1 minute read
Plans in Motion
I would like to begin by discussing how I put my plans into motion; from my 360 research and planning, I was able to identify that a starting point for my visual campaign would be utilising the TikTok social media platform as the main initial focus. The goal is to establish a following, engage my audience and test the waters in terms of what kind of content I enjoy, and feel is reflective of me in order to be as true and authentic as possible. In order to access the TikTok Live function, which is what I wanted to utilise in order to gain an initial following, a user must already have at least 1000 followers. This meant I had to post content before I could utilise the Livestream function. I began by creating ‘transformation’ TikTok videos in the style of other creators such as Niall Casey. While I managed to gain the following in order to access the TikTok Live function, I also found that I struggled to create the content, spending a large portion of time and failed attempts before successfully being able to master the transitions and edit the video to a degree that I felt happy with. I would also like to discuss branding here; in order to make myself recognisable to my consumer and my brand identity stronger, I decided to make my handle on both social media platforms the same. As well as the profile picture. The name I chose was @kitdicksonn on both TikTok and Instagram. I decided on this because just @kitdickson was taken, therefore I added the extra n and changed the profile name to Kit Dickson on both. This has allowed me to maintain a cohesive presence across all social media platforms that I wish to grow.
