Bless the Bees: The Pending Extinction of our Pollinators and What You Can Do to Stop It

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Bless the Bees: The Pending Extinction of our Pollinators and What You Can Do to Stop It [Kindle Edition]

Book Description Publication Date: September 2, 2013 #1 Best Seller Now also available in paperback

Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer, Grady Harp says, "this is a very important book and one that belongs in the hands of everyone who cares about ecology and the preservation of the bee population, and that in turn means the preservation of life as we know it on this planet." Albert Einstein said, "If the bee disappears from the earth, man would have no more than four years to live." This beautifully illustrated edition is meant to educate the reader about the potential extinction of the bees as an indicator of a mass extinction, the last one of which was 65 million years ago. It explains what pollination is, who does it, why its essential to us, what things are threatening our pollinators and what we, as individuals, can do about it. They have been in existence for over 100 million years, but it has taken us less than 30 years to kill almost all of them off. Honey bees are responsible for pollinating 60% of the world's food supply. Without them, the human race would face starvation. A worldwide epidemic, it has been called the bee apocalypse by Russia's president, but it is worse in the United States than any other country. Since 1972, feral honey bees in the United States have declined 80% to near extinction, and

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