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The project is co-funded by the Regional Operational Programme of Lesser Poland for the years 2014 – 2020. The support of small and medium-sized enterprises which operate in tourism and increasing the recognisability of Lesser Poland as a tourist economic brand.
KARCZMA NAD POPRADEM Karczma nad Popradem Address: Żegiestów 32, 33-360 Żegiestów Phone: + 48 502 866 301 karczmanadpopradem

The project ‘The support of small and medium-sized enterprises which operate in tourism and increasing the recognisability of Lesser Poland as a tourist economic brand’ (no RPMP.03.03.01-12-0593/18) cofunded by the European Union as a part of the Regional Operational Programme of Lesser Poland for the years 2014 – 2020.

The Foundation for the Development of Regions


Realization: Digital Places Multimedia Publishing www.digitalplaces.pl

Kraszewskiego 1/406

33-380 Krynica-Zdrój

The Association of Polish Spa Communities www.sgurp.pl

Art Manager: Konrad Rogoziński

Text: Maria Kościelniak

Translation: Ewelina Natanek-Rogozińska

Proofreading: Agata Kościelniak

Design: Klaudia Stochmal

Typesetting: Klaudia Stochmal

Photographies: © Konrad Rogoziński / DigitalPlaces.pl

Apart from: P 2 i 3 © Łukasz Świętach

P 8 photos no 1, 2 i 3; © Arch Chata pod Pustą

P 9 photo no 1 © Domena Publiczna - Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe

In the Poprad River Valley

In the Poprad River Valley, between the mountains of the Beskid Sądecki and the Poprad Foothills, Żegiestów is located. It is a peaceful, even idyllic one would say, beautiful and interesting village right by the border with Slovakia surrounded by the Poprad River. It used to be a popular resort visited by aristocrats and celebrities. Lemko people also dwelled in this land – they had been there even before anyone could think that Żegiestów with its

mineral water could attract rich visitors. Lemko people worked hard, grazed their sheep, built their Orthodox churches, prayed in them and created local traditions and delicious cuisine. Even though they were forcefully resettled after the Second World War, they left their spirit in the area – in a wooden Orthodox church, on mountain slopes, at roadside crosses and in culture which today is reflected in local handicraft and dishes.


Lemko cuisine

Lemko cuisine is as simple as the people who created it. Lemkos, either those from the Beskid Sądecki or the Low Beskids, lived in the mountains so they had to face harsh weather conditions, severe winters, short vegetation periods, barren soil and a mountainous landform. The most often not very demanding vegetables were grown such as potatoes, swedes or beetroots and vegetables which were easy to store, for instance, beans or cabbage which later on was pickled. In the season fruit such as plums or apples or the treasures of the forest that is mushrooms, herbs, raspberries or cowberries were also used in the process of cooking. Moreover, Lemko people were shepherds – they grazed their sheep on the meadows of the Beskids, so they could take advantage of sheep milk and sheep cheese or mutton. However, meat was eaten only on special days and on a daily basis they ate dishes based on flour and grouts. Lemko cuisine is simple but delicious and filling.


A wooden inn

In every respectable village, next to a church, there is an inn! Żegiestów could not be an exception. Right by the Poprad, by the main road which leads from Nowy Sącz to Muszyna there is a historic, wooden building which used to be known as Karczma Poprad (Poprad Inn). It is of log construction and has a shingle hip roof. It has been renovated and is known as Karczma nad Popradem (Nad Popradem Regional Restaurant). It is an incredibly

climatic place. Wood, which smells wonderfully, prevails inside and makes us think about the old times creating a warm, almost home atmosphere.


The menu of the restaurant refers to the history of Żegiestów – there are slightly modernised regional flavours and dishes. The chefs draw inspiration from the cuisine of Lemkos as they inhabited the land for many years. The restaurant offers snacks, bar dishes, dumplings or classical dinner dishes. For dessert we can have home-made cakes out of which apple pie is the most popular.

The Cuisine by the Poprad River

Music in the mountains

If you have enjoyed the events organised in ‘Chata pod Pustą’ in Wierchomla Mała, located only 20 km from Żegiestów, you can definitely come to the inn for a concert! Great Polish artists, who represent a variety of music genres, perform there. The events are always climatic and interesting. Moreover, the cosy interiors and good cuisine add to their charm.


Before the Second World War Żegiestów-Zdrój was said to be one of the most popular spas in the country. It was an elegant and modern resort for elites. However, at the end of the 20th century it resembled a ghost town – destroyed, abandoned, visited only by the fans of urban exploration who sought adrenaline. Nowadays it is being renovated as the investors want to bring it to its previous glory. Moreover, next to the spa buildings newer and newer attractions are created. The history of the place is incredibly interesting. When Ignacy Medwecki discovered mineral water springs in the 19th century, the spa started to develop dynamically. Over the years, numerous spa buildings were erected where treatments of high quality were conducted. The Spa Park was flourishing too. Visitors took advantage of the high quality acidulous waters and the deposits of peat. The surroundings of

Żegiestów were also significant – picturesque mountains of the Beskid Sądecki and its beneficial air about which Józef Dietl wrote. Even though Żegiestów fell into decline during the First World War, its next owners managed to make it the diamond of Polish spas during the Interwar Period. Żegiestów overshadowed Krynica and Muszyna but the Second World War destroyed everything. The German left Żegiestów in a miserable condition. The management board of Żegiestów-Zdrój could not afford to reconstruct the town. The spa was nationalised but it marked the end of its greatness. It had been gradually falling into ruin until 2015. Then, the descendants of the prewar owners won the case in court about their property which was illegally grabbed after the war. A new investor has appeared and they want to restore the place to its previous state. Other entrepreneurs who operate in the area of Żegiestów also create its uniqueness.

The pre-war splendour of Żegiestów

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