1.3.3. Identity Studies Taksim Square, as a reflection of the layered structure that is the sociocultural history of our society, has held an important place in the history of the Republic and modernization process. Taksim Square contains many meanings and has been considered in regard to its place in the city’s memory as well as to all of its layers. It is for this reason that we call our project “common ground”. Taksim is the common ground among all differences. Its identity is known for being a (common) environment for these differences. It is a place for coming together. It is a dynamic, changing and change-making environment. In our project, as it represents the contemporary principles and values of the Republic, we defined the identity of Taksim Square in accordance with its potential to become a COMMON GROUND, and treated this as the defining element in our dynamic ground and urban reinforcement design. Everything taking place upon this ground now and in the future should have the ability to be freely formed, the ability to form its own language and identity, and within this context, the ability to find an environment in which to freely present and express itself. Taksim is our common ground and place of freedom to the extent that it is able to maintain an identity formed and changing within participatory, sharing processes, that can bring many different languages and identities together.
The monument’s base and fountains originally designed by G. Mongeri will be restored. The green landscape elements added to strengthen its circular composition. Meanwhile, the axial alignment between the Republic Monument and Cumhuriyet Blvd has become visible through the restoration of above ground vehicle traffic. The platform connecting Tarlabasi with the square in circular form also refers to the Republic Monument at its center. The colonnade façade of the crystal casino, which was built with reference to its rotunda when the Republic Monument was built, was an original architectural element of that period in the square. In reference to the traces of the colonnade of the radial facade which later collapsed, a radial colonnade was designed and a flower market created under the canopy of glass prisms. As a radial space within its surroundings it has strengthened the definition of the monument architecturally. Landscaping in reference to the monument has also been created at the entrance to Istiklal Ave. Among the buildings to be redesigned, the façade of the first building looking towards the square has been set back and designed with a curved colonnade to serve as a background to the monument.
2. TAKSIM SQUARE: KEY ELEMENTS FORMING THE SQUARE AND DESIGN CONCEPT The following elements which give the square its character were evaluated individually and in relation to one another. 2.1. Republic Monument One of the most important elements in the square and that which gives the space its meaning is The Republican Monumentbuilt in Istanbul to represent the Republic immediately after its founding. In addition to depicting the main figures that made the Republic come to life and telling the story of its foundation, it also represents the concept of the “REPUBLIC”, defined by its fundamental principles such as freedom, equality, democracy, superiority of law and laicism. That these principles and values remain the most important common ground among our society today and in the future is an indispensable requirement to being a modern society. Due to these values and the importance they represent, the Taksim Republic Monument was designed by P. Canonica to be placed in a central position and face the four cardinal directions. The “rotunda base” designed by G. Mongeri strongly reflects both this centrality and radiality. Subsequent interventions in the area have, unfortunately, negatively affected the scale, central position and perception of the monument. In order to restore the Republic Monument, the reason of the existence of Taksim Square, to its former strength, and to emphasize that the Republic is our society’s common value and ground. We focused on suggestions to emphasize its central position and strengthen its relationship to the square. We have treated the square first as a “ground” design. The composition of the radial ground arrangement centered around the Republic Monument holds together and forms an environment for all of the architectural elements around the square representing different periods and various cultures. With this radial setup, the entire square is designed “on the ground” to increase the awareness of “our common ground”.