The project ‘The support of small and medium-sized enterprises which operate in tourism and increasing the recognisability of Lesser Poland as a tourist economic brand’ (no RPMP.03.03.01-12-0593/18) cofunded by the European Union as a part of the Regional Operational Programme of Lesser Poland for the years 2014 – 2020.
The Foundation for the Development of Regions
Realization: Digital Places Multimedia Publishing
Kraszewskiego 1/406
33-380 Krynica-Zdrój
The Association of Polish Spa Communities
Art Manager: Konrad Rogoziński
Text: Natalia Starzyk
Translation: Ewelina Natanek-Rogozińska
Proofreading: Maria Kościelniak
Design: Klaudia Stochmal, Nina Kieblesz
Typesetting: Klaudia Stochmal, Nina Kieblesz
Photographies: © Konrad Rogoziński /
Apart from: Front cover; p. 2 i 3; © Łukasz Świętach
P 6 photo no 2; © Adobe Stock
P 8 i 9 photos no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; ©
A commune hidden in the mountains
Muszyna is a small, charming town hidden in the mountains and valleys by the Poprad River. Tiny villages tucked into the mountains are scattered around it. Omnipresent nature, peace, harmony and the history of the people who used to inhabit this land, which fans our face as warm, summer wind, create the sheer Land of Gentleness.
In the past, it was seen as a small town, right by the border of Poland – the end of the world with a small square, shrines, ruins of the Castle which remind us that it used to be great. After all, it was the capital of the Muszyna State! In the past, irrespective of the fact that it was a spa, it was always one step behind trendy Krynica but today these two resorts can definitely compete with each other.
At present, it is a climatic resort which year after year is visited by a greater number of guests. Tourists praise the nostalgic climate of this small, Galician town and great changes implemented in the tourist infrastructure annually add to its attractiveness. The Square and the ruins of the Castle, which used to be in its centre, today constitute the first, beautifully renovated step of a trip. And what is further? Further gardens bloom, mineral waters flow, cycling paths run and newer and newer attractions are created on a regular basis.
Post-Lemko villages do not change as much. There are 10 of them. Even though they seem to be similar, each of them is different. They are scattered somewhere by the Poprad, right by the border with Slovakia, at the foot
of Jaworzyna Krynicka (1,114 m) and they remember Lemko people who used to live in the area. Angels revel on gentle mountains, in green alleys, over murmuring streams. From a shrine to a shrine. From an Orthodox church to an Orthodox church. From a spring, to a spring. In between omnipresent nature. It would be extremely difficult to find another place as tranquil as this one. It is the true Land of Gentleness as it was described by Harasymowicz. ‘In the mountains I will find everything I love’ this fragment refers to this place perfectly. This is a spot for poets and people who seek respite. This land was a witness of great history where people created amazing places beautifully integrated into the surrounding nature.
If you venture into this area, visit its historic, recreation or a spa district, neighbouring villages and mountains. They have numerous attractions to offer.
Rehabilitation in the mountains under the eye of a specialist
Muszyna is famous for sanatoria which are frequented by health visitors from the whole Poland. They can get in shape and regain strength after some injuries and diseases, improve their fitness and rejuvenate physically and mentally taking advantage of various treatments and therapies.
Michał Bielamowicz, MSc, runs RehaNova Rehabilitation Centre in Muszyna where we can undergo various treatments, massages and do exercises which will improve our motor system, cardiovascular system and our skin.
Group or individual training sessions tailored to one’s needs
RehaNova offers pilates, healthy spine or ‘Active Senior’ group classes. There are also individual ones for patients who have orthopaedic, rheumatological, neurological problems or intend to prevent them. Implemented exercises are based on McKenzie, PNF, Pilates, SM System methods or yoga.