1 minute read
The Nectar of Instruction
fi - liketheuinrulebutheldtwiceaslongasshort u.
f - likethe ri inrim.
i' - like ree in reed. . - like l followedby r (/r).
e - liketheeinthey.
ai - likethe ai inaisle.
o - likethe o ingo.
au- liketheawinhaw.
rh (anusvdra) - aresonantnasallikethenintheFrenchwordbon.
1;1 (visarga) - afinalh-sound: aft ispronouncedlike aha; ift likeihi.
The consonants are pronounced as follows: k - asinkite jh- asinhedgehog kh- asinEckhart ft - asincanyon g - asingive � - asintub gh- asindig-hard �h - asinlight-heart il - asinsing Q - asinckJve c - asinchair dha- as inred-hot ch- asinstaunch-heart � - asrna (preparetosay j - asinjoy therandsay na).
Cerehrals are pronounced with tongue to roof of mouth, hut the following dentals are pronounced with tongue against teeth: t -asintubbutwithtongueagainstteeth. th - asinlight-heartbutwithtongueagainstteeth. d - asinckJvebutwithtongueagainstteeth. dh- asinred-hotbutwithtongueagainstteeth. n - asinnutbutwithtonguebetweenteeth. p - asinpine I - asinlight ph- asinuphill(notf) v -asinvine b - asinbird s (palatal) - asinthesintheGerman bh- asinrub-lz:ud wordsprechen m - asinmother � (cerebral)- astheshinshine y - asinyes r - as m run ii - asinsun h -asinhome
There is no strong accentuation of syllables in Sanskrit, only a flow, ing of short and long (twice as long as the short) syllables.