Kirmes & Park Revue EAS 2013 Extra Issue

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Dr. Werner Stengel – Lifetime Award

European Star Award 2013

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17:19 Uhr

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17:57 Uhr

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Revue This year, not only all first place winning park

ISSN 1436-6525 appears 12 x per year

operators are receiving an award, but also all parks and manufacturers which have attained places 2 and 3

■ Gemi Verlags GmbH Pfaffenhofener Straße 3 85293 Reichertshausen Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0 Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46 ■ Managing Directors Gerd Reddersen Rudolf Neumeier ■ Editoral Manager EAS-Special Frank Lanfer ■ Responsible According to the Press Law


Frank Lanfer ■ International Representative Translation, Advertisements Agi Reddersen Phone: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57 Facsimile: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05

he 11th Euro Attractions Show is being held in the beautiful city of Paris – and once again breaks last year’s


record participation in 2012 in Berlin. With more than 380 exhibitors from 80 countries, it is the largest show

in its young and successful history! And for the second time, Europe’s leading trade magazine Kirmes & Park

■ Representative Great Britain

Revue is presenting the independent European Star Award – a prize, explicitly honouring the European theme

Michele Emmett Phone: +44(0)7811 915118

park industry.

■ Editorial Assistant Heike Genz ■ Production

This award has been created with the assistance of an international team of experts voting the rankings in now eleven categories, acknowledging the efforts within the European theme park branch, and bringing attention to entrepreneurial courage and exceptional innovations.

Westner Medien GmbH ■ Printing

The precise and honest voting method has already proved successful: each member of the trade jury was able

Kössinger AG Schierling

to award their personal favourites once for 3, 2, and 1 star(s), once in each category, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.

■ Advertisements

All we had to do then was add up the stars – and the winner is the park or the attraction with the most points.

GEMI Verlags GmbH ■ Sales and Marketing

Choices could be made from all theme parks throughout Europe, including Russia and Turkey, with the mini-

Gerd Reddersen

mum criterion of at least one (ride) attraction at the park. In the three categories, “Europe’s Best Theme Parks”,

■ Subscriptions

“Europe’s Best Family Parks”, and “Europe’s Best Water Parks”, there was a focus on the following criteria:

DataM-Services GmbH Postfach 91 61 97091 Würzburg phone: +49 (0) 931/4170-178 (Mo-Tu 8-17, Fr 8-15) Facsimile +49 (0) 931/4170-179

attractions, appeal, theming, landscaping, friendliness, cleanliness, meals/refreshments, and value for money.

■ Photo Credits

fore will have a slightly changed jury every year. If you would like to participate in the vote next year, if you are

We like to say thank you to all parks and our authors

impartial and objective, and if you are perfectly familiar with the European theme park scene, please contact

Please visit our new website: Follow us on facebook:

All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be duplicated or published without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition also pertains to the commercial duplication by copying, input into an electronic database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM.

This year’s extended jury and additional slightly differentiated categories are intended to keep the European Star Award young and exciting – as a result there were several surprising changes in the top positions this year in comparison to last year’s awards. We would like to retain this dynamic for future awards as well, and there-

us at: By the way, as we attach much importance to the independence of the vote, targeted advertising sales began only after the count of votes. We would like to thank the jurors as well as all parks, manufacturers, and sponsors who have guaranteed the continued existence of this independent award by placing advertisements. We heartily congratulate all theme parks that have made it to the Top Five this year. Additionally, we wish all visitors to the Euro Attractions Show a wonderful time in Paris and many inspirations for future attractions, which will perhaps be awarded a European Star very soon!

Certified active member of the

With best wishes Frank Lanfer




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THE EXPERT-JURY OF THE EURPEAN STAR AWARD 2013 Natalia Bakhlina (Great Britain)

receive his Master of Science in Space Engineering. He wants to enjoy the weightlessness of outer space

Natalia Bakhlina

Born in Moscow, she moved to London in early 2006

on the earth as well, and for this reason his dream is to

to start work at Economics Research Associates

start a career in the amusement industry working for a

(ERA), a well known leisure consultancy firm conduct-

big manufacturers. In the meantime he travels to theme

ing feasibility studies for visitor attractions. Now she is

parks all around Europe and North America.

Associate Director of Economics at AECOM Europe in England ( She has since played an

Anastasia Buzhor

Dr. Michael H. Faber (Germany)

important role in economic planning for individual attractions and major leisure destinations across

As a child he was enthralled by motorbikes and fire

Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Over the

engines on kiddie carousels. During his studies his in-

years she has completed work for, amongst others,

terests were in work-related mobile population groups,

Merlin Entertainments, KidZania, Guinness Store-

and he immersed himself in the world of the showman

house, Diageo, MGM, Africa Israel Group, Russian,

as a young man, wanting to travel with them. The cul-

Dutch and South African authorities.

tural academic from Bonn, graduating with his dissertation about showmen, is considered to be cofounder

Anastasia Buzhor (Russia)

of a folkloristic socio-historic showman and fairground research. In 1995, as Deputy Director of the Landes-

Victor Cavaller

She is coordinator of Eurasian Amusement Parks and

museum für Volkskunde, Freilichtmuseum Kommern,

Attractions Expo (EAAPA). The young marketer has

(State Museum of Folklore), Michael H. Faber laid the

considerable experience in exhibition projects. Always

foundation of the nationwide representative format for

being interested in the entertainment industry, she

historic funfairs, with the still existing “Jahrmarktes

willingly took up EAAPA, which allows her to implement

anno dazumal”. Faber supports the German Showman

any professional ideas. This year’s exhibition will be

Association with his petition for the recognition of the

held in the Ukraine for the first time. She looks forward

German Volksfests as immaterial cultural asset on the

to the active development of the entertainment bus-

UNESCO-World Heritage listing.

iness in the country, and abroad. She is also editor of the New Park Culture Magazine – a Russian/English

Felix Fritz (Germany)

website (, and a quarterly printed trade magazine in the Russian language.

He has been fascinated by theme parks, and sometime later by roller coasters ever since his father took

Victor Cavaller (Spain)

him to Europa-Park as a child. As a result, during his time as a doctorate candidate after attaining his de-

Matteo Crepaldi He is the Managing Director of the Garmisch Consult-

gree in mechanical engineering, he worked on “roller

ing Group, the new entertainment design firm based

coaster dynamics”. During this time he established

in the German Alps. Prior to leading GCG he was part

contact with TÜV Süd in Munich. He does reviews of

of O-partners and of Thinkwell Europe, serving as

technical documentation and on-site acceptance tests

Show Producer for the 2007 “Furius Baco” coaster at

of rides worldwide for this company nowadays. Al-

PortAventura, as Producer for the 2006 “Batman Be-

though he knows the business behind the magic, he

gins & Police Academy Stunt Shows” at Parque War-

still likes to visit parks and loves to experience some

ner Madrid, as well as being Project Manager for “Ice

airtime on a roller coaster.

Age Adventure!” at Movie Park Germany and Ski Dubai’s Snow Park at the Mall of Emirates. Victor was also

Marcus Gaines (Great Britain)

a part of the team responsible for the award-winning Dr. Michael H. Faber

“FiestAventura Nighttime Spectacular”, the “Templo

He grew up as a theme park and fun fair fan. All fam-

del Fuego” attraction, as well as the “Sea Odyssey”

ily holidays as a child involved visiting at least one park

simulator at PortAventura. He has a degree in Audio/

somewhere in the world. In the meantime he has visit-

Visual Communication from the University Autonoma

ed over 250 different parks riding 1,100 different coast-

de Barcelona, and has produced many Spanish feat-

ers. As a fairly new parent, he now looks at parks dif-

ure films, documentaries, and commercials for television.

ferently, seeing things more through the eyes of his son. Luckily his son is following in his dad’s footsteps,

Matteo Crepaldi (Italy)

and is turning into another coaster fan. Graduating from university in 1999 with an honours degree in Me-


He already has a Bachelor Degree in Aerospace En-

dia Production and Technology, these days he works

gineering from Politecnico di Milano. This year, he will

for Britain’s largest broadcasting company, and he is



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often called upon to use his knowledge of the amuse-

just like a modern theme park, and contains spacious

ment industry to work on documentaries and news

and well designed animal habitats. In 2012 he re-

features involving theme parks and roller coasters.

ceived an honorary prize awarded by the Tourism Board of the German Parliament.

Bart Gees (Belgium) Frédéric Pastuszak (France) After several marketing and sales roles for AB-InBev and Coca-Cola Enterprises, he joined The Coca-Cola

His passion for our industry began during his youth

Company last year as International Manager Travel

with regular visits to funfairs. But after his first visit to

and Leisure. In his role, he is responsible for inter-

Europa-Park in 1989, he found his vocation: planning

national customers in the lodging and leisure parks

and designing theme parks, rides, and attractions.

channel in Europe. As Coca-Cola operates with a fran-

Since he graduated as an architect in 2004, he spent

chising system with local bottlers, Bart is supporting

most of his career abroad. In Dubai, he worked on the

the local teams in developing best-in-class execution

design of themed shopping malls, before joining

in this exciting Leisure Parks channel. With his global

Atelier Artistique du Béton (AAB) in Paris, where he

network he has a view to the new innovations and de-

worked as master planer and theming consultant on

velopments around the world, and shares best prac-

many projects for theme parks, water parks, zoos and

tices between the different countries. For Coca-Cola,

aquariums worldwide. In the USA, he spent two years

leisure parks are not only a sales opportunity, but also

working with PGAV Destinations on many international

a channel to build brands by offering unique experi-

attractions, amongst others, for SeaWorld and the

ences to the visitors. Bart is from Belgium, married with

Busch Gardens parks. Back in Europe in 2009, he be-

two sons and is passionate about cycling and music.

came Project Architect at Europa-Park. His newest

Felix Fritz Marcus Gaines

project is a state-of-the-art darkride build by Mack

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann (Germany)

Rides: “Arthur in the Minimoys Kingdom” will open in

Bart Gees

April 2014 and is an immersive themed attraction, The qualified psychologist and tourism researcher is

which was created together with the famous French

lecturer on the subjects of health and wellness tourism

movie director Luc Besson. Frédéric was excluded

at the Bremen University, tourism psychology and so-

from voting for any Europa-Park and Mack Rides at-

ciology at the Duale University Ravensburg, and was

tractions during the European Star Awards ballot.

appointed Professor for Tourism and Recreation in Chur (CH) in 2009, and has been generally operative

Wolfgang Payer (Austria)

in tourism science since 1987. He is cofounder of the “Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismus”, the publisher

The engineer with ten years professional experience

of the standard work “Tourismuspsychologie und -so-

in field service as engineer for EDV-equipment has

ziologie”, is author of over 30 books and studies, and

been responsible for controlling and cost accounting

is also occupied as a journalist (focal points: theme

at the Vienna airport for many years. His first contact

parks, experience worlds, health and wellness tou-

to theme parks was in 1989 when he visited Disney

rism, applied vacation psychology), and publisher of

World with his two daughters. Since then his interest in

trade literature in the areas of tourism and recreation

parks and in particular coasters has continually in-


creased. He is member of various fan clubs and is a

Dr. H. Jürgen Kagelmann

master of photography (

Klaus-Michael Machens (Germany) Jochen Peschel (Germany) He has been honorary President of the VDFU since 2002 (German association of amusement parks and

The patent attorney in a Munich law office is occupied

leisure companies), and member of the European Ad-

in the area of Intellectual Property and other topics, as

visory Board to IAAPA. He is mainly self-employed as

well as questions concerning commercial legal pro-

a management consultant (

tection in the amusement branch. Already as student

He studied business administration and law at the Uni-

he was able to take a look behind the scenes of the

versity of Göttingen, and was also politically active as

Pützchens Markt, with his interest in fairgrounds and

a member of the state parliament of Lower Saxony and

theme parks being awakened during his electrical

was councillor in Hildesheim. Later he practiced law

engineering studies in Aachen. Since then he is also

and was consultant to the Norddeutschen Rundfunks.

responsible for the contents of the online magazine

From 1994 to 2011 he was Manager of Zoo Hannover A career as engineer at a

Service GmbH, and under his guidance the then def-

ride manufacturer never came into question, and in-

icit zoo developed into one of the most innovative and

stead he concentrated on being a part-time specialist-

spectacular zoos in the world. These days the Erleb-

journalist in the area of technical aspects of roller

niszoo Hannover is divided into various themed areas

coasters and other amusement rides.

Klaus-Michael Machens




Frédéric Pastuszak Wolfgang Payer

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Dennis L. Speigel

Marc Spies

Marek Pisarski (Poland)

Dr. Werner Stengel Broadcasting Company’s Leisure Division. He is also a Past President of IAAPA. In 2010 he received the Life

He is consultant in the sector of tourism, recreation and

Time Achievement Award for his service to the theme

educational entertainment, and is owner of PAIT Con-

park industry. Quoted daily, he regularly appears in the

sulting (Polish Leisure and Amusement Consulting).

Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles

He is author of several projects in the leisure industry

Times, USA Today, and news publications around the

and in the sector of science centres in Poland. He also

world. His company has worked on over 500 projects

undertakes consultancies for different government in-

in more than 50 countries.

stitutions, and also works on designs for different themed and interactive exhibitions. He is Editor-in-chief of

Marc Spies (Germany)

the online magazine for the leisure industry “Atrakcje” Jochen Peschel

( He also is Chairman of the

Following his course of studies in social work, he is

Association of Polish Touristic Attractions and National

mainly occupied in stationary youth welfare, and is also

Heritage, “Festiwal Polska”. His passion is imagineer-

occupied in adult education consultancy as well as

ing new ideas for new themed attractions, and infor-

being a freelancer for media companies. He has been

mal learning, the interactive form of education.

interested in fairs, parks, and water parks since his early childhood, and with increasing age and mobility

Stefan Rothaug (Taiwan)

often travels inland and abroad to test novelties and to experience the classics. He is indispensible in the area

Born in Marburg, Germany, his first contact with parks

of water parks and water slides.

came about in his early childhood, and during his studies of economic sciences he was employed in the

Dr. Werner Stengel (Germany)

marketing divisions of Fort Fun, Panoramapark, and Marek Pisarski

Phantasialand from time to time. After he fell in love with

He began his work in the amusement industry in 1963,

the Asian continent, he moved to Tokyo in 2006 and

working together with Schwarzkopf on the first German

later to Taiwan, from where he observes the Asian park

steel coaster. With him and later with other manufac-

scene. With the development of the park scene, Ste-

turers too, he revolutionized the amusement branch

fan’s focus has changed: whilst in the early years he

and especially the coaster segment repeatedly. For ex-

was mainly travelling in Japan, the first and foremost

ample in 1976, the first modern coaster in the world

in his calendar in the meantime is Chinese parks, thus

with vertical loopings was realized. And since 1974,

travelling through Southeast Asia more and more. He

Werner Stengel has been a working member of the

enjoys connecting his enthusiasm for Asia, theme

German standard committee for amusement rides. In

parks, and travelling, with his journalistic activities.

2004 he had stepped back from active office work. Over the past decades, the Stengel GmbH has been

Dennis L. Speigel (USA)

significantly involved in around 70 % of all existing roller coasters, which is why the company is listed in the

Stefan Rothaug

He is President of International Theme Park Services,

“Encyclopaedia of German Global Market Leaders”.

Inc. (ITPS), a leading, independent full-service management/consulting firm in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Francis Stokkel (USA)

( Dennis is an internatio-


nally recognized leader and expert in the theme park

The native-born Dutch Engineer began his career in

and leisure industry with over 50 years’ experience. He

the industry with Warner Bros. Movie Park in Germany

began in 1960 as a ticket taker and seasonal employ-

and now has almost 20 years of experience in the leis-

ee at Coney Island Amusement Park (Cincinnati,

ure industry. He was involved in numerous theme park

Ohio), and worked his way up to manage Kings Island

projects such as Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, Warner

(Ohio), Kings Dominion (Virginia), and then became

Bros. Europe, Six Flags Holland and Tropical Islands.

Vice President of International Operations for the Taft

He is currently working in Florida on one of the world’s



17:27 Uhr

Francis Stokkel

Seite 7

Dr. Sacha Szabo

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann

first extreme sports park and resort developments.

tor, plans and organises shows, and supervises her

With his know-how in project management, develop-

colleague’s films. In her reports for “Abenteuer Leben”,

ment, and operational facility management, he sees

she has often covered various aspects of theme parks

opportunities and looks outside the box for unique and

and ride attractions. For example, she has accompan-

successful solutions to keep the project within the bud-

ied showmen from fairground to fairground, has docu-

get and on schedule. He is a team positive builder who

mented the build-up of attractions at theme parks, or

believes that a rising tide lifts all ships; he knows that

reported about the opening of water parks. Thus she

no one achieves success alone. As an analytical driv-

has become a top insider of the leisure industry vir-

er he has a passion for working with collaborative

tually in passing, as part of her job. Especially exciting

cross-functional teams. He has also deep knowledge

for her are insights behind the scenes of the industry,

in all kind of ride constructions.

which one does not have as a normal park visitor.

Dr. Sacha Szabo (Germany)

Stefan Zwanzger (UAE)

He was fascinated by Europa-Park from his earliest

He had founded the Online-Marketing portal affilia-

childhood. During his studies of sociology, German, and earned a small fortune. After that, he also

philology, philosophy, and cultural management, he

became active in film production. But in 2005, the Ger-

also undertook an academic view of recreational

man separated himself from all his companies and

worlds such as parks, cinemas, and computer games.

emigrated to Abu Dhabi. Since 2007, Stefan Zwanz-

This led to the promotion of amusement attractions

ger does nothing else other than travel around the

(Title “Rausch und Rummel”). And these days? Nat-

world. Often has the advantage of a backstage view,

urally he delights in testing new attractions, but Sacha

which gives him the possibility to make in depth

Szabo is just as enthusiastic about putting his nose into

reports. His experiences, reviews, construction up-

the latest research. All in the name of the science of

dates and photography – including exclusive aerials –

pleasure – or perhaps a pleasurable form of science?

can be viewed on:

Prof. Dr. Torsten Widmann (Germany)

Karl Ruisinger (Kirmes & Park Revue)

He studied tourism geography, business administra-

He studied German Philology and journalism at the

tion and economics at the University of Trier. Since

Munich University. He has been Chief Editor at Gemi

2007 he is Professor for Tourism and Leisure, initially

Verlag since 1988 for all other magazines of the firm.

at the Cologne Business School, and from 2009 he was

Karl by the way was the founder of the Kirmes & Park

Director of the Bachelor course of the studies Recrea-

Revue in 1989.

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach Stefan Zwanzger

Karl Ruisinger

Ralf Schmitt

tional Management at the University Baden-Württemberg, Ravensburg ( The

Ralf Schmitt (Kirmes & Park Revue)

study path Recreational Management has since developed into a proven Duale academic model, joined

He studied Management in Kaiserslautern, and later

together with countless training partners for junior

moved south and has worked as Editorial Manager for

managers for the amusement industry.

the “Kirmes” section of the magazine since 1989.

Melanie Yankers-Lauterbach (Germany)

Frank Lanfer (Kirmes & Park Revue)

She received a diploma in journalism and has worked

He studied architecture and urban planning at the Uni-

in the meantime for over 11 years for the popular week-

versity Braunschweig, and received his engineering

ly knowledge magazine “Abenteuer Leben”, shown by

degree in 2004. In 2001 he also began his main oc-

the German TV station Kabel 1. As editor she produces

cupation as Editorial Manager for the Kirmes & Park

her own articles, is additionally also deputy duty edi-

Revue, but he’s still doing theme park design part-time.

Frank Lanfer




17:39 Uhr

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uropa-Park has been voted as Europe’s Best The-

clear picture. And a further large attraction for 2014 is

me Park for the 2nd time. With that the park has de-

already at the starting post. The five park-owned ho-

monstrated its outstanding position within the branch.

tels make it a top class multiple-day-resort. It has a lar-

The family operated park is known for its honesty in

ge range of attractions, and with that hits the taste of

management and large investments, particularly dur-

almost all target groups. Added to that, its presence in

ing the past years of economic crisis: a new theme

the nationwide media, as well as public service broad-

hotel and two large coasters in only four years paint a

casters and private television stations is unique.


y right, the Spanish theme park PortAven-


tura has been voted to 2nd place this year,

as there are only very few parks in Europe that have made such large investments as the theme park resort located on the Mediterranean. Since the takeover by Investindustrial, a large novelty is presented each season – with the objective of PortAventura developing into the most attractive short holiday destination in Europe. Already there are four park owned theme hotels, as well as the only “Sesame Street” themed area in Europe.


isneyland is the worldwide mother-of-all


for pure family fun – so it’s no wonder that

the Disneyland Park in France is considered the best of the best, and consequentially has been voted into this year’s Top 5, too. Although the French Disney subsidiary contains more thrill attractions (including two Looping Roller Coasters from Intamin and Vekoma) for young persons and adults than any other Disneyland, small children’s eyes shine here in particular due to Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Cinderella & Co.

European Star Award 2013

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17:39 Uhr

EFTELING he Dutch resort is both of two things: a


huge fairytale land for children, and a

large theme park for the young public and adults. Additionally there is also the extensive holiday village on the 200 hectare area, “Bosrijk”. The uniquely themed conversion at Efteling can only be described as successful to spectacular. Moreover, particular value is attached to high quality shows such as “Raveleijn” and “Aquanura”.

ALTON TOWERS t’s definitely the most unusual theme park


in Europe having been erected on the area

of a time-honoured English Landscaping Garden. Even these days, parts of the earlier area remain as the original. Located in the earlier castle, there are attractions such as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. Additionally there is a hotel, indoor water park and unique attractions. New in 2013: a coaster world record with 13 inversions. ■

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ince over 60 years the Dutch theme park resort


do not exist a second time. The classic fairytale

stands for a successful combination of fairytales,

however has never been lost sight of, in fact quite the

fun and entertainment for the whole family. In the past

opposite. Fairytales here often experience an inter-

decades however the earlier fairytale park has

active renaissance that not only fascinates children.

developed into a high value theme park with quite a

Efteling offers the perfect conditions for the multi-day

number of breathtaking ride attractions, which mostly



he largest resort in Europe by surface


area is also convincing in this cate-

gory. Disneyland Paris is not only a huge holiday destination with its hotels and entertainment




simply a universe for all children with its mainly family orientated attractions. The generation-spanning and well known Disney characters accompany the visitor on a fantastic journey through the world of fantasy. There’s no other park with such a strong trademark as Disneyland.


he park offers original attractions that


cater to the wishes of the whole fam-

ily, and since only a few years ago also large attractions that leave nothing left to be desired by the youthful public. The speciality here is the overall theming in Swabian local colour and local fun. The Erlebnispark Tripsdrill also offers are rounded off by a wildlife park and a small overnight resort, comprising of high quality wooden houses and simple wooden wagons.

European Star Award 2013

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17:39 Uhr

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LEGOLAND BILLUND he Danish Legoland, which was personally opened


by the Lego-boss in 1968, also made it onto the list

of best family parks this year. In the meanwhile there are six Legoland parks that are operated by the English Merlin Entertainments Group. They are all build on the fascination for the small and colourful Lego bricks, and for this reason the parks are also considered educative. The park also offers a number of ride attractions – among them four coasters. The latest is the ■

“Polar X-plorer” from Zierer, opened last year.

PLOPSALAND DE PANNE etween 1936 and 1999, the Belgian park was


operated by honey producer Florizone, and

had a bee-theme. And with the takeover by the television station Studio 100 a number of years ago, the popular honeybee Maya has a permanent home. Additionally, the Plopsa-Group is consistently extending its home-park in order to present other well know comic characters. In addition to the over 30 ride attractions, the first class theming is also considered to be remarkable.



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he water park that opened in 2008 on Tenerife


with the highest artificial surf, as well as the largest Thai

Island has not only an unusual concept and an

building in Europe. All in all: Siam Park has a good

exciting theming, but also has one of the largest slide

variation of slides and a great overall design that has

varieties in Europe. The 18.5 hectare property in a Thai

been very successfully integrated into the beautiful

style theme also contains a Lazy River, a wave pool



he slide galaxy is part of a com-


plete water and thermal para-

dise with the experience not only being thrill, but also flow. In addition to the outside area and the generous sauna world, there are also thermal basins and relaxation zones. The Galaxy is a huge and compactly arranged slide world that offers something for every taste.


atThe combination of a breathtaking


and over 100 metre high hall con-

struction, a subtropical world of plants, and an around-the-clock pool operation is not available anywhere else in the world. Added to these points there is also overnight accommodation available in exclusive suites and simple but adventurous tents, as well as restaurants, bars, and a huge sauna world – and all this under the artificial construction.

European Star Award 2013

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Siam Park 1/1 ESA


17:23 Uhr

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17:40 Uhr

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his resort located on the Turkish


Mediterranean coast near Izmir is one

of the largest and most successful all-inclusive-resorts in the country with 860 guest rooms and over 2,500 beds. The nucleus is the water park, opened in 2000, which initially used the Texan water park Schlitterbahn as model, and was also constructed by the NBGS Company. In the meantime many more water slides from other firms have been installed. A large sandy beach, a number of pools (also indoor) and high quality historic sites in the immediate vicinity all speak for this resort.


he water park at the PortAventura Re-


sort was set aside in 2002. This sea-

son it has been extended to double its original size, and now contains 16 water slides. Whilst the older area has been kept in a Caribbean style, the extended section has many set pieces from Sesame Street – to the great joy of all children. However there’s also the 31 metre highest water slide of Europa – much to the delight of all young adolescents.



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he fact that it’s not necessarily the size of the park


pleted at the beginning of the next

or visitor numbers that are a deciding factor for the

season, it’s already convincing with

best new attraction of the year, has been proved by the

its ingenious track course from

first five winners this year. It’s a lot more about in-

Gerstlauer Rides. The most inter-

dividuality and a wealth of ideas. And so is the case of

esting ride figures have been

“Karacho” at Erlebnispark Tripsdrill. Although the com-

merged together harmoniously on

plete design of the Launch Coaster will first be com-

only 700 track metres.



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here are many so-called


Family Suspended Coast-

ers from Vekoma, however this one of the same type is not a standard model, but an individually constructed coaster according to customer wishes. And it’s really something! The 453 metre long track course doesn’t only offer airtime sequences, but is absolved with a constant and snappy tempo. Additionally there’s also a water tunnel and a number of “near misses”.


nother example of an unusual and diff-


erent coaster is “Juvelen” from Intamin.

The almost 1,000 metre long track that simulates a considerably faster ride due to travelling near to the ground will very soon also be passing through a thick forest. To that, there is not only a catapult start at the beginning of the ride, but also another launch sequence on an open track. Added to all this there’s also a very unusual safety restraint in the open quad designed cars. ■


he Belgian Bellewaerde Park has made


an indoor and outdoor coaster out of an

already existing hall that earlier had accommodated a Darkride. The 500 metre long coaster was built by Zierer and contains a Darkride sequence before the 15 metre high lift that transports the train onto the roof of the hall. Here the train absolves a drop course and disappears again into the very well themed and illuminated building, both inside and out.


tnaland is located near a still active Sic-


ilian volcano, which over the past years

had developed from a water park into a theme park. New this year is the Looping Coaster “The Storm” from Mack Rides, which leads over an 800 metre long course, and reaches a lift height of 32 metres. Similar as the case of Europa-Park’s “blue fire”, there’s also a spectacular really quickly travelled through Inline-Twist, which attempts to eject its passengers.

European Star Award 2013

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Vekoma 1/1 ESA


17:20 Uhr

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17:41 Uhr

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he steel coaster voted best new attraction for the


realization of an Airtime Coaster. Stringed together

year 2012 is not only the highest in Europe with a

parable formed hills produce an intensive feeling of

track difference of 78 metres, but also the best – at

weightlessness a number of times, and the expected

least according to the opinion of this year’s expert jury.

B&M smooth course characteristics make the 1,564

In actual fact it not only has a convincing setting on the

metre long “Shambhala” distinctive among Europe’s

Mediterranean, but is until now the most consistent

roller coasters.



he coaster that opened in

Looping Coaster for both. This step was well worth-

2009 set new standards for

while, as the 1,056 metre long and 38 metre high at-

Europa-Park as well as for Mack

traction offers an intensive ride experience with its four

Rides, as “blue fire” was the first

inversions, and simultaneously high ride comfort. ■

European Star Award 2013

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17:41 Uhr

Seite 14


he coaster at Holiday Park


Pfalz, erected in 2001, still

counts amongst the best of its class. The construction from Intamin is 52 metres high and over 1,200 metres long. Apart from the smooth ride sequence thanks to perfectly worked curves and a richly varied layout with parable airtime hills and steep curves, it’s probably all thanks to the first drop – a steep 80° with a simultaneous quarter ■

turn on its own axis.


lso a larger Invert-





also made it to the European Top 5: the “OzIris” from B&M that went into operation last year. It is the seventh coaster at Parc Astérix, which opened in 1989. The




convincing with its five inversions,



tunnel, and theming in the waiting area.


ince 2011, the French theme park Fraispertuis


City is the location of the still quite rare “El

Loco” coaster from S&S. It is a type of vertical coaster that needs little ground area, as its track course is to a larger degree vertically organised. And this results in spectacular and never before ride figures such as for example a 113° steep first drop and hairpin curves partly angled towards the outside. The 29 metre attraction also offers two inversions (a Dive Loop and an Inline Twist).

European Star Award 2013

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Fraispertuis 1/1


17:20 Uhr

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17:41 Uhr

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lready last year “Balder” and

calculations per CNC-milling. The 1,070 track metres

“Colossos” undertook a neck to

have been erected on relatively compact grounds –

neck race, which decided in favour of

different to “Colossos” – without it being deprived of

Sweden’s Liseberg Park. Both wood-

abundant airtime moments. There are even many

en coasters were made by Intamin

“near misses” whilst travelling through its own wooden

(with sub-contractors Merk Holzbau

structure, due to the continuous high speed and the

GmbH for the track and Ing.-Holzbau

narrow gauge of the 36 metre high attraction. “Balder”

Cordes for the structure), and the

means 100 % pure fun, and its secret of success is the

tracks of both constructions were

non-stop airtime between the 70° steep first drop and

prefabricated exactly according to

the final brakes.


his gigantic wooden coaster


from Intamin (general con-

tractor) and Cordes (wood construction) was erected at HeidePark in 2001. Since then, the 52 metre high and 1,344 metre long construction offers all passengers maximum acceleration of up to + 4.5 g, and spectacular minimum forces of up to -1.5 g. This wooden roller coaster definitely carries the Stengel signature, and





perience this attraction, as it’s the most successful interpretation of airtime.

European Star Award 2013

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a top speed of 90 kilometres per hour, the fir st drop is at an angle of 70 degrees and the negative g-fo rces make you rise fro m your seat 10 tim during the ride. es And the only th ing on your mind whe n your journey ends is: Let’s do it agai n!

And soon you will be able to Helix, our big ne try out ws for 2014. A roller coaster w 1.4-kilometre-lo ith a top speed ng of 100 kilomet Read more at lis res per hour.



17:42 Uhr

Seite 18


his wooden coaster at


Efteling in the Netherlands

is both a very stately and rare construction


as in comparison to the USA there are only very few Racing Coasters




courses are 720 metres long and 22 metres high, and it’s very seldom that the tracks run parallel to one another. In this respect one could even talk of a Duelling Coaster, however the race is paramount. The manufacturer of the attraction opened in 2010 is Great Coasters International Inc. ■


his almost 40 metre high






wooden coaster from Great Coasters International is a master work in engineering of wooden coaster construction: a very varied layout and never before combined ride gimmicks allow the track bed to vibrate from the beginning to the end – a successful new interpretation of wooden roller coasters, that was erected at Europa-Park. “Wodan” allows passengers the experience of the elementary powers of physics.


istinctive drops, racy cur-


ves and some airtime sec-

tions all talk a clear language: one simply can’t pass “Mammut” at Erlebnispark Tripsdrill. And when the successful and challenging theming and the surprising Darkride sequence are taken into consideration, it can only be denoted as a very special attraction in this category, which does not have to hide behind larger constructions at competitive parks. The ride was erected by Cordes Coasters in 2008, but has no CNC prefabricated tracks. ■

European Star Award 2013

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17:42 Uhr

Seite 19

We congratulate Liseberg, Heide-Park and Tripsdrill for winning the European Star Award

Balder, Liseberg – Sweden, 2003 Wood Structure + Assembly Colossos, Heide Park Soltau Germany, 2001 Wood Structure + Assembly

Mammut, Tripsdrill Germany, 2008 Overall Responsibility

Ing.-Holzbau Cordes GmbH & Co. KG Waffensener Dorfstrasse 20 D-27356 Rotenburg / WĂźmme Telefon: +49-(0)4268 933-0 Telefax: +49-(0)4268 933-20



18:42 Uhr

Seite 2





his ride construction from

sive airtime hill is built. With a well thought out layout

Mack Rides is something

with two lifts (each followed by a coaster sequence

really splendid, as it links to-

with the subsequent water canal) and a successful

gether real coaster elements

integration in the Greek theme area, the 836 metre long

with a final and wet double-

and 23 metre high “Poseidon” has been captivating

dip-drop, into which an inten-

guests since the 2000 season.


t’s probably the most un-


usual Rapid Ride that

there ever was. As there’s hardly any space left at Phantasialand, the 340 metre long course is more or less located on a number of levels in a building. This begins with the 20 metre high vertical lift and continues with a number of drops (the largest is 11 metres high!), a whirlpool, and a freefall sequence (an enormous dammed up torrent of water rips the round boats downwards). Summary: A very innovative and unique rafting with much variety and a high level of wetness.

European Star Award 2013

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18:42 Uhr

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18:42 Uhr

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imilar to “Poseidon”


at Europa-Park, the

“DiVertical” is also a successful combination of coaster and water attraction. At Italy’s Mirabilandia the ride is however even more intense. Another highlight is the striking lift tower, to where the boats are vertically transported to a gigantic start height of 55 metres. This is followed by the deep drop and a short dip into the cool wet, before the speedy coaster sequence is reached. As finale there is more water, this time considerably more refreshing. The total length of this attraction is 800 metres (550 of that track metres).


he water ride already opened at


the Pleasurebeach Blackpool

in 2000 has a length of 610 metres, a height of 20 metres, and a height difference of 18 metres. However it’s the incomparable overall concept with elaborate design, the grandiose effects and the unbelievable degree of wetness, which makes “Valhalla” from Intamin (Design from Sarner; effects from Technifex) really unusual. ■


his is a type of Water


Coaster. Although the

coaster sequence is quite marginal, it is perceived to be unusually intensive, and ends





pressive water sequence. A large part of the three and half minute and 420 metres ride takes place as a Darkride, which – typically Efteling – is abundantly equipped and well thought out, telling the story of the Flying Dutchman.

European Star Award 2013

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Mack 1/1 ESA


17:21 Uhr

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18:43 Uhr

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hose who maintain that


this case everything simply fits correctly – even the

freefall towers can’t be

waiting area is part of the experience. The excellent

themed will know better here.

overall design, the fantastic inside architecture and the

The enormous amount of ride

perfectly coordinated sequences make the 55.8 metre

fun with multiple falls is not for

high “Tower of Terror” (lift system comes from Otis) to

those with weak nerves, but in

the best designed attraction at all.


t long last this very new


Darkride once again that





exactly what the Norwegian Park Tusenfryd wanted. During the 202 metre course (from ETF), passengers



completely on the storyline (from P&P Projects) and are surprised in the process by the countless artefacts and three-dimensional projections.


he indoor fairytale ride that


opened in 1993 is absolved

in open suspended gondolas, and leads passengers through five different scenes. The 425 metre long ride taking six minutes was built by Vekoma (general contractor), and Translift (transport system). Highlight is the coaster similar spiral leading upwards, which conquers a height difference of 13 metres. ■

European Star Award 2013

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18:43 Uhr

Seite 7

VAN HELSING’S FACTORY t’s very seldom that an indoor ride is convincing from


beginning to end. However the situation is quite diff-

erent in the case of the indoor coaster “Van Helsing’s Factory” from Gerstlauer: starting with the queuing line, the station, the ride itself, and right up to the exit, Movie Park Germany has managed to create a consistent overall total experience, even though the attraction itself is merely 400 metres long and has a ■

maximum height of 7.7 metres (two lifts).

THE SCHOOL he Darkride that opened this year at


Italy’s Etnaland is the most unusual Dark-

ride that there is. It leads passengers through an abandoned school where the ghosts of teachers and staff spook the building. In comparison to all other Darkrides of this type, passengers do not shoot at targets with weapons, but have to answer questions with the assistance of three buttons. Various effects are released according to the target hit. Manufacturer is the Italian firm Gosetto.

Gosetto would like to congratulate Etnaland for receiving the European Star Award 2013



18:43 Uhr

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he nine metre high and 200

Additionally a part of the course runs indoors, and

metre long kiddie coaster

even the lift is enclosed before it proceeds into the out-

from Gerstlauer is a great “be-

door area offering thoroughly speedy drops and curv-

ginner” coaster for future coast-

es over a water surface. And this is the reason that the

er fans. It is convincing with a

kiddie-orientated coaster at Hansa-Park not only offers

lively layout, good ride charac-

a high experience factor to the small park guests with

teristics and a great theming.

a height from one metre, but also to all adults.


his speciality among the many


kiddie ride constructions is the

13 metre high viewing tower from abc rides, whereby the ride guests can choose the height themselves. The really lively rotation of the mast on its own axis allows the eight gondolas the corresponding and pleasant swing out. The “Maibaum” offers – typical of Tripsdrill – a harmonious adaption of folk ■

culture for a ride.


n optical highlight


among the kiddie´

rides at Familypark Neusiedlersee is the “Fliegende Fische” (“Flying Fish”). The twelve arms are



colourful fish, each accommodating two passengers. Manufacturer of the attraction opened in 2012 is Zierer.

European Star Award 2013

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18:43 Uhr

WICKIE THE BATTLE he clever Viking boy is a typical


European comic figure that is pop-

ular with every generation, and alone for this reason is offered as a theme on a family attraction. Furthermore the new “Splash Battle” from Mack Rides has been set into the scene very skilfully: from the design of the boats right up to the integration into the theme area opened in 2011.

FIRE ACADEMY very small child is fascinated by


trains, police and the fire brigade.

No wonder then that the “Fire Academies” at the Legolands are very popular. And it’s also no wonder that a structurally identical attraction has been voted into the Top 5. On the installations manufactured by Metallbau Emmeln, teams compete in order to put out the fire on the opposite side.

Seite 9



18:43 Uhr

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he “Top Spin” is one of the biggest sales hits for


manufacturer Huss Park Attractions, located in

Bremen. And the 18 metre high version of the so-called “Suspended Top Spin” imparts a great and exciting ride feeling. This ride construction has received a grandiose theming at Phantasialand, and is considered – with every right – to be one of the best attractions in Europe. The 2007 erected looping ride construction is equipped with water and fire effects, and even the setting that encloses the 18 metre high attraction is ■

simply impressive.


pleasant ride movement


and a light airtime fee-

ling on the centred “wave” offers optimal prerequisites for the simulation of a surfer. In addition there is also the successful staging of a stereotype amusement pier in Southern California at Movie Park Germany. The 40



Coaster” races backwards and forwards over the 82 metre long track at up to 70 kilometres per hour. Manufacturer is Zamperla.

European Star Award 2013

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18:43 Uhr

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18:43 Uhr

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large version of a swing construction with rotating


discs is rare at European theme parks. “SynKope”

from Mondial is one of them and is located and operates since 2004 at “Terra Mitíca”. This attraction has a ride height of 35 metres and reaches speeds of ■

up to 90 kilometres per hour.


he ride experience is


innovative and simple

– actually simply innovative with a great ride feeling. The wind current is quite




“SkyFly” from Gerstlauer to absolve a number of inversions



flight manoeuvres – as far as one wants – as every passenger can decide for himself on the amount of thrill wanted. The only woodworm is the very low capacity for well visited theme parks such as Legoland Deutschland. ■


nce again the Aus-


trian manufacturer




surpassed itself (regarding height). The “Starflyer” at Sweden’s Gröna Lund is with its 122 metres one of the highest ride constructions at all. And in the harbour of Stockholm there are also fantastic views of the water and the city as well – something that is rather rare at theme parks.

European Star Award 2013

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Mondial 1/1


17:22 Uhr

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18:44 Uhr

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he first three attained positions make it


clear just what actually is the trend these

days: the combination of different slide variations in a single attraction. “King Cobra” that opened last year at the French Aqualand Fréjus offers a type of figure-8-sequence that is partly roofed over, and a following eight metre deep and surprising drop into a sidewinder element that is recreated into a snake head. In the process two courses are lead mirror-inverted in order to achieve the surprising meeting in the sidewinder element. However even the unusual colours of this water slide is unmatched and unique.


urope’s best water park also con-


tains Europe’s second best water

slide. Once again Siam Park had contracted the Canadian manufacturer ProSlide to erect last year’s novelty by the name of “Kinnaree”. This attraction offers a funnel slide on a 200 metre length, a sidewinder (or better still in function a steep curve such as on a coaster), a number of tunnel sequences and a whole lot of spins on the axis of the four-seat rafts. Despite its respectable size it could be perfectly integrated into the sloping terrain. Large fourpiece tyres provide for an adequately high capacity.

European Star Award 2013

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Whitewater 1/1


17:22 Uhr

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18:44 Uhr

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manufacturer WhiteWater. And it’s great that this slide

“Mega Tubes” in three

pleasure can be enjoyed by the whole family or friends

different lengths in which

together, as in comparison to the “Rattler”, the new

the sliders rise in a Half-

“Family Rattler” is a larger version with a one to five

pipe style on both sides a

metre wide run, where four-person round tubes can

number of times and are

also be used. One of the first 134 metre long and 12

connected up through the

metre high constructions has been erected on the

open and curved slide se-

Black Sea Coast in the Georgian city of Anaklia, and

quences, is the “Family

part of the newly opened water park last year called

Rattler” from Canadian

Aqua-Lazika, a project of the Georgian government. ■




ne of the first looping slides ever is


simultaneously the smallest am-

ongst them. Aqualand in Cologne absolutely wanted one of these spectacular attractions from Aquarena/Hartwigsen, however it had to be roofed over. For this reason the complete 10 metre high and 53 metre long Looping Slide is located inside a building. In all other aspects it offers the same thrill as its related kind: a kick start per trapdoor with an almost vertical fall and a circa 40° angled helix, which gives the sliders the impression of ■

an inversion.


n actual fact the construc-


tion from Wiegand-Maelzer

erected in 2010 is not really a water slide, but much more a launch tube. The bathing guests



through the air for a number of metres by a huge torrent of water, before landing in the water basin. The water pressure is quite enough for this, built up in the vertical water pipe




person ready to start.

European Star Award 2013

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16:32 Uhr

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18:01 Uhr

Seite 2

PERSONALITY Exhibition opening with Werner Stengel and his team (2001); Andreas Wild (right) and Harald Wanner (left) who are today’s Managers of Stengel GmbH

The Kirmes & Park Revue is awarding the European Star Award for the second time this year, and for the first time also the Lifetime Award for outstanding achievements in the culture




honorary prize will be awarded to none other than the “Guru of Roller Coasters”, the “Lord of

Dr. Werner Stengel

the Rings”, or even the “Master of organized Nauseam” as he has already been called by the tabloids: Dr. Werner Stengel.


hese days, his name is not only known to

tage of an endless sea of ruins as a playground. The

insiders of the industry, thanks to, in the mean-

remnants of ruined buildings offered excellent arti-


Frank Lanfer

time, numerous magazine and TV reports about him

ficial elevations, where planks of wood were laid out



and his constructions. But this was not always the

to race from valley to valley in old baby carriages –

case. Up until a good decade ago, hardly anyone

a kind of soapbox derby, or perhaps the first roller

outside the manageable circle of manufacturers

coaster construction?

knew his name. Even expert publications mention-

During the post war years his family had to struggle

ed almost exclusively the coaster

to make ends meet. Naturally, with a pension of just

manufacturers, but rarely the name of

30 Deutsche Mark per month there was not much

the creative genius behind them. “My

left over for fun, but at least once a year, young

name is mentioned somewhere, but I

Werner Stengel felt an urge, which led him to the

don’t attach much importance to it”,

Crange Fair, that was held in Wanne-Eickel at that

says Stengel humbly.

time. Despite the long distance, he walked the

Werner Stengel and his „Colossos” at Heide-Park


Today’s amusement world would look

whole way in order to be able to buy at least a little



something from the few groschen (cents) that he

probably without loopings, without

had saved, but it was definitely not enough money



for a speedy ride on a wooden roller coaster. His

smooth ride experiences despite high

yearning gaze towards the high construction must

speeds, without suspended coasters...

have given him away, and eventually he was invited

and above all without the high standard

by a war-veteran, whose invalid identity entitled him

of security offered by today’s coasters

to a free ride including an escort. Stengel’s first ride

and other ride attractions. There’s hard-

on a roller coaster!

ly a second person who has character-

After graduating from school, Stengel served an

ised the amusement branch as strongly

apprenticeship as a bricklayer, and very soon was

as Werner Stengel, who these days is

working as a foreman. Nevertheless he felt unchal-

77 years old. Born in Bochum in 1936,

lenged and re-attended school again. Had the ne-

his career was already as good as pre-

cessary funds been available he would have liked

destined, had there not been a war, and

to study philosophy. He decided instead to study

had his father not fallen, which resulted

architecture at the Kassel University, which in the

in the closing of the family tailor busin-

end did not appeal to him, and he changed to con-

ess. Just as other children at that time,

structional engineering after two semesters. Imme-

he and his sister also used Hitler’s heri-

diately after successfully graduating from university,

different ride

without figures,



18:01 Uhr

Seite 3


he married his girlfriend Christel of many years, and

In 1963, their first daughter was born (five years later

they moved to Munich together in 1962. Just out of

they had twins), and this of course meant extra jobs

tation of a 100 metre high wheel

pure interest he graduated from university there,

during the vacation period even for Walter Stengel,

from Zierer in 1990 (Stengel

after having studied high speed process. His diplo-

in order to contribute to the household costs. His

right, and both gentlemen from

ma thesis however really had nothing to do at all to

wife in the meantime was personal assistance to the

the left: Josef Zierer and Anton

do with entertainment: “Formwork and scaffolding

manager of a Munich tyre company, and arranged

Schwarzkopf) /photo above:

of the Hamburg Television Tower�.

for a holiday job for him at the Brunner StatikbĂźro

Inge Bruch and Werner Stengel

Photo above left: Presen-



17:30 Uhr

Seite 4

PERSONALITY The test operation of the “Great American Revolution” took place in the small Swabian town of Münsterhausen

(Brunner Structural Engineering Office), which specialised in reinforced concrete construction, but also had contact with the showman industry every now and then. Just at that time, the office received an order for a dodgem track for the Hamburg showman company, Schippers & v. d. Ville. But as steel construction was not Brunner’s metier or that of his three employees, and as new problems kept turning up, the Münsterhausen ride manufacturer Anton Schwarzkopf, who had been contracted for the production of the dodgem track, was held off with new excuses for weeks on end. Finally Stengel had his chance... and within a short time drew up the complete plans as well as calculations together with TÜV All “Wildcat” built coasters

expert Karl Meier. The client was very impressed, so

were available in three different

much so that it was immediately decided to have the

sizes, and were transportable

first German steel coaster built, modelled on Italian

constructions – here an example

examples, but according to German regulations.

for the Skyline Park in Allgäu

The figure-8 as layout was a clear thing, Schwarzkopf provided new constructional ideas, the showman contributed his ideas for transport of the attraction, and Stengel was responsible for structural engineering and dynamics.


That was 1964, and ever since the names Werner

installed his small Munich flat. An exclusive contract

Stengel and Anton Schwarzkopf belonged as

with Schwarzkopf secured their livelihood initially,

closely together as the terms roller and coaster. To-

but five years later, Werner Stengel did not extend

gether, they repeatedly revolutionized the amuse-

the agreement, as Josef Zierer and Italian firms had

ment industry, and exceptional works of art, such as

also expressed strong interest in working with him.

“Wildcat”, “Great American Revolution”, “Thriller” &

When in early 1975, the Californian Knott’s Berry

Co., would not have been possible for either one of

Farm announced the opening of the world’s first

them without the other. Anton Schwarzkopf contri-

Looping Coaster, the competing Six-Flags group

buted above all with his technical know-how, shown

immediately inquired at Intamin, Schwarzkopf’s US

for example, in the connection points for transpor-

sales representative back then, if they thought they

table constructions and in steel tracks perfectly bent

were capable of building a Looping Coaster, which

for that time, without which Stengel’s theoretic cal-

was to be built as a novelty for the just purchased

culations could not have been realized at all.

Magic Mountain Park in California. Intamin passed

Following Otto van der Ville’s advice however,

on this inquiry to Schwarzkopf and Stengel, and half

Stengel rejected permanent employment with Anton

a year later in October of the same year, their answer

Schwarzkopf, which left him in a fury. But already

could not only be examined on their premises, but

during his studies in 1965, Stengel became self-em-

also tested by further potential customers. A lift, the

ployed. To this end, he even had a telephone

future original drop, and the 27 metre high looping



17:30 Uhr

Seite 5

of the “Great American Revolution” with a sub-

slowly narrowing circle segments, thus limiting g-

sequent brake section were built up for a short time,

forces to a maximum 6 g. The passionate car driver

“Great American Revolution”

before the 1,050 metre long all-terrain construction

came up with this idea from a richly curved section

spreads out like a real All-

was shipped to California to open at the beginning

of autobahn being built in Bavaria at that time,

Terrain-Coaster over a large

of the 1976 season.

where the route was also laid out according to the

area that belonged to it alone at

While chief designer Ron Toomer from competing

clothoid principle to avoid sudden steering move-

the opening (see photo) – in the

manufacturer Arrow mastered the problem of high

ment in favour of harmonious ones.

meantime however the park

g-forces during inversions by pulling two circuit ele-

The beginning of the modern amusement park had

mountain at Six Flags Magic

ments in length horizontally (thus creating the “Cork-

finally arrived – at least in the USA – which tried to

Mountain is occupied by a good

screw” element), travelled into by the aid of a 180°

outdo each other with ever new and daring coaster

number of attractions

curve, Stengel developed the first vertical looping

constructions. It was a time that brought the two

in the world that did not present any health risks. In

most important manufacturers in those times, Arrow

previous vertical looping constructions passengers

and Schwarzkopf, not only well-filled order books,

had been subjected to up to 12 times their body

but also strong competition, which a number of park

weight in physical load stress, particularly when

groups took advantage of mercilessly. As a result,

entering the inversion. Stengel solved this problem

Arrow was taken over a number of times, and

with the aid of the so-called clothoid form, replacing

Schwarzkopf had to declare itself bankrupt several

the abrupt change from the straight section by

years later.

The 1,050 metre long




17:30 Uhr

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Already in 1976, Arrow, counter attacked with the

Schwarzkopf was able to sell transportable rides

“Olympia Looping” / Anton

world’s first three-loop coaster. This was a con-

under his own name. For example a row of looping

Schwarzkopf on the “Himalaya

struction located at Cedar Point with a corkscrew

coasters: The 592 metre long and 24 metre high

Bahn” (later “Alpina Bahn”)

layout, the track course of which had simply been

“Looping Star” (1978, for showmen Bruch/Kinzler)

extended by a type of clothoid-shape vertical loop-

was followed by the 630 metre long and 27 metre

ing. However, Schwarzkopf and Stengel did not sim-

high “Doppellooping” (1979, for showman Barth),

ply copy, but developed completely new coaster

the 1,050 metre long and 31 metre high “Dreier

forms: for example already in 1977, the world’s first

Looping” (1984, Barth) and the 1,120 metre long

Launch Coaster, the “Shuttle Loop (“King Kobra” at

and 38 Meter high four-loop “Thriller” (1986, Bruch).

Kings Dominion), and “White Lightnin” at Carowinds

The conclusion to these transportable develop-

were both first constructions of this type. Naturally

ments was the 1,214 metre long and 32.5 metre five-

there were no magnetic motors at that time, so a 40

loop “Olympia Looping” (1989, Barth), which needs

ton counterweight was used (in succeeding con-

a ground area of 85 by 36 metres.

structions it was accelerated by flywheels) acceler-

In the meanwhile, Stengel however wanted to in-

first Shuttle Loop “King Kobra”

ating a train from zero to 80 km/h before it travelled

crease the perfection of the coaster experience.

could also be experienced at

through a vertical loop, slowed down on a 42 metre

Following the introduction of the clothoid as a real

England’s Alton Towers park

high steep track, then raced backwards once again

looping form, he conceived the Heartline principle,

between 1990 and 1996 /Photo

through the loop to the starting point.

which is considered to be the greatest innovation in

right: different to “Shock Wave”

However the Stengel-Schwarzkopf duo remained

coaster manufacturing. This was due to a “Jet Star

both loopings on “Mind Bender”

very active on the transportable market as well.

2” construction being the cause of a broken collar-

at Six Flags Over Georgia have

Whilst Intamin was named general contractor as

bone in a US park. The problem could only be seen

not been installed behind each

well as manufacturer for all park constructions,

in slow motion: at a certain point on the ride,

Werner Stengel and the

Photo left: The world’s





17:30 Uhr

Seite 7

passengers were strongly pulled to the side.

Bruch), the introduction of the space curve was

Measurements then revealed lateral accelerations

another of those innovations. As coasters, built on

of more than 4 g! And the idea to turn the track

the old method of circles and straights offered a

course by an imaginary Heartline was born. This

rough ride experience at the crossovers, Stengel

new principle, according to which the pivotal axis is

devised the space curve formed by cubic parabo-

positioned 60 centimetres above the seats, was first

las, offering a smooth ride experience as there are

applied on the double-loop coasters “Shock Wave”

no points of discontinuity at the crossings. This track

at Six Flags Over Texas (1,067 metres long, 35

design was first used on the “Z-Force”, a very com-

The Suspended Coaster

metres high), and “Mind Bender” (986 metres long,

pact vertical coaster from Intamin/Giovanola, at Six

“Dream Catcher” (earlier “Air

39 metres high) at Six Flags Over Georgia, opened

Flags Great America in 1985.

Race”) from Vekoma Rides at

in 1978. Despite additional costs in track produc-

Further coaster highlights: In 1992, he worked on

the Belgian Bobbejaanland

tion, the idea was met with strong approval by Six-

the realization of the first Inverted Coaster with

(Build 1987; conversion 2008)

Flags head engineer Fred Bigler, as it allowed for

loopings, together with Walter Bolliger and Claude

higher speed at the same time – even in those days

Mabillard. The idea of the two Swiss engineers: in

Six-Flags was always interested in setting new

order to achieve a riskless inversion on a Suspend-

records. And with the Heartline idea, suddenly new

ed Coaster, the cars were not suspended swinging

seat positions and coaster types were possible, for

freely under the tracks. The result: the world’s first

example Standup Coasters, and later Inverted

transportable Inverted Coaster (“Batman The Ride”


at Six Flags Great America). In 1995 German show-

ride on “Shock Wave” at Six

In addition to the first coaster with an airtime hill in

man Oscar Bruch began operation of the first trans-

Flags Over Texas /Photo right:

parabolic form that offered the feeling of weightless-

portable Inverter “Euro-Star” from manufacturers

Test rides on the world’s first

ness (“Alpina Bahn”, 1983 for showman Oscar


Stand-up Coaster on Intamin’s

Photo left: The first official

company grounds




17:30 Uhr

Seite 8

In 2000, the world’s first coaster with a height of more

at the parks, also in the case of wooden coaster con-

Flags Great America (1992) and

than 300 feet (91 metres) opened; manufacturer of

struction, such as for example, the Intamin coasters

the transportable Inverter

the first so-called “Mega Coaster” in the world was

“Colossos” (2001 at Heide-Park), “Balder” (2003 at

“Euro-Star” (1995)

Intamin (“Millennium Force” at Cedar Point). Only

Liseberg Park), and “El Toro” (2006 in Six Flags

two years later, the first coaster in the world with a

Great Adventure).

“Batman The Ride” at Six

The 138 metre high “King-

height of more than 400 feet (122 metres) was open-

Light and Shadow

da Ka” at Six Flags Great Adven-

ed at the same park (“Top Thrill Dragster” from

ture (2005) and Cedar Point with

Intamin), which was followed by the world’s highest

“Top Thrill Dragster” (2003) and

coaster to date, the “ Kingda Ka” at Six Flags Great

Regrettably there were also black clouds in the life

“Millennium Force” (2000)

Adventure, which has the same layout as “Top Thrill

of the most successful coaster designer, such as the

Dragster”, however is around 10 metres higher.

serious accident on the Triple-Loop “Mindbender”

However it’s not only steel coasters but also a num-

at West Edmonton Mall in 1986, which cost the lives

ber of wooden coasters that carry the signature of

of three passengers. The “Triple Five Accident Ex-

Werner Stengel. The first was the “Wild Wild West”

pert Commission”, of which Stengel was also a

at today’s Movie Park Germany, manufactured by

member, found that the fault could be traced back

the American firm RCCA in 1999. Induced by neg-

to the turbulent times of various successor compan-

ative experiences and modest results due to tradi-

ies of Schwarzkopf: a minor inaccuracy in a ride cur-

tional US construction, Stengel filed an application

ve, which caused the wheel pairs to be pressed

for a patent for the “machining processing of glue-

apart each time by a few millimetres. The additional

laminated and pre-bent timber packages” providing

load held out for some time until the screws broke

for the precise track form. Ever since, specifications

and a chassis loosened from the axel – with the

for dynamic calculations can be prefabricated

result that the first car flew off the tracks, according

exactly by CNC milling machines and put together

to centrifugal force law. That which was absolutely




17:30 Uhr

Seite 9

unthinkable for Stengel had happened. Although

safety of amusement constructions from 1973 up

the technology had remained at the level of its in-

until his retirement. Stengel: “There were no guide-

vention, a coaster should actually not have derailed.

lines at that time. For this reason I asked NASA and

The minor production fault that could have been pre-

Pilot’s Union for their maximum acceleration, and

vented causes him to be reflective even these days.

stepped a pertinent distance away from their limits.

“Many things are technically feasible, but man sets

So I set the terms, that the maximum stress load on

Germany’s first modern

the limits,” he points out, and referred to a meeting

passengers should not be more than 6 g for a

wooden coaster came into being

with American park managers, who had once pre-

maximum time of one second.”

in 1999 at Warner Bros. Movie

sented him with a preliminary study for realisation of a new type of coaster. After a brief look he asked:

World (Movie Park Germany)

Not Realised Projects

“Is there a cemetery nearby? You could then bury the passengers afterwards”. Stengel: “Two trains

Many designs have never been realised for various

were to be LIM launched before travelling along a

reasons, and at least two are a great disappointment

heavily winding course, resulting in an acceleration

to Stengel: the “Flugbahn” for Busch Gardens, a

of between 8 and 12 g.”

Suspended Coaster which could not be built due to

Safety has always been close to Stengel’s heart:

the Schwarzkopf bankruptcy and its aftermath. The

Between 1983 and 1992, Werner Stengel operated

strongest competitor Arrow not only took over the

a second firm, specialising in the technical inspec-

contract but also all the engineering preparation at

tion of theme parks in the Netherlands, England,

no cost. A small compensation: at the end of 2009

France, and Belgium. Moreover, he was a member

the Arrow “Big Bad Wolf” was demolished, with the

in the processing of the adaptation of DIN 4112, al-

coaster “Verbolten” from Zierer being newly con-

for Busch Gardens Williamsburg

ternatively Euronorm TC 152, the current EN 13814,

structed on part of the course that had been cal-

was never realized; these days

which stipulated the building regulations for the

culated by Stengel earlier.

the “Verbolten” from Zierer is

The “Flugbahn” designed

using a part of the course




17:30 Uhr

Seite 10

2005 saw the opening of

Another unrealised project was the “Duelling

And preliminary sketches for a large coaster with

three “Italian Job: Stunt Coaster”

Coaster” project for time-honoured Alton Towers,

nine loopings intended for the transportable market

attractions from Premier Rides at

which was taken over by the Tussauds Group short-

in Germany have been sitting in the drawer for

once, at the Paramount Parks

ly before the scheduled start of construction. How-

years, and unfortunately have not been realized to

(these days Cedar Fair)

ever, the new owners had no further interest in the

date, due to the unstable economic situation of the

ride, which would have to be perfectly synchronized

showman industry.

by speed control of the three parallel lifts so that the

Another project is especially dear to Stengel’s heart

trains would have missed each other by a hair’s

for which no investor has been found so far and is

from Premier Rides opened in

breath at precise positions. A grain of comfort: The

not likely to be, due to the minor capacity: a ride with

2012 at Six Flags Discovery

B&M Double Inverter “Dueling Dragons”, erected

singular cars offering totally new elements which

Kingdom; in 2014 the German

some years later at Universal Islands Of Adventure,

have been considered impossible until today. But in

Holiday Park Plopsa will receive

offered exactly the same thrill.

order to reach an even halfway acceptable capacity

“Superman Ultimate Flight”

a structurally identical example

it would be necessary to activate the block brakes every 14 seconds of ride time. Cars for at least four passengers could however achieve a capacity of approximately 1,000 passengers per hour, calculated Stengel. Feasible, unprecedented ride figures could for example be a standing eight or the use of a true “trajectory parabola”. Perfecting this ride figure would result in genuine, highly perceptible “weightlessness never felt in a coaster before,” enthuses Stengel. “On average -0.1 to +0.1 g for up to four seconds would be possible.”

World Leader in Coaster Design Over 200 programmes, most of which have been developed by his own 11-person team, mirror the long time experience of Stengel and his employees of many years. According to Stengel, his office located in a Munich suburb has a lead of several years in calculated dynamics and the resulting determination of the courses. Naturally though, individual statics, construction and blueprints are also on offer according to individual customer requirements. Exactly 50 years ago Stengel constructed his first attraction for the amusement industry, and almost two years later he became self-employed. And during this time, Ingenieurbüro Stengel has developed the design of almost 650 coasters (!) plus roughly




17:30 Uhr

Seite 11

600 other ride attractions worldwide. Proudly he

In the meantime, Werner Stengel has been shower-

The “Wicked” coaster

presents an old chequered school exercise book in

ed with prizes, decorations, and awards; among

from Zierer was opened in 2007

which he had meticulously recorded every single

others he was awarded an honorary doctorate by

at Lagoon Park and had a 90°

order from the very beginning: First sentence: “6501

the Faculty of Science at the Goteborg University in

steep lift as well as an LSM-

– Round ride Bayernkurve Distel”. Stengel: “I have

2005, in recognition of his enormous creativity in


always said, once it is full, I will finish my profession-

connecting physics and design with the experience

al career. Well, I added a few sheets in the back, be-

of the human body in roller coasters and other rides.

fore I finally said good bye to my daily work at the

And in 2009, Dr. Stengel was awarded the Cross of

office,” admits the likeable civil engineer. It was first

Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, for his

at the age of 65, in 2001 that he handed over the

outstanding achievements.

management of Stengel GmbH to his son-in-law

It’s due particularly to Stengel’s three innovations –

Andreas Wild and his employee of many years,

clothoid, Heartline, space curve – and their perman-

Harald Wanner. To this day, he continues as a con-

ent improvement, that almost all conceivable

sultant in the background, particularly in the case of

inversions and elements are possible these days.

larger projects. And for a long time after his “retire-

Combined with the knowledge of the limits of the

ment”, he did not turn his back on any coaster. True,

human body and other safety parameters, roller

he has only rarely been present at official openings

coasters offer extremely high safety standards, and

since then, but he still likes to see as many coasters

at the same time are a whole lot of fun. Without

as possible on his route, when planning holidays

Werner Stengel, the amusement industry would not

with his wife Christel, he admits smilingly. “It has

be the way we know it today. Who, if not he would

Zamperla that opened at Knott’s

always been and still is very satisfying, seeing one’s

have better deserved the Kirmes & Park Revue’s first

Berry Farm in 2008 uses classic

own coasters in foreign countries and hearing

Lifetime Award!

people’s screams of pleasure.”

The “Pony Express” from

acceleration technology: the flywheel

From his stories one can see that he has not only been a coaster designer but always a coaster fan as well, someone who has never forgotten how to give himself up to the enjoyment of fearsome coasters. Werner Stengel travels only rarely nowadays. “I have travelled so much in my life, now I enjoy my retirement with my family.” Nonetheless, the 77-year-old Stengel is still attracted to the Munich Oktoberfest. And this not only includes beer and pretzels, pleasure and sociability but also a couple of rides on “his” coasters, such as the “Olympia Looping” from Rudolf Barth and the “Alpina Bahn” from Inge Bruch.




17:32 Uhr

Seite 2

INTERVIEW Also Miniland at Legoland Billund is supplied by Coca-Cola

What’s better than an eventful day at an amusement park? And what’s more pleasant than to take a break now and again with an ice-cold refreshing drink! A day at a theme park without Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite and Co. is unthinkable, and they are a large turnover factor for both the operator and the soft-drink producer. We spoke with Bart Gees, the International Manager Travel and Leisure


at The Coca-Cola Company.

and ensure that all our products are served in a range of pack sizes. How high is the amount of products from The Coca-Cola Company at European parks?

Are there numbers/statistics of how many litres of lemonade types of drinks are consumed

In Germany TCCC brands are available in ar-


Frank Lanfer

at the European and German theme parks an-

ound three-fourths of theme parks, and in Europe


The Coca-Cola Company,


Coca-Cola brands are in almost 90 % of all amusement parks. While Coca-Cola drinks are often seen

Matteo Crepaldi

The „Coca-Cola Theatre” at the Italian park Mirabilandia

At The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) we nor-

by consumers as the product of a single company

mally use litres-ready-to-drink as a unit. In Europe,

based in the United States, in reality we operate as

visitors to theme parks consume on average around

a largely domestic enterprise in the countries where

0,275 litres per visit, whereas in Germany this rang-

we do business. For example, Fanta was invented

es between 0,1 and 0,45 litres per head. We believe

by the German Coca-Cola bottler in 1940. This

that balance, variety and moderation are the corner-

means that we can respond to consumer demands

stones of healthy living, and that our products can

and tastes on both a regional and a country level. We

be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

know that appetites often differ greatly between

That’s why we always offer a range of low and no

markets as well as by channel.

calories alternatives in our customers partnerships Recently the partnership between EuropaPark and Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG (the German Coca-Cola bottler) was renewed – once again after already 20 years. In this country it appears that very long business dealings are undertaken. Is there a good reason for? Longer-term partnerships pay-off for both parties, allowing us to develop and implement joint activation strategies (e.g. to promote combo menus) and promotional concepts. By maintaining a strong, long-term partnership with our customers we are able to develop strategies that not only benefit The Coca-Cola Company and the theme park in question, but most importantly, our consumers by providing them with greater choice and information about the products they are consuming.




17:32 Uhr

Seite 3

INTERVIEW „Magic Mountain” at Gardaland (left) und „Montanha Russa” im Funcenter Lisboa (down), both coasters from Vekoma

In some US theme parks it seems that soft-

Corner on “Main Street, U.S.A.”, and remains a par-

drinks supplier contracts change almost annual-

ticipant there today. Coca-Cola is now the global

ly. Because of the tougher brand competition?

beverage provider for all Disney parks worldwide.

Long lasting contracts in the away-from-home environment have a long tradition, because of the

Coca-Cola in the Wild West area of Parque Warner Madrid

How many percent of US-american and Canadian parks are sverved by TCCC actually?

costs associated with investments in equipment (fountain machines etc.). Longer-term contracts also allow us to develop mutually beneficial relationships,

At this moment over 90 % of the Leisure Parks in North-America are partners of TCCC.

developing strategies that both serve our business and our consumers. Also in North-America on the

Occasionally soft drink manufacturers also

beverage relationships are mostly for more years.

use theme parks in their advertisings. Are theme

For example the Six Flags Entertainment Corpor-

parks a good image for soft drinks?

ation and TCCC have recently announced a 10-year extention to their partnership agreement, designat-

Theme parks offer a good match in relation to

ing Coca-Cola as Six Flags’ Official Beverage Spon-

our core target group with NAB (non-alcoholic

sor for all domestic parks. The new agreement builds

beverages) brands – in particular relating to families.

on a 50-year relationship. Disney is another long-

We always look to promote our products in a res-

term partner. When Disneyland opened in 1955,

ponsible way, giving families the information and

„Coca-Cola Oasis” at Cedar

Coke became a participant with the Refreshment

choice to make the right decision for them. The

Fair parks, and a funny tube mail kiosk at PortAventura




17:32 Uhr

Seite 4

‘leisure’ and ‘meal/snack’ occasions in parks there-

of them is at the World of Coca-Cola at head

fore represent a perfect fit to the NAB occasion pro-

office in Atlanta. Are there more such brand-

file, ensuring that parents and guardians are able to

lands in planning?

make informed choices about the drinks they give to their children.

The Coca-Cola Company operates not only the world’s most well known brand, but also many

Do both sides, park and TCCC, profit?

regional sorts. TCCC has 3,500 different soft drinks and sells 145 billion litres annually – alone in Ger-

By working closely with our customers, whether that’s theme parks, cinemas or supermarkets, we are

many there are 70 sorts and 3.7 billion litres are sold a year. To try all of them is almost impossible.

able to identify and follow joint marketing activities which drive consumer traffic/frequency for our cus-

Disney’s Epcot also has a refreshment

tomers and profitable NAB development at the same

station, the so-called “Club Cool” where a few

time. These in turn allow us to continue to provide

varied TCCC products. Would such an attraction

drinks and products that our consumers want, help-

be conceivable in a European park, too?

ing us to match the changing demands and tastes of consumers across Europe.

Theoretically, this could be possible, but there are no concrete plans in that direction.

It’s only very rarely that there’s an opportunity to try out all Coca-Cola products, and one


Thank you very much for this interview.

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