Malvern news 13 set 2013

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Phone: 318 7450 Fax: 318 7451 Email: Web:

Inside this issue: 73 Hire Open Day


Your Vote is Needed to get DHS a New Kitchen Funding Applications Open Skeanie - Shoes For Kids Darfield Farmers Market Hororata Community Trust Update VetEnt Darfield Selwyn Half Marathon Selwyn Welcoming


Leading Learners Courses The Amazing Water Race Live To Ride Elections - Selwyn Central Letters to the Editors Ashburton Duathlon Sports Diary Public Notices Classifieds Trades Email Column

Friday 13th Sept 2013

4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10-11 12 13 13 14 14-15 15-19 19-20 20

CIRCULATION: Over 5000 Area SH I West, between the rivers. The information and opinions published are not necessarily those of the Malvern News proprietors. Malvern News is distributed to 5000 homes and businesses in the Malvern area.

Next edition will be distributed Friday 20th Sept 2013 Deadline - 1:00pm Tuesday 17 Sept 2013 ♦ Weekly Newspaper ♦ Business Cards ♦ Photocopying ♦ Laminating ♦ Binding ♦ Typesetting

If it’s newsworthy and you know about it - we’d like to know too !



: eadlines

on l 5 pm M Editor ia 1pm T ues sing Adver ti

Over seventy riders and horses e n j oy ed th e H or or a ta Reserve’s cross country course at last weekend’s Open Day. It was an opportunity for all those present to use or view, the new, upgraded course which came to fruition largely because of funding from the Canterbury Community Trust. T her e was a n ex ci te d atmosphere as everyone e njoye d Sun day’s gr ea t weather and the opportunity to use the new jumps. Two pony clubs and an adult riding group along with casual riders from A group of riders enjoying the Open Day at the Hororata Reserve’s Cross Country Course, last Sunday. all over Canterbury used the occasion as an informal and relax ing training day, stopping at lunch time to enjoy f o od an d re fres hme n ts provided by the Windwhistle Pony Club. The feedback from riders was ex tremely positive, with many commenting on the high standard of construction, which was thanks to Andy Thompson and his team. All money raised from the Open Day will go toward the upkeep of the course. The Hororata Reserve Committee continues to work hard to improve the Reserve a n d e n co u r a g e m o r e recreational use of it. “This Cross Country Open Day was another ex ample of a successful activity on our local asset and many more are planned for the future,” said one of the day’s organisers, Dave Sligh. Sligh

‘A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS’ Saturday 14th September 2013 - 8pm Darfield Rugby Club Fundraiser


Darfield Recreation Centre $400 for group of 10 or $45 per person Live Band - New Entrants - Complimentary Bubbles - Continuous Supper Full Bar Available (Happy Hour 8-9pm) Prizes for most creatively dressed - Spot Prizes Tickets available from the Malvern News office (Cash or cheque only)


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Fr iday 13th September 2013

S aturday 21st Sept 8pm - 12pm in the Loun ge Ba r

▪ 11 Sporting Sections ▪ TAB ▪ Bistro ▪ ▪ 12 Gaming Machines ▪ Bar ▪ Pool Tables ▪ ▪ Bottle Store ▪ Social Interactions ▪ ▪ Great Company and More! ▪ The town’s foremost social scene JOIN NOW! Discounts for Juniors & Seniors

Phone: 03 312 4411

160 High S treet, Oxford

The 73 Hire open day held last Saturday at their Horndon Street yard, attracted folk from far and wide, with many coming and going throughout the day. Around one hundred returned to the site or stayed for the duration, so as to be present for the auction, and prize draws. As well as the skilful and entertaining competitions being undertaken during the day (involving diggers, hammers an d n ails!) the Malver n Community Patrol dispensed a fundraising barbecue alongside their easily recognisable sign written patrol vehicle and hot coffees from baristas Barry and Fiona Rayner’s mobile van were much appreciated by those present. Chris Singh (aka DJ

Singh Star), amplied by his wonderful sound system, acted as announcer for events, between much enjoyed bursts of music. The warm, blustery conditions were pleasant for viewing the impressive range of equipment 73 Hire had put on display and many positive comments were heard from those present. The reverse auction saw more than a few bidders come away with unprecedented bargains - but to get them they had to be patient while not holding out too long, to avoid being pipped at the post, by another buyer. Interest was high in the draw for a brand new chainsaw and a brand new Lochiel trailer and in the case of the saw, the first

couple of tickets weren’t claimed and so it was ticket number three who smilingly took it away. 73 Hire’s Cath Field, Field Les Barnett and Stacey Barnett were all on hand to field questions and ex pressed their thanks to family and friends for their assistance at the open day, to suppliers for their support and sponsorship, as well as to all those who attended and made the day the success it was. Digger Comp: Reece Cleland Nail Driving Comp: Men: Guy J ackson W omen: Leanne Tait Children: Ruby Smedley Chainsaw Draw: Graeme Price Lochiel Trailer: Ian Dampier

Last Jazz Nights for the year! Wed 25th & Thurs 26th Sept Ph 318 7686 or visit Cnr West Coast Road and Clintons Road

• Top Left: Cath Field of 73 Hire with auctioneer for the day Craig Miller of Hazlett Rural Ltd. • Top Right: Graham Smith of Malvern Community Patrol mans the BBQ. • Middle: G raeme Price (chainsaw winner) with Cath Field of 73 Hire. • Below Left: Reece Cleland (L) digger com petition winner wit h Les Barnett of 73 Hire. • Right: Colin Hitchen (L) of Lochiel Trailers congratulat es the winner of a trailer, I an Dampier. Dampier

Licensed Restaurant, B & B, Wedding/Conference Venue


PGG Wrightson - Ross St, Darfield. Ph 03 318 7850

44 South Terrace, Dar field 7510 P h 318 8896 valbr iggsinteriors@

See our large selection of wallpaper books. 15% off retail prices until end of Sept!

15% off Luxaflex Venetian Blinds until 31st October Excludes Basswood Timber Blinds & Automation • Rods Blinds • Upholstery • Mirrors • Tracks • Cushions • Giftware • Lamps

Visit for a full range of plant

Thank you to our Sponsors, Suppliers, Clients, Friends and Family for supporting our Open Day Horndon Street, Darfield Hrs: Mon - Sat 7:30am - 5:30pm

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

Marquee Hire Craig Blackburn - 0274 897 225

Libby Gameson and Jonas Meyer touting for votes to get a state of the art kitchen at Darfield High School. Most would say the Darfield High School ‘school kitchen’ is ‘well used’. In fact many in the community, of varying ages, will remember it, just as it is now (it’s a 1950’s original!) and that’s where Sarah Waters, Waters the School’s Home E conomics teacher comes in. Along with two student ambassadors, Libby Gameson and J onas Meyer the trio are spreading the word for votes to see the Darfield High School kitchen equipped as it should be, with a whole Jonas Meyer and Libby Gameson get cooking in the 1950’s original selection of new appliances. kitchen at Darfield High School - community votes could well To win this prize, the community needs to vote, needs to vote for Darfield High School (see address at the end of this article) and only has until September 23rd to do so! The competition is run by Parmco, a New Zealand owned kitchen and laundry appliance company and if the School get their much needed votes and top the score they could win a whole kitchen full of new appliances. “W e are currently planning a renovation for the school's kitchen and this will be the boost we need to get a state of the art kitchen with appliances to match,” Sarah said. “The website is: click vote and then search for Darfield High School,” she added. “I hope everyone will go online and give us a hand to get our prize winning votes,” Sarah

change this facility for the better. stressed. “Our two student ambassadors; Libby and Jonas are leading the way toward getting the most votes and spreading the word,” she added. “Plus everyone who votes goes into the draw to win a special family prize: five nights at the five-star Fiji Beach Resort & Spa, managed by Hilton, for

two adults and two children, and we hav e un til mi dd ay , September 23rd to get as many votes as possible.”

Vote online for Darfield High School - before midday, September 23rd at: click 'vote here' and search for Darfield High School.

OPEN DAY Also Gl o rio us Foo ds & Jes sica G unn Studi os o n dis pla y C h r i st m a s C a ke or de r s n o w t a ke n

Knockdolian - 505 Deans Rd, Darfield Ph 027 324 2327

Advert proudl y sponso red by Springfield Service Centre

winebar & cafe

Friday 20th September Live Band playing from 9pm

SHIVER Happy Hour: 9:30 - 10:30pm

Saturday 21st September Closed for a private function Saturday evening only Apologies for any inconvenience Main Road, Darfield. Ph: 03 318 7303 Fax: 03 318 7304 E:

5th Sept Sunday 1 - 4:30pm n o o n 2 1

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

Fresh Flowers Fresh Flowers Fresh Flowers

SPRING ON IN! ► Spring

Flowers ► Spring Bedding Plants ► Spring Perennials ► Spring Blossoming Trees THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR FLOWERS & GIFTS

Full of goodies for


Phone 03 3187101 - 51 South Tce, Darfield

Noel ene Graham Phone: 318 1006 or 027 622 8210 Therapy for a wide range of tr eat able aliments : • Emotional - anger, guilt, low self-esteem, shyness, grief • Physical (where there is no organic cause) - skin problems, IBS, muscle tension, fatigue, headach es, migraines, back problems etc • Mental - stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, post-natal depression, panic attacks, performa nce & creativity blocks etc • Be havioural - gambling, drinking, smoking, overeating, bedwetting etc

Applications to the Selwyn District Council’s new Events’ Fund are now open. The fund, with an allocated sum of $ 47, 000, was r e ce n tly established by the Council and is available to support events that are held in Selwyn, which are open to the public, and meet these criteria: • the event attracts local, regional and international visitors • it contributes to key benefits identified in the Council’s events’ policy

it helps to increase the range and diversity of events in Selwyn • it promotes the Sel wyn district. Events should preferably be run by a not for profit organisation with charitable status, although applications from community organisations and individuals may be accepted. Th e C oun cil’s Comm uni ty Se rvices M anag er Lesl ey Symington said that the fund was es ta blished be caus e hosting events in Selwyn has

Local woman Rachel Ferguson has embarked on a new business based in Russell’s Flat, S hef field . Like num erou s mothers before her, Rachel had been on the hunt for children’s shoes that were both healthy for small, growing feet and stylish too. She was delighted, when she discovered Skeanie shoes for kids several years ago, that met both requirements. The problem was, Rachel had to source them from Australia, which, with the addition of postage, made them rather ex pensive. Rachel is delighted to have now secured the opportunity of becoming the ex clusive New Zealand distributor of Skeanie shoes. She has already held a night for Sheffield parents (at the home of Steven and Sarah W right) right keen to see the range and enjoy a fun evening of bubbles and shopping. T h o s e a tte n di n g we r e impressed both with the quality of the footwear and the research done to ensure that the feet of their little ones would be taken care of. Skeanie shoes for children have

been recognised for their contribution to the health of little feet and Skeanie is a preferred provider to the Australian Podiatry Association (NSW and ACT). Their ‘Infant Classic Pre-W alkers’ have also been awarded the Seal of Acceptance by The American Podiatric Medical Association. Skeanie shoes allow children’s f eet to develo p wi tho u t restriction. They take into account that young feet are soft and pliable, making them prone to damage from abnormal pressure, such as shoes which are too small or ill-fitting. Skeanie infant shoes are handcrafted from soft, high quality genuine leather allowing feet to breathe and grow naturally. The elasticised collar keeps the shoe fitted snugly around the ankle and the tex tured suede sole provides superior grip while crawling and walking. Allowing babies to wear leather soft soled shoes helps feet gro w normally while promoting the grasping action of the toes, which is essential

m any be ne fi ts fo r th e community. “Events can bring significant income into our district, they can bring our community together in a celebration, and help make Selwyn a great place to live and visit,” Lesley added. Funding applications for events planned over the nex t year must be received by September 27th, 2013. Application forms and information about the fund is available online at

Rachel Ferguson of Russell’s Flat, Sheffield is now the NZ distributor of quality Skeanie children’s shoes. when learning to walk. The Skeanie J unior range is a transition shoe which features eco-leather uppers, super lightweight flex ible soles and ‘Flex-ease®’ technology. Skeanie shoes and boots are designed in Australia using classic leather and canvas they are a fair-trade product. For further details see as well as the advertisement in this issue.


7:30 - 11:00

1:00- 7:30


8:30 - 12:00

2:00 - 5:00


7:30 - 12:00

2:00 - 5:00

Thurs: 9:00 - 12:00

2:00 - 7:30


7:30 - 12:00

2:00 - 5:30


9:00 - 12:00

Rachel Ferguson 021 060 7982

Malvern News Deadlines: Advertising - 1pm Tuesday Editorial - 5pm Monday

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

The township’s Darfield Farmers Market definitely benefits the local community. With the blossom out along Darfield's South Terrace, there is an ex citing buzz in the air with the knowledge that spring is certainly here. Darfield Farmers Market is no ex ception to this enthusiasm, and new stall holders are arriving weekly, bringing with them duck eggs, pickles, bathroom cosmetics, to name but a few of the recent arrivals. Customers at the market have commented on the range of produce available and the frie ndly atm osph ere , particularly now the market’s new location is established under the trees, nex t to CRT and a little closer to the main commercial area.

It is not only the stall holders and customers tha t are benefitting though. W hen the current committee took over from their predecessors earlier this y ear , the p reviou s committee donated substantial funds to local community groups. These included Kirwee Volunteer Fire Brigade $ 500, St J ohn Malvern $ 500, Malvern C ommu ni ty Pa tro l $ 500, Darfield Plunket $ 900 and the market continues to support the community with the opportunity of fund-raising for local groups. The Market meals and sausage sizzle are popular choices for locals and have been used to raise funds for a trip to China and for school buildings in Uganda. There’s a further fundraising opportunity for local

groups who wish to run the Market car-boot sale and the organising group gets to take the $ 5 per car fee, for their own fund-raising efforts. Darfield Farmers Market are lending their support to Trinity Church's country craft Market on September 21st and will be joining them in the church carpark for that week. “Pl e a s e s u p p or t y o u r community farmers market, as we strive to give back to the local community,” said Darfield Farmers market spokesperson, Matthew Maude. Maude “Any enquiries about the Market can be made to

Boutique Furniture Solid Tim ber Specialist Your design or ours 021 904 805

or come down and see us 10am-1pm,” Matthew concluded.

Malvern News Deadline Advertising 1pm Tuesday

The Horora ta Comm unity Trust’s meeting held in the Hororata Hall on September 3rd attracted a good turnout from those interested in their community. It was informative, open, interesting and thought provoking. Another meeting is planned for September 18th to present an overall plan for Hororata, based on the three meetings held to date.

A summary of discussions and the goals to be worked toward for the Hororata community are :

• A restored St J ohn’s Church • A restored, but minimalist, historic version of the Hororata Hall. The hall to be stripped back to comprise the main hall plus a minimum of toilet/supper facilities behind it, as it stood originally. The demolition of the damaged additions surrounding the core of the building, and cladding in the character of the original hall. The hall would have more emphasis as a facility that is part of the historical heritage of Hororata, rather than as a multi-purpose community facility which is the focus of

social activity in Hororata. The new lake plus trees, landscaping and tracks to develop that part of the Domain into a walking/ biking/sailing/rowing recreational area. A new community facility/ commercial facility in the Domain overlooking the lake and mountains A restored mirror lake and adjacent facilities.

We have hundreds of costumes and accessories and will happily help you to choose the perfect costume for your fancy dress or themed party

“The Peoples Champion”

“Results speak louder than words”


SHOP HOURS: Monday 1pm-6pm Thursday 11am-6pm Friday 11am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm If we haven't got i t, we will tr y & get it !

44 Oak Tree Lane, Rolleston

Phone 347 4595 or 027 484 3040

For prove n leadership, re prese ntation and commitment to an Open, Economically Efficient, and Friendly Council that is there to help.

BILL WOODS Mayor Councillor Give two ticks to follow the link to our facebook page for samples of our costumes.

Authorised by Bill Woods 5509 West Coast Road Springfield P hone (318 4825)

John (Jum) Morten For Selwyn Council

Seeking your support! Phone: 03 317 9001 Mob: 027 200 2578 Ema il: Authorised by JB Morten, 224 Waireka Road, Darfield - Ph 317 9001

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

… Lo c al v et s , n ati o nwi d e s up p o rt

Now that spring is here, it’s time for young fleas to emerge. They are stimulated by movement, pets’ body temperature, shadows and exhaled carbon dioxide. These adult fleas then mate on the pet within eight to twenty four hours, and so the cycle continues……….. You may be surprised to learn that adult fleas seen on your pets make up only 5% of the total flea population. That means that 95% of the flea infestation is made up of flea eggs, larvae and pupae living in your pets’ environment. After ingesting blood from an animal, the female fleas lay their eggs - up to fifty eggs a day! Immature fleas, called larvae, hatch within two weeks. Larvae live in pets’ bedding, carpets, around shrubbery and bushes in your backyard where infested animals frequent and cracks and crevices. Within five to eleven days, flea larvae spin a sticky silk cocoon to become pupae. Pupae can then remain dormant for up to six months. During the colder months the flea cycle slows down…. but doesn’t stop. This often goes unnoticed, with small numbers of fleas quietly laying thousands of eggs throughout winter.

48 South Terrace, Darfield 7510 Ph 03 318 8611 Fax 03 318 8722 Email:

We recommend you treat ALL your pets with a spot-on flea treatment. These treatments target adult fleas as well as having an insect growth The female flea consumes fifteen times her own body regulator to break the flea life cycle. weight in blood daily So come into the clinic and we can A flea can jump up to eight inches high, or approximately help you choose the right product one hundred and fifty times its own height. That's like for your pets and give you the right leaping over tall buildings, in a single bound advice so you can give fleas the flick! Flea fossils have been found that are over one hundred million years old! At that point in time there were no dogs, cats or humans to infest, only dinosaurs! So fleas certainly have the evolutionary jump on us. They have been surviving quite well when other species have become extinct Undisturbed and without a blood meal, a flea can live more than one hundred days. A pair of fleas can produce four to five hundred offspring in their lifetime.

Here are some facts you may not know about fleas:

* * *

* *

24-hour emergency service

Hours of bu siness: • Monday - Friday: 8.00am - 5.00pm • Tuesday & Thursday: 8.00am - 6.00pm • Saturday: 9.00am - 12.30pm

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

It’s the time of year again to secure a spot on the start line of Selwyn’s largest, annual running event. The newly named Selwyn Half Marathon has recently opened its entries for the 2013 event, to be held on November 23rd and already all three race distances are filling up. This year the organisers of the Ellesmere Road Runners Half Marathon event have set up the Selwyn Sports Trust* to run the event, following its huge success in the first two years . Consequently, although it has a new name, it still has the same quaint, rural feel and fast, flat courses. There is something for everyone in this rural Selwyn event. The Lay Associates Half Marathon run is a course that provides first timers with the most achievable half around and those more ex perienced with a great chance to record a new personal best. The McMillan 10km ‘Drilling’ run and walk includes a start at Dan Carter’s rugby playing home, the Southbridge Rugby Grounds, and has three person team sections,

Selwyn is an easy place to settle in for nine out of ten people who move to the district, according to a recent survey of Selwyn residents. As part of its Annual Residents’ Survey, Selwyn District Council asked local residents who had moved to the district how they found settling in. 90% of people said they found it easy to move to Selwyn. Many new residents said that they found Selwyn to be a friendly place, with comments like, “Everyone was nice and friendly, everything was close by,” and, “really nice people in the district, very welcoming.” Others who had moved to Selwyn liked the peaceful rural lifestyle, local facilities, the space and being close to friends and family. The most common reasons why pe ople moved to Sel wyn

Promoting and supporting sport and Recreation within the Selwyn District

Corporate, Sports Club and High School, ideal to get a group together and spur each other on. There is also the Oakley’s 5km run and walk, a great entry distance for youngsters and new runners. All races enjoy a finishing straight down the High Street of Leeston, where large numbers of locals cheer the homecomers. This leads to the finishing area in A n ders o n S qu ar e wh er e competitors, spectators and support crews are greeted with live music and plenty of food o p tio ns. T he even t h as numerous race prizes up for g r abs th an ks to m u ch appreciated local support and a large number of spot prizes; including a weekend away for two. Entries and further details can be found online. *The Selwyn Sports Trust was established to promote and support participation in sport and recreation within the Selwyn District. Its primary objective is

according to the survey were because they liked the rural lifestyle or the quality of life (20%), for marriage or family reasons (19%), because they were born in Selwyn (19%) or for work (16%). People who had moved to Selwyn m os t o f te n came f ro m Christchurch (55%), or other areas of Canterbury and the South Island (28%). As part of the Residents’ Survey, all people participating in the survey were also aske d whether they thought their neighbourhood was safe and if they felt a sense of community where they lived. 89% of people said they usually felt safe and 77% of people said they felt a sense of community. Selwyn Mayor Kelvin Coe said the survey results confirm that


Pro mpt, friendly, innovative and cost efficient solutions for your surveying, mapping, land development & land use planning requirements Free initial consultation and budget analysis Contact: Christchurch 03 339 0401, F ax 03 339 0408 Email: cls@cls.c PO Box 8177, Riccarton, C hristchurch 8440

to increase participation and volunteering in sport and active re crea tion by sup porti ng , coordinating and complementing existing providers; clubs, schools and community groups. Special priorities for the Trust include; the creation and coordination of sport and recreational events that provide participation opportunities for Selwyn residents as well as establishing Selwyn as a popular destination for sport and recreation. The encouragement of young people within the region to participate in sport and recreation at community level and support of those aspiring to regional and national level. Enhancing the well-being of S e l wy n comm u ni ties b y encouraging and supporting volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Supporting and advocating for the provision of sport and recreation facilities for Selwyn communities.

Selwyn is a great place to live and that local residents do a good job of making others feel welcome. “There are many newcomers in our district and most of the people I talk to say they really enjoy living here and find the community very friendly,” he added. Selwyn has been the fastest growing district in the country over the past five years, and also ex perienced the strongest economic growth in New Zealand in 2012. Last year around 1,200 new jobs were created in the district.

“Call me now to find out what your home is worth on today's market” Phone 027 662 2751 or 03 318 8204

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Susan Davis

Looking for some WOW factor? We are selling as fast as we are listing AND we have qualified buyers ready to purchase! For a free sales appraisal call Chris or Kerin: 03 317 9070

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

Beet crops we have pl anted have won Supreme awards at Malvern & Courtenay A&P, Mayfield A&P, Ellesmere A&P Winter Feed Competitions. We use a 12 row Accord Planter, set at 50cm rows, with a GPS steered tractor. Please book in now, to ensure we can fit your paddock in .

Two Leading Learners courses are to be held in the October school holidays on the Ruapuna racetrack. Leading Learners is a one day practical course for Selwyn secondary, or home schooled, students who have held their learner licence for at least three months and/or have done at least forty hours of driving pr acti ce. The l earner is accompanied by a parent or caregiver, in their own car. Leading Learners was created by Selwyn District Council, and is taught by driving instructors, road safety professionals and the Police. “No one can totally prepare learners for everything they will face as a driver, especially when they are on their own,” said Selwyn District Y outh Road Safety Advisor Carolyn Bennison, Bennison who developed the course. “Leading Learners teaches young drivers things that other programmes don’t, in a safe offroad environment. Things such as driving on different road surfaces, stopping distances, hazards, distraction and peer pressure. It helps to prepare teenagers for the time they get

their restricted licence and start driving alone.” Leading Learners is endorsed by New Zealand motor racing legend Chris Amon, Amon MBE, who said he believes the programme is of the highest standard and greatly enhances the skills of learner drivers wishing to obtain their restricted licence. Carolyn attributes a reduction in young driver crash statistics in Selwyn district to the success of Leading Learners. “W e always receive positive feedback from the learners and parents who attend, and now the statistics also reflect that,” she added. 155 learners and their parents or caregivers have taken part in the course since it started in April 2011. Evaluation after the course has shown that of the 155 learners, 100% have improved their driving skills and knowledge and 93% have i m pr ov e d th ei r d r ivi n g

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behaviour. 69% of the learners passed their restricted driving tests first time and 87% said Leading Learners had helped prepare them for the restricted test and for driving alone. The programme was also helpful to the parents and caregivers who attended, as all of this gr oup said they learne d something new. Leading Learners is being held on October 9th and 10th. The programme is heavily subsidised by Selwyn District Council and the New Zealand Transport Agency, which allows it to be offered for only $ 20 per person. “The programme is proven to create safer drivers and is great value as it would cost at least $ 250 to do this kind of training i n d ep e nd e n tly , ” Ca ro ly n stressed. Contact Carolyn at Selwyn District for further information or to register interest.

● ●

Hours: Collection 8:00am - 9:00am Drop Off 4:30pm - 5:30pm

• Kubota tractor with mower/hoe • 1.5T Excavator

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Give us a call for your next project!! Greendale 03 317 8171

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Pergolas Landscaping Table top slabs Post & rail fencing Firewood Beams Sleepers Large pillars & gateposts Untreated sawdust

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Servicing Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury and North Canterbury For ALL your agricultural spraying & fertiliser requirements Competitive prices Flight training available

Contact Sandy Jamieson 027-433-1918

Page 9

Fr iday 13th September 2013

W hat lives in local water races and where do they go? These questions and more can be answered by joining with the W est Melton Enviro Community at Halkett Community Centre on Halkett Road this weekend and learning about the history, biodiversity and what affects the water quality of these seemingly endless races. The day includes visiting the source of a water race, sampling the water from several sites and checking out the insect life under a microscope. Ex pert knowledge will be provided by a hydrologist, entomologists and water quality specialists. Those attending can find out more about this special part of the W est Melton environment, they can ask questions and need to be prepared to get their feet wet! PrePre -registration on, lunch, gumboots, and a gold coin are all that is needed to attend.

NEW VETS IN ROLLESTON Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm

Selwyn District Council has l aun che d a ne w p ubl i c e du ca tio n cam paig n an d motorcycle skills coaching programme to help reduce motorcycle crashes in the district. Riding a motorcycle is much more dangerous than driving a car. In New Zealand, the risk of being involved in a fatal or injury crash is twenty times higher for a motorcyclist than for a car driver. From 2008 - 2012, there were six ty five motorcycle crashes in Selwyn District resulting in four fatalities, thirty four serious injuries, thirty one minor injuries and seven non-injury crashes. Selwyn District Road Safety Coordinator, Ngaire Tinning commented that the number of motorcycle crashes is ex tremely concerning and the Council has launched the ‘Live to Ride’ campaign to try to reduce the number and severity of them in Selwyn. “Live to Ride aims to make motorists more aware of motorcylists on our roads and also encourage riders to increase their skills and reduce their chances of being involved in a crash,” Ngaire said. As part of Live to Ride the

Council is offering subsidised half and full day motorcycle skills coaching. The courses offer motorcyclists the chance to refresh their skills, as well as le arn and pr acti ce ne w techniques. The courses are delivered by NZTA qualified trainers and include off and on road training to develop braking, handling and safe driving skills. The half day course costs $ 20, while the full day advanced course is $ 50. The Council is offering all riders that complete the courses between September 2013 and March 2014 entry into a prize draw for a $ 300 protective motorcycle clothing voucher. A Live to Ride motorcycle information flyer has been developed for riders and will be distributed at events in Selwyn, as well as from Council offices and libraries. Motorcyclists who request a copy of the Live to Ride information flyer on line will also go into a draw to win one of two $ 40 MTA Vouchers. Motorcyclists who want to register for the courses can do so by visiting: or phoning 03 347 2901. Places are limited, so early registration is advised.

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Fr iday 13th September 2013


Selwyn is central to his name & Selwyn Central is his focus! • Strong advocate • Good se nse of natural justice • Supports resour ce use for the

common good

Authorised by Peter Hill, 1316 Tramway Road, RD 2, Leeston 7682

Vote Mark Alexander your Councillor Mark w ill: listen to you w ork for you represent you

Experienced responsible, caring, local who knows your community Authoris ed by Mark Alexander 0478 Two Chain Road, RD 7, Chris tc hurc h 7677

Selwyn Central Ward (4 Vacancies) • • • • • •

Alexander, Mark Bland, Jeff Hill, Peter Selwyn Shaw, Lynley Walters, Sarah Williams, Sandy

Voting pape rs are posted from 20 September. If you do not receive your pape rs or will be away from your home at that time, contact the Council's Electora l Office r, Douglas Marshall to cast a special vote. elections@selwyn.g

I have been honoured to represent the pe ople of Selwyn Central on Coun cil for the la st three years an d seek your s upp ort to d o that for a furth er three. I have a passionate concer n for pe ople an d their wellbeing and this is strongly r e f le c te d in my achievements th us far. I will outline my advocacy areas and will let you judge their priority for yoursel f. The state of the place w here we all live is one of my major concer ns. Providing rules an d guid elines ar oun d water and land u se, native

MARK ALEXANDER As a current cou ncillor I a m a strong, e xperie nce d advocate for the reside nts of the Selwyn Central Ward. First elected in 200 1, I was a Commu nity Board member for ni ne years and electe d to Cou ncil in 201 0. Thi s gives me an exte nsive knowle dge of our communities an d the issues affecting us. I attend many community me etings to better understand the needs, w a nt s a nd aspirations of thos e I serve. Maintaining, su staining an d enhan cing the e nvironment is imp ortant to us, as Selwyn residents. Clean sa fe p otable water is vital for our

SANDY WILLIAMS I believe we need balanced representation aroun d the Cou ncil Ta ble, ol der an d younger, rural and urba n. Selwyn Central’s Tow nship s are growing which mean s we need the right representation to sup port this growth, if a large part of the pop ulation is fa milies with childre n the n let’s have some one on Cou ncil wh o lives the same life y ou d o. My husban d and I, our two young boys a nd Cody our dog live in Selwyn Central and abs olutely love it here. I believe the opinions of the

plant/animal prote ction an d enhan cement, and sup port for healthier lifestyles are among what we do as a Cou ncil. How well we do it is determi ned by those of us around t he table. Outsi de t he for mal Cou n ci l environment and with both the health an d road safety portfoli os I have had the extra op portunity to initiate and su pp ort a range of mechanis ms whi ch als o furthers the cau se of the well-being of the District an d its people. We mu st always be mi ndful that the scarce rates dollar must be u sed to ad dress t he

greatest need. That includ es the mainte nan ce of neede d existing facilities, new infrastruct ure to cater for growth, or e nhan ce ments to make Selwyn a better pla ce to live.

township s as is appropriate waste water treatment. I believe that the benefits from gr owth in Selwyn shoul d be fairly shared, that appropriate fa cilities are provided to meet the community's requireme nts. Getting enhan ced or new school provision is vital for our communities. As an accredite d RMA hearing commis sioner I understan d the importan ce of good pla nning. I have often hel ped reside nts understan d the plan ning issues in their area. Cou ncil must continue to care fully ma nage i ts finan ces, w hile continui ng to maintain its as sets to t he

level required. I will see that cons ultation on the Rollest on Tow n Centre Masterplan an d Foster Park Masterplan is completed a nd the se pla ns are implemented.

residents need t o be at t he forefr ont of the Coun cil decisions, with reside nts being fully infor med along the way. I worked in IT Help Desk, Projects an d Training for well over ten years i n Lon don a nd New Zealan d and duri ng that time I gained skills s uch as working and dealing with all types of people, budget s and publi c speaking, which I find s o important in my role on the Selwyn Central Community Board a nd whi ch will be invaluable as a Coun cillor. One of the strengths I have

is seeing what t he community need to know about, fin ding the answer and getting it out there. I pride mys elf on b eing available to residents and assisting with their queries.

For further information visit

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

SARAH WALTERS Standing for both Mayor an d Selwyn Central war d cou ncillor ena bles voters in that ward to choose how I can b est repre sent the m. I remain committed to working towards a district that values all its resource s, one that we all are proud to be part of. Our fa mily lives just over the ward bou ndary in Malvern, but as we are not close to any township our fa mily’s activities are spread over several areas, including Rolleston. I have enjoyed representing this ward sin ce 2007 an d have strongly

JEFF BLAND For sixteen years, I have lived in the Selwyn Central

LYNLEY SHAW My focus is helpi ng the Selwyn distri ct move forward a nd thrive; ens uring our commu nity has t he infrastruct ure, environment, planning an d sup port needed for people of all ages to continue to e njoy our region. I’ve been involved within our commu nity through t he Rolleston Resi dents’ Ass n, Foster Recreation Park Steering Group, Rolleston School PTA, Selwyn Aquatic Fundraising, Fireworks and Anzac Day committees along

supp orted the b uilding of the Selwyn Aquatic Centre. I am a strong b eliever in mutual resp ect, working positively to achieve good outcomes a nd a m always seeking to impr ove my ability to un dertake my r ole. Over the last two terms this has in clude d training i n finan ce, governan ce, long term planni ng, transport an d road safety, chairi ng me e t i n g s , r e s o u r ce manage ment, internal an d exter nal communi cation skills as well as local governme nt and Treaty of Waitangi issues. I would like to e ncourage

people i n the Selwyn Central ward to vote. Last election the turnout was the lowest in the district. There is no such thing as a wrong answer and every vote does make a differen ce.

Ward, with my wife Julie an d family. This year, I retired from the New Zealan d Police. The last four years of my thirty eight year career, were based in Selwyn. I have served on t he Commu nity Boar d an d many local community groups an d it has been my privilege to serve this commu nity as your Ward Cou ncillor. As promis ed, I have advocated for better s porting fa cilities, a high school, better bus services, improved parks,

reserves and road s. Currently: A high s chool is b eing planned for Rolle ston. We have improved bus service s, an Aquatic Centre, extra fun ding for roa ds, a nd local parks/reserves are plan ning new facilities. I have the District of Selwyn at heart. I ask for your vote s o that I can continue to pr ovide an honest, ope n an d common sense a pproa ch to re solving the issues and challeng es that face Selwyn.

with sp ort in g gr ou p interests. Through my career, b oth legal and finan cial, I’ve gained e xperie nce in gat he ri ng i n for mati on, helping people ma nage finan cial affairs, pr oble m solving and establis hing budgets. All skills I believe essent i a l as y ou r representative. With my varied life of rural living, then large city an d now Rolleston, coupled with my diverse career from small to large firm, an d corp orate to self-e mploye d, I have the a bility to deal with people and issue s that impact on many fellow Selwyn Central residents. A key reason I’m standing would be to se e that our Cou ncil has strong finan cial respon sibility, contains rate increases an d redu ces levels of debt, without stripping the community bare whilst contin uing with e con omi c

growth. If you wa nt better commu n i ca t i on, s a fe r r oa d i n g a nd mor e accountability from our Cou ncil, as I do, then I welcome your su pp ort in the coming election.

Au tho ri sed b y Sarah W al te rs 1 4 3 Mi d hu rst Ro ad Ayle sb u ry R D 1 Ch ri stch u rch 76 71 0 3 3 18 1 2 27

I ask for your vote so that I can continue to provide an honest, open and common sense approach to resolve the issues and challenges that face Selwyn.

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Fr iday 13th September 2013

Are your spraying and spreading needs covered this season? • Modern compute rised machines using

GPS Auto s teer or GPS Guidance. • Sprayers and sprea ders in tramline. • Prompt service and com petitive rates. • All general boom s praying, inte r row clover spraying, lime and fe rtilise r spreading undertaken. For Spraying phone: Simon Reed 027 283 8572 Riverfields Sprayers Ltd

For Spreading phone: Mark Gordon 027 283 8522 Plains Groundspreading Ltd

The informat ion and o pin ions pub lished a re not nece ssar ily t hose of the Malvern News propr ietor s. (Unless by pr ior ar rangement, let ters t o the E ditor sho uld be no more th an 2 00 words [approx imately] in length.) Letters t o the editor wo n’t be cons idered fo r pub licat ion with out the wr iter’s n ame (given and surname) a nd are a of re side nce (no t address) also be ing p rinted. Letters wr itten using a pseu donym, are u nable to be pub lished - T he Editors

To the Editors: Fonterra boasts the world’s largest drier in Darfield therefore it must also be the world’s largest polluter - and in fact it is! Fonterra publicity spin omits to advise the locals about the huge amount of pollution this coal bur ning mons trosity produces – over 6 tons of Sulfur (sic) per day among other things! Great for our health and the environment! This pollution combined with the bulk dangerous chemi cals stored at the plant (over 100 tons) and vastly increased traffic movement make it by far the largest risk to life and the environment in Canterbury - not to mention the huge eyesore and the huge drain on local resources to keep it operational that it is. So why has it been allowed to happen? Simply because of the monetary greed of those involved with it. That starts with greedy farmers who convert sustainable farms to non-sustainable dairy to

FORRESTER CONTRACT HARVESTING Born and bred local book your area in now for the up coming season

• Running a New Holland CX8070

24ft Combine • Tractor, Trailer, Auger and Draper • Pickup availa ble on request

supply this plant, continues through local bodies and organizations with bribes and donatio ns, contin ues wi th greedy local businesses, and ends with profits that go to anywhere but Darfield. Dairy for Life - Without Parole. No Thanks Fonterra. I hope you and your profiteering bedmates fail miserably and loose (sic) money.

Garth Paul, Darfield To the Editors: In reply to W illiam Townsend's letter dated (Malvern News Friday 6th September). William, I choose not to reply to your offers as it appears it has become personal. I have never met you and have only spoken to you once several years ago by teleph one airi ng m y concerns about the Springfield W ater Supply. My letter to the Editor (dated 30th August 2013) was purely a message for the councillors to see if the newly elected councillor would try their hardest to get New Zealand's clean fresh water back into our communities as it has been heavily chlorinated for years. It is such a shame that concerns can not be aired without a 'backfire'. I will continue to purchase bottled

Sam Forrester M: 027 405 8534

water for my children and from now on keep ‘stum’.

Rebecca Henderson, Springfield To the Editors: Neighbours. Why didn't you knock on my door, smile, introduce yourself and talk to me? Together we could have quickly put the world to rights. But no, yesterday I had Selwyn Council check my two pet lambs had enough food. They do, but as I am new to sheep your neighbourly advice would have been welcome. Today, I had an email telling me to remove my noisy rooster by September, 23rd. I have tried to give him away, after raising him from an egg, but no one wants roosters. I would’ve let him live until the first complaint. As you d i d n ' t a p p r o a ch m e personally, I will now let the poor fella live his noisy ex istence until the 22nd! In England we all too often fence ourselves in. Here in this friendly countryside I resisted, as I wanted to be open to my neighbours. As I can afford to, I will be paying visits to ITM from now on....... A saddened,

Pam Meek, Coalgate

General Cartage Bulk Grain & Fertiliser Hay & Baleage Wool & Machinery Aggregates & Shingle Supplies

021 248 8227 or A/H 03 318 8227

Mobile: 027 279 1341

Phone: 03 318 1500

Contracting Limited Rural & Residential Fencing Specialists ► no job too big or too small ► all work undertaken Canterbury ► quality With Spring approaching it is a timely reminder to farmers of the benefits of using the Cross Slot drill to maximise returns. Reduces labour and fuel costs and reduces irrigation and evaporation. Cr oss Slot is the only drill to place fertiliser alongside the seed.


job guaranteed

Ph Jeremy & Lauretta McCorkindale 027 333 7383 A/H 03 318 0680

Page 1 3

Fr iday 13th September 2013

Seasons Aggregate (Average of best 12 scores from 15 cards. Scores out of 100) A Grade: Regan Dalley (Hororata) B Grade: Mike Oakley (Hororata) Wayne Stott (West Melton) Max Williams (Hororata) John Wilson (Hororata) Rodger Hughes (West Melt on) C Grade: Paul Still (Darfield) Graeme Oakley (West Melton) Richard Draper (Hororata) Blair Hill (West Melton) Brogan Baldwin (Hororata) Barry Hill (West Melt on) Rob Thirkettle (West Melton)

95.4 94.8 92.9 92.8 92.3 92.0 91.4

D Grade: Craig Benbow (Darfield) Ross Hutton (Hororata) Hunter Benbow (Darfield) Will Benbow (Darfield) Madi Harris-Cowles (Hororata)

90.9 87.8 86.3 83.8 74.8

98.3 96.5 95.7 95.2 94.8 92.3

Results 7th September 2013 Competition - Stableford H Shipley R Youngman K Adams C Watson J Shipley

40 38 37 37 37

D MacDonald A Ferguson I Bourke J Mangnall

38 37 37 37

LADI ES GOLF Results 10th September 2013 St ableford 84 96 110

Match of the Day: M Overton 39 J Redfern 34

B Henderson C Davidson

Best Gross Best Net

M Weatherley 72 R O’Malley 65 B Scott on c/b Match of the day: 4th & Final Round of Stroke Play Championship Senior: M Weatherley 68 A Inch 71 D Davies 73 Intermediate: S Stewart 72 K Williams 72 G Cowen 72 Junior A: P Fletcher 72 G Baker 73 M Strowger 73 Junior B: R O’Malley W Inch

65 70

B Scott


Winter Stroke Play Championship Senior: A Inch 300 N Robertson 309 Intermediate: J Reardon 328 Junior A: B Cleland 360 Junior B: B Scott 402 P Eddy 409

S Inch


I Palmer


M Adams


Closest to Pin #2 in 2: M Weatherley # 6: P Eddy # 11: J Frew # 14: G Baker # 17: K Willliams 14th September Competition: Presidents Trophy 1st Round Matchplay Championship: 21st September Dra w at Club House

Lucky Team Chris Robinson, Beverley Dillion, Trish Hicks Men: Errol Woodward Murray Adams Bob Scott Rex Parker 2 ’s - Rex Parker

33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31

Nearest to the pin: Margaret Robertson, Rex Parker

Closest to Pin: #3 - Sharpies Golf: M Overton # 9 - Darfield Food Centre: J Redfern

9 Hole Competition St ableford

Deadline 1pm Tuesday

• • • • •

42 36 35 34

35 32

J Clinton 22 C Bowman 20 M Thomson 19 Many thanks to our sponsors.

Congratulations go to all those l o cals wh o h ave be e n competing in some, or all, of the NBS Ashburton Duathlon (one race of the four was cancelled due to appalling wea ther) . Many achieved personal bests, as well as some outstanding placings in both the individual and the team events. The final race of the event, Race Four, was held last weekend in beautiful sunshine with a slight nor’ west wind. Six ty seven athletes started the race, which doubled as the Canterbury Triathlon Clubs’ Canter bury champs. This a ttra cte d a num ber o f competitors racing for the first time in Ashburton. The series had competitors aged from seven to eighty and competing Some of the local contingent including Right: Genevieve Galletly together along with Ne w who was so motivated she changed her competitive class from the Zealand representatives and short course to the long one for the last two races - and achieved exceptionally good times. Second Right to Left: Beth Collins, others taking part in their first Amanda Taylor, and Stephanie Cullen. event.

Results 10th September 2013 Vistors Day Stableford Trish Hall Rosie Austin Lynda Marsh Noeline Weavers Phil Rivers Lorraine Oliver Margaret Robertson Kay Penney Yvonne Boulton Judy McLeod

Women’s Longest Drive: H Mitchell Men’s Longest Drive: G Gunn Closest to Pin #3 - Darfield Food Centre: I Bourke # 9 - Donated Bottle of Wine: D Froggatt # 13 - Terrace Winebar: G Maynard # 17 - Chalmers Construction: A Ferguson Longest Putt: #18 Spons by Darfield Tyre Centre: R Williams

Best Gross Sil ver: D Macdonald Bronze A: M Overton Bronze B: J Crequer

Results 7th September 2013

Last Weeks Results Mens Div 3 Final vs Selwyn 3 Won 4 - 2 - CHAMPIONS! Super 8 Girls vs Harewood Black Super 8 Drew 3 - 3 11 aa-side Div 2 vs Hornby Cheetahs Won 3 - 0 - undefeated CHAMPIONS!


The Janz

• • • • • • •

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9 am - 5pm 9 am - 5pm 9 am - 5pm 9 am - 4:30pm 9 am - 4:30pm Closed Closed

Dead lineosnd:ay

M Edito rial: 5p m pm Tu es day Advertis in g: 1

CLOCKTOWER CNR, DARFIELD PH 03 318 7450 FAX 03 318 7451

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Fr iday 13th September 2013 PUBLIC NOTICES




Malvern Football Club The News sincerely hopes all those severely affected by Tuesday night’s horrendous gales have by now had the chance to, at least, catch up on some sleep. There’s a massive clean-up ahead and all credit goes to the area’s local Firefighters who were on duty throughout the night. Firefighters attended multiple incidents, many of them major. Lines’ staff were also out and about attempting to restore power, but when Wednesday dawned, Darfield was still without po wer - making business impossible for those not fortunate enough to have a generator. Facebook was full of comments regarding folks ingenuity at circumventing the outage with novel cooking ideas and lighting options. Wine seemed to feature frequently!! Social media also showed a frightening video taken in a local home when a tree punctured a wall of the house. It entered through the fireplace scattering firebricks and masonry throughout the room. Fortunately no one was injured, as the youngest family member was in bed taking a nap at the time.

If anyone has any pictures or stories of the devastating wind’s damage that they would be happy to share, please email them to us at:

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 30th September 2013 7:00pm St Joseph Parish Cent re Darf ield

Aura Photos Amazing full colour photos of your personal energy field and spirit around you.

Spirit Drawings Beautiful pastel drawings of your true spirit and the subtle energies around you.

Prize Giving Matches, BBQ & Presentations Sun 22nd September 2013 at Darfield Domain BBQ & Drinks from 11:30am Programme: 9th Grade Games - 11:00am kick off 10th Grade v 11th G rade - 10:30am kick off 13th Grade v CTFC - 11:30am kick off 1pm Junior P rizegiving, 2pm Senior Prizegiving 18th Grade v Seniors - 2:30pm kick off Visit For full details!

In Darfield Thurs 19th & Fri 20th Sept. Phone Sue Jones 027 614 8701, (03) 318 1293

GOLF DAY Startin g Wednesday 18th September 7 - 8pm - Kirwee Community Hall Ph Dallas 318 3132 or 027 271 5910 Cost: $8 per session

Wear comfortable loose or stretchy clothing and sneakers. Don't forget water and towel.

Sunday 22nd September (wet or fine) Weedons Golf Club, 9:30am ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Cost to play $100 per team of 4 Ambrose rules BBQ served on course Nibbles supplied after the golf Prizegiv ing 4pm followed by auction Cost of $200 to sponsor a hole (free team entry for 4)

For furthe r information & bookings contact:

Roger Milne 318 1605 or 0274 358 444 or Deb Morgan 03 323 6679 or 027 200 7379

DATES TO REMEMBER 14th Sept 14th Sept 14th Sept 14th Sept 14th Sept 14/15th Sept 15th Sept 15th Sept 15th Sept 15th Sept 17th Sept 17th Sept 18th Sept 18th Sept 18th Sept 19th Sept 20th Sept 21st Sept 21st Sept 21st Sept 22nd Sept 22nd Sept 22nd Sept 24th Sept 25th Sept 25th Sept 25th Sept 26th Sept 26th Sept 30th Sept 12th Oct 19th Oct 28th Oct 2nd Nov

10:00am 10:00am 10:30am 1:00pm 8:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 4:00pm

Darfield Farmers Market Car Boot Sale Next to CRT, Darfield Darfield Plunket Toy Library Session Jackson St, Darfield Kirwee Plunket Toy Library Session Kirwee Community Hall Darfield Tennis Club Opening Day Horndon Street, Darfield Darfield Rugby Club Ball “ANight at the Oscars” Darfield Rec Centre Selwyn Gallery Workshop “Mythical Material Art” Selwyn Gallery, Darfield Wovenveranda Open Day Deans Road, Darfield Sheffield Book Exchange Sheffield Malvern Hockey Senior Prizegiving & Celebration Coalgate Tavern Fonterra Grass Roots Fund Applications Close 1:00pm Malvern News Advertising Deadline 7:30pm Hororata Swimming Club AGM Hororata Primary School 5:00pm Darfield Junior Cricket Registration Bond Frew Office, Ross St 7:00pm Zumba Fitness with Dal Kirwee Community Hall 7:00pm “Have your Say” Hororata Community Meeting Hororata Hall 5:00pm Rolleston News Advertising Deadline 9:00pm “Shiver” playing live at The Terrace Winebar Main Street, Darfield Running Technique Coaching Darfield Domain 9:00am Malvern Anglican Parish - Country Fair Trinity Church, Darfield 8:00pm Oxford Club Presents Band “Shadow Puppets” High Street, Oxford 9:30am Kirwee Highwaymen Golden Oldies Golf Day Weedons Golf Club 11:00am Malvern Football Club Matches, BBQ & Prizegivings Darfield Domain 2:30pm Lois Johnston Concert St Johns Church, Hororata 7:30pm Darfield Genealogy & Local History Group AGM Darfield Library, Room 1 7:00pm Windwhistle Playgroup AGM Windwhistle School Library The Oaks of Darfield - Live Jazz Night Cnr Clinton & Wst Cst Roads 7:30pm Glentunnel Museum Inc. AGM Philip Street, Glentunnel 10:30am Kirwee Plunket Toy Library Session Kirwee Community Hal The Oaks of Darfield - Live Jazz Night Cnr Clinton & Wst Cst Roads 7:00pm Darfield Bridge Club AGM St Joseph Parish Centre 7.30pm WM Young Farmers Fundraiser “Hypnotist” Night West Melton Comm. Hall 6:30pm ‘Mel Parsons & Dudley Fairbrass’ Concert Canty Gliding Club, Springfld 9:30am Hororata Parish Spring Fair Hororata Domain Live to Ride Motorcycle Skills Coaching Darfield

Kirwee Rugby Football Club Proud to host Representative Rugby Matches Canterbury Country vs Canterbury Metro U13, U14, U15, U16, U18 Saturday 14th September 1st matc h starts at 10:30am - U18 matc h at 1:30pm

Canterbury Country Colts vs Canterbury Metro Colts Saturday 21st September, 2:30pm

Food & Refreshments available all day. Com e along and enjoy some top quality rugby!

Stay on and watch the All Blacks Test and enjoy the club’s hospitality! Visit our website:

Page 1 5

Fr iday 13th September 2013 PUBLIC NOTICES



CAR BOOT SAL E at Darfield Farmers Market. Sat 14th AIR conditioning repairs, September. 10am - 1pm. $5 per car. Contact: re-gassing and installation on tr uck s , trac tor s, or find us on facebook. combines, forestry and earthmoving equipment. Fully equipped service vehicle including hosemaking. Over 40 years experience. Contact Ken at North Canterbury Auto Air. Phone 0274 341 260 or Monda y This year at workshop, 03 313 6785 . th

28 Oct

9:30a m - 2p m Stall sites $35.00

the Hororata Domain FREE ENT RY

Contact Lucy Cookson 318 0718

Tuesday 17th September 2013, 7.30pm Hororata Primary School Please come along to keep our pool open for the summer


The Sheffield Book Exchange Be at the Sheffield Hall on Sunday 15th Sept 12-3pm for the community book exchange! Bring a book and exchange it for another! We would love to see as many locals there as possible to support this wonderful community initiative! We also welcome any donations of books. Any questions please phone Michelle 318 3000.

ACCOMMODATION ACCOUNTANTS W ANTED - professional working LAY ASSOCIATES Chartered couple with outside dog Accountants. Rolleston Office require furnished house within phone 03 347 4501, Leeston 45mins of Darfield from 25th Office phone 03 324 3030. Sept - 3rd Nov 2013. All “Real people, real knowledge”. options considered; holiday home, B & B, farm cottage or ACKNOWLEDGEMENT town house. Ph 027 223 0738 or 021 931 767. PUBLIC NOTICES

We're looking for donations of

Used Books & Yard Sale Items for the Country Fair and Craft Sale 21st September. Donations may be dropped off at Trinity Church in Darfield the week of 15th Sept 9:30am to 4:30pm Phone: 317 9079 Malvern Anglican Parish

Thanks to our sponsors and suppliers that made 73 Hire’s open day a success. • Colin - Lochiel Trailers. • Carl, Derrick and Mark Total Oil Team. • Richard - Youngman/Richardson. • Darren - Trans Diesel. • Adrian - Aggreko. • Drummond and Etheridge Team. • Chris Singh - DJ Singh Star. • Craig Millar - Hazlett Rural. • Nelson - Snorkel. • Ray - Karcher. • The Malvern Community Patrol Team. • The Malvern News Team. • Andrew - Wakelin Firewood. • Barry & Fiona Rayner - Baristas • All the clients and public who turned up on the day. • Friends and family, especially Cath, Stacey & Holly who put their all into the day.

Les Barnett


Wednesday 25 Sept, Sept , 7pm in the Windwhistle School Library

All playgroup parents and members of the community welcome. Playgroup sessions are held every Tuesday during term time between 9.30am — 11.30am for preschoolers and parents/caregivers. All are welcome. Any queries please contact Cristy Brown 318 5818.

PROACTI VE MARTIAL ARTS TEMPLETON OFFERS TWO FREE LES SONS We are a freestyle Martial Art, teaching in a fun & relaxed atmosphere Come along and have a look. Gain confidence, co-ordination, fitness and self-defence. We cater for all age groups and fitness levels. Templeton Community Centre • Mondays & Fridays TIGERS: 3-7yrs 3.30-4.05pm PANTHERS: 7-12yrs 4.10-4.55pm XTREME: 12+yrs 5.00-5.50pm FREESTYLE: Adults 5.55-6.55pm For any enq uir ies ph Jacque or Allister 03 349 4946.


GERALD ROTHWELL 027 568 8071

Interested in the future of Hororata? Have your say. The Hororata Community Trust invites all interested residents, and those with a Hororata focus, to attend a fourth and final meeting to confirm a township redevelopment plan for Hororata. The plan includes the restoration of St John’s Church, a proposed recreational lake for the Hororata domain, the building of a new function centre also in the domain and the downscaling and renovation of the existing hall building to its original footprint. If ratified this plan will become the blueprint for Hororata’s future.

Don’t miss this important public meeting regarding the future of your township

Wednesday, 18th Sept - 7pm, Hororata Hall


22 years Reg. Mental Health Nurse & P sychotherap ist for UK Natio nal Health Service (NHS) Practitione r in Interper sona l Therapy (IPT) Practitione r in Neuro-Linguis tic Programm ing (NLP) Grad. Human Givens Therapy (HGT)


Kaal Maikel, Tracey and big sister Dannielle are thrilled to announce and welcome with much love, Ryker Maikel Kaal, born 27th August weighing 7.12lbs. Special thanks to Midwife Liz Preston and family and friends for their support.

BUSINESS FOR SALE RURAL delivery run for sale. Rolleston/Broadfields area. Genuine enquiries only. Phone 027 281 0582. C ELEBRANT

Holiday Programme in Kirwee September 30th - October 4th Spaces are limited so book now! Contact Amanda (Mandy) Hopkins on 027 919 9205 or visit our website for more information -

Supported by creative NZ

W E DDI N G S , Ci vil Un i on Ceremonies, Rene wal of Vows, Naming Ceremonies, Funerals & Unveilings. J enni Gibson phone/fax : 324 8332 Mob: 021 723 089 Website:

Page 1 6

Fr iday 13th September 2013

CH URCH NOTICES CHURCH of the Open Door, Te Pirita. W here people learn to have faith in God through the teaching of our Lord J esus Christ. Open 24/7. CHILDCARE



C ARPET/W IN DOW cleanin g . CLEANER available for homes Quick drying. For a thorough a r ou nd M alv er n ar ea . job at a competitive rate. Call Phone Tania for more info or tex t Robert anytime on 021 174 9239. 027 299 9599. PROFESSIONAL Touch Cleaning. For a great clean, domestic or CHILDCARE co mm er cial . 13 y ea rs ex perience. Please phone Penny 027 315 2008 or a/h 03 303 5023. Si ncere apologies to those I didn’t get back to. CO UNSELLING

Selwyn’s favourite children’s services Looking for quality, flexible childcare? Home based is a flexible & affordable option

Home based care is proven best for babies 0-3. Each educator cares for up to four children in their home. Our educators are supported by our local qualified Early Childhood Education Teachers. Call now for a no obligation visit to an educator near you !

Phone 34 7 9089


• • •

3 Yr 318 7948 4 Yr 318 8843 Educare 318 7943

Locally Trained Babysitters ($10/hr) Trained through Plunket • Basic First Aid • Food Preparation • General Care

P: 022 482 8732 E : Find us on Facebook: tots2tweenies We wish to apologise if you have had trouble contacting us recently, there was an error with our phone network - this now has been resolved.

E 20 hrs EC & WINZ approved

Selwyn Toddlers

EX PE RIE NC E D co uns ell o r available to provide focus and support. Dawn Logan BA (Psyc) Cert Psyc Care(Otago) A&D Counselling(C.I.T). Ph 027 252 7533. EQUESTRIAN FARRIER servicing Christchurch S o u th . Ph o n e S h a ne 03 347 4731. FARRIER - Cold Shoeing only. 20 years ex perience. Phone 021 109 4921.


RUSSELL Noel Maxwell peacefully at Silbury Home Darfield on Friday, Sept 6th, 2013. Loved husband of the late Ruth-Ann, loved and cherished Dad and Father-in-law of Sharyn and Simon Moore, Tracey Moana and Tim. Treasured Granddad of Ash, Nicole, Grace and Charlotte. At Noel’s request, a private cremation has been held. Thank you to Alan, Elizabeth, Rachel and the Staff at Silbury for the wonderful care given to Dad.

A casual get together for Noel will be held at the Coalgate Tavern on Saturday , Sept 21st, from 2pm onwards . All are welcome and the family would love to share time with you all with Dad in our thoughts. Messages c/o: Sharyn Moore, 225 Whitecliffs Road, Whitecliffs, RD Coalgate 7673.

Children's riding lessons: $20 half hour, $35 hour. Qualified & experienced instructor. Learn to groom, tack up & ride one of our well schooled ponies After 10 lessons the 11th is free!

Phone Kate 03 347 6678 or 021 113 6370 E:

FENCING SUMMERFIELD Fencing - in your area now. Lifestyle. Farm. Sheep. Cattle. Horse. All types of animals. Fences. Yards. sheds. Arenas. Shelters. Runs. 27 yeas contract fencing. J ohn is available to help with design and planning. Phone Carol and John Summerfield 03 312 4747. FOR SALE


$40 PH 027 439 9116



AC & EA WAKELIN FIREWOOD SUPPLIERS Phone 03 318 1484 or 021 260 4520 (Certified truck for measurement)

• Mature Pine:

3 mtrs $175 6 mtrs $340 9 mtrs $510 12 mtrs $675 15 mtrs $840 • Hardwoods available • Old man pine also available • WINZ quotes welcomed



CLEARING sale - tools and fittings, plumbers, builders, refrigerati on & wel ders. Barbecue (new), brackets, Chev wheels, shelving, 2½ hp compressor, new ball valves, water meter & various other items. Phone 03 318 8958 or 027 254 4008. CONSERVATORY or sun lounge cane suite plus round glass topped table. All in great condition. Reasonable price for the set. Phone 318 8300. FRIDGE freezer good condition. $ 200. Phone 03 318 7033 after 5pm. KING size bed (split base) & mattress. Very good clean o r der . $ 350, in cl ud es W oolrest Bio Mag, duvet cover & inner, beige bedspread & matching pillow + 1 set flannelette sheets. Phone 318 0057. METAL trailer with detachable metal sides. Very good tyres plus spare wheel. 2013 warrant & registration. $ 600 ono. Phone 318 8300. RECLINER Chair $ 280. Glass office desk & chair $ 300. F & P Fridge/Freezer – 442 L $ 400. Queen bed $ 60. Dryer $ 40. 2x W ooden frame prints $ 35 each. Phone 03 318 8997. RED clover seed, dressed with good P & G. 25 kg bags. Phone 021 346 944. W OOD shavings - untreated, clean shavings suitable for horse stables, calving sheds, chicken houses and rabbit h u tch es . Av ai la b le i n 70L ba gs, 1m 3 ba les ( com pressed ) an d bulk delivery. Phone 03 347 7352 for more details.

FIREW OOD - Split pine, 3m 3 $ 150 Sept only. Delivered ( Darf iel d/C oalg a te/ Kir we e/ Hororata etc). Please phone 022 046 1223. HORORATA Firewood, old man pine, good supply. Buy now, quick delivery. Ph 318 0705 or 027 781 1492 and leave message. RK Firewood is back. Are you ready for winter? Available now - Old Man Pine, Bluegum & Oregon. All top quality, dry, clean wood. Eftpos available. Please phone Rini Contracting 027 451 7300.



Split 3m 3 $180 & 6m 3 $350 Delivered 3 9m $510 CRT Supplier 12m 3 $670 SAM LAYTON FIREWOOD SUPPLY Phone

03 318 7200

GARDENS & LAWNS AAA - Selwyn Mowing - free quotes. Ride-on mower/large lawns. Locally owned and operated. Phone Mike 0274 978 111 or 03 317 8191. COMPOST well rotted pig manure and sawdust, no smell. Bags or bulk, pick-up or delivered. Phone 318 8131. • Commercial &

Residential Lawn Mowing • Large Lawn Specialists Locally owned & operate operated d • Green Waste Removal Call us on: • Irrigation Design, 03 318 2744 Installation & Servicing

Page 1 7

Fr iday 13th September 2013 DRIVEWAYS LIFESTY LE, LE farm tracks, yards and dairy lanes our speciality. Screened rotten-rock, it’s local and lasts better. Springfield Quarry phone 318 4132. GARAGE SALE





Rolleston Rhododendrons Quality plants at good prices, starting at $25.00 Selection of Azalea, Iris and Pieris. 1053 Goulds Road, Rolleston Ph 347 4033 Cell 021 040 7127

• Darfield: 4 hectare s uperior barel and bloc k,

McLaughlins Road. All ser vices to gate. • Coalgate: [new listing] Per manent material 190m2

SATURDAY 14th September, home s et on 2041m2 secti on, pri vate and s ecure, 9am-12pm. 34 Oakden Drive, four bedrooms, open plan living. Phone to view. For Sale - Offers over $390.000. Open Home: Darfield. Downsizing, lots of HORORATA Nurseries - Quality RAFFLE RESULT Sunday 15th - 1pm till 1.30pm [85 Bridge Street] landscape plants at wholesale household items. prices. Specialists in farm and Kirwee Highwaymen If you are anticipating selling your house in W EST MELTON - Sat 14th Sept. Golden Oldies Raffle Results dairy conversion plantings. Spring please call me to discuss your needs 924 W eedons Ross Rd (opposite Bells). 8:30am. Natives, ornamentals, hedging, 1st 1281 Kevin Murphy Min Cookson deciduous trees. Hardy locally 2nd1135 Les McIntyre Heaps of stuff priced cheaply g r o wn s to ck . F ri en dly 3rd2369 Karina Tain ui 027 249 5417 4th 1437 George & Julz Ridgen so bring your purse! k n o wle d ge a bl e a dv i ce. 5th 1449 Sharlene 03 347 9944 Phone Dave or W endy for hours HOUSE TO LET Thanks everyone for your support we are open. Ph 03 318 0081 3 b/d house in township. Log o r visi t ou r we bsi te. ROO F MAINTENANCE SEWING SERVIC ES PAINTING & D ECORATING b urner , d oubl e g arage . ROOF & house maint enance. A ll DARFI ELD Sewing Services $ 320. 00 per week. No PAINTE R Rapid Response. as pect s c ov ered inc luding f o r a l l y o ur se wi n g smoking or pets. Available Quality work guaranteed. spouting, mortar, tiles, re-roofing, r eq uir eme n ts . Qu ali fie d roof painting, moss, mould & f r om 16th Se p tem ber . I n te rio r/Ex teri or, r o ofs , silicone sealing. General repairs. seamstress. Ph 318 7244. spraypainting, waterblasting. Phone Karen 021 457 187. Please phone 03 347 6702. Phone Graeme for a free 5 bedroom house in country quote 318 2614. Email SITS VACANT SITS VACANT area. 8km from Darfield. PAINTING & D ECORATING spotgee@x W arm, sunny, modern family home. School bus to gate. WORK AVAILABLE NOW ! Long term to right people. No Morning shift - 7:30am - 4:00pm dogs. $ 500 per week. Phone 021 126 0318. Monday to Friday If you have reliable transport and are available now, please giv e DARFIELD 2 bedroom, small Mark McGauley at Kelly a call on 03 347 1180 or 027 503 0190 self contained flat, semi or email your CV to mark.mcg auley @k furnished. $ 300 per/week includes power. Please phone 03 318 7577 or 021 979 233.

Deadline 1pm Tuesday

Stock Person

Tired of Milking? But love cows? We have a position on a dairy breeding property for you.


For all your Interior & Exterior Painting Requirements REAL ESTATE


We need: • Experience with dairy stock/breeding • Take control of feed budgeting etc • Work in a team or unsupervised • Rostered weekends (during busy times) • Experience on tractors, as we do some cropping • Must have a reliable vehicle, no accommodation • References please


Call Alan 318 0078 (leave a message)

Specialist Farm Bike Sales & Service


Ph 03 325 4086

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Asking $ 295,000. 16B H om eb us h Ro ad . Glentunnel. 2 Bdrm rear s tan da lo n e to wnh o use . Rural north facing aspect. Open home Sunday 15th September, 1:00-1: 30pm. Angela Cossey. Harcourts F o ur Se as o ns Re al ty . M 027 326 6511 or H 03 318 8688.

Bare Land • Creyke Road • Auction • • • • •

42.6190 hectares Chertsey shallow silt loam soils Currently used as an airfield Approx. 7ha of railway lease av ailable to new owner Located close to Darfield

Auction at 2:00pm, Thursday, 10 October 2013, Russley Golf Club, Memorial Ave, Chch

Enquires phone: Sam Davidson 027 488 8269

AUTOMOTIVE SPRAY PAINTER We have a position available in our small, but now very busy, rural Collision Repair Shop situated in Darfield for a

Spray Painter We are looking for someone that is qualified with a high standard of work. Has a minimum of 2 years experience Is neat and tidy, is reliable and can turn up to work on time everyday. Likes working in a small team but must be able to work unsuper vised. Can use a computer and be able to learn our Job Management software. Has a clean current drivers licence. So if you have ticked all the boxes and think you would like to work with us please email your CV to: or phone St u on 03 318 8180

Page 1 8

Fr iday 13th September 2013



Hororata Playcentre Co-ordinator Vacancy Mon: 9:15 - 11:45am, Fri: 10am - 12:30pm (during school term) Start Date : Term 1 - 27th January 2014 Minimum Qualifications: • Preferably Course 4 Certificate or • Course 3 Certificate of NZPF Diploma in Early Childhood and Adult Education or Dip T ECE along with Playcentre philosophy. • Current first aid certificate would be an advantage We require an enthusiastic, motivated and child focused team member to join us to assist in the running of our fun loving environment. We have a good reputation and our current co-ordinator leaves after 5 years. Applications close 30 th September 2013. Please email C.V. and letter of application to Alice at:



TRACTOR DRIVER We require an e xperienced tractor driver for 6 m onths with the possibility of a permanent position. Experience in baling and cultivation essential. Heavy traffic licence an advantage. The successful applicant will be able to self manage and use the ir initiative.

Please phone Pete Morrison 021 828 605 or 03 318 8687

BUSY BUMBLES is looking for warm and caring staff to join their Selwyn based venues. Potential for Supervisor positions. Need to be avail able for work Mon - Fri, 3-6pm and ideally morning shifts as w ell 7. 30-9am and also full time during Holiday Programmes. Please em ail CV and covering letter to or call us for more info on 03 347 3031

Part time/Casual Shop Position

We require a part time S hop Assistant, Assistant preferably with retail pharmacy experience to work in our friendly country Pharmac y and Gift Shop. This will be a regular pa rt time position 2 or 3 days a week with the ability to also cover additional days during school holidays a preference. The successful applicant must be able to start immediately and have the ability to work in a team environment. Hours of work are 8: 30am to 5:30pm. One Saturday morning a month (9am to 12pm) may also be required. If you are interested in working as part of a g reat team, assisting the needs of ou r community, forward you r C. V by Sunday 15th September to: Aaron Orangi P.O Box 19, Darfield, 7541 Or Email:

We required a cheerful, reliable person to cover the following shifts and who can also be available on a casual on call basis to cover annual leave etc. Applicants must have own transport, experience in the industry would be an advantage but full training will be giv en. Must be able to work school holidays and week ends. Part time shifts are: Sunday, 2pm - 6.30pm and Monday 2pm - 6.30pm Apply to the Bakery Man ager on 03 318 3876

Springfield Service Centre POSITION AVAILABLE We require th e services of a reli able and enthusiastic person to work in our busy Challenge shop. • This is a sole charge position. • You will need to have superior customer service skills and a friendly manner. • Some cash handling experience would be advantage. If you could add value to our friendly team at Springfield Service C entre then we want to hear from you.

Phone Sue Davis - 03 318 4845

• Picking of orders • Container unloading • Processing of inw ards/outwards deliveries • No previous experience is required, just a positive/energetic attitude, good accuracy & physically fit • Night and day shift available

SITS VACANT CHEF Required for our Bu rn ham Ki tche n fr om October. Please contact Kathy Dawson 0274 368 392 for further details. SUPERVISORS, Ktichen Hands, W ait Staff. Required on a casual basis from October/ November until approx . end April. Contact Marian on 03 344 3044. Darfield/Christchurch With over 27 years experience including farming (high country, LOSM & 12 year s of Large Herd Dairy Farm Management), corporate account management and commercial real estate experience. I am look ing for both short and long term business & job opportunities. Capable of most things. Will look at anything. (GST registered for contract work). Have class 1,2,4,D,F,W,T,R licences. Contact Troy A llan Dip Fmgt 021 040 7973

TMS Cleaning Services We have a night shift position available to be filled by the right person. Cleaning experience preferred. Full training & inductions provided. Sunday to Friday, 4-5 hours per night. Cleaning is based 2kms out of Darfield. Possible transport to & from work. For more information please call Teresa Scannell 027 352 2492 or send a brief CV to: TMS Cleaning Services 23 Cross Street, Coalgate RD 1 Darfield 7673

WA NTED CARAVAN wanted to do up. Approx 18ft. Please phone 318 8286. HAND lawn mower with catcher wanted. In good working order. Phone 03 318 4769. W ANTED to buy - Beef x Bull b o b by ca lves . Ph o ne 3186 885 Glenroy.

D eadline y 1pm Tuesda

Page 1 9

Fr iday 13th September 2013 WINDO W CLEANING * Exper ienced *Reliable *Trustworthy

Professional Window Cleaner now servicing the Selwyn area.


We would love to clean your windows Discounts for regular cleans Phone Wilf Lock (03) 318 1960 or 027 499 3535

Matt Fechney

FOR all glass requirements phone Phil 317 9046 or 021 046 6046.

M: 021 0255 2017 A/H: 03 365 6342

● Mirrors ● Catdoors ● Double Glazing ● Insuranc e Repairs Phone Andrew S anderson

Find us on facebook



BUILDING • New houses • Renovations • Joiner y • Farm Sheds


03 318 4128 or 027 325 9854


H AN DY MA N - M ike th e TILER / Waterproofer. Phone 03 H a ndy ma n se rvi ng all 318 1973 or 0274 211 637. handyman, lawnmowing and Email: general work, Selwyn area. Ph UPHOLST ERER - Re cove r 0800 287 828/03 347 7437. lounge suites, dining chairs, SELWYN Signs, Free quotes squabs etc. Free quotes. & advice. C onta ct Fred Based in W eedons. Phone Maynard 03 329 7371 or 03 980 4979. 027 260 7628.

LANDSCAPING • Paving • Decks • Fences • Pergolas

Licenced Builder

Phil Marsh P h 318 4131 Mob 027 357 3696

Need some help with: • •

Mark Davis

• • • •

3 North Tce, Darfield 7510 P 318 8663 F 318 8904 M 027 229 4965 E

Check out our new website!

Aerials/Dishes TV/DVR Set-up Wall Mount ing Freeview/Decoders Cabling Phone Jacks

• • • •

Multi-room Systems Hook-ups Pre-wire (All Types) All Insta llat ions of TV, Freeview, Home Theatre, Hi F i

Ph Simon 027 430 1211 / 03 317 8091 Get me to do your ‘dishes’

TRADES CONCRETE Placing. General concrete placing, including driveways. Coloured and ex p osed . C on ta ct Ni gel Hodges on 0274 270 557. Rural Building Solutions Ltd. PORTABLE sawmill for all your timber requirements and macrocarpa sales. Please phone Graeme Knowles on 021 613 229.

Registered Drainlayer in Darfield. 30 years experience.

Phone • 25 years experience David Bar nhill • Loc al qual ified buil der 027 618 2345 • All ty pes of work or undertaken including additions, a/h 317 9144 alterations, new houses, sheds etc

Sewers • Stormwater Septic Tanks • Sumps & Soakpits

Phone Garry 1.6T DIGGER AVAILABLE 027 208 6353 For trenching or pits. 03 318 7372

• •



SuperComputer Sales and Service of new and used machines. Networking, Virus protection, Backup Re-loading and Restoring of Windows. Plain old fashione d Help & Assistance!

If your parents didn't have any children, there's a good chance Mar k Jones 03 318-1956 that you won't have any. 027 210 4242 Clarence Day 0800 427 427

Page 2 0

Fr iday 13th September 2013

Daily On Site Sales & Servicing Authorised Service Agent for Most Brands • Ovens • Washing Machines • Cooktops • Washing Machine Hire • Dryers • Dishwashers from $8 p.w.

Selwyn Electrical Ltd


Your Local Registered Electrician

Smith & Sons are professional renovation builders who provide quality renovations from concept to completion – on time and to budget. With Smith & Sons, renovating will be an enjoyable experience, you’ll be confident of getting great value & you’ll be proud of your finished project. Gerry Thomson and the team including our own tiling guru (formerly trading as Flaxmill Builders) from Smith & Sons have been a local, family owned building business in the area since 1982 – so call them today for your next project.


O x f or d A p p l i a n c e s L t d M URRAY DAWS ON Reg. Service Technician 027 226 3898

318 1 676 or 021 1 84 2448

MALVERN COMPUTERS • New Computers • Virus • Laptops Removal • Upgrades • Problem • Software Solving

• •

Closed Saturdays

John Lawrence

Ph: 03 3183 699 Mob: 027 688 9103

Ph: 03 312 4667 or Mob: 021 972 813

Acer V5V5 - 571PG

• •


8gig RAM 750gig HDD 15.6” Touch Screen 2gig Nvidia Graphics 6 5T Windows 8 $ 1 3 S G l c 5hrs battery I n

Call Danie 021 875 462 03 980 2865 / 03 344 5744

493 Bealey Rd, Aylesbury Mark Walker ♦ Ph 03 318 1529 ♦ Manufacturers of: Doors Windows Stairs Wall Units Kitchens Vanities also Repair Work

Gum Leaf gutter guard has been proven on 1000’s of homes across Australia & New Zealand for the last 12 years. Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre which will even keep out pine needles. Will not rust or sag with age or load. Colour matched to your existing roof colour. 10 Year warranty for total peace of mind. Call Rohan Rudd for a no obligation assessment and quote any time, any day, except Sunday

0800 486532 or 03 9828850

dav id wilkinson registered elec trician phone 03 318 1231 fax email

House & Roof PrePre-Paint Wash

03 318 1 235 sales@e lectrica

Hydro Drain Cleaning

po box 26 kirwee

Cleans most surfaces: Fences, paths, brick, block, wood, concrete & machinery

we’ll be there when you need us. guaranteed. on time guaranteed or your first hour is free! conditions apply.

Contact Mike Richards 03 318 8380 or 021 179 0584

Maintenance & servicing Bathroom & kitchen renovations Mains pressure hot water upgrades

Laser Plum bing Christchurch West 0800 11 22 40 We are able to accuratel y share tr avelling costs between jobs with GPS trac king

So try us first!


Whitby Pumps Specialists in pump and water solutions


0274 953 712

A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's offi ce. "Is it true," she wanted to know, "that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?" "'Yes, I'm afraid so,"' the doctor told her. There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, "I'm wondering, then, just how serious is my condition because this prescription is marked 'NO REFILLS' An older gentleman was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a renowned surgeon, perform the operation. As he was waiting, he asked to speak to his son. "Yes, Dad , what is it?" "Don't be nervous, son; do your best, and just remember, if it doesn't go well, if something happens to me, your mother is going to come and live with you and your wife...."

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