Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)‐Indonesia 2011
Briefing Documents HRWG
Crimes Against Humanity towards Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia Maret 2011
Jiwasraya Building, Lobby Floor Jl. R.P Soeroso No. 41, Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta‐Indonesia i
Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)‐Indonesia 2011
Table of Contents I. II. III.
Introduction Current situation Human Rights Violations Take Place on Account of State Policy 1.
Discriminative policies
The incompetent law enforcement
Omission of “Hate Speech” actions
Attachment 1. Annotation and Persecution Maps of Indonesia Ahmadiyya Jamaa 2. Persecution Chronology of Ahmadiyya Community, 1997 – 2007 3. Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2008 4. Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2009 5. Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2010 6. Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2011 7. Regional Regulations on the Prohibition of Ahmadiyah 8. 3 Minister Joint Decree, 2008
Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)‐Indonesia 2011
Crimes Against Humanity towards Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia Introduction Ahmadiyah Congregation of Indonesia (JAI) has been existed in Indonesia since 1924, initially in Yogyakarta and in 1925 in Aceh. In 1953 JAI gained legality as a legal organization from the Government of Indonesia cq. Minister of Law Republic of Indonesia through his ruling Number JA.5/23/13. This acknowledgement was strengthened with the Statement of the Ministry on Religion of Republic of Indonesia dated on 11 March 1968 on the rights of life of religious organizations who already posses their statutes authorized by Ministry of Law as legal bodies. In 2003 JAI also have license as societal organization through the memo from Directorate of Politic Institutional Association No. 75/D.I./VI/2003. In 1980, MUI (The Indonesian Ulema Council) released a fatwa on Ahmadiyah Qodiyan, which declared that Ahmadiyah was “out of” Islam, “astray” and “misleading”. This Fatwa called out the 1st and 2nd levels of Regional MUI, the Ulema, and Islamic leaders from all over Indonesia, to explain to the people on the astray of Ahmadiyah Qodiyan congregation. In a while, on 2005, MUI once again released fatwa No. 11/MUNAS VII/MUI/15/2005 that declaring Ahmadiyah as haram (extremely forbidden by religion). Besides re‐emphasizing the preceding, the newest Fatwa called that “the Government have obligation to forbid the dispersion of Ahmadiyah dogma in all area of Indonesia and to immobilize the organization and close down their entire place of activity”. Eventually, the Government and various people’s organizations in Indonesia used this Fatwa of MUI as a basis “legitimacy” to intimidate and committing acts of violence against congregation of Ahmadiyah. The Human Rights violation suffered by Ahmadiyah Congregation in Indonesia has existed since the 2000s, but massively occurred since 2005 subsequent to the Fatwa MUI. The kind of violations suffered such as: murder, force eviction, intimidation, dissolution of meeting, restriction of praying (sholat), destruction of properties, destruction of religious symbols, massive discrimination, etc. (see table). The attacks happened all these times were conducted in organized method, systematically and occurred in many regions. Any action taken by the Government and the Police in response to the human rights violations were awfully minimal, moreover in some incidences of violence there were found various evidences that the Government and the Police has been committing omission. Current situation The most recent incidence of hostility happened in 6 February 2011 in Cikeusik village, Banten; approximately 1500 people attacked 20 members of Ahmadiyah Congregation. In the tragedy 3 (three) members of Ahmadiyah Congregation were brutally murdered, and 5 (five) other members of Ahmadiyah Congregation suffered serious injuries from dagger wound. Some law enforcement actions indeed were taken, by bringing 12 attackers as suspects, 3 police officers were penalized with administrative sanction and the Provincial Police Chief and District Police Chief were demoted from their positions, 1
Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)‐Indonesia 2011
in addition to one suspect from Ahmadiyah. The 12 attacking people were just field actors. Absurdly, after each attack/violence against Ahmadiyah Congregation, the Government always positioned members of Ahmadiyah Congregation as the cause of the incidents of attack because they had been indicted as dispersing their religious conviction. On the contrary there was not any effective law enforcement effort to punish the perpetrators of belligerence. Furthermore, the Government’s reaction after the incident of 6 February 2011 was issuing more discriminating regulations and provoking various acts of violence, i.e.: 1. Regulation of West Java Governor Number. 12 of 2011 on the Prohibition of Ahmadiyah Congregation’s Activities. 2. Decree of East Java Governor number 188/94/KPTS/013/2011 consisting of the prohibition of activities of Ahmadiyah Indonesia in East Java. 3. Governor of Banten also released Governor Regulation Number 5 of 2011 on the prohibition of activities of Ahmadiyah Congregation’s members. 4. Decree of Samarinda Mayor (East Kalimantan) number 200/160/BKPPM.I/II/2011 subjecting The Instruction of Terminating and Closing the Activities of JAI in Samarinda. 5. Decree of the Regent of Kampar (Riau) Number 450/PUM/2011/68 6. Decree of the Mayor of Pekanbaru (Riau) number 450/BKBPPM/749 The regional regulations incited ferocity happened in society within various ways and locations, such as incidence after Governor of West Java releasing the regulation of 3 March 2011, at that time there were many demolition over Ahmadiyah believers’ tombs in Bandung, West Java. After the Governor of East Java issuing regulations on 28 February 2011, two days after (2 March 2011), there were attacks and intimidations from anarchist mob forbidding call to prayer (azans), overthrowing attribute of Ahmadiyah and sweeping in East Java, etc. Human Rights Violations Taken Place on Account of State Policy 1. Discriminative policy The policies taken by the Government all these times were in fact discriminative, through banning of Ahmadiyah Congregation’s activities. For instance, by releasing Joint Decree (SKB) of Three Ministers in 2008 containing admonition and order for the adherents, members and or caretakers of Ahmadiyah Congregation and the society. In due course, more actions of vehemence and attacks against Ahmadiyah Congregation developed subsequent to the issuance of the SKB. During 2008 it was documented that 31 (thirty one) actions of hostility in the form of assaults to houses of Ahmadiyah Congregation, and threats of killing and eviction that were imparted explicitly by leaders of organizations that declaiming on behalf of Islam. (See attachment on the subject of Hostilities against Ahmadiyah Congregation in 2008) The emergence of SKB at ministerial level has incited commencement of other discriminative set of laws at local/region levels, furthermore indomitably outlawing 2
Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)‐Indonesia 2011
Ahmadiyah teachings. On 1 September 2008, Governor of South Sumatera, Mahyuddin NS, delivered a Decree number 563/KPTS.Ban.Kesbangpol & Linmas/2008 on prohibition of Ahmadiyah sect and its members and caretakers’ activities in region of South Sumatra. The Governor of South Sumatera also assigned the Head of City’s Ministry of Religion and District Attorney Assistant of Intel of South Sumatera to monitor and give directions to Ahmadiyah people. (See more on the attachment) In practice, those decrees were issued by the Regional Government Leaders following the acts of violence or attacks against groups of Ahmadiyah Congregation. 2. The incompetent law enforcement The feeble law enforcement in handling the violence cases suffered by Ahmadiyah Congregation was noticed from the ineffective response of the Police in processing the perpetrators of aggression. From hundreds of violence acts happened at all times the Police have only processed less than 2 to 5 person as perpetrators that can be categorized as Field Actor, and have not come to touch the Intellectual Actor behind these actions, which had been identified by the Police. Quite the opposite, the Police in its place positioned or discredited the Ahmadiyah Congregation as the raison d'être of the incitement of those vehemence actions instead of as the victim. In addition to that, the apparatuses of Police also repeatedly late to anticipate the acts of hostility/attack from happened even though the Police already had reports from Ahmadiyah Congregation and being asked for protection from the plot of the imminent mob attacks. Consequently, the Police always too late and could not prevent the violence to occur, such as happened on 6 February 2011 in Cikeusik village as previously mentioned. 3. Omission of “Hate Speech” actions The occurrence of violence acts were not detached from the intensive practices of hate speech delivered by leaders of various organizations claiming on behalf of Islam such as Front of Islamic Defender (FPI), Forum of Islamic Devotees (FUI), even the Indonesian Islamic Council (MUI) etc. Those customs of hate speech were delivered in various activities and locations such as in Mosques, at religious celebration events, or declared publicly to the media as well as directly on the scenes while committing protest demo of expulsion of Ahmadiyah Congregation that occurred in all regions. Statements like “Ahmadiyah is Astray” or “It is Halal (legitimate) to kill the members of Ahmadiyah Congregation”; even issues of anti Ahmadiyah Congregation were produced as political campaign in Regional Government Leaders election. Regrettably, there was not any sanction from the Government over those actions. Even the Minister of Religion, Suryadarma Ali, also frequently pronounced abhorring statements against Ahmadiyah Congregation by claiming “Ahmadiyah is astray sect" Until now, there has not any legal action been taken against these people dispersing the “hate speech” in concern, although the Penal Code in Indonesia regulates it, and there has not any legal feat imposed on those organizations disseminating the “hate speech”.
Attachment 1
HRWG, 2011
Annotation and Persecution Maps of
Indonesia Ahmadiyya Jamaa Tebing Tinggi; 2005, 2010 Sumbagut Timur; 2010
Riau Daratan: 2010, 2011
Sulawesi Utara; 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Kep‐Riau; 2010
Ternate; 2008
Kal‐tim; 2011
Kal‐Bar; 2006,2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Kal‐sel; 2007, 2008, 2011
Sul‐Tengah; 2011
Jambi; 2004, 2007 Sukabumi; 2005, 2008, 2010,2011
Sum‐bar; 2005,2008, 2010
Bekasi; 2009
Koronoa; 2008
Cirebon 2010, 2011
Jakarta; 2010, 2011
Wolasi; 2010
Ja‐Teng; 2008, 2011 Sul‐sel; 2007, 2008, 2011
Ps. Wajo; 2008, 2009,2010
Cikeusik; 2010, 2011
Serang; 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Garut; 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011
Bogor; 2004,2005,2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Tasikmalaya; 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011
DIY; 2005, 2011
Priangan Barat; 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Ciamis; 2010
NTB; 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Incident’s Chronology Destruction of Mosques, Houses and Property Plunders As Well As Casualities As The Result of Ulama Council (MUI)’s Decree Dated 1 June 1980 And The Circular of Directorate General for Hajj Department of Religious Affairs year 1984 No Date Location Trigger Loss Apparatus’ Actions Remark 1 15‐01‐ Sukawening Ulama Speech Mosque and There was no action from 1993 Village, Garut Referred to MUI mission house police. District, West Decree 1980 destroyed Java idem MUI’s Decree No.1/MUNAS Mosque sealed and So far the mosque is 17‐12‐ /MUI/15/2005 dome pulled down There was no preventive forbidden to be used for 2005 action from police worship 2 22‐06‐ Sambi Elen, Letter From the D.O. Of West • 1 mosque pulled The doers of cruelty and Hundred of Ahmadies killing actions never be seek refuge to Pancor, 2002 West Lombok Lombok District No. 35/2001‐ down. 10‐07‐2001 and Order of Local • 1 mission house investigated totally and they East Lombok and could were never held by police not go back to their Attorney 1983 to stop all burnt. Ahmadiyah activities in Selong • 9 houses burnt although the proof and homes. witness complete. Report that District. and plundered. • Died: Papuq given to the Court was sent back to police with reason Hasan • Badly Injured: Ina there is not enough proof for Rukiyah (wife of further action by police. Papuq) of Jama’at 3 11‐09‐ Selong,East Seminar • 1 mosque Police held the suspects but Hundred released them latter on. Ahmadiyah members seek 2002 Lombok/Pancor LPPI/AminDjamaluddin demaged refuge to Mataram and at Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta • 60 houses and could not go back to their August 2002 shops burnt and homes. plundered. There was no action from Local Authority Order 4 25‐08‐ Manislor, Speech of local ulama. • Mosque police. Police put down 2002. Local authority 2002 Kuningan, West Continued from LPPI Seminar destroyed. Ahmadiyah sign board. prosecuted by the Jamaat Java at Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta. • 1 house burnt. to the court. There was no action from idem Local Authority Order Bogor Local Authority Kuningan 29‐07‐ District • 8 mosques are police. District issued order again 2005 sealed by the local to stop all activities of authority. Ahmadiyah (worship in the mosque etc). 5 02‐05‐ Cigintung, Speech and provocation of 1 mosque destroyed There was no action from 2002 Majenang, local ulama according to MUI by mass. police.
Central Java 6
05‐04‐ 2003
Tolenjeng, Tasikmalaya, West Java
20‐10‐ 2004
Kawalu, Tasikmalaya, West Java Tasikmalaya District
10 2004
11 10‐02‐ 2005
Parigi, Ciamis, West Java Arjasari, Banjaran, Bandung District Sintang District, West Kalimantan
12 09‐07‐ 2005
Mubarak Campus, Kemang, Bogor District, West Java
13 15‐07‐ 2005
Mubarak Campus, Kemang, Bogor District, West Java
Decree and Circular of Islamic Directorate General. Speech of Ahmad Hariyadi and 1 mosque destroyed ulama according to MUI Decree by mob. at soround Islamic Boarding School. 1 house for orphans forcely closed. Speech at Isra Mi’raj occasion to provoke the mass
There was no action from Not allowed to rebuild the police. None arrested. mosque. There was no action from The mosque is still police. prohibitted to be used.
There was no action from Local Authority • 1 mosque burnt. Tasikmalaya District • several houses police issued the order to ban destroyed Jama’at Ahmadiyah. 1 mosque destroyed There was no action from police 1 mosque destroyed There was no action from police
• 1 mosque pulled There was no action from •Local Authority Sintang police District Order 18‐02‐ down 2005 • 1 mission house destroyed •Prosecuted by the Jamaat to the Court, Jama’at won the case. 14/07/05 Local Provocation of LPPI and FPI • 16 persons There was no action from On police Authority Bogor District (Abdurrahman Asegaf) injured issued the order to ban • 4 cars demaged Ahmadiyah activities • 4 motor cycles demaged • Jalsah Salanah facilities destroyed Harassment of attacking a • 1 meeting 13 suspected persons brought Till now the campus is to Cibinong Court. week before Local Authority sealed and closed by the building Police along with Local authority. Order Issued destroyed • Library and books Authority Bogor District forcely evacuated inhibitants burnt Jama’at Ahmadiyah • 1 motor cycle of Indonesia Center demaged • Several houses Speech of ulama and Circular of Islamic Directorate General No. D/BA.01/3099/84
14 26‐07‐ 2005 15 30‐07‐ 2005
Ciaruteun, Order of Local Authority Bogor • Bogor District District Pangauban, • Garut District, West Java
16 04‐08‐ 2005
Kebon Jahe, Bogor Municipality Leuwileuleur, Cianjur District Sadasari, Majalengka
Leuwimanggu, Cianjur District Cianjur District: 1. Ciparay 2. Neglasari 3. Cicakra 4. Panyairan
17 06‐08‐ 2005 18 19 August 2005 19 18‐09‐ 2005 20 19‐09‐ 2005
A group of people attacked • mosques and mission house
Speech and provocation of • local ulama • •
21 4‐3‐2006 Ketapang Provocation of local ulama Village, West Lombok District
• • • • • • •
destroyed and plundered 1 mosque destroyed President of Jama’at Pangauban forced to renounce his faith/ belief by force. Mosque closed and sealed by the mob 1 mosque destroyed 1 mosque and 1 mission house suffered major damages. Material loss USD 1.700 1 mosque destroyed 6 mosques destroyed 1 house burnt. 87 house destroyed 3 madrasah destroyed 1 shop burnt 15 shops destroyed and plundered. 17 houses destroyed 6 houses burnt down 2 motor cycles burnt 129 persons
There was no action from Mosque is forbidden to eb local authority. used
There was no preventive action from police There was no preventive action from police There was no preventive action from police
There was no preventive action from police 12 persons were held and sent Local Authority Cianjur to jail, punished by Cianjur District issued the order Court as long as 4 to 6 months. to ban Jama’at
• 3 persons were held but released again under mass insistency. • Jama’at members are still placed at Mataram Transito Complex (as temporary shelter), so far there is no
22 17‐03‐ 2006
evacuated to Mataram Transito Complex Praya, Central Anti Ahmadiyah harassment as • House of local Lombok result of Religious Affairs Jama’at President Minister of Indonesia destroyed by statement that Ahmadiyah is mass. non Muslim
23 17‐02‐ 2006
Bulukumba, South Sulawesi
24 13‐14 May 2007
Ternate Island
Anti Ahmadiyah Provocation, because of statement of Religious Affairs Minister Indonesia on 11/2/2006 in Mataram City.
Mr. Warli, an Ahmadi was hit and The Promised Messiah pictures were torn. And at last Mr. Warli and 4 Jama’at members were made as hostage by Jama’at Tabligh leader named M. Nur and his 3 members. for 3 days. 25 18 May Harassment and beating 2007 against Mln. Hafizurrahman Danang, Ahmadiyah Missionary, and Jama’at calendar and pictures were torn. 26 Tuesday Badakpaeh‐ A group of mob approximately 19/6/20 Cipakat village, 200 persons who wore 07 on Singaparna sub organizations attributes of FPI,
Ath‐Thahir Mosque at Gananta Village, Bulukumba is sealed by police‐line as instructed by District Local Authority.
solution from goverment • 2 Jama’at local office bearers were evacuated by police to Police District Praya Office, Central Lombok. • 3 families had joint with other Jama’at members at Mataram Transito (temporary shelter). No action, because Chief of So far the mosque is District Bulukumba himself prohibitted to be used for instructed to seal the mosque. worship.
The case was reported to Local Police of Maluku Utara Province, but there is no response so far.
Jama’at calendar and The Promised Messiah picture were torn
The mosque and The action was taken by he case had been reported office were apparatus authority: to the chief of local police destroyed. Tasikmalaya district, so Sent 1 platoon of police.
13.00 to 15.30 local time at Jama’at mosque/ Mahmud Mosque, Singapar na sub district
district, Tasikmalaya district.
27 4 July Singaparna, 2007 Tasikmalaya
LPI, GERAK, Brigade Taliban, Forum Penyelamat Umat, FPUI, GIROH, from Tasikmalaya district: Mr. Ajengan Sahidin from Parakan Panjang Islamic traditional school (pesantren), Cigalontang sub district , Tasikmalaya. Mr. Ajengan Dede Nasrudin from Al‐Mubarok Islamic traditional school, Cangkudu Village, Cimerah sub district, On July 2007, The Chief of Tasikmalaya District issued the letters as follow: 1. Letter No. 450/174/KBL/2007 dated 4 July 2007 to President of Republic of Indonesia about suggestion to ban Organization And Activities of Jama’at Ahmadiyah . 2. Letter No. 450/175/KBL/2007 for: Local Army Chief of Tasikmalaya, Local Police Chief of Tasikmalaya, Local Attorney of Tasikmalaya, The Chief of Religious Affairs Department of Tasikmalaya, Chief of Ulama Council Tasikmalaya, chiefs of sub districts throughout Tasikmalaya in connection with supervision against Jama’at Ahmadiyah. 3. Join decision among local authorities of Tasikmalaya district against Jama’at
Mission house and its properties were destroyed.
Sent 1 platoon of anti mob far there is no following police. up.
28 15 Septemb er 2007 on 20.00 local time
Badakpaeh village, Singaparna subdistrict, Tasikmalaya
29 Thursday Sebangar 28 June village, Mandau 2007 on sub district, 15.45 Bengkalis local time district, Riau province.
Ahmadiyah there. The mob (from Tasikmalaya and Ciamis districts). The chief of Tasikmalaya district. A group of mob that threw and broke with stones, bricks and wood.
* A group of mob destroyed mission house. Approximately 150 persons from Sebangar village, Mandau, Bengkalis, Riau province. * Sealed the door of Mubarak Mosque belong to Jama’at Ahmadiyah and destroyed the house of Ahmadiyah mu’allim. 30 15 July Depati Amir no. * Mob group approximately 2007 16‐A Srimenanti 150 persons. Bawah village, * The chief of Srimenanti
* Destroying with stones, bricks, wood. * Loss of Jama’at Ahmadiyah Singaparna: a. Windows of mosque, office, mission house and guest house were broken as many as 66. b. Office door was broken. c. The veil of mosque was broken. d. A parabolic antenna was broken. e. Chairs, desk and table were broken. f. The roof was broken. g.Total loss is approximately 6.5 million rupiahs. * The mosque was sealed. * Mission house was destroyed. * Pictures and books of Jama’at were torn and some were taken by Pamong Praja Police as proves. * Attacked against mission house Jama’at Bangka.
The case was reported to the sub district local police but there is no following up.
The chief of sub district and KUA (Religious Affairs Office) requested the local muballigh to stop Jama’at activities so that the situation and condition not to get worse and there will be dialog if needed.
The case had been handled by police but there is no following up
31 31 August 2007
32 30 October 2007
33 5 Novembe r 2007
Sungaliat sub village (named Putrajaya SAg), district, Bangka the chief of Purwodadi village province. and an NGO. Sukapura, Village apparatus, DKM Cisaat village, (mosque care takers), NGOs at Sukaraja sub Sukapura sub district, district, Tasikmalaya. Tasikmalaya There is a statement from 8 district. DKMs throughout the areas. Padang City, A group of mob with “Majelis West Sumatra Mujahidin” attribute. province.
Manislor village, Jalaksana district, Kuningan district.
* Muballigh Jama’at was forced to leave from Lingkungan Sri Menanti village Jama’at Sukapura mosque was sealed.
from police.
hree Ahmadiyah sign board were taken away: • Jama’at Ahmadiyah Padang sign board • Jama’at Ahmadiyah West Sumatra Province sign board • Mubarak Mosque sign board A Muslim organization named GERAH (Anti Ahmadiyah sub Movement) addressed at Jln. Propinsi No. 19 Manislor village. Demanding of an NGO to ban and prohibit Jama’at Ahmadiyah in Kuningan District, West Java Province. They requested to Local Attorney Kuningan District to decide:
Reported the case to the local police apparatus and sent its copies for whom it may be concerned.
Missionary, Local Jama’at President and office bearers reported the case to Padang city police and they promised to handle the case. Reported the case to request the legal aid.
Although local apparatus of Kuningan District had been summoned by Local Province Court (PTUN), so far the case has not finished.
34 19 Novembe r 2007
Ahmadiyah has to abandon the declaration as Islam follower. • Ahmadiyah teaching is astray and being astray. • To ban Ahmadiyah teachings and all of activities. • To close all of activities places. Ahmadiyah followers have to be processed in the court legally. Manislor as Muslim Organizations Harassment village, following up of the Kuningan District. Jalaksana sub letter dated 5 district, November 2007 Kuningan with contains: district, West a. Ahmadiyah Java province. has to abandon their faith as Islam. b. Ahmadiyah has to stop all of their activities as ordered by the local authorities/ c. Ahmadiyah has to pull down their places of activities. Ahmadiyah has to do it within 15 days after receiving the letter. If there is no response within the time, it means
Sent the letter to Local Police apparatus to request legal aid.
35 10 Novembe r 2007
Pangauban village, Pamulihan sub district, Garut district.
36 23 Novembe r 2007
Jama’at Ahmadiyah Jakarta Center, Jl. Balikpapan I/10 Jakarta. Manislor
13 37 Decembe r 2007 38 18 Decembe r 2007
22 39 Decembe r 2007
Ahmadiyah challenge Muslims. Local government authorities • 26 Jama’at who became provocateur: members refuge. • The chief of village. • The Chief Of District Police • One mosque suffered great • Garut polices who were in damage location and let every thing going on. Chief of Barisan Umat Islam (Islam troops) named Habib Abdurrahman Assegaf along with 10 his members. Semi civil Police officer of Two mosgues sealed by Semi Kuningan District under the civil Police (Satpol PP) under demand of masses against the instruction of Vice Head of Ahmadiyah called themselves Kuningan District. Kompak Around 400 masses came to 2 mosques sufferde All 8 mosques sealed by Semi Manislor Village attacked 2 damaged, est. civil Police (Satpol PP) under mosques (At Taqwa and Al material loss USD the instruction of Vice Head of Hidayah) and 5 private houses 1.100. Kuningan District. belonged to Ahmadis. at around midnight, Roofs were
approximately 50 persons wearing masks attacked the Ahmadiyya mosque at Sadasari Village in the West Java Province of Indonesia.
Mass media give the wrong information because information is received wrongly. The destroying mosque was told as renovation mosque.
After oration they filed a case against Ahmadiyyat to Kapolda Metro Jaya, Jakarta (Chief Of Provincial Police)
destroyed windows were shattered. Doors were burned and five Ahmadi houses were destroyed. Total material loss USD 3.000
Jakarta, 4 January 2008
Attachment 3
Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2008
No Location 1 Mubarak Mosque, Pahlawan Street No. 71, Bandung, West Java. 2 Sadasari, Majalengka, West Java
Day, Date & Year Allegation Actor January 15th, Moslem Alliance (Alumi) 2008
January 28th, 2008
Mob of 3 Villages around (Sadasari, Haurseah, Gunung Wangi) in number of 100 people
Banjar town Square, West Java
February 14th, 2008
Ciamis Great Mosque, West Java
Pebruary 15th, 2008
Religious Boarding School Al Pebruary 15th, Irsadiyah, Tasikmalaya 2008
1. Abu Bakar Baasyir (MMI head) 2. Ir. Muhammad Al Khathath (HTI office bearer, FUI General Secretary) 3. Sobri Lubis (FPI General Secretary) Ir. Muhammad Al Khathath (HTI office bearer, FUI General Secretary) Abu Bakar Baasyir (MMI head)
Incident/ Chronology West Java Moslem Alliance executed sealing on Ahmadiyya office in Bandung. They asked Ahmadiyya activities proceeded in office. Sadasari, Ahmadiyya mosque destruction in Majalalengka, Mosque roof, mosque dome, podium, The Holy Quran, parabola, mission house, and mosque with its equipment was destructed Three Moslem figures called for harshness such murder against Ahmadiyya community
Victim Annotation Bandung Ahmadiyya Community
Harshness threat such as appealing to murder against Ahmadiyya community. The threat was appealed in general religious meeting Abu Bakar Baasyir threatened harshness by stating that Ahmadiyya member had to be cut off on her/his neck. The treat was announced in a general religious
Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community wherever they are
Istiqamah Mosque belongs to Ahmadiyya Community
Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community wherever they are
Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community wherever they are
Attachment 3
Meeting Hall of Tasikmalaya March 5th, 2008 Ahmadiyya Community and Baiturahim mosque belongs to Singaparna Ahmadiyya in Babakan sindang village, Cipakat country, Singaparna sub‐district , Tasikmalaya district Raya Kemang street, April 17th, 2008 Parung, Bogor, West Java
Unidentified mob
Tens of activists from Indonesian Moslem Movement (GUII)
Parakansalak Village, 02/02, April 28th, 2008 Parakansalak, Sukabumi, West Java
500 of Parakansalak non‐ Ahmadi people
West Java
Vice head of Sukabumi District , Marwan Hamani
Jakarta National Monument June 1st, 2008 (Monas)
April, 2008
meeting Building and Ahmadiyya worship places Wreck. They executed harshness because Ahmadiyya is considered stray
Intimidation towards Ahmadiyya Community. They executed the harshness based on BAKERPAKEM stating Ahmadiyya as going astray and demanded to make President decree on it soon. Al Furqon Mosque destruction belongs to Sukabumi Ahmadiyya Community This destruction related to BAKERPAKEM decree stating that Ahmadiyya goes astray after 3 months evaluation Intimidation taken by Sukabumi state official in order that Ahmadiyya stopped its activities otherwise it worried to attract appendix anarchies’ actions from mob that demanded Ahmadiyya dismissal. AKKBB mass (National alliance for Religion and faithful Freedom) that was celebrating Pancasila nativity being attacked by FPI and KLI (Moslem
Buildings belong to Tasikmalaya Ahmadiyya Community
Indonesian Ahmadiyya Community
Al Furqon Mosque belongs to Ahmadiyya Community
Sukabumi Ahmadiyya Community
Attachment 3
Kalisoro Country, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Central Java. Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, Bogor, West Java
June 12th, 2008
Local Moslem elements
June 13th, 2008
Thousand mass of 14 Moslem Organization around Bogor Tens of college students incorporated in Moslem college Student Alliance 100 mass of called Ahlusunnah Waljamaah
Harshness of Ahmadiyya Mosque sealing. Initially sealing party demonstrated in front of the mosque. Intimidation towards Ahmadiyya Community by coming to its office urging Ahmadiyya dismissal soon Sealing of 6 Mosques of Ahmadiyya Community such as Al Falah Mosque, Al Mahmud Mosque, Khilafat Mosque, Baitun Nasir Mosque. Local Ahmadiyya Community chose to proceed worship at their houses.
Head of Nort Sumatra FPI, Najid Hasan Sanusi
Harshness threat. The threat would be executed Ahmadiyya Community didn’t get
June 16th, 2008
Erlangga Raya Street, Semarang
June 18th, 2008 In Sukadana Country and Panyairan Country, in Cicakra Village, Ciparay Village, Campaka sub‐ district, in Neglasari Village, Cibeber sub‐district, Cianjur, West Java Medan, North Sumatra June 10th, 2008
paramilitary unit command) mob because AKKBB was considered defending Ahmadiyya stated stray by FPI. 1. 70 victims were injured (including women and children) 2. Rizieq Shihab (Head of FPI) and Munarman (Head of KLI) were sentenced for 1.5 years imprisonment by Jakarta State Judiciary on October 28th, 2008. Threatening harshness of Mosque sealing. It is also related to BAKERPAKEM recommendation.
Mosque of Ahmadiyya Community
Al Fadhl Mosque belongs to Ahmadiyya Community Semarang Ahmadiyya Community Cianjur Ahmadiyya Community
North Sumatra Ahmadiyya Community 3
Attachment 3
June 13th, 2008 Mandala Monument, J Sudirman Street , Makassar being continued DPRD (Province Regional Parliament) Office of South Sulawesi then continued to South Sulawesi Ahmadiyya Community Secretariat Office June 18th, 2008 The mob gathered in Mandala Monument and moved directly to Ahmadiyya Community Secretariat Office Majalengka, West Java June 19th, 2008
Anuang Street Nr. 112, Makassar, South Sulawesi
June 20th, 2008
DR. Muwardi Street, Cipeuyeum and Haur Wangi, Cianjur, West Java
June 20th, 2008
Talaga and Sindankerta
July 28th,
Moslem Alliance (Alumi) and FUI in number of 20 people
Ahmadiyya attributes down. Intimidating while yelling provocative words against Ahmadiyya and Gusdur, This group asked Ahmadiyya to get board name down.
South Sulawesi Ahmadiyya Community
Intimidation towards Ahmadiyya Harshness threat. The action ended by stating they will execute anarchy doings in the next action.
South Sulawesi Ahmadiyya Community
Psychological threat that was excommunication from society. They pasted stickers onto kiosks belong to Ahmadiyya Community. Tens of Moslem Youth Sealing on An Nusrat Mosque and Front (FPI) Regional Secretariat office of Ahmadiyya Community of South Sulawesi Province. The sealing held when the local Ahmadiyya Community was proceeding Friday prayer. Sealing of Al Ghofur Mosque belonging Hundreds of mob of Unity Ahmadiyya Community. Religious Boarding school student assemblage (Hisab) Local Ahmadiyya Community decided to proceed worship at their houses. and Moslem Reformation movement (Garis) Ulama Burdah from Sealing of Mahmud Mosque in Talaga at
Majalengka Ahmadiyya Community
Moslem Alliance (Alumi) and FUI in number of 45 people
Non‐Ahmadiyya Society
South Sulawesi Ahmadiyya Community
Cianjur Ahmadiyya Community
Cianjur Ahmadiyya 4
Attachment 3
village, Cianjur, West Java
Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Ulama Hamdan (Head of Moslem Boarding School), and Ulama Z. Arif (FPI) and FPI members in number of 150 people A number of IFKAF mass leaded by FPI
Talaga and Parabon village, August 1st , 2008 Cianjur, West Java at 16.30 West Indonesia Time
Kebon Muncang and Kebon Kalapa village RT 03/05 Parakansalak Country, Sukabumi, West Java
August 18th, 2008 at 09.30‐ 11.00 West Indonesia Time
Dukuh village, Serua, Ciputat, Tangerang, Banten Province
August 19th, 2008 at 16.00 West Indonesia Time
Sukapura, Sukaraja village, Tasikmalaya District, West Java
June 28th, 2008
200 FPI members, FPI leaders from Jakarta
Cibatu Country, Garut District, West Java Banjar Country, Ciamis District, West Java
June 26th, 2008
A Moslem scholar from Neighbored Mosque FPI and Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) of Banjar
June 26th, 2008
Mass of society inhabitant from RT 02/03 and 03/03 Lebaksari country and of 03/05 in Parakansalak Country Hundreds of mass from moslem society and called themselves came from Ciputat Society Forum
11.00 West Indonesia Time followed by Sealing of Taher Mosque in Sindankerta at 13.00 West Indonesia Time. They also used block belonged to Ahmadiyya Community to seal the mosque without being permitted by the block owner. Sealing of Mosque and small mosque, one small mosque in Talaga, one mosque in Parabon. They also besieged Wahyudin’s house, a member of Ahmadiyya Community. Destruction on Mosque and small mosque, Baiturahman Mosque and Baitu doa small mosque belonged to Lebaksari Ahmadiyya Community Sealing of Baitul Qoyum Mosque belonged to of Ahmadiyya Community. The sealing Performed by hooking up a banner written “This place and building are sealed and closed from its activities because disturbing Moslem faithful.” Ahmadiyya Community was invited in a provocative gathering and they said Ahmadiyya Community would be finished off forever. Ahmadiyya was asked to join in proceeding prayer with the society The Ahmadiyya Community were intimidated and ordered to pray
Cianjur Ahmadiyya Community
Sukabumi Ahmadiyya Community
Tangerang Ahmadiyya Community
Tasikmalaya Ahmadiyya Community
Garut Ahmadiyya Community Banjar Ahmadiyya Community 5
Attachment 3
Tasikmalaya State Prosecutors Office
June 25th, 2008
Tasikmalaya State Prosecutors Official
Cisarua Country, Cimahi, Bandung, West Java
June 19th, 2008
Society called Moslem Society of West Bandung
Ciamis, West Java
July 7th, 2008
Unidentified mob
Sukamaju village KM 5, Seiminanti village, Tanjung Medan country, Pujud sub‐ district, Rokan Hilir District, Riau
October 5th, 2008
150 people from the local village
together with the society. Ahmadiyya office bearer were called and told that SKB (Three Ministers decision) has dismissed Ahmadiyya Community thereof Ahmadiyya Community members were banned to proceed prayers. Humiliation against Ahmadiyya founder, seized on Ahmadiyya books and Photographs done by the police Burning effort on the mosque Destructed the mosque and flatted it. Mubarak Mosque belonged to Mahato Ahmadiyya Community
Tasikmalaya Ahmadiyya Community
Bandung Ahmadiyya Community Ciamis Ahmadiyya Community Mahato Ahmadiyya Community
Source: Jakarta Legal Aid 2008
Attachment 4
Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2009 No 1
Time and Location January 2, 2009 Soko Tunggal Islamic Boarding School, Sendangguwo Semarang
January 14, 2009 Blitar, East Java
February 7, 2009
Description Major City Police Sector of Semarang and South Semarang Police Resort has dismissed the Indonesia Ahmadiyya Jamaa Koran recitation at SokoTunggal Islamic Boarding School, Sendangguwo Semarang. The security apparatus excuse that those activity has no permittion. The policeman has only recieved the information letter from the School’s Principal. Dozens citizen of sub‐Village of Subontoro, Sumberduren Village, Ponggok sub‐Distric, Blitar Distric, massively destroy the prayer’s building belongs to the Turmudi’s family with reason that there is no permittion from the people arround and the legal permittion to build a mosque. Information evolved that the people was mad because the Turmudi and his family is an Ahmadi. Before this insident, Blitar’s Regent has issue a letter No. 450.2/53/409.202/2008, which mention that there is enough mosque around, has create the conflict between the people, also uncleared land status. Chariman of Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI), Kholil Ridwan, urge the Government to issue the Cult Regulation. It was announced when he is a resource person in a book review ‘Fakes Prophet’ at
Prepertators Major City Police Sector of Semarang and South Semarang Police Resort
Victims Indonesia Ahmadiyya Jamaa Koran recitation
Dozens citizen of sub‐Village of Subontoro, Sumberduren Village, Ponggok sub‐Distric, Blitar Distric.
Turmudi’s Family.
Kholil Ridwan
Ahmadiyya Jamaa
March 14, 2009 Depok, West Java
March 19, 2009 Jakarta
March 21, 2009 South Jakarta, Jakarta
March 25, 2009 Bandung, West Java
Islamic Book Fair Istora Senayan Jakarta. He refers Malaysia that consider to apply the same regulation. Kholil also urge the Republic Indonesia Attorney General and the Government immediately issued a regulation to dismiss Ahmadiyya and rememmbering another moslem to continue sounding the Ahmadiyya Dismiss. The Chairman of Islamic Defender Front of Depok‐West Java; Idrus Al‐Gadri’s stated: The FPI will not participate to the election on Legistative and Presidential Election because up until now there is no candidate of Legislative or President who determined to dismiss Ahmadiyya. Director of Islamic Recitation and Research Institute (LPPI) Amin Djamaluddin reporting the chairman, coordinator and board of Ahmadiyya Jamaa to the Criminal and Reserse of Police Headquarter in Kuningan related to the celebration of establishment of Ahmadiyya. Amin consider that the activity has violence the 3 Minister’s Joint Decree and prohibition of activities. On the campaign, Salim bin Umar al‐Attar and Awakening Party of Nahdlatul Ulama promised to ban or dismiss the group that consider to stain Islam like Ahmadiyya if the legistative candidate from the party has win the election to House of Representative. Demonstration by approximately a thousand people from Garis (Islamic Reformist Movement), FPI Bandung, AGAP, FUUI, Alliance of anti‐Immoral Movement (A‐
Depok‐West Java FPI
Ahmadiyya Jamaa
Amin Djamaludin
Head and board of Ahmadiyya Jamaa
Salim bin Umar Al‐Attar
Ahmadiyya Jamaa
Ahmadiyya Jamaa
March 25, 2009 Bandung, West Java
April 1, 2009 Jakarta
GAM) Majalengka, PAS Indonesia, The Ummah Faith Savior Forum of Kadungora sub‐district, Garut and Mosque Empowering Forum of Sumedang in Gedung Sate Bandung. Urge the West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan to ban and dismiss Ahmadiyya in west java. Hundred people from Islamic organizations, among them are FPI visiting the Gedung Sate, Bandung to urge the West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan to issue regulation to dismiss Ahmadiyya. Moreover, they also urge to clean up Jewish and Israel Zionist such as Rotary Club at Jakarta. Thousand of people who gathered in FUI (Moslem Forum) go back to visit the Presidential Palace. They urge the President to issu the regulation to ban Ahmadiyya.
Bandung Islamic Organizations
Ahmadiyya Jamaa in Bandung.
Ahmadiyya Jamaa
April 1st, 2009 Jakarta
Community of Islamic organizations such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Aswaja Troops, Love of Prophet Movement, Muslim Forum, the Anti Blasphemy of Islam Peaceful Alliance (ADA API), Community of Ta'lim Assembly of Jabotabek area, and Community of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia again held demonstration in front of the Palace, asking for Yudhoyono to issue a Presidential Decree for dismiss of Ahmadiyah. In this action H. Nur Iskandar SQ as a spokesperson, "If the President can not disband and / or declare that Ahmadiyya is not Islam, the Muslim clerics in Indonesia will be asking for Muslims not to vote President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Presidential Election 2009."
Islamic Defenders Front Aswaja Troops Love of Prophet Movement Muslim Forum The Anti Blasphemy of Islam Peaceful Alliance Community of Ta'lim Assembly of Jabotabek area H. Nur Iskandar SQ
Ahmadiyah Jamaa
May 13rd, 2009 Surabaya, East Java
Chairman of the Ulama Conference in East Java, Helmy Basaiban, demanded Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto to disband Ahmadiyah if they were elected as president in elections. The statement came as he delivered an opening speech at the meeting of the Ulama Conference in Restaurant Agis , Surabaya, East Java. But, Jusuf Kalla did not answer firmly. "For deviant sect, it would have to be straightened by the Shari'a, too. But if the Shari'a also can not do it, then it
Helmy Basaiban
Ahmadiyah Jamaa
is the state's obligation to enforce the law," he said. 12
June 2nd, 2009 Jakarta
Ahmadiyya Mosque in Jalan Unknown Raya Ciputat Gang Sekolah No 18 RT 001 / RW 01 Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta was burned by mysterious person before dawn.
Ahmadiyah Jamaa
June 7th, 2009 Bandung, West Java
Statement of the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Central, KH Cholil Ridwan: "Learning from the Governor of South Sumatra, Alex Nurdin, who is not a cleric, he dared to disband the Ahmadiyya in his region. It's unbelievable that The 'Governor of West Java that is a cleric do not dare to disband Ahmadiyah."
Ahmadiyah Jamaa
Cholil Ridwan
July 2nd, 2009 Jakarta
The Muslim Forum and the Islamic Defenders Front demonstrated in front of the Department of Religious Affair center office, questioning their objections on the ineffectiveness of the Joint Decree. To passing motorists they also distributed pamphlets and leaflets containing the support of JK‐ WIN in the presidential election in 2009 and the disbaning of Ahmadiyah.
The Muslim Forum of Center The Islamic Defenders Front of Center
Ahmadiyah Jamaa
July 23rd, 2009 Bandung, West Java
Head of Fatwa of MUI Bandung, KH Maftuh Kholil requested all Family Council of Mosque (DKM) in Bandung to monitor activities in their mosques. This was related to the bombing at the Hotel J.W. Marriott and Ritz Carlton. The action was considered necessary to increase public awareness. Supervisory by the various parties were also considered necessary, including security forces, in order to prevent the entry of terrorists into the city of Bandung.
KH. Maftuh Kholil
Ahmadiyah's mosques
Augus 20th, 2009 Bogor, West Java
Two semi‐permanent buildings at RT 2 / RW 3, Tajur Halang Village, Cijeruk subdistrict, Bogor regency which was belong to Solihin, that allegedly used as terrorist hideouts of Saefudin Jailani or Saefudin Zuhri, was burned on Thursday night (20 / 8). Not fewer than 100 people from the two group of RW 4 RW 3 went to the building and burned it down. According to developed information, the house was also suspected as a place to spread the deviant sect.
Mass which amount was about 100 people from two RW in the village, Tajur Halang Village Cijeruk subdistrict, Bogor regency.
November 1st, 2009 Makassar, South Sulawesi
Wahdah Islamiyah's Central Executive Council urged the government to ban the spread of Syiah conception in Indonesia. The preaching was considered being able to disintergrate Muslims in Indonesia. Beside Syiah, they also asked the government to ban Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, and ideologies that were considered contrast to Islamic preachings.
Wahdah Islamiyah's Central Executive Council
Syiah Community Ahmadiyya Islam Jamaah Potential Groups
Residents of Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, sealed a house of worship which was also used as home, owned by a group of Ahmadiyah followers. The sealing of a two‐ floor house of worship was held without a fuss. The residents argued, this Jemaah Ahmadiyah has violated the Joint Decree (SKB) of three ministers, because they kept doing religious activities.
Residents of Bukit Duri South Jakarta
Desember 11th, 2009 South Jakarta Jakarta
Ahmadiyah Jamaa of Bukit Duri
Source: Jakarta Legal Aid 2009 7
Attachment 5
Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2010 1. On March 21, Indonesian Ulema Council of Central Sulawesi forcedAhmadiyya citizens, who became a transmigrants in thedistrict, to go out from Buoi and go home to their home town at Sukabumi, Indonesian Ulema Council argued, that Ahmadiyya is a heretical community according to PNPS No. 1 1965 and Fatwa (Ulema’s Decree) from Indonesian Ulema Council on 1980. 2. On July 12, thousands of Cisalada’s citizens came to the location of Ahmadiyya Community at Cisalada, Ciampea Udik Village, Ciampea sub-district, Bogor district. They requested to do demolition of worship houses, a school and the foundation of a Masjid (Mosque) building. Thisaction wasundertaken by the society according to Joint Decree on district level that was signed by Sub-District head, Indonesian Ulema Council, Religious Affair Office and others that declared there must not be any activity from Ahmadiyya Community. 3. On July 14, hundreds of citizens of various Islamic Mass Organization helddemonstration at Simpang Lima, Garut. They demanded to clear the regional agency from Ahmadiyya Community (people). It had been ariot at this action, when they try to seal some agency offices at that region, including House of Regional Representatives office, regulatory board office and education office. AsepMaulanaHasanudin, a head of GARIS (Islamic organization named Islamic Reformist Movement) Garut Branch, guessed that those offices has become a nest of Ahmadiyya-ism, Asep even guessed that there is flow of fund amounting to 1 billion for Ahmadiyya Community at Garut from APBD (regional budgetrevenuesandexpenditures) 4. On the same day, hundreds of mob from various Islamic Organization Massalso held demonstration at marquee and the Regent of Garut House.AcengFikri demanded the disbanningof Ahmadiyya. They distributed a flyer containing of that statement. Also demanding the Regent to clear his board staff that was indicated to be follower of Ahmadiyya. The action coordinator, KH. Mustopa Kamal declared that Garut citizens demanded the Regent of Garut to execute the commitment to disband Ahmadiyya atGarut District. Because if it was not stopped, the preaching of Ahmadiyyawould increasingly grow. 5. On July 29, an attack by hundreds of mass from various Islamic Organization Mass happened to settlement of Ahmadiyya at Manislor Village, Jalaksana Sub-District, Kuningan West Java. Even though before the attack, the mass was already gathered around and doing Istighosah Prayer (special prayer on emergency situation) at different location. They demanded district government to close down the Ahmadiyya worship place (Masjid or Mosque) at that village. The attack had caused a number of buildings damaged and a few people injured from a hit by thrown stone and other hard objects. 6. On August 10, hundreds of mass from FPI (IslamDefendersFront) and FUI (Muslims Forum) of East Java did sweeping action at some localization. This sweeping action followed by vandalism action, FPI and FUI mass attacked and knocked down the board name of East Java Ahmadiyya 1
Community at Bubutan Street, Surabaya. The mass of FPI and FUI seized the name board of Ahmadiyyaand handed it over to Indonesian Ulema Council of East Java. On August 10, FPI and FUI attacked and knocked down the board name of East Java Ahmadiyya Community at Bubutan Street, Surabaya. The mass of FPI and FUI seizeed the name board of Ahmadiyya and handed itover to Indonesian Ulema Council of East Java. On October 1, hundreds of mass invade settlement of Ahmadiyya citizens at Cisalada Village, CiampeaUdik Village, Ciampea District – Bogor. They destructive and burn at least 30 houses, 1 Masjid (Mosque), 1 school, 1 four wheel vehicle and 2 two wheel vehicle. Responding these attack, the Regent of Bogor on the contrary throwingdiscourse disbanding Ahmadiyya as a solution. He thinks, that Ahmadiyya is the cause of the attack. On October 6, The head of PBNU (big board of NahdatulUlama), SlametEffendy Yusuf ask JemaatAhmadiyah Indonesia repositioning into separate folk religion and out of the religion of Islam. So Ahmadiyya could still preserve the faith and rights as citizens are protected. According to him, a lot of folk religion is protected without become a religion, also according to him, is the right step because Ahmadiyyahaslongexistedanddifficult to be disband. On last October 6, the Regent of West Lombok, Dr. ZainiAroni declare in an effort toprovideprotection of Ahmadiyya citizens, district government will make policy to place related people on one of the island that separated from Lombok Island. This, according to him, on the consideration of human rights in accordance to law regulation. On October 16, West Lombok District Government and Mataram City – NTB, has done discriminatory action to Ahmadiyya citizens on that region, 37 householder of Ahmadiyyacitizens at West Lombok district, Nusa Tenggara Barat, until now having difficulty in obtaining residence status. According to Basirudin Aziz, Mubaligh of Ahmadiyah local citizens, on the time when Ahmadiyya citizens wish to take care of their residence status at their original village, village officialsare reluctant toserve and said that is the responsibility of NTB Province. “likewise when we wish to make residence status at Mataram city, they said that we are just foreigners from NTB Province” also said Basirudin Aziz. On October 7, on of management from central leader Muhammadiyah, YunaharIlyas, urged the Government to not hesitate disbanding JemaatAhmadiyah Indonesia (JAI). The government should not be worried of external pressure because Indonesian Islamic Organization Mass is ready to support, if the government unwilling to disband, he said, will hurt the feeling of 80 percent Muslim in Indonesia. Moreover, he considers that permitting Ahmadiyya is the same with letting the conflict occurs. He reveals, the hesitation of government on disbanding Ahmadiyya all this time is allegedly because international pressure especially from England and its allies, whichbecamethe center of Ahmadiyya activity. On October 7, the leader of Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI), KH Ma’ruf Amin declare, that if JamaatAhmadiyah Indonesia (Ahmadiyya Indonesian Community) refuse to separate themselves from Islam and became its own religion, then Ahmadiyya must be disband. Because, if the existence and the activity of Ahmadiyya keep left, then it still will spur conflict. Moreover, JAI has been declared heretical by majority ulema all over the world. In Indonesia itself, JAI has violated the 3 minister joint decree. 2
14. On October 29, FPI (IslamicDefendersFront) from Ciamisnearly seal Ahmadiyya Masjid at CiptoMangunkusumo Street, Pakuncen Village, Ciamis sub-district. It is because there was thought that Ahmadiyya follower is still doing religious activity at that Masjid. Meanwhile that religious activities are considered violate the three minister joint decree on the year of 2008. But the sealing process is being cancelled after FPI, representation of Ahmadiyya, the regent of ciamisEngkonKomara and the element of committee regional leaders confabulate and generate agreement that Ahmadiyya is promise not to make any activity ever again at the Masjid. 15. On Friday November 5, after Dhuhr Prayer, tens of mass from PTDI toward Masjid Nuruddin the property of Ahmadiyya Indonesian Community at KebonBawang x street, TanjungPriok. SyaidHamidan from the collegeof Islamicda'wahTanjungPriok declared that their arrival is not to do the provocative action, but to make sure the sealing of Masjid as promised by Polda(regional police) of Metro Jaya. They bring nails and triplex board that labeled by these sentences, “This place is sealed from any Ahmadiyya activity”. The mass also demand to make this Masjid no longer exclusive and ask for Ahmadi people to get out from this place immediately. 16. On November 19, approximately on 03.00 pm the attack repeated, mass return burn and destruct the settlement of Ahmadiyya citizens at Ketapang village. This attack causing 20 houses destroyed and 1 house burned. The issue of the attack is already overheard e few days before. Even one of Ahmadiyya citizens admit have got the information from a police intelligence. “that police intelligence ask us to be more alert” he said on the refuge camp. 17. On December 3, 12.37 am, about 50 people with Katana (Japanese Sword) and stones attacking and destructing Al-Hidayah Mosque, St. Ciputat Raya, GgSekolah, Bungur, South Kebayoran Lama. On these attack one window and two garden lamp has been damage. One of the attacker and one evidence secured by sector policeKebayoran Lama. 18. On Desember 4, GARIS (Islamic organization named Islamic Reformist Movement) of Cianjur dismiss an ongoing annual conference of Ahmadiyya Indonesia at Setia Hotel, Pacet, West Java. The reason of the dismissal is Ahmadiyya considered has violated joint decree of three minister that contain the affirmation about prohibition for Ahmadiyya to do any activity that contain spreading the teaching. 19. On Desember 9, a group of FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) wants to burn an Ahmadiyya orphanage house building, HasanahKautsar, located at Cicariang, Kawalu, Tasik Malaya West Java. The incident happened yesterday when the building is being sealed by a number of officers. Inside the building that has been sealed from the outside, there is orphaned childrens with age 10 to 14 years old. These children who no longer have parents is still in the inside of the house. Then, a group of FPI people yelled that they want to burn down the orphanage that belongs to one of the Ahmadiyya citizen. The mass wants Ahmadiyya community there to stop all kind of their religious activity.
Source: Jakarta Legal Aid 2010
Attachment 6
Annotation and persecution Against Ahmadiyya Community in 2011 No 1
Time and Location January 29, 2011
Description Approximately 100 persons of Islamic Defender Front (FPI) along with the Police Apparatus assult the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Makassar. They were yelling and hitting the Ahmadiyya Jamaah when the Jamaa had a Jalsa Salana (Annual Meeting) of Ahmadiyya Makassar Chapter. There was a kids and womens who attend in the meeting and got a trauma. Also some of goods belongs to Ahmadiyya Jamaa has been taken. February 6, 2011 More than a thousand people come to the Suparman’s Missionary House at Cikeusik Village Pandeglang District Banten. They broke down the house and three members of Ahmadiyya Jamaa has been killed. Lack of police apparatus cannot stopped this assault. There was an indication that the police has an conspiracy with the mass. February 27, 2011 Local House of Representatives Sigi, Center demanding the Ahmadiyya Celebes Jamaa Sigi Chapter to disassemble their mosque. If they dont, the government wil forced them to do so. February 28, 2011 Arif Rahman Hakim Public Bintaro, South School got an intimidation by Jakarta the vandalism in their school building’s wall. This school belong to the member of Ahmadiyya Jamaa. And most of the students are Ahmadis. February 28, 2011 An Ahmadiyya nameplate been Surabaya, East Java broke down by the mass. The mass refer to the local
Prepertators Mamajang Police Sector, Makassar‐ South Celebes. FPI Makassar.
Victims Ahmadiyya Jamaa Makassar Chapter.
Mass from around the Cikeusik Village. Police Sector of Cikeusik, Pandeglang.
Three members of Ahmadiyya Jamaa Ahmadiyya Jamaa Cikeusik Cahpter.
Local House of Representatives (Chaiman: Gesang)
Jamaa Ahmadiyya Sigi Chapter
Arif Rahman Hakim School.
Local Goverment of East Java.
Ahmadiyya Jamaa Surabaya Chapter. 1
regulation issued by the Local Governor Soekarwo. March 2, 2011 An Ahmadiyya nameplate been Madiun, East Javaa broke down by the mass. The mass refer to the local regulation issued by the Local Governor Soekarwo March 4, 2011 The Ahmadiyya Tasikmalaya Tasikmalaya, West Chapter prohibited to doing Java prayer by the people around the mosque who are an anti‐ Ahmadi. Those people refer to the Local Regulation issued by Governor of West Java Ahmad Heryawan. March 4, 2011 Unknown people(s) has dug up Buni Jaya, the Ahmadi cemetry in Bandung. The body has just left Bandung, West Java in the graveyard. March 4, 2001 Citizen around the Ahmadiyya Karanganyar, mosque ask the Missionary of Tawagnmangu, Ahmadiyya Jamaa Karanganyar chapter to give the mosque to Solo. the people in order to anticipate the chaos that could be happen in the future because many foreigner come the village. They said, this is to anticipated The mosque has been given to the people.
Local Goverment of East Java.
Ahmadiyya Jamaa Madiun Chapter.
Citizen around the mosque.
Ahmadiyya Jamaa Tasikmalaya Chapter.
Unknown people(s)
Ahmadiyya Jamaa in Bandung.
Anti‐Ahmadi citizen around the Mosque.
Ahmadiyya Jamaa Karanganyar chapter.
Source: Human Rights Working Group 2011
Attachment 6 Regional Regulations on the Prohibition of Ahmadiyah Province West Java
Region Tasikmalaya
West Java
West Java
West Java
West Java
Letter of Prohibition 1. Letter from the Regent of Tasikmalaya to the President of Republic of Indonesia number 450/174/KBL/2007 dated on 4 July 2007, with subject of Recommendation on Immobilizing the Organization and Activity of Ahmadiyah Congregation 2. Letter from the Regent of Tasikmalaya to the Government Institution in Regency Tasikmalaya (Commandant of Military Area, Chief of District Police, District Attorney, Ministry of Religion, Head of MUI and head of district) number 450/175/KBL/2007 dated on 4 July 2007, with subject of Monitoring over Ahmadiyah Congregation 3. Joint Decree of Regent, Chief of District Attorney, Commandant of district military 0612, District police chief and city’s police chief of Tasikmalaya on the declaration of Statement un-satisfaction and reprimand against Ahmadiyah Congregation in Regency of Tasikmalaya On 20 March 2006, an issuance of SKB number 143 of 2006 on the Temporary Closure of Places of Worship of Ahmadiyah Congregation Indonesia in Regency Sukabumi that was signed by Regent of Sukabumi, Head of District Prosecutor of Cibadak, Chief of District Police of Sukabumi City, Head of Ministry of Religion in Sukabumi Regency and head of MUI in Sukabumi Regency. On 17 October 2005, SKB Number 21 of 2005 was issued on the prohibition of conducting activity of dissemination of teachings/doctrine of Ahmadiyah at Regency of Cianjur that was signed by Regent of Cianjur, Head of District Prosecutor of Cianjur and Head of department of Religion of Cianjur Regency. On 3 November 2002, an SKB was released on the prohibition of sect/teaching of Ahmadiyah Congregation Indonesia in area of Kuningan Regency that was signed by MUSPIDA, Head of Regency’s House of Representatives, MUI, and heads of Islamic Boarding Houses and Islamic Mass Organizations of Kuningan Regency. 1. On 9 August 2005, SKB Number 450/Kep. 225 – PEM/2005 was issued concerning the prohibition of activity of Ahmadiyah teaching in area of Regency Garut that was signed by the Regent of Garut, Head of District Prosecutor of Garut, District Police Chief of Garut and Head of Department of Religion of Garut Regency. 2. Letter of The Institute of Study on the Enforcement and Implementation of Islamic Sharia in Regency Garut Number 031/LP3Sy-I-VIII/Sek/2005 dated on 2 August 2005 with subject of study on the position of Islamic People against Ahmadiyah Congregation 1
West Java
West Nusa Tenggara
East Lombok
West Nusa Tenggara
West Lombok
West Nusa Tenggara
West Java
1. On 20 July 2005, a Joint Statement was released on the prohibition of Ahmadiyah Congregation’s activities in Indonesia at Area of Regency Bogor that was signed by the Regent of Bogor, Head of Regency’s House of Representatives of Bogor, Commandant of Military Area 0621 Bogor, Head of District Prosecutor of Cibinong, District Police Chief of Bogor, Head of State Court of Bogor, Commandant of ARS Airbase, and Head of Department of Religion and MUI of Bogor Regency. 2. Letter of DPRD (House of Representatives) of Bogor Regency Number 170/85-DPRD of 18 July 2005 on the recommendation of closure and prohibition of activity of Ahmadiyah Congregation 1. On 21 November 1983, Head of District Prosecutor of Selong released Decree Number Kep.11/IPK.32.2/L2.III.3/11/83 on the prohibition of activity of Ahmadiyah Congregation of Pancor branch of East Lombok. 2. On 13 September 2002 Regent’s Broadcast Number 045.2/134/KUM/2002 was released that re-affirming the prohibition of Ahmadiyah teaching. 1. On 4 July 2001, Recommendation of MUI of West Lombok Regency on Ahmadiyah Congregation and its category. 2. On 10 July 2001, Decree of the Regent of West Lombok Number 35 of 2001 on prohibition and termination of dissemination of teaching/doctrine of Ahmadiyah in Regency of West Lombok. On 10 October 2002, issued a advice of the Mayor of Mataram Number 008/283/X/INKOM/02 concerning the refugees of Ahmadiyah Congregation from East Lombok, i.e.: • Ahmadiyah Congregation to avoid meeting with character of associating with Ahmadiyah Congregation colleagues. • To immediately socialize with neighborhood community. • Prohibited from inviting and disseminating its doctrine. 1. In 2004, a Joint Decree of the Regent, Head of District Prosecutor, and Head of Department of Religion, No: 451.7/ KEP.58-Pem.Um/ 2004, No:KEP-857/ 02.22/ Dsp.5/ 12/ 2004, No: Kd.10.08/ 6/ ST.03/ 1471/ 2004. on The Prohibition of Activity of Ahmadiyah Congregation 2. Previously the Regent of Kuningan released Decree (SK) Number 45/.2/2065/Satpol PP containing order of closure and sealing of 8 (eight) Mosques belong to Ahmadiyah congregation in Manis Lor village. The closure was derived from recommendation of MUI Number 38/MUIKab/VI/2010 dated on 24 June 2010
Source: Report of Human Rights Monitoring of National Commission on Violence against Women “Ahmadiyah Women and Children: Victims of Multi Layered Discrimination” in 2008. 2