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A Common Cosmos Taksim Urban Design Competition


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Abstract: Systems of Plurality

Most systems consist of various elements. They differ in several characteristics and are nevertheless kept together by the strength of a shared core which provides commonality. Like planets in a sun system, each element has its own specifications, appearance and atmosphere while circulating around something bigger that provides crucial requirements for their viability. It’s the same centre of their different orbits that is shared by every part – creating a common structure where diversity is key. Istanbul is an urban system characterised by a strong mixture of cultural influences resulting from thousands of years as focus of migration. Situated between Europe and Asia, between Orient and Occident or Christian, Muslim and further spheres, it served as a transitional point between its cultural surrounding for long times which left its traces in the urban memory as built environment or cultural imprint. Even though, periods were coined by one dominant organism, this wide diversity of ethnics, religions and culture in general is undeniable and can be regarded as opportunity of this unique city – culminating in the creation of a new Taksim. Respecting the diversity of existing elements while implementing a joint reference point might lead to a viable structure of a Common Cosmos.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Concept: Defining a ‚Square‘ Despite its young age in relation to city history, the area of Taksim is located in the centre of modern Istanbul and stands representative for the city’s various influences and tensions. As degenerated ending point of an intensively trimmed green corridor, a mix of many modern buildings, some significant historic remains and disorganized traffic densely surrounds Taksim. The untilled land is divided in the Gezi Park limited by the footprint of a former Osman barrack, the open square and a recently established pedestrian zone after tunnelling the street traffic. A definition of Taksim’s boundaries is uncertain and the sovereignty of interpretation over Taksim’s spatial opportunities has been a central controversy for years. It proofs that a reasonable urban design strategy can only be matter of a complex system that takes parameters of history, climate, mobility and culture into consideration.

Think Big!

Locate Identity!

Stimulate Diversity!

In accordance with the significance of Taksim as a focus point of Istanbul the redesign strategy provides appropriate space by mentally releasing the fragmented area to one bigger element. The surface spans from edge to edge of the neighbouring blocks integrating the base of the variously used buildings into the square. The localization of formative elements is key for reshaping the layout. Preservation of the valuable green structure of Gezi Park is as meaningful as the respect for the historic elements like the Republican Monument and the spatial references to significant buildings surrounding the plot. Using the formal structure of the Republican Monument and the Gezi Well as starting point, new elements are implemented corresponding to the impact of various neighbouring uses. The result is a multitude of different spots offering different qualities within a complex structure which is held together by a central core.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Concept: Parameter History

Melting Point

Analysis of fragmented remains The historic plot of the Osman barracks still shape the boundaries of the free spaces of Gezi and the open square. Its western edge co-defines the axis towards the Republican Monument, which will be emphasized. The Park as relevant element of the younger history will be kept while the southern edge to the open square is resolved. The melting ensures the fixation of both spatial elements as an Unit. Significant buildings like AKM are ‘pushed’ to the square.

Conclusion for respect/redefinition of urban layout

Concept: Parameter Climate

Transition Point

Analysis of limited green spaces The former green corridor starting from the Bosporus as Macka Democracy Park has been cropped due to construction and fencing. A high share of paved pathes pervades the remaining green of Gezi, which ends sharply at the southern border. As priority the corridor shall be opened and filled up as the pathes are reduced and infiltration capable. There will be a softer transition to the hard city with the placement of tree and water elements which create zones of comfortable urban climate.

Conclusion for a floating link to Macka green areas 3/15

Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


M Buss tatio n

Buss tatio n

Concept: Parameter Mobility



M ion tat uss



Unde rgrou nd







Analysis of disorganized relations Taksim is a place where several forms of mobility come together. For many people it‘s a transfer point of commuting while others enter Istanbul‘s ground the first time here. The potential for a significant transport hub is given - nevertheless it lacks order and connection. The design program envisages an underground Mobility Hub, which increases capacity and connection of the various lines. With shared spaces for the remaining overground streets the focus on pedestrians is intensified.

Taks iBus- Dolmus Term inal

Shar ed S pace






Share d Spa ce



Conclusion for connected mobillity

Concept: Parameter Culture













Common Centre

Analysis of spatial coexistence Diverse cultural layers have impact on the area and leave their traces partly physical, partly virtual. The AKM for modern art and the new mosque for Muslim religion can be identified as formative influences as well as the small-scale shops and large-format infrastructure for tourism. The political debates on Gezi Park and 1st May are also inscribed in the narrative of the place. All these layers find their expression in different spots, which are complemented by a common centre that offers spatial possibilities for a heterogeneous community.

Conclusion for sociocultural togetherness 4/15

Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Structure: Urban Morphology

Identify Bariers!

Connect to Ambience!

Create Flowing Space!

Today‘s park follows the former contours and forms borders with its difference in height at the edges. The inner, orthogonal path system also follows its own large-scale logic, ending in non-barrier-free stairways. In this interplay, the place closes itself off from the wider urban space. With the thought experiment of an open space, potential passageways can be located which improve the connection to the surrounding neighbourhoods and among them. Two set structural elements form fixed points and are woven into the network. The adaptive spots are incorporated into the resulting open spaces. The free, partly virtual path system creates a flowing space where divers elements with specific characteristics form a common system with their centre.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


The Playground

Bridg e

Macka Democ racy Pa rk

Structure: Spots and Pathes

Cum hurie t

Stre et

Asker Ocag i Stre et

The Forum

Public Library

Repu blic B oule Com vard merc e/

Shop s

Hotel Intercontinental

Mete Stre et

Gast ro

The Well


Shop s

The Pitch

Acce ss

The Calm

lv. si B a b arla

Common Centre

Culture / Gastro / Mobilty


An Entry

The Fresh

Atatü rk K Merk ültür ezi

The Monument

Shar ed S pace

Acces Sublevel

Water Rese rvoir

Taksim Mos que

Shar ed S pace

The Entry

Shar ed S pace

Marma ra Hot el

Hagia Triada Churc h

Sirase lviler


Inönü St.

v. lal A Istik

Site Map / Scale 1:2000


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Structure: Layers of Connectivity Entrance to Parking at AKM

Gezi Park

Entrance to Cultural Spaces

Common Centre


Entrance to Line F7 (F端nik端ler)

Entrance to Public Transport Hub

Str ee tT un el (le ve l -1

Cultural Spaces

Ateliers / Food / Exhibition


Utility Spaces

Level -1 Taxi Station

Public Transport Hub

Taxi / Bus / Dolmus / Metro Bus Station

to G

ez iM etr oE ntr an ce

Bus Terminal Waiting Area Dolmus Station

M AK at g kin ar P to

Entrance to Park & Ride

Level -2/-3 Park & Ride 3 sub-levels

端ler 端nik to F

Level -4 Me tro L

ine M2

The surface area of the Taksim area is kept free of additive development to emphasize the quality of the open space. Below the square, spaces are being created for cultural use. With the difference in height between the open square and Gezi Park, three vertical levels are created, which are connected to each other in some places. A barrier-free transition between park and square is achieved by gently warping the terrain at the southern edge. Following another principle of emphasizing the axis towards the Monument, the western edge of the Park is rebuilt and offers new spaces under the park at street level.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Elements: A Common Centre Nukleus








t ul



roof / the connecting one

the wet one


emphazises the entrance from the park

improves the climate on the square -> cools down the square

a mo




e qu



s Mo

Forum / the smart one small space educati-


the fit one urban fitness

the calme one place to calm down

the old one

The Centre The inclined square of the centre provides a barrier-free transition between the elevated level of the park, the level of the previous square and the basement level. Apart from its functional aspect, the sloping surface is reminiscent of places like Siena or the Centre Pompidou in Paris, where people enjoy the square as a spacious terrace. At the lowest point of the central plaza the basement is accessed. Here a glazed facade opens the rooms behind it to the square. Artists‘ studios and rooms for initiatives organising workshops and lectures or temporary exhibitions can be accommodated here. The offer is supplemented by gastronomy. These uses have their impact on the facade‘s appearance and the outer spaces, where outdoor exhibitions and cafe tables can be placed. The Centre serves as a space for cultural coproduction and open communication. Neighbouring the cultural spaces in the underground, wide areas illuminated from above provide generous access to the transport infrastructure. The existing basement at the road tunnel will be extended and converted into a Mobility Hub. A clearly laid out sequence of rooms from the central access point via the terminal to the bus, dolmus and taxi platforms and to the metro line will ensure an orderly connection of the various mobility options. A three-storey underground car park below the central square serves motorists to change to public transport and completes the mobility offer.

AKM Hilton Hotel

Gezi Park

Common Centre

Open Square

Hub Access Public Transport Hub to Metro Station

Cultural Spaces to Underground Parking

to Underground Parking

to Füniküler


De tion

Taksim Square A Common Cosmos

cting roof /one the connecting one the wet one


the wet one the joyfull one

the joyfull one

entrance emphazises fromthe entrance from improves the climate improves on the climate a more on hidden space a more for hidden space for the park the square -> cools thedown square -> cools down the square the square

Elements: Perimetric Places

The nucleus is surrounded by a series of differently programmed spots (or satellites), which integrate the different 4 core themes in their own way. There are places with historical reference, climatic aspect, connecting places or places of activity, whereby the sociocultural reference is present in all places.

the calme one down place to calm down

the old one

Historic Spots

Denkmal Denkmal / the revoluthe old one / the revolutionary one tionary one

roof / the connecting one

the wet one

the joyfull one

emphazises the entrance from the park

improves the climate on the square -> cools down the square

a more hidden space for

The Well

The Monument Nukleus Both the fountain and the monument as formal starting points for the future design of the square remain unchanged. They are places of historical identification of republican and Ottoman times within the overall structure of a contemporary democratic system: two components of a plural system.

the fit one urban fitness


roof / the connecting one the calme one place to calmfrom down emphazises entrance Climatethe Spots the park Nukleus

roof / the connecting one

the wet one



roof / the connecting one

improve the squa the squa

the wet one Met


emphazises the entrance from the park The Calm The Fresh The Entry the fit one Forum / the smart the calme one urban fitness theplaces calme one Two with a climatic one aspect are inserted into the stone surface of the square, which place to calm down Denkmal / the revoluthe old one offer peace and conscious encounter in the hustle and bustle of the spacious square: placeplaces to calm of down small space educatitionary one as places to stay in the shade of trees or the freshness of the water element. These spots are

the fit one urban fitness

the wet o

the joyfull one emphazises the entrance from Denkmal / the revoluthe old one Connective Spots improves the climate on the park a more hidden space for tionary one the square -> cools down the square Nukleus

improves the climate on the square -> cools dow the square

assigned to the nearby cultural uses, the mosque and the AtatĂźrk Cultural Centre. A canopy marks the entrance to the mobility level below in the northern part of the square. This access is generously covered, so that it serves as a kind of pavilion and meeting place.

the wet one

the joyfull one / the smart Forum

one improves the climate on Activea more Spots hidden spaceeducatifor small space the square -> cools down the square

the fit one urban fitness

the calme one place to calmForum down/ the smart one small space educati-

the fit one the old one urban fitness



The Playground

The Pitch

The Forum

Denkmal the revoluthe old one The active spots / bring new uses to the course. The pitch and the playground as dynamic, youthful tionary placesone where people play, watch and have fun. The forum as a complementary place to

the library, a place of encounter and exchange with seating possibilities and the possibility to use it as a stage. The Playground and Forum as rear spots also emphasize places to rest and gather in less central locations around the square. These spots are already located within denser green areas and integrate the Taksim into the superordinate green structure. Additional to the larger programmed spots there are several smaller spots that serve as connecting elements between the square and the mobility level below: the entrances and the light points. The entrances provide access to the underground and metro levels. They are widened to allow daylight to enter the basement and make it more pleasant for passengers. In contrast to the entrance spots, the light points provide a visual link between the square and the mobility level below. These transparent elements embedded in the plaza surface offer a view of the metro level during the day and illuminate the plaza area in the evening.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


The Playground

Asker Ocag i Stre et

Cum hurie t

Stre et

Bridg e

Elements: Integrative Layout

The Forum H In ote te l rc on tin en ta l

Shop s

Public Library The Well

Repu blic B oule vard

Mete Stre et

Gezi Park


Shop s

The Pitch

Acce ss

The Calm

lv. si B a b arla

Common Centre

Culture / Gastro / Mobilty


Open Square An Entry

Shar ed S pace

Atatü rk K Merk ültür ezi

The Monument

Shar ed S pace

Acces Sublevel

Water Rese rvoir

Taksim Mos que

Shar ed S pace

The Entry

The Fresh

Marma ra Hot el Inönü St.

Hagia Triada Churc h

Sirase lviler


v. lal A Istik

Site Map / Scale 1:2000 10/15

Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Scenario: Diversity of A Square


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Scenario: A Variety of Use relax

play stroll retreat



rest exhibit





pass pause drink


Everyday Scheme The square offers space for a wide range of uses in accordance to the visitors or commuters needs. It can appear as a space for transit, play or rest. Match

Open Air Bar Concert

Screening Vernisage



Cultural Events Different spots provide different opportunities for cultural group activities, which can take place simultaneously.


Mass Event Bigger gatherings of people will concentrate on the open square that is extended due to sloped transition towards the park. The highest point of the centre might serve as a stage.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Scenario: Night and Lighting Dance

Gala Evening

Arthouse Show Meze Bar

Night Tour

Night Scheme The general layout of lighting creates an atmospheric but safe illumination. Main elements are emphasized, while light poles accompany the main pathes through the park.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Vision: A common Istanbul

Our vision for the redesign of Taksim Square is to create a place where all the city‘s residents are represented and which reflects the city‘s diversity: a common cosmos.


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Prospect: 2nd Stage

Climate Designer

Architect & Urban Designer



Landscape Architect Mobility Expert

Light Planner

Organization Chart: Design Team 2nd Stage


Taksim Square A Common Cosmos


Mosque Taksim

. Av al ikl Ist

eservoir Water R

The Calm

Hagia Triada Church



The Monument

Siraselviler St.




Cumhuriet Street

Republic Boulevard

Skylight Access Mobility Hub

Active Front


The Entry

Acces to Metro

Common Centre

An Entry

Culture / Gastro / Mobilty

The Playground

Acces Cultural Spaces Shared Space

l Marmara Hote


Gezi Park


Acces Parking


Seating Stairs

The Well Connecting Bridge

Water & Flowers Semi Public Restaurant

Open Square

Asker Ocagi Street

Hotel Terrace Sloped Transition

The Pitch

Play & Sport

The Fresh Water Elements

Park Balcony

nü Inö


Acces Parking

Shared Space

Mete Street

Hotel Intercontinental

Acces Parking

Atatürk Kültür Merkezi ce Shared Spa

s ITÜ Taskisla Campu

The Forum Lecture & Debate


Public Library Site Map / Scale 1:1000

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