Echo sept 12th

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Wednesday 11th September, 2013

Volume 23, Issue 18


Sam Broughton


Sarah Walters

Kelvin Coe What’s coming up Sept.12 Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust AGM Sept.13- Southbridge Play Centre Housie night Sept.13-Clay Target Team Quiz Night Sept.14-Killinchy Tennis Club Open Day Sept.14-Vintage Treasures Fashion Show Sept.15-Leeston Tennis Club Open Day Sept.17-Southbridge Horticultural Society AGM Sept.18-Ellesmere Senior Citizen AGM Sept.19-Meet the Candidates Sept.21-Irwell Tennis Club Open Day Sept.22-Irwell Indoor Bowls 50th Celebration Sept.23-Night with Carina Vogues Sept.27-Southbridge Netball AGM & Prize Giving Sept.28-Angllican Church Spring Fair

Malcolm Lyall

Bill Woods HILL LEE & SCOTT 36 Sir William Pickering Dr Burnside, Christchurch Contact Peter Quinn or Brian Palliser at our Christchurch Office on


Serving the Ellesmere district for over 50 years

Olive Webb


Wednesday 11th September, 2013




Sunday 15th September 9:30am Leeston - Sunday School at Leeston 11:00am Parish Eucharist, Dunsandel Wednesdays 10:00am Holy Communion - Leeston

Station Street. Leeston

Followed by morning tea

Sunday 22nd September 9:30am Leeston - Morning Worship and Family Service 11:00am - Southbridge Eucharist Priest in Charge - Revd. Jim McKenna, 356 3473 Bishop’s Warden: Kathryn Millar, phone 324 2511 Parish Telephone 324 3801

Extream Kidz & TFC (Teens for Christ) every Sunday at 10:00am Sunday, 15th September 10.00am Family Worship

with café open after service.

Sunday, 22nd September 10.00am Family Worship

with café open after service.

Senior Pastors, Wayne & Nicky Watson Church Office, phone 3243-697


St John the Evangelist, Leeston & St Patrick’s, Lincoln Leeston Mass will be celebrated in the St John Ambulance Rooms, Cnr High & Gallipoli Street Sunday, 10:00am - Thursday, 5:30pm Lincoln Sunday Mass will be celebrated at St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Lincoln at 8:30am Weekday Masses : 9:00am Parish Centre Parish Priest, Fr. Frank Kelly 3252-770 Parish Chairperson, Anna Carter 3243-206


Friday Night Youth Every Friday, 7:30pm - 9:30pm Meeting at The Station, Station St, Leeston

Discussion, games with focus on themes and topics important or relevant to youth. Enquiries contact Rachel at Matt Hooper 0211964008

LEESTON ST JOHN AMBULANCE CALL-OUTS 25th Aug. to 7th Sept. 14 days

6 26 1 33




MVA - Sheats Rd Main South Rd

SOUTHBRIDGE Aug 31 0916 Scrub fire - Bealey Rd Sept 3. 0538 House fire - Feredays Rd LEESTON Aug 1. 18.12 Scrub fire - Coes Ford Sept 3. 05.39 House fire - Feredays Rd Sept 3. 11.43 Return to dampen down Feredays Rd

Code: MVA (motor vehicle accident); F/A (false alarm); PFA (private fire alarm); K28 (turned back).

Ellesmere’s only privately-owned and produced fortnightly paper. Kath Mentink, Editor Accounts, Advertising & Editorial Enquiries Phone 741-2206 Fax 741-2207 Cell 021 109 3470 e-mail: 435 Southbridge-Dunsandel Road R.D. 2, Leeston 7682

Next issue of The Ellesmere Echo



Wednesday 11th September, 2013



Wednesday 11th September, 2013



Wednesday 11th September, 2013


SOUTHBRIDGE TASTY MEATS * Lamb Forequarter $11.95 kg * Crumbed Beef Schnitzel $13.50 kg Your only 24/7 butcher High St, Southbridge, Tel. 3242-243



Wednesday 11th September, 2013



BOWTECH I became interested in Bowen (Bowtech) after I received some treatments and noticing the vast improvement in myself it may me realise how can so many people I know live in pain and discomfort every day. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to learn the art of BOWEN.I chose to study Bowtech The Original technique in 2007 and became an associate member and received my diploma of proficiency in 2008.Since then I have worked from a home based clinic. I have experienced many amazing results from babies and young children to the elderly and people of all ages. Now I have the opportunity to help those people and more now at a clinic in Southbridge on Mondays by a p p o i n t m e n t . Bowen Therapy is a powerful but gentle form of body work using very subtle and gentle moves over the muscles and connective tissues designed to aid in the healing of a wide range of conditions from sciatica and back pain to sporting injuries, arthritis, digestive and respiratory problems. Because the technique is so gentle, it can be used to treat newborn babies, the elderly and everybody in b e t w e e n . Here are just some of the conditions that Bowen Therapy can help you with: 

RSI, carpel tunnel, tennis elbow

Frozen shoulders

Back pain, sciatica


Muscular and skeletal pain

Pelvic, sacral problems

Knee and ankle problems

Hamstring and groin problems

Soft tissue injuries

Sprains, strains

TMJ, face and neck problems

Headaches, Migraines

Sinus, hay fever



Foggy brain & dizziness

Menstrual pain

Frequent urination

Digestive conditions including colic and constipation

Improving quality of sleep

 Stress symptoms Unlike other "hands-on" therapies, Bowen Therapy does not use forceful manipulations. A pattern of powerful, but gentle moves with the fin-

gers or thumbs in specific locations over muscle and connective tissue send neurological impulses to the brain, accessing the body’s natural feedback system which relaxes muscle and therefore joints, settling down an over reactive nervous system and stimulating nerves and muscles which are not working properly. The body realigns. Bowen therapy improves posture, venous drainage and arterial blood flow, lymphatic drainage of toxins, and e n e r g y . Because this Therapy is performed over the fascia (connective tissue), with specific moves, even the organs can be targeted for treatment. The body is capable of healing tremendous injuries and the Bowen Technique utilizes that ability. This treatment is very pleasant to receive, produces a greater sense of well being, relaxation and more freedom of movement. Beverley Barnett 0274429038


Monday Clinic available by appt. BEVERLEY BARNETT 027 442 9038 or 03) 324 3223

BOWEN IS GOOD FOR EVERY BODY Very gentle, pain free, highly effective therapy Suitable for babies to elderly More info:

As Spring has arrived and gardening activity increases with growth quickening and the soil warms ready for planting. Keep in mind that the Southbridge Horticultural Society will be judging gardens seen from the street in conjunction with their Annual Flower Show to be held on Friday 21st February, 2014. No entries are needed for this competition. However, for the category: “G a r d e n unseen from the street” we ask for entries. We know there are some great gardens out there! The Society will be holding their Annual Meeting at the Southbridge Bowling Club on Tuesday, 17th September at 7.30pm. New memebers and interested people will be welcome. For further information contact:- Isabel Cooper 324 2838 or Leah Keown 324 2215.

ELLESMERE CONNECTING FAMILIES WITH DISABILITIES AND LEARNING NEEDS Ellesmere Connecting Families with Disabilities and Learning Needs is pleased to host a presentation by Carina Vogues of Train the Brain on: What is Specific Learning Disability (SLD)? Types of, characteristics of and diagnosis of SLD. Classroom accommodations and what to do at home. And the NZQA special assessment criteria. All are welcome at Leeston Library Community Room, Monday 23rd September, 7pm. Supper to follow. Gold coin donation appreciated.

This notice kindly sponsored by BNZ

Wednesday 11th September, 2013


WHAT ARE SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITIES? Specific Learning Disability or Difficulty (SLD), depending which side of the Atlantic you swing to, describes a group of disorders in learning. Once termed ‘learning disability’ this is not an intellectual disability as a child’s intelligence is not low. The gap between their often average to high intelligence and their poor learning progress is marked. SLD describes a condition that interferes with a person’s ability to store, process or produce information. People with SLD have significant difficulty in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, are due to central nervous system (neurological) dysfunction and may occur across a person’s life. A person can have marked difficulties at some tasks while excelling at others. Some common SLDs include dyslexia (difficulty with words), dyscalculia (difficulty with numbers) and dysgraphia (difficulty with written expression). SLDs can also manifest in processing disorders, dyspraxia and ADHD. One parent whose son has ADHD and learning difficulties says, "I see his problems with learning mostly to do with processing, motor planning and working memory, which isn’t uncommon for kids with ADHD. He struggles with math, writing, following instructions and keeping up with what is said. This also affects him socially. We are trying to use computer skills at

school so writing isn’t such a chore. A person with an SLD however may not have a specific label such as dyslexia but may show difficulties in one or more of a range of neurological functions such as how their brain processes information (often visual or auditory processing); stores, retains or retrieves memory; and difficulties with integrating and planning motor activity. Because of the very nature of the disability and because most children spend at least ten years of their lives in school, the most frequently noted signs are related to school performance. However, it is important to remember that a specific learning disability is not confined to school hours and may be identified during the preschool years or effect out of school activity. Sometimes parents do not realize that anything is amiss until they enter school. In some cases, the parents may have suspected for some time that something was different about this child. If a child's learning disability is discovered early, it can give the child a chance to develop skills needed to achieve in life. As one parent puts it “As a parent of a child with Dyspraxia and Auditory Processing Disorder it is imperative to understand how they can be supported within the educational system. To know you are supported and validated in your quest to support for your child is crucial."


SOUTHBRIDGE WELCOMES NEW PRINCIPAL Southbridge School has ensure sustainability. survey Southbridge School’s this term welcomed a new The school believes that senior students identified principal into the school these developments extend farming as one of the community. Susan Jennison the school’s vision by ‘coolest’ occupations in the has taken up the new posi- providing an authentic con- country. tion and is in the process of text for learning and the Susan is also allowing the establishing connections opportunity to learn more children opportunities to with families at the school about both the community learn from life’s knocks as and community organisa- they live in and the financial well as from successes. The tions within the Ellesmere literacy skills required to school has for some time area. Susan has also taken operate successfully in the allowed the students to the opportunity to meet a marketplace. Enterprise manage risk on the scooter number of people both in education is aligned to the and skateboard ramps the township and the sur- New Zealand curriculum and without protective equiprounding area to begin to is about promoting an ap- ment, but just this term a get an idea of the communi- proach to learning that is number of the senior stuty the school services. real, relevant, and gives dents have worked hard to Although Susan has students responsibility for negotiate with Susan guideworked at schools in Christ- their learning. This vision lines and conditions to allow church for more than 20 sits well with Susan who them to play Bullrush. years, this is her first foray advocates for a school- Susan has been impressed into rural schooling. “My last based curriculum where the by the thinking and planposition was at Burwood learning programmes are ning the children contributSchool on the east of Christ- designed to allow students ed to make this work for church. There, the earth- to learn about the communi- everyone. quake issues impacting the ty they live in and pursue school have the potential to inquiries that have relemove focus away from the vance for their lives and core business of teaching experiences. She points out and learning. It is refreshing that in a recent online to come to Southbridge and to get back to a consistent focus on achievement and providing quality learning programmes.” The introduction of a new principal seems an opportune time for the school to undertake some developments planned to embed the school’s Learning for Life vision in a very practical way. The school is preparing to implement an enterprise education initiative within the school grounds. South- Photos shows: Principal Susan Jennison meeting with Fundbridge School comprises 3.8 raising committee members, Charlie Holmes, Merryn Wellby hectares of land, providing and Mackenzie Haycock. an ideal opportunity for the planned development of a OSTEOPATH & NATUROPATH small farming enterprise. The initiative will inOsteopathy uses gentle hands-on techniques to treat volve students many conditions, focusing on the cause of the problems, learning about not just the symptoms . It is a philosophy, a science and animal husbandry, an art. We often find we can provide relief from probplanning and growlems you thought you had to live with, from crying ing crops for harbabies to aching backs. vesting and financial management of the initiative to Ring Alison & Stephen on:

325 4163

8 Wednesday 11th September, 2013


BILL WOODS FOR MAYOR I am standing for mayor as I believe that Selwyn Council has performed badly over the last few years. It has become distant from the people and its financial record is abysmal. Don’t be misled by that thinking that a Malvern Mayor will not care. I have come to the successful aid of Ellesmere people as the ‘peoples champion’ when they felt all was lost by helping to obtain resource consents or to intervene when there was trouble with Council. I acted on behalf of farmers who had issues with their cows crossing the roads. I successfully challenged the council on behalf of the

potato growers who were faced with the concept that grading potatoes was an industrial activity requiring resource consent. It was the Leeston people who asked me to assist them when they were faced with accepting a horrendous cost in the sewage treatment upgrade system that they didn’t want. Southbridge now benefits from that system. I have always been approachable and willing to assist the people in the Ellesmere area. And the only Mayor to be able to claim, a prudent financial management that had a genuine rate reduction.


“Results speak louder than words”

Its September and time to GET BLUE! GET BLUE! Face up to prostate cancer! GET TESTED! If you are over 40 get a PSA blood teat - it may save your life. TEXT ‘BLUE’ to 4847 and donate $3. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand men. More than 3000 New Zealand men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year and 1 in 10 will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. Last year more than 550 kiwi men died from this disease and many deaths could have been prevented by early detection and healthy life choices. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ encourages all men over 40 to have an annual prostate check. If you’re over 50 then consider an annual prostate check that includes both a PSA blood test and digital rectal examination (DRE).


Wednesday 11th September, 2013




3 9


2 6









8 2



6 8



5 3











Solution for the last issue.


10 Wednesday 11th September, 2013

DEVELOPERS ABUSING USE OF SUNSET CLAUSE!! A property investment expert is warning that a loophole in New Zealand law needs to be closed to prevent mum and dad investors from losing money in the rapidly growing property market. The loophole allows property developers to exercise a ‘sunset clause’ in property purchase agreements where the agreement is entered into before the property’s construction has been completed. A sunset clause is often included in contracts where the property is still under construction, it effectively puts an expiry date on an offer if certain terms within a contract are not met. The director of Propellor Property Investments, Nikki Connors, says some developers are using the sunset clause to exit the contract once a building has been completed for their own pecuniary advantage. Connors says a home buyer or property investor may enter into the agreement while the potential home is at ‘blueprint stage’ and pay a deposit to secure the property. At this early stage the developer has a secured purchaser for the dwelling which provides cashflow and security for their financier, she says. “With this agreement the buyer proceeds in good faith with the understanding that as they view the ongoing

progress of the building the contract terms will be met on schedule and they will take possession of the new property,” says Connors. Connors says often buyers feel safe in the knowledge that construction is proceeding according to plan and the home buyer takes themself out of the property market, often for a year or more as construction continues. During the course of that year the value of the property may rise so significantly, that it provides an incentive for developers to stall the final stage of construction in order to delay the council consent process and, subsequently trigger an exit/sunset clause in the contract. “What this creates is a risk free, capital investment for the developer who is able to evaluate whether it’s in their best interests to adhere to the terms of the contract or simply remarket the property in the final stage in order to get a better price,” she says. Connors is calling on regulators to make legislative change which makes it harder for developers to exit contracts for their own financial gain. She advises buyers to exercise caution when buying off the plans, maintain a close watch on the progress of construction and ensure all correspondence with the developer is well documented.

LAKESIDE METALS WANTED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS For Leeston Fire Brigade Training FREE pickup & payment Ph Ray 027 4383 956 Or John 027 350 8110


APPLICATIONS FOR EVENTS FUND OPEN Applications to the Council’s new Events Fund are now open. The fund, with an allocated sum of $47,000 was recently established by the Council and is available to support events that are held in Selwyn which are open to the public and meet these criteria: * the event attracts local, regional and international visitors. * it contributes to key benefits identified in the Council’s events policy. * it helps to increase the range and diversity of events in Selwyn. * it promotes the Selwyn district. Events should preferably be run by a not for profit organisation with charitable status, although applications from community organisations and individuals may be accepted. The Council’s Community Services Manager, Lesley Symington says that the events fund was established because hosting events in Selwyn has many benefits for the community. “Events can bring significant income into our district, they can bring our community together in a celebration, and help make Selwyn as a great place to live and visit.” Applications for funding for events planned over the next year must be received by September 27, 2013. Application forms and information about the fund is available online at

THE ELLESMERE SPRING FLING The Ellesmere Spring Fling is a fun day out for the whole family. It is the complete garden experience where you come and relax and enjoy the rural ambiance. This event is organised and run by volunteers and 100% of proceeds are going to support Lincoln & Districts Community Care. This is the third year running and we are excited to be introducing activities for the children this year such as a treasure hunt, lucky dip and craft activity. We encourage ladies to bring their husbands along as in the past the men have been surprised how much they enjoyed it! You can enjoy a relaxing day in David Hobbs’ beautiful country garden. For just $20 take a tour of beautiful Broadfield Garden with shopping and entertainment

provided. There’s nothing more relaxing than strolling through 10 acres of award winning gardens on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Featuring: Specialist artisan stalls, plants, great food and beverages, children’s activities and more. Relax and soak up the atmosphere while shopping. To enhance the experience there will be music throughout the garden. Enjoy the lovely day out and support our community. Sunday the 20th October. Tickets: Adults $20, children free. Available on and at New World Lincoln, Paper Plus Hornby and Merivale, Ray White Lincoln, or contact Community Care Ph. 325 2007. This event will go ahead regardless of the weather.

Wednesday 11th September, 2013


MALCOLM LYALL FOR MAYOR I am a long term resident of Selwyn District. My wife Nicola and I have two children who are attending local schools. I have a successful business as an electrician. A third term District Councillor, I hold the portfolios of Tourism, Economic Development, Heritage and the Arts. I am actively involved of a number of local organisations, Chairperson of Selwyn Investment Holdings Ltd, Te Ara Kakariki Greenway Trust, a trustee of the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Trust, Ellesmere Heritage Park and Selwyn Arts Trust Aged 56 I believe that I have the experience, energy and vitality that is needed to lead Selwyn forward. Our District faces major challenges with rapid growth, legislative change and possible amalgamation.

Leeston Township with its old fashioned main street has great potential for economic development through heritage tourism. The establishment of the Ellesmere heritage park trust is the first step to Leeston becoming a tourist destination of the future. I am pleased to have been involved and will continue to do so. Rakaia huts is another area that I would like to see reach its potential, Selwyn’s only coastal recreational access to the sea, it is time to sort out the boat ramp and develop the asset that we all have as Selwyn’s. I am seeking your support to become Mayor of Selwyn District. I believe that as Mayor I can build on the work that I have done for this area and the region as a whole over the past 8 years.

I want to lead a Council that is responsive to the needs of its people, and plans for their needs. I want to provide a strong voice in support of Selwyn outside its boundaries. We have already seen funding for our roads cut by central government and more changes that may affect your rates are in the pipeline. You need to have a leader who is not afraid to speak up for the people of Selwyn District. I can be that voice. I am passionate about preserving the very best of the lifestyle that this District offers, while embracing the opportunities created by growth. And above all else “Putting People First”



The Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust was fortunate to be chosen as one of the recipients of the proceeds of the Albert Anderson Day organised recently by the Southbridge Rugby Football Club. We wish to acknowledge the generous donation we received and say Thank You to all those involved – the Sponsors, those who donated items for the Auction, the teams who played their games, and especially the Southbridge Rugby Club members who prepared and worked tirelessly on the day. Many thousands of dollars, over many years, have been put back into the Ellesmere District through this Fundraising Day. The Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust is extremely grateful

for the donation we have received from this year's event. The Vehicle Trust has been operating for over a year using a Toyota 10 seater Minibus, and has filled a real need in our district. It is available for Day Trips for the use of residents, with certain conditions to be met. It is hoped that in the near future, the Trust can acquire a small car, to be used in conjunction with other Community Groups, to take people to appointments as required. Yours faithfully Lois Birkett Chairman Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust

12 Wednesday 11th September, 2013

CHILD ABUSE POLICY MUST BE SUBJECT TO DEMOCRATIC PROCESS “Minister Paula Bennett proposal for a wide reaching policy aimed at suspect child abusers, deserves the fullest consideration possible”, says Kim Workman, Spokesperson for Rethinking Crime and Punishment. He was commenting on today’s announcement that wide-ranging measures, including restraining orders, will soon be in use to keep suspected child abusers away from children for up to 10 years. “While we need to be prepared to take whatever action is effective to stem child abuse, legislative measures of the kind proposed, can often have unintended consequences. For example, we already know that family members will often not report suspected child abuse, if it means that the perpetrator is likely to be separated from the family for a long period of time. They will however, insist that the perpetrator undergo a sex offender’s treatment programme as an option to being reported to the Police or CYPS. Non-mandated approaches are often more successful in the long term.” “We need to see a comprehensive public consultation pr oc es s ar o un d th ese measures. That would include FOOD BANK



the provision of advice from a panel of experts, the opportunity for public submissions to the appropriate Select Committee, not only in regard to the initial legislation, but on any subsequent amendments. We also need to see a report from the Attorney General under Section 7 of the Bill of Rights Act, on whether the proposed legislation breaches the Bill of Rights, or any international covenants to which New Zealand is a signatory.” “In this case, the process may be just as important as the outcome. Over the last three years, government has introduced eight Acts of Parliament which are in breach of the Bill of Rights. Six of the eight have been criminal justice legislation directed at offenders and prisoners. In the last three cases, the Attorney General did not report to Parliament on the breaches, as he is required to do.” “What New Zealand doesn’t need right now, is one more piece of legislation that is passed in contempt of democratic principles.” By Kim Workman


SELWYN DOING WELL TAKING THEIR TV’S BACK Over 2,600 old TVs were collected for recycling in Selwyn during the second phase of the TV TakeBack programme, the Ministry for the Environment says. The cost to recycle unwanted televisions in the South Island was subsidised by the Government from 25 March 2013 until 21 August 2013 and hundreds of residents took the opportunity to drop off their TVs at a series of collection points. A total of 2,687 televisions were collected at two sites in the region. Meanwhile, a total of 35,471 televisions were collected across the South Island, excluding the West Coast. The TV TakeBack programme, launched in October last year by Minister for the Environment Hon. Amy Adams, is an initiative to encourage the public to recycle their unwanted TVs, diverting them from landfill. TV TakeBack is also investing in recycling infrastructure and raising public awareness about the bene-

fits of recycling TVs. With increased investment, ewaste recyclers will have the capacity and capability to deal with increased volumes. “We are very pleased with the response from those in Selwyn because televisions contain valuable materials that can be reused in new products, and hazardous ones that can be harmful if released into soil or waterways,” says Glenn Wigley, Operations Manager at MfE. “TVs contain components which can be recycled locally, or sent overseas to specialist recycling facilities. Metals can be melted down and used in new items for the construction or agricultural industries. Gold can be recovered in specialist facilities overseas for use in new electronic items. Glass can be remanufactured overseas into new televisions or monitors, used for sand blasting or in industrial processes. “We’re still encouraging residents to recycle their unwanted televisions even

though the TV TakeBack subsidy has finished in the region. They can do so by contacting their local council, e-waste recycler or by visiting to find out the best option.” The TV TakeBack programme will be rolled out across the rest of New Zealand to coincide with each region going digital. The Government has committed funding from the Waste Minimisation Fund for TV TakeBack, to cover investment in recycling infrastructure, subsidies for TV recycling and a public awareness programme. Money for the Waste Minimisation Fund comes from a levy charged on waste disposed of at landfills. For more information, visit

Wednesday 11th September, 2013



STEPFATHERS SOUGHT FOR STUDY OF THEIR ROLE IN THE FAMILY From asserting authority to acting as a friend, stepfathers may adopt a wide variety of roles in their families, and now a University of Auckland study aims to learn more about the roles New Zealand stepfathers take on, and their reasons for doing so. There are increasing numbers of stepfamilies in New Zealand and, since children often stay with their mother after a divorce or separation, stepfather families are the most common. But research suggests that stepfamily members can struggle to adapt to a new family situation.

Stepfathers often report uncertainty about what their new role ought to be, and how stepparent-child relationships should work. On the other hand, some stepfathers have positive experiences of forming relationships with their stepchildren. The new study, by Clinical Psychology student James Brennan, will focus on understanding men’s experiences of developing their role in stepfamilies, and in particular what influences the kind of relationships stepfathers have with their stepchildren. “In Western societies

there is a lack of prescription for how to parent other people’s children. Studies suggest that children, parents and stepparents often disagree on what the stepfather role should entail, and this lack of consensus underlies important challenges that stepfamilies face,” says James. “This study will assist in understanding the challenges associated with establishing a role as a stepfather, as well as how successful stepfather-child relationships are formed. Through this

research we hope to add to the body of knowledge that is available to guide stepfathers in stepfamilies.” James would like to hear from men currently living in stepfamily situations, whether married or cohabiting, and whether they have children from a previous relationship or not. Participants in the research will complete an online questionnaire about their experiences of developing a role in their families, and about the influences that shape their rela-

tionships with stepchildren. The survey is anonymous and will take about twenty minutes to complete. To take part in the study or for more information, visit:

14 Wednesday 11th September, 2013





STORE YOUR VEHICLE WITH US •Ideal secure parking for Christchurch Airport •OUTDOOR •INDOOR ·COVERED •MOTORBIKE

·Complimentary airport transfers. •Grooming and servicing options available •CRT and Seniors Gold Cards welcome Harewood Christchurch (03) 359-3552

Bookings Essential

timers with the most achievable half around and those more experienced with a great chance to record a new PB. The McMillan 10km ‘Drilling’ run and walk includes a start at Dan Carter’s rugby playing home, the Southbridge Rugby Grounds, and has three person team sections, Corporate, Sports Club and High School, so you can get a group together and spur each other on. The there is also the Oakleys 5km run and walk, a great entry distance for youngsters and new runners. All races enjoy a finishing straight down the High Street of Leeston where large numbers of locals cheer you home. This leads you to the finishing area in Anderson Square where you are greeted with live music and plenty of food options. The event has many race prizes up for grabs thanks to brilliant local support and a large number of spot prizes including a weekend away for two. This year promises to be another fantastic day out. So secure your spot in this truly Selwyn event by going to; and following the links to the Selwyn Half Marathon page.


It is that time of year again; time to secure your spot on the start line of Selwyn’s largest, annual running event. The newly named Selwyn Half Marathon Event has recently opened its entries for the 2013 event on 23rd November and already all three race distances are filling up. This year the organisers of the Ellesmere Road Runners Half Marathon Event have set up Selwyn Sports Trust to run the event due to the huge success of its first two years. Consequently, it has a new name, but it still has the same quaint, rural feel and fast, flat courses. There is something for everyone in this rural Selwyn event. The Lay Associates Half Marathon run is a course that provides first

Imagine the distress coming home to find both your dogs unable to stand and one of them having a fit! This is the scene Tarsh found when she returned from the afternoon milking on the farm. Her canine companions, Bindy and Cass, had decided to help themselves to 10 litres of calf milk which had, unfortunately, been treated with a coccidiostat used to prevent scour in the calves. Tarsh contacted the weekend duty vet Duncan Williams at VetEnt Leeston and both dogs were treated with intravenous fluids and Cass with drugs to prevent fitting. The team at VetEnt Leeston hospitalized the dogs for 3 days, continuing the

fluids and bloods sample were taken to determine how severe the muscle damage was. Fortunately Cass was able to stand, albeit quite wobbly, 24 hours after she had drunk the milk. Bindy took another couple of days to regain her feet. Repeat blood samples show that the things are improving for the fortunate pair but they will have to take it easy for 2 or 3 weeks until the tired muscles fully recover. Ionophores, the family name for the drugs used as coccidiostats, are beneficial for calves preventing sometimes fatal scours. However dogs are particularly sensitive to their action and small concentrations of the drug cause the dog’s muscles to

become weak resulting in problems with standing, breathing and in some cases stopping the heart beat. The warning behind the story is be careful of dogs around any cattle product containing coccidiostats (in milk powder or calf feed) or rumensin used in older cattle as dogs are very sensitive to the drug and may not be as fortunate as Cass and Bindy. If a large enough dose is taken in by the dog it can be fatal as the heart and respiratory muscles may stop working. Vetent Leeston offers a 24 hour service for companion animals and farm calls. Tarsh would like to thank her employers Daniel and Charlotte Montgomery for their support.

Photo shows Tash and her dogs, Bindy and Cass, 12 days after the poisoning.  Cow track lime supply & lay 

Farm Tracks & driveways

 On-site crushing of shingle  Supply & installation of irrigation pipe


 All shingle supplies


 Truck & trailer hire

8 - 5PM, WEDNESDAY 8 - 6:30PM.

 Grader & digger work

R.D. 2, Leeston. Ph. 027 534 9161


Wednesday 11th September, 2013


SEEDS 4 SCHOOLS FOR EAST CLUB With the first day of spring behind us, the planting for EAST Club day is underway for 2013, and this year we are supporting a new initiative by our local garden celebrity Alan Jones. The “Seeds 4 Schools” project will encourage children to create and grow their own garden, with seed supplied by The Seed Warehouse, and donated by the Ellesmere Lions Club, with support from the Leeston Retailers Association and McDonalds. The Lions Club have committed to sponsoring up to 100 children in the Ellesmere district with seed packets. Gardens and written projects will be judged in December with McDonalds vouchers being awarded for the great effort put in (not to mention the great veges they will get to eat later). The Seed Warehouse is

also offering an incentive to the local community. Seed purchased through the schools will see a prtion of the proceeds going back to the school. EAST (Ellesmere Agricultural Science and Technology) Club is a local group promoting children’s awareness and participation in agriculture, science and technology. Our annual show will take place on Friday 25th October at the A & P Showgrounds, and is held in conjunction with Southbridge, Leeston Primary schools and Years 7 and 8 at Ellesmere College. Other local children, aged 513, not involved in these schools are also able to enter. So please encourage your children to participate in EAST this year. For more information contact Alan Jones, 324 3869 or Jo Benny,

Gardening is a valuable life lesson for children to learn early.

DEAD FISH - A CONCERN IN SELWYN RIVER Enviroment Canterbury received 5 complaints of dead bullies in the Selwyn. The reports were received between the 15th and the 20th August. Investigating officers responded and confirmed that there was a scattering of dead bullies on the riverbed. The bullies appeared to be the only species that were dead. The officers tested the oxygen levels in the river and checked out the surrounding territory. The samples that have been forwarded on to scientists for further investigation.


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16 Wednesday 11th September, 2013

ELLESMERE GOLF 17 August 2013

Nett & Putts

Men: 1. Howard Lemon, 90 total, 2. Roger Boon, 95, 3. Brian Osborne, 96, 4. John Templeton, 97 ocb, 5. Max Ferris, 97, 6. Alex McGougan, 98, 7. Noel Lowery, 99 ocb, 8. Barry Harkeress, 99. Women: 1. Joanne Harkerss, 102 total, 2. Sue Walker, 104. Two’s: #11. John Templeton, Nigel Chamberlain, #14. Callum

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Land clearing

Hedge & Stump removal

Site works

Driveways & lanes

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Irrigation works


Drainage work

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Doak. Nearest the Pin: # Alex McGougan. 24th August 2013 Stroke Blue Tee Senior Men: 1. Alex McGougan, 65 Nett, 2. Ray Anderson, 71 ocb. Junior Men: 1. Noel Lowery, 64 Nett, 2. Ken Hearn, 66, 3. Roger Boon, 68, 4. Brian Osborne, 69, 5. Mike Steed, 70 ocb. Women: 1. Joanne Harkerss, 72 Nett, 2. Jane Pangborn, 74. Two’s: #9. Noel Lowery, #14. Gavin Milne. Nearest the Pin: #2. Vanya McPherson, #11. Paul O’Connell. 28th August 2013 Watering Tournament Senior Men: 1. Max Ferris, 44 pts, 2. Owen Robers, 40ocb, 3. John Berry, 40, 4. L Pattison, 39 ocb, 5. Bob Bennett, 39 ocb, 6. Bruce McDonald, 39, 7. R Nicholls, 38 ocb, 8. Dave Neil, 38 ocb, 9. J Brettell, 38. Junior Men: 1. Bill Whelan, 43 pts, 2. John Templeton, 41 ocb, 3. Trevor Michael, 41, 4. Allan Haycock, 40 ocb, 5. Don Edwards, 40, 6. M Rice, 39 ocb, 7. Kevin Connell, 39, 8. Ian Smith, 38 ocb, 9. Dave Tilson, 38 ocb.

Women: 1. Sue WalkSOUTHBRIDGE NETBALL CLUB er, 39 pts. Introducing Southbridge will go through to the finals Two’s: #2. Trevor Netball Clubs newest team to verse Michael, Don Offwood, to Saturday competition either Preb#11. M Rice, John Newth, Southbridge Primary C. bleton or #14. Ian Hoskin, Murray At the end of the final West Melton. round for the year the team An aweWhite. Nearest the Pin: #2. have made the semi fi- some accomnals. A game against plishment for their first Gary McGill, #9. Tane Rolleston on Saturday 7th season. North, #11. John Newth, September will decide who Well done girls. #14. Ian Hoskin. 31st August 2013 Stableford Senior Men: 1. Dick Taiaroa, 38 pts ocb, 2. Josh Baylis, 38 ocb, 3. Max Ferris, 38 ocb, 4. Kevin Gwatkin, 39 ocb, 5. Darryl Joyce, 38. Junior Men: 1. John Kelly, 42 pts, 2. Brian Joanna, Brie, Kate, Lana, Daisy, Neve, Nina and Jorja are pictured celebrating their win. Winchester, 38, 3. Dave Morrish, 37 ocb, 4. Ian SOUTHBRIDGE PRIMARY B Connor, 37 ocb. The team started the be very proud of what they Women: 1. Betty Osseason in Grade 6, where achieved over the season borne, Nett 73. they went through the first going up 2 grades and only Two’s: #2 Darryl round unbeaten so were losing 2 games the whole Joyce, Bill Joyce. promoted to Grade 5 for the season. A big thank you to our Nearest the Pin: #2. 2nd round. At the end of round 2 they were again coach Hayley Campbell for Darryl Joyce, #14. Evan unbeaten and were promot- her skills, energy and fun Harrison. ed up a grade to Grade 4 for she brought to the team and


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the final round of the competition. This is where they were really challenged and had some great games, only losing two games. Unfortunately this left them one point shy of making the semi-finals!! The girls can

thanks to the parents who helped out with time keeping, scoring and taxiing the girls around. Good luck to the other Southbridge Teams who have made it through to the finals.

Photo back L to R: Ione Dennis, Ella McMillan, Mackenzie Haycock. Front L to R: Merryn Wellby, Martina Cepeda, Clarie Lambie (captain), Twyla Behan, Emily Carter

Wednesday 11th September, 2013 17


SOUTHBRIDGE SENIOR A Southbridge senior A team is made up of 8 girls with some amazing talent, each one brings their skills and enthusiasm each week. The dynamic defense made up of Megan Stackhouse, Hannah Allan & Neesha Imeson make the opposition work hard to get the ball into their shooters. Our awesome attacks Kate Palmer & Amy Burt get the ball down the court with

speed and some fantastic feeding into our sharp shooters Courtney Palmer, Monique Bennsemann & Anna Wright. Lead by a very organised and dedicated coach Megan Glasson the girls have gone from strength to strength. Starting in 4th grade they made it to 3rd grade. The girls dedication and enthusiasm got them through to the semi’s.

Photos show: Top: Hannah Allan jumping on defence with Megan Glasson. Below: Monique Bennsemann shooting with Courtney Palmer in support.

" Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to it - even if I do not have it in the beginning."Mahatma Gandhi

SOUTHBRIDGE SCHOOL NETBALL REPRESENTS ELLESMERE ZONE On the 29th of August the Southbridge school netball team travelled into Hagley Park in an awesome minivan (kindly sponsored by the Southbridge Rugby Club), to participate in the Canterbury Primary Schools winter tournament. A couple of weeks before that we played teams from Leeston and Dunsandel in our zone winter tournament, where we won all our games to make it into Canterbury’s.

We had some great games, we won two games, drew one, and lost two games by one point. We ended up in 8th place out of 14 which is a great effort, but we couldn’t have done it without Miss George, Susan Stewart and all the other supporters on the side line. By Emily Carter

Back Row: Left to right: Mackenzie Haycock, Daisy Johanson, Nina Tucker, Lana McCartin, Merryn Wellby, Ione Denis. Front Row: Left to right: Joanna Hussey, Emily Carter,





No Job too Big, no Job too Small, no Job too Tough. Call us today for a FREE quote, suggestions and assistance on any job. From Land Clearing, Stump/Hedge Removal, Drainage, to a Stock Underpass and more!

Office: 03 324 3744 Greg: 0276 752 658 Harts Road, Lakeside RD3, Leeston

18 Wednesday 11th September, 2013


ELLESMERE SMALLBORE RIFLE SHOOTING ASSOCIATION RESULTS The final week of the Ellesmere Small bore Rifle Association was held at the Leeston Range on Tuesday the 27th of August. This is the Novelty shoot and has probably the most sort after trophy up for grabs. The Burnham Trophy, a miniature cannon. This year the novelty target was a mixture of different shaped objects with higher values available if you were a little bold and willing to ‘Aim Off’ to get the higher reward but with the added risk of missing and getting a zero, the highest total score available was 130. The scores were well spread out this year with the lowest score being 57 and the highest and taking out the trophy 120 out of 130.


Tony Thomson Robert Tubb Grant Clausen Bryan Tubb Bruce Sheat Brian Greenwood Rex Gardiner Geoff Allan Graeme Steans Sam Boal Karren Madden George Franklin Asti Miln John McCartin


120 115 115 110 108 107 85 79 74 74 66 65 58 57

Friday the 23rd of August saw the Ellesmere Rep Team take on the Malvern Rep Team at the Dunsandel range. Each team member was required to shoot two single cards. A grade handicap was added to each individual score, to even up the contest with a wide reange of graded shooters competing against one another. Ellesmere took out the shoot, thanks to some good shooting by Tony Thomson, Bruce Sheat and Rex Gardiner who all shot a 100’s in one of their cards.

Ellesmere T Thomson 97.5 R Gardiner 98.4 B Sheat 100.7 E Gardiner 97.4 G Allan 96.4 G Steans 93.2 G Clausen 96.3 B Tubb 95.3 A Miln 94.3 H-cap Total

100.5 100.6 99.5 94.3 97.3 94.4 99.4 98.5 95.2 39 1781.72

won the Ellesmere Cup. The Nationals in New Plymouth was another success story with Sandra Keith and Serena Matthews winning the Pairs. They then teamed up with Pam Clarke and Karolyn Boon to be runners up to a local Paratutu club in the National fours. The team of Serena Matthew’s, Karolyn Boon and Fay Taylor won the Canterbury Champion of Champion Triples which was played in April. For Fay this was her first Canterbury Title. Serena Matthews was a pivotal player in the club and her success’s continued with winning the National Club Championship Singles in Invercargill in June. This is a prestigious title to win. To get this far Serena had like the sevens team, won the Canterbury section then Zone 5 before competing in Invercargill for the NZ title. Matthews lays the credit for her new singles title firmly at the door of her club and an atmosphere of competitiveness and enjoyment in the club. “For the first time in my

bowling career I'm playing in a club with like-minded people that enjoy bowling together and being competitive,' the former New Zealand representative said. 'We mix well together and bowl well together, and I love playing with them.' This has qualified Serena to play in the Asia Pacific singles in Kuala Lumpur from the 1st -6th October 2013. The club wish her well in this event. Her dedication to all facets of the game is a credit to her and one of the reasons for her success stories and led to her being named The Bowls Canterbury Sports Woman of the Year as well as Bowls Canterbury’s Consistent Player of the Year. Life member and catering convener Janice Gollan was a worthy recipient of The Bowls Canterbury Volunteer of the Year Award. This award comes after 40 years of dedication to the club solely as a volunteer and has never played bowls. We are very thankful to have such a special lady in the Dunsandel Bowling Club. The men also had a good

H-cap Total

95.3 94 96.4 91.2 95.2 85.4 92.1 94.2 88

99.5 96.4 98.7 90.2 86.4 93.3 90 90.1 85 85 1741.45

Emergencies J McCartin 93.3 R Tubb 97.4 K Madden 96.2

95.4 96.2 91.3

DUNSANDEL BOWLING CLUB With the Bowling season about to begin the Dunsandel Bowling Club are hoping to build on the successes of the last season. The ladies success began last year when a group of likeminded ladies got together to play in the Canterbury competitions. This has led to a success story for the ladies in the club. It started in November 2012 with the ladies entering into Division One of the Lion Foundation Interclub Sevens BNZ sevens. After winning the Canterbury part of the competition they went onto play in and win Zone 5 in Greymouth against teams from the top of the South Island. This meant that they would then go onto compete against the other zone winners from throughout NZ in Palmerston North. The club were proud of the efforts of the ladies in coming 2nd in NZ. This is a very good result for the small club of Dunsandel. In the local Ellesmere competitions Serena Matthews and Sandy Guy won the open Women’s Pairs and the ladies also

Malvern R Dalley M Williams J Wilson G Oakley M Oakley Blair Hill Barry Hill R Hughs R Hutton

season winning Division Two of the two fours competition of Bowls Canterbury. The team of Brian Chapman, Murray Chamberlain and Stu Boon won the Ellesmere Men’s Open Triples. Peter Barron was runner up in The Ellesmere Champion of Champions singles. The club wish to invite all keen or interested players to come along to the Opening on Sunday 15th October at 1pm. Club nights will start on Thursday 19th September. Come along to Dunsandel Bowling Club Opening Day SUNDAY 15th September 1pm Give the great game of Bowls ago. Members: Whites New Members: Casual Wear Club nights start Thursday 19th 6pm If you have any queries or unable to attend please phone Karolyn 3254137 New Members welcome


SOUTHBRIDGE NETBALL CLUB A.G.M Friday 27th September 2013 Southbridge Rugby Clubrooms 6pm To be followed by 2013 PRIZE GIVING Southbridge Rugby Clubrooms at 7:30pm

All Welcome

Enquiries Phone: Maree 324 2273

Wednesday 11th September, 2013


ELLESMERE SENIOR CITIZENS AGM Wednesday 18th September 12md - dinner Community Room - Leeston Enquiries to Harold - 324 2535 Eileen - 324 3426 Audrey - 324 3957 ELLESMERE COMMUNITY VEHICLE TRUST (INC) E.C.V.T. AGM THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER, 2013 7:30PM COMMUNITY ROOM NEXT TO LIBRARY LEESTON All welcome. Enquiries/Apologies to Lois 324 3884 or Judith 324 8227

KILLINCHY TENNIS CLUB OPEN DAY Saturday 14th September 2:00pm onwards at the Killinchy Tennis Club All welcome Registration for all players For details & enquiries Contact John Andrew 03 324 3196 Brett Walter 03 324 4225 SOUTHBRIDGE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY AGM Southbridge Bowling Club Tuesday 17th September 7:30pm All Welcome

ELLESMERE A & P SHOW Saturday 19th October 2013 The closing date for the Association’s 143rd Annual Show is Friday, September 20th at 6:00pm. A schedule of events is available on request by sending a SAE to P.O. Box 17, Leeston 7656 or on our website: Pet lamb and wool exhibitors are reminded that their entries will continue to be accepted until 5:00pm, Friday 4th October. PLEASE NOTE: Measuring days are: Saturday 14th Sept.(13pm); Wednesday 25th Sept. (2-4pm); Saturday 12th Oct. (10am-12pm). There will be no measuring on Show Day. Annabel Smith Ph. 03) 324 3807 SECRETARY P.O. Box 17 Leeston 7656 Email:

EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST BETTA ELECTRICAL BUILDING, HIGH ST, LEESTON. We are currently considering options for the future of the building in modified form. Please phone: Gwynn Thomson Lakeland Centre Ph. 324 3656 or 027 228 8058

Property | Family |Wills Trusts |Estates |EPAs |Rural Business |Traffic |Employment Leeston (03) 324 3033 Hornby (03) 349 4708


GREENWOOD: EARNEST JOHN (E.J) The family of the late John would like to thank everyone for the lovely flowers, cards, phone messages and baking that was received on the passing of John. The kindness and understanding will not be forgotten. Special thanks to Dr Hobbs and St Johns Ambulance. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement.

Office Hours Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm MATSON AND ALLAN REAL ESTATE SPONSORED YOUNG ACHIEVERS AWARD. NOMINATIONS CALLED FOR NOW CONTESTANTS MUST BE Aged between 18 and 26 yrs of age and live locally within the Ellesmere A & P Association area. CONTESTANTS WILL BE JUDGED ON Community involvement. Sporting and Cultural achievements. Future aspirations and ambitions. Achievements to date. Nomination forms are available from Stephan Knowler (Ph 027 229 9522) or the secretary IRWELL INDOOR BOWLS 50th JUBILEE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN US FOR AFTERNOON TEA TO CELEBRATE THIS OCCASION ON SUNDAY 22ND SPETEMBER 2013 AT SUDELEY PARK PAVILION IRWELL RSVP. BY 16TH SEPT. TO DOROTHY CHAMBERS 324 3936 IRWELL TENNIS OPEN DAY Saturday 21st September At 2pm Sudeley Park All Welcome Juniors & Seniors, New Members & Beginners

For more info. Please contact Stuart Stephens 329-1770

Or juniors, Sharon Tod 324-3564

HOUSIE NIGHT Come and try your luck on Friday 13th September, Southbridge Town Hall. Doors open 7pm for a 7:30 sharp start. Southbridge Playcentre’s Annual Fundraiser $5 Card ~ Gift Basket Prizes~ Raffles Complimentary supper Come and join us for a fun night, while supporting us to keep the centre well resourced.


Stay warm this winter Keep your fire heating at its full potential Call Steve at Cleaner Chimneys 7 Day Service 021 0235 5291


QUIZ NIGHT!! Get your teams together and join us for a night of FUN. WHEN: Friday 13th September 2013 WHERE: Southbridge Rugby Rooms TIME: Doors open 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Cost: $60 per table with a max of 6 people per table limited to 20 Tables Supper will be provided Refreshments available Auction at half time.

Register your team NOW!! Phone Barry 3254 127 or Charlotte 3243 999 to book a table. LEESTON TENNIS CLUB OPEN DAY Sunday 15th September All players, new and old, welcome. Registration for juniors and seniors from 1:30pm. Please bring a plate for afternoon tea. Informal play will be held throughout the afternoon. Enquiries: Simon Dunlop Ph. 324 8367


Wednesday 11th September, 2013






ALTERATIONS, clothing repairs, trousers, hems etc. Little Boutique, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641. BROCADE sofa/db divan. FREE to anyone. And a 3 piece sofa plus 2 chairs - jade green colour. $50 the lot. Ph 324 4282 DISC brakes - we can machine your discs on or off the car. Also 4WDs. Jacks Service Service C e n t r e (2011) Ltd, ph. 3243-903. ELLESMERE College navy skirts made-to-measure, at Little Boutique, ph. Christine 027 228 7641. ELLESMERE College uniforms available at Little Boutique, ph. Christine 027 228 7641. PEA STRAW - Fund raising for Southbridge Small Bore Rifle Club $5 per bale. Ph Geoff 324 2002, Bevan 324 2210, Nigel 324 2750. SEED POTATOES early varieties at Hammer Hardware Ph. 324-4559. SKORTS made to measure at Little Boutique, High St, Leeston. Ph. Christine 027 228 7641. SODA STREAM maker, mixes, cylinders and refills at Hammer Hardware Ph. 324-4559. TYRES - For all your complete tyre needs, see us at Baylis Bros. Firestone (Lsn). WANTED - Old wooden wool press. Any Cond. Ph. 027 297 7563 WONDERFILLED Cakes dreamed up just for you. Kathryn Sutherland 0274 516 550, ph. 3243-497.

3 bedroom house for rent in Southbridge. No pets. References required. Long term preferred. Ph. 324 2287




WHISKEY 15HH approx. 5yrs old bay SB. (trotter) Broken to cart but not backed. Good mouth. Good manners. Loves People. Attractive cob type with cute head & very easy going personality. $250. Please phone 324 2227 DOUBLE TANDEM HORSE FLOAT well maintained. Tows well. New floor covered in non slip rub ber tiles. New back door. Jockey wheel. Over-ride brakes. $5500 ono. Please phone 324 2227

Short term furnished 4 bdrm home in Doyleston. 2 mins to all amenities in Leeston. Rent and time period flexible. Available end of September to mid January 2014. Perfect during EQC repairs. Contact 324 3329 SUNDOWN COTTAGE Available From Oct. 10. 3 bd, heatpump, half acre sheltered paddock. Great location. References and 2wk bond required. $300/ wk. Ph. June 324 3684

$40 per day

Phone 3242-642

TRAILERS….. Waterblaster, Steam cleaner, carpet-cleaner.

Baylis Bros (Lsn) Ltd, ph. 3243-629.

Oregon and Macrocapa Log-burner Mix Old Man Pine Blue Gum Phone 329 7066 or 027 224 3301

Can deliver 9 cu.m at one time



Avail. for hire while you are getting EQ repairs done. Delv. to you at no charge (within Leeston area) For enquiries & bookings. Ph. Rebecca 03) 324 3339 or 027 428 1032

“I’LL DO THE HOUSEWORK” Phone Joanne 0274208134 References are available

POPPITA’S PIZZA Friday & Saturday 5-9pm Dine in or Takeaway. BYO. Last orders for Takeaways 8pm. Ph. (03) 423 9161


ELLESMERE COLLEGE Maintenance Assistant We are looking for a versatile, active, practically minded person to: 1. Assist the Property Manager with caretaking and maintenance tasks. 2. Technology Department Technician. The ideal applicant is likely to have a trade background or advanced handyman skills. Part time position of 25hrs/week. For a Job Description and application details contact Principals Assistant (email Inquiries to the Principal, phone 03 3243 369 APPLICATIONS CLOSE 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2013

Johnston Excavating & Drainage is a progressive company carrying out Rural and Civil contracts in the Selwyn and Christchurch areas. Due to an increase in work load our Company is seeking applicants for the position of

Truck Driver (Class 5)/Labourer Applicants must have tipper, bulk cartage and trailer experience. A good work history, fitness, reliability, versatility and a willing team player are also requirements. Please apply in the first instant to (03) 324-3744

CHILDMINDER WANTED September School Holidays In Southbridge Phone Jan - 324 2442 After 6pm JIGSAW PRESCHOOL Robert Street, Lincoln Preschool reliever wanted for busy times to assist in care and programme for young children in Early Childhood Centre. Experience preferred but genuine interest in children essential. Hours can vary between 8.00am and 5.00pm depending on need. Must be flexible and able to work at short notice. Ring Jane or Chelsea on 325 7356

CHEF Required for our Burnham Kitchen from October. Please contact Kathy Dawson 027 4368 392 For further details.

SUPERVISORS, KITCHEN HANDS, WAIT STAFF Required on a casual basis from October/November until approx. end April. Please contact Kathy Dawson 027 4368 392 For further details.

CONTRACT WINDOW CLEANER A position has become available in our busy Window Cleaning Business Flexible Hours (school hours can suit) Applicants will have impeccable discretion and honesty. Experience not necessary as full training given. Apply with work and character references to: Ellesmere Window Cleaning 30 Selwyn Street. Leeston 7632

Wednesday 11th September, 2013






Canterbury Waterproofing Ltd For all your needs for: Residential and Commercial Painting Concrete Crack Repair Systems Waterproofing and Roof Membranes Floor Coatings Plaster Cladding Systems To discuss any of your requirements please contact us: Stew or Nick, 324 2406 101 High Street, P.O. Box 1, Southbridge ELECTRICIAN



Southbridge Joinery & Design Ltd

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The Ellesmere Echo Ph. 741 2206 Fax. 7412207 Email.


Call us for... Plumbing Drainlaying Digger Hire Drain Camera Backflow Install & Testing Effluent Design Phone Wally

WANT TO RIDE but haven’t a horse? Try riding with us. Ph. 324-3667 evenings.

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Local Knowledge - Local Experience


Wednesday 11th September, 2013






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Wednesday 11th September, 2013





For all Private & Commercial Work Bake Oven Spraypainting — Approved Insurance Collision Repairers Chassis Straightening — Windscreen Replacements Free No-Obligation Quotes ~ Loan Car Available Station St, Leeston Phone/fax



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For free, no-obligation quotes or advice call John on 022 092 2619 or 03 325 5022 PAINTING AND DECORATING

IMPACT Painting & Decorating Fully-qualified tradesmen specialising in Commercial and Residential Properties Interior and Exterior Roofs Free quotes

Michael McAulay

(03) 3243-258; 027 244 052

ELLESMERE WINDOW CLEANING “If we’re not cleaning your windows, You’re not seeing things clearly!” UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS IN & OUT

CONTACT Grant & Penny Clausen Hm (03) 324-3227 Grant 027 221 5060 Penny 027 895 5943



JLB Painters Ltd

Panelbeating/Spraypainting For all makes and models


PAUL HENDERSON Painter / Plasterer Free Quotes Ph. 3254-335; 021-070-0664 APPLIANCE REPAIRS

Ellesmere Appliance Service Ltd For all appliance repairs contact Jim Roxburgh



A. & S. MOTORS Ltd Southbridge 3242-515 A.H. 3242-029 GIB STOPPING / PLASTERING

On Board Ltd Plasterboard Stopping Interior Plastering New Housing & Alterations Additions & Repairs Skim Coating of Old Stippled Ceilings to Flat Residential & Commercial Friendly & Reliable Service

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Phone/fax 3243-608 or 027 62 44 602 REGISTERED DRAINLAYER

ACE HIGH PLUMBING Home of the Royal Flush Phone


021 454 864 R.D. 2, Leeston

· · · · · ·

Plumbing Gasfitting Drainlaying Blocked Drains Log Fires Wetbacks

• Residential & Rural Drainage • Excavation & Driveways • Effluent Disposal System Design Mob. 027 432 5106, AH 3242-543

ELLESMERE BINS To your door wkly, frtly, mthly or casuals. Also trailer hire & empty Phone Mark Luxton 3242-720 Or 0275 30 24 72


Wednesday 11th September, 2013


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