Kirmes & Park Revue EAS Extra Issue 2015

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European Star Award 2015

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Revue At this year’s European Star Award, all park

ISSN 1436-6525 appears 12 x per year ■ Gemi Verlags GmbH

operators and owners who have been elected as number

Pfaffenhofener Straße 3 85293 Reichertshausen Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46 ■ Managing Directors

tures – exclusively hand-made from Bohemian Crystal

one, two, three, four and five, are receiving looping sculp-

Gerd Reddersen Rudolf Neumeier ■ Editoral Manager EAS-Special Frank Lanfer ■ International Representative Translation, Advertisements Agi Reddersen Phone: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57 Facsimile: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05 ■ Representative USA Shari Viox ■ Representative Great Britain Michele Emmett ■ Editorial Assistant Heike Genz ■ Proof Readers

INTRODUCTION very hearty welcome to this year’s Euro Attractions Show in Gothenburg, and the city’s beautiful Liseberg


Park, where some EAS Events will take place. Also the fourth edition of the independent European Star

Award will be presented in the park’s historic Liseberg's "Teatern”. The European Star Award is dedicated explicitly to the European theme park industry, bringing attention to entrepreneurial courage and exceptional innovations.

Owen Ralph, Michael Reitz ■ Production

The winners are voted by an international team of experts in now 13 categories. In each category, members of

Westner Medien GmbH ■ Printing

parks throughout Europe, including Russia and Turkey, with the minimum criteria of at least one ride attraction

Kössinger AG Schierling ■ Advertisements GEMI Verlags GmbH ■ Sales and Marketing

the trade jury were able to award their three personal favourites. Choices could be made from theme and water at the park. For the first time this year we have introduced two new categories. With the classifications of "Europe’s Best Theme Parks" (over approx. 700,000 annual visitors) and "Europe’s Best Amusement Parks" (under approx.

Gerd Reddersen ■ Subscriptions

700,000 annual visitors), we wanted smaller parks to also have the chance to be in the Top 10 and to be honoured

DataM-Services GmbH Postfach 91 61 97091 Würzburg phone: +49 (0) 931/4170-178 (Mo-Tu 8-17, Fr 8-15) Facsimile +49 (0) 931/4170-179 ■ Cover Photo

big players. The category of "Europe's Best Family Parks" however remains unaffected.

Wolfgang Payer ■ Photo Credits We like to say thank you to all parks and our authors ■ Free Special Edition Online

for their engagement in the amusement and theme park culture, despite often having smaller budgets than the

The category "Europe's Best New Rides" until now, has been subdivided into "Europe’s Best New Coasters" and "Europe’s Best New Attractions". In this case the new additions in 2015 have been closed off for the relevant categories "Best Wooden/Steel Coasters" or "Best Attractions". Remaining however is the independence of these awards – a very special event for us as an independent trade magazine, when at the same time one or the other voting result was a surprise to us as well. However that is exactly what keeps the European Star Award young and exciting, which we wish to promote with a slightly changed jury each year.

Free online version on: We would like to say thank you to Liseberg, in particular to Mr Andreas Andersen and his team for their generous Please visit our website:

support in making it possible to have the European Star Awards take place directly at the Liseberg Park.

Follow us on facebook:

We are pleased to congratulate all Top 10 parks, and we wish all visitors to the Euro Attractions Show a wonderful time in Gothenburg, and that they obtain many inspirations for future attractions, which perhaps will be awarded

All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be duplicated or published without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition also pertains to the commercial duplication by copying, input into an electronic database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM.

a European Star very soon! With best wishes for a pleasant off-season

Certified active member of the

Frank Lanfer



12:16 Uhr

Seite 4


replaced by robots that match the slogan "Hands-on, Minds-on”, allowing the visitor to set speed and ex-

Gerardo Arteaga

Nergis Aslan

Gerardo is General Manager of his family’s theme park

treme levels, with 3D printing technology and aug-

Fantasilandia in the city center of Santiago de Chile

mented reality as well. Nowadays parks are compet-

( In 1978, the park was founded

ing for visitors, involving the guests in the game and

by his father, and up until today it is still the only large

improving the quality of their experiences by combin-

theme park in the country. In the meanwhile, on the

ing immersive experiences and special effects with

seven hectare grounds there are more than 40

high levels of interaction and engagement. Since the

attractions in operation. Furthermore, the family also

new generation of theme park visitors has been raised

maintains a number of Happyland indoor parks.

with mobile devices in their hands, content creation

Gerardo is an active member of the Latin American

and interactivity is not a possible alternative, but a life-

Association of Attractions and Amusement Parks

style. Anastasia hopes that the companies generating

(ALAP), and supports the Chilean "Make-A-Wish"

the greatest number of positive emotions in guests who

foundation. In his function as acting IAAPA Chairman

immediately want to share it on Facebook will become

this year, he has visited and familiarised himself with

the winners.

many European theme parks. Gerardo is 41 years of age, and has four children together with his wife

Victor Cavaller (Spain)

Catalina. In his free time he enjoys skiing, playing tennis, sailing, and flying remote control aeroplanes.

Victor is the Managing Director of Garmisch Consulting Group (, the TAA

Nergis Aslan (Turkey)

Design firm based in the German Alps. Among others he has led since the start of GCG Concept and Design

Anastasia Buzhor

Victor Cavaller


Nergis is the founding partner of Tureks Uluslararası

Development for New Rides at FWAD in Abu Dhabi,

Fuarcılık, the organizing company of the yearly ATRAX

Themed Hotels and Aquariums for Merlin Entertain-

Exhibition in Istanbul (, which is

ments, and Shopping Mall FECs for Parques Reuni-

the only specialized trade fair of the amusement

dos. Prior to leading GCG, he was part of O-partners

industry in Turkey and the region. With her profound

and Thinkwell Europa, serving as Show Producer for

knowledge of and experience in the global amusement

the 2007 "Furius Baco” coaster at PortAventura, as

and recreation industry, Ms Aslan played an important

Producer for the 2006 "Batman Begins & Police Aca-

role in gathering the players of the sector under one

demy Stunt Shows” at Parque Warner Madrid, as well

roof for the first time in Turkey. Along with the ATRAX

as Project Manager for "Ice Age Adventure!” at Movie

Exhibition, she continues to contribute to the efforts

Park Germany and Ski Dubai’s Snow Park at the Mall

aimed at further development of the sector with

of the Emirates in Dubai. Victor was also a part of the

Shining Star Awards-Amusement Awards and Atraxion

team responsible for the award-winning "FiestAventura

Magazine, as well. She also carries out a detailed

Nighttime Spectacular” and the "Templo del Fuego”

sectorial analysis and statistical study in the amuse-

attraction at Universal PortAventura. He has a degree

ment and recreation industry of Turkey which has

in Audio/Visual Communication from the University

never been done before. With a view to monitoring the

Autonoma de Barcelona. His credits in Spain as Exe-

development of the industry closely, she continues to

cutive Producer also include the feature films "Cravan

travel globally. Nergis Aslan has an undergraduate

vs. Cravan”, "La leyenda del tiempo” and "La maleta

degree in Sociology from Hacettepe University.


Anastasia Buzhor (Ukraine)

Rik Engelen (Belgium)

Anastasia is the independent expert for the New Park

Rik was born in 1975 and lives in the Flanders region

Culture magazine. Due to the specifics of her job, she

of Belgium. He has a law degree and works at the

has visited many expos in the entertainment industry

Belgian insurance company Ethias. The 40-year-old

and has communicated directly with manufacturers of

has always had a childhood fascination for everything

attractions for the largest parks in the world. She

theme park related, particularly coasters and water

actively monitors trends in the CIS market and tells

rides. He grew up with his hometown park Bobbe-

business audiences about them in the New Park Cul-

jaanland. Once he began working and had his own car,

ture – the magazine pertaining to amusement parks in

he started to visit other European parks. His passion,

Russia ( She believes that

along with his other interest in photography, makes a

in the near future, the concept of parks will dramatic-

good combination for writing for Kirmes & Park Revue

ally change, with standard entertainment being

and other magazines also. For example, somewhere



12:16 Uhr

Rik Engelen

Seite 5

Dr. Felix Fritz

around 2001 he started a closer cooperation with

Marcus Gaines

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann (Germany)

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann

Bruno Lancetti, and for a few years now has been handling the site’s photo management. His wife is also

As a qualified psychologist and tourism researcher,

just as passionate about roller coasters as he, so they

Jürgen is a lecturer on the subjects of wellness tourism

always travel together to fill in the blank spots on their

at the Bremen University and tourism psychology and

theme park map.

sociology at the Duale University Ravensburg. He was appointed Professor of Tourism and Recreation in Chur

Dr. Felix Fritz (Germany)

/Graubünden in 2009 and has been generally operative in tourism science since 1987. He is co-founder of

Felix has been fascinated by theme parks, and some

the "Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismus" ("German

time later by roller coasters, ever since his father took

Tourism Association”), the publisher of the standard

him to Europa-Park as a child. As a result, after attain-

work Tourismuspsychologie und -soziologie, and the

ing his degree in mechanical engineering, he worked

author and publisher of over 30 books and studies.

on "roller coaster dynamics” during his time as a

Addtionally he is occupied as a travel journalist (focal

doctoral candidate. During this time he established

points: theme parks, experience worlds, health and

contact to TÜV SÜD in Munich (

wellness tourism, applied vacation psychology), and

Today he does reviews of technical documentation

publisher of trade literature in the areas of tourism and

and on-site testing of rides worldwide for this company.

recreation (

Alex Lemmens

Although he knows the business behind the magic, he still likes to visit parks and loves to get some airtime on

Bruno Lancetti (Switzerland)

a good roller coaster. Having been born in Italy in 1979 and formally working

Marcus Gaines (Great Britain)

in the amusement industry since 2005, park operations and roller coasters are Bruno’s bread and butter.

Marcus grew up as a theme park and funfair fan.

Known as the person who could do (almost) every-

Family holidays as a child involved visiting at least one

thing, he currently covers the role of Technical Project

theme park somewhere in the world. Nowadays

Manager at BMF Group AG of Switzerland (ropeways

Marcus spends about 30 days a year in theme parks

industry). With a bachelor’s degree in International

around the globe and has visited over 260 parks in 19

Trade & Business Economics, he has worn many differ-

different countries, riding 1,200 different roller coast-

ent hats, including Marketing & Communication,

ers. As the father of 2 young boys, Marcus now pays

Sales, Product Management and Project Management

as much attention to family rides as thrilling roller

for Zamperla (Amusement Rides Manufacturer of

coasters. Graduating from university in 1999 with an

Italy), Gardaland (Theme Park of Italy), Bolliger &

honours degree in Media Production and Technology,

Mabillard (Roller Coaster Engineering and Design of

his first job was as a show technician for Disney Cruise

Switzerland). Titles of Ski instructor, triathlon athlete,

Lines. These days he works for one of Britain’s largest

and musician complete the profile of this crazy

broadcasting companies and is often called upon to

visionary – a fun, passionate, and a keen observer.

François Mayné

use his knowledge of the amusement industry to work on related documentaries and news features. Marcus

Alex Lemmens (Netherlands)

is currently working with a number of ride manufacturers to produce their promotional videos for trade

After his mechanical and electrical studies at the

shows and their websites. More information on

technical university, Alex worked for a few years in the

timber industry until he joined Efteling in 1975 as




12:16 Uhr

Seite 6

Director of technical services. From 1987 to 1992 he

Frédéric Pastuszak (France)

was Park Manager and from 1992 to 2005 responsible

Shaun McKeogh

Frédéric Pastuszak

for project development and realization. Big projects

Frédéric’s passion for the theme park industry started

such as "Python”, "Pirana”, "Haunted Castle”, "Villa

at a young age. In 1989, he visited Europa-Park for the

Volta”, "Fata Morgana”, "Dream Flight” were created

first time and in his exploration, realised and found his

under his technical responsibility. In 2000 he was

lifetime vocation: designing and planning of theme

organizer of the first Carousel Festival at Efteling and

parks, creating amazing rides and attractions and

chairman of the international conference "TilE" (Trends

leaving timeless memories through storey-telling. After

in Leisure and Entertainment) in Maastricht in 2004.

graduating as an Architect in 2004, he spent the early

After a working period of more than 30 years in Efte-

years of his career working overseas. In Dubai, he

ling, he decided to make use of the possibility of "early

worked for Atelier Artistique du Béton (AAB) to design

retirement" in 2005. He started his own company (Alex

the largest themed shopping mall in the country and

Lemmens Consultancy) for the leisure industry in 2005

eventually joined the Paris team where he worked as

and is a permanent adviser of the leading design com-

a Master Planner and Theming Consultant for various

pany BRC Imagination Arts. He is also advisor of the

theme parks, water parks, zoos and aquarium projects

Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, amusement park Toverland

across Europe, China and the Middle East. In 2007, he

and "TVE" advertising productions in St. Oedenrode.

joined the creative team of PGAV Destinations and

Last year, it was the premiere of a documentary about

participated on many high-profiled projects like the

his working life. The film was made by Sandero Video

Sea World and Busch Gardens parks. He returned to

Productions and produced by "De Vijf Zintuigen",

Europe in 2009 to become the Creative Director and

which is the largest "fan club" of Efteling and can be

Project Architect for Europa-Park and was able to

seen (subtitled in English) on

design and build key projects like the wooden roller coaster "Wodan” and the acclaimed attraction "Arthur

François Mayné (Belgium)

– In the Minimoys Kingdom” that opened in 2014. With 12 years of professional experience, Frédéric has

Born is Brussels, Belgium, François has had a passion

proven his exemplary technical skills, creativity and

for the theme park industry since he was a child. After

innovation. Currently he works as a Creative Con-

graduating in marketing, he moved to France to work

sultant for various high-profiled projects in Asia and the

at Disneyland Paris. In early 2010, he decided to

Middle East.

develop his own business and became the news Wolfgang Payer

editor for NewsParcs, an online trade publication dedi-

Wolfgang Payer (Austria)

cated to theme park industry professionals. In addition, he also manages OOPARC, an online theme park

Born in 1957 in Vienna, the electrical engineer is

guide for French-speaking visitors (

employed in the field of commerce and engineering by the Vienna airport. Wolfgang became especially

Shaun McKeogh (Australia)

interested in coasters after his first visit to Florida's theme parks in 1998. Since 2009 he has been photo-

Shaun is currently Vice President with Management

graphing coasters as well as other theme park attrac-

Resources and ProFun Management Group, the Amu-

tions professionally, and publicizes them in various

sement and Attractions Industry’s leading operational

trade magazines. His special direction in photography

consultancy firm. He is also Head of the Attractions

is his "Rollercoastercompositions," which he personal-

International Training Academy. Shaun is an ex-

ly calls "coasterart" (

perienced industry professional, author, trainer and consultant, particularly passionate in his expertise

Prof. Ann-Marie Pendrill (Sweden)

about Service Excellence delivery at theme parks Prof. Ann-Marie Pendrill


across the globe. He is co-author of the attractions

Ann-Marie is Professor of Science Communication and

industry leadership book Reasons 2 Reward , author

Physics Education and Director of the Swedish

of articles for the attractions industry, and is a highly

National Resource Centre for Physics Education at

respected international industry speaker. Prior to work-

Lund University. For many years she has used amuse-

ing with Management Resources (

ment ride examples in the teaching of physics,

and ProFun Management Group, he was on the open-

engineering and teacher students, and also arranges

ing team at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, and was the

physics days at Liseberg. Ann-Marie has a back-

Culture & People Development Manager for Australia’s

ground in computational atomic physics at the Uni-

premier theme parks, including Warner Bros. Movie

versity of Gothenburg, where she studied how the

World, Sea World, and Wet ‘N’ Wild Water World. Shaun

weak interaction makes even an atom slightly different

currently serves as Chair of the IAAPA Human

from its mirror image. Now she experiences a similar

Resources Committee and as a member of the IAAPA

joy in comparing theory and measurements in amuse-

Education Committee.

ment rides. For example, a slinky used to illustrate



12:16 Uhr

Jochen Peschel

Seite 7

Marek Pisarski

differences between right- and left-handed helices

Michael Reitz

Michael Reitz (USA)

Dr. Igor Rodionov

Richard Rodriguez

can also be used to measure g-forces in amusement rides. Rides give striking examples of fundamental

After obtaining his university degrees of a B.S. Me-

physics principles that are experienced throughout the

chanical Engineering and a B.A. German from the

body. In amusement parks, physics is fun – and the fun

University of Maryland, Michael worked for Mercedes-

involves a lot of physics:

Benz in Germany and then later for LEGO Engineering in Denmark. On his way to medical school in 1996, his

Jochen Peschel (Germany)

career path took a sharp turn to the amusement industry when he accepted a position as Senior Project

The patent attorney in a Munich law office is occupied

Engineer for manufacturer Premier Rides. There he

in the area of Intellectual Property and other topics, as

was responsible for multiple rides for various custom-

well as questions concerning commercial legal

ers world-wide. That path continued in 2001 when he

protection in the amusement branch. As a student,

became a Corporate Engineer for Six Flags Entertain-

Jochen was able to take a look behind the scenes of

ment Corporation, where he continues to be involved

the Pützchens Markt, with his interest in fairgrounds

in bringing their ground-breaking and record-setting

and theme parks being awakened during his electri-

attractions to life (

Christine Schweiberer

cal engineering studies in Aachen. Since then he is responsible for the contents of the online magazine

Dr. Igor Rodionov (Russia) A career as engineer at a ride manufacturer never came into question, and in-

Igor is 30 years of age and a graduate of Moscow State

stead he concentrated on being a part-time journalist

University of Culture and Arts, at present he is the Vice

specialized in the area of technical aspects of roller

President of the Russian Association of Amusement

coasters and other amusement rides.

Parks and Attractions RAAPA and Chief Editor of the Russian industry specialized magazine Attractions

Marek Pisarski (Poland)

and Entertainments. Since 2010 he has been acting as a Director of RAAPA Expo ( He is found-

Marek is a consultant in the sector of edutainment and

er of a training centre for specialists of amusement

is the owner of PAIT Consulting, Marek Pisarski Ima-

parks and family entertainment centres, where so far

gineering. He is the author and designer of several pro-

over 750 specialists from different companies in the

jects in the leisure industry and in the sector of science

amusement industry have been trained and certified.

and discovery centres in Poland. He also provides

In 2011, Igor wrote and defended his thesis on the

consultancy for different government institutions, or-

topic "Development of cognitive activity of children and

ganizes and arranges designs for different themed

teenagers in the parks of culture and leisure” and was

and interactive exhibitions, parks and attractions (see

subsequently awarded a scientific degree of PhD in, and he is the Editor-

Pedagogic. Igor has published countless articles and

in-chief of the online magazine for the leisure industry

publications for Russian and foreign industry special-

"Atrakcje” ( Last but not

ized magazines, and he acts as a speaker at many

least, he is the Chairman of the Association for Polish

conferences and forums. He regularly takes part in the

Touristic Attractions called "Festiwal Polska.” His inter-

international trade shows of the amusement industry,

ests and passions are Imagineering and searching for

has attended many Russian and foreign amusement

ideas for new themed attraction realizations, as well as

parks and leisure complexes, and lectures at the

informal learning, the interactive form of education

Moscow State University of Culture and Arts on "At-

which makes playing golf not easy.

tractions and technical support of the leisure industry”.

Dennis L. Speigel




12:16 Uhr

Seite 8

Richard Rodriguez (USA)

nati, Ohio), and worked his way up to manage Kings Island (Ohio), Kings Dominion (Virginia), and then be-

Marc Spies

Dr. Werner Stengel

Richard is a native of New York City where he attended

came Vice President of International Operations for the

Columbia University and earned a B.A. in American

Taft Broadcasting Company’s Leisure Division. He is

History and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. He was a

also a Former President of IAAPA (International

frequent visitor to Coney Island’s Steeple Chase

Association of Amusement Parks & Attractions) and

Amusement Park and an avid enthusiast of Coney

currently serves on the Board of Directors. In 2010 he

Island’s classic wooden coasters "Thunderbolt”,

received the Life Time Achievement Award for his

"Tornado”, and "Cyclone”. In 1977, Richard set his first

service to the theme park industry. Quoted daily, he

Guinness World Record for roller coaster marathons,

regularly appears in the Wall Street Journal, New York

riding the Coney Island "Cyclone” non-stop for almost

Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Financial

104 hours. He would go on to set 17 more World

Times, China Daily, and other news publications

Record marks over three decades in countries that in-

around the world. His company has worked on over

clude the United States, Canada, Germany, and Great

500 projects in more than 50 countries. Mr. Speigel is

Britain. His current record stands at Blackpool Plea-

regarded as one of the pioneers of the leisure industry.

sure Beach, where he rode "Big Dipper” and "Pepsi Max Big One” for 405 consecutive riding hours (set in

Marc Spies (Germany)

July 2007). In pursuit of the Guinness World Record, Richard has raised funds for charity organizations that

Marc is a social education worker, and now he is mainly

include Give Kids the World, the American Diabetes

occupied in stationary youth welfare. He also works in

Foundation, and the Wounded Warriors Project for U.S.

adult education consultancy, as well as freelancing for

Veterans. Richard is currently working on a manuscript

media companies. He has been interested in fairs,

autobiography about his life experiences on the roller

parks, and water parks since his early childhood, and

coaster marathon riding circuit of the past 38 years. He

with increasing age and mobility often travels inland

has been a regular attendee of the IAAPA Trade Show

and abroad to test novelties and to experience the

for the past 35 years. He also enjoys participating in

classics. For years now he has been indispensible in

theme park activities with the German roller coaster

the area of water parks for the Kirmes & Park Revue,

club FKF. Richard currently resides in North Carolina

but also reports about coasters and fairs.

where he works as an educator and writing instructor.

Dr. Werner Stengel (Germany) Francis Stokkel

Christine Schweiberer (Austria) There’s hardly another person who has impacted the

Dr. Sacha Szabo

Christine is the publisher of and

amusement industry as strongly as Dr. Werner Stengel,

ended her course of studies successfully in Tourism

who is now 79 years old. In 1963, Werner began his

and Leisure Management at the IMC University of

work together with Anton Schwarzkopf on the first

Applied Science in Krems. Parallel to her full time job

German steel coaster. With Schwarzkopf, and later

in tourism, she recently passed her General Manage-

with other manufacturers as well, he repeatedly revolu-

ment studies at the JKU in Linz. But apart from her pro-

tionized the amusement branch. For example, in 1976,

fession and work, Christine is a real expert in the area

thanks to his ingenuity, the first modern coaster in the

of tourism and theme parks. She has made countless

world with vertical loops was realised. Since 1974, he

tours throughout the whole of Europe, North America,

has been an active member of the German standard

and the Persian Gulf, to the most breathtaking parks

committee for DIN 4112 (amusement rides), now the

and coasters in the world. The Disney parks, however,

EN 13813. In 2004, he stepped back from office work,

are always at the top of her list. Unbounded ambition

allowing his son-in-law Andreas Wild and colleague

is in Christine's private life the greatest motivation,

Harald Wanner to take over office leadership. In 2005,

regardless of whether during sport or taking on players

the Faculty of Science at the Göteborg University

on an ice hockey rink.

awarded an honorary doctorate to him, in recognition of his enormous creativity in connecting physics and

Dennis L. Speigel (USA)

design with the experience of the human body on roller coasters and other rides. And in 2009, Dr. Stengel was


He is President of International Theme Park Services,

awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of

Inc. (ITPS), a leading, independent full-service mana-

Germany. And last but not least, in 2013 he was

gement/consulting firm in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

bestowed with the first and only European Star Award’s

( Dennis is an internation-

"Lifetime Award” for outstanding achievements in the

ally recognized leader and expert in the theme park

amusement branch. Over the past decades, his firm

and leisure industry with over 50 years of experience.

Stengel GmbH has developed the design of 700

He began in 1960 as a ticket taker and seasonal

coasters plus another 600 other ride attractions

employee at Coney Island Amusement Park (Cincin-

worldwide (



12:16 Uhr

Seite 9

Francis Stokkel (USA)

School, and since 2009 he is Director of the Bachelor course of studies "Management of Leisure and

The native-born Dutch Engineer began his career in

Recreation Facilities” at the Cooperative State Univer-

the industry with Warner Bros. in Germany and now

sity of Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg. The study

has almost 20 years of experience in the leisure

path has since developed into a proven cooperative

industry. Francis was involved in numerous park pro-

education model, joined together with numerous train-

jects such as Ferrari World, Six Flags Holland and Tro-

ing partners for junior managers for the amusement

pical Islands. Complimenting the world’s fastest coast-

industry. A practical training in partner operation evolv-

er in Abu Dhabi, he is currently working on one of the

ed within the frames of the dual study, the theoretical

world’s tallest coasters, the "Polercoaster” at the Sky-

training at Campus Ravensburg. New partner opera-

plex project in Orlando. With his broad knowledge and

tions are very welcome (

know-how in project management and development, technical and operational facility management, and

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann

budgeting, he sees opportunities and looks outside the box for unique and successful solutions to keep the

Melanie received a diploma in journalism and has

project within budget and on schedule. He is a pos-

worked ever since for over 13 years for the popular

itive team builder who believes that a rising tide lifts all

weekly knowledge magazine Abenteuer Leben,

ships. As an analytical driver he has a passion for work-

broadcasted by the German television station Kabel 1

ing with collaborative cross-functional teams. He has

( As editor she

also deep knowledge of all kinds of ride constructions.

produces her own articles, is additionally also deputy

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach

duty editor, plans and organises shows, and super-

Dr. Sacha Szabo (Germany)

vises her colleague's films. In her reports, she has often covered various aspects of theme parks and ride

Dr. Sacha Szabo is a sociologist and works as a trend

attractions. For example, she has accompanied

researcher at the "institut für theoriekultur” in Freiburg

showmen from fairground to fairground, has docu-

( examining popular cul-

mented the build-up of attractions at theme parks, or

ture. Sacha has been a guest lecturer at the Uni Frei-

reported about the opening of water parks. Thus she

burg and the HfMT Hamburg. He wrote his Ph.D thesis

has become a top insider of the leisure industry virtual-

about cultural dimensions of thrill and amusement

ly in passing, as part of her job. Especially exciting for

rides and has authored a number of books and articles

her are insights behind the scenes of the industry,

about amusement culture like Rausch und Rummel,

which one does not have as a normal park visitor.

Stefan Zwanzger

which examines rides from a scientific view and edits Kultur des Vergnügens. In 2015 he published Sozio-

Stefan Zwanzger (Singapore)

analyse des Alltags with some conclusions about fairs such as the Oktoberfest. Currently he works on the

Stefan founded the online marketing portal

socio-phenomenological effects of funfairs.

after he left school and earned a small fortune. He was also active in film production prior to emigrating from

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann (Germany)

Germany in 2005. Since 2007, he travels around the world, visiting, picturing and trying to understand

The 44-year-old studied tourism geography, business

theme and water parks from every angle, whether

administration and economics at the University of Trier.

operating, under construction or abandoned. So far he

Since 2007 he has been a Professor for Tourism and

has been to more than 130 countries and over 300

Leisure Management, initially at the Cologne Business

parks worldwide (



the independence of the

Frank Lanfer

Agi Reddersen

Karl Ruisinger

Ralf Schmitt

votes. Targeted advertising sales began only after the count of votes. However, we want to thank all advertising clients as well as our sponsors for their support, helping us to keep



award alive. Thank you! ■




12:32 Uhr

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his year Europa-Park

first class show productions and 12 coasters, for ex-


celebrated its 40 an-

ample the world's first permanent coaster with virtual-

niversary, and as usual,

reality glasses, the five on-site theme hotels must also

love of innovation and a

be mentioned. The hotels make Europa-Park a breath-

readiness to invest de-

taking multiple-day resort, reflecting thematically an

fine the overall picture of

impressive overall picture of Europe. And Europa-Park

this family operated faci-

is also first class in another area, offering a varied

lity. In addition to many

culinary offering, from self-service restaurants to the

attractions, among them

double Michelin star Ammolite restaurant.




he Spanish sun, the immediate proxi-

Europe is not only the "Sesame Street" area, but also

mity of the Mediterranean, fantastic

the top gastronomy and the opening times, often until

landscape design, first class theming

midnight. Together with four theme hotels, a water

and world class attractions on a spacious

park, a golf course and the park's own beach club, the

area, all speak for the holiday resort

PortAventura Resort promises an extensive range of

PortAventura, which celebrated its 20th

offers and many unusual experiences – both for family

anniversary in 2015. Unique all over

guests and young adults.

thrills the European Star Award



12:32 Uhr

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airytale land, theme park and

learnt, and Efteling rules this discipline as no other.

multiple day resort all in one –

Almost every attraction large or small enthrals with the

that's Efteling. Over 60 years ago it

storyline and theming. First class shows, breathtaking

began as a fairytale paradise for

ride attractions, some even not available a second

children, and that charm has re-


mained to this day: storytelling is

holiday village "Bosrijk", make Efteling unique.

spectacular theming, and the 200 hectares ■



aturally the French Disneyland

fied visitors as the land of children's dreams. No

is not missing when it comes

wonder then that Europe's very own Disneyland has

to the best theme parks in Europe.

been awarded first place in the category of family

There's no other park that has such

parks. The Disneyland Paris Resort (also including

a strong brand as Disneyland, and

Walt Disney Studios Park) serves as the template for

no other park has so many satis-

all resort theme parks.



pened in 2013, Vialand is the

location on a hillock of Istanbul. The entrance is at the

first modern theme park in

highest point, and the individual areas are on various

Turkey, and is part of the Vialand

levels. Additionally there are a number of spectacular

Resort together with a hotel and

rides, for example a gigantic dark ride that is themed

shopping mall. It is particularly im-

with the history of Istanbul, and a launch coaster that

pressive due to its topographical

travels in part over the cliffs of the former quarry.

thrills the European Star Award



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isneyland is the epitome for family

lands (among them two looping coasters), here it's in

amusement worldwide – no won-

particular Mickey Mouse, Cinderella and Lightning

der then that it has been voted Best

McQueen who make children's dreams come true. The

Family Park in Europe once again. Al-

wider Disneyland Paris Resort is, with its hotels and

though the French Disney subsidiary

entertainment possibilities, not only a holiday destina-

has more thrill attractions for young

tion, but also a huge universe for all children with a

and adult visitors than other Disney-

large portion of family-friendly attractions.


ome to the characters of the Studio 100 company, Plopsaland


de Panne is a perfect family park. Kabouter Plop and Samson &

Gert (Plop-Sa) give the Belgian park its name, whilst Maya the Bee and Wickie the Viking remain popular over generations. Plopsaland's theming, attractive ride constructions and – since this year – newly opened indoor water park with its unusual Viking winter design, make the head park of the Plopsa Group a real family Eldorado.

thrills the European Star Award



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he secret of success for all Legoland parks world-

integral to the offering, but the success of Germany's

wide is children's (and some adults too!) enduring

Legoland is based also on the orientation towards a

fascination for the small colourful plastic bricks. Mini-

multiple day resort. With over 1,000 beds, there is no

land model displays and family-friendly attractions are

other Legoland park with more guest rooms.


he Dutch theme park Efteling is also represented in


taking thrill attractions have been adapted. In parti-

the category Family Parks – no wonder, as even up

cular though, the fairytales here experience an inter-

to these days the park remains a huge fairytale land

active renaissance frequently, which delights not only

where step by step family friendly as well as breath-

kiddie hearts.



he successor to the first Legoland outside of

have been erected over time on the German park

Denmark, today Hansa-Park's theming mirrors the

grounds located directly on the Baltic Sea, above all

history of the Hanse and Hanseatic towns. In addition

the Gerstlauer coasters "Fluch von Novgorod” and this

to many family attractions, a number of thrill attractions

year's novelty "Der Schwur des Kärnan".

thrills the European Star Award



12:32 Uhr

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ERLEBNISPARK TRIPSDRILL he first place in this


newly introduced ca-

tegory – which includes all European parks with annual visitor numbers of




700,000 – goes to Erlebnispark Tripsdrill. The German park's original attractions leave nothing to be desired by families, but since a few years ago, investments have also been made in large

theming in Swabian accent and local colour. The park

attractions such as the four-loop launch coaster

offers are rounded off with a wild park and an overnight

"Karacho". Its special characteristic is the complete

resort with treehouses and shepherd's huts.


coaster "Lynet" (Gerstlauer) and the suspended family coaster "Orkanen" (Vekoma). The extension of the


his family park opened in 1975 in the north of Den-

multiple-day resort is proceeding at a lively pace: Den-

mark. Step by step, investments have been made

mark's largest outdoor water park was opened in 2010,

in large attractions over the past decade, for example

and next year Fårup's own hotel will be completed, and

the wooden rollercoaster "Falken" (S&S), the launch

located directly inside the park.

thrills the European Star Award



12:32 Uhr

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igloland in the

pearl in the nation's amusement park scene. Great

French Arden-

theming, many family attractions (amongst them a 60

nes, founded by two

metres high Ferris wheel from Gerstlauer) and a

showman brothers

number of thrill rides (including coasters from Mack,

in 1987, has deve-

Maurer and Schwarzkopf) are among the main

loped into a real

features of this park.


ed in 2003 on the grounds of a huge closed down brown coal surface mine. The total concept and the overall theming are exceptional, as the park area has been laid out on the basis of a world map, and the continents




areas. In addition to some attractions from Huss, Hafema and others, it's particularly following Gerstlauer rides that are united: "Sky Roller", "EuroFighter" with 5 inversions, "Kiddy Racer", "Bobsled Coaster" t is probably the most attractive subsequent usage of

and, completely new, a 360-metres-long Junior Coast-

industrial wasteland in Germany. Belantis was open-

er „Cobra des Amun Ra”.



t is one of three Gulliver’s


parks in England, and is

located around 80 kilometres north of London in Milton Keynes, also home of a large shopping centre and a ski hall that counts itself as one of UK's visited attractions. The park itself, despite its modest size, has a large range of rides for




Additionally visitors can enjoy a small year-round indoor water park, and "Gulliver's Farm Park" with interactive attractions based on food stuffs.

thrills the European Star Award



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he water park on Tenerife

with its own desalination plant, is the very first "green

not only has an unusual

water park" in Europe. The Thai style theming of the

concept and an excitingly

18.5 hectare grounds contains apart from the longest

different theming, but also

lazy river and a wave pool with the highest artificial

has a considerable number

breakers, many world novelties in the sliding segment

of slides on offer. Additional-

that all came from ProSlide, which due to the sloping

ly, the park, due to its exem-

grounds could be erected without any steel support






he Caribbean designed


es from ProSlide stand ready, among them the 31

water park at the Port-

metres highest water slide in Europe. However fami-

Aventura Resort opened in

lies with small children don't only meet up with the Ses-

2002. In 2013 a Sesame

ame Street characters, but have sufficient variety on

Street area was added, and

the slides, in the large wave pool, and in the large and

the grounds were generous-

flat kiddie pool. Refreshing action on the thrill slides or

ly extended to double the

relaxed moments in the relax-pool – every park guest

size. And now 16 water slid-

finds the exact thing here under the Spanish skies. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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he Turkish Aqua Fantasy

in 2000, which initially was based on the Texan Schlit-

Resort near Izmir on the

terbahn park as its model. Aqua Fantasy was also er-

Mediterranean coast is, with over

ected by NBGS. In the meantime there have been many

2,500 beds, one of the largest

other water slides adapted from Polin – for example the

and most successful all-inclus-

"Super Combo" from 2013. A large sandy beach, a

ive-resorts in the country. Its

number of pools, and top class, historic cities in the im-

nucleus is the water park opened

mediate vicinity speak continually for this resort.


art of Europe's largest thermal baths complex, the


Added to that a fully fledged summer outside area with

slide area "Galaxy" offers a lot of thrill. The roof of

a large slide complex from Wiegand-Maelzer opened

the dome can be opened so that even on warm summ-

in 2014, and the total area of Therme Erding now

er days a fully packed slide tower stands available.

measures eight hectares.


pened in 2014, this water


an unusually steep, 70 metres long multilane slide, all

park is located only 40 kilo-

slides were delivered by Polin. The special feature of

metres from the Italian border,

Istralandia is the variety of different pools, and the

and was the first in Croatia. Apart

family run management. The seven hectares sized

from a few own creations such as

park is located above a bay on the Mediterranean. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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BARON 1898


n 2015 Efteling has invested in a

and a track difference of 37 metres, "Baron 1898" may

"new mine”. And what could be

not be the largest Dive Coaster in Europe (or the small-

more fitting than to let its guests

est), but it offers what is surely the best total ex-

drop into its deep tunnels on a

perience. It can be described as a top attraction due

rollercoaster ride. The theming of

to it not only having the usual B&M perfect track de-

the new Dive Coaster can't be any

sign, but also – typical Efteling – a detailed themed de-

better. With a length of 501 metres

sign that leaves almost nothing else to be desired. ■


he theming is still to be com-

coaster made by Gerstlauer. And as this were not

peted but already "Der Fluch

enough, there are other extras along the 1,235 metres

des Kärnan" ("Kärnan’s Oath") is

course of the track: the indoor vertical lift contains a

making its mark upon Hansa-Park

freefall sequence, the highest point of the attraction

on the German Baltic Sea coast.

marks an unprecedented element that looks like a

With a height of 73 metres, the

heart, and the finale surprise comes in the shape of

construction is the first Hyper-

dark ride sequence together with a heartline roll.


thrills the European Star Award



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new top class wooden coaster has been


its 1,092 metres, it’s not just one of the longest in

erected in Europe – in a hiterto hardly known

Europe, but also one of the most dynamic. An unusual

park in Ireland. Tayto Park, until 2014 a tranquil zoo

layout – a twisted out-and-back design – and a 115°

and adventure playground, has invested strongly

steep curve are further special characteristics of the

in major rides and also this wooden coaster. With

"Cù Chulainn" from The Gravity Group.


has a spectacular new version. The 566 metres long course of "Oblivion" begins with the obligatory, breathtaking first





into a black hole. Further along, the coaster has two inversions ready for guests, and a ive Coasters are at the


number of "near misses" provide further thrill. The ride

moment "the trend.” This

is one of three B&M Dive Coasters now found at parks

year the Italian park Gardaland

in Europe operated by Merlin Entertainments.


wo years after the opening


ling Turkish city. And here also the ViaSea Tema Park

of the Vialand Resort on the

provides magnetism, with a launch coaster that is

European side of Istanbul, the

structurally identical but even larger than "Nefeskesen"

Viaport Marina was completed

at Vialand. With its 980 metre length and 55 metres

on the Asian side of this spraw-

height, "Red Fire" is Viaport’s main attraction.

thrills the European Star Award



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his year's novelty at the famous


harmonious design that delivers a lot of fun for both

Belgian park has surprised regular

young and old. The large U-shaped screen covers the

guests and industry visitors alike. The so-

field of vision of the passengers completely – with the

called "Immersive Tunnel" attraction from

effect that participants not only see a film, but become

Holovis offers a continuous storyline and

part of the story.


he fact that the


year proves the appeal of this major ride from Zierer

new "Star Shape"

that has been on the market since 2003. Different from

at Liseberg has been

transportable versions, this latest delivery has been

voted as one of the

designed with a reserved but impressive industrial

best novelties of the

look. The flight height is almost 30 metres.

thrills the European Star Award



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12:34 Uhr

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he interactive "Sky Fly" from Gerst-


lauer, popular everywhere, moved

into Holiday Park this season too. It offers a flight ma-

height of the 12 individual seats is 22 metres. The

noeuvre where passengers can decide for themselves

design of the 800 square metres sized area should be

how much adrenalin they can take. From comfortable

completed at the park in Rhineland-Palatinate by the

to extreme, everything is possible. The maximum flight

beginning of 2016.



water attraction has also been voted as one of the

deciding factors in the ride’s recognition. Impressing

best novelties for 2015, namely "Mami Wata" at

also is its connection to an original storyline. The tale

Erlebnispark Fantasiana Straßwalchen, Austria. The

of a good-natured African voodoo mermaid goddess,

191 metres long and nine metres high ride (including

and all the theming that goes with it, make "Mami Wata”

a vertical lift) supplied by Hafema were not alone the

a very special attraction.


ere too, the connection of a ride construction and storyline produces


something very special. Whilst a "DiskO’” from Zamperla can be found

in several other theme parks around the world, Legoland Windsor has taken it to a new level by integrating the currently very popular Lego Friends construction kit series to create a bright and colourful experience that is attractive for girls (but also boys).

thrills the European Star Award



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13:26 Uhr

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ith a track height of 78 metres it is the tallest steel


time on parabolic formed hills, its banked turnaround

coaster in Europe – and has a convincing sett-

in form of a standing “8”, generous seat spacing and

ing next to the Mediterranean Sea because its where-

the usual B&M smooth running of the trains along the

abouts is PortAventura, located south of Barcelona.

1,564 metres course. Since 2012 it remains the eye-

"Shambhala" is overwhelming due to its intensive air-

catcher for all tourists arriving in Salou La Pineda.



robably the most varied coaster

track course of an unbelievable 1.3 km in length. Ad-

in Europe was opened at Lise-

ditionally, the experience from Mack Rides takes

berg last year: "Helix" not only has

place on the green hill in the middle of Gothenburg.

seven completely different inversi-

The complete course is not visible from any position –

ons, but also two launch sections, a

which leads to many surprising moments, for both

track difference of 51 metres, and a

passengers and visitors to this famous Swedish park. ■

thrills the European Star Award

balder_best_wooden_coaster_a4.indd 1

2015-09-16 15:32



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ince the German Holiday Park


has been under the owner-

ship of the Belgian Plopsa Group, a lot of heavy investment has been going on. Last year's novelty was the "Sky Scream" from Premier Rides, a vertical coaster for thrill fans. With strong LIMpropulsion, 12 passengers are catapulted simultaneously to a height of 46 metres, where they absolve a heartline loop with hang time. This is followed by a vertical drop into a non-inversion loop before the magnetic brakes take hold in the station area. The complete course is 263 metres.


nce again "OzIris" from B&M has


tive course on a perfect track construction with an un-

been voted Best Inverted Coas-

usual theming. All this comes together on the 1,030

ter in Europe. Its success speaks clear-

metres long and 35 metres high coaster to create a tru-

ly: the 2012 opened ride has an attrac-

ly memorable experience for Parc Astérix guests.



he launch coaster that opened in

Russian theme park Divo Ostrov in St. Petersburg. At

2009 was the first looping coaster at

Europa-Park the pre-show is followed by a kick start in

Europa-Park, and at the same time the

the open, and a 39 metres high steep curve. Four

first from Mack Rides. In the meantime

inversions have been built into the 1,056 metres long

there have been several copies of this

track course. "blue fire Megacoaster" offers an inten-

attractive coaster completed by its

sive ride experience and simultaneously a great deal

manufacturer, for example this year at

of comfort.

thrills the European Star Award



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iseberg's "Balder" is Europe's most intensive wood-


when travelling through the wooden structure at a

en coaster in the compact class, as the 1,070 track

consistent high speed. The secret of the 36 metres

metres have been erected on a relatively small ground

high attraction is the concept "maximal airtime

area, in order not to have to waive plentiful airtime

moments" between the 70° steep first drop and the final

moments. Additionally there are many "near misses"



his gigantic wooden coaster from Intamin was


-1.5 g. In fact, this wooden coaster offers airtime in

erected at Heide-Park in 2001. Since then the 52

spades. Like "Balder" at Liseberg, the track of

metres high and 1,344 metres long construction offers

"Colossos" was prefabricated to exact calculations

all passengers maximum acceleration forces of up to

using CNC-milling, which was at the time a new in-

+4.5 g, and spectacular airtime moments of up to

novation in wooden coaster construction.

thrills the European Star Award



Congratulations to Phantasialand



Congratulations to Liseberg


x at s E s n u e ctio 723 e S ttra #3 A th PA Boo





13:27 Uhr

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he 31 metres high and 1,070 metres wooden coast-

the indoor and outdoor Dutch park is significantly more

er from Great Coasters International is the largest

interesting for young adults, too. "Troy" offers a great

attraction at Toverland, which originally was orientated

ride experience with a lot of airtime for its passengers,

towards families. Since the opening of "Troy”, however,

but is also an aesthetic enhancement to the park.


his ride that opened in Sweden's


harbour and other attractions, this hybrid coaster

Gröna Lund in 2011 demonstrates im-

(wooden track on steel supports) offers absurd curve

pressively that wooden hybrid coasters

radii and several near-misses. Yet despite "Twister’s”

don't always have to be large in order to

compact size, manufacturer The Gravity Group has

offer a lot of fun. Erected on limited ground

managed to build attractive airtime moments into the

available between the edge of Stockholm

480 metres long and only 15 metres high course.



trong drops, racy

the "Mammut" at Erlebnispark Tripsdrill in southern

curve layouts and

Germany. And when one takes the successful theming

a number of great air-

and the surprising dark ride sequence into considera-

time sections speak a

tion, the 860 metres long and 30 metres high attraction

clear language: one

from Cordes Coasters can only be described as a very

simply can't just pass

special attraction in this category.

thrills the European Star Award



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ego-themed "Sky Fly" from





been voted in the European Star Awards Top 10 a number of times, but this time it’s made it to first place. As simple as the principle of this ride construction is, the resulting ride experience couldn't be more individual: the wind flow is enough to provide multiple somersaults with clever wing position and some practice by the riders. Every passenger decides just how thrilling their ride should be, the only drawback is the low capacity, especially for a well-visited park like Legoland Deutschland. ■


he inverted version of the best selling "Top Spin"


from Huss can be found around the world re-

peatedly, however at Phantasialand the 18 metres high "Suspended Top Spin" boasts grandiose theming deserving of its inclusion among the best attractions in Europe. Erected in 2007, the looping attraction is equipped with water and fire effects, and the semi-enclosed structure is impressive.

thrills the European Star Award



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t first glance, the major ride that opened at Denmark's Tivoli in 2009


appears to be a double "propeller" construction. However "Vertigo"

from Technical Park is undoubtedly one of the most intense rides ever. "Pilots” in each of the two planes are able to intervene in the ride sequence, which deliver a flight height of 37 metres, speeds of up to 100 km/h, and ■

acceleration forces of up to 5.2 g.


large version of a swing construction with rotating disc is unfortunate-


ly still quite rare at European theme parks. "SynKope" from Mondial at

Spanish theme park Terra Mítica is one of them, and has been swinging high above the popular tourist resort of Benidorm since 2004. The attraction reaches a ride height of 35 metres and a speed of up to 90 km/h. ■


t was the world's first


"Giant Frisbee" from

Huss Park Attractions when it went into operation



Bobbejaanland in the 2004 season. And with a sideward swing of 120° and a maximum flight height of 42 metres, the up to 110 kilometres per hour ride experience was at that time new. A ride on such an attraction is still spectacular to this day.

thrills the European Star Award



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ith last year's

was created for the whole family at Europa-Park. Whilst

newly open-

a large part of the 505 metres long track course of the

ed attraction "Ar-

world's first Inverted powered coaster runs as a type

thur – Im Königreich

of dark ride passing grandiosely designed scenery,

der Minimoys", a

the outdoor sequence also offers a speedy drop. Ad-

four-minute coaster

ditionally the suspended gondolas rotate horizontally


and are equipped with an onboard sound system.



urope's longest and perhaps also the loveliest


of Cambodia. Depending on the occupation of the

water battle boat ride is called "Angkor: Adventure

other boats, it can turn out to be really quite wet! Much

in the Lost Kingdom". Located at the Spanish Port

to the joy of all family members, the 323 metres long

Aventura Resort, the highly-themed adventure lasts for

canal of the Mack Rides attraction can be ridden by

a whole 10 minutes in the meandering river landscape

everybody as there is no age restriction.

thrills the European Star Award



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BEN 10

Manor guests for four years at this park in central England. The Family


Coaster from Vekoma offers maximum ride fun for the whole family on a small ground area, with riders being allowed to participate if they are just one metre or taller. With a lift height of 20 metres and a maximum speed of 60 he”Ben 10 – Ultimate Mission" has been

km/h, as well as a speedy curve combination, it is for

delighting both young and older Drayton

all kids one thing: the ultimate mission.


DIE SCHLANGE VON MIDGARD he nine metres high and 200


metres long kiddie coaster from

Gerstlauer is convincing due to a lively layout, good ride features and great theming in the indoor and outdoor areas. And for these reasons the child-orientated coaster at Hansa-Park is not only an ideal "first time" coaster for small park guests from a height of one metre onwards, but also a nice coaster for adults with a consistently high experience factor. ■




"Mammut Tree" from Swiss Rides is the perfect combi-

ride concept was

nation of cableway and breathtaking special effects.

realised at Conny-Land

Whilst the forward journey is completely normal, the re-

in 2014. Here the night-

turn path includes an emergency stop – in complete

mare of every skier be-

darkness. And it's here that the 16-seat gondola is

comes reality: the crash

brought to a "controlled crash", before it returns once

of the ski-lift gondola.

again to the lower station.


thrills the European Star Award



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hose who maintain that a large attraction such as a Freefall Tower can't


be appealingly themed will learn differently at Walt Disney Studios Park,

part of the Disneyland Paris Resort. The enormous fun of the ride experience and its multiple drops is not for those with weak nerves, but here everything is done just right, and even the waiting area is a part of the experience. The excellent overall design, the fantastic internal architecture, and perfectly coordinated ride sequences make the 55.8 metres high "Tower of Terror" Europe’s best designed attraction ever.



verybody can cook; that

dios Park outside Paris, and the "Ratatouille" animated

was always the opinion

movie from which the ride takes its name. On this 4D

of star chef Gusteau. And

dark ride with elaborate theming, passengers travel

this really applies to Rémy

through impressively themed sets which almost melt

the rat – the central charac-

into the screens. Thanks to the cars in rat design, the

ter of the latest E-ticket at-

trackless ride system and child-friendly height restric-

traction at Walt Disney Stu-

tions, the attraction is great fun for the whole family.

thrills the European Star Award



13:43 Uhr

Seite 19

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13:39 Uhr

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he fact that an existing available dark ride can be

the video game "The Raving Rabbids” from the French

spiced up and injected with a great big dollop of

firm Ubisoft, Jora Vision developed a totally outlandish

fun in the process was proved by the late 2013 renewal

experience with five scenes, high definition 3D imag-

of "Les Animaux des Futur” at Futuroscope. Based on

ery, special effects and animatronics figures.


(except the one in Hong Kong). Boasting excellent theming, an elaborate storyline and animatronics galore, it has been updated in recent years to include new sequences featuring Captain Jack Sparrow from the “Pirates of the


movie. In the case his water attraction for all ages is an unrivalled

of Disneyland Park Paris, the 1992 hardware ride sy-

classic at most of Disney’s resorts around the world

stem was delivered by Intamin.




t's much smaller than Disney’s “Tower of

opened attraction from abc rides has a number of

Terror”, but the Fantasiana Erlebnispark

effects combined together: before the fall from 16

Straßwalchen proves impressively that one

metres takes place, the 10-seat gondola stops at var-

can realise a first class indoor freefall with

ious heights, where animatronics and video animations

lower budget, and in the process even the

can be seen. Effects built into the seats, known from 4D

waiting area need not be omitted. The 2013

cinemas, spice up the experience yet further.

thrills the European Star Award



13:39 Uhr

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ith the water attraction "Chiapas", Phantasialand


boats from one water canal to the other. Additionally

has built a state-of-the-art ride in every aspect.

the construction has been integrated into the existing

Almost all building components are prototypes and

Mexican themed area and is, as one is used at this

innovations from Intamin, for example the switch-point

popular Rhineland park, very detailed and sets the

system used for the lightning-quick change of the

scene perfectly for all guests.



he indoor water ride was erected in 2000. It has a

such as the temperature fluctuation from -20° to

length of 610 metres and a maximum height of 20

+40°C, and crazy wetness that makes "Valhalla" from

metres, the steepest drop has an angle of 70°, and is

Intamin, Sarner (design) and Technifex (effects) some-

10 metres deep. However it's the bombastic effects

thing really ambitious and unusual.

thrills the European Star Award



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t is probably the most unusual rapids ride in the

was the first whirlpool element of its kind, together with

world. The 340 metres long course must – due to

an innovative freefall sequence whereby a huge

the cramped available space at Phantasialand –

dammed-up splash of water pulls the round boats down.

be accommodated on various levels of a building.

With "River Quest”, manufacturer Hafema produced a

Following the 20 metres high vertical lift, a number

unique raft ride with a lot of variation and much wetness

of drops take place. The ride also features what

that continues to be a Phantasialand favourite.


very unusual and intensive


interpretation of a Water

Coaster can be found at Italy's Mirabilandia. This successful combination of roller coaster and water ride from Intamin begins with a 55 metres high vertical lift. This is followed by a deep drop and a short first dip into cool water, before the speedy coaster sequence is reached. As finale there is more water, this time however a lot more refreshing. The complete length of this attraction is 800 metres, 550 metres of that as coaster.


uropa-Park’s “Poseidon” also connects water and coast-


er elements. The 836 metres long and up to 23 metres

high track course contains two lifts – and after each lift a coaster sequence follows with a splash. For the final drop an additional and intensive airtime hill has been built in. Also worth mentioning is the successful integration of the 2000 attraction into Europa-Park’s Greek themed area.

thrills the European Star Award



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qualand Fréjus was the first

es that run parallel with each other so that sliders can

water park to open Polin's

undertake a race. Sliding down a type of fast figure-8

"King Cobra" back in 2012. In the

sequence that is in part roofed over, and is followed by

meantime many structurally iden-

the eight metres deep and surprisingly intense airtime

tical constructions have enriched

drop into the sidewinder/boomerang element, with the

water parks all around the world,

water-spouting snake head on the other side. Unsur-

even sometimes with different

passed and unique in the water slide segment is the

theming. Always two slide cours-

slide’s unusual colour scheme.


ust opened this summer, but

ship between Tenerife’s Siam Park and Canadian sup-


already voted to 2 place in our

plier ProSlide. The "RocketBlaster" slide offers, thanks to

best water slides category, "Sing-

its "FlyingSaucer" curves, continuous high speed. Ac-

ha" is the latest project brain-

cordingly, the 240 metres long course with 14 curves

stormed in the congenial partner-

feels more like a water coaster than a water slide.


thrills the European Star Award



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usion – this term sounds very technical, but at WhiteWater West it stands more


for maximum fun. At Aquaparc Le Bouveret, two proven and reliable slide types

have been united to make the "Houla Hoop”. Combining a "Constrictor" and a "Rattler" slide, this 140 metres long attraction offers speedy curves alternated with funnel type elements, much to the surprise of bathing guests. Simultaneously it is ■

the first installation of a slide of type "Fusion” in Europe.



his stand-up slide from Swiss manufacturer System

large 110 metres long outdoor slide for the well-

Klarer is a real world novelty – not once but twice

advanced. In both cases, water park guests slide

because AquaMagis in Plettenberg has erected both

down standing, and can stabilise themselves on high

a small 35 metres version for beginners, as well as a



t is one of the most intensive and


exciting water slide experiences

that currently exists on the market. The slide course is determined predominantly by the attraction’s



funnel element. The powerful water nozzles direct the four-seat rafts unerringly along in the direction of the flow off, but not before a number of oscillations to the side. "Surf Safari", by Polin, made its worldwide debut at the beginning of 2015 at the Turkish Rixos Premium Tekirova Resort. ■

thrills the European Star Award



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Kirmes & Park Revue on facebook!




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HISTORY The "Berg och Dalbanan", later only called “Bergbanan” was the main attraction of the smaller world fair, and remained until 1987

As was the case of with a number of other parks, the establishment of Liseberg goes back to one of the countless international exhibitions of those times, which in this case was aligned with the 300th city anniversary of Gothenburg. Amusement areas were already a magnet to the public at other exhibitions, and

The Liseberg Story

leading politicians wanted to change the more or less boring image of Gothenborg had at the time.

nd so Liseberg opened its gates on the 8th May


22 metre high tower at the end of the course, which

1923, at that time under the name of "Jubileum-

was renewed in 1931 and was permanently removed

sutställningens Nöjesfält", which roughly translates to

in 1954. A "Krinoline" from Josef Hübner from Neustadt

"anniversary exhibition- amusement park”. In actual

on the Orla operated until 1925, and was reactivated


Jochen Peschel

fact, planned as a temporary attraction for the ex-

after nine years in storage. A Chair-O-Plane was re-



hibition, the park had over 800,000 visitors in just one

located in the park twice – the second time in 1933 onto

Göteborgs Stadsmuseum

month and not only survived the year of the exhibition.

the roof of the 1927 built dodgem, where it however

Anders Wilhelm Karnell

The amusement area harboured a number of attrac-

only served as decoration. A "Mystic Swing" made

Jochen Peschel

tions and games for the opening, among them a cable

three appearances in 1923/1924, 1932/1933 and

Frank Lanfer

railway that was only in operation for two years, as well

1949, after that period its history is not traceable. In

as the "Bergbanan", a 980 metre long "Scenic Railway"

addition to ride attractions, Liseberg also had a large

coaster designed by Waldemar Lebech. During its 65

dance pavilion on offer right from the start, also nick-

years of operation, right up to its demolition after the

named "Jazzen". Right up until today there is still a pa-

1987 season, the "Bergbanan" went through quite a

vilion that was supplemented by the "Rotunda" for

number of changes. Another attraction from the first

1,200 dancers from 1940, as well as by the "Lise-

hours was the "Fun House" with a spiral slide around a

bergshallen" since 1980.

LISE’S BERG he park grounds, which the


city purchased in 1908,

had carried the name Liseberg since 1752, named after Elisabeth “Lise” Söderberg, the wife





Anders Lamberg: “Liseberg” (Swedish for “Lise’s Hill”).

In the opening year 1923 Albert Einstein spoke in Liseberg’s congress halls (he had received the Nobel Prize the year before)




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When the amusement park was to be independently

"Lisebergsbadet". It was in operation until 1956. The

operated in 1924, initially by the organisers of the ex-

1936-built "Autodrom" fared differently though: it was

hibition, the grounds were renamed Liseberg accord-

shut down in 1939 because of the shortage of petrol

ingly, before it was purchased by the city at the end of

due to the war.

the year and transformed into a publicly-traded com-

The last large ride construction in the 1930s was the

pany. These days the Liseberg AB also operates the

"Raketbanan" from 1938 (to 1941), a circular ride that

hotels Liseberg Heden and Barken Viking, as well as

was intended to give the feeling of flying on a rocket.

a marina and camp sites. The gastronomy at the park

In 1940 a small Ferris wheel was added, followed by a

is the responsibility of the Liseberg Restaurant AB,

larger one in 1956. All of the aforementioned were re-

the history of Sweden's largest

founded in 1953.

placed in 1967 by the 25 metre tall "Pariserhjulet" from

park. An indepth version of

In 1927 the first "Lisebergstornet" (a viewing tower)

Schwarzkopf, which was was moved onto the hill in

“The Liseberg Story” will be

was built on the "Berg" (mountain). In 1929, not only

1972. It has been accompanied by the 60 metre tall

presented in the December

were the new main entrance together with tram stop

"Göteborgshjulet" from Bussink since 2012.

issue of the Kirmes & Park

added, but Europe's first "Tilt-a-Whirl" also opened.

The next large ride construction was the 1942 "Mont


After 40 years of service it was replaced by a new type

Blanc", a type of toboggan. Two years later, the Plane-

of attraction called a Waltzer from Anton Schwarzkopf,

tarium opened and has doubled as the "Liseberg’s

which still makes its rounds these days.

Teatern" cinema since 1948.

The next attraction worth mentioning was the addition

In the years 1945 and 1946 Liseberg extended its

in 1934 of the "S/S Hyperion", a type of Noah's Ark in

grounds considerably with the purchase of surround-

steamship appearance. In 1936 the next major step

ing grounds. In 1947 the "Swing-O-Plane" followed, a

was undertaken with the opening of the swimming pool

real highlight that remained at the park until 1982. It

Further attractions in the opening year 1923

IN DEPTH STORY n the occasion of the


EAS, we take a look at

Two other earlier attractions: “Flygkarusellen” (1925) and “Autokarusellen” (1927)




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was comparable to the rides "Roll-O-Plane" or "Dive

In 1962 the still-existing labyrinth and mirror cabinet

“S/S Hyperion” (1934) and the

Bomber" that occasionally can still be found in parks

"Kristallsalongen" was constructed at the foot of the

“Swing-O-Plane” (1947-1971)

in the USA. The "Skymastern" made its debut in 1948,

wooden coaster. In the park's 40th anniversary year,

similar in form to the "Flying Machines" that can be

the ride "Meteor" was added from the World Expo in

found these days at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

Seattle, which, despite an accident in its first season,

In 1957 a "Round Up" moved into the park as well as

remained in operation at the park until 1975. The

bergsteatern”, which is located

the Ghost Ride "Häxkitteln", which quickly was re-

"Jubileumskarusellen", which was a used attraction

directly at the entrance to Lise-

placed in 1959 by the Funhouse "Mystiska Huset." In

from the year 1923 – the birthday year of the park, was

berg, is the location of this

1960 another Ghost Ride arrived in the form of the

also added. In the year 1964 the "Hula Hoop" made a

year’s European Star Awards /

"Djungelexpressen", which in turn was replaced in the

guest appearance at Liseberg. It was previously op-

photos lower row: “Pariser-

1968 season by "Peter Pan", an indoor ride inspired by

erated by Gottlieb Löffelhardt on the German fair-

hjulet” (1968) and “Bläckfisken”

Disney's "It's a Small World."

grounds, and its personnel also relocated to Gothen-

The ship simulation

The 1942 erected ”Lise-


burg. 43 years had passed since the founding of the park, when in 1966 another coaster moved to Liseberg. This was the steel coaster "Super 8", a "Wildcat" from Schwarzkopf that was first replaced by the "LisebergsLoopen" in 1980 (until 1996), which also came from Schwarzkopf. 1967 saw a radical step taken with the ride model of the park. Up until then entrance and each attraction had to be paid for separately, which was changed by a booklet being introduced that contained, in addition to the entrance fee, various tickets for attractions, games, and a snack (the introduction of a wristband




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for use on all attractions followed in 1991). Another im-

In 1981 Liseberg received an additional ground area,

portant management decision came about in 1971

where the "UFO", the "Vår Lilla Värld", and the "Swing-

attraction “Vattenrutschbanan”

when Liseberg purchased the ride operator Gunnar

O-Plane" were placed immediately. Additionally, the

(1955) and the first steel coaster

Månsson AB and transformed it into Lisebergsattrak-

Huss-Condor "Hökfärden" was moved to the Berg in

“Super 8” (1966)

tioner AB.

1985, which could be reached comfortably by escalat-

1973 marked the 50th birthday of Liseberg, which was

ors since 1986.

duly commemorated. In addition to performances by

The opening of the "Lisebergbanan" enriched the park

ABBA and Frank Zappa, and a log flume from the

on the 25th April, 1987 with a new record of 50,000

Arrow Development were perfectly integrated into the

guests in one day.

grounds. Initially it was actually an illicit construction,

In 1989 four new attractions made their debut simulta-

as the building permit was only granted later in 1974.

neously: the Looping-Starship "Aerovarvet", the pre-

There was also the "Turbo-Star" that was replaced in

viously mentioned chain ride "Snabbtåget," a Metro-

1980 by the "UFO", which in turn had to make way for

liner from BHS (until 1992), and the "Tornado" from

the "Breakdance" in 1986.

Huss (until 2008).

In 1977 the park adopted the "Lilla Bergbanan" (later

From the year 1990 sights were set high with the open-

"Cirkusexpressen") from Zierer before it was sold to

ing of the viewing tower "Lisebergstornet" on the high-

also remained at Liseberg for

Mondo Verde in 2008. This attraction was followed by

est point of the Berg. 1993 saw a "Top Spin" from Huss

one or more years, here for

the "Cinema 180" in 1979, which changed locations at

(until 2006), and the "Jukebox" from Wieland Schwarz-

example “Peter Pan” from the

the park a number of times during its nine year pre-

kopf, which was replaced by a new version from Gerst-

German showman family Löffel-


lauer in 2012.

hardt (later founder of

The wooden water

Transportable attractions





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A partial view of Liseberg in 1987 Good friends: Park President Andreas Andersen and Coaster Engineer Dr. Werner Stengel

In 2011 "Lisebergstornet" was to be converted by Intamin to the freefall "AtmosFear." Another large conversion followed in 2013 when the kiddie area "Kaninlandet" opened. The following years were dedicated again to the adult public. In addition to the previously mentioned coaster "Helix" (2014), a Zierer "Star Shape” named "Mechanica" opened in 2015. The park wanted to open the world's first Suspended


Boomerang "HangOver" from Vekoma in 1996; however, due to technical problems, a replacement was

uring its 90 years, Liseberg


found quickly in the form of a "Space Shot" from S&S

has had only seven CEOs:

by the name of "Uppskjutet". As for the "HangOver", the

■ Edward F. Goldkuhl (1925-1926)

originally-intended magnetic drive was replaced by a

■ Herman Lindholm (1926-1942)

conventional chain lift so that a year later it could go

■ Einar Ekström (1942-1963)

into operation, the same time as the Rapid Ride "Kål-

■ Olof Calderon (1964-1973)

lerado." In 2000 the Turbo Drop "Höjdskräcken" joined

■ Boo Kinntorph (1973-1993)

the Space Shot. The kiddie Freefall Tower "Smågro-

■ Mats Wedin (1994-2011)

dorna," also from S&S, completed the freefall offerings

■ Andreas Andersen (since 2011)

at the park. Another S&S ride was added in 2007 with "Screamin' Swing".




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