1428/5372 : ´Gó`` ` ` ` jE’G º`` ` `bQ 978- 9960 - 48 - 456 - 3 : ∂eOQ
Ω2011- Ω2010 / `g1432 - `g1431 á«ÑjôŒ á©ÑW ÖdÉ£dG ÜÉàc (™HGôdG iƒà°ùŸG ` ` ∑ΰûŸG èeÉfÈdG) äGQô≤ŸG Ωɶf ` …ƒfÉãdG º«∏©àdG
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ق ��ررت وزارة الرتبيـــــــــــــــــــــ ��ة والتعليــــــــــــــــ ��م تدري�س ه ��ذا الكتــــــــــــــــاب وطبعه على نفقتها
طبعة جتريبية 1431ـــ 1432هـ 2010ـــ 2011م
`g 1428 , º«∏©àdGh á«HôàdG IQGRh ì ô°ûædG AÉæKCG á«æWƒdG ó¡a ∂∏ªdG áÑàµe á°Sô¡a
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1428/5372 : ´GójE’G ºbQ 978-9960-48-456-3 : ∂eOQ
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ègÉæª∏d áeÉ©dG IQGOE’G ø°ùM ≈∏Y ó¡°ûJ ¬àaɶf π©éædh ¬«∏Y ßaÉëæ∏a Iô«Ñc IóFÉah ᪡e ᪫b Qô≤ªdG Gò¡d . ¬©e Éæcƒ∏°S áÑàµe π©éæ∏a IOÉØà°SÓd ΩÉ©dG ôNBG »a á°UÉîdG ÉæàÑàµe »a Qô≤ªdG Gò¡H ßØàëf ºd GPEG . ¬H ßØàëJ Éæà°SQóe ájOƒ©°ùdG á«Hô©dG áµ∏ªªdG ` º«∏©àdGh á«HôàdG IQGRƒd áXƒØëe ô°ûædGh ™Ñ£dG ¥ƒ≤M
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…ƒfÉãdG º«∏©àdG IQGOEG
…ƒfÉãdG º«∏©àdG IQGOE’ »fhôàµdE’G ójôÑdG Secondary-Education@curriculum.gov.sa
4 ت�أليـــــف �أ� .أنفـــال بنت عبدالعزيز �صــــابر �أ�.سحـ ��ر بنت ر�ش ��دي العظمــة �أ�.إمي ��ان بن ��ت جميــ ��ل فكهــ ��اين �أ�.سمريةبنتحممدح�سنيزيدان �أ.حنـ ��ان بنت ر�ض ��وان �سروجـي �أ.هنـاء بنت غازي جمدلــــي
مراجعة وتدقيق �أ.ذاكــــــــرة بنـــت �أختــــــــــر مــــرزا
�أ.زكيــ ��ة بن ��ت معتـ ��وق ح�سنيــن
جلنة املراجعة النهائية �أ.عبداهلل بن �سعد البدري
�أ.خــالــد خمــــي�س �سعــيــــــد
�أ�شرف على الت�صميم الفني والتعليمي �أ.خــالــد خمــــي�س �سعــيــــــد
�أ.عبداهلل بن �سعد البدري
unit 1 unit 2 unit 3
Character Counts Lesson 1... page 1
Lesson 5... page 13
Lesson 2... page 5
Lesson 6... page 16
Lesson 3... page 8
Lesson 7... page 19
Lesson 4... page 11
Lesson 8... page 24
Communication Skills Lesson 1... page 25
Lesson 5... page 35
Lesson 2... page 28
Lesson 6... page 40
Lesson 3... page 30
Lesson 7... page 43
Lesson 4... page 33
Lesson 8... page 46
Revision Lesson 1... page 49 Lesson 2... page 54 Lesson 3... page 58 Lesson 4... page 62
unit 4 unit 5 unit 6
Community Calls Lesson 1... page 63
Lesson 5... page 74
Lesson 2... page 66
Lesson 6... page 78
Lesson 3... page 69
Lesson 7... page 81
Lesson 4... page 71
Lesson 8... page 84
Career Plans Lesson 1... page 86
Lesson 5... page 96
Lesson 2... page 89
Lesson 6... page 100
Lesson 3... page 92
Lesson 7... page 105
Lesson 4... page 94
Lesson 8... page 108
Revision Lesson 1... page 110 Lesson 2... page 115 Lesson 3... page 118 Lesson 4... page 121
Playing Cards Unit 1 - Lesson 1... page 126 Unit 5 - Lesson 1... page 127 Unit 5 - Lesson 6... page 129
Building Skills / Book 4 Introduction Secondary school students need to be prepared for the world in which they live. Book 4 accomplishes this task by providing challenging and appropriate educational experiences that develop the individual intellectually, morally and socially. Students will be able to communicate effectively, read proficiently, and think critically, as well as to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic life skills. As it is important for students to have the opportunity to learn and apply life skills at school, these skills are addressed into the subject content area for students to become successful citizens. All students will make decisions and solve problems by specifying goals, identifying resources and constraints, generating alternatives, considering impacts, choosing appropriate alternatives, and evaluating results. Students will appreciate the importance of these skills and become lifelong learners and successful in the global community. Book 4 brings to light four essential goal areas for secondary school students: Character, Communication, Community and Career.
The Goal Areas
Character Communication
Character Students of all ages need to get a kind of education, which will reinforce character building, or education. It teaches students about basic human values and ethics including honesty, trustworthiness, caring, courage, fairness and respect. The goal is to help students become morally responsible and self disciplined citizens. Students will recognize how character and behaviour affect and influence the actions of others. They will seek and model positive personal development, learning and growth. Communication Communication is a give-and-take process that includes selecting, analyzing, and giving information to others using a variety of methods. Communication skills are essential to successful performance in the workplace. Students will learn techniques to communicate clearly. All students will apply basic communication skills (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, and listening), as well as the appropriate communication strategies for a given situation. They will listen well and offer productive feedback. They will be introduced to communication barriers and sequences of these barriers. Career The ability to identify personal interest, aptitudes and qualities of character that lead to a career path is an essential goal area for students to discover. Students will understand the academic skills needed in several occupational fields. They will use acquired knowledge to choose among a variety of career paths. Students will acquire, organize, interpret, and evaluate information from career awareness and exploration activities, to identify and to pursue their career goals. Community Social responsibility is an obligation that leads to realize and support the welfare of individuals and society. This includes participating in social activities, recognizing community problems, valuing common properties, and respecting authority figures. Students will develop their awareness of their responsibilities as good citizens. They will be encouraged to participate in community service and B
social activities. They will voluntarily respond to the needs of others. They will also gain knowledge of the important role of the authority in the community. Course components: Building Skills 4 consists of a student’s book, a workbook, a teacher’s manual and audiotapes. Student’s Book: consists of four core units and two review units. Each unit consists of eight lessons that cater for the four major language skills; e.g. Listening, speaking reading and writing. Workbook: provides practice activities. These exercises provide additional practice to the teaching material presented in class. The workbook can be used in class or for homework. Teacher’s Manual: gives detailed suggestions on how to teach the book with answer keys. In addition, teachers are encouraged to use authentic material as extra practice. Audiotapes: they contain recordings of listening activities and readings.
Guide to Building Skills / Book 4 The Book Map: A helpful guide for teachers. Under each unit title, a summary of content, language and strategy of the unit is provided. A Chapter Breaker: Introduces the unit and builds up student expectations. It sets the specific goals of the unit. Lesson One: Discussion introduces the topic and the vocabulary of the unit, with a variety of activities. Lesson Two: Vocabulary building strategy is presented in a contextualized manner. Vocabulary of the unit is pre-taught and are recycled throughout the unit. C
Lessons Three and Four: Reading lessons elaborate on the topic and present the reading strategy. Each reading selection is preceded by pre-reading and followed by post reading exercises. Lesson Five: Grammar and Translation: Grammar is functional based and follows the same content theme of the units. It is presented in context and contains different types of communicative activities. Translation is presented to throw light on the unit grammar. Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the target language and Arabic. Lesson Six: Listening and Speaking are functional in nature. Theme- related dialogues are presented in natural language. Speaking activities are used as post listening activities to give students a chance for more language practice and development. Lessons Seven and Eight: Writing lessons provide different techniques to help students come up with ideas and develop thinking skills. Drafting is the actual writing. At this stage, students express their ideas and feelings freely. Reviewing, Editing and Writing the Final Draft come as a final step of the writing process. Peer revision is required.
3 Revision
2 Communication Matters.
1 Character Counts.
Level: 4
- Listening for details.
Listening Strategy
- Raising self awareness of - Listening to one's identify communications purpose. skills.
- Raising self awareness of one's positive and negative character traits.
Personal Development Areas
Building Skills
- Inferring the moral of story.
Reading Strategy
- Guessing meaning of words using verbal cues.
Vocabulary Strategy
- Writing a - Prefixes personal and suffixes. email.
- Writing a personal develop ment plan.
- Talking about effective techniques and - Identifying communicawriter's tion barriers. purpose.
- Talking about us.
Speaking Strategy
Book Map
- Apply the steps of skillful decision making. - Applying effective listening techniques.
- Translating questions.
- Setting Goals.
- Translating tenses ( future perfect ). - Asking open ended questions to improve communication.
- Recognize / follow the steps of skilful decision making.
Thinking Skills & Life Skills - Talking about goals and dreams using the future perfect.
Grammar & Translation
6 Revision
5 Career plans.
4 Community Calls.
- Raise awareness of how one's interests, skills and abilities affect career choice.
- Raise awareness of one's role in the society.
Personal Development Areas
- Inferring.
- Inferring.
Listening Strategy
Reading Strategy
- Forming compound nouns.
Vocabulary Strategy
- Writing a career Categorizing. plan.
- Writing a letter of complaint.
- Talking about skills, - Inferring. abilities and career choices.
- Talking about the problems in the society - Inferring. and ways to solve them.
Speaking Strategy
- Practicing decision making skill. - Setting goals and planning.
- Translating participials adjectives.
- Setting goals and planning.
- Translating modals.
- Talking about feelings.
- Practicing decision making skills.
Thinking Skills & Life Skills
- Talking about abilities and obligations using modals.
Grammar & Translation
Character Counts Lesson
Unit Objectives - Describe one's character. - Read to infer the moral of a story. - Make a skillful decision. - Listen for details. - Set SMART goals. - Speak about personal goals. - Write a personal development plan.
A Read the quote.
"Character means you always do what is right even when no one is watching you"
B Look at the tree below. What does it tell you about "character"?
Character Counts
C After reading the quote and discussing the picture, write your
own definition of "Character" in the space below.
D Make simple drawing of your definition of word of "Character" inside the box.
E In pairs, compare your definitions, then look at the dictionary to
decide on a definition for the word "character".
Discussion questions 1 What are the pillars of a good character? 2 Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) had the perfect character, but he was
mostly known for two important traits, what were they?
3 Name three people with a good character. Which character quality are they known
4 What do you think would happen if people did not have good characters?
5 How can a person improve his character traits?
Questionnaire A Read the following list of character traits. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 3.
1= a little
2= somewhat
3 = extremely
Pillars of Good Character + More Pillars
This means: ● Being fair, straight, sincere, keeping promises and not cheating or lying.
● Being truthful. ● Distinguishing between right and wrong and doing what is right.
Trust worthiness
● Following the golden rule (treat people the way you want to be treated) ● Accepting personal differences. ● Performing all duties or tasks carefully. ● Being dependable. ● Doing what needs to be done in fearful or difficult situations. ● Facing difficulties with determination. ● keeping ones word and promises. ● keeping secrets; never betraying confidence or trust. ● Being kind, friendly, and willing to listen, give and share. ● Showing concern for others. ● Participating in improving your school or community.
● Obeying laws, rules and respecting authority.
● Protecting the environment.
Character Counts
B What did you learn about your character? Which of these pillars is
your strongest trait? Write a sentence describing your character. Example: I am a person of my word / I treat people the way I want to be treated.
........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................
Me in Design If you were to make a T-shirt that reects your character, how would you design it? Be creative; add a drawing, a quote or a saying. But do not write your name. You will play a guessing game with your classmates.
In groups: Collect the T-shirt designs and pick one. Then read the description and guess who it belongs to.
Vocabulary check These words appear in the unit. Check ( ) the familiar ones. character
short/ long term
Guessing meaning of words, using cue words. The explanation of a word is usually recognized by cue words such as: that is is / are called in other words is / are which is / are a person who / a place where mean / means / meaning is / are defined as
A Read then complete the table below.
Character is defined as the combination of qualities in a person. However, it is important to understand that most people have positive and negative qualities. In other words, a person may have strong and weak qualities. These qualities affect our self-discipline; that is our ability to control ourselves. In addition, they affect our decisions which are the choices we make. Thus, it is important to identify our weakness in order to strengthen our character. One way of strengthening our character is by writing a personal development plan, which is a list of actions you need to take in order to achieve a goal. While writing your personal development plan, make sure you set SMART goals. SMART, stands for the characteristics of our goals, which should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Rewarding and Timed. Our goals, whether short-termed or long-termed, will succeed if planned carefully.
Vocabulary Word
Lesson Explanation or meaning
Verbal cues
1 Character 2 positive qualities 3 negative qualities 4 self discipline 5 decisions
B Put "P" by the words that are positive character qualities and "N" by the ones
that are the negative character qualities.
............ honesty
............ distrustful
............ caring
............ disrespect
............ responsibility
............ cowardice
C Match the words above to their meanings below. Then, rewrite them in complete
sentences useing the verbal cues on page 12.
1 ..................................................... thinking about other peoples' needs or wants.
............................................................................................................................. 2 ................................................................ someone people can't trust or believe.
............................................................................................................................. 3 .......................................................... doing what needs to done in a good way.
............................................................................................................................. 4 .................................... being rude and impolite to others or hurting their feelings.
............................................................................................................................. 5 .......................................................... the fear to do what you want or believe in.
............................................................................................................................. 6 ............................................................. to tell the truth and not to cheat or steal.
D In Pairs: Rewrite the following paragraph to include deďŹ nitions for the underlined
words. Use your dictionary to help you.
Before making a decision, there are few steps to keep in mind. First, think of all possible options, then choose the one that suits you best. After that, consider the pros and cons for that option. Study the pros and cons carefully and decide if you have made a good choice or if you need to think of another option.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Self assessment Go back to the word list in the vocabulary check. Tick the new words you have learnt. Use the dictionary to look up the words you still do not know.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Pre- Reading Discuss the questions below. 1 What does each image represent?
2 Give examples of the decisions we make everyday. 3 Give examples of decisions that need careful thinking. 4 What steps do you take to reach a decision?
5 Does a person's character affect his decisions? Give examples.
Active Reading A Read the first part of Monty's story, then do the skillful decision making
activity. The Story of Monty Monty was the son of a horse trainer of little means, that is having very little money. During the last year of school, Monty's teacher assigned his class a writing project asking then to describe what they wanted to be when they grew up. Monty was very excited about the assignment. He knew exactly what he wanted; he had a goal and had already made plans to reach it. His seven-page essay described in details the 200-acre ranch that he wanted to own. His essay also included a drawing of the ranch and a detailed floor plan of his 4,000 square foot home. Despite the effort Monty put into his paper, he got an "F" on it. There was also a note from his teacher to see him after class. The teacher told Monty that the reason he had given him that grade was that his paper was unrealistic. He went on to explain the reasons why, and then he told Monty that if he would rewrite the paper with a more realistic goal, he would reconsider the grade.
The conclusion of this true story has the teacher bringing 30 students for a summer camp out at 200- acre ranch of the now successful Monty who lives in his 4,000 square foot dream home. This story shows that courage requires intention, will power, as well as and applying energy in the direction - we want to do, we usually find the time and energy for it is the us forword successfully.
After considering it for a week, the young man turned in the same paper with on changes, along with the remark, "you can keep the fand i'll keep my dream." Page
Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfie
Class Activity
3 Look at the graphic organizer below and complete it.
2 What options does he have?
1 What do you think Monty's decision will be?
g ? in of rk ary s Ma ss ce n ece en io n ? qu cis n o e i es the De is ns nc ul dec ns? co ue of illf a tio ly eq t ns igh Sk es op ike co in l ak y e l t m e m th the t ha t ar are ? are bes a n 1.W Wh at ptio ant is h o rt n 2. o W o h i p ? t 3. eac im op ces w h n Ho hic ue W nseq co
Decision Making Skill
What should ................................ do?
CHOICE Is this a good thing to do?
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Why?
...................................................................... 4 Read the reversed part of Monty's story to ďŹ nd out what he has
Page 10
decided. What do you think of Monty's decision?
Inferring the moral of a story Some stories are meant to teach you a lesson besides being entertaining. The moral of the story is the message conveyed or the lesson taught. The moral may be left to the reader to infer, or may be clearly stated.
B Read " The Story of Monty" again, then answer the questions below. 1 What is the moral of Monty's story? a It is easy to achieve success. b People can stop you from fulďŹ lling your dream. c Success starts with a dream and a plan. 2 Tick the quality that best characterizes Monty. Why?
responsibility .
3 What did Monty's teacher predict? Was he right? 4 An important reason for Monty's success was his ability to: a draw the farm well. b set a goal for himself. c show he was poor. 5 Number the steps that Monty took to achieve his goal:
faced difďŹ culties with courage. had a goal (a dream). worked hard to achieve it.
visualized it.
Vocabulary The following sentences are taken from Monty's story. Use your dictionary to find definitions of the underlined words. Rewrite the sentences to include the definitions and cues. 1 Monty was very excited about this assignment.
....................................................................................................................... 2 Despite the passion effort Monty had put into his paper, he got an (F) on it.
....................................................................................................................... 3 This story shows that success requires intention, will power, as well as working
in the right direction.
Post Reading In groups, discuss the following questions: 1 What type of story is Monty's?
2 How did Monty's story make you feel? Why?
....................................................................................................................... 3 What did you learn from the story?
....................................................................................................................... 4 What does Monty's teacher represent?
....................................................................................................................... 5 Do you have a dream? What is it?
....................................................................................................................... 6 Have you planned to achieve it? How?
Page 12
Talking about actions that will be complete at specific time in the future In pairs, read the conversation. Compare the tenses of the underlined verbs: A I've always dreamt of being a person who makes a difference. My
big goal is to be an international peace maker. B Wow, oh really. And how do you plan to do that? A I will start by improving two of my traits: courage and citizenship. By
the end of the year, I will have supported many students at school. At the same time I will have started a No Littering project in my neighborhood. B Will that be enough? A Of course not, but at least I will have achieved the first part of my plan by the time
I graduate
Future perfect Tense The Future Perfect is used to express an activity that will be completed by or before specified time or event in the future The Future Perfect is formed the following way: Subject + will have + past participle. It is usually used with a time clause, for example, "by the time, by tomorrow, by 7 o’clock, by next month / before" The time clause will use the Present Simple tense. Examples: By the time I finish high school, I will have taken the Toefl. Before the end of September, I will have taken the Toefl. A Choose the correct form of the verb between brackets. 1 My little brother (will have taken – will take) a personality type test by this time tomorrow. 2 By two o’clock, they (will have given – will give) him the result. 3 The results (will show – will have shown) the character traits he needs to improve upon. Page 13
4 I think, by this time next week, he (will have written – will write) a plan to improve himself.
Grammar and Translation
B Make the following sentences negative. 1 I will have finished High School by 2009.
......................................................................... 2 She will have achieved her short term goal by the end of September.
C Form affirmative sentences using the future perfect and the given word.
1 (a plan) .........................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................... 2 (caring) .........................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................... 3 ( goal ) .........................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................... D In pairs, read each sentence and decide if the statement after it has the same
meaning ( ) or not ( ):
1 By 2010, our school will have started the first character development program.
The program will start before 2010. 2 By the time other schools learn about the program, our school will have already used it. Other schools will know about the program before our school use it. 3 Before the end of next year, about 200 students will have learnt how to develop their character. Students will learn about the program next year. E Think about the future and write three things you will have achieved by this
time next year. Discuss with a partner.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Page 14
Translation of Tenses: The Future perfect : When translating the future perfect, will have is usually translated as
ób ¿ƒµ«°S / ób ¿ƒµj ±ƒ°S e.g I will have taken an English course by the time I graduate.
ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d ¢SQƒc â°SQO ób ¿ƒcCG ±ƒ°S »LôîJ óæY hCG.»LôîJ âbh ∫ƒ∏ëH ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d ¢SQƒc äòNCG ób ¿ƒcCÉ°S The time expressions have different translations : Untill / till
By the time
By ( month- day )
ﺑﺣﻠﻭﻝ ﻭﻗﺕ
( ﻳﻭﻡ-ﺑﺣﻠﻭﻝ ) ﺷﻬﺭ
Translate the following: Today, I learnt that citizenship means being a responsible member of one's community and country. So, I have planned to become a good citizen. By next December, I will have come to know everyone in my neighborhood. By February, I will have started a project to clean up the streets in our area. By the end of the school year, I will have set up recycling bins for paper, glass and aluminum. I will also have convinced house owners to plant trees and flowers in front of their houses. Therefore by the time I am seventeen, I will have contributed to my community and will have become a good citizen.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Page 15
Listening and Speaking
Pre-Listening Study the illustration and answer the questions.
a What is the student's long term goal? b What are his short term goals? c Compare his short term goals and long term goals. d What is the purpose of setting goals? e What makes a goal successful? f
Do you know what your goals are?
Active Listening You will hear a part of Dr. Robinson‘s lecture at the Lifelong Learning School. Listen to the lecture and answer the questions that follow each segment.
Segment 1 A You will hear the ďŹ rst segment of the lecture twice. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Fill in the missing information for the following statements.
Title of lecture: ............................................................................................... Page 16
2 What is the main idea of the lecture? Choose the correct statement. a Writing the definition of a goal. b Setting long term goals. c Using a goal setting strategy. 3 Write what the acronym S.M.A.R.T stands for:
S ............................................................ SMART Goals Must Be
Segment 2
M ............................................................ A ............................................................ R ............................................................ T ............................................................
B To put your goal statement to the SMART test, you need to ask a set of questions.
Listen to the second segment of Dr. Robinson’s lecture and write down the questions.
Segment 3 C Listen to the final segment and rearrange Dr. Robison’s advice in the order he
Page 17
mentioned. Review your goal daily. Think about what you want to achieve. Develop a SMART goal. Write down your goal statement.
Listening and Speaking
A In groups of four, brainstorm goals for each character trait given in the goal
tracker below.
In the first column, list a long term goal. In the second column, list short term goals that will help you reach your long term goal. Always make your long term goals SMART: Specific, Rewarding, Achievable, Measurable and Timed. SMART Goal Specific- Measurable- Achievable - Rewarding-Timed Long Term Goals
Short Term Goal
● Always starts with "To" ● In Present tense
● Describes the moment of achievement
Things you do in order to achieve your long- term goal.
Category Selection Honesty Trustwortheness Caring
B Individually, think of two other traits you need to improve in order to become a
better student. Write them in the Goal Tracker then set SMART goals for each one.
Page 18
C Discuss your goals with your group members.
Pre writing A Discuss the questions:
● How do successful people make their dreams come true? ● What is planning? ● What do you usually plan for? how? ● Why is it important to write your plan?
Personal Development Plan or Action Plan A personal development plan is a list of actions that you need to take to achieve a goal. It will help you plan what to do, how, when and how long. It will also help you overcome any difficulties you may face as you move towards your goal. In other words; a personal development plan can be considered a road map that will get you from point A to Z when goals are set. Action Plan Outline My Long Term Goal
Short Term Goals to achieve
Actions Required
Long Term Goal
Target Date Who or What Can for Action
Help Me
The organizations Work for the Unicef when I am
Page 19
25 years old
Help the poor and Be more caring
the needy in my neighbourhood
Six months.
that know about
Time because the
the cases in my
poor may be too
neighborhood My
many but I will divide
them to groups
With a partner, discuss the steps of writing an action plan, then rearrange them in the order you think is best. Set SMART goals.
Monitor progress regularly.
Make a step by step list of actions.
Identify possible difficulties.
Outline your plan.
Planning: 1 Setting goals a Think of one of your long term goals. Write it down. Make sure it is smart.
................................................................................................................ b Ask yourself what character trait(s) you need to improve in order to achieve
your long term goal. Write the character trait(s) you want to improve. -e.g citizenship ........................................................................................ c Write a short term goal to improve the character trait you need to develop.
-e.g Citizenship: Volunteer in a reading program for little children.
................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................
Page 20
2 Making a step by step list of actions
List the action steps you will take to achieve your goal(s). Follow the example. Character Trait
Page 21
Short Term Goal
Volunteer in a reading program for little children next term
Steps / Actions
1. Read a book about how to deal with little kids. 2. Choose books suitable for kids. 3. Ask people who volunteered before for tips and advice.
1st week 1st month 1st week
Writing B
Outlining your plan: This is the stage where you can be creative. Make your plan outline as expressive and meaningful as possible. Use webs, pictures, shapes ‌ etc, to make your outline clear and easy to remember. Study the examples below.
Action plan Outline
Goal Work for the
Short Term Goals to achieve
Actions Required
Long Term Goal Be more caring
Help the poor and
Target Date Who or What Can for Action
Help Me
Six months. The organizations Time because the
Unicef when I am
the needy in my
that know about
poor may be too
25 years old
the cases in my
many but I will divide
neighborhood My
them to groups
Page 22
My Long Term
Active Writing: Drafting: Personal Development Plan Essay In the essay that describes your plan, write your goal in the introductory paragraph. In the body, list the steps. Use time order words to clarify the sequence of the steps. In the concluding paragraph, restate your goal.
Time order words First – First of all-To begin with Second – Third Next – Then After – Afterwards – After that Finally – Lastly – In the end
Read the PDP essay below. What is the writer's goal and what are the steps he will take to achieve it?
I have always dreamt of working with the UNICEF, but by being honest with myself I found that I need to be more responsible and more caring. Hence, I'll have to work upon these personal traits. Firstly, I will work hard to be more caring. I will do some community service like participating in our neighborhood committee to help the poor and the needy. I will collect money and distribute food and medicine. So, by this time next year, I will have participated in, at least, two community projects. Secondly, to become more responsible person I have decided to do all my school assignments independently without asking for help. I will not allow myself to postpone any school assignment. I have also planned to assign for myself some house chores such as washing the car twice a week or setting the dinner table every evening. I will increase the number of house chores gradually to increase my responsibilities, which will also force me to manage my time more wisely. Thus by the end of this years I will have become a more responsible person who is a skillful time manager.
Page 23
If I follow this plan, I strongly believe that by time I am 20, I will have become caring enough and responsible enough to be able to.
Post Writing: Peer Revision: Exchange plans. Review and discuss suggestions. 1 Is the long term goal stated clearly? 2 Are the action steps clear and do they help achieve the goal? 3 Are there any weaknesses in the plan? 4 How can they be corrected? 5 Can the plan be made clearer and more exciting?
Editing Use the following checklist to edit your essay. Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Format
1 Does each sentence have a subject and a verb? 2 Are the verb tenses used correctly? 3 Are capital letters used where necessary? 4 Are punctuation rules followed correctly? 5 Are there any spelling mistakes?
Writing a Final Draft - Write a neat ďŹ nal copy of your personal development plan in your workbook.
Page 24
Once you have made your plan outline and written your personal development plan make sure you use your plan. Put it in a place where you can see it daily as a constant reminder of what you need to do and to make sure you are on track.
Communication Skills Unit Objectives - Define "Communication" - Evaluate one's communication skills. - Use prefixes and suffixes. - Read to identify writer's purpose. - Apply skillful decision making. - Listen to identify purpose. - Speak using certain expressions. - Write personal email.
A. Discuss the quote.
A Discuss the quote.
"The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said". Peter F. Druckere B Look at the diagram below. What does it tell you about the "Communication
Page 25
Communication Skills
C After reading the quote and discussing the diagram, write your own definition
for "Communication" in the space below.
D Make a simple drawing of the word "communication"
E In pairs, compare your definitions, then find a definition for "Communication"
in the dictionary.
Discussion questions 1 Why do people communicate and how? 2 What does the communication process include? 3 Which do you think is more effective: sending emails or using the phone? 4 Why does miscommunication take place? 5 What is the difference between listening and hearing? 6 How do people communicate verbally / non-verbally?
Page 26
7 Name two differences between verbal and nonverbal communication?
Questionnaire How do you rate your Communication skill? Fill in the the questionnaire and add your score to find out. always
1 I give people my full attention while they're
talking to me.
2 I listen for content and feelings when
talking to others
3 I speak clearly with the right tone. 4 My facial expressions and gestures show
my feelings and attitudes.
5 I use courtesy words and phrases:
e.g. "Please, Thank you, Sorry, You're welcome,"
6 I try to understand others' feelings. 7 I show respect for other people's ideas and
feelings, even when I disagree with them.
8 When I disagree with a person, I listen, ask
questions for clarification, then disagree without being judgmental.
9 I am open to feedback, and I
communicate difficult truths in a respectful way.
10 I can deal with difficult people without becoming negative myself. You could If you
You are an
If you
You tend to be
If you
benefit from
a very good
35 to 45
25 to30
up your skills.
If you
You have
Thought Card What did you find out about your communication skills? Complete the thought card and share it with a partner. I thought I was ....................................................................................................... I didn't think I was ...................................................................................................
Page 27
I think I should .......................................................................................................
Vocabulary check You will come across these words in the unit. Tick ( ) the ones that are familiar. communication
Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes and Suffixes *(Review) Prefixes and suffixes are word parts. When these parts are added to a root word, they often change the meaning of the word and its part of speech. For example, "commune" is a root word. By adding the suffix "-cate" and the prefix "mis-" you can make new words such as "communicate" and "misscommunicate". Common Prefixes and Suffixes pre-
A Read, then underline the words with prefixes and or suffixes.
Communication is the process of exchanging information. Information is conveyed in three forms; words, tone of voice, and body language. Studies have shown that words account for 7% of the information communicated. Tone of voice accounts for 55% and body language accounts for 38%. To be effective communicators and to avoid misunderstandings, team members must be aware of the three forms, and how to use them effectively. This will help avoid communication barriers which are the cause of most misunderstandings. B Write six of the underlined words on the lines below. Circle all prefixes and
* Refer to the prefix and suffix list in Building Skills level 2
Page 28
underline the suffixes.
C Match each suffix and prefix to its meaning.
● middle
● not
● after
● opposite ● A
● a person who
● past, participle
ir-, il-, im-, in-,-un
dis -, un-
D Change the meaning or part of speech of the following words by adding a prefix
or a suffix.
Root Word
New Word
Part of speech
1. Improve (v) 2. Happy (adj) 3. Verb (n) 4. Attach (v) E Add suitable prefixes or suffixes to correct the underlined words. Then rewrite
the paragraph in the space below.
Active listening requires our full concentrate on what the speak is saying as well as not saying. It is paying our divided attention to nonverbal cues and feel that are not expressed in words.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................
Vocabulary Self Assessment
Page 29
How many new words have you learned? Go back to the word list at the beginning of the lesson and check your progress.
Pre-Reading A Discuss the following questions: 1 What do the images represent?
mouse mouse
2 Think of other communication barriers that we face every day. Give examples. 3 What are the effects of these barriers? 4 Think of ways to overcome communication barriers. B In pairs, match the causes of communication barriers with the examples.
......... Culture.............................. Ineffective listening .................. Environment ......... Verbal communication .........Non verbal communication............Emotions 1 ..................................:e.g. not focusing on what is said, not making eye contact,
interrupting, correcting, thinking about what to say, doing other things.
2 .............................:e.g. indirect or unclear message, different interpretation of
words, language.
3 ............................:e.g. noise, distractions, interruptions, bad timing. 4 ...........................:e.g. facial expressions, body language, eye contact, wordless
5 ........................:e.g. fatigue, anger, stereotyping, fear, mistrust and suspicion. 6 .......................: e.g. valuing and understanding things differently, religious and
Page 30
social differences
Active Reading A When a misunderstanding takes place, the cause is usually communication
barriers. This means that either the listener is not listening effectively or the speaker does not send the message clearly. Read the first two paragraphs of “First-Day Employee” to underline the communication barriers.
B Read the story to complete the decision making graphic organaizer.
First-Day Employee My family had a small dairy business. Each morning we got milk from farmers, pasteurized it and put it into bottles for home use, schools and restaurants. We were also known for our home made ice cream and friendly welcoming staff. So it was no surprise that in addition to our regular customers, rows of tourists lined up to taste my father's famous ice-cream and enjoy our southern hospitality. This made it necessary for my father to hire extra help during summer. I had worked for my father since I was young, so I had seen many new employees come and go. One day, we had a new employee, Duke, who wanted to work in the store for the summer. He had never done this type of work before but we really needed the extra hand. On his first day, Duke practiced just about every DON'T in any book of communication. He managed to build so many barriers between himself and the others in a way I have never seen before. When taking orders, Duke did not make eye contact with the customers; he did not hesitate to turn his back to them. He also talked really fast and his voice was not clear. I was really angry, but I didn't want to embarrass him so I went up to him, looked him in the eye and said, "Eyes, Eyes." Apparently, Duke did not get my message because he got me a glass full of ice. On the other hand, maybe he just wanted to tease me though he was too busy and it was not the right time. I felt sorry for our customers, but it was impossible to get my message through to Duke. I looked towards my father's office and noticed that he had been watching Duke. No doubt he had seen everything through his glass office. I went in and said, "Dad, please put an end to this. He's going to drive everyone away." My father sat down and said "I'll deal with it later."
Page 31
At the end of the day, before closing, my father walked to Duke with a big smile on his face, put his hand on Duke's shoulder and said, "Duke, I have been watching you all day, and I saw how you treated the poor old man." My father continued "This man comes regularly to my store; I've never seen any one of my employees so polite to him. Keep up the good work". In return for being a wise and kind employer, my father got a trustworthy and hardworking employee for sixteen years ... and a friend for life. As for me, I had a life long lesson in communication. Adapted from Chicken Soup of the Soul
Decision Making Skill
2 What options does he have?
1 What do you think the father's decision will be?
g ? in of rk ary s Ma ss ce n ece en io n 2? qu cis n o e i es the De is ns nc ul dec n? co ue of illf a tio ly eq t ns igh Sk es op ke i co in l ak y e l t m e m th the t ha t ar are ? are bes a n 1.W Wh at ptio ant is h o rt n 2. o W o h i p ? t 3. eac im op ces w h n Ho hic ue W nseq co
Class Activity
3 Complete the graphic organizer.
What should ................................ do?
CHOICE Is this a good thing to do?
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Why?
...................................................................... 4 Now, go back and read the reversed part of "First Day Employee" to ďŹ nd out
what the father has decided. Page 32
5 What does the father's decision tell you about him?
Reading Strategy: AUTHOR'S PURPOSE The Author's Purpose is the reason why an author writes. It may be to inform, to entertain, to persuade or to express. An author may give you facts or true information about a subject to inform you. Some authors write fiction or stories that are not true to entertain you. Other authors may write to persuade or get you to do something. An author may write to express his ideas, feeling or opinion about something. However, writers often combine purposes in a single piece of writing; for example a story may entertain and persuade or entertain and express.
C Read the story again, then answer the questions: 1 The author's purpose for writing "First Day Employee" is to: a inform & express. b entertain & persuade. c persuade & express. d entertain & express. 2 The moral of the story is that communication skills: a cannot be learned. b are easy to learn. c build strong relationships. 3 What types of communication did the father use with Duke? Why?
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. D Vocabulary
Identify the prefixes and suffixes then complete the table. Root Word 1. hospitality 2. apparently 3. impossible
Page 33
4. unclear
New Word
Part of speech
Post Reading In groups A Choose the best definition for "Communication Barriers." 1 Communication is simple. What makes it difficult are the barriers we put in its
way. 2 "Communication Barriers" are anything that blocks you from having clear
communications with others. 3 The first step to overcome a communication barrier is to identify it. B Circle the diagram that best represents communication barriers?
C Discuss the following: 1 What did the writer mean when he said, "I learned a life long lesson in
communication."? 2 Did the story motivate you to learn about effective communication?
Page 34
Asking questions to improve communication A In pairs, read the conversation what kind of questions is used?
Techniques to improve communication
Dad: How was your day? Son: I had an argument with Tamer.
Dad: Why?
Son: Because our team won the match. Dad: So, how do you feel about that? QUESTIONING
Son: I feel very bad. He’s my best friend. Dad: I understand. Forming wh-questions. Purposes for whQuestion questions (Function) word
To learn more or ask for information
What Which
your major concern?
My major concern is..
To ask for "cause effect" of the problem
this a problem for you?
Because it is…
To ask about method or feelings
you feel about it?
I feel….
B Read the conversation again what is the purpose of each question? C Form questions. Ask for the underlined phrase in the following sentences. Mind
the question mark at the end.
For example: The class plays football.
Page 35
What does the class play?
Grammar and Translation
1 Jalal is writing an email to his friend.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 2
By using your face, voice, and body, you show that you are truly interested in what the other person is saying.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 3 Ahmad likes his teachers because they are nice to him.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 4 The most important thing in any healthy relationship is communication.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. 5
Body language includes two movements, movement of a part of the body, and movement of the entire body.
............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. D In pairs, ask a wh-question for the following responses. 1 Oh, I stayed at home and watched TV. 2 She is reading a book now. 3 Because I do not have many friends.
Page 36
4 I enjoy writting e-mails.
E In pairs, do as shown between brackets to complete each of the following
My best friend is not talking to me anymore. B ((Ask for reasons) .................................................................................... A
(Give reasons) ......................................................................................
You never listen to me. B ((Ask for clarification) .................................................................................. A
(Give clarification) ...................................................................................
I want to go to a different high school. B ((Ask for reasons) .................................................................................... A
(Give reasons) ......................................................................................
((Ask for information) ................................................................................
(Give information) ..................................................................................
I’m worried that the boys at school will laugh at me. B ((Ask for reasons) .................................................................................... A (Give reasons) ...................................................................................... A
Page 37
(Ask for feelings) .....................................................................................
Grammar and Translation
Translation of Tenses: 1- When translating yes, no questions with the verbs "be ", " have " , "do "and modals, you can use only one word in Arabic that is the question particle""ﻫﻝ For example: "Are you feeling tired?"
ﻫﻝ ﺗﺷﻌﺭ ﺑﺎﻟﺗﻌﺏ ؟
"Do you know about verbal communication?" "Have you practised the new techniques?"
ﻫﻝ ﺗﻌﺭﻑ ﻋﻥ ﺍﻟﺗﻭﺍﺻﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻔﻅﻲ؟ ﻫﻝ ﻣﺎﺭﺳﺕ ﺍﻟﺗﻘﻧﻳﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺟﺩﻳﺩﺓ ؟
2- When translating Wh-questions, equivalent Arabic words are used: " What " ( ﻣﺎ/ ) ﻣﺎﺫﺍ
" Why " ( ﻟﻣﺎﺫﺍ/ ) ﻟﻡ
" Where " ( ) ﺃﻳﻥ
" Which " ( ) ﺃﻱ
" When " ( ) ﻣﺗﻰ
" How " ( ) ﻛﻳﻑ
"Who" ( ) ﻣﻥ – ﻛﻔﺎﻋﻝ
"Whom” ( ﻛﻣﻔﻌﻭﻝ ﺑﻪ- ﻣﻥ/ ﻣﻣﻥ/ ) ﻟﻣﻥ
For example: "How can I improve my communication skills?" ﻛﻳﻑ ﺍﺳﺗﻁﻳﻊ ﺗﺣﺳﻳﻥ ﻣﻬﺎﺭﺗﻲ ﺍﻻﺗﺻﺎﻻﺗﻳﻪ؟ ﺃﻭ ﻣﻬﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺗﻭﺍﺻﻝ ﻣﻊ ﺍﻵﺧﺭﻳﻥ "What kind of information do you need?" ﺗﺭﻳﺩﻳﻧﻬﺎ؟/ ﻣﺎ ﻧﻭﻉ ﺍﻟﻣﻌﻠﻭﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﺭﻳﺩﻫﺎ Why do you use listening techniques? When is the party?
ﻟﻣﺎﺫﺍ ﺗﺳﺗﺧﺩﻡ ﺗﻘﻧﻳﺎﺕ ﻣﻬﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻹﺳﺗﻣﺎﻉ؟
ﻣﺗﻰ ﺍﻟﺣﻔﻠﺔ؟
Who are you? ﻣﻥ ﺃﻧﺕ ؟ ﻣﻥ ﺃﻱ ﺑﻠﺩ ﺃﻧﺕ؟
How are you?
ﻛﻳﻑ ﺣﺎﻟﻙ ؟
Page 38
Where are you from?
Translate: A Are you a good listener, or do you always have the last word? If you want to have good
communication skills, you must learn to become a better listener; how? Listen, show empathy and give feedback.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... B The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and
unambiguously. To do so, you must answer these questions “What is my message? How will it be understood? and Who are my audience (recipients)?" You must also consider the situational and cultural context.
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... C How do you know that the receiver has understood your message? Feedback is the
only way that allows you to know. Your audience will provide you with feedback, verbal and non-verbal. Pay close attention to this feedback. What should you do if you ďŹ nd that there has been a misunderstanding? Simply resend the message.
Page 39
....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
Listening and Speaking
Pre-Listening. A With a partner study the pictures below. Circle the pictures that show effective
listening techniques and underline the ones that show ineffective listening techniques.
B Look at the pictures again. Can you name the effective listening techniques
C What would you like to know about effective listening .Write down two questions?
............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................
Active listening You will hear a part of a lecture that describes three non verbal techniques which effective listeners use. Listen to each segment then ďŹ ll in the missing information. Segment 1 - The lecture is about ............................................................................................ - The purpose of the lecture is to ...........................................................................
Page 40
- Being an effective listener means ........................................................................
Segment 2 - The effective listening technique is:.................................................................... - It means: ............................................................................................. - It helps the listener to ....................................................................................... - It shows the speaker that .................................................................................. Segment 3 - Name of the effective listening technique: ............................................................ - It means: ............................................................................................... - It helps the listener to .......................................................................................... - It shows the speaker that .................................................................................... Segment 4 - Name of the effective listening technique: ............................................................. - It means: ................................................................................................. - It helps the listener to ........................................................................................... - It shows the speaker that ...................................................................................... - The non verbal techniques used by effective listeners are .......................................
............................................................................................................................. Segment 5 First Verbal technique: Expressions for recognizing the technique: ....................................................... Second verbal technique: Expressions for recognizing the technique: ....................................................... The third Verbal technique: Questions for recognizing the technique: ..........................................................
A Look at the questions you wrote in the pre listening, which of them did the lecture
answer. Ask the class the questions that were not answered.
B In groups of four, each pair of students chooses one of the following topics to
prepare a two- minute conversation.
Page 41
- Plans to win a school trophy. - Differences between parent-child thinking - Having to move to another school.
Listening and Speaking
C Take turns: Pair A, role-play the situation using effective listening techniques and
the following expressions and questions. • • • • • • •
Let's discuss it. Would you like to talk about it? Tell me about it. I'd like to hear about it. It sounds like you've got something to say about this. This seems important to you. I'm interested in your point of view.
• • • • • • • • • •
I see what you mean You did? Mm hmm. Oh, really? Interesting/That’s a good point You don't say! What do you mean by..? Why? What …. ? How..?
Pair B monitors pair A to identify communication barriers and effective listening techniques. Use the checklist below to monitor. Give the speakers a rating out of 5 and justify your evaluation.
Keep eye contact.
Nod head to convey listening
Ask clarifying questions
Paraphrase to confirm information
Lean forward to show interest.
Avoid distracting gestures
Does not interrupt the speaker
Remove barriers between speakers
Use appropriate body language
Most of the time
Almost never
Page 42
D Exchange Roles.
Pre –writing A Discuss the following questions:
- What forms of writing do people use to communicate? - What is an email? - What are the forms of emails? - How are emails different to letters? - How often do you use email? Why? B
Definition of an e-mail? Which of the following statements best defines “E-mail”: 1 E-mail is a quick and easy way to send a message to another person. It has become
an important communication method among middle school and high school students and teachers. 2 E-mail is used to communicate in many settings. Effective use of email requires a clear sense of the purpose for writing, as well as a clear statement of the message. 3 An email is a typed text (Text Talk) message sent in electronic form. The messages can include images and video clips, it is used in almost every form of communication: businesses, social; as groups or individuals. C
Uses of e-mail: Why do you use email? Rank the following uses of email in order of frequency of use: o Exchanging information. o Sending documents. o Updating. o Keeping records. o Working in groups.
Page 43
o Group brainstorming and problem solving.
Writing D
Parts of an email In the boxes below, write the functions of each icon and name the different parts of an e-mail:
! Dear Ahmad, Hope you are well. One of our friends has just e-mailed me to see !"#$%&'#()*+#'(%"#",*-%'('*.....* if I have any more information on "university listening tests" which are to be administered soon. I have no information about any such tests." Do you?" If so, could you please let me know. Thank you Best regards, Salim
How to write an email:
When writing an email, you must: 1 Understand the purpose of the email by answering the question Why am I
writing this? 2 Consider your audience
Formal (Business)
Informal emails are written in the same way as talking. They are short and to the point. Informal emails specially amongst friends can take any form. Formal emails are written in formal language. In formal emails you may include your name and contact information as well. Page 44
3 Write a meaningful subject line.
Write the topic of your email on the subject line. Make your subject line clear, informative and as precise as possible.
4 Use greetings, salutation and signature. 5 Write a clear message: Make your first sentence(s) strong and clear. Write an
actual “topic sentence” that clarifies what this email is about. Read the example.
Formal e-mail:
Mr. Othman I will have to miss class tomorrow for some family matters but I need a meeting with you any time after 2pm on Wednesday or Thursday because I have questions about chapter 18. I have my assignment finished my friend Ahmad will turn it in tomorrow and I will contact my classmates to find out what I missed. Thanks Saleh Omar
Informal e-mail:
Page 45
6 Always provide your reader with enough information
7 To convey emotions and expressions in a personal email, carefully use:
- Smileys (Emotions)
- Asterisks
- Capital letters
- Lower-case letters
- Creative punctuation
- White space
- Typed-out thoughts and reactions
Be careful what you say in your message; an e-mail- may be personal but it is certainly not private Therefore, you should not send usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and conďŹ dential information through it.
Planning You will write an email telling a friend or a group of friends about a site which you found helpful in telling people about Islam. Brain storm the points you will write about using the graphic organizer below.
Who (audience) ________________ ________________
Address ________________ ________________
What (services) ________________ ________________
Name of site ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
Page 46
Active Writing: A
Drafting Turn to your workbook, write the email to your friends telling them about the website. When writing, watch your message layout: a Keep the length of your email within one screen. b Limit fonts, colors and images. c Do not write in CAPS. It gives the effect of shouting.
This will help you avoid communication barriers.
Post Writing: B
Peer Revision: In pairs: Exchange emails. Check the email message for clarity, and conciseness. Use the following check list. Yes The email address is correct. The puropse of the email is clear. The subject line is clear, concise and to the point. Email subject and opening sentence grab the reader’s attention. Greetings and salutation are appropriate. Sentences are short and clear. Email is within one screen.
Page 47
Acronyms, abbrv., and smileys ( emotions ) are appropriate and do not affect the clarity of message ( optional )
Writing C
Editing Check your email for spelling and grammar make sure they do not affect the clarity of the message.
Writing a final draft: Edit and complete the final draft of your email on the computer. Then paste it in your workbook.
Sending: Before sending your email, make sure to apply email netiquette as needed: 1 Use a signature line that contains your contact information.
2 When sending a group email: a use the "Cc:" field to make it clear who are not expected to reply to
3 4 5 6
your email. b Use the “Bcc” box when you want to protect the recipients' privacy. Clean up emails before forwarding them. Do not Send Huge Attachments; if necessary, ask before you do so. Don't deal with conflict, bad behavior, or negative comments in an email. Use email the way you want people to use it.
Page 48
Revision Unit Objectives To Review: - target vocabulary. - inferring writer’s purpose and the moral of the story. - identifying the moral of a story. - listening for details. - translating tenses and questions. - future perfect and wh-questions. - writing an e-mail and a personal development plan.
Page 49
- assess students’ skilful decision making
A Complete the following, using suitable words from the box.
measurable qualities attachment responsible specific receiver sender
nonverbal timed positive rewarding courageous goals SMART
term verbally dishonest achieve achievable effectively miscommunication
1 Character is a word that includes a number of ........................... . Many people may not
realize that having ........................ character traits is an important part of the Muslim personality. 2 Actions reflect a person's character. Make sure you always tell the truth.You don't want
to be labeled as a .......................... person. 3 Doing what you have to do is a sign of being ............................ 4 To speak out and not fear saying the truth is a sign of being ........................... 5 There is no doubt that setting .......................... and planning to .......................... them
leads to success. 6 When setting goals make sure they are ..................., ......................, ......................
and ......................... Many use the acronym ........................ to remember them. 7 Both long and short .......................... goals need careful planning. 8 The Communication process includes a .........................., a
.......................... a
message and feedback. 9 People have different ways of communicating their feelings. Some express themselves
.......................... by telling others what they feel and need. Others use .......................... cues; such as facial expressions and body language. 10 To listen more ........................ you need to interact with the speaker 11 To avoid .......................... you need to watch out for communication barriers.
Page 50
12 When sending an e-mail, you can include an ..................... with pictures, videos or files.
B Choose the best meaning for the underlined words.
Rewrite the sentences using verbal cues to include the meaning. 1 Sadly, many people choose their friends for their looks and style not the character. a a person's education. b a person's way of living c a person's choice of food
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 2 A dishonest person does not find it difficult to betray his friends an give away their secrets. a look for b help out c let down
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 3 A person's speech and tone of voice says a lot about his character. a the decor b the quality c the cover
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ C When you come across a new word, look for prefixes, root word and suffixes.
Try pronouncing this easy word:
antidis establishment arianism This word is the longest regular word in the English language, and it consists of two prefixes, a root word and three suffixes. In pairs, underline them.
........................................................................................................................ Page 51
A Read to identify the author's purpose.
Understanding Character A lot of times, we hear people talk about someone as 'a man of character.' Sometimes, a person might be described as an 'unreliable character.' Other times, we find people referring to someone as 'quite a character'! What exactly is character? The dictionary would tell you that it is, basically, a set of qualities that defines a person. This means that you are characterized by certain habits, qualities or attitudes. Their combination, form the basis on which your character is judged. A person's character can have positive or negative associations. For instance, when someone is called 'a man of character', the unsaid adjective is a positive one. It means that he is ethically and morally upright and can be trusted. On the other hand, a person described to have an 'unreliable character' or 'deceitful character', the negative association is clear. This direct statements are often softened by using words that have more than one meaning such as 'clever' instead of saying 'cunning.' When someone "has character," he is unique. This means he has a strong distinctive personal trait that sets him apart from others. He may be funny, awkward, interesting or ridiculous. In Addition, every quality you have goes into the building of your character. If someone were to describe YOU as a character, they would look at all aspects of your personality, including your mood, reactions and other people’s opinion of your strengths. In fact, the last aspect – other people’s opinion of your character – is what goes into giving you a reputation, whether good or bad. Adapted from Annie Zaidi. indianchild.com
The author's purpose for writing this article is to: a inform b entertain c persuade Page 52
d express
1 Read the third paragraph again and underline words with prefixes and suffixes.
Write the words in the space below, then complete the table Word
Root Word
Part of speech
a b c d 2 Read the following part from the reading passage. Guess the meaning of the
bolded word. Write the explanation and the cue word that helped you guess its meaning.
When someone has character, he is unique. This means he has a strong dictinctive personal trait that sets him apart from others. He may be funny, awkward, interesting or ridiculous. Explanation: ...................................................................................................... Cue word: ......................................................................................................... Possible meaning: .............................................................................................. 3 Write if the following statements are true or false. a To have an unreliable character is a positive thing. b Our character is defined by our habits, qualities and attitudes. c Other people's opinion of you reflects your character. d When you say that someone "Has character" you mean the
Page 53
same as "A man of character".
A You will hear four short audios. Listen and write the main idea of each the audio
you hear.
Audio 1: .......................................................................................................... Audio 2: .......................................................................................................... Audio 3: .......................................................................................................... Audio 4: .......................................................................................................... B You will hear two situations. 1 Listen to the ďŹ rst situation and answer the questions. a What character trait does the speaker show if he gives his friends tickets for free?
o Disbelief o Disrespect o Dishonest b What character trait will the speaker demonstrate if he does not give his friends tickets for free? o Good citizenship o Responsibility o Courage c What should the speaker do? o Give his friends the tickets as charity. o Sell all the tickets without making any exceptions. o Give a ticket to one of his friends only. 2 Listen to the second situation and answer the questions. a What is the main idea of the story?
..................................................................................... b What is the purpose of the story?
Page 54
o To instruct. o To entertain o To inform c What does the teenager's behavior show? o Dishonesty o Disrespect o Irresponsibility
In pair, role play a talk show host students (A) and his/her guest student (B). Student (A) prepares questions to find out as many interesting details as possible about the guest. The host must demonstrate active listening skills. After the interview, change partners and roles and start over again.
Useful Expressions Explain your concern by using verbal cues • "I see." • "I understand." • "That's a good point." • "I can see that you feel strongly about that." • "I can understand how you could see it like that." Ask for clarification • What do you mean (by that)? • What are you trying to say? • What was that again?
• • •
• • • •
Use phrases to paraphrase in your own words. I understand. (You're saying that . . . ) So, what you mean is . . What I think you're saying is . . Use nonverbal actions to show that you are listening Face the other person. Lean toward the other person. Maintain eye contact, Relax as you interact with the other person.
Time: Three minutes to prepare questions and three minutes to do the interview. Interviews are performed in front of the class. Other students use the following form to assess the interviews. Evaluation points Did the talk show host give the guest enough time to answer the questions properly? Did the speakers use effective verbal expressions? Did the speakers use effective non verbal cues? Did the talk show host ask proper and effective questions to understand what the guest was saying? Did the guest and the host and treat each other with respect?
Page 55
Did they enjoy their conversation?
Needs improvement
A Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Reem ............................................... ( discuss) her problem with her mother
before the end of the day. 2 I ............................................... (complete) my personal folder before the summer
vacation. 3 By the time, I complete this course I ............................................... (identify) the
skills that will lead me to success. 4 By the time, I graduate from high school, I ..........................................(record)
my achievements to keep track of my progress. 5 I will ..................................... ( (raise) money for the needy before Ramadan).
B Write the followings in correct goal statements using the future perfect form of verbs. 1 Become more responsible.
............................................................................................................................ 2 work upon my strengths and improve my weakness.
............................................................................................................................ 3 Organize myself and my time.
............................................................................................................................ 4 Establish decisions about how to improve.
............................................................................................................................ 5 Make better personal relationships with others.
Page 56
C Negate the following sentences. Rewrite them. 1 By the end of the term, she will have improved her communication skills.
............................................................................................................................ 2 You will have learnt everything about yourself before you complete this course.
............................................................................................................................ 3 He will have completed his assignment by next week.
............................................................................................................................ 4 Sarah will have mastered German before the end of the year.
............................................................................................................................ D Complete each of the following dialogues. Ask for clarification, give clarification,
and express empathy.
I don’t want to go to a party with my friend though I’ve been feeling lonely lately.
(Ask for reasons) ....................................................................................
(Give a reasons) ....................................................................................
(Ask for feelings) .....................................................................................
(Express feelings) ..................................................................................
E Think about the future and write three things you will have achieved by this time
Page 57
next year. Discuss with a partner.
Skillful Decision Making A Our character traits affect our decisions. Our decisions affect our future. Read
the first part of "The Pebble-Shooter" then apply the steps of skillful decision making to decide what Mansay should do?
ONG AGO in Laos, the Land of a Million Elephants, there once lived a 10-year-old orphan named Mansay. The boy was born lame and could not walk, but other boys in the village were kind and included him in their games as often as they could. However, Mansay had spent a lot of time alone, and as a result had become very skilled at shooting pebbles. He would practice shooting pebbles at faraway targets and could hit leaves in the top most branches. Younger boys gathered ! pebbles for him and watched as he always hit his mark. One morning the village boys made a cart for Mansay with wheels and moved him to the shade of a large tree where he could create more beautiful shapes. He flicked his pebbles to create the outline of elephants that seemed to move whenever the wind blew. The boys were having so much fun they didn't hear a march approach. It was the king on his way to a nearby city. Frightened at the sudden appearance of the guards, the boys quickly rolled Mansay's cart out of sight and hid themselves behind the trees. Under the tree the King commanded his men to stop and rest. When the wind blew, he was startled to see images of elephants on the ground moving about as if they were alive. He called in a ! loud voice to his guards, "What is this? Whoever created it - Find them" " I shall take them to the castle”. The boys heard the King's commanding voice saying: "Find them!" and they ran as fast as they could, leaving poor Mansay behind. Mansay was soon discovered and, was brought before the King. "Who has done this?" said the King in a commanding tone, pointing to the images on the ground. Mansay sat there shaking not knowing what to say.
Page 58
What would Mansay do?
B Write qustions of skillful decision making. 1 ........................................................................................................................ 2 ........................................................................................................................ 3 ........................................................................................................................ 4 ......................................................................................................................... C Name the parts of the graphic organizer then use it to make a skillful decision:
................................ What should __Mansay___do?
................................ ................................
Is this a good thing to do?
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Why?
Page 59
D Read the rest of the story to find out what Mansay has decided?
"I did," Mansay whimpered, not knowing what else to say. "Ah, so it was you?" said the King, stroking his chin. "Prove it." He told his guards to gather some pebbles. "Make another picture," he ordered. Just then a bird landed on a low branch. Mansay flicked pebbles onto a leaf in the shape of the bird. The King laughed heartily and clapped his hands. "My son," said the King, "you have a remarkable talent." He was silent for a moment, then said, "Yes…I know exactly what you can do for me." He ordered his guards to lift Mansay onto an elephant. Mansay did not know where he was taken or why. After traveling for a number of days, the grand buildings of the capital of Laos came into view. "Now young man," said the King to Mansay after he was bathed and clothed “I have an important job for you. Soon I will meet with my councilors. One of them talks too much, and I need him to be silenced so I can hear what the others have to say. You will sit behind the curtain. There is a hole in a curtain. You'll be able to see the councilor I'm talking about. Let him speak for ten seconds. Then shoot a mud pellet through the hole, directly into his mouth. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak after that, you must do it again. "Mansay was carried to a chair behind the curtain and handed a basket of mud pellets. As soon as the King opened a question for his councilors to debate, the councilor he had described seized the opportunity to talk. After ten seconds - thwop! - something revolting flew into his mouth. He immediately closed his mouth and swallowed the vile thing, whatever it was. He found another opportunity to speak, but when he opened his mouth - thwop! again a terrible tasting thing - and he had no choice but to swallow. and so it went for the rest of the meeting, much to his confusion. "My friend," said the King, at the end of the meeting "I can see you finally realized how important it is to allow others to speak. I'm pleased and impressed with you!" "Well. I actually...! said the councilor. Actually what? said the King.
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Oh, nothing, what I've always said...That it's a wise man indeed who will listen to what others have to say." "Good man!" said the King, smiling. From then on, Mansay was invited to stay at the King's castle for as long as he liked. In the years that followed, he never lacked for food or shelter, or an audience.
Translate the following: A What exactly is character? The dictionary would tell you that it is, basically, a set
attributes or qualities that deďŹ ne a person. This means that you are charaterized by certain habits, qualities or attitudes that form the basis upon which your character is judged.
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... B Communicating is not just sending a message; it is a way of behaving. It is a way
of showing care, kindness and concern. Therefore by the time a person acquires good communication skills, he will have become a more caring individual. He will have learnt how to respond unselďŹ shly to the needs of others and how to treat people with kindness, concern, and generosity.
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................
......................................................................................................................... C Most of us have dreams and ambitions. Successful people translate their dreams
into reality. They write down sound goals. What do they do if they lack a skill or an attribute necessary for their goals? They apply the Personal development plannind process: They write a plan in which the specify the time needed, the resources required and the actions to be taken.
........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................
Page 61
Page 62
Write an email to your friend, telling him/her about your plan to improve your communication skills.
Community Calls Unit Objectives - DeďŹ ne "COMMUNITY" - Read to infer. - Evaluate self as a responsible citizen. - Listen to infer. - Speak about solving problems in the neighborhood. - Write a letter of complaint.
A Discuss the quote.
"I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can" George Bernard Shaw
Page 63
B Look at the logo. What does it tell you about the word "Community"?
Community Calls
C After reading the quote and discussing the logo, write your own deďŹ nition of
"Community" in the space below.
D Make a simple drawing of the word "Community".
E In pairs, compare your deďŹ nitions of 'Community', then look at the dictionary
to decide on one.
Discussion questions 1 What makes a good community?
2 Do you know a saying of the prophet May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, that
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Page 64
tells us about the importance of being part of a community? What does a community need? What responsibilities do you have towards your community? How can citizens work together with the authorities? How can teenagers contribute to their community? Have you ever volunteered in a community service program? How can voluntary work add to your personality? What services would you like to have in your community? What is your deďŹ nition of a citizen?
Questionnaire Are you a responsible citizen? Fill in the questionnaire and add your score to find out. always 5 1
You take responsibility and people can fully rely on you.
You keep your word and show up on time for appointments.
You respect authority figures and rules and regulations wherever you are.
You recycle and save energy, and water
You are ready to take action and offer your help at school, neighborhood ... etc.
You believe that your responses to people, actions and events are your own choice.
You try to find solutions for a problem instead of complaining.
You make sure you leave public places clean and use their facilities carefully.
As a team member, you set your priorities according to the team's welfare.
You consider voluntarily work as part of being a Muslim.
If you scored 50
You are an ideal citizen.
Now, What!
If you scored 35 to 45
often 4
You tend to If you You are in a be a very scored comfort zone. You good citizen. 25 to 30 can do better.
sometimes 3
If you score under 20
rarely 2
never 1
You urgently need to reconsider your definition of citizenship
Page 65
Do you agree with your result? Why? Think of the things you see yourself able to do for your community. Design a poster to remind yourself of things you can do to serve the community. You can use photos, quotes, cartoons, drawings … etc. Be Creative!
Community Calls
Vocabulary check These nouns and compound nouns may appear in the unit. Check the familiar ones. community
rights / duties
community service
volunteer work
safe guard
public property
sense of belonging
authority figure
Forming compound words Compound nouns are nouns that are usually formed by combining two words to form a new word. They can be formed in different ways, one of them is noun + noun. Examples: post + office = post office; history + book = history book; mineral + water = mineral water, mail + box = mailbox, town + house = townhouse, car + seat = car seat, play + ground = play ground … etc. There are three different ways to write a compound word: 1 The closed form, in which the nouns are written as one word, such as "firefly –
keyboard – notebook … etc." 2 The hyphenated form in which the nouns are hyphenated such as "self-esteem, -
ski-boot, … etc." 3 The open form, in which nouns are written as two separate words such as "smoke
Page 66
detector - voluntary work - mail carrier… etc."
1 Read the following. Underline all the compound words (noun + noun)
Teenagers often have a negative attitude or a mixed feeling of fear and anger towards authority figures. They tend to think that authority ! figures deprive them of their rights and weakens their personality."We are grown ups," They say. "We have our own personality and can make our own decisions." In order to change this negative attitude and develop a positive relationship with authority figures, teenagers need to be aware of the importance of having authorities. No complete is complete without authority figures, such as parents, teachers, policemen, etc. These people have the right to make citizens obey the rules. They enforce rules only to safeguard the community and make it an orderly place. Imagine your neighborhood without traffic lights or road signs and no policemen. Imagine your school without a schedule or school hours and no teachers. As authority figures make life easier and less confusing, it is very important to develop a positive relationship with them. Teachers are there to help you if you have a problem; go to them for advice. They are older and have more experience. Respect them by obeying the rules. Rules and regulations are there for your benefit. Never break them. Always tell the truth and be responsible for your actions. Respecting authority figures and knowing how important they are in a community makes obeying rules much easier. 2 Choose 5 compound words, identify their forms and in your own words, write
a definition for each.
Compound Words
........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................
Page 67
........................................ ........................................ ........................................
B Each of the following sentences suggests a compound word. Read the sentences
and ďŹ nd the compound word.
1 This property belongs to the public. Don't destroy it.
.................................................. 2 In our community, very few people have offered their services to clean the neighborhood. .................................................. 3 During summer, most students will volunteer to work with the elderly. .................................................. 4 At the end of this week we will be able to go to the orphanage to read stories to the children. .................................................. 5 The police arrested a man for littering the park. .................................................. C Match each compound noun with its meaning. 1 Community service Things that everyone in your neighborhood has the right to use. 2 Authority ďŹ gure
Unpaid work that someone has to do to help others.
3 Volunteer work
A person who has the right and duty to inuence and controls peoples' behavior.
4 Safeguard
Work that is done willingly without being paid.
5 Public property
To protect things from harm or damage.
Self assessment:
Page 68
Go back to the word list in the vocabulary check. Put a tick next to the new words you have learnt. Use a dictionary to look up the words you still do not know.
Pre Reading A What do the pictures represent?
Planting Roofs Project
Kiswat Eid Project
B What do you think volunteer work means? C Do you do any volunteer work outside your school? Why? D
List different kinds of volunteer work. Then arrange them according to their importance in your community.
Page 69
Active Reading Read the story then answer the questions.
Rescue at Sea Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland, a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish service. The entire village depended upon the fishing industry, thus a volunteer rescue team was formed in case of emergency. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a strong storm overturned a fishing boat at sea. Stranded and in trouble, the crew sent out an S.O.S. The captain of the rescue rowboat team sounded the alarm and the villagers gathered in the town square overlooking the bay. While the team launched their rowboat and fought their way through the wild waves, the villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back. An hour later, the rescue boat reappeared through the fog and the cheering villagers ran to greet them. Falling exhausted on the sand, the volunteers reported that the rescue boat could not hold any more passengers and they had to leave one man behind. Even one more passenger would have surely overturned the rescue boat and all would have been lost. Frantically, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lone survivor. Sixteen-year-old Hans stepped forward. His mother grabbed his arm, pleading "Please don't go. Your father died in a shipwreck ten years ago and your older brother, Paul, has been lost at sea for three weeks. Hans, you’re all I have left." Hans replied, "Mother, I have to go. What if everyone said, 'I can't go, let someone else do it’? Mother, this time I have to do my duty. When the duty calls, we must do our part no matter what." Hans kissed his mother, joined the team and disappeared into the dark.
Page 70
Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans' mother like an eternity. Finally, the rescue boat rushed through the fog with Hans standing up in the bow. Cupping his hands, the captain called, "Did you find the lost man?" Barely able to contain himself, Hans excitedly yelled back, "Yes, we found him. Tell my mother it's my older brother, Paul!" Dan Clark Chicken Soup for the Soul
Inferential Reading Inferential reading means going beyond the exact meaning of text to find hidden meanings. A smart reader, uses: - Characters’ words and actions to infer their beliefs, personalities and motivations. - World knowledge to infer details about the setting or explanation of events. - Facts presented in the text to infer conclusions.
A The following sentences are from”Rescue at Sea”. What do you think the
underlined words mean? Choose the right answer
1 The captain of the rescue rowboat team sounded the alarm.
• fishing
• saving
• medical
• nervously
• happily
• fearlessly
• in anytime
• in any where
• in any case.
• for days
• forever
• for hours
• responsibility
• occupation
• ability
• touched quickly
• hold tight
• let go
2 The villagers waited restlessly on the beach, holding lanterns to light the way back. 3 "We all need to take our turn and do our part no matter what"
4 Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans' mother like an eternity. 5 I have to do my duty.
6 'His mother grabbed his arm, pleading "Please don't go"
B The following sentences are from the reading passage. Read them to infer
the answers to the questions. 1 Referring to Hans' words, “When duty calls, we all need to take our turn and do
our part no matter what." a How would you describe Hans?
............................................................................................................... b What was he willing to give up?
............................................................................................................... 2 "Another hour passed, which seemed to Hans' mother like an eternity". Why did
Hans’s mother feel that time passed very slowly?
Page 71
C What do the underlined words indicate? Choose the best answer: 1 'His mother grabbed his arm, pleading "Please don't go"' The mother asked Hans
not to go because she was: ● proud of his courage ● disturbed by the weather ● afraid of losing him 2 “When the call for service comes, we all need to take our turn and do our part no matter what" To Hans, volunteer work is ● not as important as his life. ● less important than his life. ● more important than his life. D "The captain of the rescue rowboat team sounded the alarm and the villagers
gathered in the town square overlooking the bay"
Add one sentence that describe the appearance and the feelings of the villagers as they waited?
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... E Paul had been lost in the sea for three weeks. How do you think he ended up in
the boat which Hans rescued?
...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Vocabulary In pairs, discuss the meaning of the following compound nouns and write the definitions down. ● rowboat ..................................................................................................... ● town square ............................................................................................... ● volunteer team............................................................................................ ● shipwreck...................................................................................................
Page 72
● fishing boat ................................................................................................
Active Reading Discuss the following questions: A "Mother, this time I have to do my duty" 1 Define volunteer work as Hans sees it.
................................................................................................................ 2 Do you agree with Hans’s point of view?
................................................................................................................ 3 Write your own definition of volunteer work.
................................................................................................................ B List as many volunteer organizations in the area that are familiar to you.
................................................................................................................ C Discuss some possible ways to contribute to these organizations.
Page 73
Grammar and Translation
Expressing Obligation, Possibility and Ability (Modals): In pairs, read the conversation. Underline each modal express. Son: Guess what! Some people from the Health Promotion Society visited school today. Mother: That’s interesting! What did they say? Son: They said that we can help people in our neighborhood understand what is good and bad for their health. Mother: And what are you going to do? Son: We may visit the neighbours and give them brochures about healthy habits. We could also prepare posters against smoking. Mother: Great! Could I have some of those posters? I could give out some if you want. Son: That’s nice! But, don’t you think I should ask my group first
Modals Modals are often used to express different meanings and degrees of ability, possibility and obligation.
Modal Can
Meaning Ability
Could / May / Might Possibility Should / Must
Example We can help people in our neighborhood. We could prepare posters. We may visit the neighbours. What should you do to make this happen?
Obligation /Necessity We should not litter. We must eat healthy food.
...........1. What can we do to be good citizens of community? a. To show ability ...........2. We must safe guard public property such as streets, playgrounds and sidewalks. ........... 3. We should always throw garbage inside the trash can and b. To show necessity not on the ground. ........... 4. We may also show pride in our community by not writing or drawing on public property. ........... 5. We should not break traffic lights. c. To show possibility ........... 6. We must not go against rules and regulations.
Page 74
A Circle the modal in each sentence then match it to its meaning:
B In pairs, read each sentence. Change the meaning as required between brackets.
1 You are a responsible citizen. (Show obligation)
2 Some people think that rules are unnecessary. (show possibility) But, all rules are
followed. (show necessity)
............................................................................................................... 3 All society members do community service. (show ability)
............................................................................................................ 4 Teenagers show respect for authority ďŹ gures. (show necessity)
............................................................................................................ C Write one sentence using a modal to express each of these ideas. The first
one is an example. 1 Something you possibly do to serve community.
I may volunteer next month. 2 Something you are able to do to keep your school clean.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 3 An activity a good citizen have to do.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 4 Possible activity to help the needy.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 5 Something you have to avoid in order to be a good student.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... D In pairs, ask about your school rules and regulations. Which rules should be
Page 75
kept and which rules may be improved? How? Use modals to express your ideas.
Grammar and Translation
Translation of Modals Modals: Unlike the English language, Arabic does not have modals; however it has other words or phrases that are used for the same purpose. The modals 'can', 'could' are translated as: ()ﻳﺳﺗﻁﻳﻊ ﺃﻥ ﺃﻭ ﻳﻣﻛﻧﻪ ﺃﻥ The modals ‘may’ and ‘might’ are usually translated as : ()ﻗﺩ ﺃﻭ ﺭﺑﻣﺎ The modals ‘should’ and ‘must’ are translated as : ( ) ﻳﺟﺏ ﺃﻭ ﻳﺟﺏ ﺃﻥ ﺃﻭ ﺗﻐﻳﻳﺭ. ﺍﻟﺦ... ﺍﺳﺗﻁﻳﻊ، ﺗﺳﺗﻁﻳﻊ، ﻳﺳﺗﻁﻳﻊ:ﻋﻧﺩ ﺍﻟﺗﺭﺟﻣﺔ ﻳﺟﺏ ﻣﺭﺍﻋﺎﺓ ﺗﻐﻳﻳﺭ ﺍﻟﻔﻌﻝ ﻟﻛﻲ ﻳﻧﺎﺳﺏ ﺍﻟﺿﻣﻳﺭ ﻣﺛﻝ ﺍﻟﺦ... ﻋﻠﻳﻪ/ ﻋﻠﻳﻙ/ ﻳﺟﺏ ﻋﻠﻲ: ﺍﻟﺿﻣﻳﺭ ﻣﺛﻝ.
Translate the following: A You might ask yourself, “What can I do to be a good citizen?” Being a good
citizen is showing that you care about the community. Waiting politely in line, getting rid of trash without littering, being careful with public property are all different ways you practice to show sense of belonging.
.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................
Page 76
Taking an active part in community service can be very rewarding. You can become a volunteer in a community organization. You can donate time to places such as hospitals or orphanages. You can also volunteer to clean up your neighbourhood or show that you care for elderly citizens.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
C Like a healthy human body, a healthy community is one in which all systems
function as they should, and work together to make the community functions well. In an individual, health is, to a large extent, the result of the cooperative work of billions of body cells to give the body what it needs. Likewise a healthy community should have all citizens work hand in hand not only to survive but to grow.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Page 77
Listening and Speaking
Pre-Listening Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
a r e
Q u i c k T i m e ™ a n d d e c o m p r e s s o r n e e d e d t o s e e
a t h i s
p i c t u r e .
Amr Khalid a r e
Q u i c k T i m e ™ a n d d e c o m p r e s s o r n e e d e d t o s e e
a t h i s
p i c t u r e .
a r e
Sheikh Mohammad Ali Zainal the founder of Al Falah School
Q u i c k T i m e ™ a n d d e c o m p r e s s o r n e e d e d t o s e e
a t h i s
Sheikh Abdullah Naseef
p i c t u r e .
QuickTime™ and a decompressor needed to see
Dr. Mohammad Younis
1 What kind of community service have the people in the pictures done? 2 Why do you think they donate their time and money? 3 What character traits do they have? 4 Tick the traits that a volunteer should have.
Positive attitude. Courage. Patience. Generosity. Creativity. Passion and interest. Page 78
• • • • • •
Active Listening You will listen to, Sara and Rasha, talking about their experience with volunteer work during school assembly. Listen then answer the questions. A What problem did they choose to work upon?
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... B Listen again. Put the steps of Sara and Rasha’s plan in order.
Decided on an existing problem to start with. Calculated the amount of money and time needed. Raised money. Wrote a list of actions. Started working Chose a home to renew. C What rewards did Sara and Rasha get?
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Page 79
A In groups of four, rate the following problems in a scale of 1 - 10.
10 = Most annoying.
1 = Least annoying.
Using cell-phone loudly in public. Littering the beaches. Smoking in public areas.
Rubles of buildings
Parking a car in the wrong place. Children not fastening their car seat belts. Misuse of water. GrafďŹ ti on walls and buildings. Rubbles remained in streets. Improper ways of dumping plastic bags.
Water waste
B Discuss the problems you find most annoying. C With your group members discuss what you should / can /
could / must / may / might do to solve the Problems.
Plastic bags on trees
Littering Page 80
GrafďŹ ti
Pre-writing A Discuss the questions 1 There are two types of letters, what are they? 2 Why do people write formal letters? Tick possible answers.
to make request
to make friends
to suggest
to complain
to order things
to invite
to thank
for business
3 What do people write to complain about formally?
4 Think of three problems in your community that you would like to complain about. 5 Is writing a letter of complaint part of our duty as citizens? Why? B What is a Letter of Complaint?
It is a letter written to complain about a service or a product. It follows the format of formal letters (block form: places all parts at the left). Its body includes 3 main parts: the problem, its effect, and a suggested solution
C Format and Parts: Your Name Your Address Date Name and/or Title of the Person to whom you are complaining. His/Her Address Dear Mr., ._ (or To Whom It May Concern): Introductory Paragraph The problem - (State what you are complaining about) Body Paragraph The effect - (Explaining the nature of your complaint) Concluding Paragraph The Solution - (State what expect to be done) Simcerely,
Page 81
Your Name Signature
D Useful Expressions:
Paragraph 1 (includes the suggestion) -Could you please look into this matter and … -Please make sure that -I would really appreciate…
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
(includes the effect )
(includes the problem)
-This was the cause for… - I would like to complain about … - I am writing to … - In addition, …
Closing Sincerely, I hope to hear from you shortly, I look forward to receiving your explanation of this matter, 1 Read the letter of complaint, name the different parts and answer the questions
Ahamad Omar Salem P.O Box 663 Jeddah 22122 667732 aos@yahoo.com 30- March- 2007 Zahi Awad, Director Environmental Services City Council 94 Al Andallus St. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Dear Mr. Zahi, ........................................ I am a student at Al Fajr secondary school on Tariq Bin Ziad St. in the city of Jeddah. I would like to complain about the loads of garbage in front of my school. Every day when students arrive at 6:45 a.m., there is loads of garbage that has not been collected from the day before. This does not only look and smell horrible but it is also the cause for many health problems. I would really appreciate it if you reschedule the garbage collectors to pick up the garbage before the time we arrive to school. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,
Page 82
Ahamad Omar Salem
2 What is the problem? ...........................................................................................
What is the effect? ............................................................................................... What is the suggested solution? ............................................................................
Planning A In Groups. 1 Choose one of the problems in your community. You can write about the problems
in the speaking lesson.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 2 Brainstorm its effects on the community.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 3 Suggest solutions to the problem.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... B When writing a letter of complaint keep the following steps in mind.
Complete the graph writing a letter of complaint steps.
......................... .........................
Page 83
Active Writing: Drafting
Dos Avoid insulting the reader. Avoid writing in an angry tone. Avoid writing long letters. Avoid writing unnecessary details.
Don'ts Be brief, clear, ďŹ rm and polite Include facts, documents. Include signatures of others who upport your complaint Say thank you.
Page 84
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
Post Writing: A
Peer Revision: In pairs: Exchange letters. Use the following check list.
Does the letter follow the format of a formal letter? Does it have introduction, body paragraph and conclusion? Does the introduction clearly state the complaint? Does the body paragraph provide all the information about the problem? ! Does the complaint include facts rather than emotions? Does the conclusion include the suggestion?
Editing Use the following checklist to edit your letter.
Content, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Format 1 Does each sentence have a subject and a verb? 2 Are the verb tenses used correctly? 3 Are capital letters used where necessary? 4 Are punctuation rules followed correctly? 5 Are there any spelling mistakes? C
Writing a ďŹ nal draft:
Page 85
Edit and write the ďŹ nal draft of your letter.
Tip: Use colored paper to make your letter stand out!
Career Plans Unit Objectives - DeďŹ ne "Career". - Assess ones Interest. - Read to infer information. - Listen to infer information. -Talk about preferences and abilities. - Write a career plan.
A Read the quote.
"You ďŹ nd a job, but you build a Career". Unknown
B Look at the chart. What does it tell you about "Career"?
Page 86
Goals'e Actions
C After discussing the quote and the chart, write your own definition for "Career"
in the space below.
D Make a simple drawing of the word "Career".
E In pairs, compare your definitions then look at the dictionary to decide on a
definition for "Career".
Discussion Questions 1 What are you planning to do after graduating?
2 What other options do high school graduates have? 3 Name a few college or university majors? 4 Name some jobs and careers? 5 What is your dream job?
6 Each job requires certain skills and abilities. Give examples. 7 Why is planning a career early in life important?
8 Do you think a person's interest in a job is enough for success? Why? 9 A path means a road what do you think a career path means?
Questionnaire: Interest Assessment A The following activity will help you define your areas of interest. Answer every
Page 87
question by checking Yes or No. Add all the 'Yes' check marks for each section then, write your area of interest at the bottom of the page.
Career Plans
Do you like to
Yes No
Do you like to
Teach others how to do something
Research a topic of interest Be the treasurer of a club (handle money) Work on a scientific experiment Work with numbers/ statistics
Help sick people
Guess car mileage
Lead a group or a club activity
Check bank report
Work with the public
Write a computer program
Entertain children Listen to friends' problems.
Yes No
Do you like to
Yes No
Bake cakes Repair cars Show or make crafts Build something from wood
Do you like to Decorate rooms. Write poems or a stories.
Operate cash register or calculator
Publish yearbooks or news papers. Write lyrics. Paint, draw, watercolor.
Gardening, landscaping
Perform or act in school plays.
Operate cameras and video equipment
Invent new products.
Yes No
Play computer games.
B What did you learn about your interests?
My highest area of interest is ................................................................................. because ...................................................................................
Planting the seed of my career.
Page 88
- Your teacher will give you a drawing of a tree. (similar to the one on the right) - Write your area of interest at the root. (as shown in the figure) - Think of this as the seed of your career. - Think of jobs related to your interest to fill the branches. (The job list on the back of the book will help you.) - Discuss your choices with a group that shares your interest.
Vocabulary check These words will appear throughout in the unit. Check the familiar ones. ability
ďŹ nance
career path
Vocabulary Strategy: Categorizing or grouping. Putting words in groups often helps in learning new vocabulary. This can be done in different ways: 1 grouping words with the same stem, part of speech, synonyms, antonyms, etc 2 grouping words according to type such as people, animals, buildings, etc 3 grouping words in the same 'content area' i.e. the same topic.
Example: the following are words associated with the content area 'School': students, teachers, classrooms, books, etc. A Read and underline the words in the list above.
Career means a job or an occupation with the chance for progress and promotion. Planning for a career is important for high school students. It is no longer simple answer to "What do you want to be when you grow up" any more. It is a process that requires careful assessment and
Page 89
understanding of ones aptitude skills and values.
It is the search for answers to questions about ourselves and the choices available: • What are my interests? • What are my abilities? (listening, reading, writing, computer skills, categorizing, decision making, planning, team work…etc) • What should I do after I graduate: continue with school or get a job? • What kind of school should I attend: vocational, college, university, other? • What are the different career paths? • What major should I choose? • What is important to my future career: income, success, security, co-workers, and environment, something else? • How to choose a career path? Finding answers to these questions can help you in your career planning. Remember that your career will affect your finance, your life style, your social circle and your leisure time. It will also affect your satisfaction with life. B Look at the underlined words in A, find words that fit into the following categories.
Educational Choices
Things to Consider when Choosing a Career
C Reread the text then find words in the following content area.
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Skills
Page 90
............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
D In Pairs, look at the following jobs and careers. Which require college degree
and which requires vocational diploma? Put them in the lists below.
electrician electric engineer
nurse pilot
secretary chef
College Degree
Vocational Diploma
Self assessment
Page 91
Go back to the word list in the Vocabulary Check. Tick the new words you have learnt. Use the dictionary to look up the words you still do not know.
Pre-Reading A Discuss the questions below. 1 What do the images represent?
2 Does the person in 1.a have clear plans for her future? 3 What plans does the person in 1.b have?
4 What do you plan to do after you graduate from school?
5 These are the Top 10 career choices for school students in the USA. What are yours?
My First Three
6 How can knowing the skills a job requires affect our career choices?
Page 92
Career Choices
Active Reading A Read the story and find out why the student changed his college major and
career path several times.
As a senior high school student, you are probably thinking about graduation and what comes next. You’ve got many important decisions ahead of you. What are you going to do after graduating? What are you going to study in college? What do you want to do with your life? These are just a few of the many questions high school students face. During high school, I was faced with these questions. To be honest, I wasn't really sure what my interests were or what career path to choose. So when my father suggested medical school, I thought it might be a good idea. My first year in medical school was a disaster. I had to take courses such as physics, chemistry and biology. I found great difficulty in understanding the new terms. So, it was only natural that my grades declined and eventually failed the year. This ended the medical career path that my father had chosen for me. Believe it or not, I was quiet relieved. In fact, I couldn’t see myself as a doctor; I guess I didn't have the heart for it. So I had to make another choice. Later, I was accepted into the college of engineering, I was quite pleased. I remember my uncle proudly saying "Engineers do it better," so I started the year with great enthusiasm. At that time, I didn't realize that maths was not my passion. Working with so many numbers confused me; I also hated the statistics course. By the end of the term, I realized that engineering was not the thing for me either. It was not surprising then that the year ended with an even greater disappointment. I started doubting my abilities to succeed. I was losing my self-confidence. I no longer knew what to do or what to study. Finally, in a desperate attempt to make a decision, I attended a course on career planning. This course changed my view on life and the way I looked at myself. I realized that I was not alone; many young people face difficulties in choosing a career path. I learned that planning is the key to reach goals and to achieve success. The lecturer said, "If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes, If you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes." This old African saying explained it all. It helped me think about my life and what I wanted out of it. During the course, I filled in a number of questionnaires that helped me identify my skills, preferences and aptitude. I was also exposed to possible career choices that matched my interests. By the end of the course, I was confidently able to select the major that fit my ability, skills and my deep interest in exploring the world.
Page 93
My only regret is that I did not know about all these things in school. I made many mistakes and wasted a lot of time. The point is, if I had known what steps to take to plan my career sensibly, I could have avoided failures and struggle.
Reading Strategy: Making inference Making an inference is the ability to connect what is in a text with what is in your mind to make an educated guess about meaning, ideas, details and information in the text. It is “reading between the lines”. B The following sentences are taken from the narrative you have just read. What
do you infer? Choose the right answer"
choose. So when my father, suggested medical school I thought it might be a good idea. It can be inferred that the father: a suggested that all students go to medical school. b expected his son to succeed in medical school. c wanted to go to medical school. 2 My first year in medical school, was a disaster. I had to take courses such as physics, chemistry and biology. I didn't enjoy these courses; I found great difficulty in understanding all the new terms. So, it was only natural that my grades declined and eventually failed the entire year. It can be inferred that the writer was: a disappointed. b satisfied. c accepted. 3 Later, I was accepted in the college of engineering, I was quite pleased. I knew that my uncle would be proud of me. I remembered my uncle proudly saying "Engineers do it better," so I started the year with great enthusiasm It can be inferred that the uncle is working in the field of: a business. b engineering. c education. 4 "If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes." It can be inferred from the old African saying that: a you better plan for the future, it will come any way. b Africans think of tomorrow as their future. c don’t wait for the future it will not come. 5 By the end of the course, I was confidently able to select a major that would lead me to the career path that fits my ability and my deep interest to explore the world. It can be inferred that the writer wanted to become: a an engineer. b an astronaut. c a pilot.
Page 94
1 To be honest, I wasn't really sure what my interests were or what career path to
B Reread the narrative to complete the following: 1 The author's purpose for writing his experience is to:
............................................................................................................... 2 The moral of the story or the experience is:
Vocabulary These words are taken from the text. Write a category for each group. a
.................................................... b school
.................................................... c doctor
Post-Reading In Groups, discuss the following and share your opinion with class. A "This course changed my view on life and the way I looked at myself".
What does this statement tell about - the author’s feelings towards himself and his life before attending the course. - the advantages of planning on a personal scale. B Think of a proverb about planning and achieving in Arabic. Write it down in
English. Share it with the class.
.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................
Page 95
Grammar and Translation
Expressing feelings Read the conversation. What do the underline words describe?
Still reading that book on career planning?
Yeah. It’s really interesting. It’ll help me decide on a career.
I think you should be a doctor.
Of course not. I am not interested in medicine. Seeing blood is disturbing.
How about a researcher, then; you love reading.
Wow! That sounds like a fascinating job. I’m fascinated by new discoveries.
But remember, researching is a demanding job. It’s really tiring.
Maybe; but I still think it’s a challenging career.
Participles as Adjectives A participle is a verb used as an adjective. There are two kinds of participles. The past participle ends in – ed / - en. The present participle ends in -ing. interested; interesting bored; boring Examples: surprised; surprising
Verb Be
am /was about excited I the teacher is /was fascinated by the book in The parents are/were interested
Verb Be
The research is /was
An A
participle exciting fascinating interesting
An A
Page 96
• Past participles are used to describe what happens to the noun (passive). They describe how a person feels about something (emotion).
A Look at the pictures below. Underline the words that describe how the person
feels and circle the word that describes the cause of the feeling
B Choose the correct form of the participial adjectives in brackets: 1 Human resources is an (interesting – interested) career path. Ahmad is (interesting –
interested) in reading more about it.
2 I think studying finance is (bored-boring) because I always get (bored- boring) when
I listen to financial reports.
3 We are (exciting-excited) about the field trip to the airport. Flying planes is an
(exciting - excited) job.
4 Although travelling to outer space is (frightening-frightened), my brother is (fascinating
-fascinated) by astronauts.
5 I was (embarrassing - embarrassed) when I gave a presentation to the class. However,
my teacher told me If I practice enough it will not be so (embarrassing-embarrassed).
Page 97
C In pairs, use participial adjectives to express how you feel about:
Some career choices.
Some games & activities
School subjects.
Grammar and Translation
Translating participial adjectives Usually the past participle is translated as “”ﺍﺳﻡ ﺍﻟﻣﻔﻌﻭﻝ Examples: ‘He is a pleased customer”. ﺍﻧﻪ ﺯﺑﻭﻥ ﻣﺳﺭﻭﺭ "The child is loved” " ﺍﻟﻁﻔﻝ ﻣﺣﺑﻭﺏHe is a loved child” ﺍﻧﻪ ﻁﻔﻝ ﻣﺣﺑﻭﺏ. However the present participle is translated as an adjective. "Math is fascinating" ﺍﻟﺭﻳﺎﺿﻳﺎﺕ ﻣﺫﻫﻠﺔ
Translate the following: A Career decisions may be confusing; however, they should not be about what
you love most. Career decisions are about the kind of life you want to set up for yourself.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... B Here is an interesting piece of advice: “Do not do what you love; do what you
are”. You will be surprised at what you can achieve if you choose a job based on your strengths.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Page 98
C In the western world, people often change their careers even if these careers
are planned well. Career research tells that today most adults make four or five career changes during their working lifetime. Most of these changes happen because of the rapid changes in the job market and the changing life styles. They are also related to the changes in the person’s interests and opportunities.
...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................
Page 99
Listening and Speaking
Pre-Listening A Study the diagram below. Answer the following questions. 1 What different career paths are shown in the diagram? 2 What interest area leads to each path? ARTS & COMMUNICATION (Creative Path) People who like to draw, write or perform. People in this path are creative thinkers who generally are interested in "people and "ideas."
People who like to work with people & to help make things better for others. People in this path have interests and skills mainly in "people" and/or "ideas."
People who like to ďŹ nd out how things work and build things. People in this path usually have ineterests and skills in "things."
HEALTH SCIENCES (Health Path) People who like to care for people & animals. People in this path have interests and skills primarily in "people" and/or "ideas," and sometimes in "data".
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY (Business Path) People who like to work with numbers & be organized. People in this path usually have interests "data" and/or "people."
AGRICULTURE & NATURAL RESOURCES (Nature Path) People who like to work outdoors with plants & animals. People in this path are interested primarily in "things" with some interest in "data" and/or "ideas."
B Use the SKILLS CHECKLIST at the back of the students’ book to answer these
questions. Use the code in the box to mark your answers
1 In your opinion, what skills are required for each path? Page 100
2 What skills seem to be required by most career path?
Active Listening Mr. Henry, the school career counselor, had taken the eleventh graders on a field trip to explore careers. Today, they are discussing their field trip in class. You will hear their discussion in two parts A Listen to the first part. Identify the main point of the discussion by choosing the correct answer. Identifying skills based on career interests. Relating personal interest and skills to career paths. Exploring school subjects and selecting educational options B Listen to the second part of the conversation. Notice the expressions used by students to express their interests. Mark only the expressions you hear. I understand It’s fascinating I enjoy
It sounds like… I love I like …
I’m fascinated by… I can… I’m interested in…
C Listen to the second part again. Listen to what each student likes to do. Mark
the correct answers. Faisal likes…
Ali likes…
Ahmad likes…
working with numbers. working with his working with computers. helping people. hands teaching children. working with tools. working with computers. playing soccer. Listen to what the students can actually do. Mark the correct answers. Faisal can…
Ali can…
follow instructions work independently solve problems
Ahmad can…
listen and understand fix machines use tools
set goals fix computers lead people
E Make inferences. Based on the students’ aptitudes, skills and interests. Complete
the following information in the table below.
a Which career path do you think each student should take? b What are the skills required for their career path?
Career paths
Arts & Communications
Business, Management, Marketing and Technology
Page 101
Engineering & Industrial Technology Health Science Human Services
Natural Resources & Agriculture
Student’s name Required skills
Listening and Speaking
A What about you? What are your interests, skills and abilities? 1 Organize your skills & abilities, and your personal traits into 4 categories: people, data,
things or ideas. In each section, put a check next to the skills/ traits you have.
2 Total the checks in each section. Put a check the box next to the area with the most
Skills and Abilities Checklist
PEOPLE Do you have the ability to…? cooperate well with others. motivate others to achieve goals. help relieve people’s pain. care for animals. listen effectively to evaluate situations. plan and supervise an activity. solve problems and make decisions. express yourself clearly. lead a group discussion.
Do you have the ability to…? keep records. write analysis of study and research. think critically. solve problems and make decisions. solve math problems. understand scientific theories. do difficult calculations. use a microscope or computer. read and understand medical formulas or data.
Page 102
UNIT Things
Lesson !
Do you have the ability to…? repair and install technical equipments fix electrical things Think critically and solve plumbing or electrical problems work with earth and nature operate tools and machinery work with wood using the right tools design and build a structures read manuals and follow proper sequence plant a garden
Do you have the ability to…? sketch, draw, paint write stories, poetry design fashions or interiors perform before an audience speak/write clearly and accurately express ideas through painting and writing think critically to evaluate situations solve problems and make decisions. speaking foreign languages
Total: My highest skills area is under … PEOPLE
DATA Are you …?
tolerant and patient a responsible citizen honest and trustworthy sociable and friendly problem solver cooperative and helpful generous kind modest
Page 103
Personal Traits Checklist:
Are you …? analytical/ observant. independent. scientific. Orderly/ well-organized/ careful. realistic/ reasonable . persistent/ firm. numerically skilled. critical and clear- thinker. a planer and an organizer.
Listening and Speaking THINGS
Do you have the ability to…? practical cautious curious reliable/ responsible a nature lover ambitious. observant. independent a adventurous and courageous.
Do you have the ability to…? sociable impulsive/quick-thinker talkative and communicative curious artistic and creative persuasive optimistic. talented and imaginative. ambitious and self motivated.
My personal traits area is: PEOPLE B
Role-play a Career Counselor and a student in self assessment and career exploration. Students take turns to role play as a career counselor and a student.
Career Counselor: 1 You are a high school career counselor. Most of your students are not sure what
they want to do after high school. Interview each of your students and find out basic information about him/her using these questions: What career path and career options are you interested in? Why do you think it is a good choice for you? What areas are you mainly interested in? Give examples. What is your highest skills area? What can you do? (Skills)
Useful expressions: fascinating/fascinated, like/dislike, interesting/ interested, etc.
2 Then, refer to the list of career form (A) at the back of the book page .......................... Match student’s interests, skills and abilities to a suitable
career path and career options then give him/her an advice (suggestion). Use the information from Activity 1and 2 to answer the counselor questions expressing your interests and abilities. You'll need to fill out form (C) with information about yourself.
Page 104
"A dream without a plan is a nightmare"
Pre writing Answer the questions: 1 Deciding on a particular career or job is only half the task.
Do you agree? Why? 2 How can you reach your career goals?
A Career Plan A career plan is a step-by-step plan that helps you identify your goals and determine how to achieve them. It enables you set your priorities and succeed in the career path you have chosen. In pairs: read the steps for a career plan and compare them to the steps for a personal development plan in unit 1. Step 1 2 3 4
Action Carry out a self-assessment. Explore careers that interest you. Make decisions and set goals. Formulate an action plan.
Planning Step One Self-assessment: Have you taken a test that deďŹ nes your interests, skills and abilities? Have you decided on your role in the society? Have you matched your strengths to a career path? My career path ..................................................................................................... Why ? ................................................................................................................... Step Two Explore careers that interest you. Explore the ďŹ eld you want to work in and research the education, skills and experience required. Explore your options. Decide on the careers that interest you? My top three career choices are:
Page 105
1st ..................................
2nd ..................................
3rd ..................................
Step Three Make a decision and set a career goal. Review your career options. Then, narrow down your choices by asking yourself the following questions.
My career goal .......................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................
Step Four
Formulate an action plan. Re-explore the career ďŹ eld you have chosen then :A
Identify the general skills, abilities and requirements for the career you have chosen. .......................................................................................................................................
Write down your skills, interests, and experiences related to the career you have chosen (skills, interests and experiences you already have). Identify the areas that need development. .......................................................................................................................................
Study the example: Career goal To become a civil engineer.
General abilities and
Current skills, interests,
requirements for the career
and experiences related to
(What i have)
the career (Need to get)
- At least a bachelor's degree in engineering (requirement) -Knowledge of physical sciences and mathematics. (requirement) - Ability to work as part of a team - Creativity - Analytical thinking skills - Capacity for detail work - Presentation skills.
Areas that need development
- Summer employment with a Presentation construction company skills. -High school mathematics. -High school science. -Experience working within a team -High school writing -Creative ability and organizational skills. Page 106
Write down short term specific goals that will help you achieve your career goal. Divide your goals into three categories: education -
For example: Education - Graduate amongst the top 10 of high school class. - Earn a 4 year degree
Skills - Improve presentation and writing skills.
Experience - Get work experience: part-time/summer job.
- Acquire team work skills.
in Engineering
D Write down the action steps you will take to reach the goals of each category.
My action steps Education e.g: .................................................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................................
Skills e.g: .................................................................................................................................................. ..........................................................................................................................................................
Experience e.g: ..................................................................................................................................................
Page 107
Outlining: When writing your career plan essay, follow the outline below.
Introductory Paragraph My top three career choices are: 1st :.......................................... 2nd:........................................... 3rd:.......................................... My career goal is: I made these decisions because my interests are: My best abilities are
Body To reach my career I need to (Academic goal) ........................... Classes I can take (or am taking) in high school that relate to my career goals are: .......................................................................... Career and Technology programs that would be helpful are: ...................................... Helpful work experiences include: .......................................................................................
Concluding Paragraph After I graduate, I will probably:
Page 108
Active Writing Drafting: Remember to take your time, this is not just an ordinary assignment, it is a draft of the plan for the next few years of your life; be ambitious and do your best.
Post Writing Peer Revision:
A Exchange plans. Review and discuss suggestions. 1 Is the career goal stated clearly? 2 Are the steps organized? 3 Are there any weaknesses in this plan? 4 How can they be corrected? 5 Can this plan be made clearer?
Consider getting feedback from two or three people whose opinion you trust and read your draft to them. They may provide you with additional positive suggestions. B
Editing Use the following checklist to edit your essay. No
Yes 1 Does each sentence have a subject and a verb? 2 Are the verb tenses used correctly? 3 Are capital letters used where necessary? 4 Are punctuation rules followed correctly? 5 Are there any spelling mistakes?
Writing a Final Draft
Page 109
Edit and complete the ďŹ nal draft on a computer word processor. You should use the spell check to check all spelling and grammar. Then, paste it in your workbook.
Unit Objectives
Page 110
Review: • target vocabulary. • making inferences. • categorizing and forming compound nouns. • translating adjectives and modals. • participles as adjectives and modals. • writing a career plan and a letter of complaint. • Assess students’ skillful decision making.
A Complete the webs to form compound nouns.
B Use two compound nouns from each web to write your own sentences:
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... C Cross the word that does not belong in each group:
needy aptitude society Job charity data
elderly skill community business nonproďŹ t people
rescue homeless. interest ability neighborhood occupation career. authority donation. interest idea
success organization.
D Write a compound word for each phrase listed below:
Page 111
A party for graduation = .................................................................................... Services for health = ........................................................................................ Management of business = ................................................................................
A Read The Yellow Birds, then answer the questions:
Page 112
I was seventeen, and my motives were simple: to improve my final Health Assistant grade. To accomplish my goal, I volunteered at the nearby nursing home. For weeks, I complained to my friend, " I can’t believe I’m stuck with looking after old people for free." She agreed. The bright yellow uniforms we had to wear made matters even worse. On our first day at the center, the nurses nicknamed us the " yellow birds". One long month passed before I first met Lily Sturgeon, an eighty -seven-yearold resident who would change my life. We talked for few minutes. There was something about Lily that I liked immediately. One rainy afternoon she smiled and said, "Come here, Karen. Sit down. I have something to show you." She lifted a small photo album and began to turn the pages. "She pointed to a pretty little girl sitting on top of a fence. " That was my darling Emmy when she was eight years old.she died from cancer," Lily said sadly.. "I’m so sorry," I said, . She smiled slightly and showed me a faded picture of middle-aged Lily standing next to a clown. "That’s my Albert," she laughed, "After Emmy died, Albert decided to become ‘Smiley the Clown". to help the children at the hospital." The children loved it! Every weekend we’d volunteer at the hospitals to bring smiles and gifts to the children." "But you said you were poor, "I reminded her. "Well, smiles are free, and the gifts were not anything fancy. After Albert died, I dressed as Smiley myself… that is, until my first heart attack, about ten years ago. Smiley was then forced into retirement." When I left Lily’s room that day, I couldn’t think of anything but how generous she and Albert had been to children who were not their own. Her words were "Good things should be done without thoughts of self".
Graduation day neared and on my last day, I hurried to Lily’s room. She asked in a concerned voice, "What is it, dear?" "I’ll be back in two weeks," I responded, explaining about high-school graduation. "And then I’ll visit you every day. I promise."She sighed and squeezed my fingers. "I can’t wait for you to tell me all about it." Two weeks later, I rushed back to Lily’s room with a bouquet of lilies in my hands. As I stepped in, the clean, neat, unoccupied room said everything; I threw the flowers on the bed and wept. A nurse came in and gently touched my shoulder. "Were you one of the yellow birds?" she asked. "Is your name Karen?"I nodded, and she handed me a giftwrapped box. "Lily wanted you to have this. It was her photo album. Clutching it tightly to my chest, I quickly left. Three weeks later, my horrified brother stood before me. "You can’t be serious!" he said, pacing back and forth. "You look ridiculous! "As I tried to look at myself in the mirror, he blocked my reflection. "You can’t be serious!" he repeated. "How in the world did you pay for that thing anyway?" "With my graduation money," I answered. "What?" he exclaimed, shaking his head. "You have cancelled your trip to New York?" "Yep," I said. "Life is more about giving than receiving." Karen Garrison
Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Soul
1 What is the moral of the story?
...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 2 What is the purpose of the writer?
Page 113
...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................
B What can you infer from the following statements?.Choose the best answer : 1 " You can’t be serious!" he said, pacing back and forth. "You look ridiculous!"
Karen was dressed up as:
Yellow birds - Smiley the clown. 2 "I was seventeen, and my motives were simple: to improve my final Health
Assistant grade."
a Karen wants to be
- an engineer. - a doctor/nurse b Karen Health Assistant grade was
- low - high. 3 "One long month passed before I first met Lily Sturgeon".
The word long indicates that Karen was - bored and tired. - happy and excited. 4 "There was something about Lily that I liked immediately"
Lily was - loud. - kind. C Read the first and the last parts of the story. How has Karen’s attitude towards
volunteer work changed? What do you think are the reasons?
.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... C Read the following statements. Think of a story around the same morals and tell
it to your group
Page 114
"Good things should be done without thoughts of self ". "Life is more about giving than receiving."
A local community school has invited a few successful businessmen as guest speakers to talk about how they made their career choices. The students have prepared a set of three questions for each speaker. A Listen to the first interview and mark the things the students want to know about
the speaker. Salary
Career options
Career path
Career plans
B Listen to first interview again and check what you learned from the speaker.
Interests, Abilities & skills
fixing and building computers. working with children solving math problems solving puzzles
Page 115
learn about careers options. take courses that help your career. identify your interests, skills, and aptitudes plan your future. focus on your goals. stay in school
Career Path. Arts & Communications Business, Management, Marketing &Technology Engineering & Industrial Technology Health Science Human Services Natural Resources & Agriculture
A In pairs, fill in the table with the following information.
Different authority figures in your community. A rule set by each authority figure. Problems caused by violating these rules. Authority figures
B In groups of three or four, choose a problem and suggest ways to solve it.
Remember to use modals when talking about solutions.
A Choose the correct form of the participial adjectives. 1 Our customers are almost always ....................... with their purchases. a satisfy b satisfying c satisfied 2 I was ................ to find out he was studying law. He has been always interested in
medicine. a surprise
b surprised
c surprising.
His resume wasn’t very ....................... . a convince b convincing
I like my job because as a journalist I meet many ....................... people. a fascinate b fascinated c fascinating.
c convinced.
5 People who are interested in business careers are ....................... to enjoy working a expect
b expected
c expecting.
Page 116
with people.
C Write a list of rules for being a respectful citizen addressing the following
1 Participating as a volunteer in our community summer camp. .......................................................................................................................... 2 Respecting authority figures. .......................................................................................................................... 3 Slowing down for pedestrians. ........................................................................................................................... 4 Respecting other people’s property. ........................................................................................................................... 5 Parking in the middle of the street blocking other cars. ........................................................................................................................... 6 Littering in the street. ........................................................................................................................... 7 Opening a door for someone who is behind me. ........................................................................................................................... 8 Pushing my way to the front of the line. ........................................................................................................................... 1 Write the verbs between brackets in the correct form of the parlicpial adjective.
Then, answer the survey.
1 Organizing files in an office is ................. (interest).
2 Solving math problems would be a ....................... (bore) career for me.
4 Using computers would make me ....................... (bore).
5 Using hand tools to make things is ........................ (challenge)
6 Writing children stories is ................... (excite).
7 Performing in front of an audience makes me .................. (excite).
8 Working with nature would be a .................... (fascinate) career for me.
3 Helping people in making decisions would be ...................... (interest) and
Page 117
2 According to your answers to the test, tick the right career path for you.
Arts & Communications
Health Science
Business, Management,
Human Services
Marketing and Technology Engineering & Industrial Technology
Natural Resources & Agriculture
Revision Skillful Decision Making
Dreaming about one’s future brings happiness to life. Read the first part of "No More Car Wash" then, apply the steps of skilful decision to help Sammy and Ethan make a decision.
Page 118
“Ethan, I don’t know how much longer I can do this. My feet really hurt.” “Yeah, so do mine, Sammy. Maybe we should just live at the zoo like Uncle Carl. He gets fed well and just relaxes all day,” said Ethan. “When I said I don’t know how much longer I can do this, I meant this job.I didn’t mean give up on our dream of being independent elephants.” “Relax. I haven’t lost sight of that dream either, Sammy. Look, I appreciated Mr. Dilley giving us a job at his carwash, but using my trunk as a water hose isn’t how I want to spend my days.” “You think I do? I have one dream in life, just one.” “I know, I know, I’ve heard this story a thousand times; you want to be a chef more than anything else on Earth,” said Ethan. “That’s right, a chef,” said Sammy. “But that’s never going to happen, because nobody wants to eat food cooked by an elephant.” “Don’t give up, Sammy. Somebody will give you a job eventually.” said Ethan. “Thanks Ethan. I’m just tired of waiting for someone else to give me a chance, so first thing tomorrow morning I am going to the bank for a loan. We’ll just open up our own place. And every customer that walks through the door will be treated with respect. “Can I be the one who greets customers at the door with a song?” asked Ethan. “I’ve always dreamed of being a singer.” “Absolutely,” said Sammy. “I’ll make the stew and you can sing your heart out to all the customers.” Ethan and Sammy finished washing the cars smiling the whole time. Even with sore feet it was easy for them to smile now, because they knew their dreams were going to come true. Next morning Sammy went to the bank but when he tried to use the peanuts which Mr. Dilley had been paying them, he was informed he would have to shell out something else: money. Sammy was heartbroken. He and Ethan didn’t have one nickel between them, and the cost of starting up a restaurant was more than Sammy ever imagined. “It’s all right, Sammy, we can still go live at the zoo like uncle Carl.” said Ethan as he saw the sad look on Sammy’a face. Sammy didn’t know what to do.
1 The questions of skillful decision making are:
a ....................................................................................................................
b .................................................................................................................... c .................................................................................................................... d .................................................................................................................... 2 Name the parts of the graphic organizer then use it to make a skillful decision:
................................ What should ................................ do?
................................ ................................
Is this a good thing to do?
...................................................................... ...................................................................... Why?
Page 119
Next morning, Mr. Dilley agreed to start paying Ethan and Sammy with money, and not just peanuts. Ethan and Sammy saved every penny they made. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months but Sammy and Ethan’s spirits were high. One day, something unexpected happened. Something wonderful! While hosing down a car one afternoon, Ethan and Sammy were surprised to see a big orange truck in the parking lot. It was playing music and selling ice cream. “What? You’ve got to be kidding me. That man is selling ice-cream to people from his truck,” said Sammy. “What a brilliant idea. Don’t wait for your customers to come to you, go out and find them!” “And he is playing music for them too,” said Ethan. “Are you thinking What I’m thinking, Sammy?” “Yeah, how does he keep the ice-cream from melting?” “No, that’s not what I was thinking,” said Ethan shaking his head. “I am sure there’s a freezer on the truck, Sammy. I’m talking about us. A truck should be a lot less expensive than a restaurant. Why don’t we start our own business by renting a truck, and just go out and find our customers like the man with the ice-cream?” Sammy didn’t say a word, but smiled from ear to floppy ear. He knew right then and there that his life was going to change. And it did! After a pay raise and a couple more months of working at the car wash, Ethan and Sammy bought their tuck and started their business . They had the words “Stew and Tunes,” written on the side of their truck. It took awhile to catch on, but eventually the whole town of Belvar fell in love with Sammy’s peanut butter stew. And everyone in Belvar knew the truck was close by when they heard Ethan’s singing.
Page 120
Adapted from Take the Net for Children Stories No More Car Wash. By Artie Knapp
Translate the following: A
Your volunteer experience will play an important role in convincing future employers that you have got the skills they are looking for. To make sure it has the greatest influence (effect), you must: - Set clear and realistic goals for your volunteer experiences. Are you trying to meet specific career exploration, skills development? Keep these in mind throughout the search. - Carry out your search in the same way you would for a paid job. - Be punctual and professional at all times. It is amazing how the people you meet in your volunteer job could help you later on.
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... B To begin your career planning, ask yourself “What am I interested in?”, “What
is motivating to me in the qualities of work environments? Then, find out your personal style, the ways you prefer to approach activities, and how you like to connect with people. After that, know your skills. Lastly, you can begin to explore various types of career areas that you are interested in. Get as close as you can to the occupation that you are interested in.
Page 121
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
C To begin your career planning, ask yourself “What am I interested in?”, “What
is motivating to me in the qualities of work environments? Then, find out your personal style, the ways you prefer to approach activities, and how you like to connect with people. After that, know your skills. Lastly, you can begin to explore various types of career areas that you are interested in. Get as close as you can to the occupation that you are interested in.
Page 122
.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................
Lesson Assess
Set Goals
Answer the following questions: 1 Put true or false: a The ďŹ rst step in career planning is setting goals. (
b A letter of complaint is a formal letter. (
) c A career plan essay has an introduction that states the goal and the reasons for that goal. ( ) d The letter of complaint must express the sender anger. ( ) e A career plan has a long term goal and short term goals. ( ) 2 Write the parts of a letter of complaint.
................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
3 List the steps of a career plan.
................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... 4 Put the tips about writing a letter of complaint in the right category: - Insult the reader.
-Include signatures of others.
- write unnecessary details.
-Write an angry letter.
- Include facts, documents
- Be brief, clear, ďŹ rm and polite
- Write long letters.
-Say thank you.
Page 123
B You want to do some volunteer work next summer vacation. In your workbook,
write an essay stating the goal you want to achieve explaining the kind of work you would like to do and how you plan to do it? Introductory paragraph - State your goal. - The volunteer work you will do. - Reasons for choosing that work: does it match your interests, skills and abilities?
Body - Your plan to get the best of the volunteer work you chose.
Concluding paragraph - Restate your goal. - Explain how you will feel when you achieve it and the rewards you might get.
C In your workbook, write a letter complaining about one of the problems in your
Page 124
Speaking Cards
Me in Design
Unit 1 Lesson 1
If you were to design a T-Shirt that reflects your Character, what would you write on it?
Page 126
Be creative; add a drawing, a quote or saying.
Planting the seed of my career.
Unit 5 Lesson 1
- Write your area of interest at the root. - Think of this as the seed of your career. - Think of jobs related to your interest to fill the branches. (The job list on the back of the book will help you.)
Page 127
Marine biologist
Business manager
Chemical technician
Computer Specialist
Physical Therapist
Police Officer
Retail Career
Social worker
Fish and game warden
Football coach
Travel Agent
Interior designer
Page 128
Job List
Unit 5 Lesson 1
Speaking activities resources / tool
Unit 5 Lesson 6
Form (A): Here are the 6 Career Pathways and sample career options and the skills related to each. Path Information
Career Options
Careers related to humanities, and the performing, visual, literary and media arts.
Express ideas through art & perform before an audience. Speak/write clearly and accurately. Use computer software.
Artist Illustrators Interior designer Journalist Photographers Writer
Careers related to business including accounting, business administration, finance, information processing and marketing.
Set goals and plan. Sell, negotiate, convince or persuade. Use computers to organize files and keep records & data.
Accountant Salesperson Business manager Computer specialist
Careers related to technologies necessary to design, develop, install, build or construct (Working with tools, equipment and other kinds of machinery is important to people who have careers in this
Design and build a structure, follow proper sequence. Work with tools. Solve math problems. Use computer make graphs and data. Fix, install machines.
Pilot Architect Chemical technician Electrician Engineer Mechanic
Careers related to promotion of health as well as the treatment of injuries and disease.
Help to relieve pain. Care, treat, heal people. Use medical/technical equipments. Deal with difficult patients. Care for animals.
Doctor Nurse Veterinarian Dentist Physical Therapist
Careers in childcare, social service, education, hospitality anf the social services.
Explain ideas and give clear instructions. Listen carefully to people. Advise, guide others. Help people learn new skills.
Counselor Teacher Chef Lawyer Police Officer Travel Agent Page 129
Human Services
Health Sciences
Engineering/ Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
Business Management, Marketing and Technology
Arts and Communication
Career Path
Unit 5 Lesson 6
Pre-Listening Activity (b)
SKILLS CHECKLIST: Use the letter code in the box when marking your answers. A Arts & Communications D Human Services
B Business / Information /...
E Engineering / Industrial Tech.
C Health Sciences
F Agriculture / Natural Resources
Basic Skills:
Read, to understand material including graphs and charts, write effectively, listen actively and speak effectively. Computer Skills: Type, insert pictures, format, edit, print, save, search the Internet to find information, send e-mails and show slide presentations. Thinking Skills: Think critically, to evaluate situations, to solve problems and make decisions. FUNCTIONAL SKILLS: Memorize a large amount of materials express myself well negotiate/ discuss to reach agreement plant flowers motivate others apply knowledge of first aid and safety solve mathematics problems and work with data act quickly in emergencies make handcrafts using the right tools work with earth and nature keep financial records write, edit, translate letters or articles take care of animals operate machines or electronic equipment build or construct things Organize, file, categorize or arrange information entertain, perform, amuse or act use artistic ability, photograph, decorate, paint or sculpt care for and treat people advise, guide others work with people: train, instruct, inform or explain to how to do something by using variety of methods repair machines using tools manage one's own time and the time of others
Page 130
work alone and in groups