Najaarsaanbieding 2012

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KIT Publishers Najaar 2012 Binnenwerk Najaarsaanbieding2012KITP 14.indd 1

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Tante Anin en oom Tjoh Levende herinneringen aan verstilde Indische beelden Tjaal Aeckerlin De Indische wereld werd in fotoboeken voornamelijk door een westerse lens bekeken. Ook de koloniale bovenlaag kreeg met de komst van handzame camera’s de middelen om zaken vanuit hun gezichtspunt op de gevoelige plaat vast te leggen. Het alledaagse leven van de gewone Indische Nederlanders is slechts sporadisch vastgelegd. Deze groep van Indonesisch-Europese afkomst beschikte over beperkte mogelijkheden om hun eigenheden te vereeuwigen. In Tante Anin en oom Tjoh worden juist die beelden aan het publiek getoond. Het fotomateriaal in dit boek heeft doorgaans een lange weg afgelegd, voordat het in de archieven belandde. Veelal ontbreken de omschrijvingen of ze zijn uiterst beknopt. Indische ouderen (80-plussers), die nog bewust de vooroorlogse periode hebben waargenomen en ervaren, hebben de beelden opnieuw geduid en van een gevoels- en betekeniswaarde voorzien. Hun flarden van herinneringen en associaties zijn als bijschriften bij de foto’s geplaatst. Tante Anin en oom Tjoh staan voor alle Indische ouderen die de verstilde Indische beelden tot leven wekten.


Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 170 5 € 29,50 | A-titel | NUR 653 | 304 pagina’s | 28 x 24 cm Paperback

Fraai luxe vormgegeven fotoboek Van Tjaal Ackerlin verschenen eerder: Paradijsvogels en kroonduiven Tanda Mata 1 Tanda Mata 2 Deze zijn nog leverbaar


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De Slipper van Maria Bonita Liesbet Ruben en Babette van Ogtrop

Bij de tentoonstelling M IX M A X B R A S I L De Slipper van Maria Bonita is een jeugdboek voor zes jaar en ouder. Het verhaal is fictie en introduceert elementen uit Pernambuco die de lezer zal herkennen in de tentoonstelling: van de maracatu tot het mixen, van de frevo tot graffiti, van J. Borges tot slippers. Doordat het verhaal deels in foto’s verteld wordt, is het goed te volgen voor de allerkleinsten. De foto’s en verhalen brengen de cultuur van Pernambuco de Nederlandse huiskamers en klaslokalen binnen. De lay-out van de TMJ boeken is altijd origineel en verrassend. De Slipper van Maria Bonita is een boek met twee voorkanten. Een meisjes­­­


voorkant met het verhaal van Maria Bonita. En een jongensvoorkant met het verhaal van Nino Break. Twee helften die – net als slippers – samen een paar vormen. Boek van de winnaars van de Zilveren Griffel 2010.

Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 216 0 € 14,95 | A-titel | NUR 200 | 204 pagina’s | 21 x 16,5 cm | Paperback

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Met solidaire groet Technische en wetenschappelijke hulp aan Vietnam Peter de Goeje De Amerikaanse bommen op Vietnam leidden eind jaren zestig en begin jaren zeventig tot grote verontwaardiging, ook in Nederland. Er ontstond een brede solidariteitsbeweging die hulp bood aan de Vietnamese bevolking. Een van de solidariteitsorganisaties was het Komitee Wetenschap en Techniek voor Vietnam: een kleine groep vrijwilligers die apparatuur bouw­ de voor de Vietcong, de strijders tegen de Amerikanen in het zuiden van Vietnam. Na de oorlog bleef het Komitee zich inzetten voor technische en wetenschappelijke samenwerking met het herenigde Vietnam. Dit boek laat de geschiedenis zien van het Komitee tussen 1971 en 2011 en van de nauw daarmee verbonden hulp van Nederlandse universiteiten aan Vietnam. Auteur Peter de Goeje beschrijft die geschiedenis van binnenuit en wisselt de gebeurtenissen af met persoonlijke, vaak hilarische schetsen die een raak tijdsbeeld geven van de solidariteits­beweging en de ontwikkelingssamenwerking in de jaren zeventig, tachtig en negentig. Zijn verhaal toont vooral de ambivalentie van solidariteit in de praktijk: een kluwen van nobele gevoelens, ijdelheid en opportunisme.

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 206 1 € 24,50 | A-titel | NUR 686 | 320 pagina’s | 16,5 x 24 cm Paperback

Peter de Goeje was lid van het Komitee en later medewerker van het Bureau Buitenland van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.Hij maakte achtereenvolgens deel uit van twee woongroepen die bij de hulp aan Vietnam betrokken raakten.



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Sarnami Hindostani 1920-1960 Worteling, Identiteit en Gemeenschaps­ vorming in Suriname (Deel I) Gharietje G. Choenni & Chan E.S. Choenni

Sarnami Hindostani 1920-1960 is een onmisbare studie voor hen die meer willen weten over Suriname en in het bijzonder over Surinaamse Hindostanen. De onderzoekers -zelf van Surinaams Hindostaanse afkomst- schetsen een fraai beeld van een dynamische en fascinerende be­ volkingsgroep. Binnen een tijdsbestek van 40 jaar werd (een aanzienlijk deel van) deze groep succesvol, ondanks achterstelling en tegen­ spoed. De sterke identiteit en het cultureel erfgoed, alsook de banden met het land van herkomst -India- droegen bij aan dit succes. Maar, bovenal waren het de overlevingsdrang, de ijver en het doorzettingsvermogen van de Hindostaanse contractarbeiders die dit proces stimuleerden. Deze publicatie is het eerste deel van de om­ vangrijke historische studie Sarnami Hindostani 1920-1960 die in twee delen verschijnt. Diverse aspecten van het dagelijks leven van Hindostanen in de periode 1920 tot 1960 worden beschreven. De publicaties zijn vooral toegespitst op de worteling, de identiteit­ (sontwikkeling), de gemeenschapsvorming en de inburgering in Suriname.

Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 218 4 € 24,50 | A-titel | NUR 680/740 | 672 pagina’s | 16 x 24 cm | Hardcover

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01-10-12 16:58

Onverwachte Ontmoetingen Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie Paul Faber en Wayne Modest De catalogus Onverwachte ontmoetingen verschijnt bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling die vanaf 29 november 2012 in het Tropenmuseum te zien zal zijn. Boek en tentoonstelling tonen een verrassende dwarsdoorsnede van de collectie van het Tropenmuseum. Er worden objecten getoond die opmerkelijke, mooie, vreemde, relevante of juist marginale aspecten van de geschiedenis van deze bijzondere verzameling demonstreren. Om allerlei redenen zijn deze voorwerpen slechts lang geleden of zelfs nog nooit eerder getoond: recente aanwinsten op het gebied van moderne kunst bijvoorbeeld, of juist koloniale voorwerpen die om redenen van museumbeleid in de marge zijn beland. Er zijn indrukwekkende kunstwerken te zien, maar ook alledaagse trivia zoals die in de loop van de geschiedenis in een museumcollectie komen aangespoeld. Boek en tentoonstelling tonen deze objecten in 56 zorgvuldig gekozen tweetallen: door deze onverwachte ontmoetingen ontstaan weer nieuwe verhalen, die de kijker nieuwe inzichten, uitdagende vragen of mooie ervarings­ momenten verschaffen. De verhalen gaan over het verleden en het heden, over natuur en mensen, vorm en functie, cultuurvergelijking en museale problemen. Alles bijeen brengt Onverwachte ontmoetingen een inzicht tot stand in de grote en rijke diversiteit van de collectie van het Tropenmuseum dat verder gaat dan de hoogtepunten in de vaste opstellingen.


November 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 219 1 € 24,50 | A-titel | NUR | 192 pagina’s | 23 x 28 cm | Paperback

Het boek toont alle 56 combinaties full page en in full colour, voorzien van toelichtende teksten. Twee inleidende essays gaan in op het karakter van objecten en de opmerkelijke collectie­ geschiedenis van het Tropenmuseum. De catalogus verschijnt in een Nederlandstalige en een Engelstalige editie.

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Flying on trusted wings 50 jaar Surinam Airways Peter Sanches Begonnen als Vliegbedrijf Kappel-van Eyck kan Surinam Airways terugblikken op een rijke geschiedenis. Dit boek schetst in hoofdlijnen de geschiedenis van de national carrier van de Republiek Suriname. Met meer dan 150 afbeeldingen waarvan veel voor de eerste keer worden gepubliceerd. De droom van een jonge Surinamer (Rudi Kappel) werd door eigen initiatief en hard werken werkelijkheid. Zijn visie, luchtvaart als bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van Suriname is nog steeds actueel. Surinam Airways… Flying on trusted wings laat u kennismaken met een dynamische Caraïbische luchtvaartmaatschappij. Verschenen ISBN 978 94 6022 205 4 (Nederlandse editie) ISBN 978 94 6022 215 3 (Engelse editie) € 25,00 | A-titel | NUR 653 | 152 pagina’s | 27,5 X 23,5 cm | Hardcover

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01-10-12 16:58

ego documenta The testament of my ego in the museum of my mind Barbara Martijn & Felix de Rooy

Als erfgenaam van het koloniaal orgasme, als buitenechtelijke bastaard geschrapt uit het Europese Testament, ontsnap ik de gevangenis van genetische en historische identiteit. Gevlucht naar het mythische land van La Race Mélangée: het Niemandsland van het vuilnisbakkenras. The Invisible Race dat zich - met een door onderdrukking en twijfel gesnoerde mond - grenzeloos en anarchistisch vermenigvuldigt. Onderhuids en tussen de lakens, tegen raciale ontkenning en nationale afstoting in.


Egodocument van Felix de Rooy, een briljante beeldend kunstenaar maar ook een gepassioneerde film- en theatermaker, tentoonstellingsmaker en een van de oprichters van Cosmic Theater in Amsterdam.

November 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 209 2 € 34,50 | A-titel |NUR 642/653 |208 pagina’s | 24,5 x 28 cm | Paperback

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Why Dutch Cows Do Not Speak Chinglish Negotiation Practices In Intercultural Business Communication Mariska Stevens

Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 221 4 ₏ 24,50 | A-titel |NUR 810/800 | 336 pagina’s | 13,5 x 21,5 cm | Paperback | Engels

Contemporary economic and business communication have become increasingly global, dynamic and fast changing. The obstacles Chinese entrepreneurs encounter in the business culture of The Netherlands are an example for problems Chinese entrepreneurs face when entering the European market. The title of this book refers to the uneasy, sometimes di cult, but also heartwarming and


funny communication styles between the Dutch, European and Chinese business worlds. The book outlines a theoretical and practical approach towards styles of negotiation, and ways to approach Dutch, and in a larger context, European entrepreneurs. Bi-lingual paperback English/Chinese English/Chinese - Chinese/English business vocabulary with character and pinyin notations

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Global Values in a Changing World Sonja Zweegers &, Afke de Groot (eds)

International treaties, conventions and decla­ rations have been developed in an attempt to establish a world in which people’s basic rights and needs are provided for. An increasing number of states have ratified and incorporated them into their national legislations. But are such norms and values truly universal? And with states no longer being the only actors that shape global developments, what can be said about the role of social contracts between state and society for shaping the agenda of international cooperation? And how do these social contracts develop in heterogeneous societies? If people themselves are the main drivers behind development, what does this imply for foreign aid? These and other questions are addressed in Global Values in a Changing World: the 20102011 lecture series organised by the Netherlands Chapter of the Society for International Development. This volume combines views and recommendations by international experts, academics, and activists, and analyses the connection between internationally agreed norms, standards, goals, and common goods, and the way they can be realised in a world that is both globalised and localised.

Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 210 8 € 26,50 | A-titel | NUR 754 | +/- 245 pagina’s | 13,5 x 21,5 cm | Paperback | Engels

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Who More Sci-Fi Than Us? Contemporary Art from the Caribbean Nancy Hoffmann (ed.) Who More Sci-Fi Than Us gives an overview of contemporary Caribbean art. The Netherlands are connected to the region through the Dutch Caribbean islands (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Statia, Saba and St. Martin) and Suriname. Artists from the (former) Dutch Antilles and Suriname have been shown regularly in Holland, but mostly in their own right or connected to the shared Dutch past. This publication shows the artists within their own Caribbean cultural context. Who More Sci-Fi Than Us covers the contemporary art in the whole region: from the Antilles and Suriname in the south to Cuba and Jamaica in the north, from Haiti and Martinique in the east to Panama and Costa Rica in the west. A very diverse region, with many different language origins, political constructions and cultural identities.

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 211 5

i.s.m. Kunsthal KAdE Amersfoort

₏ 17,50 | A-titel |NUR 640 |144 pagina’s | 16,5 x 24 cm | Paperback |Engels


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Moments that Speak Stories and Images of Connection Wangari Maathai , David Suzuki , Leonardo Boff and many others

What are the moments that connect us? What are the moments that change us? This book celebrates personal stories and images of transformative connection gathered from around the world through a youth-led initiative inspired by the Earth Charter. Some speak to unexpected connections between people that cross boundaries of social division and crisis. Others speak to profound personal experiences of connection with the natural or spiritual world. Every moment is unique, and all speak to a message of hope: the power of a single moment of connection to affect great change at a time in which great change—at every level—is needed. The book features contributions by Wangari Maathai, David Suzuki, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and Leonardo Boff , as well as many other moving


Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 208 5 € 20,00 | A-titel | NUR 740/653 | 80 pagina’s | 18,5 x 17,5 cm | Hardcover | Engels |

stories and images of connection contributed by people all over the world. The beautiful and diverse photos and stories gathered in this unique compilation embody compassion, celebrate wonder, and are testaments of hope.

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Photographs of the Netherlands East Indies at the Tropenmuseum Janneke van Dijk, Rob Jongmans, Anouk Mansfeld, Steven Vink and Pim Westerkamp This is the fourth volume of a series of ten books that discuss the Tropenmuseum collections and the histories and the stories that accompany them. The books reveal the often hidden backgrounds of these collections, discussing objects within their original context, social histories and their contemporary meaning. The main emphasis lies on the history of each collection, with their different collecting and presentation practices placed in a particular time and place. Each volume is richly illustrated with objects and photographs from the Tropen­ museum collection. Photographs of the Netherlands East Indies at the Tropenmuseum offers a comprehensive introduction to one of the most important collections of photographs in the world. In fact, none of the other Tropenmuseum collections are so closely tied to the history of the institute itself. Photographs were already being collected in the late nineteenth century and have been continuously supplemented with new images to create the broadest possible perspective of topical developments in the Netherlands East Indies. After Indonesia declared its independence in 1945, the importance of the collection of historic photographs declined and it was consigned to obscurity. Interest in the collection blossomed again later when a large group of people in the Netherlands came to view them as reflecting a lost and increasingly


Verschenen ISBN 9789460221934 € 34,50 | A-titel | NUR 640 | 120 pagina’s | 22 ∑ 27 cm | Hardcover | Engels

romanticised society. From the 1980s the collection was increasingly used as a source of historical information and the subject of widescale academic research.


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Changing Perspectives Dealing with Globalisation in the Presentation and Collection of Contemporary Art Mariska ter Horst Globalisation has hit the art world as well as the economy and has changed perspectives up and down the line: artists, art markets, museums, academics, art critics and curators are being forced to revise their thinking and practice. Institutions for art, culture and history are in search of new ways to maintain their relevance in rapidly transforming and increasingly, culturally diverse societies. These issues form the subject of the essays in this volume. It departs from the conference ‘Collecting Without Borders’ (2009) - itself a product of collaboration among various institutions in the Netherlands - and focuses on Dutch museums. However, the questions and ideas posed in this book have bearing on similar developments in other Western countries, where institutions are likewise struggling to deal with changing situations. Changing Perspectives, with critical essays by experts from various disciplines, hopes to inspire the reader to develop his own position in the discourse on global art. Contributors: Richard Appignanesi, Cas Bool, Jelle Bouwhuis, Derrick Chong, Wilfried van Damme, Paul Faber, Paul Goodwin, Mariska ter Horst, Edwin Jacobs, Meta Knol, Arjen Kok, Simon Njami, Georges Petitjean, Josien Pieterse, Tineke Reijnders, Janwillem Schrofer, Steven ten Thije, Leon Wainwright, Wouter Welling, Mirjam Westen, Kitty Zijlmans.

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 195 8 € 24,50 | A-titel | NUR 640 | 240 pagina’s | 16,5 x 24 cm Paperback | Engels

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What is the matter with African agriculture? Veterans’ visions between past and future Henk J.W. Mutsaers and Paul W.M. Kleene (eds) The first generation of workers in African agricultural development have reached retirement age. Some are no longer actively involved ‘in the field’, while others continue unabatedly. All of them have participated in the unfolding of post-independence agricultural development, or the lack of it, depending on one’s point of view. This book brings together the views of a non-trivial sample of agriculturists from many walks of life on the achievements, failures and challenges of African agriculture and the role played by foreign aid in that story. And, even more importantly, they express their vision on what will be needed for African agriculture to move forward in the future, in an age when many new challenges are emerging and new actors are appearing on the scene.

September 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 1781 € 24,50 | A-titel | NUR 754 | 384 pagina’s | 16,5 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels


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Challenging Chains to Change Gender equity in agricultural value chain development KIT, Agri-ProFocus and IIRR

Very often, efforts to improve value chains miss out half of the population – the female half. It is men who sell the products and who keep the money from those sales. The women, who do much of the work but are not recognized for it, often have to work even harder to meet everincreasing quality requirements. But they see few of the benefits. How to change this? This book explains how development organizations and private entrepreneurs have found ways to improve the position of women in value chains – especially smallscale women farmers and primary processors. It outlines five broad strategies for doing this: (1) working with women on typical “women’s products” such as shea, poultry and dairy, (2) opening up opportunities for women to work on what are traditionally “men’s commodities” or in men’s domains, (3) supporting women and men in organizing for change by building capacity, organization, sensitization and access to finance, (4) using standards and certification to promote gender equity, and (5) promoting gender-responsible business. The book draws on dozens of cases from all over the world, covering a wide range of crops and livestock products. These include traditional subsistence products (such as rice), small-scale cash items (honey, vegetables) as well as export commodities (artichokes, coffee) and biofuels

Royal Tropical Institute

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Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 212 2 € 25 | W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 367 pagina’s | 17,5 x 25 cm | Paperback | Engels

(jatropha). The book includes a range of tools and methodologies for analysing and developing value chains with gender in mind. By bringing together the two fields of gender and value chains, this book offers a set of compelling arguments for addressing gender in value chain development.

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Behind the scenes Cultural entrepreneurship in developing countries Theatre Embassy This book aims to contribute to a better understanding of cultural entrepreneurship in Africa, Latin America and Asia and the context that cultural organisations are working in. The Dutch cultural development organization Theatre Embassy initiated the underlying research after more than 10 years of experience in this field. The subjects of the research were three of its partner organizations in developing countries: K-Mu Théâtre (DR Congo), Arte Acción (Honduras) and Kelola (Indonesia). Based on field research, interviews and available literature the three case studies are intertwined through an approach of cultural dimensions each dimension as a separate chapter. These are: Cultural context, Internal organization, Cultural credit, Sources of income, Networks, Cultural innovations, Art policy and common interest. Oktober 2012

The research provides new information and insights to others working in the field of culture and development. This makes the book interesting for other cultural organisations in developing countries, cultural policymakers, international donor agencies and NGOs, as well as for artists, cultural managers, tutors, students and researchers in the field of art management and cultural entrepreneurship.

ISBN 978 94 6022 213 9 € 25 | W-titel | NUR 740 | 96 pagina’s | 17 x 22 cm | Paperback | Engels

With a preface by Giep Hagoort, professor art and economics at Utrecht University and the Utrecht School of Arts.


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Royal Tropical Institute

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Innovation in Seed Potato Systems in Eastern Africa P. Gildemacher The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) has a high potential to raise smallholder income and improve food security in Eastern Africa. Improving the quality of seed potatoes can contribute to increasing its productivity. Few seed potatoes are currently sourced from specialized multipliers, as farmers largely rely on farm-saved seed potatoes. This often makes economic sense in the absence of affordable high quality seed potatoes and limited market security. Seed potato system interventions need to address the quality of specially multiplied and farm-saved seed potatoes simultaneously. Here it is shown that positive selection, the selection of healthy looking mother plants for the production of seed potatoes by ware potato farmers, can contribute to improving seed potato quality. When looking back an essential success factor of the research trajectory was the researchers’ room to manoeuvre and immerse in partnerships with practitioners, while innovation was made the central objective, rather than research results. The experience shows that it is worthwhile to search for opportunities for incremental innovation and that these can be of a surprising simple nature. For an effective contribution to innovation the mandate of research needs to allow for the active engagement in training, communication and scaling-up.

Royal Tropical Institute

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Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 211 5 ₏ 25,00 | W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 184 pagina’s | 16 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels

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Understanding Nomadic Realities Case studies on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Eastern Africa Anke van der Kwaak, Gerard Baltissen, David Plummer, Kristina Ferris, and John Nduba (eds) In Understanding Nomadic Realities: Case studies on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Eastern Africa health professionals and planners present studies from what is known as so called “hard to reach areas” as Afar Ethiopia, Maasai in Kenya and Tanzania, and other pastoralist groups in Tanzania. In this book two sides of the medal are shown. On the one hand the cultural and local beliefs in the context of sexual and reproductive health, on the other hand the day to day challenges of making reproductive health services accountable and responsive to especially young pastoralist girls and women. All authors were active with the Nomadic Youth Project of the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) in Africa. This book consists of three parts. In the first part Beliefs and Values, the authors show how cultural values, gender relations and religious beliefs influence maternal health, uptake of family planning, prevalence of female genital cutting and practices around childbirth. In the second part, Pathways to Childbirth, the different actors and factors that impact on pregnancy and delivery are presented for Afar and Maasai. Also there is a call for improved community based health information in Tanzania.


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Oktober 2012 ISBN 978 94 6022 201 6 € 25 | W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 136 pagina’s | 16 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels

In the third part, Power to Decide, case studies of power relations and decision-making processes among the different nomadic groups are presented. Men, mothers in law and religious leaders are amongst the most important authorities in the realm of reproductive health sometimes without any knowledge and regardless of the desires and needs of the women and girls.

Royal Tropical Institute

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One finger cannot lift a rock Facilitating innovation platforms to trigger institutional change in West Africa E. S. Nederlof , R. Pyburn (eds.) Innovation and institutional change are often the result of stakeholder interaction and concerted action. But interaction and concerted action do not just happen. They require stimulation and facilitation. Innovation platforms bring stakeholders together with that aim, and a facilitator guides the process. This book looks at the experiences of nine such facilitators. The research programme Convergence of Sciences – Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Ghana, Mali and Benin (CoS-SIS) explores and experiments with new pathways for agricultural innovation. It has put in place innovation platforms – referred to as “Concertation and Innovation Groups” (CIGs) – for a variety of sectors: water management and rice, oil palm and cotton in Benin; oil palm, cocoa and food security in Ghana; and crops and livestock, water management and shea in Mali. The programme aims to enhance institutional change through these CIGs.

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 197 2 € 25,00 |W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 132 pagina’s |

In this book, West African research associates from the CoS-SIS-programme describe how they initiated innovation platforms and facilitated the different steps in a CIG cycle. The stories show that the facilitation of innovation platforms is not easy: it requires specific skills and a lot of

Royal Tropical Institute

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16 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels

time, and is very much determined by the context. But they also illustrate that there are creative ways of dealing with the challenges and unpredictable situations that facilitators face.

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Barriers and Promising Interventions for Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Sierra Leone K. Herschderfer , K. de Koning , E. M’balu Sam , P. Walker , H. Jalloh-Vos , S. Detmar Since the end of the civil conflict in 2002, Sierra Leone has worked hard on rebuilding its health system. Although progress has been made and health outcomes are slowly improving, the number of women who die as a result of complications during pregnancy and/or childbirth is still one of the highest in the world. The government has made maternal, newborn and child health a priority programme. KIT and partners in Sierra Leone and in the Netherlands have joined forces with the Government of Sierra Leone to help achieve better health for mothers and newborns through knowledge generation, capacity strengthening and information sharing activities. This work is carried out within the Public Private Partnership (PPP)- Sierra Leone, one of the five programmes that make up the MDG5 Meshwork for Improving Maternal Health.

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 200 9 € 25,00 | W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 102 pagina’s |

This report includes the justification, methodo­ lo­gy, results and recommendations of a rapid assessment conducted in 2010 that identified factors influencing health seeking behaviour for maternal and newborn health care in Sierra Leone. Beliefs, practices and decision making processes for seeking care for pregnancy, delivery, postnatal and neonatal care and family planning are emerging from this qualitative study carried out in five districts. Interventions


De ve lopm e n t

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16 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels

and promising practices implemented by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation – with or without nongovernmental organisation (NGO) support – and by local authorities are also identified and assessed based on the perceptions of the users and providers of maternal and newborn health services.

Royal Tropical Institute

01-10-12 16:59

Results-Based Financing in healthcare Developing an RBF approach for healthcare in different contexts: the cases of Mali and Ghana J. Toonen , B. van der Wal (eds.) Results-based financing (RBF) is becoming more and more popular in low- and middleincome countries. After being successfully implemented in Rwanda, many health sector representatives from these countries were interested in introducing the concept in their country, after visiting Rwanda. The concept looks attractive, because it seems obvious that paying health service providers only after delivering predefined and verified results should lead to more results. But back in their country, it proves difficult to implement the concept in their own context. Copying and pasting the Rwandan model to their local context proves not to be the “magic bullet” they thought it would be for their country. Now what to do? This booklet shows you how to get started once you have decided to implement RBF. It is an attempt to support countries or districts that are interested to craft their own RBF. It does so by starting from the generic principles of RBF, then proposing eight process steps to arrive at an approach that responds to your national context. Each of these steps comes with the necessary tools and instruments.

Royal Tropical Institute

Binnenwerk Najaarsaanbieding2012KITP 14.indd 27

Verschenen/Niet eerder aangeboden ISBN 978 94 6022 198 9 € 25,00 | W-titel | NUR 903/947 | 72 pagina’s | 16 x 24 cm | Paperback | Engels | Development

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01-10-12 16:59

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