Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
On 15.08.2015 our friend Mariusz ”Ramos” Rozwadowski has passed away. He was a person with many pastimes and the retro scene was his real, true love. He was giving his best into everything he wanted to achieve – all his efforts and his entire positive energy were put into projects he was dedicated to. He loved to talk with people and share his passion and enormous knowledge. He left a trail after himself – two books from ”Bajty Polskie” series and a huge amount of articles published in the press and on the internet, as well as his own creative works on C64.
Farewell Ramos
We began the first issue of K&A Plus magazine (Ramos was one of its’ cofounders) with words: ”The end is a beginning”. We did not know back then, how true these words are and how difficult it will be to complete the second issue without Mariusz. On the next pages we share our editorial staff memories and I think that he would smile, knowing how fond memories of him we have...
Someone wrote somewhere that, with passing of
I don’t know if I ever meet a person so devoted
every year, it will be less and less retro fans. This is
to his passion. Mariusz lived with the computer
unfortunately true. This time it is Mariusz’s turn. He
history, he emanated with the love for the retro
was well-known in the retro milieu. The reaction in
scene, he sacrificed his best years of life for this
the Internet caused by his death is a testament
passion. But above all, he was our friend, compa-
to that. He didn’t create his own family but he de-
nion, joyful, happy person. During our meetings
finitely had another family – retro scene. Ramos
he always had a lot of interesting anecdotes, he
participated in a lot of projects and was because
mentioned old occurrences, he told great stories,
of that seen sometimes as a person for whom the
sometimes probably thinking them up. We always
quantity is better than quality. I think that he tried
laughed out loud. He loved people and people
to make his own endeavors and help in other pro-
loved him for his personality. We will miss him very,
jects as good as he could. In Samar he encoura-
very much..
ged me a lot of times to work and he always had new ideas. Above all, he was a good friend, who had always something interesting to say, a very open person. It is a very strange feeling when you just talked to someone, partied a couple of days ago and he disappears from our lives . Mariusz managed to destroy us in Microprose Soccer, get a high score in Swiv, give us Czech Medovin to drink, to say a couple of anecdotes about the past: about the cars of cleaners on the roof of disassembled office building- former building of DOKP, about the swindles of Arab employer, spatial graphics of an artist whose pseudonym I forgot. During this evening we watched also Bib 3 demo – in memoriam of Toush. Ramos deserves the same remembrance. uka
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
to share his knowledge with other people. It also created an opportunity to create some new, interesting contacts. Even though I was struck by his death, now I begin to become aware that we lost him. The gap, that he left, cannot be filled by anyone. He was one of the more dedicated retro hardware fans. We will never write an article together and we will not go to visit any places. Rest in peace, my friend.. Mr. Mat
I met Mariusz in 2010 thanks to Internet website of ”C&A Fan”. I logged I met Mariusz a decade ago com-
In his short life he achieved so much
into it to present a first, very ama-
pletely coincidentally. I worked back
that it would be enough for a couple
teurish issue of my e-zin ”Komoda”.
then with Vansen on the scanning of
of persons. He was not only a leader
His reaction was instantaneous.
computer press for the RetroReaders
of Samar, the longest working group
I received from him a couple of en-
project. When we chatted on the
on the Polish scene, which has the
couraging comments and a handful
internet, it turned out that he knows
most releases, but also found time
of useful criticism. After a couple of
someone who lives in the same city
to participate in a plethora of other
days we exchanged our cellphone
where I worked and has similar intere-
projects such as HVSC or ATMA.
numbers and we agreed to meet
sts.I received quickly Ramos’ s phone
He was also a an editor-in-chief of
up in Katowice. It was remarkable:
number and we agreed to meet in
C&A Fan and Games. He was able
I met a guy who was equally inte-
the city centre. From the very first
to reach people who are very often
rested in Commodore, just as me.
moment you could feel his open-
forgotten and who back in the day
His enormous knowledge about the
ness for others and resulting from this
had an influence on the milieu of C64
history of computers caused that
communicativeness. I remember this
users in Poland or worldwide. The
I enjoyed listening to him and share
meeting even today. It was raining
interviews, that he conducted, were
with him my opinions. After some time
and sad but I was coming back
always very interesting and contribu-
we decided that it is worth to write
home satisfied because I met an
ted to our knowledge about these
together an article and publish it in
interesting person. From this day our
times. He had an enormous talent,
”C&A Fan”. It came out good so
mutual adventure began, not only in
the gift of the gab and perseveran-
we decided to write together more.
the field of retro computers. It turned
ce in reaching the correct people.
We shared a lot of great moments
out that, just as I, he likes to hike in
Besides the aforementioned projects
and adventures, as members of SMZI
the mountains, visit old castles, pala-
he found time to write (together with
association (Stowarzyszenie Miłośni-
ces and museums – especially these
Bartek Kluska) a book about Polish
ków Zabytków Informatyki ). During
devoted to World War II, with which
games during nineties and a series
our free time we played games, we
he was immensely interested. He was
of articles to other magazines. He
met up with our mutual friends and
social; very often we discussed about
left an unfinished book about the
we hang out in the city. I could recall
the variety of subjects, not necessari-
Amstrad users in Poland and a history
and recall…. But I know one thing
ly connected with computers. I have
of a joystick. He always had time for
for sure: I had a great friend and
to admit that he had broad horizons
I will miss him. He was a good, caring
and a variety of pastimes.
person. He loved working in a museum. Guiding visitors gave him an opportunity
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
You cannot postpone everything for
so many contacts, he was participa-
and his devotion to the retro scene.
the future. I had only a virtual con-
ting at the same time in a variety of
Even though we have seen each
tact with Ramos. Regularly post-
projects… The whole topic of retro
other only a couple of times, Mariusz
poned meeting was permanently
computers was not only a pastime
one time called me on skype and it
postponed to the list of impossible
or a hobby for him. It was almost his
was 40 minutes of a very interesting
things. Too bad that I will not be able
whole world, he was in it the enti-
discussion. The information about
to drink a beer together with Mariusz,
re time and he was able to talk for
his death reached me on Saturday
because a couple of topics that we
hours about the forgotten stories and
and really moved me – I saw him on
talked about in the internet, could
seemingly unimportant details. I met
Wednesday and we had a lot fun
be definitely expanded into longer
him in 2011, when I wrote an email
playing C64 games….. And then such
discussions. I will certainly lack the
and said that I would like to coopera-
a horrible news. I was thinking that it
constant encouragement from him,
te with C&A Fan/Games. Soon after
is unreal, I hoped it would be a lie…..
for us and our magazine, to progress.
we met for the first time in person.
Unfortunately, this was not the case.
You left too quickly, too young, it will
Even during the first meeting when he
Even though I am an atheist I hope
be hard to replace you..
introduced me to the editorial staff
that Mariusz is in a better place and
and passed his opinion about my
that he is there happy. I hope that he
texts, he was very open and friendly,
will look at our work from this place
he seemed to be a person that you
and at my translations and that he
had known for a long time. You could
will smile that we continue the work,
feel that he is full of passion and de-
that he loved so much. I know that
I met Mariusz one year ago, however
votion for the things he participates
I will not forget him…
I heard about the results of his work
in. Positively stubborn person which
long time ago. From the museum,
had a lot of energy to create. What
which is close to me, but I didn’t visit
happened is even harder for me to
it yet, I don’t really know why… Other
accept. Without him our current edi-
things were always more important.
torial staff of K&A Plus and our maga-
I knew his book ”Bajty polskie”, I ma-
zine will never be the same, there will
I was in Bialystok – time of holidays
naged to get an exemplar with a de-
always be a gap which cannot be
and I had a opportunity to meet
dication. What can I say? I admire
filled. This is also a huge loss for the
some of my family (I live in Kolo-
people with a passion. Because of
whole retro milieu. I read somewhe-
brzeg). When I was getting ready
them our world is not so monotonous
re that Mariusz could be practically
to go to sleep, Arek called me. He
and allows other people to develop.
called a leader of the 8-bit milieu in
was really moved. I got the messa-
Another small step to monotony…
Poland and I completely agree with
ge. When I came from the holidays,
this assessment. I really regret this
I wrote on the facebook group Slavia
which is a place where our team
exchanges information: ”He is a really Noctropolis
significant person not only for the Polish scene but also world C64 scene.
During the Saturday’s afternoon
We should remember him!”
Arek called me, I was sure that he wants to tell me the latest update
I met Mariusz only a couple of ti-
I was supposed to come one day to
about our magazine. Perhaps about
mes…. Because I spend most of the
Katowice to finally meet the whole
some interesting article coming up
year in Belgium I did not have a lot
editorial staff, get to know everyone.
or about any kind of problem we’re
of opportunities to meet up with
Unfortunately, I will not meet every-
facing.After hearing this sad news,
him. However I liked him from the
I was completely shocked. Even now
very beginning. Mariusz was a very
when couple of days have passed,
open person for other people, really
I still feel like it’s unreal and hard
nice rson; I really wanted to get to
to believe... Even harder because
know him better and I regret that
In 2008 I got coincidentally one of
Ramos appeared to be a person
I won’t be able to do this. I always
the early Commodore & Amiga Fan
who lived his life to the fullest. He was
was under the impression of his huge
magazine. The first impression was:
engaged in so many activities, had
knowledge about retro computers
”I do not believe it, this magazine is
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
not issued since 1995”. While looking
of Fan and Games were questiona-
too many issues relating to music,
through my boxes with old Amiga
ble and the magazine ceased to
C64, Atari, ”his” computer museum,
magazines, I found the unlucky issue
exist. I received a mail from Mariusz
magazines and publications, demo
where it was mentioned that the
that to save the magazine, we need
scene ... all sorts of issues. Mariusz
magazine ceases to exist. I read
to unite with Komoda. I was not hap-
was a living encyclopedia. He was
quickly all the issues of Fan. And
py ”K&A Plus? What will happen with
the teacher who was always giving
I was thinking: ”Maybe I should write
C&A fan and Games?” Pretty disap-
a wise advice. A true pal you never
as a journalist for this magazine?” In
pointed and dejected I was busy with
got bored with. He was always willing
one of the issues I found Mariusz’s
a plethora of work – family related
and polite. I sent him a ”DigiMax”
contacts. I wrote to him a long email,
issues. I decided to resign. Mariusz
sound device that I made for my C64
in which I described my adventure
took it calmly. He was not angry at
as a gift, asking or better ”pushing”
with Amiga and C64. I wrote also that
me. He said to me that when I will be
him for more software support. He
I was not ever a part of the scene
able to work in K&A Plus, the doors
sent me back a ton of DVDs con-
and I have no experience it. None-
are always open for me. It was the
taining a pile of both released and
theless, I would like to try to write
second half of 2014.
unreleased products, loads of music
from time to time an article. I didn’t
and scanned Polish IT magazines.
ask to become a member of FanCa
I think that he would not like me to
editorial staff. Mariusz wrote shortly: ”
change my mind once again, leave
He wrote me lately, that he felt tired
Welcome in our team!”. Shock! I be-
the editorial staff and stop writing.
and depressed. He characteristically
came an editor of C&A Fan.
Mariusz, you can be sure that this
told me: ”Lately, I deal with too many
time around I’m not going anywhere.
people and too many projects...
We could make arrangements about
Lot of people are constantly asking Don Rafito
everything with Mariusz. All the pro-
something from me and I have no
posals and suggestions were taken
time to rest. I know that my interview
by him into considerations and he
is delayed but please have a little
usually agreed with them. There wa-
more patience”. I was patient of
sn’t a thing that couldn’t be agreed
I’m a huge fan of ”Samar Produc-
course. Last month he wrote that he
upon. Then Games was started and
tions”. I am following this group very
had almost finished and was about
the internet website administered by
closely. From old demos like ”Dream
to send me his interview and a spe-
Toudidel, the heyday of C&A. Mariusz
Travel 100%” to 2SID and 3SIDs! At the
cial –editorial- article for ”Samar Pro-
enjoyed this, he was happy that we
beginning of this year, I sent a pm to
ductions” to publish it. At the same
are ”on fire”, he participated in eve-
Gaetano Chiummo (Samar’s musi-
time he asked me to join the ”KAPlus”
rything he could: magazine, museum,
cian), asking him for some informa-
team and I gladly accepted. He told
book, scene. Even though we could
tion about his 2SID compositions. He
me that he was planning to come
feel that he has a lot on his plate, not
introduced me to their coder, Bartosz
sometime, probably this summer, in
only as the managing editor. But he
(Don Kichote). We exchanged some
Greece for holidays... Unfortunately
managed to do it all. Always positive-
pms as well and I asked him to grant
death stopped him.
ly and optimistically thinking person
me an interview for ”Samar Produc-
about everything.
tions” in order to publish it online to
My dear friend… I will always remem-
www.iamretro.gr. He politely replied
ber you, as one of my best friends,
I felt inspired. During the spring of
that I should probably contact the
even if never happened to know
2015 I contacted Mariusz because
founder of the group, Ramos. I sent
each other in real life...I really wish
I wanted to come back to the edi-
him a pm and he responded imme-
God rest your untainted soul. Your
torial staff. He sent me to a current
friend, George
managing director, Arek. I could see, judging by the mail, that he was
That was it! The beginning of a very
happy that I’m back. After some time
beautiful – online-friendship, that was
people began to resign, less and less
meant to end abruptly and in a bru-
articles appeared and the problems
tally way by his sudden death.
with the regularity of new issues of the magazine. He was worried about
We communicated each other al-
this. Then came the fiasco. The future
most every 2-3 days, chatting about
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
GameDev Story: Ultima 4
Interview: Baron Ashler
GameDev Story: Lord British 14
Castle Wolfenstein
GameDev Story: MagerValp 16
Sleepwalker x2
Dungeon Crawl
Snatch McBlagger
SEUCK Compo 2015
Quo Vadis 52
Zombi Terror 36
Wizard of Wor
Puzznic 27
Nuclear Chess
Help Hannah’s Horse
Ressurection: Alien Breed
Tutorial: Copying Floppy
Get The Cat
AMIGA VARIA Farewell Ramos
Events 7
Disks to IDE64
Fresh News 8
Industry’s second maturity
Talking Heads : Remastering
TOD Generator
Johnny presents
of old releases
Komoda & Amiga Plus Commodore computers’user’s magazine Editor-in-chief: Komek Editors: Ramos, Uka, Noctropolis, Bobikowoz, Tomxx, Minimoog, Mr. Mat, c00k, JargoV, GeoAnas
Design and DTP: Neurocide, Tomxx, Mr. Mat Drawings: Johnny Cover design and concept art: Ruben Messeguer Proofreading: Atreus, Noctropolis, Bobikowoz, Tomxx, Mr. Mat, Komek Translations: Slayerpl, Bobikowoz, Tomxx, Karo Cooperation: MA, Paweł Król, Karo
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Crack like a Pro!
6502 Tetris
Michał Taszycki has just
Australian Paul Gardner-Ste-
Mr. NOP completed and
Wiebo de Wit (in C64 scene
launched a new C64 pro-
phen attempted to repro-
published his handbook
known as WdW) decided
gramming course. Once
duce the Commodore 65
related to C64 games
to re-write in 6502 assembly
a week on the http://64bi-
computer prototype using
cracking and training. The
his own Tetris clone created
tes.com website he’s going
the advantages of modern
PDF papermag is available
back in 1992 (Gameboy Te-
to release brand new short
hardware. His solution is
in English at http://csdb.
tris available at http://csdb.
films devoted to the BA-
based on Nexys4DDR with
dk/release/?id=139238. On
SIC language, 6502/6510
Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA, and
80 pages author presents
using some modern pieces
assemblies and the overall
supports C65’s original ROM
some methods of capturing
of software: KickAssembler,
architecture of C64. The
with BASIC 10.0 interpre-
the memory and saving it
Sublime Text editor and
premise of the course is to
ter. This solution runs 50x
to the file for further modi-
CharPad. The project utilizes
provide knowledge in the
faster than a C64 while
fications. Tutorial is written
graphics and sounds from
most absorbable form, so
being highly compatible.
in an accessible and very
’92 app, but the main idea
that students keep getting
Additionally, it fully sup-
friendly language, exam-
is to re-program the game
a step closer to ultimate
ports HD output, SD cards,
ples are transparent, code
itself using text-based ap-
goal of the project: to write
Ethernet, dual SID and two
snippets are well styled, and
proach for the graphics, so
their own game or demo on
8-bit DACs. In addition, the
everything is accompanied
that blocks can be printed
a Commodore. The course
device offers the opportu-
with solid amount of scre-
and moved around using
looks similar to the existing
nity to work in the classic
enshots. Another positive
pure characters. It’s worth
projects related to modern
C64 mode, which is an
comes from the diversity of
taking a look on these blog
languages programming
additional advantage of
presented solutions: author
notes (available at de-
(eg. Ruby Tapas), which
this project. In the future the
shows multiple methods
vdef.blogspot.com) mostly
should free you up from dig-
author intends to release
of changing values in C64
because of their educatio-
ging through piles of books
the computer in its original-
programs, and all of them
nal values: WdW presents
and docs, as the author
-based case, but anyone
are based on different
new episodes in the form
has already done this work
could actually test this
games’ source codes. It’s
of a guide. Although this is
for you. Just assign a few
solution today at home, as
a solid learning source and
definitely not a tutorial for
minutes to watch a short
both the hardware designs
it’s just a pity that such gu-
beginners, the subsequent
clip and invest some time
and software solutions are
ides didn’t exist years ago
notes are carefully prepa-
into additional reading of
open source (LGPL). You
when we all tried to get into
red and the code structure
the lesson notes, examples
only need to obtain the
is nicely described and
and a transcription of the
required FPGA platform
explained. The set of code
episode. The course is paid,
and follow official tutorials
is obviously available on Gi-
but I think it’s totally worth
published on www.mega65.
thub at https://github.com/
looking at this project as the
org website.
episodes are carefully and precisely prepared and it seems to currently be the easiest way to learn assembler for C64.
edited by: tomxx and JargoV
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Fresh News C64
all the elements of terrain (gro-
is a super platform game,
2015, Alf Yngve
und, grass, trees, bushes, rocks
which you really enjoy playing.
etc.) look really nice but the
Colorful lands, a variety of
”hostile” fleet is really pixela-
creatures, diamonds to collect
ted even on C64 (deliberate
are the things which will not
modification which enhances
get bored to the aficionados
the size of the sprites).
of this sort of games. I’m really
impressed, it’s nice that there are still people, who make
A made by Alf Yngve Seuck
shooter hides under this cat-
2015, Bauknecht (BKN)
good games for Plus/4.■ Komek C64
chy and guaranteeing a nice
carnage title, this game is also
2015, Anthony Stiller
the first participant of this year SEUCK COMPO 2015. Titular ”Gigablast” is a name of new, lethal weaponry (plasma bombs) which we are supposed to test out, while con-
trolling our jet fighter with an
I know that majority of you
attached drone (interesting
likes Giana Sisters’ adventures
solution) over the special, test
very much and plays every
Underwater scooter? Hmmm…
polygon. The plot is probably
release based on this idea. It
a nice gadget. Would you like
not the strongest side of this
is not strange, because ”The
to drive such a thing? If your
release, but you will admit
Great Giana Sisters” is witho-
answer is yes, I invite you to
that it would be pleasanter
ut a doubt a great hit from
play ”Abbyssonaut”. There is
to annihilate the enemies
the turn of 80ties and 90ties.
only one thing, because the
with a feeling of saving world
Nowadays, we can enjoy
game is not concerned with
for the thousandth time than
a really good PC conversion
a crazy fun, pirouettes and is
simply destroy test robots.
titled ”Twisted Dreams”, which
about fulfilling a dangerous
Luckily, in this sort of games
was made some time ago.
mission. As a ”Secret Agent”
the gameplay is not on the
German group ”Bauknecht”
you need to find out what
first place, and here it is really
followed it up, issuing a game,
bad happened in the rese-
good because the destruction
based on ”The Great Giana
arch facility ”Crouch End”,
in this game is a lot of fun. As
Sisters”. It does not surprise
with which all contact was
far as graphics is concerned,
us that ”Majesty of Sprites”
lost, you have to find out if
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
the reports about a disease
which has an atmosphere of
among the crew and the
the aforementioned game.
creatures kept in captivity are
The first could be played on,
true. ”Abbyssonaut” is a win-
for an example, a classic Ami-
ner of the first place in the
ga. Traditionally full 3D, vector
Seuck Game Compo 2015.It
graphics, a highway and our
has a really nice graphics and
vehicle. Before the start of the
a moderate level of difficulty.
game we are asked about
Dive into the abyss and play!
the settings, for example,
Amiga m68k
TOOLS MENU 2015, Kim Fastrup Larsen
the choice of a level, and after finishing it, we can see a replay of our ride. The game
was previously released also
2015, Wanax
for Windows and Linux. Now
There came out a lot of small
it was introduced, because
programmes such as Com-
of Matei Petrescu, to Aros.
modity for WB. Some of them
Anyways, we will be looking at
more useful, other less useful.
this game later.
”Tools menu” is one of the
■Don RafitoAros,
more useful proposals. It adds
AOS 4.x
in the right menu of Workbench, in the bookmark Tools,
Aros, AOS 4.x
Some of the people didn’t
additional list to the previously
2015, Clément CORDE
mentioned in the preferences
come down from the excite-
application programme. The
ment served by ”Brick Busters”
programmes can be manually
by Ron and Wanax introduces
typed it with an appropriate
to us a really good clone of Ar-
path or you can simply place
kanoid – ”Break 64”. I think that
the icon in the preferences
we do not have to go into de-
window. Easy, simple and use-
tails because everyone, even
■Don Rafito
a less advanced player knows what this sort of game is about.
Who does not remember this
According to me, a successful
fella who wanders in the maze
release with nice graphics and
and places bombs, being the
2015, e5frog
cool music.
opposite of Minesweeper?
And he does it to blow up his AROS
opponents, to survive and ad-
vance further. The well-known,
2015, Matei Petrescu
mainly to me from NES, most of players surely know it, logical-board-arcade game has a network multiplayer version for Aros or Amiga OS 4.x, among others.When we begin
Minigame from C64 1K Game
fun, we can decide if we join
series, that imitates the cult
someone’s game or if we
Pac-Man. I will admit since-
are creating our own game.
rely, that playing this was
What has this small, stinky ani-
We can play against max 4
pretty nice. The only and huge
mal in common with the game
online players, simultaneously
shortcoming is the fact that
”4DSportsdriving”? Oh, a lot.
together with us. A great fun.
our ”Pac-Man” moves very
”Skunks”, yes, you are seeing
I recommend it.
clumsily. Devouring the stars
that good, is an Aros car port
■Don Rafito
makes this drawback a little
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
bit smaller, causing that the
line. The graphics is pleasant,
hostile ghosts are immobilized
the music is slightly annoying
for a couple of seconds. What
(which is admitted by the
2015, Technische Maschinenfabrik
else can we say? Just launch
author in the titular screen).
this minute programme and
Surely, it is a game, in which
you’re going to see that it will
you need to spend some time
make you interested at least
to find yourself in the imagined
for several minutes.
world, but if someone likes the-
se logical-arcade challenges, C16/116/Plus 4
why not?
MR ANGRY DUDE 2015, Mika ”Misfit” Keränen
During the first look ”Carrera C64
F1” looks like run of the mill F1
racing simulator shown from
2015, Reset Magazine Staff
the bird’s view, however when we look closer at this game we see that it is only a simulator of a race toy. You probably remember this toy from your childhood years, when you together with your buddy
Mr Angry Dude is unexpec-
controlled two vehicles riding
tedly quite a nice name for This is an another, Seuck
ering was limited basically to
the protagonist of the game is
shoot’em up made by Alf
an appropriate control of the
an angry, funny creature that
Yngve, which is placed on the
acceleration in such a way
with its’ pissed off appearance
”Mixdisk” of the seventh issue
to keep the balance betwe-
causes a player to laugh. We
of the magazine”Reset”. ”Big
en the ability to overtake the
should hope that the facial
Mech Alpha” is an unthinkable
opponent and the safety of
expression of this creature is
amount of iron in the shape of
the ride and an ability to keep
not a sign that the task ahead
robots and machines equip-
your vehicle inside the circuit.
of the player in this release is
ped with a variety of missiles.
Here the rules are identical
too difficult and causes that
Big sprites and nicely made,
(move your joystick up and
the player has the same angry
simple graphics are the im-
you accelerate), and the
grin.:) There is no developed
portant features of the game.
only difference is the situation
plot behind the game and
I associate this game with the
when you speed up too much
the objective is really simple.
good, old ”Sidearms”, which
and the toy begins to spin
You have to advance through
also makes the game more
instead of completely falling
seven levels, getting on every
attractive. I know that the ma-
out of the circuit. I really like
one of them the keys and then
jority of Seuck games gets lost
the graphics of this release – it
going to the hidden exit. To
in the crowd and we do not
is like it was taken from 1983.
get all the keys, as you pro-
pay a lot of attention to them,
A simple game, but also very
bably know, you have to think
but this game, fortunately, is
neat and attractive. We add
a lot. Titular protagonist has an
above the average games.
to this a nice sound of the
ability to create and remove
engine, an ability to compe-
additional blocks, which help
te against a second player
you to arrive in a given place
or CPU on the eight different
and also something, which
circuits, a handful of useful
causes additional chaos at
settings and the optional use
the beginning , to move for
of a leg pedal.
some distances whole rows of already existing blocks and appearing with them in one
through the circuits. The ste-
a game. Especially, because
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
have a certain amount of per-
sistence. When we play, we
2015, Nostalgia
2015, Reset Magazine Staff
have a very nice music with a nice sound. I will say however that the music is more appropriate for a platform game or an adventure game, even though it is a detail. Generally speaking, the game really makes you play more and more and more and lets us leave
When I found out that ”No-
The best logical games are
only when we complete all of
stalgia” wants to resurrect my
these that are based on the
the 20 patterns – I recommend
beloved game, that I played
simple and understandable ru-
this game!
as a kid in amusement ar-
les of playing and at the same
cades and later on C64, my
time they can attract and
heart trembled. And it has
interest a player – this is so-
mething that PixelPix has. The
2015, Retroguru
Amiga OCS
authors prepared 20 jigsaws, in New, renewed ”Ghosts’n
each of them you are suppo-
Goblins” version for C64 is in
sed to make a given pattern
the world wide web for some
on a 9x9 table by choosing
time. Did they make a lot of
proper fields. The hints are the
changes? IMO Yes. For in-
numbers by a particular row
stance, a missing introduction
or column, which inform about
was added to the game (the
the amount of signs in each
abduction of the princess)
of them. So, for example,
Fans of classic Amiga platform
and the map which shows
number 4 means, that in a gi-
games will be happy that the
where we are, on which level
ven row/column there will be
history of the friendly rabbit
and in which part. The main
a sequence of 4 signs, on the
known from ”Sqrz”, finally has
protagonist is better drawn
other hand a sequence 2 3 1
a third part for the classic
and animated, the same with
informs us that the sequences
computers. Children, as well
the opponents. Generally, the
of signs with this lengths will
as the adults, can wander
graphics were improved. The
be divided by the breaks. The
through a variety of levels,
soundtrack is also better. On
whole game and the search
gather things and fight the
every one of the levels we can
for the hidden patterns is ba-
hostile creatures; they can do
hear a different track. The
sed on the appropriate inter-
it on every Amiga. This title
biggest surprise is the fact that
pretation of the dependency
had its’ premiere during the
they added two levels that
between the columns and the
sixth, this year’s ”Retroboer-
were missing and the fight
rows – simple and nice. A sort
se” meeting. This took place
with the main Boss. What can
of problem is the fact that we
in German town Rosenheim.
I say more? Maybe only that
have limited time to comple-
The conversion of the game
I’m very thankful to Nostalgia
te the jigsaw. However it is
for the classics was made by
group for the remake of this
not so bad, when we fail, we
Frank Willie with the help of
awesome game.
can start the jigsaw from the
a graphic Virgile Metier and
beginning unlimited amount of
a musician Alexander Wiklund.
times. There are other surprises
We could buy the game in the
– smaller amount of time to
box version during the afore-
start, filling the level with other
mentioned event. This release
patterns, question marks by
is available online as the ADF
some lines. It’s still possible to
file on the website of the pro-
complete the jigsaw when we
■Don Rafito
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
GameDev Story: Ultima 4 (1985)
Ultima 4
a definition of RPG genre Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar is considered to be the classic of the multimedia entertainment industry. This is one of the first such advanced RPGs, the game that has shaped the genre for years and set the trends for multitudes of its followers. When the remastered version was published on CSDB in early 2015 the community reaction was super positive. Ratings 10/10, songs of praise, bows and opinions, that this might actually be the best crack on a C64 scene ever...
So we decided to take a clo-
Plot: In contrast to all Ultima
ser look at the phenomenon
predecessors, as well as other
of this game. We wonder what
games of this genre, U4 is not
really makes it so unique; what
a typical hack and slash, and
causes the fact that simul-
its story is not limited to wipe
taneously to the premiere of
out some abstract power of
Witcher 3 – a perfect RPG by
evil. The aim of the game is to
all means – the retro com-
acquire the eight virtues that
munity keeps getting back to
will make our hero the spiritual
Ultima from 1985? What drives
leader of the world. It sounds
the enthusiasts to still devo-
unique, builds an intriguing
te their time to improve the
setting and puts the player in
game code, and players to
front of a previously unknown
once again roam the Britannia
adventure. Show me another
in a never-ending mission to
game with such a bold and
become a spiritual leader or
unique plot in its time.
Avatar? We analyzed 10 distinguishing characteristics of Ulti-
World: Oceans parted, lands
ma 4 in search of some unique
pierced the earth, and the
features, although we all know
continent of Britannia has
that the success and timeles-
grown considerably. A certa-
sness of this game lies mainly
in geographical order of the
in its innovation. Because the
world has been established
original ideas of U4 were fresh,
and the continent deserves
inventive and, most importan-
to be printed out on a cloth
tly, they survived till nowadays
map attached to the game-
and found multiple imitators in
’s box. U4’s geography has
almost every subsequent role-
been used in all the upcoming
-playing game.
games without any major revisions.
ULTIMA 4 C64 COVER The image above presents the original scan of C64 U4 cover released in 1985.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Exploration: U4 is considered
ty system was a breakthrough.
sters, etc.
such an obvious and domi-
Dialogues: We also received
Dungeons: Getting down there
nant exploration factor. The
a substitute of a real conversa-
was like a completely sepa-
freedom of choosing a path,
tion. A little clumsy, very basic,
rate game. Dungeons were
the availability of directions
but nevertheless it was a real
spanning the entire continent,
attempt to create a dialogue.
mysterious, difficult and chal-
multiple cities and villages
Communication with NPCs
lenging. They offered valuable
embedded in the wilds, moun-
using basic phrases as HEAL,
prizes, equipment and gold.
tains and lakes, the ability to
Today we can’t even imagine
travel by boat or balloon - it
pleasant and most importan-
a RPG without dungeons, and
all built up a sense of atmo-
tly, has opened a number of
back in 1985 players had to
sphere and setting that totally
possibilities for the future.
use maps to beat some of the
to be the first video game with
made up our minds about its
hardest locations.
vast size. Other games of the
Bonuses: The box of U4 pro-
80s still offered a single-axis
vided us with some addi-
Finally, game’s importance
movement limiting players’
tional items that perfectly
and its brand is widely reco-
choice to specific imposed
complement the storyline of
gnized as it’s the flagship work
path to walk upon.
the game. In addition to the
of Richard Gariott. Similarly to
aforementioned map, players
Will Wright and SimCity, Sid
Freedom of choice: The supe-
received physical copies of
Meyer and Civilization, Hiro-
rior goal of a game was there,
the Manual and the Spellbook.
nobu Sakaguchi and Final
but the ways of achieving it
And it was not just art for art’s
Fantasy series, Ultima is the
highly depended on a player.
sake - to beat the game you
most beloved child of Lord
You could choose the path of
really needed their knowled-
British. And U4 in particular
nobility, or not, it was possible
ge. Sometime later Origin also
plays a special role in Garriot-
to observe the law, or blatan-
published the Clue Book with
t’s heart, and is considered by
tly break it. U4 offered fre-
some additional story info, as
himself as a ”most important
edom of choice: you could at-
well as characteristics and
tack units in the cities, plunder
maps of various locations.
scrubs, cheat on merchants,
Images around the text are
Many modern western RPGs
steal and cause trouble. It
just taken out of these books.
are inspired by the ideas of U4
was easy to become powerful
back from 1985. Only some,
right from the beginning of the
The combat system: The U4
though, took a risk and went
game, but this in turn made
combat system includes quite
a step further, and just a few
the game a much longer and
advanced tactical play, even
games per decade are uni-
more difficult to complete.
though the game doesn’t real-
que enough to be remembe-
ly offer a wide variety of equ-
red. And that’s why Ultima 4 is
The morality: Starting from the
ipment, weapons or monsters.
eternally alive: in players’ me-
character creation process,
Larger skirmishes were based
mory, the magazines’ charts
with its multiple questions of
on the strategy and allowed
of all time games, and among
moral choice, it was obvious
to perform some advanced
how important morality is go-
solutions, like enemy flanking,
ing to be in the game. Deci-
using the variety of terrain,
sions taken in U4 have their
setting traps, summoning mon-
far-reaching consequences, and our choices have a direct impact on the game world. Compared to other RPGs, in which our behavior usually does not have any serious consequences, such a morali-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
GameDev Story: Ultima 4 (1985)
Lord British
Richard Garriott – designer, creator and programmer of the famous Ultima series – in the exclusive interview for K&A Plus he gets back in time to talk about the early days of his game development career, his inspirations, unfulfilled potential and true love to Apple II computers. Richard also discloses some stories from the old days of Origin Systems and describes his current approach for perfect development studio.
Tomxx: Hi Richard, how closely
favorites. IV for its originality
do you follow gaming retro
and the Virtues. Ultima VII for
scene news?
its reality sim, and UO for its yet
Not at all. I had grave doubts
unmatched (till Shroud of the
about most all of my works…
Avatar) sandbox simulation.
old the best works were usually
Lord British: I would like to say a lot, but in reality, not so
playing games of all time?
the ones my family and friends
much… If I did a better job of
In 1985 Computer Gaming
as well as myself had the most
it, I bet I could find some Ap-
World called U4 ”an incredible
doubts in. When I went the
ple ][ 13 Sector drive controller
game” and anticipated its gre-
most ”out on a limb” creative-
cards… Anyone?
at success with words ”What
ly. I have been very lucky. That
are you waiting for? This will
was true for U4, U7 and UO,
The C64 version of Ultima IV
be a classic... go get it!!”. 11
my favorites!
was again remastered and has
years later the same maga-
received favorable reviews
zine placed U4 #2 on its Best
U4 was your first ”advan-
from retro communities. How
Games of All Time list on the
ced” approach on RPGs. You
do you feel knowing that fans
PC. Which gameplay features
moved away from traditional
continue to work on your
made it so innovative and
hack & slash towards an am-
game after 30 years?
unique, in your opinion?
bitious concept of exploring character morality, judgment
It feels fantastic! I am regularly
The fact that the game had
and personal decisions that
reminded that if Electronic Arts
a ”soul” combined with play-
later on inspired tons of game
would only give me access to
ing ”:big brother” to observe
designers. But what was your
the IP, what a fun time, and
and comment on your beha-
inspiration back in the eigh-
good modern game, I could
viors was and remains ahead
ties? Literature, movies, tra-
make from the mid Ultima’s!
of its time. In many ways, no
ditional roleplaying tabletop
one has still yet gone beyond
In 2006 interview you named
Quest for the Avatar (beside When working on U4 you
users. When I noticed through
from the entire Ultima series.
were still relatively young and
”fan mail” that players were
What aspects of U4 do you
inexperienced in the field of
NOT behaving heroically, in-
value most and why?
game design. Back then did
stead min-maxing the path to
you ever think that you would
the top, including killing all the
create one of the best role-
NPC’s and Lord British… I knew
Ultima IV, VII and UO are my
My inspiration came from the
Ultima VII) your favorite game
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
I could write a better story if
computer of all times? Do you
I both allowed that behavior,
still own it? Is there any great
yet showed why it’s not the
game you recall from the 80’s
way to min-max real life.
that you keep coming back to?
Have any of your other games had similar potential of beco-
Unquestionably the Apple ][!
ming a classic but never made
I still have ALL my early Apple ]
it to the top? If so, what were
[‘s that I made all my early Ulti-
the reasons?
ma’s on! They still run, and I still play Akalabeth and Ultima
Ultima VIII could have been
I on them! But did I mention…
GREAT! It should have been
I could use a couple of Apple
both and Ultima and Diablo
][ 13 sector drive controllers…
before Diablo… but I screwed
anyone know where I can get
up. I listened to my new bosses
and shipped it far too soon. Had we properly finished it, we
Thanks, and good luck with
would have done VERY well,
Shroud of the Avatar!
I feel. You keep designing games, but game development looked completely different decades ago. Do you miss the old days of incredible passion, creative ideas and great friendships? HA, well, every era has its charm and advantages. I think the Portalarium plan, of <30 staff and <3 years to develop a game feels about right… for me… now. Any cool Ultima development story you can share with our readers?
The U4 box provided When we were young, wi-
us with physical copies
thout families, we used to
of the Manual and the
literally live and work at the
Spellbook. Both books
office. I was well known for
offered lots of fantasy
making midnight BBQ for the
drawings that nicely
team, and after hours we
complemented with
stayed up late into the night
the plot of the game.
recording Origin Wrap songs and such. (Still have those!) Ah, those were the days! What’s your favorite personal
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
GameDev Story: Ultima 4 Remastered (2015)
Per Olofsson – scener, member of Genesis Project group, creator of remastered Ultima 4 – MagerValp calls up his passion towards RPG genre, speaks about the process and problems encountered during U4 remastering works, the new cartridge version and beautifully crafted graphics created by Mermaid.
Tomxx: Hey MagerValp, could
game experience like nothing
after a bit of digging I realized
you introduce yourself to our
else with an immersive world
that the game’s Achilles heel
and a real sense of discovery
on the C64, the slow loader,
and adventure. It shaped my
could be replaced without
MagerValp: Hi, I’m Per Olofs-
idea of what an RPG should
any major changes to the
son, I’m from Gothenburg on
be like and none of the other
game itself. It set me off on
the west coast of Sweden,
series at the time could me-
a journey to learn drive coding
and I work as a sysadmin ma-
asure up to it, at least not until
since none of the available
naging Macs for the local uni-
Fallout came out a decade or
loaders were a good fit, and
versity. I’ve been active in the
so later. I played lots of other
I also wanted to support larger
Commodore scene for almost
games of course, but not
drives like 1581s and CMD dri-
20 years under the handle Ma-
other RPGs since I found them
ves. It’s impossible to say how
gerValp and in 2009 I joined
either lacking in the setting
much time I spent on it, since
the newly revived Genesis
(like the Gold Box games,
I also worked on a dozen or
Project. I dabble a bit with
I’ve never been a D&D fan)
so other projects at the time.
hardware but my main passion
or mechanics (like the Bard’s
It was an on-again off-again
in life is software development.
Tale and Wasteland with their
project for four years, during
I’m an avid biker too which
horrible combat system). Inste-
what were my most produc-
helps counter the effects of
ad I spent a lot of time playing
tive years in the Commodore
work and hobbies keeping me
and re-playing U4-U6 thro-
plunked in a chair.
ughout the late 80s and early 90s - I didn’t have a PC at the
Ultima IV Remastered is easier,
The results of your Ultima 4
time so unfortunately I could-
since I kept everything I did in
remastering works are admira-
n’t play the later Ultimas until
a git repository. My first com-
ble! Why exactly did you focus
much later on.
mit is after midnight on Febru-
on Ultima?
ary the 4th and the release When did you start your work
was at Gubbdata on March
Thank you! My history with Ul-
and how many hours did you
28 - all in all about 2 months of
tima goes back to 1988 when
invest into this project?
my spare time.
buy a disk drive, and Ultima IV
I don’t remember why any-
I noticed some newer releases
was the first game I bought.
more, but in 2002 I started to
where you managed to patch
Before that I’d played games
disassemble Ultima IV’s code.
up errors reported by C64
like Master of Magic and Ga-
It was fascinating to learn
communities. Is v2.2.1 final or
teway to Apshai, but this was
how the game worked, and
there is still something to get
I saved up enough money to
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
couldn’t get all the hints, and there are some broken dialo-
I’m so grateful for the feed-
gues, but nothing that makes
back I’ve received, it really is
the game unsolvable. Most of
impossible to find all the bugs
the bugs are just weird corner
by yourself. My to-do list is
cases triggered by the player
empty now though, so unless
doing silly things like entering
other people find more bugs
townes while flying a balloon,
I won’t be releasing any more
boarding frigates while stan-
ding on a dungeon ladder, or attacking Ankhs.
You managed to find and fix some original bugs after
Mostly the benefit of hindsight,
disassembling the game and
better tools, and lack of time
learning the ”under the hood”
pressure meant that it was
stuff. Can you share some ma-
easy to discover areas where
jor problems you hit when wor-
the game could be improved.
king with the original code?
In particular ports, like the C64
Graphics comparison between Ultima games from 1985 (left) and 2015 (right). The final results of Mermaid’s (Vanja Utne) works are stunning.
version, were made with a liI think what’s remarkable is
mited budget, and it suffered
that a game of this ambition,
a bit as they didn’t have a fa-
more or less written by a single
stloader and had to make do
developer using tools that
with the rather primitive Apple
would make modern develo-
II graphics. They added lovely
pers rage quit, was released
SID renditions of the music at
with no major bugs at all. The
least, which I think was a great
shrine bug meant that players
move since it’s one the most
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
appreciated details and it sets
thing, which is a bit of a chore.
the C64 version apart.
and it made wonders for testing during development.
Which of the U4 improvements Players really enjoy the new
are you most happy with?
tileset and color tables back-
Lastly I’m happy with my work on the dungeon renderer.
ported back from Ultima V.
First and foremost Vanja’s gra-
I kept putting it off since the
Was it easy to implement them
phics, it’s a pleasure to work
disassembled code was a bit
with extremely gruelling me-
with her and the results are
of a black box with dozens of
mory constraints?
unnamed variables and no obvious angle of approach,
It wasn’t particularly hard
I decided kind of late to make
but it was one of the areas
to add the tiles and code,
a cartridge version, but it was
where the C64 port suffered
but doing so meant moving
easily the best decision I made
so I buckled up and spent an
around and breaking a lot of
and I regret not doing it ear-
evening reverse engineering it.
other things. This was actually
lier. The game went from be-
Due to differences in how bit-
one of the times when mo-
ing one of the slowest loading
map mode works the C64 port
dern development tools was
game on the C64 to one with
lost all color in the dungeons,
a godsend as I could create
nearly no loading time at all,
making it a pretty dull expe-
a feature branch in git and not worry about being able to revert any changes. The code came out in better shape than before though, since I had to refactor a lot of my patches as part of making them fit better in memory. Most of the work was just retesting every-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
rience. I couldn’t add back
Why do think retro folks keep
regards to retro gaming I think
colored walls, but it turned out
getting back to Ultima IV no-
that the Ultima legacy has
to be pretty easy to add color
wadays? In your opinion, what
been handled quite well. Le-
to magic fields, monsters,
features make it one of the
gal copies are easy to come
chests, and other items. I also
best RPG ever released?
by or even available for free,
removed the renderer’s limit of
and fan projects such as xu4
stopping at the first item, and
I think it stands out, even
and Exult are allowed without
made it draw partially obscu-
today, in setting a mood and
interference. However, produ-
red items behind, which I think
telling a compelling, cohesive
cing and distributing physical
is a feature not many people
story. The virtues provide a fo-
copies would just force EA’s
undation that the entire game
legal department into acting.
rests on, and it elegantly shaThe new intro graphics give an
pes Britannia into something
Do you have any plans on
incredible visual boost to your
more than just a backdrop.
releasing more remastered
version. Was it easy to convin-
The game *has* aged though,
ce Mermaid to join forces and
and I think it would be a chal-
redraw the rather dull original
lenge for modern players to
Not at the moment. Having
get past its primitive veneer. If
a family means I don’t have
you only look at game me-
much time for personal pro-
Vanja is always busy with a lot
chanics I think that Ultima V is
jects, and I can’t really have
of projects, so I was thrilled to
actually a much better game.
more than one at a time. My
hear that she’s also an Ultima
current project, if you can
fan and was willing to make
Are there any plans on rema-
call it that, is playing through
time for it - six full images is
stering other 6502 platforms’
Dragon Age which I skipped
a pretty major undertaking.
back when it came out. I also
She has really mastered the
have my own RPG game en-
art pixeling within the C64’s
No, I don’t have the needed
gine that I occasionally work
limit of three colors per cell,
experience with Apple or Atari
on, largely as a fun sandbox
all while exploiting PAL color
hardware to do it, but my
for testing different ideas and
blending to create additional
hope is that by releasing the
hues, something that I don’t
source it can serve as a star-
think anyone else does without
ting point for people in other
resorting to software tricks like
Thanks for the interview!
FLI. Since she’s also a coder herself she also understands
Are you also involved in pro-
how to work with strange
ducing remastered editions on
restrictions such as those for
floppies and cartridges?
the virtue cards, where expla-
Virtue cards
ining them to someone who
I had some fun replicating and
The aim of the
isn’t a coder would have been
modifying the original labels
game is to acqu-
and handed out stickers for di-
ire the eight virtu-
sks and cartridges at Gubbda-
es that will make
ta, but not beyond that. With
our hero the spiritual leader of the world. The 8 cards presented here were crafted from scratch for the Remastered version by Mermaid.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Some people claim that the small things are the most beutiful. Could it be true?
have spent some time with
stronger with each level and
”Dungeon Crawl”, but after
looking out for keys to unlock
that I can not agree with the
some of the doors. It is a well
beforementioned statement. It
known classic approach to
is not a bad game, but there
a simple RPG. There has been
are a lot of things that keeps it
many more games of this kind,
far from perfection. The biggest
some better and some not
flaw is the micro size of this
worth mentioning. Why would
production. The three built-in
I bother to write anything abo-
stages are not enough to enjoy
ut ”Dungeon Crawl” if it does
the game for an hour. I hope
not even have a random dun-
that the author is working on
geon generator? The answer to
a extended edition or at least
this question is secret. Literally,
there will be a level editor.
there are some well hidden
After over a dozen minutes
secrets inside these undergro-
spent iwith this game I really
und corridors. Every single map
need more!
has a switch, some ilusory walls and beyond these you can find
What good could be found in
some waponry, a shield or just
a game that does not last for
a pack of enemies awaiting to
too long? To be honest – no-
be slain allowing you to earn
thing great and nothing new.
some more experience points.
Simple, clean graphics makes an impression that this is not
I believe that after release of
a big production, but only an
a level editor to ”Dungeon
excercise fo r a programmer.
Crawl” someone would create
The gameplay itself shows a dif-
a truly epic adventure. The
ferent side of this game. There
current version of the game
are small things showing that
offers a lot of space to build up
it is a deliberate creation and
some more interesting dunge-
these details have kept me
on levels. I hope, there will be
with a grin on my face in front
a bigger release founded upon
of my monitor. The gameplay
this little game. Small RPGs also
is exactly what the title states
have a fan base. Fellow scene
– a not-so-easy walk through
members – do not forget about
a dungeon. With each step we
discover static maps, battle ferocoius monsters getting
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
agree with opinion written
to admit that the graphical
by Bobikowoz, but there
part of the previews made an
are something worth turning
huge impression on me. This is
a blind eye to. I believe that
a place where I would like to
the author did not planned to
explain that TWW is a coder,
create a program of high value
not a graphic artist like Merma-
close to ”perfection”. I beli-
id. If he would, the ”Dungeon
ve it was meant to be just an
Crawl” would definitely look
ordinary, simple game. If I am
much better.
right, that would mean the the goal has been reached. Well,
All in all, although it is a small
I would also like to see some
game, it shouldn’t be totally
deeper levels. Do not lose
ignored. It reminded me of the
hope, that these will appear in
first half of the eighties, which
some exended version of this
is really good,for sentimental
little game.
players like me. I will be awaiting for another release cre-
The man behind ”Dungeon
ated by TWW. I wonder what is
Crawl” is a coder known as
he working on right now? The
TWW – a founder and a mem-
time will tell.
ber od a demo-goup ”Creators”. In august of 2009 he has
showed a preview of Shoot’em Up game called ”Armageddon
translated by Bobikowoz
Preview V2”. It was a sequel to ”Armageddon Preview” released back in 2003 by Mermaid (code, graphics, music) who is an ex-member of ”Creators”. Mermaid currently works with ”Genesis Project” and ”Vision”. To be honest, both of these productions are unplayable, because there is only a spaceship shown on a background with some additional sprites in ”V2”. The project is still in developement, but I have
Dungeon Crawl Graphics: Sound: Playability:
TWW, 2015
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Oh, those kittens! They climb the trees as high as they can and next they either can’t
Get The Cat Graphics: Sound: Playability:
get down or aretoo afraid to do so. However, sometimes they just like to sit among
Peter v. Woude, 2014
the branches and look at the world (their territory) from above. It’s best to wait and give them some time for themselves.
wonder if the author of GET THE CAT game
as it can finish terribly. Moreover, you are able
had or still has a cat that needs to get from
to jump over a brick on the ground but with the
the top of a tree? Or maybe it is just a coinci-
bigger number of those it becomes impossible.
dence that he created such a game? But surely
Luckily, there is a bonus brick that you can use to
the most important is the fact that this simple and
get yourself a level higher should a need to do
humble arcade game doesn’t let you put your
so occur, you just need to press ”fire”. You must
joystick or keyboard aside.
just remember that there is strictly one bonus brick per level. It is reassuring to know that when
GET THE CAT was released last year in June and
you lose your life you don’t lose your bonus brick.
it was created by a Dutch programmer Peter
Even if you use it during a stage and shortly
van der Woude. The execution is really simple as
afterwards you die, the brick will be returned to
it is a retro and old school production, similar to
you. The second bonus is an additional life which
that of early 80s productions. Due to this fact the
you get after finishing the 5th, 10th and 15th level,
game got a lot of positive comments on DENIAL
but again you can get only one bonus life and
– The Commodore Vic 20 Forum. ”A nice, small
no more. The difficulty level rises as the plant
game” are the words that can be seen most
you need to climb gets higher and higher.
often and I must admit that I agree with them
Additionally there is a red wall in the middle of
a stage which gets higher with each new level.
As I have mentioned before the main goal of
Although GET THE CAT is a really simple game it
the game is to get to a cat which is staying on
can attract a player for more than a few minutes.
the top ofsome plant. It doesn’t sound really
It is a kind of game that you would come back
interesting, does it? So, let’s add falling bricks. It
to every time you have a free moment... and to
can’t be a nice thing to get hit by one of those
think that I chose it before some more complex and better produced games.. Komek, translated by MA
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
SEUCK Compo 2015
ach of us has surely
SEUCK Compo is an event that
Twelve games were proposed
played at least one
doesn’t have to be introduced:
this year. A Polish group called
game created in SEUCK.
it’s an international, world-wide
Slavia, which I am the head
Shoot’em Up Construction Kit –
competition for games created
of, has sent two games for the
because that’s how this acro-
in SEUCK. A thing very impor-
competition, so my country
nym is expanded – came into
tant indeed for the Commodo-
also took part in SEUCK Com-
existence in 1987. Its gleam has
re world. ”SEUCK Compo has
po, to brag a bit. ;) The deadli-
not diminished until today be-
become a success” – that’s
ne for submitting projects – 1st
cause this user-friendly, intuitive
what the organiser of the com-
of January – was postponed
and easy to use program, ena-
petition, Richard Bayliss, writes
twice and was finally set for 7th
bles one to create interesting,
on his website. Each year a va-
of May. After a month of inter-
diverse and handy games. To
riety of new, interesting games,
net voting (I also took part in
have your very own game, you
appears – this time, it was no
it), the winner was announced
don’t even have to know any
– Anthony Stiller and his ”Abys-
programming language.
sonaut”. I let myself describe each of the submitted games, ranged by the place they got after the voting.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
SEUCK Compo 2015 Place 1 - 171 points
Place 2 - 158 points
Place 3 - 157 points
Anthony Stiller
Alf Yngwe
Judging by the number of
A surprising concept – even
When I played this game
downloads from csbd.dk, it’s
though it’s quite an everyday
for the first time, I thought it
a really successful game. It
shoot’em up, it has exceptio-
should win. The idea seems
was favoured from the very
nal sprites: our ship and other
cliché – fighting with an UFO.
beginning of the competi-
objects are really huge! Eve-
But who would fight the aliens
tion. But as far as it’s victory is
rything looks very interesting,
with a truck…? ”T-UFO” gives
concerned, I can’t say I agree
yet the gameplay is almost
us such a possibility. It’s not an
with the voters: I would not
non-existent. This makes me
easy game, but it’s very well
award it the first prize. For it
wonder why the game re-
made. I play it over and over
has one crucial drawback
ached the second prize. As
again, because I really took
– a limited gameplay. Never-
I mentioned, it’s a painfully
a liking to it.
theless, the graphics must be
typical shoot’em up. We have
appreciated – it was made
to steer a flying vehicle and try
very neatly, it’s smooth and
to destroy as many emenies as
top-notch. In ”Abyssonaut”
you have to travel though the sea abyss and fight creatures that dwell there.
SCREENSHOTS All screens were downloaded from the official Compo website: http:// tnd64.unikat.sk/Seuck_Compo_2015.html.
ANTHONY STILLER Abyssonaut is not the first game developed by this author. In 2014 his ”Sopwiths and Pterradons” was part of Reset’s coverdisk.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
SEUCK Compo 2015 Place 4 - 156 points
Place 6 - 134 points
Place 7 - 130 points
Alf Yngwe
In this game we play as a fun-
This game it not typical, be-
ny, moustached villain. We
It’s one of the games made
cause there is no shooting in
have to help him escape from
by my own group. It is inspi-
it. It’s a cycling game – we
a prison but to achieve that,
red by a best-selling novel by
play as a competitor in a bike
we have to overcome many
Graham Masterton, called
race, obliged to follow the
difficulties thanks to our agility,
”Manitou”. Old Indian mon-
rules of fair play. Unfortnately,
patience and… sausages.
sters come back from the
the game can be problema-
A very funny game indeed,
nether world and possess an
tic, it’s easy to lose the way
and very well made too. I can
abandoned hospital. We play
and even easier to acciden-
easily say it was my favourite
as a Native American shaman,
tally collide with another biker.
in the competition, a shame it
the only person able to fight
And that results in your death.
didn’t make it higher.
the evil spirits. It may also be
Playing ”META14” really made
played by two people. ”Sha-
me want to shoot’em all up…
mai” reached a fairly high
I think can say that the 7th
Wile Coyote
position for a debut game. It’s
place in the ranking is truly
not our last word! ;)
Place 5 - 141 points
Place 8 - 116 points
We have to fight the enemies as a special forces ranger.
Tommy Nine
Shoot’em Up Construction Kit was first released in 1987. It was developed by Sensible Software and published by Palace Software.
Graphics are not bad but as a matter of fact, a bit indistinct. I don’t know if it’s because of my color-blind-
Typical, space shoot’em up.
ness but for me, some objects
The game is not standing out
blend into the surroundings. In
but it surely has really nice
spite of that, it’s quite nice to
play it.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
SEUCK Compo 2015 Place 9 - 113 points
Place 10 - 99 points
Place 11 - 87 points
Another game made by my
It may seem that everything
It’s a common racing game.
group. It is inspired by the se-
has already been invented
To be honest, I am not sur-
cond generation games, that
and you cannot think of any-
prised by its position in the
is those when Atari 2600 was
thing original. This statement is
ranking. Even though the
on the top. Initially, I wanted
debunked by ”Scoff” – in this
graphics are somewhat funny,
to call the game ”The First
game we play a funny little
they are – as seems to me –
Ninja”, to refer to the style and
creature called Chomp. Our
not top quality. Apart from
title of the cult ”The Last Ninja”
task is to eat all the sweets
that, the creator didn’t even
but in the end, the ocean
that appear on screen. And
make the effort to change
scenery won. In the game
it can be played forever, until
sound effects. Steering is also
we play as a ninja and fight
we are bored of it because it
not the best (on the other
evil – obviously. Not easy but,
has no end. Unfortunately the
hand, you cannot demand
I hope, quite pleasant.
game has one fundamental
much from SEUCK here) and
mistake – each new level so-
enemy vehicles move around
mehow starts twice. But apart
on totally unrealistic paths,
from that the game is full of
not to mention that there is
positive energy and I don’t
no crash when they hit our
agree with its low position in
the contest.
The game ”Payback Time” (author: Canzha Lahgher) was disqualified because it didn’t meet the competition terms (probably plagiarism), therefore I will restrain myself from evaluating it. I congratulate the creators of the winning games, even though I don’t agree with all the judges’ choices but after all, I am not in the jury. Anyway, the Commodore 64 world can be happy to have been enriched by a group of games competing in SEUCK Compo 2015. Richard already announced Sideways SEUCK Compo, that is going to begin in September, this year. Minimoog Translated by Karo
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Game opponents often use
What difficult can there be in
the argument that games
moving some blocks around
don’t help you develop, that
according to rules of physics
they do not bring anything
and matching them together
new to your life. In case of
into pairs? The rules of the
”Puzznic” this argument is
game can be summarized in
completely invalid. After play-
one sentence and don’t seem
ing this logical-arcade game,
complicated. Blocks matched
it is hard not to feel the power
into pairs or threes disappear
of your mind growing.
and when all of them do, the level is cleared.
First, a couple of technical and historical matters to settle.
Let us not be fooled by what
The game was created in
is on the surface. Our fun-
1989. At first, it was meant only
damental enemies here are
for users of Nintendo consoles
time and hasty decisions.
but its versions for different
The less time there is left, the
platforms (such as Amstrad
less points we will get. The
CPC, ZX Spectrum, Game Boy
higher the level, the less time
and C64) were quickly deve-
we have. And the number of
loped. It achieved unquestio-
blocks doesn’t decrease with
nable success, the proof of
each level... it grows! The pro-
which is its 34th position in the
blems start already from the
”Amiga Power” ranking of the
third level. Moving segments,
best games of all time.
complicated arrangement of the blocks – it’s easy to make
Puzznic Platforms: C64, Amiga Graphics:
Unaware of its position in
a mistake, therefore to be
the world of entertainment,
successful, you have to think
I launched ”Puzznic” from one
hard! Even though I have said
of the floppy discs from my
only a little about the game,
collection which had a label
everything will become clear
telling it was supposed to
as you start playing it. Some-
contain a completely different
times, to say enough doesn’t
game. I quickly fell in love
necessarily means to say a lot
with the game and I have
and no words can replace the
been playing it over and over
fun a game can give and de-
again since then. It would be
scribe how fast the time flows
iPhone Puzznic
a shame if I didn’t write a co-
when you enjoy ”Puzznic”.
In 2009 there was an
uple of paragraphs about it.
Worth it!
iPhone remake cre-
Playability: Taito/Ocean, 1990
ated and released
At first, the game seems easy, especially at initial levels.
as ”Gem Panic”.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
e can write a lot of
”PS Spolem” logo in a milk bar
The game is not so recent
stories about old,
is a memory that will not be re-
because it was released for
used ideas in com-
placed by kebabs, pizzas and
Linux in 2006, but the Aros and
puter games. A lot of them
hamburgers. The same thing
Amiga users can play it since
were actually written. What
happens with the computer
not so long.
we do in our editorial staff, is
games. There are people in
using those old ideas. Why
this business that use those
these ideas are still fashiona-
old, good ideas with a good
The main protagonist of this
ble, when nowadays when
effect, regardless of the fact
game is Hanna, who asks
the generation which grew up
if it is a cooking receipt or an
us – the players for help for
during 80ties and 90ties and
idea for a game. Unfortunate-
her pony Jasmine ( I think it is
began to get old, still remem-
ly, they are the minority. Con-
a mare)…. We are interrup-
bers with the sentimentalism
temporary rat race and the
ted by the spirits of the dead
these old ideas?
lack of basic values, shittiness
jockeys (they died during the
and helter skelter causes that,
races…I think so at least, poor
in most cases, old ideas are
jockeys, I laughed really hard,
not that good…
if this was the intention of the
That’s why our Polish cutlet with potatoes and cabbage
author that was really good).
served on a white platter with
And it begins. We control Staying in the area of
Hanna, just like in Pac Man,
old, used ideas and
we gather what we can, small
the games for our
balls, colorful pills, and when
children, I would like
we can we eat the souls of
to show you a game
poor, deceased jockeys and
that isn’t complete-
we go further, closer and
ly for young players
closer to our beloved horse…..
even though the plot
I mean mare, called Jasmine.
is associated with Pony fairytales. I saw a lot of old ideas: chess, tetris,
Aros and AOS4.x administra-
but the renewed Pac
tors were not unanimous in
Man in country style
declaring the purpose of the
not yet.
game. The former considered ”Help Hanna’s Horse” as a boardgame for children, and the
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Pac-Man’s Story
latter as an arcade game.
AmigaOS4.x tried to play it
I think that both are right.
and classified it as an arcade game just like I do (and not children game just like these
This game, from the point
from Aros). And our children
of graphics as it is usual for
will deal with it, when they will
children game, is done very
be older, but then they will use
good. The graphics is colorful
Facebook and other things
and neat. The characters and
and will not want to play with
the levels are drawn nicely.
their dad on the old compu-
Either way, we can see that it
ter. ”Carpe diem”, when you
is a game for young players.
have young children, because then it will be too late.
The ears of the player are caressed by a nice set of sounds. The samples, effects and the Don Rafito
main module which is probably taken from ”Bonanza”.
Translated by Slayerpl
Either way, Wild West…
When I see the faces of some of our children trying to play ”HHH”, I think about a set of words uttered by my child during playing. And the regret: ”What did you give to me, dad????!!!!” I thought that I will destroy my keyboard.
Help Hannah’s Horse Platform: Aros, AOS4.x Graphics: Sound: Playability:
”Pac-Man” has its’ roots in Japan. It was created in 1980 by Namco and it was made originally for arcade machines. Then it was converted to other platforms, also the video game consoles and personal computers (Atari 2600, C64, Sega, Nes, Gameboy etc). The original name of this arcade game was ”Pakku-man” which inspired by the phrase that can be translated as ”eating while rattling with the mouth”. The evolution of the title stopped on the expression ”Puck Man”. Unfortunately, because of the association with a vulgar expression ”fuck” this name was not accepted in English speaking countries and the name became ”Pac-Man”. Nowadays ”Pac-Man” is not only a game but a brand on basis of which different conversions, clones, remakes, movies and fairy tales appear. And the newest varieties of this game are closer to 3D platform games than the classic board-strategic version.
”Help Hanna’s Horse” resembles at first look a game for
yottskry, 2006-2013
the children, but people from
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
NUCLEAR CHESS There are three kinds of truths:
Truth – Chess. It is, as they say,
ones issued by the huge com-
for Linux and Android, are
panies and ones written by
sooner or later converted to
the amateur programmers.
other unix systems, including
the queen of board, strate-
the mentioned above Amigas
gic and logical games. It was
The whole truth – AmigaOS
and the classic AmigaOS. But
also, as one of the first, intro-
from the classic line, as we all
this is good news. Thanks to
duced to the world of prede-
know, is a part of a big unix
the authors of the conversions,
cessors of current IT: vacuum
family. This involves all the issu-
who spend their free time
tubes - to put it simple, it was
es of Linux, as well as Android.
and compile the software for
introduced to the first compu-
Contemporary amiga systems
the average user. Moreover,
ters which were so huge that
such as Aros, AOS 4x and Mor-
in most cases it is a freeware
they needed several rooms of
phOS are also unix operating
software, GLP or opensour-
an average house to contain
ce issued for the proverbial
them. There appeared literally thousands of types of chess
What I wanted to say…
for all the platforms, commer-
I noticed a regularity: a lot of
The third truth, I won’t call it,
cial and non-commercial:
software, mainly the games
and who makes these stupid
Man vs Computer First ever computer application used to play chess vs human was released in 1956. Coauthor of this program was Stanislaw Ulam. A basic algorithmic device, the function of a value of position was introduced by the father of IT – Claude Shannon. Gradually, chess computer apps began to get smarter than an average human player, but eventually, in 1996, Garri Kasparov has defeated IBM computer Deep Blue. However, one year later, the computer defeated the world famous chess player in a rematch, showing in this way the superiority of technology over the human in the board-logical-strategic games.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
sayings…. When I launched
if we let something play in
forget about everyday life.
”Nuclear Chess” first time
the background, for example
And when we increase dif-
– I thought to myself ”Mine-
mp3. On the other hand…. It
ficulty level to NUCLEAR we
sweeper”. But it is not the
can be an advantage that
will see that we forget about
Minesweeper, known from
the game is ”silent”. Chess
our important tasks and ... just
Windows system but chess.
aficionados will not be disco-
What is peculiar about this
uraged by it because nothing
game? Nuclear level of diffi-
brings the level of concentra-
The only option that the afo-
culty and it has no connection
tion higher than…. silence.
rementioned title lacks is an
with atomic physics. When we
ability to play with another
begin playing Nuclear Chess,
As far as entertaining ability is
living (human) player. But...
during first 5 times we play,
concerned, I will say that you
maybe it will be better to play
we are defeated in 3-5 moves
either like chess or not. The-
chess with a living opponent
by the computer. Just like in
refore I will take into conside-
traditional way and not on the
Minesweeper revealing the
ration people that like chess.
screen of a computer?
field without mines will show us
The game uses more or less
a half of the level, in Nuclear Chess removing our pawn will also cause a removal of all the neighboring pawns. The gameplay is not one of the easiest and often we have to think really hard over our next move, because when we make a wrong move, all the adjacent chessman are in danger. What if the neighboring piece is the king? Mate, even without the chess. This small programme, before it will discourage us and show us how poor we can play chess, proposes a couple of settings, for instance level of
interesting and original solu-
difficulty, or if we want to be-
tions in case of gameplay and
gin with the other color, and
the way of defeating your
an interesting option –mixing
opponent. It requires a lot of
the chess pieces.
concentration and thinking
Don Rafito Translated by Slayerpl
when making moves. We Graphically, Nuclear Chess,
have 9 fields to defend and
as a boardgame, looks really
not only one. Even though
good. The graphics is really
I am not a great chess player
neat and nice looking. The
and I associate the game with
colors of the game refer to
my grandfather and wooden
the classic solutions known
chess pieces from the childho-
from the boardgames such as
od, thanks to contemporary
technical innovations, used also in amiga systems, the
As far as sound is concerned,
game provides a distraction
I won’t talk about this even
for our thoughts and lets us
Nuclear Chess Plat: mk68, Aros, MOS, AOS4.x Graphics: Sound:
Playability: Harald Bartel, 2013
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
As old Chinese adage says, a student without a rifle is like a soldier without an E, or something like this……..Either way I can’t imagine Amiga without this saga, because it is hard to call it the series, so I do not see Amiga without an ”Alien Breed” saga. And I think that 90 percent of the present, active or former Amiga users know it. The fact that Team 17 went
the stores of the Biedron-
and I will not change it for
to the other side, does not
ka chain) But it has to be
a long time), they will also
surprise anyone. Sorry, the
a commercial port with all
have a version for PC. And
situation is different. Too
the games on the disc, and
they will connect the game
bad that they did not try to
how it is nowadays that the
to the port and say: ”okay,
talk to Aros, AmigaOS 4. or
contemporary Amiga user
this is how the game works,
MorphOS developers and
has to buy a full version (not
but I finished it 3 times al-
launch a commercial port to
for Amiga), and then buy the
ready on the PC” and they
these systems (I’m not talking
will launch Lotus/Super Frog/ Cannon Fodder (for exam-
about a game written from the beginning for PPC and
I made a lot of stories. You
ple on WinUAE, greetings to
PowerUP, he he, I laughed
have to answer this question
Tony). And why? Because
at this). We have to take
yourself. Even though I think
the contemporary games,
into account the fact that
that such port will one day
however processor cores
the game code one day will
emerge and the majority of
they have and the newest
be revealed or/there will be
Amiga users, which becau-
graphics card they require,
one affluent person from the
se of world standards have
normally, they do not have
amiga scene that will buy
PC in their homes with WIN
the atmosphere of the old
it. The port will be created
7-8.x (I have XP, I admit it
games. The atmosphere of
(even commercial one, on the DVD disk with the complete game), for AOS 4.x/ Aros/MorpOS. But OK, even if… how much contemporary Amiga user would be able to pay for the game, which in the store version, for PC’s or video game consoles (Xbox, PS3), costs ranging from above hundred zl to 60-100 zl ?(I encounter sometimes the cheapest price when I visit
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
the generation growing up in
tric projection.
the 80ties and 90ties.
If the Team 17, instead of the
OK, but what is all the com-
described rele-
motion about in this article?
ase, released
It is about a contemporary
full blown FPS
remake of the famous series
as the sequel
mentioned during the intro-
of ”Alien Breed
duction - ”Alien Breed” (did
3D 2: TKG”, we
I write series?).
could worry about the fu-
The aforementioned Team
ture of ”Aliens:
17 wanted to continue its’
Colonial Mari-
success from the past and
nes”, issued by SEGA in 2013.
supposed to show what will happen to us.
release a refreshed version of its’ cult series, inspired by the
Let’s come back to our origi-
movies with Mrs. Lieutentant
nal game.
Generally, we are supposed to escape the ship, survi-
Ripley as the main character. But does their intention suc-
We are a scientific engineer
ve and blow it up together
ceeded and brought great
named Conrad, who travels
with all the hordes of aliens.
income? I doubt it.
on a spaceship Leopold. The
But the crashing spaceship
ship crashes, the aliens begin
leaves a lot of surprises for
OK, it is time to go into the
to appear on the deck, and
the player. Damaged and
our mission is supported by
burning passages, gassed
only one person, not even
chambers, not working con-
”Alien Breed Trilogy” includes
a human, but friendly andro-
trol systems, locked doors, in
three titles issued between
id woman (we remember the
one word complete chaos.
2009 and 2010. In the be-
movie Cyborg 2 Glass Sha-
And be smart and do so-
ginning the first part was
dow with Angelina Jolie as
mething about it (another
available for the XBOX 360
main actress). Our protago-
day in the office). We have
Live. In the end the release
nist does not resemble a typi-
to find something, switch
appeared on the store’s
cal student from a university
something, open or close
shelves with a version for PC
unless after the lectures he
something. We are helped in
users, PS3 and aforementio-
went to the gym and student
these actions by the radar,
ned XBOX in a trilogy which
shooting range, the effect of
which not only shows us the
includes three parts of the
that is an enormous muscle-
movement of the aliens in
game, and every one of
head with a huge weapon
the closest neighborhood, it
them was a continuation of
in his hand, who is not afraid
also shows where we have to
the former. So in set there
of a biggest infestation that
go, the objective of a given
are: ”Evolution”( which after
happens on
converting to PC received
the ship which
title ”Impact”), ”Assault” and
is crashing.
The plot of the game is deve-
The whole series was develo-
loping during
ped on an engine of ”Unreal
the gameplay,
Tournament 3”. The type
just like in the
of gameplay was changed
classic version,
from the above view to some
through comics
kind of hybrid: the combina-
cut scenes with
tion of TPP and the moving
short dialogu-
view in the 360 in the isome-
es, which are
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
part of a level. We can also
pression with their appearan-
times going through dark,
see a complete map of the
ce, we lack something in
claustrophobic halls, only
whole area to see where the
comparison with the original.
with our flashlight, can cause
heck we are. Of course, our
They have a lot in common
us to tremble. Interesting is
radar warns us about all the
with the movie ”Arachno-
the fact that some of the
dangers through the well-
phobia”, resembling over-
areas, where the game takes
-known squeaking from the
grown spiders. And there are
place, are located outsi-
a couple of types of them,
de the ship. Special effects
beginning with the type that
transport the player into the
Traditionally, just like In the
goes at us with their limbs
crashing ship full of aliens.
predecessor, there is an
and chelicerae to devour us
But as I mentioned above…
option of the terminal, where
and ending with these that
I think that FPS would be way
we can buy equipment,
attack from the distance and
weapons or save the game,
blow fire or other weapon
which is a novelty in compa-
built in their body. From time
Even though the soundtrack
rison to the original game.
to time we meet on the end
is not a mix of fine-tuned
But maaan… get there... In
of a level a boss and then
samples and modules, it is a,
the meantime we can frisk
things get interesting. And
as it is the case with contem-
through the cupboards, po-
the closest to original mon-
porary games, a gathering of
ckets of the killed crew mem-
sters are the young ones, as
realistically sounding audio
bers. Either way, you can find
far as the appearance or the
effects and music. And this
something. And it is worth to
way of attacking victims or
music and audio effects,
look for something. From the
their genesis is concerned.
together with the graphics,
small weapons to the huge
Worth mentioning is also way
animation and the plot, ne-
guns, ending on the flame-
of appearing of the enemies,
eds to complement the other
throwers and the armors.
which, just like in the classic
elements. I think that even
I would have forgotten… first
saga, come from the wo-
though the combination of
aid kits, money, keys etc.
these elements in this game is really good and it works
If we begin to fight aga-
Isometric projection and
really well together with the
inst our opponents, we will
TPP, joined with the ”Unre-
action, increasing the feeling
quickly see that something is
al Tournament 3”engine,
of excitement, the game
wrong. If there appeared Xe-
as I mentioned above, is
did not make such a huge
nomorphs in this saga familiar
a pretty interesting solution.
impression on me.
from the movies with Ripley,
As far as the graphics is
in the presented series they
concerned the game is done
Amiga’s ”Alien Breed” does
do not appear. Even tho-
pretty good. Good looking
not have equals in its’ gen-
ugh the opponents are very
corridors, precise graphics
re. The plot, the graphics,
clever and they make an im-
arts and animations. Some-
the sound... From time to time I return to these games. I played remake once….. I think that’s enough for now. Someone can say that I’m picky, that the game is great and in comparison to the predecessor is awesome. Yeah, it’s awesome. But when I evaluate a game, I look at it according to the current standards. And when I look at this game in such a way I will say that ”Alien
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Breed Trilogy” is worth playing because it is a good, even though average release. Thank you for the attention.
Don Rafito Translated by Slayerpl
ALIEN BREED TRILOGY Graphics: Sound: Playability: Team17, 2009-2010
Isometric projection Isometric projection used in games is not such a new invention. An attempt to show the 3D on a surface is one of the types of parallel projection. It is characterized by the fact that the angle between all the projected axes is the same which causes that every axis is equally shortened as far as perspective is concerned. Isometric projection was used and still is used in many computer games to create an impression that the level is three-dimensional. Sometimes the level is rotated around its’ own axis in relation to the player, in such a situation we can say that the isometric projection is 360°. One of the first games, where this was used, were: Last Ninja”, ”Spindizzy”, ”Nightshade”, ”Fairlight”, ”Heimdall”, ”Darkmere: The Nightmare’s Begun”.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
or a couple of years zombie tales gets more and more popular. The success behind this attraction has been created mainly by ”The Walking Dead” franchise. Robert Kirkman couldn’t suspect that the comic book series he created a few years back will be successful as it currently is. His creation not only resurrected the zombie genre but also has been adapted as a TV series, a novelization and a couple of video games. One step at a time, without any rush the undead has come to the retro-zone as well.
Short Zombie Survival Guide 1) Zombies appear much less frequently on paths and in military controlled areas 2) When you collect lesser weapon you automatically drop the better piece 3) Think about your skills with helicopter navigation
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Hardworking director
my opinion advice disap-
to know how to use anything
pointment. Implementation
but their fists and they always
Baron Ashler also known as
of a simple code to transfer
attack only once a round.
Kabuto Factory created
health or a at least weaponry
Acquiring the best weapon
a multiplatform production
would be a great solution.
can give sense of serenity,
called ”Zombi Terror”. List of hardware on which the game
but before that - you need Zombi eatz yur brain
has been released is quite a long one:
to get the the correct place. Keep in mind that there are
The game is described by the
a few boss-zombies. It’s no
author as an adventure type,
secret that they are hiding in
Spectrum, C64, MSX, ZX81, PC
but I can not agree with that
the most important places on
Windows and Sega Mega-
statement. In both episodes
map, and that they know how
drive. There is a free version
we have to find out how to
to efficiently drain our health.
of the software for each of
get away from the un-dead.
these platforms and for some
To achieve this goal we need
of these there is also a chan-
to explore the territory and use
ce to buy a physical copy
items found during the travel.
for a small fee. (link: http://
It sounds like an adventure
game, but most of the items
are weapons, and right after
picking up the only non-lethal
todas-las-versiones). I find
item information shows up on
it interesting, that Ashler
screen telling us where to use
doesn’t mention any of the
it. In my opinion ”Zombi Terror”
new cultural creations among
fits much better to the survival
his inspirations. List of movies
horror genre. During the first
that directly influenced his
couple playthroughs when
latest game consists of ”Zom-
the land is a unknown it is
bi” directed by Lucio Fulci in
really hard to achieve any-
1979 as well as ”Dawn of the
thing. Zombie shows up almost
dead” - one year older film
everywhere, and before we
from George Romero. There
find the quite safe path, a lot
is only one good word for this
of times the ”You are dead”
set: ”Classic”, obviously with
screen will show up.
a capital ‚C’. Each time when the undead Maybe it’s because of the
crosses our path, the game
hardware limitations or it could
asks whether we want to run
be just the current trend - the
away or engage in an uneven
reason is not clear, but the
fight. Choosing the first option
game has been divided into
means that automatically
two parts. Each one of these
we lose some life points. The
consists of one hundred loca-
amount of received wounds
tions. Many of them are repet-
is pre-defined in this case.
itive but not to the point it gets
If we stand to battle almost
boring. A friendly advice: it’s
everything is random. The only
necessary to know the ending
thing we can control is the
of the first episode to succeed
amount of strikes we can do
in the latter. This kind of con-
during each round. Number of
nection without any possibility
hits is tied to the weapon we
to import my character from
are using. The zombie horde is
one part the the other is in
fortunately not smart enough
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
No mercy Limited amount of first aid kits combined with a permanent life threat creates a genuine atmosphere of danger, hopelessness and fear. As mentioned before the unknown land can lead to a situation in which all of our life points can be depleted in a few careless steps. Unfortunately there are two sides to every coin. The fights are played is
Survival map
a really slow motion. Waiting
the test during the subsequent
for a screen update takes so
trials to escape the infected
much time that it can take
zone. I have got engaged
the fun out of this game. After
with ”Zombie Terror” so much
a few unsuccessful excursions
that I have created a detailed
it is really irritating that these
map of both areas. The game
screens cannot be accelera-
should be too hard with it, but
ted. The only solution I have
if it would, read my advice
The review you have just read
found is to warp the speed of
below and do not get bitten
is about the original version of
the emulator.
too hard.
the game (http://csdb.dk/re-
The exploration of dangerous locations hooked me up so much, that I decided to check up every single peace of the terrain and prepare a good to go map.
lease/?id=136318). On our coDespite of the randomness
ver disk you will find an exclusi-
the game lacks in replayability
ve version, created especially
after first successful escape. In
for you. We have updated the
both episodes the road to vic-
graphics and added a sound-
tory is tough, but I recommend
track, but that is not all. We
to give it a try. Take your survi-
have added some in-game
val instinct and strong will to
improvements like auto-map, statistics and a possibility to import your progress from part one to the second. If you think you know the game really well, you can still play again and search for couple of new locations, a new devastating weapon available at the mall and something special for… armageddon fans? You have to check it out!
Zombi Terror Graphics: Sound: None Playability: Kabuto Factory, 2015
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Zombi Terror (2014)
Baron Ashler Manuel Gomez – a musician, developer and founder of Kabuto Factory group, better known as Baron Ashler. His game development skills are progressing with every single project he releases. He’s not afraid of challenges and his games are simultaneusly developed for multiple gaming platforms.
Bobikowoz: Hello. When I heard
to code for my next game, and
a few items to use. Is that a part
about your latest game ”Zom-
that was the idea of doing an
of the ”light and easy” plan?
bi Terror” I was stunned by the
adventure game of this kind...
number of platforms it has been
and I spent another 4 months
Oh! When I said ”light” and
released for. What is the idea
in development of such ”light”
”easy”, I meant just for me,
behind this retro multi-platform
game! LOL
not for the player (LOL)... Well,
coding an adventure game The other remembrance
like this (let’s say a kind of ”text”
Baron Ashler: Hello Łukasz,
concerns the thematic of the
adventure) is easier to make
thanks to you and to Komoda &
game. I’ve always been a fan
rather than an action or puzzle
Amiga guys for bringing me the
of horror and sci-fi movies (I love
game, cause there aren’t any
opportunity to talk about my
cinema in general), specially of
moving elements on the screen,
games and give them to know
those ”exploitations” films that
so you save to program ene-
to the public.
came from Italy and I though:
mies’ courses, IA, collisions and
”Well, Ocean released big
all this stuff. If you look ”Zombi
The origin of Zombi Terror is the
licenses like Batman or Robo-
Terror” carefully, its mechanic
confluence of two remembran-
cop, why don’t get into the
is extremely simple and there’s
ces from my childhood. The first
”dark side” with those trash
no a really big map or many
one concerns the genre of the
films LOL”... seriously... today,
actions to do, so I thought it
game itself, which is a sort of
many people have got ”linked”
would be nice to cover its lacks
update of those ”Choose your
hobbies (videogames, cinema,
introducing a kind of ”fighting
own adventure” books that
comic books...) and I though
system” similar to the board-
were very popular here in Spain
it would be funny to see how
-RPG games, by rolling dices,
on the 80s... I’ll really love them
many people catch the joke.
which makes the game more
cause they were very simple to
difficult to complete due to his
play but terribly addictive due
randomness. It may even have
to their narrative and their very
certain ”real-life” logic, cause in
accurate background. When
I believe that the names of
a zombie attack, the best thing
I finished ”Knights & Demons
bosses are easily recognizable
you can do to survive is to avoid
DX” on summer 2013 (I’d been
for people interested in classic
any confrontation, so in the
working together with Einar
gore films. I find your game
game, the best option in most
Saukas for about 4 months in
as a survival horror, not as an
of cases is to escape.
the making), I needed some-
adventure game. There are a lot
thing more ”light” and ”easy”
of opportunities to die and just
And about the classic gore refe-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
rences, not only the names of
the player state in part one and
bosses... the background story,
recovering for the second part.
the locations (that are very
In the Mega Drive version, both
I did some homework and have
common in this type of movies),
parts was included in the same
checked the other Kabuto Fac-
the graphics (that were drawn
source, so there was no pro-
tory games for Commodore 64.
as ”cinemascope” shots), the
blem to maintain these values
It seems like you do not have
soundtrack (that remembers the
from one part to the other...
a favourite genre, as the is an
work of musicians who compo-
I was so busy learning and trying
Arkanoid clone, some pinball
sed for these films, like Goblin or
to make a full working version
tables and a logical game. It
Fabio Frizzi)... the whole game
that I didn’t realize about this
makes me wonder, what kind of
is an homage to these movies
advantage ^_^
games do you prefer to play?
and, even, it can be ”meta played” by fans of these films
As player, I like shoot’em up
trying to guess what or who is referred on the game.
and old-school racing games The game is available for a free
about all, but I haven’t a favo-
download but there are also
urite kind of game. It’s true I use
a few special editions. The pho-
to play these kinds of games
tos from your fans on facebook
cause they’re fast to play and
In my opinion escape is good
and twitter show a really pretty
don’t take so much of my free
only until you get a chainsaw.
product expanding the before
time (that I mostly use for deve-
And that particular weapon co-
mentioned ”exploitations” hor-
lopment), but I love RPG and
mes with an uncomfortable qu-
ror experience. Could you tell
adventure games too... when
estion: why there is no possibility
us something about the physical
a game is well done, with heart,
to transfer the character and
and It’s fun to play, the genre
the collected equipment from part one to the second? (This
The idea of a ”VHS style” for the
issue have been resolved in the
physical version of the game
extended edition available on
was in mind from its conception
As developer, I haven’t a fa-
our cover disk - editors note)
itself. I thought that the best
vourite kind of game for the
get it when you start to play.
appearance for a game that
moment cause I’m still a newbie
Good question ;) The main re-
pays tribute to the video shop
as game programmer. I use to
ason why you cannot save your
era is to make it look like an old
change of genre in every game
weapon and health state from
school video release. First phy-
because I learn a lot of new
first part to the second one is re-
sical versions for Spectrum, PC
things (and their implementa-
lated to the conception of the
and Mega CD weren’t made in
tions for different systems) and
game itself, cause I use to start
this way, but the (unexpected)
this helps me to try different
coding in one system and then,
possibility to release a print in
kind of genres, but it’s true that
when almost finished, port it to
cartridge for Mega Drive makes
I recently feel more comfortable
other platforms. Usually, when
me turn back to this idea. All
with puzzle games and adven-
I create a new game, my first
Kabuto Factory’s games are
tures :)
version is always for Spectrum.
free for download, now and
Its Basic is like a native langu-
ever, so I have always in mind
age for me when I have to or-
that physical editions should
ganise and write code. I use this
not be expensive for those who
I completely understand the
as a source to be translated to
want to have a copy of our
love to good RPG games and
other machines. But Speccy is li-
games in their libraries... cheap
the fact that the can take a lot
mited in memory and this game
but making the packaging and
of time. Did you have a chan-
had to be cut in two parts (ma-
presentation as beautiful and
ce to check any of games
inly due to grahpic screens), to
well finished as possible :)
from the Witcher series? These
be loaded independently, so it’s
are considered as one of the
complicated (at least for me)
best games created in Poland.
to code the possibility of saving
doesn’t matter at last... you for-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
I didn’t know that the creators of Witcher series were polish, but it doesn’t surprise me: Po-
Hand notes
land is home of great coders
Baron Ashler shared his per-
and have strong groups in the
sonal hand notes that were
demoscene. I think there’s no-
created and used during
wadays a kind of creative crisis
the development process.
in the mainstream videogame industry, and majors seems to have an eye in the indie scene, looking for fresh ideas and new talents... maybe, it’s possible we are getting back to the times of small developing groups where games were created with talent rather than big budgets... who knows :P Thank you for your time. Bobikowoz
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
ome time ago one of the
we still have hope. He gives
uniform and we avoid every-
well-known computer
us the loaded pistol, which he
thing that moves.
magazines, in a review
obtained in a suspect circum-
of Bloodrayne, wrote that
stances and we are forced to
Everything that moves is indi-
you cannot fall in love with
end conversation with him. Of
cated by the symbols which
a sexy vampire girl who also
course, it cannot be too easy
do not bring good associa-
kills Nazis. Just like in the Castle
and we get to know that there
tions. Our enemies (which is
of Wolfenstein, but there is no
are very important plans con-
a new thing in the games) do
vampire girl ;). Nonetheless,
cerning operation Rheingold
not move only from point A to
this doesn’t show the peculiari-
somewhere in the castle which
point B and back. When they
ty of the game. I think that this
we have to get before leaving
see or hear us they move in
game was a pioneer. Maybe
the castle.
our direction to apprehend us
not in the sense of the gra-
phics, but in the times when
while screaming in German. We can escape them or kill them, they can also surrender
the disk space was limited, you couldn’t have everything.
We move in the system
when they see weapons. In
This game was a precursor to
one screen= one room. The
the last two circumstances
all the shooter games, which
interesting fact is that the
it is an interesting solution
era began 20 years later. I wo-
arrangement of rooms in
because we can take every-
n’t mention the whole series
the castle of Wolfenstein is
thing that they have, mainly
of Captain Blaskowicz adven-
generated randomly. Every
munitions or keys. We can
room has one exit. Someti-
also deceive them. When we
mes there are also stairs to
find the uniform, the guards
the floor below. There are
will not react at our presen-
5 floors. In the beginning
ce. Of course, to make things
we are dressed in a prison
more difficult, there are some
What is it about? We arrive at the castle of Wolfenstein. The man, with whom we are together in a cell, says that this place is used to interrogate Allied soldiers and when they get the information they remove
the interrogated. Only in one
Game was awarded in 1983 by Electronic Games Magazine.
way. Our companion doesn’t have a lot of time because he was interrogated and soon they will come for him, but
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
difficult opponents wandering
drink it we receive a message
used that will cause that after
through the castle who are
at the bottom of the screen
finishing game one time, we
indicated by two sig runes.
that says HIC!. In one of the
want to do it again. The first
These guys are difficult to kill
chests we can find the thing
and will not fall on the uniform
that we are looking for – the
we escape with the plans, we
trick and they are chasing us
plans. We can escape without the plans, but we will not rece-
are killed or blocked. The only
ive a promotion.
In Bayern, Germany, there is actually a rock formation called Wolfenstein.
will receive a promotion and
through the rooms before they upside is that we can take their bulletproof vest. This way
we receive symbol worn by
thing is a promotion system. If
the next time the game will be more difficult. There are 7 seven degrees, from a private to a general. There are also treasures to find and different
them but this doesn’t help us
As I wrote earlier, you can-
reactions, so no one stops
in anything. There are chests in
not have everything. The
playing after one time ;)
some of the rooms. When we
graphics is a weakest point
open them, a counter appe-
of the game. The walls are
ars which informs us how much
visible from the top, and the
time is needed to perform
characters are placed on it
this operation. Sometimes it
and to move you would have
takes so long that we can go
to crawl. When I was a child,
do something else. We can
I drew like this. The game was
use also a pistol, but I do not
developed in the times when
advise to shoot at the chests
the entertaining ability was
in which something explosive
the most important and this
such as munitions, grenades
game is really playable even
or completely useless cannon-
though the gameplay is a little
ball is placed. The medals are
c00k Translated by Slayerpl
also useless but at least they do not blow up. Sauerkraut
I won’t write if the game is
or a breadroll with a sausage
difficult or not, because it is
don’t influence the game too
C64 so it is obvious that it is
much, but when we eat it we
difficult. The innovative game-
receive information at the
play causes that you can get
bottom of the screen. There
pleasure from playing. After
two possibilities – it is tasty or it
some time, we would proba-
is not. We can also find liquor,
bly get bored with the game,
vodka or a plonk, after we
but a couple of tricks were
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
When the silver shining moon casts a spell upon my soul, I’ll stand up from the bed obediently in the pitch-black night I will go.
hat is a somnambulism and what are the symptoms knows everyone, but who has experienced this? I, personally, didn’t. I remember one situation which took place long time ago, when I was a young boy. During one night, my little bit older sister rose from the bed and she left the room while dragging the bed cover. Now, when I write about this, I have a smile on my face but back then I was simply scared. However a situation like this happened to me a couple of times when I was 100 percent sure that I woke up. Everything was so real when suddenly…. I finally woke up. That is really interesting what happens to our organism when we sleep but it is a real long topic…. I think we would
not have enough place in our magazine to properly explain this.
THERE ARE TWO OF THEM! I mentioned sleepwalking not without a reason because in the next part of the text I will describe to you two games in which there are sleepwalkers completely away from the reality. Both releases have the same title that is Sleepwalker which causes that you can mistake one for another. If that is not enough, we have the same rules in both games, we are supposed to remove the obstacles, which the oblivious somnambulist can encounter on its’ way. Caring for the sleeping wanderer is the only objective of the player which however is not so easy to fulfill. The first of the ”sleepwalkers” appeared in
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
1991, issued by the British company Zeppelin Games, which is currently operating under the name Eutechnyx. The second game was issued because of actions of Ocean Software LTD. Even thought the games are so similar, they are different as far as construction is concerned.Morevoer the graphics of Neill Hislop (Zeppelin Games) is made in an another style than the one made by Mark Healey (for Ocean), which provides a different atmosphere for both games. From the similar information I will add that the Sleepwalker made
by Zeppelin Games is one file game and we do not have to wait for something to load during the play. The situation is different with another Sleepwalker (Ocean), which requires a lot more KB, because it is done differently.
UNCLE SILAS Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s look closely at the first and second release. I will start with Sleepwalker from Zeppelin Games. You arrive at the place of your uncle Silas. Unfortunately your uncle is really untidy. On the floors of this huge
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
building there are many different objects and devices. Some of them may be a danger to your health, or even life. That is unfortunate that your uncle suffers from somnambulism (sleepwalking). Every day he wanders around his huge residence and is endangered by all the objects that lay on the ground. We are supposed to protect the uncle from all the obstacles and lead him back to bed. Do not think that it is a task for one night, it is a task for an every night of the week. It is a whole night duty beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday. When it comes to removing the obstacles, you can only touch them. You should see what happens with our protagonist when we step on the dynamite, cassette recorder, a watch, a di-
sconnected cord from the plug, or the scattered around nails. It looks funny and while playing the game I had a lot of fun. Less funny is when, for example, your uncle Silas encounters the obstacles, and then we hear his scream quite loudly. If this happens more than five times, then the uncle is emotionally disturbed and the game is over. You should also remember that you should not approach him from behind, because it is the same as he would encounter an obstacle. If you want to protect him, you should approach him from the front. During the gameplay you will definitely find a room with a huge chandelier which makes a lot of noise and moves back and forth. If you are under it, you should be aware, because
after a couple of seconds it can fall on your uncleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or yours head. To sum it all up, I will add that to bring uncle Silas to bed you have limited time so you have to act fast and nicely.
MR LEE Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s analyse the second Sleepwalker now, issued by Ocean Software LTD. The main protagonists of the game are Mr Lee and his dog Ralph. One day Lee goes to sleep and finally falls asleep. It takes not a long time when he, still sleeping, stands up from the bed. He falls down on the sleeping on the ground dog Ralph and because of that he falls through the open window. The dog reacts immediately and goes right after him. Fortunately, just under the window, the-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
re is a roof of an adjacent building, so the jump was not so dangerous. This way Ralph and his sleepwalking master are outside the home in the middle of the night. What should they do now? They have to go through six levels which happen in different sceneries to lead the sleepwalker to the home. The game premise is similar to the Zeppelin version, but as I mentioned, these are completely different games.
the only possibility to omit the obstacles and go to the higher levels is to kick him in the ”ass”. A good way to survive for a dog instead of a dry fodder in place of a tasty beef. We should remember that the game is an another example (just like First Samurai) for the fact, how small is the difference between the version form 8-bit and 16bit platform.
Here we also remove some obstacles and we also punch in the head all the opponents on our way. Small details with a huge dose of humor is an another denominator of the two versions. The great element during the gameplay is the ability to kick Mr Lee’s ass. The thing is that
We can say a lot of things about the similarities between the two Sleepwalkers. I think however that it makes no sense, because the most important related elements were described. The objective of this text is encouraging the reader to play both games, without thinking which game is
better. The most important that they give a lot of fun, even for a couple of hours. It will take a lot of time before I go to sleep. Komek Translated by Slayerpl
SLEEPWALKER x2 Platform: C64 Zeppelin Games, 1991 Platform: C64, Amiga Ocean Software Ltd. 1992
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Snatch McBlagger
Not that scary SEUCK
shady reputation – a regular
The plot of the aforementio-
of games lets us imper-
burglar. We have to noti-
ned game takes place not
sonate lawful protago-
ce that this burglar, even
in Denmark but in Scotland.
nists and heroes that save
though he commits deeds
It happens in 1962 and we
the world (or only fighting
which can be doubtful in
meet the eponymous bur-
against the evil on a smaller
the moral sense, is in its’ own
glar, Snatch McBlagger
scale, on their own turf), it
way bringing sympathy from
when he goes to prison for
is nice to play from time to
the players and the game
his crimes. As most of the
time a game which allows us
has a pretty comedic feel
notorious criminals, there
to find ourselves in a com-
to it. We all remember the
comes a bad luck after a se-
pletely different situation.
Danish series of films called
rious of successful crimes, as
This is the case with the
”The gang of Olsen” in which
a result of that he ends up
made by Alf Yngve Seuck
protagonists, even though
in prison instead of living his
production (taking part in
they did infamous things,
life on a tropical island. If
this years’ SEUCK Compo
caused also undoubtedly
the story ended this way, the
2015), in this game the main
a lot of laughter and sympa-
player would not have a lot
protagonist is a person of
to do. Because of that, one
ven though a majority
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
lucky day, when the warders
jumping on a terrace.
went for a tea, an occasion
way – avoiding contact at all costs. From the point of
The main problem of Snatch
view of a game it is a good
are definitely the prison
solution because it is hard to
The game has a nice ”new-
guards patrolling the corri-
imagine that for example we
spaper-like” intro, which
dors. They are problematic,
could make an impression
brings us thoughts about the
because it is not enough
on a prison officer, equipped
introduction to Paperboy,
to avoid them, but we also
with baton, by throwing sau-
even though the theme of
have to watch out not to en-
sages in his direction;)))))
these two games is com-
ter their field of sight (shown
pletely different. A moment
as a moving question mark).
Even though escaping is the
later we appear before our
We won’t be helped in our
main objective, it appears
cell, where one of our cor-
escape by other inmates,
that we can make a lot
rectional officers raises an
because they will try to
of money even inside the
alarm and we, when esca-
catch us with hands through
prison. Here and there (in
ping, move to the left side
the bars. That is the case
different cells, on the shells,
of the screen through prison
because apparently Snatch
behind the walls) miscella-
corridors, where on the way
didn’t pay some debts in
neous precious objects are
to exit we will have to show
the prison. Our (anti?)hero is
hidden for example money
a lot of guile and agility, try-
equipped with an interesting
or gold. It is useful to gather
ing to not get apprehended.
and an unorthodox thrown
them because not only our
The game is done in the style
weapon which are..... sau-
point indicator rises, we will
of ‘pseudoplatform game”-
sages with a tranquilizer in
also receive an additional
it offers not only the simple
them. These sausages work
life, which is really necessa-
way ahead of us in one di-
only on the rabid dogs at-
ry, after we exceed 10 000
mension. We will change the
tacking us(these gray ones
points. There also many va-
levels often by way of stairs
are the worst!), with other
rieties added to the game-
or ladders, or going to an
dangers we have to deal
play. One time we have to
upper floor of the hallway, or
in a typical for a burglar
destroy the power generator
to break out appears...
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
which brings an electricity
we can. We will try to rob
to the prison bars of the cell,
museums, stores, and our
another time we have to
loot will not only be afore-
duck to avoid the bullets,
mentioned goods but also
sometimes we have to omit
the paintings (â&#x20AC;?The screamâ&#x20AC;?
the rays of the searchlights
by Munch is greatly done:)))
or hide in a dark gateway or
or safes waiting for us which
in the bushes by the prison
are on the walls.
(indications what to do are shown on the screen).
Of course, the environment will not help us and the
The title, for Seuck standards,
guards and the dogs will be
is really long and what is
joined by the somnambu-
important, this length of the
lists (who will make a lot of
game is connected with
noise when they wake up)
a big amount of action.
and such nice animals as
Whoever thinks that after
bats and snakes. And the
leaving the prison walls our
longer our adventure takes
adventure automatically
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the better headlines in the
ends, will be pleasantly sur-
newspapers will show our
prised. The appearing after
thief successes. In the end
the successful prison breako-
we will get a chance to rob
ut newspaper headline does
a huge bank (once again
not meant that the game
great solution with hiding by
ends, but it only announces
the pillars) where the precio-
another stage of the game.
us and glittering gold bars
This time we will be going
await us. How will this story
around the city and trying
end? You have to play and
to gather as much loot as
see for yourselves.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Generally speaking, Snatch
When I am writing these
McBlagger is a really nice
words, the aforementioned
game. Not only unortho-
SEUCK Compo 2015 has 4
dox in case of a plot and
admitted productions and
a convention, but it is also
I do not know with what we
done nicely and neatly.
will be surprised by other
Beside many other good
future participators of this
remarks, we have to look at
event. I think that we can
the graphics and the gre-
say that Snatch McBlagger
atly drawn and animated
will be one of the favorites to
sprites of the protagonist
win the main prize.
”Snatch McBlagger”was one of the participant of the SEUCK Compo 2015 event. It was submitted as on of the first game and the article you just read was crafted months ago, when the submission was fresh. The game finally ended up as 4th, which is a pretty good result, and no wonder, as the idea, craft and high playability made it pretty solid game.
and his opponents (really remarkable). Sound effects are also above average. Blaring sirens, buzzing power
generator, weapon shots or barking dogs eating the afo-
Translated by Slayerpl
rementioned sausage sound really nice. One thing that I could criticize is a varied
Snatch McBlagger
level of difficulty. There are moments when the game is really easy but there also moments when the game is difficult and it is hard to finish a level even when we use saves. The level of difficulty
Graphics: Sound: Playability: Alf Yngve, 2015
doesn’t change linearly but it is mixed.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Quo Vadis – Where are you going? – To
to find an object which is
the cinema. – And what do
the goal of the whole quest
they play? – Quo vadis. – And
–a scepter in the shape of
what does it mean? – Whe-
a skull called the Scepter of
re are you going…. – To the
Hope. Getting it and returning
back with it to the top was supposed to give a hope to
Every time I encounter the
the knight to save the human
famous title Quo Vadis, I al-
kind. You think that is sounds
ways see the aforementioned
simple and the success is one
Polish joke, which comes from
step ahead? Nothing more
the popular Silesian book
misleading, you should know
with jokes ”Klub Masztalskie-
go” (maybe someone still remembers it), which I read
The game, from the very be-
very often during my childho-
ginning, seems to be, as we
od. Even though the game
would today call it, a little bit
is about something else than
low budget (even for these
the story told by our school
times). The graphics does not
obligatory reading and its’
impress. The whole game is in
filming, I couldn’t use another
the uniform, red-yellow color
and the surrounding elements are quite simple and repe-
This release is about a knight,
atable. What is even worse,
who has a chance to save
don’t expect a lot of variety
the world from the actions
to the very end of the game.
of the Dark Lord, who put his
All these encountered while
shadow over the bigger part
going forward candlesticks
of the earth. The aforementio-
or torches on the walls have
ned Dark Lord who feels really
some kind of charm, we have
mighty and is sure that nothing
to admit this. The music is also
can threaten him, decided to
a simple, two-tone melody,
deal with a brave knight. To
which sounds pretty good.
achieve this, he proposed to
Quite strange can be the fact
the knight that he travels to
that the music has a jolly so-
the dark abyss which is a ne-
undtrack which is in a contrast
ver-ending labyrinth of under-
with a dark and mysterious
ground caves and chambers
atmosphere of the game.
– the kingdom of the bad Dark
Lord. There, after defeating
The steering is also pretty cum-
the hordes of infernal creatu-
bersome. The main character
res and when he reaches the
behaves and moves quite
bottom, he was supposed
unnaturally, which is not the
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
worst part of the game but
dragonflies or birds and the
completely bad is the lack of
dragons, ghosts, demons and
controlling the knight to the
other infernal creatures, which
sides during the free fall. We
I will not classify.
can say that from the physical standpoint it is justified, but in
Any contact with them causes
the games (especially in this)
that we lose energy, and for
it can really make you angry.
example, at the beginning,
For example, we can ina-
our hero when he loses energy
dvertently jump off the rope
is getting purple to finally be-
while going up, to fall down
come green, which is a state
very slowly next to the rope
very close to death. We can
through three screens down,
regain energy when we find
without the ability to move. It
hidden here and there chests,
is identical with the situation
but they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t appear very
when jumping from one plat-
form to another; by bad luck we do not reach the target platform.
And if the problems caused by different cave creatures
Quite a strange solution is the
were not enough, I would like
fact that the character con-
to inform you that after we
trolled by us throws the projec-
fall to the hot lava you die
tiles not by use of FIRE button,
immediately (and we have
butâ&#x20AC;Ś the whole time when we
only one life), and when we
are moving, (FIRE+ direction
choose a way wrongly we can
causes that we can do this
find ourselves in a situation
while being in one place). It
without a solution. Nowadays
was explained quite nicely
a game which offers this type
because we have a magic
of solutions would be conside-
sword that constantly emits
red unplayable and unfriendly
a strange type of energy.
to the player, back then it
Maybe it is good, because the
was considered to be a sort of
hordes of Dark Lord which are
a challenge to a player. Ano-
attacking us are pretty big.
ther evidence to the evolution
Ranging from normal bats,
of the electronic entertain-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
ment throughout the years,
can also look at the whole
without taking into account all
aforementioned map of the
the audiovisual details.
world: http://vgmaps.com/ Atlas/C64/QuoVadis-Map.png.
In this release, especially im-
portant is the size of the map
What is interesting is the fact
where we can move because
that the game appeared
they are really enormous. It
originally in 1984 when its’
appears that the world of
publisher (The Edge) made
Quo Vadis is comprised of
a contest among the players.
1012 (22x46) screens which
For this contest the award
are next to each other (the
was supposed to be a real,
game is scrolled). This number
made from the gold and silver,
can really make an impres-
scepter, worth 35 thousand
sion even today (and imagine
pounds. To get this prize,
back then), and we combine
you had to ”only ”find the 6
this with the uniformity of the
hidden word riddles on the
graphics and high level of
different levels of the mysterio-
difficulty, it may be really diffi-
us abyss, decipher them and
cult. Really, when I think that
make one sentence out of
someone was able to finish
them. This case is a source of
the game from the beginning
controversy to this day. Many
to the end on an original har-
persons say it was a big scam
dware without cheating these
and when you found a solutio-
brave players exist!!!) I don’t
n(after many tries and often
really know what to say. You
asking friends and family) and
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
you send it to the publisher,
Someone can say: why should
you could receive a short
we describe the titles which
reply that the answer is… bad
are placed two levels be-
even though that they are to
low all the never forgettable
this day sure that the answer
hits? Because of the reason
was right ( sharing years after
that the whole history of the
this the details of finding the
games on C64 is not filled
right answer on the internet
only with the hits but also all
forums). The other persons
the different sorts of strange
still try to find another possible
games, just like ”Quo Vadis”.
solution, still wanting to be the
Sometimes this type of games
first to find a true solution…
qre a folklore behind which is a never solved mystery… :-P
The author of Quo Vadis is Steven T. Chapman – 19 year
Englishman, who decided to drop out of studies to create games professionally (which was quite often during these times). Nowadays this game can be recommended only to the avid labyrinth platform
Quo Vadis
games fans with a quite big
Platform: C64
amount of patience and the
The Edge, 1984
”explorers” who like to play the old games not taking into consideration its’ shortcomings and who can see the peculiar atmosphere of these games.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Wizard of Wor Long, long time ago the ultimate goal of gaming was a high score record. The games has no achievable end. Earning an awesome amount of points usually meant also draining the pockets. The machines were chewing every single penny without any hesitation just to let the poor gamer get another chance to fight the overwhelming amount of enemies. The only advantage the player had, was the skill and the fact that the monsters wasn’t too smart.
n the land of Wor every creature, the good ones and the evil, had a ”wor” in their name. People from Midway must have had some fun with the creation of these names like Worluk, Burwor and Thorwor.
CHASING THE WIZARD Actually, I cannot say
INSPIRATION The game has inspired artists and couple of songs were based on this game: Dissonant - Wizard of Wor Welle: Erdball - Wizard Of Wor
what evil has the wizard done, but the hunt is on. According to the naming convention Worrior is given to our control, and if we are good enough, after a few stages out hero is promoted to worlord. Brave awotars under our command walks into a multi-level dungeon to fight
weird monsters, growing in number with each descending step. Long range laser weapon can make us feel secure in the early stages, but the comfort zone is quite short. The further we go, the monsters gets tougher and their quantity is rising. Some of these creatures can get invisible, but a skilled player knows how to use a radar, which reveals every single movement. Bosses could make some trouble, as they have power of teleportation, but a single well aimed shot can solve very problem. If a bullet misses the monster it can cause some trouble. If there are two people hunting down the Wizard of Wor, both of them needs to be extra cautious. The game has been created in an era when friendly fire was a standard. I would call this feature as a multi-edged sword. One side is known as danger – when goal set by two players is getting as low as possible, a single mistake can take a precious life bringing the whole hunt for glory to ruin.
The second edge is called competition. The best way to build some drama is to add some rivalry to the game. After some time it can get a little boring to fight the same monster roster over and over again. The game can get a second life when the players decide to fight each other. Without respect for any rules I’ll add a third edge to the friendly-fire-sword. Some of us needs to feed their ambition. In games the best way to do it is by getting the highest of the high scores. In this game killing a Worrior is worth more points than any of the basic creatures. Only the Wizard of Wor himself gives the player more points than a fellow companion. An experienced pair of players could make an agreement to raise their score to a new level with this knowledge.
Never-ending Story In an arcade game it is a standard that there is an infinite number of levels. Developers of Wizard of
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Wor designed 25 different maps, divided into three tiers: easy, hard and special. Probably they did not assume that the players could often ascend below sixteenth floor of the dungeon. First seven stages are drawn from a set of 15 easy pre-defined maps, but for all that is below there are only 8 more difficult labyrinths. It not that hard to count the number od special levels, which is as low as two. ”The Arena” is a place where the Warrior can become a Worlord and earn an extra life. The second special map is called ”The Pit” – if you would like to know more about it, you will have to get there.
can give a lot of fun. It is quite nice to play in the single player mode, but the game shines a lot more when there are two gamers in front of the monitor. Up to this day I like to go back to the dungeon to look for a Wizard called as Wor.
It is not an easy task to describe technical aspect of a game created more than 30 yers ago, so I will keep it brief. How the graphics looks like, you can see on screens around this text. I would say it is simple, almost figurative, but very clear. Music and sound effect are worth checking out. Gloomy, doleful sounds creates a nice atmosphere. At the time of release the soundtrack could give a player goosebumps. Great addition to a nice game play.
LONG STORY SHORT I LIKE IT! At first sight ”Wizard of Wor” is a simple game from the beginning of 80. When we look into the gears that keeps the game going it shows that the simplicity
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
TALKING HEADS Remastering of old releases Bobikowoz: High definition, remaster edition,
mers programmed the release. Because of
Game of the Year package – the game produ-
that we can correct the existing errors, adapt
cers more often take the acclaimed series and
it to the new devices, e.g. additional memo-
titles, issuing them once again in the refreshed
ry, Easyflash etc. Currently the knowledge of
version. In case of future generations of video
the programmers is better, old computers are
game consoles and regularly changing opera-
better known form the programming angle, and
ting systems for PC these refreshed versions are
when we do not know something, we can ask
understandable. Regardless of the fact whether
somebody else. There appeared also a lot of
they were done in a professional way or only as
new, better application programs which make
an attempt to earn money easily, usually reedi-
the work of the coder or the graphic designer
tions appear on the newer hardware than the
easier. PC environment makes the program-
original game appeared, allowing to play these
ming a lot of easier. Besides that, we can also
games on the hardware which during a given
shorten the code of the game, remove unne-
moment is the most popular. Mentioned fad to
cessary add-ons, and in the end, significantly
refresh old releases appeared also in our world
shorten the volume of the program. For me
of 8bit hardware. People, what do you think
this sort of correction is very useful, because,
about the refreshed versions of the games ap-
thanks to that, the game receives the so called
pearing on the same platform? Is it a necessary
second life.
evil or maybe it is an opportunity to rediscoKomek: Personally I like to go back
ver the forgotten pearls?
to things from the past, so the so Ramos: On the newer hardware it is done mainly for the money. For the company, which has the source codes, it is very simple. A couple of hours of work and the new version is ready. It is a different case
called use of old ideas speaks
When talking about new platforms – the only motivation is the profit. In case of classic platforms though, the situation is completely different - developers’ motivation is triggered by true passion and pure hobby.
to me. Well, there are some
- Noctropolis
led ”bugs”, which appear
with 8bit computers. Here it is more complicated and
a stupid and overused idea, but I don’t agree with them. One of the reasons is the fact that because of reedition we can correct the so cal-
time-consuming. We have to cut the whole code of the program and reconvert it to the appropriate assembler editor. Then we have to decipher how programmer/program-
people, who say that it is
sometimes in the original release. We can also enhance the graphics and sound effects or add some other elements which will make a given program more attractive. We
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
editions very positively, however with one small
I’m quite sure I will not change my opinion no
condition. Appreciating all these new additions,
matter what.
I still use more often the classic version. Why?
CC BY-SA 3.0 - author: Ubcule source: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_16#/media/File:Commodore_16_002a.png
add to this also the element of nostalgia and
Youth memories… noctropolis: I agree with opinion Minimoog: It is worth noting that
of Ramos, that when talking about new platforms – the only motivation is profit. It is obvious, that the making of such a release takes way less time than making a brand new game (using old source code in a bigger or smaller
there exist, besides the reeditions
It is worth noting that there exist, besides the reeditions of old games, releases which only interpret them – remakes. It is according to me, even more interesting. The creators take the base idea from the original and the rest depends on their creativity.
of old games, releases which only interpret them – remakes. It is according to me, even more interesting. The creators take the base idea from the original and the rest depends on their
extent) and that the old, already known gameplay is very often a safer marketing option than trying to introduce new. Even though a lot of players calls these type of releases
creativity. As an example
- Minimoog
I will give the game released not on C64, but on PC – Electro Body. The game working under DOS, a very interesting one.
Her remake, of course according to the
”old, overused ideas”, I wouldn’t criticize them
indie rules, was created – Electro Man. Its’ cre-
completely – it is obvious that not everyone
ator used authentic graphics, sounds and levels
had an opportunity to play the original game
– remastered. And he added, as a remake, an
on the original platform. And if they can do it
ability to play on the completely different levels
for the first time in a better quality – why not?
and a possibility to create your own levels. A very interesting feature.
In case of classic platforms (e.g. remastering of the hit known from C64 on the same hardwa-
Komek: I agree with Noctropolis. It is great, that
re after the years have passed), the situation
there are people in this world, who create from
is completely different. The first reason is the
their heart. Besides, resurrecting these programs
fact that it is motivated in most cases by pure
causes that we move, in our thoughts, to the
hobby and passion, and the will not to obtain
times, when we were younger…. And who does
profit, which has to be admired. The second
not miss their childhood or youth times? Thanks
reason is the fact is that in such type of rele-
to such releases, we have an opportunity to think
ases the bugs and errors are removed. And
about the old, good times.
the third argument- the release has very often a new addition which makes it unique – it may
c00k: When we are talking about a game which
be new options, new levels or new graphics
because of some reasons cannot be launched
or sound setting. I look at these remastered
on a new hardware and was very good and we
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
make version for nostalgic players… I under-
Atreus: Using of old ideas in the world of contem-
stand this situation… but all the enhanced
porary game platforms does not instill a lot of opti-
version which are supposed to use full ability
mism in me. Of course, thanks to this producers’
of the computer and the author changes the
move we can see a game that maybe in the past
scenery, e.g. Far Cry 4, it is done to achieve
we have omitted or did not have time for it. But it
one objective.
is done mainly by the producers to obtain as high as possible profit.
I’m interested how will it end with new Franko… Generally, the game was so so. Graphically… I won’t even mention that, but it was interesting, because you walked through a real
As far the refreshing is concerned,
Very often the fans do better remasters or ports, just because of sheer willingness to show/ remind of a game to the players.
remaking and correcting releases for the game platforms from ”another era”, I’m all for it. As mentioned by other participants in this discussion, in this
city, bodies and the blood didn’t disappear, you could beat
case it is done mainly becau-
When the remade version is done diligently, as it should be, I’m all for it!!
up the dead body, but since this game, all
se of hobby or passion to the old-school hardware. I would really like to see the remade/
- JargoV
corrected titles, for example
these ideas were already
in Protovision, Psytronik, RGCD
used and it will be difficult to interest new users, because of course the youth will say that the graphics is mediocre. I don’t know, maybe some classics shouldn’t be remaste-
store in the package stylized for the original, with the users’ manual and other gadgets. However I assume that it is not feasible and we will not ever see such a situation.
red? Bobikowoz: Moving games from the stronger noctropolis: Yeah, remakes and sequels are
hardware to the weaker ones is also an interesting
a separate thing from the aforementioned,
trend. Recently I encountered an information that
even though it is in some cases similar. The
”Super 48k Box” appeared on Spectrum, this re-
difference is that in the sequels you have
lease introduces to Spectrum world ”Super Bread
a lot more room for interpretation. I consider
Box”, which was a conversion to C64 of the game
these type of releases as a good thing, even
”Super Crate Box”. Oh, such a long way. I admit
though I notice that in the situation of the
that I sometimes like to look at what are the pe-
highly popular games, these that are consi-
ople capable of as far as getting the most power
dered to be the real classics, the amount of
from their old computers. As far as some conver-
remakes is starting to bore me.
sions are concerned, we have to praise the skills of its’ authors, even when the gameplay is different
I also hope that authors of Franko 2 will make
than in the original predecessor. As an example
a good game and I’m very interested how
I will mention great looking technically Mood,
the game will in the end look. The first part
which is a variation on the famous game Doom,
achieved a cult status and the atmosphere
this game even though they tried to get the most
of the game was 90% of its’ worth. That’s why
from Commodore cannot reach the level of the
I would not worry about the reception of new
original. Another category are productions such
players, because I think that the authors’ in-
as Prince of Persia, which are not much different
tention was that the continuation is directed
than their predecessors.
to the people that already know and love this game. To this extent that even nowadays
noctropolis: I agree, the things you mentioned are
they use expression ”spadaj pierdoło” (go
really interesting. The aforementioned Prince of
away sucker).
Persia is tour de force of code. Mood also made a good impression on me, however I considered him more of a playable demonstration than full-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
-blown game. Generally speaking, it is nice
will to earn quickly and easily on
to see the effects of this, we will call it ”back
the remake which did not involve
remaster”, where the newer idea (remake of
a lot of work. This was the situation
a new game) is put into the older hardware.
with the refreshed PC classic – ”Half
It was done really good with pretty famous
– Life”, they announced the return of
recently Canabalt. Personally I regret the fact
a legend with a new quality, and after
that Mortal Kombat on C64 stopped on the
the premiere there was only the disappo-
stage of technical preview because it would
intment of the fans – it turned out that the
be for me a complete classic (and I think it
remake is only an actual moving of the game
can be done). As an anecdote I will add that,
in 1 to 1 scale to the new engine, without using
because of the retro fad (of course not main-
any of its’ abilities.
stream fad, but only in a smaller extent), there are some films put on Youtube which show
However when the remade version is done diligen-
how one of the newest AAA games would
tly, as it should be, I’m all for it!!!! Very often the
look, issued on C64. Of course, it has nothing
fans do better remasters or ports, just because of
to do with a real game, because it is more of
sheer willingness to show/remind of a game to the
a humoristic-artistic creation but it is always
players, the great example of a refreshed version
nice to see how in someone’s imagination on
is a recently published ”Ultima IV Remastered”,
C64 GTA V would look. However the audiovi-
which gathers great reviews.
sual setting of these games looks more like NES than C64 (even though it is described as C64),
So I will sum it up with one sentence: If you want
but it is still 8bit.
to refresh a classic, do it properly and do not give any reason for the disappointment to the old fans.
tomxx: I noticed that global retro fashion (in games or any other entertainment business)
noctropolis: The discussion showed that the topic
indeed goes towards NES-style. It features
of remasters and related issues, is a pretty complex
similar graphics themes, music tends to be
situation. It involves the versions of classics, refre-
identical to what NES was able to produce,
shed and with new additions; complete, made
and I believe this is all due to the fact, that
from the start remakes of the old hits as well as
Nintendo pretty much owned the US console
something that we could call a conversion/ back
market in mid 80s and USA is the place where
remaster. Generally speaking, this phenomenon is
global trends are to be established. Pixels
definitely positive – it is always nice to see some-
do look identical everywhere though, so we
thing good and known (and usually these type
can assume, that another Flash web game
of games are remastered) in a new, even better
we’re playing at lunch breaks indeed gets
and corrected edition. We need also to see that
back to our C64 roots. And now back to the
the newer games that are being remastered, are
main topic: I don’t complain about the fact
more likely to get an opinion of the players as ”an
that new commercial remasterings are being
old, repetitive idea” and the product made solely
constantly released. It’s still yet another game
for money. The opposite situation is in the case
that you can play. To me personally, the well-
of refreshing and correcting the classic titles, e.g.
-known chip music sounds like a poetry, and
8 bit, where this type of initiative is considerably
first-class grephics rendering - becomes a soul
praised. The element of sincerity of intentions is
feast. On top of that, let’s be honest, every
admired here and that the main reason for the
single product that refreshes our retro world
release is the hobby and passion for old hardware.
helps keeping the entire scene alive.
Just as was mentioned here, the best remasters are done by the fans – on their work almost in 100
JargoV: Remaster – it is pretty important for the
percent the group of people centered around
computer market even though it is sometimes
classic hardware and software is based.
a real evil, detrimental thing… Unfortunately, the producers very often, when they refresh an
Translated by Slayerpl
older release, destroy the brand made by the predecessor, in this case the driving force is the
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Tutorial: Dumping the content of floppy disks to IDEDOS hard drive
f you are a lucky owner
Reasons why doing it makes
devices (numbered from 10 to
of the IDE64 device, there
sense are likely to differ for eve-
13) directly to your C-64. Add
might come a point in time
ryone. For me personally it was
a USB connection to the pictu-
when transferring the content
a wish to free up some space
re (numbered as 13 or 14), sin-
of all your floppy disks over to
occupied otherwise by ten
ce the program might have as
an IDEDOS compatible device
large boxes of 5,25” disks. Of
well been loaded directly from
(whether it is a hard disk drive
course a backup copy of your
your PC’s hard drive, and you
or a flash memory mass stora-
old floppies does not seem like
get the idea, why too much
ge) becomes your next goal.
a bad reason either.
guessing could have ended up
If you are unsure, how would Fig. 1:
you go about it, keep on reading.
This step by step tutorial will carefully guide you through the
So let us shortly discuss a few
process of copying a complete
most probable scenarios. If you
disk archive (well, technically it
loaded the program from the
describes the process of trans-
only 1541 disk drive connected
ferring a single disk, but you
to your C-64, it will be implicitly
get the idea) to a centralized
assumed that device number 8
storage provided by the IDE64
is your source device, however
hardware. The first thing you
you will still be asked to specify
have got to get equipped with
target device number, which
is the right tool. Every piece
will later become an ultimate
of hardware is worth as much
destination for writing created
as the available software that
disk images (Fig. 1).
makes using it worthwhile. Fig. 2:
There are plenty of programs dedicated for an exclusive use with the IDE64 device, but the one we will be looking for right now is called D64 Disk Dumper, and it is available for download from the CSDb: http://csdb.dk/ release/?id=139419 The first thing you are going to see upon program startup depends on how did you execute it, or (to be more precise)
Fig. 3:
from which exact device was it loaded from. You might be asked to specify source and/or target device numbers (do not worry about making the wrong choices at this point, you will be able to modify these settings later on). The number of possible configurations are large, as normally you might connect up to 4 serial devices (numbered from 8 to 11) plus 4 IDEDOS
quite badly.
If you started the program directly from an IDEDOS device identified by device number 12, you will only be asked to specify source device number, which is expected to be the number identifying a 1541 disk drive connected to your C-64. (Fig. 2). In any other case both source and target devices need to be manually specified, therefore you will see both screens as illustrated above upon startup. Upon confirmation of your choice with a RETURN key and a successful detection of a selected device, you will be taken straight to the main menu. This is the place where you setup configuration of a disk copy process as well as eventually commence the operation (Fig. 3).
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Navigation through the menu is pretty straight-forward. Cursor
copied disks. (Fig. 4).
keys move current selection up
Navigation comes as very in-
and down, RETURN key triggers
tuitive. Cursor up and down
a specific action associated
move current selection up and
with a currently highlighted
down. Pressing RETURN key on
item. So, let us go through all of
a ”dir” entry lets you change
these options and see what the
current directory and list the
program has to offer.
new content in a navigator
I promised that you will be able to change preselected source and target device numbers at any later time. This is what Select Source Device and Select Target Device options are meant for. If you enter one of these options you will see the same device number selec-
window. Cursor left and right serve the purpose of page down and page up keys from a PC keyboard, and might become handy for long listings with a lot of items, where molist would otherwise have been annoyingly slow. This is however not everything
familiar with. Currently selec-
you can do in a navigator
ted device numbers are also
window. There are some addi-
displayed to the right on the
tional keys enabling you to ma-
main menu screen just for your
nipulate directory content to
a certain degree. If you want
lets you specify a target directory for storing created disk image files. Unlike setting
Fig. 5:
ving over to the last item in the
tion screens you are already
Select Target Location option
Fig. 4:
to create a new directory, you may simply press F7 key, enter chosen name, and press RE-
Fig. 6:
TURN (Fig. 5).
a target file name, it is not
Pressing F6 brings up the same
mandatory to define it in order
input prompt prefilled with
to be able to commence disk
a name of currently highlighted
copy process. Unless specified
directory name. Upon pressing
the program will dump created
RETURN key the name change
disk image files into the current
will become effective.
working directory of your IDEDOS disk, whatever it might be.
Pressing F8 lets you remove
This may however not neces-
empty directories after an ad-
sarily be a desired outcome,
ditional confirmation (Fig. 6).
so it is highly recommended to specify a destination directory explicitly. Upon entering target location selection you will see a directory navigator window, which provides you with a basic functionality to navigate down the directory structure, create new, rename existing and delete empty directories, and eventually select a destination for your
Each one of these operations
Fig. 7:
may be canceled at any time by simply pressing an ESC key. The most important action that eventually needs to be undertaken is a selection of an actual destination directory. It is achievable in two ways. Either by pressing a SPACE or an ESC key. Pressing SPACE will select currently highlighted directory
C64 Fig. 8:
Fig. 9:
Fig. 10:
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
item. An important side-effect
ted a list of settings, where indi-
of this action is a directory
vidual user preferences may be
change: program will actually
adjusted according to every-
change current working direc-
one’s personal taste. Currently
tory to a selected item. Ano-
there is only one option possi-
ther important point to note
ble to modify, which is turning
is that this kind of selection is
key repeat on and off. Enabling
effective only for ”dir” items
key repeat option was the most
(which means pressing SPACE
pressing improvement reported
on any other item type will
during the test phase, and that
be silently ignored). Directory
is how it was introduced in the
selection by pressing ESC is ba-
initial release of the disk dum-
sically an equivalent of saying
per tool (Fig. 10).
that currently browsed directory is the one, where target disk images should be written to.
Commence Disk Copy option
Once the target directory is
gin the copy process, and in
selected, we will define a D64
a few moments a D64 disk ima-
file name. In the main menu
ge file will appear in a selected
select Set Target File Name
target directory under a name
option. You should be familiar
you chose mirroring the con-
with an input prompt by now.
tent of a floppy disk in your
Enter a name you wish the
1541 disk drive. Let us shortly
target file to be written to and
have a look what can be seen
confirm your choice by pressing
on a screen during the copy
a RETURN key (Fig. 7).
process (Fig. 11).
Program will check the name
We can see an overview of all
you entered against all files
configured options, i.e. source
existing in the current working
and target device numbers as
directory, and if it finds another
well as a target file name. Cur-
file with the same name, it will
rent progress is visualized using
report an error, asking you to
an advancing progress bar.
choose different name (Fig. 8).
Once it reaches its right end,
You may display disk directory of a currently selected source device at any time by selecting Display Disk Directory option Fig. 11:
from the main menu. The following two keys are active during directory printout enabling a minimal user interaction: SPACE temporarily pauses and resumes the process should you want to inspect disk content more closely, RUN/STOP aborts the printout and returns to main menu immediately (Fig. 9). By entering Adjust Preferences menu option you are presen-
Finally, we are ready to select from the main menu. It will be-
the copy process will be done. An entire operation is performed by reading successive tracks from a floppy disk and then writing them to a target image file (current status and currently loaded track and sector numbers are displayed as well). Should any read data errors occur during copying, their number will be reported as CRC errors (this might happen if your 5,25” disk is for example damaged). As soon as all 35 tracks of data are copied, a success message will be displayed. Pressing SPA-
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
CE key will bring you back to
though, the tool will not let you
the main menu, which virtually
begin the copy process in that
concludes this tutorial (Fig. 12).
You are now ready to continue
All disks copied, so what’s
disk shuffling, and probably ne-
next? We did not yet answer
eding to do it for the very last
the question, how to work with
time in your life. The only thing
D64 files on IDE64. Stay tuned,
to keep in mind is to change
the answer is coming soon,
target file name every time
however it is a topic for a com-
before dumping the next disk.
pletely separate chapter. You
Remember that you cannot
will read about it in more deta-
overwrite an existing file, that is
ils in the upcoming issue #3 of
why you will always have to set
K&A Plus magazine.
a new target image name. No
Paweł Król
need to worries if you forget it
Fig. 12:
Industry’s second maturity
or some good years alre-
don’t even know what a joystick
whether remastering is desirable.
ady we’ve witnessed the
is, how to handle it and why it is
I personally feel it’s a bit like the
maturity stage of the com-
being used at all.
Cinemaware case – IP already
puter entertainment industry. Sin-
belongs to someone else, there
ce the mid-80s, when most of us
Video games, just like movies,
is a clear lack of new solutions,
touched microcomputers for the
music and literature years
there is a high pressure towards
first time; since the times when
ago, became derivative. New
the income, but these are still
we used to plug Sinclair, Atari
products change form, but
the same gaming titles we all
and Commodore home com-
concepts, ideas, features and
used to play in the past! It’s still
puters into family TVs at homes,
solutions in most cases remain
the same Great War I mood
since arcade visits – since the
the same. The large budgets of
of Wings, it’s still the wonder-
very early electronic happiness
most impressive projects don’t
fully crafted medieval world of
that has fully captured our minds
support high risk; hence proven
Defender of the Crown. So why
– 30 years have passed. Lots of
ideas tend to be refreshed on
should we complain if our eyes
things happened just in front of
tens of different ways by ma-
can enjoy childhood-driven pixel
our eyes: powerful development
stering imitation and repetition
themes and ears can rejoice
studios were created, industry
to perfection. Games we play
tunes of the most beautiful chip
growth to a size of $70 billion,
nowadays are beautiful and
music? It’s all that it now runs on
and the scope of today’s AAA
remarkably refined, but the solu-
the pocket-size mobile devices
projects is similar to the budgets
tions used in all these strategies,
and not on the huge CRT TV
of some solid movie productions.
adventures and other role-
sets. Well, these days, you have
The gaming industry entered its
-playing games have been well
to move forward.
adulthood, reached a sophi-
known for years. There are more
sticated level of consistency
and more AAA products that
Remastering is a process that
and took a confident place in
are released on various addi-
cannot be stopped. We just
today’s world of entertainment.
tional platforms, and everything
have to adapt and take every-
The second generation of play-
creative tends to happen a little
thing best from it. We believe it’s
ers, often our own descendants,
on the side: in the flats of inde-
an important part of our retro-
are just starting their own video
pendent developers and mobile
-scene nowadays and we’re
game adventures and only
platforms studios. And when all
heavily focusing on it in #2 of our
us, a group of 8-bit nostalgia-
ideas are finally burned, then
-powered retro-maniacs, feel
people move towards products’
a bit weird as the kids nowadays
remastering. I do not judge
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
TOD Generator The circuit presented by me, is not made by me. To make it, you do not need a lot of elements and you can make it by connecting all the elements without the use of printed circuit boards. When we replace the original C64 feeder with PC feeder, we encounter the problem of clocking the Time of Day clock (TOD). It is a problem, because C64 works without a working TOD clock, and the number of programs that require it, is unknown. Not taking into consideration minor problems, it is better to provide our computer with a so called TOD generator. Plugging the PC feeder is not a huge problem for a person who knows how to use he soldering iron. We can find a lot of schemes in the Internet. I used one found on ftp.elysium and http://ilkerf.tripod.com/c64tower/. The disadvantage of this type of power supply is the fact that the ON switch has to be placed in the OFF position. We cannot forget and turn the C64 by using the standard ON switch in the casing. If we forget, well..... We will be very sad and we will have to look for new parts.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
If someone doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know the colours of the cables, here is a short description. The red wire is +5V, the yellow one +12V, the black one ground. The used wire was an extension cord to supply power to for example CD-ROM and Floppy 5.25â&#x20AC;?. The place next to modulator is, in my case, perfect for TOD generator. I made it on the universal board using the scheme from: http://www.neef-online.de/
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
To build this, you can use NE555 or UC3843. I had surplus of NE555, so I build the circuit based on it.
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Soldering points next to the modulator were used by me to connect +12V and ground. The wire that goes from the circuit to CIA5626A is a clocking signal of the TOD clock. The circuit works at my place for many years and doesn’t interrupt the normal work ;) Atreus Translated by Slayerpl
Komoda & Amiga Plus #2
Translation: Client: Are you drinking at work? Artisan: Mister, it only contains 40% of ABV. The rest is pure water.
JOHNNY PRESENTS: ARTISAN The comic strip presented below is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Krzysztof, who told me that story some time ago. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make this scene up; I just drew everything I heard from this extremely pleasant and friendly man. He was well known of great sense of humor. Rest in peace. Amen. Jan Lorek