Kinté Taylor
E xc er c is e 1
ITGM 705 EXERCISE 1 Winter 2011
Kinté Taylor E X E R C I S E 1 For the last 10 years my work has involved the creation of digital media ranging from print, to web to post production. The majority of my work has been commissioned work, which enables clients to get their message across in some sort of digital medium. It is up to me to take the clients’ multitude of ideas and condense them into a single clear and concise message. Although I have a large say in the deigning of the clients message, I am still ultimately relegated to the clients’ likes and dislikes. Modish is and example of what would be a client driven project to create an online presence for a company who is a multimedia firm looking for a way to showcase and display their work and client base to obtain future bids on projects. This concept embodies all four Characteristics of Ceruzzi’s definition of Computing. By a websites very nature the Procedural, Participatory, Spatial, and Encyclopedic Characteristics are covered.
E xc er c is e 1
Procedural The site behaves in a particular way based upon programmed rules. Weather is HTML, CSS, Flash, Java or PHP, the parameters that are set up guide the user to to navigate through the site. Participatory Just by browsing through the website speaks to its interactivity. Using a mouse, trackball or tablet, the user single clicks, double clicks or rolls over items on the site to view its contents. Spatial The menu of the site qualifies as the Spatial characteristic. The menu provides a navigable interface allowing the user to access the information that they are looking for. Encyclopedic The site content satisfies the encyclopedic characteristic. Information is stored so it can be displayed visually. The information can consist of test, video, forms, photos and so on.
Kinté Taylor
E xc er c is e 1
Kinté Taylor
E xc er c is e 1