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Building a Young Living business is a team effort. The 'secret' to success begins by falling in love & using our products. Then you share that love with friends, family & community helping them to fall in love, teach them to share, get their products paid for and grow. Imagine if you & everyone you introduced to this company was not only able to have our monthly essentials paid for but we were also able to help all these families earn an additional $500 - $1000 per month. Wouldn't that feel GREAT? You know that 'Set for Life' lottery where you earn $1000 a week for 25 years. Kinda like that, but without the limits of time or income cap. When you decide to build a Young Living business you can grow as big as you are willing to work for. This business is NOT a lottery. It requires hard work, most of it upfront without massive returns. But if you stick with it & follow this system we teach you, it's the best way to leverage your time, our only limited & most valuable commodity.