1 minute read
The Nectar of Instruction
Devotees friendshipwith, 49 goodqualitiesdevelopedby, 37 gop is assuperior, 82,87 guidance of, in serving 1<1-�(la, 73 imitationof, 70 Kr�(larevealsHimselfto, 57 loving exchanges between, 39, 40 materialworldunderstoodby, 25 Mayavada conversation forbiddenfor, 44-45 protected by supreme potency. 38
Radha-ku(!Qararelyattainedby, 90 regulative principles required for, 33 threetypesof, 48, 61 treatment of three classes of, 47-48 useeverythinginservice, 32
See also: Pure devotees; Vai�l)avas
Devotionalservice advancementin, 38, 56 associatingwithoneadvancedin, 48 attachmentto, 73 bathing in Radha-kui)Qa as, 90-91 categories of, defined by Lord Caitanya, 55 asconstitutionalactivity, 16 ecstasyin, 71 liberatedjiiiinimaytaketo, 82, 86-87 aslifeandsouloflivingentity, 35 loveofGoddevelopsfrom, 87
Devotionalservice maintainingspiritof, 39 aspracticalaction, 32 principles favorable for, s1x listed, 27-38 principlesfordeveloping, 46 processesof,ninelisted, 28-29 properwaytocultivate, 49-50 aspureandperfect, 36
Radha-ku(!Qa as best place for, 82,88 regulativeprinciplesof, 33 speakingabout, 9 as spiritual master's main business, 61 spoiledbysixactivities, 15 stagesofprogressin, 75-76 astranscendentalactivities. 34 unalloyed,inliberatedstate, 60 unalloyed,symptomsof. 28 as unmotivated and uninterrupted, 37, 44 .
Dharma asdevotionalservice, 44 meantforliberation, 19
Dharmasya hy iipavargyasya versesquoted, 19
Di�ii-kiile bhakta kareiitma-samarpa(la versequoted, 51
Disease ofignorancedestroyedbychanting, 66-67 as main problem of conditioned souls, 17 material,curedbychanting, 70 overeatingcauses, ll
Dreams renunciants mustn't think of womenin, 13
Dma-srutabhyaril yat paparil verses quoted, 2