 Have you used the correct verb tense throughout your essay?
5 Do you have subject and verbs agreement?
6 Do you have nouns and possessive pronouns agreement?
7 Are all your words spelled correctly?
B Rewrite your essay in your notebook, using your classmateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and
your editing checklists to make any necessary changes.
Page 65
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
Suffixes listed by their part of speech and their approximate meanings Nouns
belonging to ; technician characteristic of
having the quality of
state; quality
of or relating to resembling
a person who
teacher / sailor/ chemist
passive participle
a person (female )
having the qulaity of
comparative form
superlative form
Citizenship s h i p m e n t kindness
full of
having the qulaity of; able to be
having the qulaity of; affected by
active participle
having the qulatiy of; relating to
full of
-ion -ment /-ness /-ship -ity / ty
Page 66
state ; condition state; condition; quality having a quality The state of being like something or someone.
Family Ties Adverb
Meaning manner ( how )
example quickly
Verbs --en - ate
Meanings to make
example strengthen
To make; have a particular activate quality To make; have more of pressurize a particular quality
Prefixes and their approximate meanings
together; with
irregular / incomplete / unkind / dislike
between ; among
before; first
again; back
im- / in- / un- / dis-
Page 67
Revision - identifying the main idea .
is In th u , yo unit w: e i v e r will
R e v i s i o n
- comparing and contrasting - identifying cause and effect .
A Complete the following sentences with suitable words from the box. Write
their part of speech between brackets.
communication argue
The three learning styles include ........................................... (
............................... (
) and ............................... (
The brain is the most important .......................... (
One of the two ............................ (
There should be strong family ............................................... (
It is normal for family members to ......................................... (
) in the human body.
) of the brain dominates the other.
The opposite of connect
The noun of perform
The adjective of privacy
The opposite of dependent
The adjective of expect
Page 69
B Use a prefix or a suffix to give the following :
Read the sentences below then choose the best meaning of the underlined words.
Family ties become powerful when family members communicate well. a. strong
b. weak
c. kind
Studying will be easier when you review the material regularly . a. enjoy
b. study c. send , Respect of teenagers rights and opinions reduces peer pressure. a. make less
b. find out
c. put up
You can improve your mental power by doing brain teasers. a. writing
b. income
c. intelligence
A Read the following paragraph then answer the questions.
Albert Einstein is known as the genius of all times. His theories on physics and mathematics solved many problems.
This made many wonder including Einstein
himself if his brain was different from other brains. So before his death, on April 18,1955 at the age of 75, Albert Einstein had requested that his brain be saved for study and research. This responsibility was given to Dr. Thomas S. Harvey. After doing many tests, he reported that he could not find anything unusual about it. But years later, a number of studies were published to prove that Einsteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain was different from the normal brain. The first study was published in 1985. Scientists wrote that in one area of Einsteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain there was a difference in the number of neurons to glial cells
Page 70
compared to other brains. A second paper, published in 1996, reported that
Einstein’s brain weighed only 1,230 grams. This weight is less than the average adult male brain which is about 1,400 grams. The authors also said that Einstein’s cerebral was thinner and the thickness of neurons were greater. Then in1999, the last
Normal Brain
Einstein’s Brain
study showed that the part that deals with mathematics was 15% wider than an average brain. It also stated that Einstein’s brain had different grooves on both the right and left hemispheres. These studies have proven that Einstein’s brain was different from an average brain; however, they do not prove that these differences were the reason for his intelligence. Einstein himself felt that among the causes for his intelligence may be his ability to visualize the problems, to concentrate even in big crowds and his sharp instinct. Therefore, according to Einstein, visualization,
1 The main idea of this article is:
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
2 The article gives information about:
a. Einstein’s life and his theories on math and physics. b. The difference between Einstein’s brain and other brains. c. How the brain works and what it looks like.
3 According to the article, intelligence;
a. can be improved. b. is an inborn thing. c. is the same in all people.
Page 71
4 Dr. Thomas S. Harvey was responsible for;
a. studying Einsteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain after his death. b. showing the difference between Einsteinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain and regular brains. c. publishing the three articles in medical magazines.
5 According to the article, the results that Dr. Harvey gave were;
a. correct. b. incorrect. c. not clear.
6 In the article, the word glial is a type of,
a. cell b. brain c. organ
7 In the article, to concentrate means to:
a. think b. smile c. focus
8 Read the article , Complete the areas in which Einsteins brain is
different from a normal human brain. 1 number of neurons 2 ..................................... of neurons 3 ..................................... of cerebral 4 ..................................... of grooves 5 ..................................................... 6 ..................................................... 9 Einstein himself felt there were three causes for his intelligence;
List these causes. 1 ............................................................................................................. 2 .............................................................................................................
Page 72
3 .............................................................................................................
A Choose the suitable completion from between brackets.
1. 2. 3. 4.
I enjoy ( study – to study – studying ). ( Draw – Drawing – To draw ) a tree next to the house. ( To exercise – Exercise – Exercising ) is good for your brain. Listening ( as well as – both – on the other hand ) spending time with family members solve many problems. 5. ( Both – Although - Unlike ) respect and responsibility are important for strong family ties. B Do as shown between brackets.
1. Stay up late before a test.
(make negative)
............................................................................................................. 2. Do not fasten your seatbelt.
(make positive)
............................................................................................................ C Underline the gerunds in the following sentences and state if they are
used as a subject, direct object, indirect object, a complement or object of the preposition. 1. We prefer studying together.
2. Avoid eating fatty food. ........................................................................ 3. Before reading a text, read the title, subtitles and look at the pictures.
............................................................................................................ 4. Concentration is a key for improving intelligence. ................................. 5. Expressing our emotions is important to build strong family ties. .............. D The 3Rs are causes to strong family ties. Use them to give a piece of
advice to friends who are having difficulty dealing with their families.
................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................
Page 73
In pairs, do the brain teasers below. 1
Each child in a family has at least two brothers and three sisters. What is the smallest number of children the family might have?
2 Say the color that each word is printed in. For example, for the word Red say
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blueâ&#x20AC;? because its colour is blue. How fast can you do it?
Blue Yellow Brown Green
Red Pink Gray Tan
Green Orange Yellow White
3 Using the brain tracker grid below, how many words can you find?
Each word must have the T. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent 12 words
............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .............
Good 8 words
OK 4 words
............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... .............
3 What do you see?
4 a. Which of the brain teasers would a left brain dominant person find difficult?
Page 74
b. Which ones would a right dominant find interesting? Why? Be ready to share your ideas with the rest of the class.
Translate the following paragraphs into Arabic: Almost all studies show that at birth there is a difference in size between the male and female brain. The boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain is usually bigger with an average of 12 to 20%. The head circumference of boys is also 2% larger. However, when the size of the brain is compared to body weight at this age, there is almost no difference between boys and girls.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Teenagers who have good communication skills can build positive relationships, These skills help them pay more attention to both verbal and nonverbal messages. They also learn that nonverbal messages, such as facial expression, body language and tone of voice, are just as important as verbal ones.
Page 75
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
A. Read the following article then answer the questions that follow. Males and females communicate differently. Whether genetic or learned, these differences, may cause conflict and mis-understanding within the family. Most of these conflicts may be overcome by becoming aware of the gender communication differences. During a conversation, women usually include more than one topic. They offer information without being asked and they never hesitate to ask questions. Their main concern is to get information about people and things. Women often include much of their feelings and emotions in a conversation. This make them form relationships with others quiet easily. At the same time, they can offer and accept help and advice from others. These characteristics make women more cooperative and helpful. Men, on the other hand, talk to give information or report things.They talk about things such as business, sports, and food, rather than people. They give facts and conclusions rather than going into any details. Since males find it difficult to express themselves; they usually prefer not to talk about their feelings. They also have difficulty in sending and receiving nonverbal messages, they often find them confusing. At the same time, men focus on solving problems and are less likely to ask for help or directions from others. They prefer to use their own judgment and in most situations are competitive. These differences may lead to many of the problems between family members. Therefore, it is important for both males and females to understand and respect their differences. This will improve the communication conflict with the opposite
Page 76
sex at all levels, not only within the family but also professionally and socially.
1 The main idea of this article is:
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 Causes for communication differences could be:
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
3 The reading selection shows:
a. comparison between the male and female brain. b. contrasts between the male and female communication skills. c. compares between the male and female ways of speaking.
4 According to the article, gender communication differences ........................
a. can not be overcome. b. can be improved. c. can be overcome.
5 When speaking, women include;
a. only one topic. b. more than one topic. c. less topics than men. 6 According to the article, women find it easy to:
a. build relationships. b. discuss one topic. c. hide their feelings.
7 According to the article, men find it difficult to;
a. talk about business. b. give facts. c. show their emotions.
8 Choose the correct statement:
a. Men compete, women cooperate. b. Men cooperate, women compete. c. Men and women compete and cooperate. Page 77
9 Men also have difficulty in sending and receiving nonverbal messages as
they often find them confusing. confusing means: a. clear b. not clear c easy 10 These differences can create conflict between the sexes socially,
professionally and personally. create means to: a. make b. help c. find 11
Show the contrast between male and female communication skills. 1. ............................................................................................................. 2. .............................................................................................................
Page 78
3. .............................................................................................................
1 The following reports include some useful tips
for studying. Listen then complete the graph below. A
Signal words for cause and effect: For causes because, due to, one cause is, another is, since, for, first, second For effects consequently, as a result, thus, resulted in, one result is, another is, therefore
effect (1)
effect (2)
effect (3) B
effect (1)
effect (2)
Page 79
effect (3)
Use the information below to write a compare essay about Estern and western families.
Page 80
• men’s duty is to support the family • mother’s duty is to care for the children • prefer to have many children • children’s duty is to obey and respect their parents. • children live with parents till they get married. • children are responsible to care for parents after marriage
Similarities • teach manners and principles • care about health
• both parents support the family • both parents take care of the children • prefer to have few children • children don’t show much respect • children leave home at the age of 18 • children are not responsible for their parents after marriage
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Page 81
T h e
I s l a m i c
The Islamic Cause
is In th u yo Unit … will
- Identify facts and opinions.
- Read about:
• the Importance of Palestine • eyewitness stories • how you can help
Pa l
C a u s e
Al Aqsa Was the first qibla for Muslims
- Talk about a topic and give your opinion. Listen to a report on the Kingdom’s role In helping Palestine
- Write a book report.
Ready Why is Palestine important to Muslims? What do you know about Al Aqsa Mosque? Who built it? When was it built? Is Palestine a free country today? What happened? Do you think the Palestinians are suffering? Why? In your opinion, how can we help the Palestinians?
The Islamic Cause
Work in groups. The following words are in bold in the reading selections. Locate them and try to guess the meaning of the ones you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. Nouns aid army boycott bullet clash destruction enemy financial freedom human rights
mass killing occupation peace refugee settlers settlement uprising victory violence violation
Verbs support immigrate donate invade destroy force injure kill
Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms are words that have similar meanings. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
Synonyms & antonyms can be used as cues to help in guessing meaning from context They also help in paraphrasing and restating information.
Match the words to their synonyms: a b c d e
aid donate immigrate financial boycott
--------- monetary --------- refuse (to use ). --------- give --------- help --------- leave ( country )
Match the words to their antonyms ( use the dictionary if needed ): a destruction. --------- kind b enemy. --------- peace c cruel. --------- building. d force. --------- agreement. e clash. --------- friend
1 Pre reading 1
Based on the discussion in lesson 1, what do you expect to read in the article below? Make a list. 1 .......................................................................................................... 2 .......................................................................................................... 3 ..........................................................................................................
Skim the article and find if your guesses were correct
Palestine’s special location and religious importance had made it the target for many invaders throughout history. It was occupied by the Crusaders, Egyptians and the Byzantines. Palestine was first brought under the control of the Muslims at the time of Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khattab. Then, in 1099 AD the Crusaders occupied it again. Years later, in 1187 AD, Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi liberated the land. Since then, Palestine had been the Muslims’ land till the Jews occupied it in1945.
The sad occupation of Palestine took place after the fall of the Othoman Empire in 1932. During that time, the United Nations, which was then known as the League of Nation, gave Britain control of the area. This made it easy for the Jews to immigrate to Palestine despite the Arabs’ opposition. Then in 1948, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, which made Palestine the homeland for the Jews. In 1948, both Britain and the USA recognized Israel as an independent state. During that time, Jewish armies were bombarding Arab towns and villages forcing over 700,000 Palestinians to leave their homeland. Many of them ended up as refugees in neighbouring Arab countries or in the West Bank and Gaza.
The Islamic Cause
For the past 60 years, the cruel Israeli army has caused lots pain to the Palestinians. They have killed and injured many palestininas and ruined their land and homes. They also had many tries to destroy the holy places. In 1969, they started a fire that burned down part of Al Aqsa mosque and the 900-year - old minaret. In 1980, 1982 and, 1984 some Jews tried to blow up the holy mosque to replace it with a Jewish Temple, but Allah failed their plans. Despite the fact that Palestine is now occupied by the Jews, it is and has always been a Muslim land. It was the home to many prophets and the land of Al-Aqsa, the second mosque built on earth and the Muslimsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; first Quibla. It was also the centre of the Israâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a and Miraj of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him. The importance of this mosque is also seen in the number of times it was mentioned in the Quran and Hadith and the promise of its return to its righteous people. I belive this will only happen when Muslims unite their word against their enemy and follow the path of Islam.
Active Reading Main Idea
1. Which statement best describes the main idea of the article? a. The Palestinians Refugees b. The Balfour Declaration c. The occupation of Palestine
Identifying Facts & opinions
Signal words for opinions can be verbs such as: think, 1 Read the first sentence of each paragraph. believe,guess,suggest. Does each paragraph start with a fact or Adverbs such as : probably, an opinion. Write F for facts or O for perhaps,usually opinion in the box next to each sentence. Descriptive words Compare with a partner. such as bad,best, sad,worst, ... 2 Complete the sentences with the correct information: a The Jews occupied Palestine in .............................................................. b Number of years that Muslims ruled before the Jewsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; occupation.............. c The Balfour Declaration, was issued in ................................. d Part of Al-Aqsa Mosque was burned in ................................. e The number of Palestinians who were forced to leave their homeland in
1948 is ............... f
The two factors that made Palestine a target for invaders were.................... 1. ........................................................................................................... 2. ...........................................................................................................
g The main supporters of the Jews are:
........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... h In the writers opinion ,what should Muslims realize ?
........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................
Guessing Meaning from Context Circle the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined words. 1 Palestineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s special location and religious importance made it a target for
many invaders. a plan c goal
b d
place subject
The Islamic Cause
2 Then, in 1099 AD the Crusaders occupied it again. a moved from place to the other b lived in it by force c paid money for it d put trust in 3 This made it easy for the Jews to immigrate to Palestine despite the Arabs opposition. a sadness b refusal. c liking d interest 4 In 1948, both Britain and the USA declared Israel an independent state. a busy b important c separate d nice 5 During that time, Jewish troops were bombarding Arab towns
and villages forcing 700,000 Palestinians to leave their land. a blowing. b fixing. c helping. d sending. 6 The history of Palastaine represents the history of Islam. a c Scanning
finds some. accepts to.
b sends to. d stands for.
1 Scan the article to find the synonyms of the following words:
a take life ( v ) ........................
b attack ( v ) ..........................
2 Scan the article to find the antonyms of the following words:
a build ( v ) ................... .
b citizen ( v ) ...................
Post Reading In groups discuss the following: 1 " The sad events taking place in Palestine today should be an eye-opener for
all Muslims. They should realize that what is happening is the result of their own weakness." How much do you agree with the writer? Give your opinion and try to support it with reasons.
2 In your opinion, what should Muslims do to free Alaqsa ?
Adjective clauses An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It functions as an adjective: It describes, identifies or gives further information about a noun and usually comes after it. Adjective clause signals (relative pronouns are Who, Whose, Whom, Which, That) o Which: Refers to things or animals, but never people. o That: Refers to things, animals, or people. o Who, Whose: Refer to only people. o Whose, however, can refer to things or animals that take the possessive case.
Rules to Remember!
â&#x20AC;˘ If the adjective clause adds extra information about the noun, add commas If the adjective clause modifies the , noun, don t add commas.
1 Study these examples a Let us boycott companies. They donate money to Israel.
Let us boycott companies which / that donate money to Israel. b Reach out and touch our brothers and sisters.Their houses were destroyed
in Jenin. Reach out and touch our brothers and sisters,whose houses were destroyed, in Jenin c Many Palestinians are eager to perform Hajj. They have not performed this
Islamic duty.
Many Palestinians ,who / that have not performed Hajj, are eager to perform this Islamic duty. .
The Islamic Cause
2 Fill in the spaces with the right relative pronoun:
a b c
I strongly believe that the Palestinians, .......................... are suffering under the Israelis occupation, deserve better from us than shedding tears over their pain. The Israeli occupation, .......................... has lasted for more than fifty years,has left thousands of Palestinian children with no families or homes, and with need for medical aid. The Muslims, .......................... second Qiblah is being attacked constantly, should act fast.
3 With a partner, add commas to the adjective clause where necessary.
a The Palestinians who have suffered from violence
are fighting to stop the mass killings and destruction carried by the Israelis . b Raja Hussein who is a student in Nablus fears she will not pass her exams because of the cruelty of the Israeli occupation.
c Another student who was on his way to school
describes preparing for the exams as being almost impossible due to the daily shooting.
d A psychologist said that the situation that Palestinians
face with the Israeli attack has a negative effect on the students. e What can I do? A question which expresses feelings
of helplessness is asked over and over again.
4 Combine the two sentences into a single one, using an appropriate
relative pronoun. Add a comma where necessary:
a Palestine should not be ruled by anyone other than Muslims. It represents
the history of Islam.
............................................................................................................. .................................................................................................... b Al-Aqsa was the centre of Isra’a and Mi`araj. It is the second mosque to be built.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. c Palestine was ruled by Muslims during the time of `Umar ibn Al-Khattab. He was the second caliph of the Muslims.
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
d Palestinian women are forced to find work and provide for the families. Their
male family members have been either killed or injured.
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
أin Arabic. The relative pronouns (which, who, that ) are called ال�سماء املو�صولة However, whose may be translated ذو – ذاتor ، أ��صحاب،�صاحبة In translation, pay attention to the gender and the number (singular, plural) of the subject so you choose/put the suitable Arabic pronoun or word. Examples : The United Nation, which was then known as the League of Nation, gave Britain control of the area.
The Islamic Cause
. أ�عطت بريطانيا حكم املنطقة- التي كانت تعرف حينها بع�صبة أالمم-أالمم املتحدة
The Balfour Declaration which made Palestine the homeland for the Jews,…. .............- الذي جعل فل�سطني وطنا لليهود-وعد بلفور Palestinians who were forced to leave their land ended up as refugees in Arab countries.
.الفل�سطينيون الذين أ�رغموا على ترك أ�را�ضيهم انتهوا كالجئني يف بلدان عربيه
At the time of Caliph Umar Ibn Al Khattab, who ruled for ten years, Palestine became under the control of the Muslims
. أ��صبحت فل�سطني خا�ضعة حلكم امل�سلمني- الذي حكم لع�شر �سنوات-يف عهد اخلليفة عمر بن اخلطاب The boy whose arm is cut has lost his family.
الولد ذو الذراع املقطوعة فقد عائلته أ�و الولد الذي قطعت يده فقد عائلته أ�و الولد �صاحب .الذراع املقطوعة فقد عائلته Notice the rules of punctuation in translation.
Translate the following: a The Palestinian, who have suffered from violence, are fighting to stop the mass killings and destruction carried on the Israelis.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. b Raja Hussein who is a student in Nablus fears failing this year’s exams due to the cruelty of the Israeli occupation.
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
c The student, who was on his way to school, describes studying for the exams
as being almost impossible because of the daily shooting.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. d I believe that we should support the Palestinians whose homeland is occupied.
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
2 Pre Reading Skim the following true stories quickly. Then choose a suitable title for each one. Write the number of the story on the line. 1 Death at Check Point .......................... 2 Life in Danger .......................... 3 Mass Murder in Jenin .......................... 4 Lost Childhood .......................... 5 Trip to Death ..........................
In September 2000, the second Uprising (Intifada) for Al-Aqsa started in the occupied land. From that day onward, the Israeli army has been killing, injuring and beating the Palestinians. Eyewitnesses of this abuse and violation of human rights tell the stories given below. “Fatina Fakhoury, a young woman from Hebron, was taken to hospital on the night of November 18, 2006. She was suffering from a head injury from an Israeli bullet that went through the window of her house. It’s normal for us to see a wounded woman carried to the hospital, but it’s ununsual to see a woman being taken to the hospital holding her two sons, a two years-old and a sixteen days old. If you pray once for Fatina’s health, you probably need to pray twice for her children not to lose their mother. “ Paraphrase the title
....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... . ....................................................................................................................... The writer’s opinion
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
The Islamic Cause
I believe that many Palestinian children need professional help. On Friday, September 29 - 2006, Mohammed, an 8 year old boy, went with his father to pray. Near the mosque, clashes started between Israeli soldiers and some young Palestinians. Mohammad watched as the soldiers shot the young men. As he clung on to his father in fear, he saw people bleeding and killed. Mohammad too was injured in his arm by a so-called plastic bullet. Now Mohammed wakes up every night shouting with fear; his bed soaking wet. He is afraid to go to play in Al-Aqsa square. He never leaves his parents’ side. Mohammed, like many other Palestinian children needs to get help to overcome the tragedy he lives. Paraphrase the title
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... The writer’s opinion
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... It was the first day of school. Five-year-old Somaya Hassan woke up early, put on her new uniform, carried her school bag and waited anxiously for her mother by the door. She had been waiting for this day for a long time. She wanted to go to school just like her brother and sisters. Somaya and her mother got into her grand father’s car. On the way to school, they heard an explosion and saw Israeli soldiers shooting at people. Somaya’s mother turned around to check on her little girl. Somaya was lying face down on the back seat with blood coming out of her head. A bullet had hit her below the chin and came out the other side of her head causing Somaya’s immediate death. Tragically, death is closer to Palestinians than going to school. Paraphrase the title
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... The writer’s opinion
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
In another story, twenty one years old, Mai Ziyad speaks about mass executions in Jenin camp. One week ago, nine Palestinian policemen had been tied up, and shot against a wall. Relatives, wives and children of those who were killed were forced to watch. Paraphrase the title
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Give your opinion
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... A 29 year-old woman from Ramallah died yesterday evening, January 23, 2007. She was held at an Israeli military checkpoint on her way to hospital. Mrs. Nassar had been heavily bleeding and needed immediate blood transfusion. After 25 minutes of arguing with Israeli soldiers, the husband was then allowed to continue the hospital. By the time they arrived to the hospital, the nurse told the husband that his wife had died a few minutes ago. Paraphrase the title
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Give your opinion
....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Active Reading Identifying Facts & Opinions
Read the true stories; when you finish, paraphrase the title of each story ( Use synonyms or antonyms if possible ) then state the writer’s opinion .
The Islamic Cause
Inferring A
We can infer the following from the eyewitness stories on page 92.
1 Fatina’s story shows that
a. Palestinians are not safe even in their own homes. b. many people who get injured in Palestine. c. people help each other in Palestine. 2 By saying, “so called plastic bullets” the eye witness means
a. plastic bullets do not injure. b. they used real bullets. c. plastic bullets injures. 3 Somaya:
a. did not want to go to school. b. was going to start school c. was a school student. 4 The mass murder in Jenin shows that
a. Israeli soldiers are cruel. b. People like to watch mass murder. c. Jenin is an Israeli town. 5
The last story proves that: a. Israeli soldiers help Palestinians citizens. b. doctors do not care about the injured. c. Palestinians are abused by the Israelis.
Post Reading R
ead the following statement.
The cruelty and violence of the Israeli soldiers is whitnessed everyday
Think of a story that you have read, heard or watched and tell the class about it. Give your opinion and how you feel about it.
Pre-listening â&#x20AC;˘ What are the efforts that the Saudi Arabian Kingdom has made, and still makes for the Palestinian cause?
Active Reading A Listen to the presentation and choose the main idea.
1 The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, meetings with other Arab leaders. 2 The efforts that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabian has made concerning the
Palestinian cause. 3 The importance of Palestine in the Islamic world.
B Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences as you listen to the presentation again, 1
T he Custodian of the Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz called for .......................... to help Palestinians . a. moral support b. raising funds c. material donations
2 The money will be used for .......................... a. support families b. finance projects c. both a & b
The Islamic Cause
C Listen to presentation one more time. Then decide which of the following sentences are facts and which are opinions.
1 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will support 1000 Palestinian families.
2 Funds will be paid to support families of the martyrs
and to finance the projects in Palestine.
3 The Kingdom efforts are an example of supporting
the rights of the Palestinians.
4 Arabs and Muslims should not stand by without supporting
support the Palestinian cause.
Read the following statement:
The financial support presented by Arab and Muslim governments is enough. The common public does not have to do any thing to support the palestinians.
In groups, give a short presentation about the statement above. Say whether you agree or disagree with this opinion and explain why. Try to include at least three facts to support your opinion.
3 Pre Reading Skim the reading selection to get the main idea. «The example of unity of the Muslims is like the example of a single structure, its parts strengthening and supporting one another» Cold… Hungry… Sick… is the condition of many Palestinians in the occupied land. They live in refugee camps feeling forgotten and cut off from the rest of the world. It is our duty to help in every possible way, financially, physically, and emotionally. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Studies have shown that children are the most affected by the occupation. They live in refugee camps without good health care or education. To help them, you can start by donating part of your monthly allowance. Even small donations help in providing for some of the children’s needs. In addition to money, you can donate blood. Many hospitals have reported that blood supplies are very low. Many injured children have died because they needed blood, but none was available. Supporting education projects in refugee camps is important too. You can pay for a child‘s education by dividing the amount among you and your friends. You can encourage others to do the same.
Moreover, buying Palestinian products is important. This will not only improve the economy of Palestine, but it will also make the Palestinians proud when they earn their own money. Some of the products that the Palestinians are famous for include; pure olive oil, hand made cushions, table covers, and traditional dresses. These items can be ordered online. Boycotting businesses and companies that support Israel is another Way of supporting Palestine. It is a well known fact that such companies donate part of their income to Israelis to build houses for settlers and buy bullets and bombs to use against the Palestinians. So by boycotting these companies we are weakening
The Islamic Cause
the Israeli army. It is well known that Israeli goods are sold in all the international markets. Therefore, we should make sure that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t buy any of their products. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that no matter how big or small your donation is, it can make a real difference. In addition, your prayers for the people of Palestine is the most important thing you can do to help free them.
Active Reading Identifying Facts & Opinions A Read the following sentences. Write "F" for facts, and "O" for writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
opinion in front of each sentence. 1 Islam strengthens the bond between Muslims all over the world( ) 2 Crying over the pain of our brothers in Palestine does not help ( ) 3 Children in refugee camps are homeless ( ) 4 Children in refugee camps are the most affected ( ) 5 Buying Palestinian products will provide moral support ( ) 6 Some Palestinian products are sold online ( ) B Write the facts from the article, which disagree with the following opinions.
1 I do not think that donating blood will save lives.
2 In my opinion, buying Israeli products does not harm the Palestinians.
3 I believe that children are the least effected by the occupation.
4 I feel my allowance is so little that my donation will not make a diference.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Post Reading
The text mentions ways of helping Palestinians. In small groups, discuss the following questions: - Which do you think is more effective? Why? - Are there other things you can do regarding the Palestinian cause?
Book Report A book report is an essay that gives a short summary of a book , and the writer s opinion. It helps you examine a book, organize its information, and express your thoughts clearly. Steps of writing a book report : Present Write Revise Draft Outline Read Plan Choose 1
Choose To choose a book, you must first decide whether you want to read fiction or nonfiction. Look at the two categonies below, which do you prefer?
Non Fic
Page 100
The Islamic Cause
- The teacher will provide you with books. Choose one. Flip through it, read the title and look at the pictures then complete the form.
Title of Book ............................................................................................ Author .................................................................................................... illustrator / Photographer ( fiction only ) ..................................................... If you feel the book you chose doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Main Topic of this book ............................................................................ interest you, reading ............................................................................................................... and reporting on it will definitely feel like a chore. Change it 2
Know your deadline. Figure out the workinghours needed daily to finish the report on time then make a schedule. 3
Sun Mon Tue
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
Wed 1 8 15 22 29
Thu 2 9 16 23 30
Fri 3 10 17 24
skim the book once to get an idea of the theme. Then read the book slowly and carefully. You have to read the whole book at least once. Twice is recommended. Start early .Give yourself time to think about the topic you want t o write about. Flip through the book and skim a few pages to see if you like the writing. Page 101
for a non-fiction book, choose one on a topic you would like to know more about.
Outline - Use an outline format to write down the basic points, this will help you organize your thoughts. - Don’t write about every detail in the book; discuss the main points only. - If there is a particular passage or quote, you would like to use in your report, write down the page number so that you can esily find it. The outline has two forms
a Fiction Book Report outline ( Fiction ) • Title of Book ........................................................ • Author ........................................................ • Illustrator ........................................................ Setting Main Characters: Give a brief description of each character. 1 2 3 4
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
Summary: Write a summary about the story.
.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. How did the story end ?(Conclusion)
.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................... This book was... Circle one.
Page 102
a little difficult
too hard
The Islamic Cause
b Non Fiction •What was the author’s main purpose(reason) in writing the book? Name of book: ........................................................................................ •If someone asked you Introduction sentence:................................................................................ I.Main Idea: ............................................................................................ what this book was A Subtopic:................................................................................. about, what would you 1 Supporting Details:........................................................... say? Book Outline: Rough Draft
2 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... B Subtopic: .............................................................................. 1 ................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................. 3 .................................................................................. II.Main Idea: ........................................................................................... A Subtopic:............................................................................... 1 Supporting Details:........................................................... 2 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... B Subtopic: .............................................................................. 1 ................................................................................... 2 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... III.Main Idea: .......................................................................................... A Subtopic:............................................................................... 1 Supporting Details: ........................................................... 2 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... B Subtopic:............................................................................. 1 ................................................................................... 2 ................................................................................... 3 ................................................................................... Conclusion:
.......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... This book was... Circle one. easy
a little difficult
too hard
Page 103
Now skim the book again to make sure all important points are included.
Made In
Saudi Arabia
- Read graphs
M a d e
I n
S a u d i
A r a b i a
The Saudi industry has developed greatley in the past few decades
is In th u yo Unit … will
- Read about: • the development of • Saudi industry • saudization
Write a book report.
Riyadh - Listen to a report from the Saudi Information Resource.
Jeddah Dammam Jubail
- Talk about Saudi exports using graphs.
Saudi Industry
Ready Name some of the things that Saudi Arabia imports from other countries. , What is Saudi Arabia s number one export? Graphs: Name some of the things that Saudi Arabia exports. Visuals that convey information visually Besides oil, what are some of the industries in Saudi Arabia? Is there self sufficiency in any of these industries? Name them. Name some of the industrial cities in the kingdom. Agriculture and dairy industry are two major industries In the kingdom, name some of their products. Which dairy products does the line graph show?
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Work in groups. The following words are found in bold in the reading selections. Locate them and try to guess the meaning of the ones you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. Nouns
sector industry graph economy factory investment labourer agriculture product
proud industrial local
Useful Terms
develop employ replace export import train
self-sufficiency raw material private sector work force
Guessing Word meaning by Using Cotext Clues Context Clues are words or phrases that help with the understanding of new words. The clue may appear within the same sentence or the sentences that surround it
Types of Context Clues
Page 105
Reme mber The co nte other w xt is the or senten ds and ces ar ound the ne w wor ds.
1 READ the sentences carefully. Match the bolded word with the type of
context clue that helps in understanding it.
Sincerity means honesty in feelings. Although Saudi Arabia exports oil, it imports cars and machines. The private sector, that is, business not owned by the government, is important to the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy. Although many workers are diligent, some are lazy. Raw materials such as oil, wood and metal are important to the industry.
A . synonyms B . antonyms C. definition D. example E. explanation
Made In
Saudi Arabia
pre Reding A
Based on the discussion in lesson 1, what do you expect to read in the article below? Make a list. 1 ............................................................................................................. 2 ............................................................................................................. 3 .............................................................................................................
Skim the article and find if your guesses were correct. There is no doubt that industry is important to the economy of any country. It improves the living conditions by providing more jobs and investments and it leads to independency and self sufficiency. For these reasons the Saudi government decided to build a solid industrial base. The improvement of the Saudi industry started with a series of five-year Development Plans that began in 1970. These planswere carefully put to transfer the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy away from oil industry to non-oil industry. As a result, Saudi Arabia is almost self-sufficient in agriculture: wheat, vegetables and poultry. It also exports some products to over 90 countries including the USA and Britain. As part of the first Development Plan, eight industrial cities have been built across the Kingdom. The two main ones are Jubail, on the Arabian Gulf, and Yanbu on the Red Sea. These cities were chosen for their closeness to sources of raw materials and for their easy access to both local and international markets. Other major cities in the kingdom, such as Jeddah, Riyadh Page 107
Amount of Desalinated Water
Al Shauqiq
1991 1991
160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0
and Dammam, also have a firm industrial base. Their production include; petrochemicals, cement, steel, fertilizers, desalination plants, fishing villages, food and beverages, furniture, clothes and building materials. The Saudi industry consists of about 3300 factories providing jobs to over 400 thousand labourers and more than 235 billion Riyals in investment.
Al Khobar
The role of the Saudi government is very important in the country’s industrial development. It offers support and loans to the private sector. This encourages Saudi business men to start non-oil projects. The government also helps factories get raw material at lower prices and less import duties. This helps them compete with the prices and quality of the international products. Today, as the country’s seventh development plan has come to an end, Saudi Arabia has become one of the leading industrial countries among all Arab states. This great achievement makes it possible to proudly say; “Made in Saudi Arabia.”
Active Writing Main idea A
Give the main idea of this article in your own words.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Graph Reading A
Look at the graph in the reading selection then complete the following:
1 This graph is known as ...................................................................................... 2 The graph is about ............................................................................................. 3 The two years shown in the graph are ........................... and ........................... 4 The city of ................................ uses more desalinated water than other cities.
Guessing Meaning from Context Circle the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined words. Identify the context clue used 1 Industry improves the living conditions by providing more jobs and investments
and it leads to independency and self sufficiency.
a help others c give others
b needs things from others d does not need others
type of context clue ............................................................................................ 2 The improvement of the Saudi industry started with a series of five-year
Development Plans that began in 1970.
a a type of c a number of
b new look d only one
type of context clue ........................................................................................... 3 These plans, were carefully put to transform the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy away from
oil industry into non-oil industry.
a change c find
b improve d watch
Page 109
type of context clue .............................................................................................
4 As part of the Development Plan, eight industrial cities have been built across
the Kingdom from the Gulf to the Red Sea.
a in all main cities c from one side to the other
b all about d next to each other
type of context clue ............................................................................................. 5 This helps them compete the quality and prices of the international products.
a send c understand
b buy d match
type of context clue ............................................................................................. Scanning A Scan the article for the following details:
1. The five year plan started in ............................................................................ 2. The number of industrial cities in the Kingdom ............................................... 3. The number of factories in the Kingdom .......................................................... B Complete the sentences:
1. Industry is important because it ..................................... and ......................... 2. The Development Plan was carefully put to .................................................... ......................................................................................................................... 3. The role of the Saudi government
1 ...................................................................................................................... 2 ...................................................................................................................... 3 ...................................................................................................................... 4 ......................................................................................................................
Post Reading
Page 110
In groups, discuss the following question: What do you think is the role of Saudi citizens and labourers in the development plans?
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Lesson Relati
ve pro
Which That
Adjective clause
Adjective Phrase
Reducing adjective clauses to adjective phrases 3 Drop the relative pronoun + BE , when the verb in the adjective
Followed by a prepositional phrase
if the main verb is: have/has
Al Safi Dairy Farm producing 125 million liters of milk annually is the largest dairy farm in the world. The Saudis are the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading importer of barley, that is used to supply the growing dairy industries The Saudis are the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading importer of barley used to supply the growing dairy industries. Al-Safi dairy farm, which is in Al-Kharj, is another large cattle operation. Al-Safi dairy farm in Al-Kharj is another large cattle operation Al Safi Dairy Farm, which has over 24,000 head of cattle, is the largest dairy farm in the world. Al Safi Dairy Farm with over 24,000 head of cattle is the largest dairy farm in the world.
Page 111
Al Safi Dairy Farm, which is producing 125 million liters of milk annually, is the largest dairy farm in the world.
1 Shorten the following adjective clauses to adjective
phrases. The first one is an example a The first water desalination unit, which was established in
the Kingdom in 1928, provides drinking water for Jeddah. The first water desalination unit established in the Kingdom in 1928 ............................................................................................................. provides drinking water for Jeddah. ............................................................................................................. b Riyadh’s water supply, that is coming from a pipeline on the
Arabian Gulf is desalinated.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. c Saudi Arabia, that has 261 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, is the world’s
largest exporter of oil.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. d Jubail, which is on the Arabian Gulf, is a main industrial city in the Kingdom.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. e The country’s leaders, who are encouraging the growth of the Agricultural
sector, provide farmers with loans to buy new technology equipments.
Page 112
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Adective phrase The adjective phrase, is translated as ()ا�سم الفاعل. However, you may sometimes add a suitable relative pronoun to make the translation more accurate. For Example: The government’s plan aiming for the growth of the agricultural sector, provides farmers with loans to buy new equipments.
.�إن خطة احلكومة الهادفة �إىل منو القطاع الزراعي تعطي املزارعني قرو�ضا ل�شراء معدات جديدة Jubail on the Arabian Gulf is one of the industrial cities in the Kingdom.
.اجلبيل الواقعة على اخلليج العربي هي احدى املدن ال�صناعية يف اململكة Al Safi Dairy Farm with over 24,000 head of cattle is the largest dairy farm in the world.
. ر أ��س من املا�شية اكرب مزرعة أ�لبان يف العامل24,000 تعترب مزرعة أ�لبان ال�صايف املالكة ألكرث من Translate the following: 1 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia growing to be a leading industrial country
appreciates the part that long-term strategic planning has played in the developmental process.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Page 113
2 All economy parts considered in the Kingdomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Development Plans go well
together to achieve the national goals.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
3 Part of the developing plans is to increase the role played by the private sector.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 4 SABIC owned by the Saudi Government (70%) and the private sector (30%) is the
Middle Eastâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest non-oil industrial company
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
SABIC with the vision of Saudi Arabia as a leading country plays an important role in the development of human resources as well as non oil industries.
Page 114
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Pre Reading Skim the reading and look at the graphs. What is the main idea?
Active Reading Read the paragraph. Look at the graphs then do the tasks below them.
2001 1981
In the past few years, there has 1. Productive Factories been a huge growth in the Saudi 700 Industry. This is evident in the 600 increasing number of factories, 500 workers and the amount of 400 investment. The graphs below 300 show some of the industries 200 operating in the Kingdom. They 100 0 also show the investments in some of these industries, and the number of Saudi and non Saudi workers. Look at the graphs and answer the questions that follow them.
1 What is the title of the graph? ............................................................................................................. 2 Which year does the green colour represent?
............................................................................................................. 3 What does the blue colour represent? ............................................................................................................. 4 How many years difference is between the green and blue columns? ............................................................................................................. 5 How many types of industries does the graph show?
............................................................................................................. 6 Which industry shows the most increase?
Page 115
7 Arrange the factories from the least to the most productive. .............................................................................................................
2 Investments in Saudi Manufacturing Companies, March 1999
30 25 20 15 10
Look at the graph above then choose the correct answer. 1 The graph is about: ........................... a ) years b) money c) people 2 Investment in ........................... is the least. a) transport b) textile c) wood 3 ........................... is number one in investment. a) paper b)metal c) chemical
Saudi Workers 60000
Non Saudi Workers 310000
Read the following statements about graph 3, then decide if the information is True or False. 1 This is a bar graph. 2 Number of Saudi Workers to non Saudisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is a suitable title for the graph. 3 The blue colour represents non Saudi workers. 4 The graph shows there were more Saudi workers. 5 Non Saudi workers are represented by the purple colour.
Post Reading
Page 116
Which of the information in the graph is surprising to you and which is disappointing? Why?
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Pre-Listening Discuss the following questions 1 What are the Kingdomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main industries? 2 What are some of the non-oil industries in the
Kingdom? 3 Complete the table with names of farms and companies that provide the Saudi markets with dairy products, meat , poultry and fish . Poultry Farms
Dairy Farms
Sheep / cattle ( farms )
Fisheries ( companies )
Active Listening Listen to a special report from the Saudi information resource. What is the report about?
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Page 117
2 Listen again and complete the names of the products. Tons
1000000 950000 900000 850000 800000 750000 700000 650000 600000 550000 500000 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
A In groups: Look at the table of some U.S. imports from Saudi Arabia from 2001
2005. Choose five products to draw a graph showing the changes in the import rates of the product using a different colour for each product.
Compare/Contrast cue words whereas , unlike, but , although, both ..and, however, and so does, too, similarly, whereas, in a similar way., on the other hand
Page 118
B Discuss your graph with another group using compare and contrast cue words .
Made In
Saudi Arabia
U.S. Imports from Saudi Arabia 2001 to 2005 (In thousands of dollars) Value 2001
Value 2002
Value 2003
Value 2004
Value 2005
Fruits and preparations, including frozen juices
Vegetables and preparations
Bakery and confectionary products
Tea, spices, and preparations
Paper and paper products.
Farming materials.
Cotton cloth and fabrics
Wool, silk, and cloth and fabric, thread
Leather and furs-un manufactured
Plastic materials
Fish and shellfish
Stone, sand, cement, and lime
Glass-plate, sheet, etc.
Iron and steel products.
Industrial engines, pumps, compressors & generators Woodworking, glass working, & plastic & rubber machinery Agricultural machinery and equipment
4,221 12,042
3 Page 119
Fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides 89,877 42,366 92,515 81,352 131,658
U.S. Imports from Saudi Arabia 2001 to 2005 (In thousands of dollars) Value 2001
Value 2002
Value 2003
Value 2004
Value 2005
Computer accessories,
Engines for civilian aircraft
Automotive tires and tubes
Furniture, household items, baskets
Glassware, porcelain, and chinaware
Cookware, house and garden wares, tools
Household and kitchen appliances
Rugs and other textile floor coverings
Motorcycles and parts
Toys, shooting and sporting goods, and bicycles
Records, tapes, and disks
Jewellery (watches, rings, etc.)
Artwork, antiques, stamps, and other collectibles
Gem diamonds-uncut or unset
Military aircraft and parts
Telecommunications equipment
Sporting and camping apparel, footwear and gear Books, magazines, and other printed matter
Toiletries and cosmetics
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Pre Reading A Skim the reading selection and paraphrase the main idea in your own words.
............................................................................................................. As part of the Kingdom’s Development Plan that began in1970, Saudization became an urgent demand. “ Saudiization ” is the term used to describe the Kingdom’s program to replace non Saudi workers with Saudis. The goal is to raise the Saudi workforce to 80% by 2012. (See figure 1) 80 %
Workforce Saudization (companies 20+ employees)
60 %
figure 1
40 % 20 % 0%
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The Saudization plan became necessary for several important reasons. First, it is the solution to the unemployment problem that figure 2 many Saudis are facing because of the 200.000 population growth. Second, the dependence on 190.000 foreign workers has become a major weakness in the social structure (See figure 2). Finally, 180.000 most of the income that foreign workers 170.000 receive flows to their countries affecting the 160.000 Saudi economy. 150.000
Page 121
The Saudization Plan intends to Saudize 140.000 1997 2001 2002 workers at different job levels. So, recently, Filipino Workers in Saudi Arabia the government announced that taxi drivers, workers in gold shops and fruit and vegetable sellers, should all be Saudis. Equally important is the Saudization programs in industry. The Ministry of labour insists that there should be a 5% increase in the Saudi workforce every year. As for jobs that require office skills, such as secretaries, receptionists
â&#x20AC;Śetc, the Ministry of Labour and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry offer different training programs. These programs teach the importance of work ethics, time management, English, computer, and other skills They prepare the Saudi workers to face the challenge of replacing the more experienced foreign workers in the private sector. An example of the ability of Saudis to work and succeed at different job levels may be clearly seen in the Saudi Airlines figure 3 Piolts 77% Saudization program. (See graph 2) Engineers 81% The success of the Saudization plan depends on several factors. First, the role Executive and Supervisor 96.4% of the private sector in hiring more Saudis and offering them the training they need. Sales and Ground Services 99.6% Second, the responsibility of the new wave 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 of Saudi workers in learning the skills 0 Figure 3 - Workforce Saudization at Saudi Arabian expected by the private sector.Also, the Airlines (Source: Saudi Arabian Airlines) fellow citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support and respect that will strengthen the society and make it more open to development and positive change.
Active Reading Reading Graphs A Look at the graphs then complete the sentences below. Graph 1 a. The title of the graph is ................................................................................ b. The number of Saudi workers by 2011 should reach ,.................................... Graph 2 a. The graph is about ....................................................................................... b. Arrange the number of Filipino workers from most to least by year.
1 ........................... 2 ........................... 3 ........................... Graph 3
a. This graph is about ...................................................................................... b. There are more Saudi engineers than Saudi .................................................. Post Reading
In groups, discuss the following question: Do you think the Saudization plan will succeed? Why?
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Present Write Revise
Active Writing
Draft When writing the book report, include the following elements.
Book Report
Introduction Title (underlined) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Author - Genre (type ). Publication information: publisher, year, number of pages A brief (12- sentences) introduction to the book and the report.
Body Non Fiction Provide a general idea of the topic, main points, and argument Use the chapters as a guide to discussing the bookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events in a logical order
Fiction Brief descriptions of the setting, point of view (who tells the(story), the main character, and other major characters.
Use one paragraph for each point you want to make about the book Develop each paragraph using a topic sentence followed by supporting details which explain or support the topic sentence, transition words to link the details and a concluding statement. Add direct quotations from the book to support the general statements. Include your opinion
Page 123
What do you think of the book? Did you find it interesting, moving, dull? What was the best part of the book?
What new things did you learn from this book? Is the writing effective, powerful, difficult, and beautiful? Would you recommend it to friends ? Why
Briefly conclude Restate what you want your reader to know about the book.
Writing about a book you didn’t like: • Give your reasons. • Find something positive to say. • Admit this is Only Your opinion
Made In
Read the two book reports then name these parts of the following book reports: " Twilight in the Desert ", is a well written book by Matthew R. Simmons, an expert on the oil business including the Middle East. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a book of facts published by Wiley In June 5, 2006. The main idea of the book is that we are about to face the reality of limited oil production in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. The book is a bit technical and mostly includes solid information on oil extraction and oil fields in Saudi Arabia. It also includes a number of graphs, photographs, and tables. Twilight in the Desert is divided into four sections and a short appendix. The first section is 69 pages.It talks about the political and historical development of the country.It also discusses the introduction of foreign oil companies in the kingdom. Section two is just 50 pages, it tells how oil is extracted from the ground. It goes step by step from the discovery of a field to how the oil is actually extracted and processed. This includes photographs and a number of process graphs. Section three is the heart of the book, it takes up to 110 pages. It has a complete description of the oil situation in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. It also includes long lists and descriptions of about a dozen Saudi oil fields with maps and comments. The last section is about 100 pages. It describes the life cycles of various oil fields from around the world. It also shows how the oil extraction rate varies with time. Finally, there is the appendix. In this part of the book, Mr. Simmon insists that the problem with the Saudi oil fields is an old one. To prove this, he included quotes taken from government records that go back to1974. The general focus of the arguments is that many oil fields will dry out soon. When this happens, all countries will have to look for another source of energy. I think that this is a well researched and well written book and I recommend it to all readers. As oil, the lifeblood of the global economy is everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business; it made me think of the way I use energy.
Page 125
Saudi Arabia
" The Saudis " is a non fiction book written by Sandra Mackey in 1992 . This updated edition is published by W.W. Norton & Company. It tells about the period when she lived in Saudi Arabia with her husband, who was working as a doctor in the King’s new hospital. It has stories about some of the incredible changes that were going on in the Kingdom as the country was becoming the centre of the world’s oil market. One of the most interesting sections in the book was the formation of ARAMCO. It is .a group of four oil companies that developed the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. Another interesting part of the book was President Roosevelt’s visit to the country during World War II. I also liked the description of the camel race that takes place in Riyadh every year. However, being a Saudi, I was disappointed by the false information in this book. The author got the wrong idea about so many things that we do. An example of that is; why women cover up! Another real problem with the book is that it is out of date. This new edition doesn’t really cover the incredible transformations that have happened in the country since Ms. Mackey lived there. It really should have been re-edited
This book has given me a chance to form an idea of how some foreigners see Saudi Arabia. But I hope other books give a more accurate and correct picture of the Kingdom than the one presented in “The Saudis”
Made In
Saudi Arabia
2 Which book report is better? Why?
Page 127
Now write your own book report
Lesson Book Report
Post Writing Revise Peer Revising: Exchange books with a classmate. Read each other’s reports using the following check list to review . Yes Does the introduction include the book’s title and the author’s name ? Does it state the main idea? Are the ideas and the paragraphs connected with transitions? Do they develop two or three main ideas supported by details and quotations? Are the body paragraphs related to the main idea? Does the conclusion include your opinion? Is it a good wrap up to the report? Is the report neat, and readable ? Are there spelling mistakes?
Are there grammatical mistakes?
Made In
Saudi Arabia
Write Write your final draft neatly and clearly.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Present Present your report. Make sure you: Use clear speaking voice Use voice expression.
Page 129
Make good eye contact
is In th u , yo unit w: e i v e r will
R e v i s i o n
- reading graphs
- identifying facts and opinions
Listen and use the grid to assess your classmates’ presentations: Grading Guide
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Content (14 points) ........ Interesting introduction. Title and author, Clear idea about the topic . Clear supportive details. focus on topic. Description of characters, setting, problem, and resolution. ( Fiction ) Clear opinion. ............ Organization (12 points) ................................................................................... Topic is clearly stated in the introduction. Good organization of ideas. flows from one part to the next and makes sense to the listener. Good use of transitions Effective conclusion. Suitable for 3- 5 minute time limit. ......... Delivery (16 points) ........................................................................................... Good posture, eye contact, and voice. Effective use of note cards.( optional ) few filler words (“um, like, you know”). speak to the entire audience, not just one or two people. Correct and clear pronunciation. rate of speech was neither too fast nor too slow. No calling attention to errors by apologizing.
Percentage ..........................................
Page 131
use grammar correctly. .......... Total points ..........................................
7 Grading Guide
Lesson Name
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Content (14 points) ............................ Interesting introduction. Title and author, Clear idea about the topic . Clear supportive details. focus on topic. Description of characters, setting, problem, and resolution. ( Fiction ) Clear opinion. Organization (12 points) ................................................................................... Topic is clearly stated in the introduction. Good organization of ideas. flows from one part to the next and makes sense to the listener. Good use of transitions Effective conclusion. Suitable for 23- minute time limit. Delivery (16 points) ........................................................................................... Good posture, eye contact, and voice. Effective use of note cards.( optional ) few filler words (â&#x20AC;&#x153;um, like, you knowâ&#x20AC;?). speak to the entire audience, not just one or two people. Correct and clear pronunciation. rate of speech was neither too fast nor too slow. No calling attention to errors by apologizing. use grammar correctly Total points .......................................... Page 132
Percentage ..........................................
Revision Grading Guide
Lesson Name
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Content (14 points) ............................ Interesting introduction. Title and author, Clear idea about the topic . Clear supportive details. focus on topic. Description of characters, setting, problem, and resolution. ( Fiction ) Clear opinion. Organization (12 points) ................................................................................... Topic is clearly stated in the introduction. Good organization of ideas. flows from one part to the next and makes sense to the listener. Good use of transitions Effective conclusion. Suitable for 23- minute time limit. Delivery (16 points) ........................................................................................... Good posture, eye contact, and voice. Effective use of note cards.( optional ) few filler words (â&#x20AC;&#x153;um, like, you knowâ&#x20AC;?). speak to the entire audience, not just one or two people. Correct and clear pronunciation. rate of speech was neither too fast nor too slow. No calling attention to errors by apologizing. use grammar correctly Total points ..........................................
Page 133
Percentage ..........................................
7 Grading Guide
Lesson Name
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Content (14 points) ............................ Interesting introduction. Title and author, Clear idea about the topic . Clear supportive details. focus on topic. Description of characters, setting, problem, and resolution. ( Fiction ) Clear opinion. Organization (12 points) ................................................................................... Topic is clearly stated in the introduction. Good organization of ideas. flows from one part to the next and makes sense to the listener. Good use of transitions Effective conclusion. Suitable for 23- minute time limit. Delivery (16 points) ........................................................................................... Good posture, eye contact, and voice. Effective use of note cards.( optional ) few filler words (â&#x20AC;&#x153;um, like, you knowâ&#x20AC;?). speak to the entire audience, not just one or two people. Correct and clear pronunciation. rate of speech was neither too fast nor too slow. No calling attention to errors by apologizing. use grammar correctly Total points ..........................................
Page 134
Percentage ..........................................
Revision Grading Guide
Lesson Name
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Content (14 points) ............................ Interesting introduction. Title and author, Clear idea about the topic . Clear supportive details. focus on topic. Description of characters, setting, problem, and resolution. ( Fiction ) Clear opinion. Organization (12 points) ................................................................................... Topic is clearly stated in the introduction. Good organization of ideas. flows from one part to the next and makes sense to the listener. Good use of transitions Effective conclusion. Suitable for 23- minute time limit. Delivery (16 points) ........................................................................................... Good posture, eye contact, and voice. Effective use of note cards.( optional ) few filler words (â&#x20AC;&#x153;um, like, you knowâ&#x20AC;?). speak to the entire audience, not just one or two people. Correct and clear pronunciation. rate of speech was neither too fast nor too slow. No calling attention to errors by apologizing. use grammar correctly Total points ..........................................
Page 135
Percentage ..........................................
1 Put the words in categories:
immigrate friend
....................... ...................... ................... ................
................. ................... .................... ...................... .......................
financial export
family graph
antonyms synonyms
....................... ...................... .................... ................... .................
2 Choose the right words to complete the sentences: a Since the beginning of the Palestinian (uprising – industry), many
of the deaths and injuries have happened due to the attacks on (refugee – clash) camps and residential areas. b The doctors for (Human Rights – Israel team) found that the Israeli
army has used rubber (bullets – chemicals) against Palestinian children. c Another (violation – victory) to human Rights is the (settlers’ – refugees’)
attack against the Palestinians under the protection of the Israeli soldiers . d On June 1, 2001, in Sawyeh village near Nablus, settlers burned the wheat fields
and (destroyed – killed) the sheep. This action happened in an area that is under the protection of the Israeli (army – enemy). e An example of the ( cruel – violence), inhuman acts of Israeli army is using Page 136
Palestinian children as human shields .
3 Underline and identify the type of Context Clues for the following:
a The issue of Saudiziation is one of the of the most important subjects for the
Saudi governments.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. b Prince Naif called on youth, young people, to accept different jobs and to seek
any work opportunities.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Palestine was a main exporter to the neighboring lands and Europe for many years. It was famous for the production of olives and olive oil. In fact, it was one of the main exporters of the olive tree. Palestine was also famous for its agricultural industry. Products like Nablus soap and Hebron glass were famous around the country and throughout the region.
Page 137
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
View to of the importance of training human resources, the Ministry of Agriculture built several training centers. These centers which are located in Riyadh, al-Qasim, al-Hofuf and Jizan, to train officials from the Ministry and farmers and their children.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Agriculture represented 60 percent of the local Palestenian economy. However, this has changed after the Israeli occupation . The Israeli army has ruined 42,000 dunums of land (1 dunum =1,000 square meters), removed 25,000 olive and fruit trees, and destroyed strawberry fields for â&#x20AC;&#x153;securityâ&#x20AC;? reasons. In Gaza, 15% of the crops have been flattened.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. The development plans had made the kingdom self sufficient in dairy products and poultry in the year 1985.
Page 138
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
1 Listen to the following report about Palestinian children
then answer the questions that follow.
1. The main idea of the report is ..........................................................
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 Which of the following sentences are facts and which are opinions ?
Put F for facts and O for opinions: a Palestinian children are the most tragic victims of the occupation and the Aqsa Intifadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. b â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It was found that 94.6% of children have witnessed a funeral.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; c It is what many Palestinian children see with their own eyes on a daily basis and what, I think , should be stopped by the whole world. 3 Listen again to complete the graph about the kind of violence Palestinian
children suffer from .
ga ar te y tb hi
... ... . ...
Page 139
... .
itn w
... ... ... ...
tin oo sh
es se
... ... . ... ... .
... ... ...
Kinds of Violence Palestinian Children Suffer From
A Underline the adjective clauses in the following passage .
January 08, 2005 ’ Made in Saudi Arabia mobile phones ’ A new type of mobile phones will be launched by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the end of January—The Islamic Saudi Mobile Phone, reports: GMR News “ Saudi Television Manufacturing Company (STMC) has manufactured the first ‘mobile phone made in Saudi Arabia’ The technology that was developed for that purpose cost about nine million dollars. “The product is made without any foreign collaboration ,” Claimed Ghazi Saleh Al-Shalhoub, chairman STMC ,as quoted in Arab News. The new phone, which has a high memory capacity, has the ability to save incoming and outgoing numbers and record calls lasting more than fifteen minutes. The phone is also equipped with a battery that is designed to last twelve hours of use. The Qibla direction and prayer times of over 5,000 cities are provided in different languages as a special feature of the phone
B Copy the sentences changing the adjective clauses to adjective phrases
when possible
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Page 140
............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
C Join the sentences using a relative pronoun: 1 The Saudi Ministry of Labor estimates about seven million foreigners
live in the kingdom .They make up around two-thirds of the total workforce and 95 percent of labor in the private sector.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 The government has prioritized “ Saudiization,”. It aims to increase employment of
Saudi nationals in all sectors.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 3 The main reason for “Saudization” is the high unemployment rate of Saudi youth.
It is around 32 percent.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 4 The first efforts to encourage Saudi workforce participation failed and the number
of foreign workers increased .These efforts have started as early as 1932.
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 5 The successful efforts of the airline, oil and banking sectors show that
“Saudization” can be applied. Their workforces are estimated 70 to 100 percent Saudis.
Page 141
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................
A Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.
Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) is one of the largest petrochemical companies in the world. SABIC began its journey in 1975, it took the company twenty years to become one of the leading companies in the Middle East. The Saudi Government owns 70% of the company, the rest is owned by the private sector. These private sectors include Saudis and others from the Gulf area. The idea of partnership which means two or more join together in work, is SABIC’s policy for the development of business. Today, SABIC has 16 major industrial plants in Jubail , Yanbu , Jeddah and Dammam. Its businesses include: Basic Chemicals, Polymers, and Metals, producing chemicals, plastics, industrial gases, steel and other metals. In 1985, SABIC’s total production was about 6.2 million metric tons. By the end of 1999, it had reached 25 million metric tons and by the year 2000 it reached 35 million metric tons. These products were sold not only in domestic markets but also to international markets exceeding 5.33 billion U.S. dollars in 1999. SABIC employs a total of 16,000 people; over 70 percent of them are Saudi nationals. The Saudization strategy that SABIC follows is part of the Saudi labor law. This law requires large companies to employ a certain percent of Saudi nationals. The emphasis on «Saudiization» is increasing because at least 90% of the workers in the country are foreigners while many Saudis are unemployed.
Page 142
There is no doubt that SABIC has an important role in the development of petrochemical industry in the country. At the same time it encourages the private sector to participate in the economic growth. It also arms Saudis with skills that will allow them to develop the modern industrialized economy.
1 The main idea of this article
............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 According to the article SABIC is a
a. 100% Saudi company. b. Joined company. c. non Saudi company.
3 The private sector owns ………….. of SABIC.
a. 70% b. 30% c. 100%
4 In this article, the word leading means the
a. the biggest. b. the oldest. c. most important.
5 The word partnership is guessed through,
a. synonym. b. example. c. definition. 6 The antonym of the word exceed is a. more than. b. less than. c. the same as.
Page 143
7 Use the information in the third paragraph to draw bars in the graph below. Million metric tons 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
مت بحمد اهلل