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Klaas van Kreis
Klaas van Kreis is an aspiring young communication designer from Germany with spanish roots and a multicultural background. He is an avowed typography, fashion- & film-aficionado. His work is about singing the praises of the dark side. He explores the abysses of the human soul and brings together desire and angst, merging ideas of power and elegance to form imaginative, devious and intriguing designs. Inspired by manipulation in all its diverse shades, he creates highly aesthetic works that aim to unsettle the audience. His work varies in medium, from graphic art and Illustration to photography and animation. It is characterised by an analytical approach in the beginning and a strong sense of form, space and colour at the end of the process. He has an eye for detail and a belief that the initial idea is the key to create an effective design solution. He is committed to create visually appealing designs with dark undertones, a shroud of secrecy and a healthy measure of fun.