Meeting in Seville 7-13 April 2019
High School of Gazi, Greece Erasmus Ka2+ Debate Global Awareness 2018-1-DE03KA229-047392_3
• In years after the world wars, there was the need for people to cultivate in all available grounds, in order to produce the necessary for living. So, a tendency was created, to work on unused land, on land that nobody claimed or on any available property, big or small, so that one could have groceries, vegetables, herbs, fruits to feed his family.
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Apart from that, urban farming offers: Survival and social integration Recreation and relaxing in free time environmental recovery, specially in underrated industrial areas
• Depression Relief Gardens were created during economical fall 1929-1930. They insured food and work, as well as relief from depression among urban population • Victory Gardens showed up in 1st and 2nd world wars in U.S.A., Canada and United Kingdom. This was an organized attempt to avoid under nutrition, to provide food in battle fields and to enforce the social feeling and patriotism. • Community Gardens appear in middle 70’s in New York and claim the reuse of public space.
Victory Gardens
New York 1943
Vegetables instead of grass
New Orleans 1975 after hurricane Katrina
Starting from that, we had the idea of creating cultivating spaces in our school and also expanding to grounds, granted to us by our municipality.
• By farming, we will produce groceries and vegetables, improve biotic conditions, influence the life of our community, show concern about environment and give the message for green cities. • We will sell our products, or give some of them away to people in need.
• We thought also of having compost system at school. • Pupils will bring their organic disposals and the converted mixture will be used for fertilizing. This way we reduce garbage, produce fertilizer and improve our agricultural production. In addition we can sell the fertilizer.
• Another suggestion was to bring to school old and out of use clothes, so that we can reform and reuse them to package our products.
We named our social enterprise: “THE GREEN TEAM”
KEY PARTNERS Our key partners are: • Agency of municipality for “green” service. • Our school director and our teachers • Students and parents, volunteers • Local society • Α construction company to help us plant and build fences • Agriculturist for instructions and advice
KEY PARTNERS Our distributers and suppliers are: • Farmers • Irrigation Company • Providers for seeds and tools, shop with agricultural products • Shop with packaging material
The key resources with which our key partners supply our business are: • • • • • • • • • •
school ground, where we begin our farming and vegetable production plants, fertilizer orchards Municipality will provide property and space that can be cultivated water, irrigation system seeds, bulbs, young plants fencing techniques and knowledge, expertise compost systems packaging material like paper bags, reusable handbags, wooden lattice for transport • accountancy for book keeping
KEY PARTNERS What does each partner execute? • • • • •
cultivation, care and support of plants and trees, replanting construction of orchard and fence supplying of seeds, necessary material for cultivation advise and directions for proper care of plants Municipality in cooperation with school will tune the work timetable • School will supervise expenses and book keeping
KEY RESOURCES The four types of Key Resources that we need to sustain our business and make value are: a. Physical: • ground for cultivation • plants, soil, irrigating system • equipment for farming and protection of farmers • installation for packaging and promotion of our products • tools to work with • composting system, fertilizer • packaging and transportation of products
b. Financial: • The capital that will be needed for the purchase of seeds, tools and all equipment mentioned. c. Intellectual: • partners, customer databases d. Human: • Knowledge and skills of students • team spirit • communication and collaboration • Work offered by students, parents, teachers and volunteers
KEY RESOURCES The channels through which we interact with customers are: • Students, teachers • parents through their colleagues • bargain market at school, held occasionally • cars available from volunteers Our costumer relationship will be established through: • communication via Webpage and Face book of our enterprise • brochures • posters • newspapers where there will be notifying ads • peaceful march in favor of environment protection
KEY RESOURCES The revenue streams come from: • posters, ads • product sale at school bazaar • kiosk in school place for students to buy • donators and sponsors • lottery • entertainment activities with paid entrance
Thank you !
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