1 minute read

General Index 117

Envy as cause of falldown of paramaharilsa, 63 F


Caitanya-caritamrta quoted on limiting, ll controlled by prasada, 6 food prepared by worldly people, 45 for sense gratification, 10-11, 15, 18

See also: Belly; Prasada; Tongue Ekadasi fasting on, 11


, in devotional service, 32 for mundane things, 15

Energy categories of, three listed, 15. 83 everything depends on Kr�l)a·s. 31-32 external, activities of living beings under, 83 external, overcoming victimization by, 8 internal, devotees under protection of, 38 internal, devotional service controlled by, 15-16

Enthusiasm advances one in devotional service, 34 defined, 32 favorable for devotional service, 27 regulative principles performed with, 33 required for spiritual success, 30

Faith divisions of devotees based on. 56 increased by chanting, 70 of madhyama-adhikari, 55 of neophyte, 53

False ego foundation of. 69

Fasting beneficial, ll Food

See: Eating; Prasada

Friendship with devotees. 46, 49

• with Kr�l)a, as devotional process, 29

Fruitive activities almost everyone is engaged 1n. 82, 83 bhakti-yoga as transcendental to. 60-61 as contrary to devotional service, 34-35 falldown for those engaged in, 36 goal of life not attained by, 35 transmigration caused by, 86

Frustration as source of anger, 9


Grefraining from, as regulative principle of devotional service, 23, 70

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