KZine Vol. 1, Issue 2 - The Red Felt Issue

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KZine September 2012

Vol. 1, Issue 2

The Red Felt Issue

KZine Vol. 1, Issue 2

The Red Felt Issue

Kris Hartley

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Hello everyone! Welcome to the second issue of KZine. As promised, this issue features the work of several different artists. After much contemplating, I’ve decided on Red Felt for this issue’s theme. It fits perfectly because of the simple fact that, just like vibrant red felt, we can take the art featured in this issue, marvel at it in our hands and hold it up to feel its softness on our faces. I’ve decided to give each of the artists a different question to answer in each issue. The question for this issue is, “If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time?” Their answers will appear in their corresponding sections. Thank you again for your support, and I hope you enjoy the second issue of KZine! -Kris

Kris Hartley

Red [red] adjective

any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum. Effects Increases enthusiasm Stimulates energy Encourages action and confidence A sense of protection from fears and anxiety Symbolism Courage, sacrifice Happiness, celebration, ceremony Warning, danger Passion, heat Quotes “Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.” --Bill Blass “I love red so much that I almost want to paint everything red.”-Alexander Calder Factoids Chinese brides traditionally wear red wedding dresses for good luck. The red stripes on the United States Flag stand for courage. The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; they are color-blind. Red also means “beautiful” in Russian. There are at least 23 different shades of red crayons.


Felt [felt] noun

a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing woollen fibers. The fibers are entangled with each other as heat, moisture, friction, and pressure is applied. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can be of any color, and made into any shape or size. Uses and Factoids In the automotive industry, it dampens the vibrations between interior panels and also stops dirt from entering into ball and cup joints. On drum cymbal stands, it protects the cymbal from cracking and ensures a clean sound. Piano hammers are made of wool felt around a wooden core. The density and springiness of the felt is a major part of what creates a piano’s tone. As the felt becomes grooved and “packed” with use and age, the tone suffers. Puppets can be made with felt. In the early part of the 20th century, felt hats were worn by many men in the western world. However, mercury was used in the process of hat making. From this the term, “mad hatter” springs as hat makers were continually subjected to mercury’s poisons and psychosis would result.


themanwiththegreenhat Q: If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time? A: 30 minutes of free time? What do you mean? I’m a fullblown poet without any means of visible support; EVERY thirty minutes that passes IS free time.

Changying wore her red dress traveling north Said she was the bride of Buddha She set the calcium of my bones to burning turning in the cerise sunset to watch the landscape training by You see it’s what Changying does to me She makes me fine or incarnadine even downright rubicund with my own sanguinity Ahhh but I’m bittersweet in my defeat to being no saffron Don No Buddha in deep maroon Sometimes I think Changying believes I’m but a loon


In pang to further walk away with red clay dust on the soles of your sandals Memory of you in Jungian leaps of reason as if imagination could keep you more alive In the sere shadows of summer tree-lines down ditch ways you silhouette my thinking yet But every step could be any step left or right or gone away again Not this pang to further This disappearance down lane into dust dervish I watch the evenings for your arrival in shadow coming back with red clay dust on the soles of your sandals And I feel this pang


Kris Hartley Your eyes have redefined me. You love me with such grandeur— Such all. My only solace from the blackness Is the green of your skylight.


Words on a crescent Find me From a waterfall’s perfect foundation. All because of your inspiration, All because of your certainty— I’m letting it go, And this campaign to maintain control Is dissolving into the quantity of naught. I just want to hold you, Have you next to me In this shower of expression. When it flows like this, There is no tide that can surpass its revitalizing course. Just one afternoon of harmony; A mere spending of hours in your atmosphere, Melts the partition between me and oxygen; It extends far beyond the obscurity. Eighteen shapes of clouds, 200,000 stars, There has never been a more significant moment. I want you to keep this manifestation; I need you to know of my depths. I’m finding my voice again, And all along you knew.


Rachel Burns

aka Strange Little Girl Photography Q: If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time? A: I enjoy listening to music, cooking, as well as spending time with my niece and nephew.

The photos I take are merely for fun--to capture beautiful moments in life and are an attempt to escape the perils of time.



Hilary Holland CRY i cried. that’s what you do when you reach but don’t grasp; when you hope but can’t find; when you live but can’t breathe. cry. when home is so far it gets lost on the horizon you thought you’d memorized, when the hand you thought you’d hold shrinks back in a shadow or is caught between the dream and lie, you cry. lost within a folded sigh, tossed amongst the last goodbyecry.


Q: If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time? A: It would probably involve my vibrator, meditation music and Gain scented candles. Or I could just bleach something. It calms my anxiety disorder and quells the OCD.

STAND-IN I awaken and something is amiss, Something I can’t quite figureLike a train I am not on Or some paper last seen lining The bottom of my purse. I rummage about a bit But come up short. What will comfort me today? What will stand in for the train, Or that paper, Or the breath I’m short of, Or some hand that doesn’t connect with mine? I scream so for some cogent validation, Knowing it may not help. I can be so small. Why am I often just so......small?


Jenn Howell The Need Like a fire that can’t be quenched Like a hunger that can’t be satiated Just one look and you’re lost Forget the rules out the window they are tossed The object of your desire stirs your soul The feeling you can’t seem to let go It makes you want to float on air It makes you smile when you are filled with despair The light in the darkness where shadows roam In your heart they have a home You dance within its flames You hasten when it calls your name Your heart seems to race It beats faster when you see their face The need it drives you The need thrives within you


Q: If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time? A: Hang out with you, get lost in a book, play on the interwebs, write short stories, or contemplate whether or not there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I’ll Be I’ll be your sunshine after the rain I’ll be your laughter through the pain I’ll be the hug when you want to cry I’ll be your life when you want to die I’ll be your smile through the tears I’ll be your protection from the fears I’ll hold your hand you need the connection I’ll be your map when you’ve lost your direction I’ll be the light in the darkest places I’ll fill in the gap in the loneliest spaces I’ll be all the things you need me to be Just as long as you need me


Aubrey Bricker Melodic Marrow Q: If you had 30 minutes free, how do you pass the time? A: If I had thirty minutes to while away, I’d probably be reading. I read my Bible in the few minutes I get now. I try to spend as much time with that as possible. If I had thirty minutes I knew would be completely uninterrupted with time to clean up afterward, I would be crafting or painting. I miss painting so much... but no kitchen table and a three year old kind of make that near impossible!


These pipes are dowdy weathered, worn, but I still use them (and abuse them.) I miss that feeling that my chords would fly me away; that freedom was a song you sang. Today it’s not the same. Aching... each note, it leaves me... aching... reaching, yearning begging for a muse to use me. My gut is turning; hands and cheeks, burning. My mouth is open and from my veins and capillaries, almost as if necessary, I am Bursting. Inside out and all around me the sound it speaks to me profoundly: This is who you are. Remember?

naptime Quiet. It’s something I thought I would never enjoy. The lack of noise. I couldn’t stand the sound of the pounding of my heart. Noise. Always noise. Always boisterous boasting cleverly roasting egos (on more occasion than one, my own.) Speaking, complaining and not necessarily communicating. But the hum of the fan just now... I turned it down to hear the quiet not quite silence. The hum of the city. It makes me miss the still absolute oblivion that sometimes exists in the country. But, even then, the time is thin to sit undisturbed. Three years is just long enough to learn to love to learn... and I have learned how to be grateful for more than just quiet.


Speech Communication Tips: Volume 2 This section is dedicated to the invaluable information I received in my speech communication class back in the summer of 2009. This was the class that I most dreaded in my college career. It turned out to be the most useful, not only in the area of giving speeches, but also in the areas of listening and communicating with others.

Nonverbal Communication 1) It is a primary means of expression. 2) It is not a language and not governed by rules. 3) It is not so much chosen as it is more naturally learned. 4) Culture and gender significantly impact nonverbal communication.


Kris Hartley


Kris Hartley

Š2012 kmh Photography and Graphic Design. All Rights Reserved.

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