Siraman Rohani
VOL.13/AGT 2019
Aku Mengingat Peristiwa Bersejarah Bangsaku Keluaran 13: 1-16
ulan Agustus menjadi bulan yang bersejarah bagi bangsa Indonesia. Tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2019, masyarakat Indonesia memperingati ulang tahun ke-74 Republik Indonesia. Kita perlu menaikkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan atas berkat-Nya sehingga bangsa Indonesia dapat meraih kemerdekaan dari penjajahan. Bahkan lebih dari itu, Tuhan juga masih menjaga bangsa Indonesia dalam setiap proses untuk memajukan Indonesia dari dahulu hingga saat ini. Hal inilah yang disadari benar oleh para pendiri bangsa Indonesia, sehingga mereka merumuskannya di dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea ke 3 yang berbunyi demikian: “Atas berkat rahmat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan dengan didorongkan oleh keinginan luhur, supaya berkehidupan kebangsaan yang bebas, maka rakyat Indonesia menyatakan dengan ini kemerdekaannya.� Melalui rumusan tersebut para pendiri bangsa Indonesia meyakini bahwa kemerdekaan yang dirasakan oleh bangsa Indonesia bukanlah hasil dari perjuangan para pahlawan maupun usaha bangsa Indonesia sendiri, melainkan berkat dari Tuhanlah yang memampukan setiap usaha perjuangan kemerdekaan. Sebagai warga negara Indonesia yang merdeka tentu kita merasakan kebahagiaan dalam menyambut peringatan kemerdekaan RI. Hal ini tergambarkan dengan jelas dalam kegembiraan masyarakat Indonesia dalam menyambut tanggal 17 Agustus. Sebagai contoh, memasuki bulan Agustus, jalan-jalan akan mulai semarak dengan atribut bendera merah putih, baliho-baliho ucapan selamat ulang tahun kemerdekaan RI hingga lampion-lampion atau pernak-pernik khas yang bernuansa merah dan putih.
Masyarakat mulai bersiap menyambut dengan mengadakan berbagai kegiatan misalnya kerja bakti memperindah kampung, jalan sehat, hingga perlombaan seperti lomba makan krupuk, lomba balap karung, dan lomba lainnya. Berbagai instansi pendidikan dan pemerintahan juga sudah membentuk panitia peringatan HUT ke-74 RI yang menggelar rangkaian acara peringatan detik-detik Proklamasi. Setiap bangsa memiliki tradisinya masing-masing untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan. Di Indonesia, perayaan 17 Agustus identik dengan upacara bendera, lomba-lomba, dan berbagai kegiatan khusus 17 Agustus. Bangsa lain juga memiliki caranya sendiri untuk menyambut hari bersejarahnya. Salah satu bangsa yang memiliki cara khas dalam menyambut peristiwa kemerdekaannya adalah bangsa Israel. Bagi bangsa Israel, bulan Abib atau bulan Nisan yaitu bulan pertama dalam kalender Ibrani tepatnya mulai hari ke-14 hingga hari ke-21 merupakan hari bersejarah bagi mereka. Pada bulan Abib itulah masyarakat Israel memperingati kemerdekaannya. Mereka mengingat pekerjaan Tuhan yang membebaskan mereka dari perbudakan Mesir. Peringatan kemerdekaan bangsa Israel dirayakan dengan peristiwa Paskah. Pada hari ke-14 saat senja, bangsa Israel berkumpul untuk makan daging anak domba atau kambing jantan yang tidak bercela dan berumur setahun. Pertama, daging tersebut dipanggang agar darahnya hilang. Mereka makan daging tersebut dengan roti yang tidak beragi dan sayur pahit. Saat makan, bangsa Israel juga menggunakan pakaian khusus yaitu ikat pinggang, kasut pada kaki dan tongkat di tangan. Dalam perayaan Paskah, para orang tua menceritakan kepada anak-anak mereka bahwa Paskah adalah tanda untuk mengingat pekerjaan Tuhan terhadap bangsa Israel
(ayat 8). Bahwa kebebasan mereka dari perbudakan di tanah Mesir hanya dapat terjadi karena Tuhan yang membebaskan (ayat 9), bukan atas kekuatan mereka atau karena prakarsa Musa. Karena itu bangsa Israel memperingatinya dalam tradisi Paskah yang dilakukan setiap tahun (ayat 10). Tidak cukup hanya peringatan kemerdekaan saja, bangsa Israel juga memperingati penyertaan Tuhan sehingga mereka dapat memasuki tanah Kanaan yang dijanjikan dengan cara mempersembahkan korban sulung kepada Tuhan (ayat 12). Jika setiap bangsa memiliki caranya masing-masing dalam menyambut hari kemerdekaannya, bagaimana dengan kita sebagai bagian dari bangsa Indonesia? Apakah kita menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak warga yang melakukan tradisi-tradisi seperti beberapa contoh di atas untuk memperingati HUT ke-74 RI? Kita boleh saja melakukannya untuk memperingati dan menyemarakkan hari kemerdekaan RI, tetapi jangan sampai perjuangan kita hanya berhenti di sini. Kerja sama dan gotong royong dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia
masih dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkan citacita bersama yaitu memajukan bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa yang percaya kepada Tuhan, kita juga harus selalu mengingat kekuatan doa dalam setiap langkah. Jangan lupa untuk terus berdoa kepada Tuhan dalam upaya yang dilakukan setiap pribadi untuk memajukan bangsa Indonesia. Refleksi: Sebagai bagian dari bangsa Indonesia, sumbangsih seperti apa yang dapat aku berikan dan lakukan untuk kemajuan Indonesia? Pokok Doa: Terima kasih ya Tuhan karena berkat-Mu, kami bangsa Indonesia boleh merasakan kemerdekaan dari penjajahan dan terus memperingatinya hingga saat ini. Ajar kami untuk tidak menyalahgunakan kebebasan kami dan merugikan sesama yang lain. Ajar kami pula ya Tuhan untuk mengisi kemerdekaan dengan kegiatan positif yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa cinta kami terhadap bangsa kami tercinta Indonesia. Amin. [Ruth Ivory]
Ibadah Awal Semester Gasal 2019/2020
emester gasal 2019/2020 diawali dengan ibadah awal semester yang berlangsung di Auditorium Koinonia pada 19 Agustus 2019. Ibadah pembukaan kali ini membawa warna tersendiri, karena selain suasana baru yang membuka semangat di semester baru, juga karena tempat dan petugas yang berbeda dari biasanya. Petugas ibadah kali ini dilayani oleh beberapa karyawan, yang terdiri dari anggota beberapa unit di kampus. Ada yang mengambil bagian dalam pelayanan musik, singer, liturgos, dan petugas-petugas yang lain. Tentunya hal ini disambut dengan antusias, karena ibadah yang melibatkan karyawan sebagai pelayan sangat jarang. Beberapa karyawan bahkan
menginginkan untuk dilibatkan kembali sebagai pelayan dalam ibadah atau kegiatan lainnya, karena dirasa membangkitkan semangat kebersamaan antar karyawan. Untuk mengawali semester baru, Pdt. Wahju Satria Wibowo,, M.Hum, Ph.D memberikan pesan dan semangat kepada seluruh karyawan maupun mahasiswa untuk tetap mengarahkan diri pada pengajaran Tuhan yang benar dan menjalani semester baru dengan segala hal yang positif. Tentu, dalam menjalani satu semester ke depan, akan banyak sekali persoalan dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi, namun cara kita menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut menjadi penting. Apakah kita mampu menyelesaikan dengan cara yang bijak, atau justru dengan
cara keliru yang menjadikan hal lebih buruk menimpa kita. Oleh karena itulah Pdt. Wahju berpesan agar kita memiliki kecerdikan seperti ular dan ketulusan seperti burung merpati, untuk melakukan setiap tugas dan tanggung jawab kita di kampus. Kecerdikan digunakan agar kita mampu menggunakan cara yang bijak, tepat, dan sesuai dengan perintah Allah dalam setiap pekerjaan kita. Ketulusan perlu kita terapkan agar kita senantiasa menggunakan cinta dan kasih dalam menerima setiap tanggung jawab yang diberikan kepada kita, dan kita juga mau menerima hasil yang akan kita dapatkan nantinya, entah baik maupun buruk, kita dapat menjalaninya dengan tulus.
Untuk menjadi pribadi yang cerdik dan tulus, tentunya kita tidak mampu menggunakan kekuatan dan kemampuan kita sendiri sebagai manusia, kita perlu berserah kepada Allah agar memampukan kita untuk mewujudkan apa yang dikehendaki Allah dalam setiap pekerjaan serta pelayanan yang kita lakukan. Hal ini seperti nilai pertama dalam nilainilai kedutawacanaan yang kita hidupi, dimana kita harus taat kepada Allah. Taat artinya tidak berkerja seturut dengan kehendak sendiri, namun bekerja seturut dengan kehendak Allah, dengan cara berserah kepada-Nya. Selamat berproses menjadi pribadi yang cerdik dan tulus. Tuhan Memberkati. [Nanda Natalia]
Office of International Affairs
VOL.13/AGT 2019
A Taste of Indonesia, Exploring Six Cities with GlobEEs 2019
foto:Biro IV UKDW
niversitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) along with Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) and Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan took part in the Global Education Experiences (GlobEEs) 2019. The program that aims to provide international experience for students as well as raising global awareness and foster cross cultural understanding, was first implemented in 2013. GlobEEs 2018 in Taiwan marked the year for UKDW joining this program, enriching GlobEEs into trilateral cooperation. Together with UKSW, this year UKDW co-hosted GlobEEs in welcoming CJCU participants in Indonesia. GlobEEs 2019 focused on equipping students with intercultural competences through interaction among students from different academic, national, and cultural backgrounds. Bringing up the theme “A Taste of Indonesia”, GlobEEs 2019 was conducted in Salatiga, Solo, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madura, and Surabaya on August 14-27, 2019. During this two-week program, seventeen students from UKDW, UKSW, and CJCU learned and worked together as they engaged in in-class and out-of-class activities to foster a better understanding of Indonesia. The journey of “tasting Indonesia” was started with a lecture on Indonesian Culture delivered by Theofransus L.A. Litaay, S.H., LLM., Ph.D., a lecturer in the Faculty of Law of UKSW who also serves as Senior Advisor Deputy V for Analysis and Oversight of Strategic Issues on Politics, Law, Defense, Security, and Human Rights Affairs Executive Office of the President Republic of Indonesia. In this lecture, participants learned about the richness of Indonesian culture as the largest archipelago country and the fourth largest population in the world as well as the recent situation and current issues in economics, politics, and technology. As part of the culture, Indonesian music demonstrates its cultural diversity. The second lecture introduced GlobEEs participants to Indonesian Music. The speaker in this lecture, Drs. Agastya Rama Listya, MSM., Ph.D. explained that in general, Indonesian traditional music is split into two categories pentatonic and diatonic. Gamelan is one of the
examples of pentatonic music from Bali and Java. In this lecture, participants learned about traditional music from different areas of Indonesia. Singing traditional songs such as Anju Ahu, Gundul-Gundul Pacul, O Ina Ni Keke, Cik-cik Periook, Pileuleuyan, and Apuse brought the participants to a musical journey from Sumatra to Papua. In the next session, participants got the chance to learn how to play gamelan. As Indonesia celebrated its Independence Day, GlobEEs participants joined the celebration together with international students in UKSW. They participated in fun games and activities such as cracker-eating competition, 3-leg-race, sack race, marble race, tug of war, and many more. These activities helped Taiwanese students to understand more about Indonesia. Moreover, during the weekend, they stayed with Indonesian family for homestay program to have a first-hand experience of the life of Indonesian people. Education was another issue to be discussed in GlobEEs 2019. The Lecture on Indonesian Education was delivered by Priska Lydya S. Pulungan, S.Pd., M.M., a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of UKSW who currently pursues her Ph.D. in Taiwan. In this lecture, participants learned about the education system in Indonesia and discussed in group the differences and similarities between education in Indonesia and Taiwan. By the end of the lecture, each group shared about the result of their discussion. Understanding Indonesian education would also help the participants to prepare for the school visit later on in this program. Exploring one country is not complete without tasting its culinary. GlobEEs participants were not only introduced to Indonesian culinary, they also made two dishes during the cooking class at one local restaurant in Salatiga. With the instruction from the chef, each group prepared their own dinner - fried rice and sate. One-day trip to Solo offered more exposure on Indonesian culture - Javanese culture in particular, through the visit to Pura Mangkunegaran. GlobEEs participants also
visited Danar Hadi Batik Museum and engage in art class in which they learned to make batik. Through the collections in this museum, participants also learned about some of batik patterns, the characteristics and differences of batik from different areas, such as Solo, Jogja, and coastal areas. The trip to Solo was concluded with a visit to De Tjolomadoe - a former sugar factory turned into museum, educational heritage, and tourism center. Providing the opportunity to share not only knowledge but also cultural values of their home countries, the last day in Salatiga was the time for Community Service and Culture Sharing Performance. The Community Service was conducted at SD Kristen Satya Wacana. GlobEEs participants were divided into five groups. Each group sent to different classes where they can interact with the elementary students. With the help of Indonesian participants, CJCU participants shared about Taiwan and organized some activities for the elementary students. In the Culture Sharing Performance, each participating university prepared a performance about their country. “The party” started with traditional dances from different parts of Indonesia by UKSW participants, followed by a medley of Indonesian traditional songs by UKDW participants, and conclude by Taiwanese songs by CJCU participants. Moving to Yogyakrata, GlobEEs participants first stop to Borobudur Temple the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Here, participants learned about the history of this temple as well as the structures and the philosophy of each level. Strolling this magnificent temple, participants can see and try to comprehend the story depicted in its wall. The next stop was Prambanan Temple the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. Raising high as the characteristic of Hindu temple are three main temples dedicated to the three great deities in Hindu: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and three smaller temples dedicated to the animal who serve as the vehicle of these deities. Exploring Borobudur and Prambanan Temple, GlobEEs participants can also gain some insight of
Indonesian architecture influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism. Still in Prambanan temple complex, the first day GlobEEs program in Yogyakarta was concluded by enjoying Ramayana Ballet Performance. Through this theatrical performance, participants immersed in traditional art, music, dance, storytelling, and could associate with the things they learned during GlobEEs program. The second day in Yogyakarta, GlobEEs participants had a lecture on Nusantara Architecture. The lecture was conducted at Rev. Harun Seminar Room UKDW with Dr. Ing. Gregorius S. Wuryanto P.U., S.T., M.Arch., a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Design UKDW, as the speaker. In this lecture, he explained that each region in Indonesia has its own unique architecture, with the integration of art, culture, tradition, and custom to create its identity. “The uniqueness of each traditional house reflects the relationship between man and its environment. Traditional houses in Indonesia show how the local people use materials available in their area,” he added. Some issues including the challenge of preserving traditional architecture and government involvement were also discussed in this lecture. After learning about Indonesian culture, music, education, and architecture as well as exploring three cities: Salatiga, Solo, and Yogyakarta, GlobEEs participants enriched their experiences as they explore Malang, Madura, and Surabaya. The visit to Museum Angkut in Malang introduces participants to the traditional and modern transportation in Indonesia and around the world. Visiting Batik Gentongan in Madura gave another insight to participants about batik making. Lastly, visiting Sampurna Museum in Surabaya and exploring the city gave another taste of Indonesia. By the end of the program, participants had a Final Presentation. They shared about their experiences during GlobEEs 2019 through a video. Two weeks, six cities, and an invaluable experience. GlobEEs 2019 will surely be an unforgettable memory for both Indonesian and Taiwanese participants. [drr]
VOL.13/AGT 2019
Office of International Affairs
Student Visit and Discussion: Rural and Urban Development in and around Yogyakarta
foto:Biro IV UKDW
ocated in Dr. Harun Hadiwijono Seminar Room, on Monday, 5 August 2019, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana received a visit from the University of Marburg, Germany. The group that consisted Prof. Dr. Markus Hassler as a Human Geography lecturer and 23 students from Faculty of Geography were accepted by Ir. Henry Feriadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Rector of UKDW, Dr.-Ing., Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya, S.T., M.Eng (Head of the Architecture Study Program), Dr.-Ing. Paulus Bawole, MIP (Head of Urban Laboratory), Arida Susyetina, S.S., M.A., as Head of the Partnerships and Public Relations Office, as well as representatives from Faculty of Architecture and Design lectures and students. In his remarks, the Rector of UKDW explained that UKDW Yogyakarta is a Christian university that emphasizes the quality of education. "Through this program, we can share insights, increase knowledge, and strengthen relations between countries," he said. Representing the University of Marburg Germany, Prof. Dr. Markus Hassler said that through the visit to several universities, communities, and institutions in Indonesia, students were expected to learn more from what they saw directly. "I'm interested in Indonesia. I learned a lot by seeing the social life in several cities in Indonesia. At this time I want my students to learn about social life and development in
Yogyakarta and surrounding areas," he said. He revealed that they were also interested in knowing and studying more about the policies made by the Government of Indonesia related to the development and also about issues were developing in Indonesia. Starting the presentation and discussion session, Dr.-Ing. Sita Yuliastuti Amijaya, S.T., M.Eng as the Head of Architecture Department UKDW gave some information related to the Faculty of Architecture and Design UKDW. She said that Architecture Study Program has advantages in terms of architectural tectonics, understanding of urban village (kampong) life, and environmental-friendly programs. In addition, Faculty of Architecture and Design always include the entrepreneurial element in their project. "We will open an Architect Professional Program that promotes ecodesign and technopreneurship. Thus we hope students can understand other aspects such as socio-cultural aspects, local wisdom values, and technology which also play a role in architects and design so that they can be used creatively in the process of designing an artificial environment that prioritizes the principles of sustainability, "she explained . In this activity, participants got the opportunity to have more information from Dr.-Ing. Paulus Bawole, MIP presentation titled "Rural and Urban Development in Yogyakarta". Through his presentation,
foto:Biro IV UKDW
Paulus also gave an overview of social life in Urban Kampong. It has come to the attention that Kampong is now synonymous with slum areas or marginalized areas. The stigma that develops in the community is that Kampong is a poor and unhealthy settlement, has a high crime rate, a place for buying and selling illegal drugs, and is inhabited by people with very low economic levels (poor). This has become one of the reasons of several Kampong development projects held by FAD lecturers and students in Yogyakarta area (Bangirejo, Blunyahrejo, Petinggen, Karangwaru Lor, Karangwaru Kidul, and other Kampongs). Service-Learning Program (SLP) is also held in the form of activities for Neighborhood Planning and Design. Through this program, the community, lecturers, and students proceed together to build the Kampong environment into a better settlement. The preparation phase begins with lectures and seminars participated by SLP student participants on Urban Planning and Design and continues with field assessments. Furthermore, the development of plans and designs is carried out with the community after exploring potentials and problems in the community. After discussing, they finalized the neighborhood plan and design and calculated the budget. For project sustainability, monitoring and evaluation is done by the community. Paulus also emphasized the importance of governmentcommunity collaboration for the
construction of settlements in Yogyakarta. "Synergy between the government and the community is needed to make the environment around the marginalized village settlements better," he explained. Throu g h t he d is c u s s ion s e s s ion, participants were asked to examine what problems were faced in their countries related to development in rural and urban area. The Marburgs’ student said that people in Germany have to think about how to create a sustainable development program. The large number of non-productive age communities who still need land for their house is also a problem in Germany. In addition, Prof. Dr. Markus Hassler added that currently Germany began to think about how to deal with the hot season. Talked about settlement development, UKDW lecturers and students said that currently the Indonesian people are starting to think about sustainable development. Many development methods or concepts use natural materials. One of them is the development of ways to preserve bamboo to be stronger and more beautiful when used as a building material. This activity was ended by inviting participants to Kampong-tour around Klitren Lor, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta to observe the characteristics of Kampong development and learn about social life in one of the Yogyakarta Kampong by having direct interaction with the local community. [ai]
Learn More about Health Behaviour in Indonesia with Leibniz University and Stube HEMAT
n order to improve the quality of cooperation with overseas universities, on Friday, 9 August 2019, at Didaktos Seminar Room, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) Yogyakarta held a "Student Visit and Discussion: Health Behavior in Indonesia". The group consisting of Andreas Kurschat, M.A., lecturer at Leibniz University and project leader at Kirchlicher Entwicklungsdienst (KED), eight students from the Institute of Sociology of Leibniz University in Hanover, Germany and six staff of Stube-HEMAT were received by Dr. Teguh Kristian Perdamaian, MPH (lecturer at the UKDW Faculty of Medicine), Arida Susyetina, S.S., M.A (Head of the Partnerships ans Public Relations Office), and several lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine UKDW, as well as representatives from the Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA ) UKDW. The session began with remarks and a brief introduction about UKDW and its health projects by Dr. Teguh Kristian Perdamaian, MPH. Furthermore, Ariani Narwasjuti, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd., as the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT expressed her gratitude for the welcome and opportunity given by UKDW. Andreas Kurchat M.A., the Project Leader at Kirchlicher Entwicklungsdienst (KED) also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity. Andreas said that the purpose of their visit to UKDW was to discuss about the viewpoints
from UKDW and UKDW’s role regarding health issues in Indonesia and to explore the possibility of UKDW becoming a partner for their future projects. After the remarks, the session continued with presentation and discussion. Starting the presentation session, dr. Teguh Kristian Perdamaian, MPH gave an overview of health behavior in Indonesia through his presentation titled Health-Seeking Behavior in Indonesia. Dr. Teguh asked all participants to see a photo of an old woman. The woman is one of the breast cancer sufferers whom he met in severe condition. The woman also revealed that so far she had not gone to the doctor because she thought that her husband who needed a doctor because of his kidney problem. Through this story, Dr. Teguh emphasized that there is still low awareness of the importance of personal health in marginalized people. "There are still many lower-class people who did not have enough health education and information about health promotion. Limited financial capacity prevents people from visiting doctor when they have health problems. Intensive health promotion and community empowerment program is needed to increase the awareness, willingness and the community’s ability to create a healthy live. The development of community-based health efforts is also needed to create a conducive environment to encourage clean and healthy living behaviors, "he concluded.
foto:Biro IV UKDW
Continuing the presentation session, Andreas Kurschat, M.A., provided information on the background of several health projects in Indonesia. KED which is the development service of the Lutheran Regional Churches of Brunswick and Hannover has a close connection with other CSOs, one of them is BUGI. BUGI is CSO founded in 2015 by Indonesian students in Germany. BUGI organized funding to support health and education in Indonesia. Since 2 years ago, KED and BUGI started the health project at Tambak Lorong, Semarang. Field studies showed that residents of Semarang use their toilets without septic tanks and also use the river as a toilet. Therefore, BUGI, KED, and LPUBTN initiated the project to improve sanitary conditions. The two main programs of this
project are the improvement of sanitary facilities and the development of the conversion method for feces to fertilizers and biogas. The session was ended with a brief discussion among participants on environmental health conditions in Indonesia related to sanitation and the problem of the diminishing availability of groundwater, especially in densely populated areas such as Yogyakarta. Closing the discussion session, Ariani invited all parties (Leibniz and UKDW) to look more closely at the occuring health problems, especially in Yogyakarta area so that there will be a collaborative project in the future that can be carried out by Leibniz, KED, and UKDW to improve the quality of health in Yogyakarta. [ai]
VOL.13/AGT 2019
Artjog MMXIX: Memaknai Alam sebagai Ruang Pengetahuan Bersama
foto:dok KK/Eva
elama satu bulan penuh, sejak tanggal 25 Juli hingga 25 Agustus 2019, ARTJOG, sebuah pameran seni rupa kontemporer internasional yang paling dinanti oleh banyak kalangan kembali digelar di Jogja National Museum. Mengangkat tema Arts in Common, ARTJOG 2019 hendak menyuguhkan instalasi karya yang terhubung atau dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan merangkul seniman Indonesia maupun mancanegara seperti Austria, Australia, Filipina, dan Singapura untuk mengambil bagian dan membawa alam sebagai tokoh utama, pameran diisi oleh beragam pemaknaan tak terbatas mengenai “ruang bersama” yang dapat dinikmati semua kalangan. Lambat laun, alam sebagai “ruang bersama” kian tereksploitasi untuk kepentingan kelompok dominan yang
seringkali menimbulkan kesenjangan. Bukan lagi berperan sebagai ruang pengetahuan bersama, alam menjadi milik segelintir komunitas. Di sisi lain ada hal yang ingin diperlihatkan yakni perubahan kondisi alam yang ditentukan oleh manusia sendiri. Di zaman modern ini alam sulit dilihat dari sisi keindahannya karena manusia yang menjadikannya sebagai tempat singgah justru membuat lingkungan semakin terancam. Salah satu karya yang banyak menyita perhatian sekaligus memiliki makna perenungan yang dalam mengenai kehidupan makhluk hidup di laut yakni “ Dau n K hat u l is t iw a” . Ins t al as i s e ni bermodalkan layar proyektor, pengeras suara, dan rangkaian logam berbentuk daun jati proyek ARTificial Reef oleh Teguh
foto:dok KK/Eva
foto:dok KK/Eva
foto:dok KK/Eva
Ostenrik ini pada tahun 2013 sudah berhasil menyelamatkan biota laut di wilayah perairan nusantara. Baik terumbu karang maupun daun memberikan kontribusi besar untuk kehidupan di bumi, yakni sebagai penghasil oksigen yang kita hirup. Letak geografis Indonesia yang berada di garis khatulistiwa memberi banyak keuntungan untuk keanekaragaman hayati. Kehangatan suhu sepanjang tahun di Indonesia juga menunjang kesuburan tanaman di darat dan terumbu karang di laut. Bagi Teguh, proyek ini hanyalah upaya kecil untuk merintis kesenian yang berkontribusi langsung pada pelestarian alam. Manusia memiliki peran besar dalam mereposisi dan mengubah cara pandang mengenai “ruang bersama”. Hal inilah yang dimunculkan pada karya-karya seni lainnya.
Usai berjalan menyusuri area pameran, para pengunjung diberi kesempatan untuk mengoleksi karya para seniman di area merchandise dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau. Setiap harinya ARTJOG juga mengadakan live music & performance di panggung sisi barat Gedung JNM yang dimulai pukul 18.00 hingga pukul 22.00 WIB. Selain panggung pertunjukan, terdapat pula beberapa food tenant serta area bersantai untuk pengunjung yang ingin menonton penampilan di panggung. “Diketuai oleh Heri Pemad dan terkenal dengan Commision Work serta Special Project yang selalu berbeda setiap tahunnya, ARTJOG akan kembali hadir pada tanggal 30 Juli-30 Agustus 2020 mendatang,” ujar Ivan Hector, salah satu Volunteer ARTJOG 2019. [Eva, dirangkum dari berbagai sumber]
Pemerintahan Belanda mendirikan organisasi PMI dengan nama Het Nederland-Indiche Rode Kruis (NIRK) lalu berubah nama menjadi NEDERLANDS RODE KRUIZ AFDELINBG INDIE (NERKAI)
Timbul semangat untuk mendirikan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) yang dipelopori oleh dr. RCL. SENDUK dan BAHDER DJOHAN
Proposal pendirian PMI ditolak pada Kongres NERKAI dan pada saat penjajahan Jepang NERKAI
Memberikan bantuan kepada korban konflik bersenjata, kerusuhan dan lainnya Memberikan pelayanan darah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan
Inisiasi gagasan oleh Presiden Soekarno yang dilanjutkan dengan
Melaksanakan pendidikan dan pela han yang berkaitan dengan kepalangmerahan serta melakukan pembinaan relawan Menyebarluaskan informasi yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan kepalangmerahan Membantu dalam penanganan musibah dan/atau bencana di dalam & luar negeri Melaksanakan tugas kemanusiaan lainnya yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Membantu pemberian pelayanan kesehatan dan sosial
17 SEPTEMBER 1945 Palang Merah Indonesia terbentuk dan diketuai oleh DRS. MOH. HATTA
PMI diakui oleh Komite Palang Merah Internasional (ICRC) pada 15 Juni 1950. Setelah itu, PMI diterima menjadi anggota Perhimpunan Nasional ke-68 dan disebut FEDERASI INTERNASIONAL PERHIMPUNAN PALANG MERAH DAN BULAN SABIT MERAH (IFRC) pada Oktober 1950.
Diterbitkan Keppres No. 246 Tahun 1963 menguatkan KEPPRES sumber: desain oleh: Marcella Steffi, Arsitektur 2015
NO. 25 TAHUN 1950