2 minute read
The Nectar of Instruction
Madhurya-rasa · examples of devotees in, 77
Madhuvana as forest of Vrndavana, 79
Bhagavatam quoted on, 49 characteristics of, 61 defined, 48 qualifications of, 53, 55-56
Malui-mantra attractive everywhere we chant. 70 faith in chanting. 55 misconception relieved by chanting. 69 offenses in chanting. 3 prakrta-sahajiyas' chanting of. 50 purification by chanting, 42 sublime nature of, 53
See also: Chanting; Sarikirtana
Malui- maya
See: Maya
Maluitmanas tu mdril parthiJ verses quoted, 16, 37
Mahatmas materialists can't attain stage of. 37 rarity of. 87
Maril ca yo 'vyabhicare(la verses quoted, 60
Marriage based on sdstras, 12 purpose of, 7
Material energy
See: Energy. external
Materialists as mad, 85 misuse of intelligence by. 25-26 speech of, compared to croaking, 4
See also: Karmis
Kn(la left Vrndavana for. 87 superior to Vaiku(l!ha. 78, 79
Matir na kf$T).e parata� svato vd verses quoted,13-14
Maya • compared to darkness; 5. 72 eating prasada gives freedom from. 10 forgetfulness of Kmta due to, 67 illicit sex as, 12 inflicts miseries upon living entities, 17 one in bluiva understands. 71 spell of, on living entities. 82
Maya tatam idaril sarvam verses quoted, 31
Mayavadis avoiding association with. 23 oppose Kr�(la coAscio usness movement, 45 speech of, compared to croaking. 4 speech of, useless, 8
Meat-eating checks spiritual progress. 33 refraining from. as regulative principle of devotional service, 23,70
Meditation compared with devotional service. 28. 32 defined. 76
Mental speculation bhakti-yoga as transcendental to, 60-61
Mental speculation falldown for those engaged in, 36 goal of life not attained by, 35 no knowledgebased on, 29
Mercy of guru and i(r�I)a, 32 Lord Caitanya's, received by serious, 54
Mind the agitations of, <} austerities fail to purify, 35 cleansed by chanting, 69 control of, for initiation, 52 control of, for Kr�I)a consciousness, 4 engaged by remembering, 73 love exchanged in revealing, 39 Mayiiviidis, not disclosed to, 45 peace of, 44 respecting neophyte devotee with, 47, 48 respecting Vai�i)avas within, 54 subtle bodies created by, 74 sufferings caused by, 17 a svdml controls, 13 tolerating urge of, 1, 5
Modes of nature pure devotee transcends, 60 transcendental platform is free from, 34
Money accumulated by karmls, 22 belongs to K{�I)a, 24 materialists attempt to earn, 84. 85 prakrta-sahajiyas' attachment for, 50 proper utilization of, 25,46
Moon elevation to, 83
Mukti-kamis association with, condemned, 23 N
Na miim d�krtirw mrlcjha!l verses quoted, 68
Nanda Maharaja parental affection exhibited by, 77
Narada Muni as great devotee, 87 lacks opportunity to bathe in Radha-kul)�a. 91
Narottama dasa Thakura living with pure devotees, quoted on, 33
Na yad vaca.S citra-padam harer ya.So verses quoted, 8 Ntrbaruiha� kmra-sambaruihe quoted, 32
Nityananda blasphemed by Jaglii and Madhai, 6 descendants of, as gosvdmls, 62. 63
Nitye.-siddha kf$r:ra-prema 'sli.dhye.' verse quoted, 41
Nondevotees abandoning association of, 27 distinguishing between Lord, devotees and, 61 aa undesirable people, 33
Nurram pramatta� kurute vikarma verses quoted, 84 0
Obeisances initiated devotees offered, 47-48