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The Nectar of Instruction
Anuvrtti citedonthree kinds ofurges,8 Anyabhi�itd-sunyaril verses quoted,27
Api cet sudurllcllro versesquoted,61
Arjuna acceptance of Gild by,56 ��r;�aincitesangerof,6
Asat-sanga-tyllga ei va�(lava-llcllra quoted,33
Association with Caitanya,13 withdevotees,21,34,40,41, 44 with ��r;�a, 87 with Mayavadis,23,45 with nondevotees, 27 with pure devotee,4, 43 with sense enjoyers,46 with undesirable people, 33 with uttama-adhikari, 51, 57-58 with Vai�r;�avas, 52 with women,13 with worldly-minded persons, 15 with yogis, jMnis, etc.,43
Ataeva yllrira mukheeka k�(la-n4ma versequoted,54
Bhagavatam quoted on, 2 compared to elephant'li bathing, 3 condemnedby Parik�it, 3
Attachment as agitation of mind, 9 of devotees to devotional service, 73 for KHr;�a, development of, 76-77
Attachment material, of prakrta-sahajiylis, 51
Bhagavatam quoted on,35 as means to ��r;�a consciousness, 4 overcoming material energy by, 8 as preparation for initiation, 52 Ava5ya ra�ibe k�(la quoted,32 8
Bahulavana as forest ofVfndavana,79 Bahii.ndriljanmaniim ante versesquoted,86-87
Baladeva as friendof��r;�a,77
Belly controlled by svllmi, 13 in straight line with tongue and genitals,9, 11 tolerating urge of, 1, 6, 9-11
Seealso: Eating; Prasada
Bhagavad-gitll advancement in devotional service,quoted on, 36 approaching a spiritual master, quoted on,29
Arjuna's acceptance of Km1a's instruction, quoted on, 56 authoritative instruction in, 56-57 consciousness at death, quoted on,73-74 devotee, quoted on his saintly position,61-62
Bhagavad-gita devotee,quoted on his steadfast position,36 greatsouls,quotedontheir position,16,37-38 on importanceof association,41 jnani, quoted on his taking to devotional service,86-87
Kr�\la'sall-pervasiveness,quoted on,31 puredevotee,quotedonhistranscendental position,60 returning to earth after exhausting piousactivities,quotedon, 83 self-controlled,quotedontimeof awakeningfor,35 surrender,quoted on reward according to,84 surrendering to Kr�\Ja, quoted on, 57
See: Devotees
Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu acting for Kr�\Ja,quoted on,30 following in footsteps of Lord's associates,quotedon,74, 75 realizing Kf�\]a,quotedon, 57 unalloyed devotional service, quotedon,27-28
Bhaktisiddhiinta Sarasvali on chanting japa, 54 cultivating devotional service, quoted on,75 on giving up nonpermanent activities in favor of devotional service,34-35
Mayavadis,warns against speaking to,44-45
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvali on overendeavoring for knowledge,21 on Radha-kuQQa,91 onthreekindsofurges,8
Bhaktivinoda Thakura controlling tonguewith prasada, quotedon,9-11
Bhakti-yoga See: Devotionalservice
Bhala na khaibe ara bhala na versesquoted,11,12
Bhava characteristicsof,71
Bhava-maha-davagni-niroiipanam quoted,69
Bhukti-kamis associationwith,condemned,23
Birth as conditioned souls' main problem,17 of fallen devotee,36 one in knowledge surrenders aftermanybirths,87
Blasphemy anger directed against,5-6 by Mayavadis,23 puredevoteeisnotinterestedin, 48
Body,material controlof,aspreparationforinitiation,52 demands of,9 as lump of ignorance,10 as result of materialistic activities,85 sufferingscaused by,17
Body,spiritual of pure devotee,59-65 rendering loving service in, 82