Be-Ge News nr 1 2023 ENG

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Burgeoning growth in dynamic environments

Be-Ge Corporate Logo & © 2009 June 2011.
Nr 1 2023

Successful year provides security for the future

A record year in the history of Be-Ge, providing security for the future.


We are well equipped," says CEO Håkan Hjalmarsson as he reports on the financial year ended 31 December 2022. The annual accounts also mark the Be-Ge Group’s transition from a financial year running from 1 May to 30 April to a financial year aligned with the calendar year, which means that the current financial year will be shortened to eight months.

"By restating the past financial year to correspond to the calendar year 2022, we can easily compare how the Group performed in previous years. This means we can see that both our sales of SEK 1.4 billion and profit of SEK 89 million are the highest in Be-Ge’s history," says Håkan Hjalmarsson.

There are several reasons for the good result. Despite external uncertainty,

demand has been high within the sectors served by the Be-Ge Group. The transport sector, the construction sector and the heat pump market are examples of areas that have performed well during the past financial year.

“The fundamental conditions have been good, but in the end it is the efforts of the staff that are mostly behind the good result,” emphasises Håkan Hjalmarsson, adding:

"I would therefore like to thank all employees for their good work."

Developing the business

The record result does not mean that the Be-Ge Group is resting on its laurels. Håkan Hjalmarsson is pleased that the level of activity remains high in the Group’s various companies.

"The investment in a new fibre laser in Oskarshamn and the completion of the expansion in Vetlanda are examples of this, and the Group will continue to develop its operations. We can clearly see that our investments, including our photovoltaic plants, are having an impact, and that both sales and earnings in 2023 have so far exceeded the previous year’s figures," he says.


Be-Ge Group


Sales: SEK 1,379 million

Profit after financial items: SEK 89 million

Investments: SEK 51 million

No. of employees: 556

The full Annual Report is available on the Group’s website. For hard copies, please contact Marie Erlandsson at Be-Ge Företagen AB.

There is still uncertainty about interest rates, inflation and not least the geopolitical situation. However, with a stable economic base and good underlying demand, the Group is well equipped for future challenges.

"Order intake remains high and the Group is well positioned in the segments that are currently performing well. We therefore believe that the second half of 2023 will also be good. But before we get there, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all employees a nice and relaxing summer and holiday," says Håkan Hjalmarsson. n

CEO Håkan Hjalmarsson says that high order intake in the various companies in the Be-Ge Group bodes well for the future.
financial year just ended shows a prosperous Group that has every reason to face to-morrow with confidence.

Competence ensure electrical safety

They enable a fossil-free future. But they also involve high voltages that pose a hazard.

When Be-Ge Personbilar AB prepares to receive electrified vehicles in the workshop, both training and competence as well as customised tools, clothing and other equipment are required.

The introduction of high-voltage systems in electric vehicles has resulted in a number of new guidelines to safeguard handling at Be-Ge Personbilar AB in Oskarshamn. For example, everyone at the plant who may come into contact with an electric car has had to complete a basic course to qualify as an Electrically Instructed Person (EIP). This applies to all employees, regardless of whether they work in the workshop or work with spare parts or in sales.

"The entry of electric cars onto the market has not only meant a change for us in the workshop, but for the entire business. Having basic knowledge of electrical safety is extremely important," says Workshop Manager, Mattias Berg.

New procedures

The workshop has established new procedures for servicing and repairs. While work is carried out on the highvoltage on-board electrical system of a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle, the area is cordoned off to prevent unauthorised persons from approaching live wires. The reason for this is the voltage of up to 400 volts generated by the large batteries, which can pose an immediate danger to life if handled incorrectly.

“We use fully insulated tools and protective gloves when troubleshooting these systems,” explains Magnus Jonsson, one of the plant’s three high-voltage technicians authorised to disconnect the high-voltage systems using diagnostic tools.

To be authorised to open battery packs and individual cells, an additional training step is required, from highvoltage technician to high-voltage expert.

"I’ve registered for this course and hope I’ll have the opportunity to attend it during the autumn. At the moment, we are cooperating with our plant in Vetlanda as regards these competencies," explains Magnus Jonsson.

In future, the plant in Oskarshamn will be able to repair high-voltage batteries, too. The necessary special equipment has been ordered and together with regular training of the workforce, this ensures the plant will have the resources required to take on more advanced tasks.

"It has been a challenge for us to drive competence development at the same pace as the demand for electric cars has increased. But thanks to interested and committed employees, we will be well equipped for the continued electrification of the vehicle fleet," says Mattias Berg. n

With the right training and tools, diagnostic technician Mattias Jonsson is able to handle the orange high-voltage components of a plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle. Workshop Manager Mattias Berg confirms that Be-Ge Personbilar AB will be well equipped for an electrified future.

Realising the dream of bec

A midlife crisis resulted in a new driving licence and a ready-to-go rally car.

“The perfect complement to my day job,” says Thomas Olofsson, who normally works as a salesperson at Be-Ge Lastbilar in Oskarshamn.

With roots in Torsås, Thomas has rally culture in his blood. Thanks to Swedish Championship Gold medallist and local boy Tomas "Gullabo" Jansson’s progress on the rally track, pretty much all of Thomas’s childhood friends were harbouring dreams of a rally career of their own.

"I also dreamed of becoming a rally driver. But it was too expensive. Football was also not an option, since I have no aptitude for ball games. So when I turned 18, I got a navigator licence and became a co-driver with my friends instead," he says.

A cheaper, and also much-appreciated, substitute for being the main driver, and a task that Thomas performed with aplomb. The trophy cabinet includes a gold trophy from the Silverratten race in Älmhult in 1993. But when Thomas met his future wife and moved to Oskarshamn in 1994, his career in map reading was mothballed as the journeys were too long and because of a lack of time.

"However, my interest in rally driving has always remained intact. Over the years, I’ve attended the Swedish Rally


Things you didn't know about Thomas:

• Grew up in the countryside, studied at agricultural college and intended to work with agricultural machinery.

• Holds both an HGV and bus driving licence. Worked as a bus driver for several years and has been a tour bus driver both in Sweden and abroad.

• Always dreamed of being a rally driver and in his youth embarked on a career as a navigator. Realised the dream of being a rally driver as a 48-year-old, which is unusually late to be making one's debut behind the steering wheel.

in person 22 times. And the dream of having my own rally car never left me...

Together with his friend Juha Haukilahti, who unlike Thomas had no previous rally experience, he decided to have a look at a rally car a few years ago. The trip ended with the red VW Golf coming home with them on a trailer.

“It was probably some kind of midlife crisis,” explains Thomas with a smile. But at the same time, the car wasn't that expensive and we shared the cost."

Upgrade to new car

Armed with newly obtained driver and navigator licences, the pair began racing at various Group E competitions all over southern Sweden. As their experience increased, so did their ambitions.

"The Golf was fun – but not a racewinning car. Two years ago I found a

Toyota Corolla in top condition. It was much more expensive. But it also had the capacity for top ranking in its class."

In hindsight, this has proved to be true. Last season, the pair achieved a respectable third place in the Gästabudstrofén rally in Nyköping, despite having only recently acquainted themselves with the car.

"It feels really good. And above all, it’s so much fun. There is a very good sense of camaraderie and cohesion in this class. At the same time, everyone wants to beat each other."

Brilliant job

Alongside realising his rally dreams, Thomas is loving his job as a salesperson

Truck salesman Thomas Olofsson realised his childhood dream and started rally driving at the age of 48.

oming a rally driver

at Be-Ge Lastbilar. A job that he started 16 years ago with no previous experience whatsoever.

"I worked in car rentals within Be-Ge when I was asked if I wanted to start selling trucks. My previous sales experience basically amounted to selling flower pins for charity in May. But I was interested

in the technical side, so I didn't need to think twice."

He is grateful for the support he received from both his predecessor, Lasse Hultman, and other colleagues and customers, who contributed knowledge during his learning. Today, he is himself one of the "fossils", as he puts it, and he is the one helping the younger talents within the company.

“It’s been a fantastic journey, with transformative changes throughout the truck industry,” explains Thomas, mentioning, among other things, the pandemic and record sales of trucks with subsequent delivery challenges."

And not least the ongoing electrification and all that it entails.

"It requires a completely new way of thinking. Actually, I didn't think things would happen this fast. If it continues at this rate, probably every other truck I sell will be electrically powered by the time I retire," he says with a smile.

Keen on tinkering with his car

In contrast to the rapid technological development and all the paperwork involved in truck sales, he likes to tinker with the rally car at every opportunity. Everything must be in tip-top condition before this season’s competitions.

"Behind the wheel, I let go of everything else and focus on driving 100%. It’s the total concentration that is the big attraction of rally driving," Thomas explains happily. n

Personal facts

Thomas Olofsson

Age: 53

Family: Wife Carina, bonus son Robin, 30, and son Linus, 25. Recently became a bonus grandfather

Job: Salesperson at Be-Ge Lastbilar in Oskarshamn

Best rally performance: Third place in the Gästabudsstrofén rally in Nyköping in 2022

Dream rally car: Skoda Fabia R5. Four-wheel drive, turbocharged and 270 hp

Favourite driver: Scotland's Colin McRae. The best rally driver in the world. When he was driving at full speed through the forest, you had to stay well clear. Completely crazy behind the wheel!

Thomas Olofsson has been a salesperson at Be-Ge Lastbilar for 16 years. He describes it as a fantastic journey, during which the industry has undergone major changes. Thomas Olofsson’s first rally car, a red VW Golf. Thomas Olofsson in discussion with Customer Service Adviser Alexander Cornelius in the truck workshop.

Aiming for new heights

Local development, good work environment and high-quality deliveries. Be-Ge Seating A/S is racking up success factors and breaking sales records in the opening months of the year.

"We are very optimistic about the future," says Managing Director Erik Lodahl Andersen.

The company, located in the small town of Frøstrup in northwestern Jutland some 70 kilometres from Aalborg, has 36 employees and has been part of the Be-Ge Group since 2001. The company's old name, Jany, has been retained as a trademark in the range of products.

"Jany was founded in 1961 and initially manufactured seat covers. In 1990, the company began manufacturing passenger seats for category M1 vehicles, meaning vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers with a maximum of eight seats in addition to the driver," explains Erik Lodahl Andersen, who has been at Be-Ge Seating A/S since 2019.

Specially developed

The passenger seats which are manufactured in Frøstrup are developed for M1 class vehicles that is converted to have a special purpose such as ambulances, police vehicles, military vehicles, minibuses and vehicles for transport of disabled people. High product quality and the rigorous testing and documentation at the company’s own testing centre are one of Be-Ge Seating A/S's primary selling points.

“All our seat solutions are tested in vehicles body´s and by analysing the measurement data from the tests in our pull-rig and other external performed tests, we ensure that the seats, including seat belts, headrests and ISOFIX attachments, comply with EU requirements for M1 vehicles. In the process we collaborate with the German accredited test institute TÜV Rheinland, which is an independent organisation, that certifies the correctness of our tests and performs external tests on our behalf," says Erik Lodahl Andersen and underlines the importance of quality control in manufacturing.

"For example, we deliver seats to a German company that installs them in ambulances which are then delivered for operation in Scotland, it could also be seats delivered to a Spanish vehicle converter who deliver ambulances for operation in Africa. It goes without saying that if there is a problem with the seats it would be very costly to rectify, but above all, a faulty seat could cause unnecessary injury. This is why quality is so important both for us and our customers."

The plant, which manufactures approximately 12,000 seats a year, has

everything under one roof: R&D and testing centre, forge, plastics workshop, sewing department, installation, service and repair centre, warehousing and shipping, and sales and administration department. After several challenging years, particularly during the pandemic, Be-Ge Seating A/S is in a clear upward trajectory.

"We've had a great start to 2023, posting record sales in four out of five months. And our order book has never been fuller," says Erik Lodahl Andersen with satisfaction.

Ken Christensen and Anne Dorte V Kristensen are valuable employees in the warehouse and all-round production. The upholstery for the chairs is made by seamstress Susanne Fuglsang with support from Be-Ge Baltic UAB in Klaipeda. Managing Director Erik Lodahl Andersen, here in conversation emphasises that Be-Ge Seating A/S is a company rich products are exported, and our international focus means

Recreational haven in beautiful surroundings

conversation with Production Manager Lasse Kloster, rich in untapped potential. “At present, 85 per cent of our means we are primed for continued growth,” he says.

There are several factors behind this success. The extra capacity at the R&D centre, for example, where four people are currently working, enhances the company’s ability to successfully develop products with the customers.

Own product development

"Own product development and the possibility to work based on specific customer requests, is a key factor when we are competing for the big customers. It should be a close-knit relationship, with a high level of mutual confidence. The mind-set, when approaching the sales process towards a customer, is also very important. We aim for perfection in every single step, contact and interaction we take towards and with the customers. The high quality must also be in the sales processes as well as in the products and services itself – this create a high level of trust from the customer and trust is, together with the right product and service, the trigger for selling. The fact that we have a growing number of longer projects with a large number of vehicles shows that we are on the right track … despite that we know we still have things

and methods to improve and potentials to reach within different processes in the company.”

Erik Lodahl Andersen also highlights the work environment as a key factor in the company’s excellent results. Employee care and wide delegation of responsibilities are factors that have an impact at all levels.

"Creativity, innovation, proactivity –everything comes from having a good work environment. I believe that a sense of responsibility – taking and accepting responsibility – is paramount in any business. This is how we create motivated employees," he says.

Sustained focus on staff, quality and short delivery times means brighter prospects for the future. The current ISO certification is further confirmation of the company’s quest for continuous improvement.

"In Denmark we are proud of our products and our expertise. We’re also happy and proud to be part of the group, being a great fit for the Be-Ge family. We know that Be-Ge’s products deliver what they promise and we are proud to contribute to that," says Erik Lodahl Andersen. n

Be-Ge Seating A/S in Frøstrup is located close to natural surroundings that attract tourists from all over the world.

Northwestern Jutland is a haven for those who enjoy an active outdoor life. It is home to Nationalpark Thy, Denmark’s first national park, an area of striking natural scenery with open plains and sand dunes that tower up along the coastline. The park is also home to Cold Hawaii, an area known worldwide for its unique surfing hotspot.

“Although I’m not much of a surfer, I love the outdoor life and frequently go fishing, hunting, shore diving or sailing at the nearby Limfjorden,” says Erik Lodahl Andersen, who also enjoys hiking in the national park with his dog Karla.

Careful tests in the pull-rig are carried out by Development Technician Ulrik Kær Poulsen, Development Manager Dennis Stjernholm Isaksen, Development Engineer Peter Jakobsen and Development Engineer Jakob Thorhauge Christensen. The seats are tested to ensure that they meet the EU requirements that apply to M1 vehicles.

Unique investment in speed

Absolute leading-edge laser cutting.

With an investment in a state-of-the-art fibre laser, Be-Ge Plåtindustri AB in Oskarshamn is strengthening its position in the market by doubling its capacity.

CEO Birger Andersson notes that the new fibre laser has generated a lot of attention since it was commissioned in January.

"This is the company’s single largest investment ever. And we can see that our customers are very interested in the machine thanks to the incredible cutting speed we are now able to offer. For our own part, this investment is primarily about safeguarding our capacity for cutting blanks – it will basically double our cutting capacity," he says.

The TruLaser Centre 7030 model comes from the German manufacturer Trumpf, a major player in the field of sheet metal processing machines. It is an automated production cell for high-speed cutting, from sheet metal to cut blanks stacked on pallets. The machine, which is housed in the former sheet metal warehouse at Be-Ge Plåtindustri AB, is the first of its kind in the Nordic region.

"It’s a great piece we’ve got here. And to make room for it, we have had to raise the ceiling in the section where the sheet metal feed system stands. The advantage is that it offers more opportunities for unmanned operation than if we had settled for a smaller system," explains Birger Andersson.

Exciting trip

Operator Mattias Svensson is one of three employees responsible for the ope-


TruLaser Center 7030

Integrates all laser cutting processes in a single machine. Intelligent cutting prevents pieces from tilting or being welded together. The versatile unloading technology takes out and stacks large and very sensitive components at high speed.

Maximum laser power: 12,000 watts

ration of the new fibre laser. Together with his two colleagues, he attended a training course at Trumpf in Germany to learn how to use the new features.

"It was an exciting trip, where those of us who couldn't speak German were helped by an English interpreter. The training provided a good foundation, which we have built on over time by working with the machine here in Oskarshamn. And a little while ago, Trumpf specialists from Switzerland visited us and provided further ideas on how to make the best use of the machine. The better our programming, the more efficient and self-sufficient the process will be," says Mattias Svensson.

The laser machine is fully automated, from retrieval of raw materials from

the integrated sheet metal storage to pre-cut pieces, sorted and ready for the next process. Robotic arms with strong suction cups lift out the cut blanks and stack them on pallets.

“We don't have to pick the material manually, which means we avoid heavy

Cameras inside the machine make it possible to study the laser cutting in detail. The large feed tower required the ceiling to be raised before the fibre laser could be installed.

speed and quality


lifting that takes a toll on the body,” says Mattias Svensson, who can follow the entire process via a touchscreen or the associated app.

In addition to offering greater capacity and speed, the fibre laser is also able to cut brass and copper, something that was not possible before. The machine can also cut without oxide on the cutting surface, which causes problems for painting. In addition, electricity consumption per cut metre is only one quarter of that of the older machines in the business.

“We are undoubtedly strengthening our position in the market with this machine, while at the same time safeguarding the future of the company and our employees,” concludes Birger Andersson. n

New facility inaugurated in Vetlanda

Be-Ge Lastbilar AB opened its new and refurbished premises in Vetlanda on Friday 31 March. In addition to the new construction of two new workshop bays, an entirely new environmentally friendly truck wash, the existing premises have also been renovated. The opening ceremony was a popular event attended by more than 100 people.

Board of Directors visit Klaipeda

In connection with its Board meeting at the end of March, the Board of Directors of the parent company Be-Ge Företagen AB visited Be-Ge Baltic in Klaipeda. The Board was impressed by the business and, in addition to a factory tour and presentation of the business, also met the company’s management team. The visit was highly appreciated by the Board.

Operator Mattias Svensson and CEO Birger Andersson follow the fibre laser process on the associated touchscreen. Mattias Svensson shows the finished pieces, which are of impressive quality straight from the machine. Customer Service Adviser Izabella Ottosson welcomes customers to the rebuilt plant in Vetlanda.

Powered seat for the world market

Be-Ge Seating AB has developed a new, unique seat. BE-GE 37E00.19 is the model name of the powered seat with memory function. The seat has attracted attention at trade fairs around the world and has the potential to become a future bestseller.

The plan is for the seat to be in production in January next year,” says Daniel Alkelid, Sales Manager at Be-Ge Seating AB in Oskarshamn.

The driver’s seat has five motorised functions with adjustments that can be stored in a memory bank. The seat control unit stores the settings, with the capacity for three drivers to store their individual settings. If the seat is installed integrated with the machine’s control system, unlimited individual settings are available.

The seat is primarily designed for forestry and construction machinery. For example, harvesters, forest tractors, wheel loaders and dumpers. Representatives from the forestry industry have also contributed their views during the development of the seat prototype.

"Today there is a lot of focus on ergonomics and comfort. In this type of seat, drivers can sit comfortably for many hours and years. This is a big part of everyday life for drivers. With good comfort and ergonomics, the risk of repetitive strain injuries is reduced and they can hopefully carry on working for longer in the profession," says Daniel Alkelid.

Hard work

BE-GE 37E00.19 is based on many years of work. At the same time, electric seats with memory function have long been available for passenger cars. There is a huge need for individual settings for forestry machines, which is why it is high time for the introduction of an electrically adjustable seat that communicates with the machine.

The question is why it has taken so long. One reason is the difference in electrical systems. Machines generally use 24-volt systems, while passenger cars have 12-volt systems. According to Development Engineer Tomas Josefsson, increased availability of cost-effective components for 24-volt systems has been a decisive factor in ensuring that


BE-GE 37E00.19

Be-Ge Seating AB has developed a driver’s seat with five motorised functions. The seat is based on the robust and durable Be-Ge 37 series and Be-Ge 19 air suspension. Adjustment of seat height, seat cushion angle, backrest angle, slide rails between the upper part of the seat and suspension, as well as adjustment of the entire seat forwards or backwards have motorised memory functions, which can be stored for three drivers. The seat is adjusted using a user-friendly control.

the power-seat has progressed from drawing table to reality.

"If you manufacture a million seats, there are never any problems getting hold of components. But then you also have to be prepared for high one-off costs at the start," says Tomas Josefsson.

Be-Ge Seating also does not work with large, standardised seat series. Instead, the focus is on being able to offer customer-unique solutions based on modular standardised solutions.

“To be able to get this kind of seat onto the market and for us to launch such a major product is unusual,” emphasises Thomas Axelsson, CEO.

Sales Manager Daniel Alkelid and Commercial Director Ronny Nilsson were two of Be-Ge Seating AB’s representatives on site when the new motorised seat was shown at the Conexpo trade fair in Las Vegas.

A lot of interest

There has been a lot of interest in the seat at the trade fairs in which Be-Ge Seating has participated. This spring it was presented at the giant Conexpo trade fair in Las Vegas, one of the largest construction trade fairs in the world. At the beginning of June this year, it was time for the Swedish Forestry Expo 2023

at Solvalla in Stockholm, a trade fair for the forestry machinery industry.

"It’s one of Europe’s largest forestry trade fairs, with all major machine manufacturers taking part. At the trade fair, we were nominated for Innovation of the Year. Ten companies are competing for the prize awarded by the forest contractors' trade association Skogsentreprenörerna," says Daniel Alkelid.

The seat will then continue its tour, participating in trade fairs in the Netherlands and Germany, among others.

"We’ve noticed a great deal of interest in the discussions we’re having. We have three interesting projects in the pipeline that could lead to contracts," says Thomas Axelsson.

But Thomas Axelsson also emphasises the importance of verifying the seat’s performance. The company is awaiting the results of an ongoing field study in order to clarify whether any changes and improvements need to be made before series production can commence.

"Alongside this, we will be building another production line during the autumn. This seat will complement our other products," says Thomas Axelsson. n

Production Technician Marcus Jonsson and Production Manager Mikael Grahn are responsible for building the new production line in Oskarshamn. Development Engineer Tomas Josefsson shows details of the new electrically operated seat to Sales Manager Daniel Alkelid and CEO Thomas Axelsson.
"Today there is a lot of focus on ergonomics and comfort. In this type of seat, drivers can sit comfortably for many hours and years."



Continued focus on email

safety tips

Email is still the most common channel used to launch IT attacks and it is always important to carefully read and review emails before taking any action. As summer approaches, it is more common to see offers that look like a real invoice. Tips when investigating an email are:

• Are you expecting the email? At what time was the email sent?

• Is the invoice from an existing supplier?

• Do not click on the attached content or links from senders you don't recognise.

• Do not share personal information such as account numbers or passwords by email.

• Verify the email with the sender over another channel, for example over the phone.

Public networks

We recommend that you avoid public and unknown Wi-Fi networks as far as possible, but if you use them, keep these things in mind:

• Public Wi-Fi networks are unsecured and traffic can be intercepted; avoid working with personal/sensitive information.

• All devices are vulnerable and can be affected, including computers, mobiles and tablets.

• Forged connection links may be created and placed around in public areas; always verify with an employee on site that you are connecting to the correct network.

Additional charging points for electric vehicles

Be-Ge assumes its share of responsibility for expanding and improving the charging infrastructure for electric cars and electric trucks. At Be-Ge Lastbilar AB’s facility in Oskarshamn, a large battery charger will be installed that can also be used for charging trucks. Three chargers have been installed on Be-Ge Fastigheter AB’s parking deck in Oskarshamn, two of which are public chargers. For those of you who have an electric car, all you have to do is drive onto the parking deck, download the Bravida Charge payment app and start charging!

IT campaigns produce results

Be-Ge is developing and growing. A reliable IT system is part of this process. For many years, a secure IT environment has therefore been an important element of the Group’s strategy. IT attacks/phishing are becoming increasingly sophisticated and more difficult to prevent with just technology and IT solutions, even though we are constantly improving our protection. Our users and how to use IT resources are therefore increasingly important elements of our security strategy. To strengthen the IT skills of our employees, several training campaigns were therefore launched last year.

Monitoring of completed campaigns shows a downward trend in terms of total risk score at Group level. However, we are still at a high risk level. On average, our employees click on 4 out of 100 simulated phishing e-mails sent out. One wrong click is enough for us to have an incident.

We will therefore continue our campaigns at the same rate, on average one training course per month. We in the IT department want to thank you for prioritising and participating in these training courses and helping us to improve our security.

New millionkrona railway order

As stated in the previous issue of Be-Ge News, Be-Ge Seating won a tender for 701 driver seats for the railway company DSB in Denmark. The railway segment has now won another large order, with Be-Ge Stece AB winning a public tender for the delivery of Heyback springs for railway rails. The order corresponds to deliveries worth SEK 11 million per year.

PRODUCTION KrePart AB, PROJECT MANAGER Jonas Axelsson PHOTO Curt-Robert Lindqvist & Suna Borgaard WRITERS Jonas Axelsson, Mikael Bergkvist & Urban Löfqvist DESIGN KrePart studio
The Be-Ge Group is a family-owned group of companies with operations in Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Germany. The Group comprises of several business areas such as Be-Ge Seating division, Be-Ge Component Division and Be-Ge Vehicle Division.

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