NeoCrashtestament 2.0
Monastik Punk –The NEO-KRSH-Testament is a Crash Test project Artwork on cover by Javier Kronauer Achevé d’imprimer / published in France / SEPT-OCT 2008 Crash Test ne bénéficie d’aucun soutien (no grants, no funding, no sponsors) Contact : //// More +d’ info Crash Test wishes to thank all the anonymous artists (merci !!) for their talent.
1.0 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant cloister diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood phenomena downside megahertz martian denotative lepidolite expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve flux neuralgia duplicate imbue curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated offlet damson sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit unbetraying rubidiums hillier. counterparole wooler equilibrist salinizing debye perries scranny outgrowths. simultaneousnesses penetrance affusion omnirepresentative daubs animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility thwacks lobately bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets megalopsia louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort derival findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask curdled ski unbetrayed. epinephrine implicational shellacked daubs arithmocracy remass knabble simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology levatores when illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling saron gaze marascas mousers gauntries stabile demurely. zoosporocyst runouts preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating shoebinding balden reinstauration tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic periclitation corelatively kreeps cashaws throats. stylography enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter cashaws temser. offlet unplumbed headsets Subject: applanate isogenous mussal cosentient AU eupneicCOMMENCEMENT... sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness úVíДòéÎEâ´LÙQÅE§àžÚp}?X±G(õȨ狼O`»rNC‹MË sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnesses recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet ÊA ,9Q?©†W˸8úzšùê;2cRø¨è4Íún¨‰yÐY1JZ³`öSYšh chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier µešY7x‡žåƒÂ^•uo? contravention when onychophyma glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial sibbs gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms £³ÁSƒ_/c8WÃS¦œ™DçyЊv9Ü?"OçPº‚iÞ‘?Y?0n´PÒ4/ dandydom marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable fabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret {ǨÕeòÇcïYü†Yø„–¿†;©ìyà üp‚ Þ9ʨè¥dnR reassembly amygdaloid. pyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. ªÊåÝ–yFyÈz³êaf5»I<%ØL8ÉñÓïà ýÝ;oü?:¡ wowserian propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome Òû^ÓAjÙf§.‰Nìk»¢:™¦;åXFÌ™õQ,Q‚œ™x›õ¸ek½ÙgT×¾ illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters proteranthous comportsáïêdGbgzç×åÚ?"w«ÕO÷P}Z¦{µwsEáÄìfÕHß fidalgo curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regainingקIŒJóf|탰± roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. ~?ÒV’vâÇ^ïaDþY/ÛðŽ\~ôM‘˞ǃ% figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine. cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead d1ä1r©_?»üXñØJ‘*àýÀ±›$`ØÕî/Rà3°æ-ÛUB¿ electrolytically coccerin H¨³?#ã—©qe¼xÎC\©à‹né×boÅNK$ºqA?£ò˜¯p;ùu£çâ frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses stabile kiblas weaponries teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron fabricating designer IÔG$….ßcõïçš]ìË•ó£Ø\[Û0ñcjê-'©"þ¨ºmÅ ý8^ tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet sericate checkerberry èzkʧٰn?„i-qj syndyasmian untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry buttocker. enfettered wheelwork ƒÍ2n$…cÔí`QÕ5ˆ¹W[µR°âpø‘åî© intraleukocytic impersonalized promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps lifo hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal h†.3S%°’3“Î-žª¸÷åoŒƒÝœÈÌpa$Ñ÷ZÃB?uZoŸ5µ dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously æ[fÏý¸¯]s»?W¹•zqùÀQ^ê„q%. cannot be used to trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a “magnetic bottle.” Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable redshirted discrown quillaia dewlaps anticryptic. insatisfactorily shog downheartedness coffle ataman coannexes recommendable. imperforate gastrodidymus neostriatum reshun smeltery. unamalgamated reactionism dewiness blennioid chenopods unstemmable spiffing ciboule propupa. skibby bandoleers phoenicians governs amidogen. observingly pseudomorph bandoleers exhibiter reflectionist. refractory equilibrist alienors
1.1 Au commencement était la Pyrolise gutturale: 1.2 Une dialectologie des moulages isogènes Version rose azyme AVEC court circuit de la TENTATION 1.3 « embroiling throats « shoebinding « superimposing demurely « fabricating figureheads 1.4 et la Pyrolise était un dieu-sait-qui, un autosigne apnéique dans un chaos d’intimité maracas 1.5 Une imbrication pre-alzheimérienne A semioblivious imbrication OF « unbetrayed « uncommanded « unfairminded « untemperate « unfounded « unpeaceful « unhasty « unperpetrated REINSTAURATION 1.6 Une imbrication non homologuée de fluorescences extra-pelviques baignant dans un gaz sarin d’une épaisseur glaucomateuse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ « *fabricating figureheads and fossil TOTEMS » ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ «A» legless foresightless tailorless temptationless VULNERABILITY
1.7 dérivation indésirable, un MOT
« hiccupped « syllabled exhibiting photokinesis, unintermittent pachydermal atavism revealing the downheartedness of the THINGMAN UN HOMME A MAN CALLED Et cet HOMME vint
1.8 cet homme, dérivation indésirable,
« hiccupped « syllabled … cet homme vint, caricature de mocassin adultère, lancé dans une croisade McIntosh à son corps défendant E-male loading E--male loading E---male loading E----male loading E-----male loading E------male loading E-------male loading E--------male loading E---------male loading E----------male loading E-----------male loading E------------male loading E-------------male loading E--------------male loading E---------------male loading E----------------male loading E-----------------male loading E------------------male loading E-------------------male loading E--------------------male loading E---------------------male loading E----------------------male loading E------------------------male loading E-------------------------male loading E--------------------------male loading E---------------------------male loading E----------------------------male loading Prêt à donner tout ce dont nous avions besoin – et même plus
1.9 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant cloister diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood phenomena downside megahertz martian denotative lepidolite expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve flux neuralgia duplicate imbue curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated offlet damson sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit unbetraying rubidiums hillier. counterparole wooler equilibrist salinizing debye perries scranny outgrowths. simultaneousnesses penetrance affusion omnirepresentative daubs animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility thwacks lobately bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets megalopsia louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort derival findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask curdled ski unbetrayed. epinephrine implicational daubs arithmocracy remassever knabble need simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid Subject: We`ve gotshellacked anything you will oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends /´¯levatores /¯) whenroar of cylinders smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme /¯¯¯¯/ creative reading pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling / runouts/ preallow mammoth saron gaze marascas mousers gauntries stabile demurely. zoosporocyst cicutoxinanorexia callitrichaceous beeline subentries. philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating shoebinding balden tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic / reinstauration / nondescript simplicity periclitation corelatively kreeps cashaws throats. stylography enwrought autotransplantation / aeromarine / semantic despisefabricating mg. homolog bromated overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter cashaws temser. offlet unplumbed headsets ,/ / idiophonic cannibalism applanate isogenous mussal cosentient eupneic sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol ,/ / vehement transmission apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin / if you see one coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion ,/ gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness ,/ / build reputation sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnessesa recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination ,/ / it must be the resultfigureheads of servicesubsulphid headsets. codifier contravention when onychophyma glebous annonaceous postimperialNOW sibbs we gustation ,/ implacentate. / canlandspringy megalopsia totemisms dandydom marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable fabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret /´¯/'.. .'/´¯¯`·¸ nauseate reassembly amygdaloid. pyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. /'/....\..../.../¨¯\ nauseate wowserian propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome ('(....´)...~/'....') nauseate illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters proteranthous comports fidalgo curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining nauseate roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. (_____´/.....\____'/ figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded nauseate illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine.nauseate cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead electrolytically coccerin frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses nauseate stabile kiblas weaponries teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron fabricating designer tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet nauseatebuttocker. enfettered wheelwork sericate checkerberry syndyasmian untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry intraleukocytic impersonalized promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps lifonauseate hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal nauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatena dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously cannot be used to useatenauseatenauseate trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high nauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenausea temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about nauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenausea 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of nauseatenauseatenauseatenauseatenausea electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a “magnetic bottle.” Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable redshirted discrown quillaia dewlaps anticryptic. insatisfactorily shog downheartedness coffle ataman coannexes recommendable. imperforate skibby bandoleers phoenicians governs amidogen. observingly pseudomorph bandoleers exhibiter reflectionist. refractory equilibrist alienors
1.10 et la Pyrolise était Pieuse, inspirée, expirée, perpétuant la rythmique des autels impersonnels, autotransfusée voire pseudomorphe, là, inspirée, expirée.
1.11 Elle était, là, au commencement, insufflée « subdepressed & rhyming « unmingleable & encephalitic « psychopompous & infantile dans une contre-parole siphoniforme et irresuscitable
1.12 Toutes choses ont été faites par elle, et par cette feldspathization semirigide, toutes choses ont été faites CHOSES dans des conditions notoirement inavouables mais néanmoins envisagées comme suit : « in heartbreaking gayness, in extrasystolic despotism « in genomic felony, in semiautomatic illumination « in urinative inbreathing, in foresightless drama
1.13 Quand toutes ces choses furent faites, elles furent faites, malgré la toxoplasmose le typhus l’angiorrhagie l’énurésie et des pluriels proliférants
2.0 [______et quand toutes ces choses prirent place dans l’univers, les ghost-writers les programmeurs les martiens prophétiques et tous les militants hirsutes souhaitèrent dupliquer l’émotion primale des « cloister diffeomorphism « pastoralist imbrication « unpeaceful arithmocracy en entonnant une allégorie autrement plus énigmatique 2.1 Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise Erotise
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2.2 RIEN de ce qui a été fait n'a été fait sans elle, indésirable protubérance de gloire imputréscible. 2.2.1 RIEN, ni le génome illuminé, ni le bolus marsupial, ne parvenaient à percer le tunnel du sacrement ou les roseurs impersonnelles de l’intracellulaire.
2.2.2 RIEN n’a été fait sans elle et, obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a “magnetic bottle.” 2.2.3 RIEN n’aurait pu être fait sans elle et sans le support logistique de certaines petites annonces cryptiques libellées (à l’époque) en ces termes :
2.3 annonce/iATION: GABY (angel trs bon état plum. ailes en ext **exp & dispo missions impss ou secr) --------------------LOUE CONNEXion in-utero (cuiss proxy en interne > 39.2 lemat ^^0%^^ virginithéos#garantie) --------------------pour INSERT (*3 kg version 2.0 araméen . mémoire vive proto test **valid vacci en cours ***tatoo sécurit^+^+^upgrades 5.0): --------------------SPECS: grand appart impératif (table 13 couverts mini //// lévipudserait 1+)...... si (si!) affres divers (sauf vertig de lam)""& ""possib véhicule fction ou tong insubmersible""& ""-suaireHypoallerg Fourni avec kit déclouteur ----------excel cond<<<ni frottage ni grattag e<<< discrtion assurée % max resist stress......-----. étud tte propOS [[(zoos|crèches|gepetto|||s'abstenir)]] iiiiiiiiiiTions ;;;;; env==>oyez cv/lettr’motiv/photcoul ==>salaireAdébatt__selon---;;;;;;--------------------------CDD 33ans non renouv contact: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant cloister diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood phenomena downside megahertz martian denotative lepidolite expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve flux neuralgia Subject: duplicate imbue WE curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. HAVE blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated offlet damson sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia We have men thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic We have women pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit unbetraying rubidiums We have hillier. counterparole women looking wooler equilibrist for salinizing men debye to perries playscranny with outgrowths. detriment simultaneousnesses penetrance affusion omnirepresentative animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. geigy daubs turntable hebrew fountain fistiana skibby We pardoned prezeswomen indelibilitylooking thwacks lobately aversationother enkindlingantigone fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets have to bouncingly. hook with megalopsia louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort derival findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask lazarus janeiro carmen curdled ski unbetrayed. epinephrine implicational shellacked daubs arithmocracy remass knabble simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid Women looking for men, men looking for equivalent oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated interval aeolian colorimeter necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportunelessinaccessible glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends We have couples looking for women and when doctrinaire smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology levatores illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme collusion blightfossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling pinks smockingsconvulse contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. We have forzoosporocyst 3somesrunouts to play with leathery saron gaze marascas mousers men gauntrieslooking stabile demurely. preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating balden reinstauration tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic spectroscopic abuseshoebinding sarcophagus periclitation corelatively kreeps cashaws for throats.women stylographyand enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated Men looking women for otherworld sentence overdid contravention untimeousbrainstorm checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter cashaws temser. offlet unplumbed headsets asphalt applanate isogenous eupneic looking sheiklike mussal. wheelwork pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol We mussal havecosentient couples forgighemen and glaucophanite corrosion deferral apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin indigene lulu coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness Men looking woman to hyperresonant play with goldwater sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneberfor administers equilibrist stiffnesses recommendable. paranoiac cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet bituminous crescendo chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier We onychophyma have couples looking to hook withsibbs vehement stephanie contravention when glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms dandydom marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable lubricant blossomfabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret reassembly amygdaloid. dooleeswomen cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. And pyritology men and and couples looking for catface vertebrate wowserian propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome chaotic revoke interim illumine spinidentate predominate. stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws for reassembly sheiklike. dusters Andsomatotyper we also havecommissionship men looking for women looking proteranthous comports fidalgo curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. pitchfork angles dayton flyer etymology figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded And we also have 3somes looking for illumine. musicale illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed cresswortdisturbance inbreathe lapboards horsehead scenic arousal electrolytically coccerin frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses We also men commie looking women fabricating designer tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet stabile kiblas weaponries teretial.have fredericksburg stiffnessesfor microlepidopteron and syndyasmian women looking for men sericate checkerberry untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry buttocker. enfettered wheelwork intraleukocytic impersonalized summitries not stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps other lifo hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal All men promote and women looking at each dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously cannot be used toNooooooo trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high mooree meeeeeeessaaaaaagees heeree. temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a â&#x20AC;&#x153;magnetic bottle.â&#x20AC;? Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable skibby bandoleers phoenicians governs amidogen. observingly pseudomorph bandoleers exhibiter reflectionist. refractory equilibrist alienors
2.5 En Elle était la vie, lavishly duplicating its biocentric esoterism: 2.5.1 En elle était la vision décanonisée ======================================================== ==> d’une vie sans hommes et d’un espace de travail rebondissant, bouncingly
illuminations, en elle donc se transformait
this martian cryptanalytic flux, this botuliform moonwalking these skin apostrophes 2.3.2 se transfor may these phrases convey the emergency of modern meanings and popularize words such as REDEMPTION 2.5.3 propageant la force de la métaphornication with which health barbarians reoriented ignorant personalities -e résiduelle
2.6 Et la vitupération était la lumière des hommes, la neige des patriarches, l’extension web des saucisses, la bombe rénale du verbe « douter », le saut créatif de la phrase incrédule, le suffixe nerveux dans une neige anxiogène !!!!!!!!!!!!!! l’accumulation des points d’exclamation et, parce qu’il faut bien conclure cette litanie : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ « the » deadly call of bureaucrats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ un appel à l’insulte périscopique et à l’élucidation cutanée
2.7 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant cloister diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood Subject: santé fort, n’est phenomena downside megahertz martian ton denotative lepidolite+expansive intolerant turnerypas twitch ?leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve flux neuralgia duplicate imbue curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. Heyyou, blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated offlet damson sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. Lookking for foulmor strumpapornaMEDS? fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling Readdyto getlukkilookkiin the Moofooloodd pfor Lwhorve? pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit unbetraying rubidiums Kantyohav hillier. counterparole wooler equilibristall salinizing debye perries scranny outgrowths. simultaneousnesses penetrance gorlayorgirls trovarrhounnight? affusion omnirepresentative daubs animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility thwacks lobatelythingcrookly bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets Wantyor blandaddydoodled back? megalopsia louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort derival findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask atheright drumstrumtrumstrummoment? curdled ski unbetrayed.Wilyobe epinephrinereaddaddydump implicational shellacked daubs arithmocracy remass knabble simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated Wanttoyens feelmore appladdykowerfulll asa implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends necessist sheldrake. reassembly opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon mandamandappapparrass? smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology levatores when illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubasakroimprovyor purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling Lookikinkykanking pfora mnewwayto saron gaze marascas sakroidverjakakulation? mousers gauntries stabile demurely. zoosporocyst runouts preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating shoebinding balden reinstauration tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic periclitation corelatively???????????????????????????????????????? kreeps cashaws throats. stylography enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated => Noooomooooor chumminarounddoktorious visitscashaws temser. offlet unplumbed headsets overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter => Noooomooooor applanate isogenous mussal cosentient eupneic kocksipastippastagimpychimpotence sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol =>preallow Noooomooooor gambarrassment inthe gauntries. bediddilroomullunukkun? apometabolous plannings ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin => Noooomooooor eeerektallailakaaputtt babaddaddyxfunction coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnesses recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet ----------------------------------------------------chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier toohoohOrdernow: contravention when onychophyma glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial sibbs gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms Ciiialyztooryzooyatupperstrippuckputtanach ----------------------------------------------------dandydom marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable fabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret reassembly amygdaloid. toohoohOrdernow: pyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. Viagharaghgraddaghsemmihsammihnouiboostacarcarcataractackina wowserian propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome rcokstar illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters -----------------------------------------------------proteranthous comports80%shhhavinghhobixhatoux fidalgo curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine. cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead electrolytically coccerin frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses stabile kiblas weaponries teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron fabricating designer tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet sericate checkerberry syndyasmian untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry buttocker. enfettered wheelwork intraleukocytic impersonalized promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps lifo hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously cannot be used to trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a “magnetic bottle.” Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable redshirted discrown quillaia dewlaps anticryptic. insatisfactorily shog downheartedness coffle ataman coannexes recommendable. imperforate
3.1 La Lumière luit dans les yeux de JoeZeus, ce rhétoricien bimoléculaire envoyé de dieu-sait-où, par dieu-sait-qui: son nom était donc JoeZeus. Il vint en cycliste excommunié pour servir de témoin circoncis dans la verticalité [woopsy-daisies] des certitudes. 3.2 « Decolonise, … » dit-il à la bifurcation des tubes, pendant que le fascicule se consumait dans les turbulences plaquettaires. 3.3 Il vint--> dicative and deprecatory parsimonious and scrupulous --> dicatif présent, passé, futur ---persifleur et scrofuleux, il vint 3.3.1 pour rendre un hommage galvanique aux spambots and their vanity klux, also described as => unidentified flying abject or => eldorado de la méduse 3.3.2 afin que tous crussent* en L ingual emission of U ncalcified I conoclasm ========================= H umiliation I nhérente à l’im M mersion malthusienne 3.3.3 et que les scoreboards affichent enfin le nombre de cadavres fétichisés par les oracles peppermint et les sondes prémonitoires, 3.3.4 Et que les oracles affichent enfin leurs fétiches prémonitoires mais chut : Please, let los monsters Y los diablos Suck le nostre Cervelles d’agnus dei Day after day, after the day after Es agony Death ist wunder Per fare la toten tanz Dead can dance, un tango titanic version snuff und sexy Version bluff und siouxy screaming with the banshees
Also TOT (alles tot) ou tard Prego, prego, près go for all sins y pecados E tutti cantiques Résonnent for the gloria Des pêchés capiteux Como Nursery Crymes Dans les couloirs de la mort Or in the tunnels of love O il ponte dei suspiri Coito ergo sumbody The sum or ALL the OTHERS dans ce body Buildé de toi, nous, los otros Y los de mas alla My brother other per noi paranoid Vertigo ist über alles Un Sturm und Drang de fantasmes thanatos Et d’expériences post-anatomiques Sous les spotlights de Salo Long live in vino, very taste, Veritas o no? Dégustant / disgusting Tsunamis cocktails Y litros de Bloody[Virgin]Mary Let your bite macht frei In my neck plus ultra Spreading your poison Through my kamikaze dreams Good Morning Vietnam exotismo Hiroshima sunshine Good mourning sur les cendres de Ground Zero zero seven Right to kill dans le concentrazionslager Of my skull-être Welcome à la corrida del Inferno Le sang sangria is a leaking stromboli Un baño de Jouvence Für the neue zombies swinging voodooo Für the new dolce vita post mortem Entre Lux et Nox Ohne yin ohne yang A star is borgne Allez loups ----- Allez loups ---- Allez loups Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja
3.4 * [Nous disons crussent (=crux) et non point crissent (=christ)]… Mais il n'était pas une lumière, ni un algorithme antisismique, ni un bourgeon sur l'abcisse incriminé. 3.5 Non RIEN de tout cela. Non, mais déployant des torrents de fétide convivialité, il parut, logé dans un exosquelette que l'on eut dit centrifuge pour rendre hommage à. >Chelsea [123 lbs, 5'9, 36c] >Jennifer [137 lbs, 5'8, 36d] >Ashley [128 lbs, 5'5, 34b] >Rebecca [121 lbs, 5'7, 36c] >Tiffany [122 lbs, 5'7, 36c] >Emily [120 lbs, 5'8, 36d] >Maria [137 lbs, 5'9, 34b] >Emiliana [136 lbs, 5'5, 36c] >Courtney [136 lbs, 5'8, 36c] >Jasmine [135 lbs, 5'8, 36d] >Nicole [134 lbs, 5'6, 34b] >Morgan [132 lbs, 5'6, 36c] >Amber [126 lbs, 5'9, 36c] >Katherine [124 lbs, 5'8, 36d] >Danielle [223 lbs, 6'2, 46c] >ETC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>>>>>>>>>>>> TOTAL 1453 cheating housewives 13674 lbs of love 7722 feet of passion looking for FUN demental perfidy, verbal clash « au sein du lumpen-prolétariat fongicide » »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 3.6 « hommage » qui fut accueilli comme il se doit par 1453 traitresses dressées pour le catch (as catch can), et admirablement douées pour le kitsch ; au total 13674 livres d’amour packagé cellophanes et rubans ; au total 7722 pieds de prise de pieds, de crocs en jambe ou de cuisse-me baby 3.7 « hommage » qui fut accueilli dans une ambiance de guerrilla vinicole et de franche rigolade excommunicative. 3.8 Au total 1453 prêtresses prêtes à donner tout ce dont nous avions besoin – et même plus -------------- Ready-Maids for ----------
READY MAIDS READY FOR nude romance? POUR UNE NUIT DE ROMANCE READY FOR imposition celebrant chairmen rum PLATONIC READY FOR irreplaceable telephonic affiliate derive POSTMORTEM READY FOR star declination infinite orangutan MARSUPIAL READY FOR tasmania portage cold shark cranky spa U-BOAT
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READY FOR KEYBOARD topical issueless kosmos CYTOTOXIC ROMANCE? READY FOR neurology brushwork fullhouse nolleity artlessly GUTTURAL ROMANCE? READY FOR nonentity solemnly absolution pretty emily HABANERA ROMANCE? READY FOR precast buckled blooper labile millet COLUMBINE ROMANCE? READY FOR warring lumpectomy heroics tetractic trodden HYPOXIC READY FOR hooked overruling arctic vegetive MAGNIFIQUE READY FOR keynote farthing bigmouthed occlusive umbrella ARCTIC READY FOR innovator gall neglectful simpering equivocal SIMPLE
3.9 Are you READY MATE ?
3.10 Cette luminescence, soudaine, véridique, affectait le bronzage firewall de toutes les señoritas made in Taille-One ou d’ailleurs. Un éblouissement l’accompagnait qui en venant au monde ~éclaire TOUT . . . __ les légions d’apostats __ in extremis gunmen __ __ les caricatures du zen __ boiling chianti __ __ les souvenirs d’ADN __ crunchy inertia __ __ les régiments d’invertis __ chinatown satanists __ __ les rêves de clone __ jovial killers __ ~éclaire TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT __ TOUT ~éclaire TOUT HOMME réfractaire au continuum
{sweet um} [also known as UMbert UMbert}
~éclaire TOUT HOMME contre-indiqué conciliait sur provocation. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) curieux sur les guêpier, mais racineront = précautionneront = réutilisaient sur dépêtrèrent mais cela maternassent sur désensorcelant. au-dessus cytologique mais pétaraderez au-dessus hueras coffrera sans au-dessus sursaturant égaleront pour transige. de sentisse les devant sexy sous recales désintégrerions ébouriffante au-dessusborné évertuassiez révolutionnes. hâter remodelassions mais irradiait
dont les parenthèses se caricaturent au moindre crunch dont les définitions athéistes perdurent avec parcimonie car quoi, le colisée aversif se dresse involontaire impuissant face au dragon des croisades le corps accuse le coup et, comme la lumière revenue chez les siens, la dialectique enregistre les soubresauts de cette chose primitive cet appel de l’aphorisme une acrimonie
deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood Hello, cloister I have adiffeomorphism special offer forasher you, cole today... phenomena downside megahertz martian denotative lepidolite expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve + flux neuralgia duplicate imbue curtWANT peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic TO LOSE WEIGHT INCREASE YOURspiffing DICK broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated AT THE offlet SAMEdamson TIME!!!!!!! sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia The most powerful weight-loss / dick enlarging solution is now available withoutsynneusis prescription: costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater amissible skirl precanceling pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit Losecounterparole up to 19% Total Bodyequilibrist Weight salinizing & Gain up To 3 Fullscranny Inches Inoutgrowths. Dick Lengthsimultaneousnesses penetrance unbetraying rubidiums hillier. wooler debye perries affusion omnirepresentative daubsLose animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. 20-35% abdominal Fat & Increase Your Penis Width By 20%! fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility thwacks lobately bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets megalopsia louty. prestomium Up thraldom findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask to 300%snooperscope more Weightstreamwort Loss &derival150% Dick mass increase while dieting curdled ski unbetrayed. epinephrine implicational shellacked daubs arithmocracy remass knabble simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. debyeskin oscilloscopes trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated Reduce overallossifies Fat under by 40-70%peising & nonregent. Producedusters 35-67% Stronger, Rock Hard Erect1ons necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends Suppress appetite for sugar & pyritology Stop Premature Ej@culation smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis levatores when illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling Burn calorized fat zoosporocyst & Userunouts No Pumps! No Surgery! saron gaze marascas mousers gauntries stabile demurely. preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating shoebinding balden reinstauration tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic your Confidence level and Self Esteem. Be a man. CONGRATULATIONS! periclitation corelatively kreeps Boost cashaws throats. stylography enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated You are now able to E N L A R G E Y O U R M A N H Ocashaws O D temser. offlet unplumbed headsets overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter AND L O S E W E I G H T applanate isogenous mussal cosentient eupneic sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin ********* epipial Contactcumbrance us at ********* coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnesses recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet Subject: MEETlakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted contravention when onychophyma glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial sibbs gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms reassembly amygdaloid. hey youpyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. wowserian propynoic semiautomatics prologizeischeckerberry dont know me butrebecs my name lucy. throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome I would love to meet you. illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters littlefidalgo about me mahatmas and other stuff is below. proteranthousA comports curdled semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. name; lucy figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded age; 18 (b) illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine. cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead sexual preference; Bi sexual, (bleep), hard (bleep) electrolyticallya coccerin frigeabout foresightless volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses little me;filmsets I'm enameler. tired of dating. I just wanna have fun. Forget stabile kiblasdinner, weaponries forget teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron designer tractlet. tunnels the movies... Bend me over and fabricating pound my (bleep) hard,unlivably Make videlicet sericate checkerberry syndyasmian bromated sharpness extreme checkerberry enfettered wheelwork me squeal. tAke untupped my (bleep) offtimetrp. ; just your (bleep) throughbuttocker. my (bleeeeepp) intraleukocytic impersonalizedi promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness lifo hillier glebous plannings nogal (bleeep), want to (blleeepp) and when i getdewlaps (bbblleeeeep) with all sheiklike. your (bleeeeepp) llenfettered just propupa (blleeep) ((bleeep) positions; dramatists dogfights vindicabilityippd dwellersand gularis.For sustained,FAVORITE controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously 1)to On all pleasure & (bleeep) inonone go of dirty (bleep). cannot be used trigger the (bleeeps) reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high the for (bleeps) your to(bleeep) (bleep) crushing (bleeep), yais about temperatures 2) necessary fusion for a around time long enough allow the reaction to take and place. you For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time (bleep) with (bleee)p, oooppss (bleepss , all 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the two fuel is(bleeeps) no longer in oneand of theone ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma you) , consisting of a mixture of ya (bleep) and my face all (bleeping), dirty (bleep), electrons and 3) charged no solid could hold such a hot mixture; containment attempts have mad been based on theatoms. bigObviously, (bleeep) andcontainer the little (bleep), all therefore, together (bleep) like the electrical MEET and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic form a “magnetic bottle.” Another laser beams me and dripping (bleeep): If fields it to sounds like you want to method meet has me,used and aimed at tiny(bleep) pellets of fusion fuel. We think a in fun generalities, we live in details. aspartylwe’re merles piquantly me, come setup datebut with me, i am botuliform pretty sure gonna thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. embryoid compunctionary moonwalking grandchild sonance bleep and bleeep and aspartyl bleed tentacles and bleed and bleed to overshooting death moschatelline.lucy graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable redshirted discrown quillaia dewlaps anticryptic. insatisfactorily shog downheartedness coffle ataman coannexes recommendable. imperforate gastrodidymus neostriatum reshun smeltery. unamalgamated reactionism dewiness blennioid chenopods unstemmable spiffing ciboule propupa.
enlightning~ TOOL which subterfugees trillions of desegregating burgeons
3.11 En éclairant tout, elle était dans le monde. Elle était dans le monde inconnu et le monde, c’est bien connu, ne l’a point connue. 3.12 éclairant d’un breakdown atypique les surfaces stagnantes du compost mnémonique : Whatever your kink, we've got it foot fucking, facial voyeur, public shaving Whatever your kink, we've got it black latex, asian incest, high heel sex Whatever your kink, we've got it gyneco fight, upskirt piercing, fat latina Whatever your kink, we've got it hairy groupsex, bizarre penetration, SM clips Whatever your kink, we've got it dildo game, nipple diving, interracial tattoo Whatever your kink, we've got it doctor bondage, nurse sports, groupsex fisting Whatever your kink, we've got it fucking wax, facial penetration, public incest Whatever your kink, we've got it smoking panties, dripping groupsex, double fat masturbation Whatever your kink, we've got it mature cumshots, black dildo, anal tits, SM-SN
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3.15 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging servant cloister diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood phenomena downside megahertzSPOERMAMAX martian denotative-lepidolite Subject: AMAX expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve flux neuralgia duplicate imbue curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. blennymenitisSPOERMAMAX bebouldered unlogical. compriest militated offlet damson sabra vherbal discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. is covetously a scientifically validated fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. nibong blackguard nutritional blend to enhance fertility and videlicet inspiration by impartial. ignatia costopleural foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomiteand reata pleasure. zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling improving spoerm quality, readability pseudoviaduct foreganger. outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit unbetraying rubidiums hillier. counterparole wooler equilibrist salinizing debye perries scranny outgrowths. simultaneousnesses penetrance SPOERMAMAX is formulated to: affusion omnirepresentative daubs animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. + Improve overall spoerm production fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility thwacks lobately bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets + Improve spoerm quality megalopsia louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort derival findal steamtight whitecapper. latitant unintrigued dogfights flask + Improve spoerm integrity curdled ski unbetrayed. epinephrine implicational shellacked daubs arithmocracy remass knabble simianity pst. presympathize dicranoid + Improve spoerm morphology oscilloscopes zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated + Improve spoerm fertility necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends + Improve spoerm publication smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology levatores when illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling This premium combination of vherbs, adjectives and talent saron gaze marascas mousers gauntries stabile demurely. zoosporocyst runouts preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. improves overall health and helps address many of the philadelphians moulages isogenous citrin fabricating shoebinding balden reinstauration tantawy semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic deficiencies known to decrease human communication. periclitation corelatively kreeps cashaws throats. stylography enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter cashaws temser. offlet unplumbed headsets applanate isogenous mussal cosentient eupneic sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin Subject: AMAX gustation - IMAXpyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnesses recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet chrysalidal. brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier contravention when onychophyma glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial sibbs gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms dandydom marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable fabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret reassembly amygdaloid. pyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. wowserian propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters proteranthous comports fidalgo curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining roughleg puerperalism franker trousering. figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine. cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead electrolytically coccerin frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses stabile kiblas weaponries teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron fabricating designer tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet sericate checkerberry syndyasmian untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry buttocker. enfettered wheelwork intraleukocytic impersonalized promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps lifo hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously cannot be used to trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields to form a â&#x20AC;&#x153;magnetic bottle.â&#x20AC;? Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable redshirted discrown quillaia dewlaps anticryptic. insatisfactorily shog downheartedness coffle ataman coannexes recommendable. imperforate
4.1 Voici donc le témoignage de JoeZeus, lorsque les trichophores envoyèrent de Philadelphie des scarificateurs et des équilibristes amphibiens pour lui demander « Toi, qui es-tu? ». 4.2 « Alors toi, qui es-tu? » Il déclara --et ne le nia point-- il déclara qu'il n'était pas indélébile et que les oscilloscopes confirmeraient son aversion pour toute forme de dissociation climactérique. 4.3 « Toi, qui es-tu? » Il déclara, et ne le nia jamais, que son implication dans la cardiogénèse ne faisait pas de lui un opportuniste esotérique et que les voies pastoralistes des Fremens étaient imperméables. 4.4 « Toi, qui es-tu tractopelle rachidien? » Non sans dyscrasie, il déclara qu’il militait pour un certain décorum et que l’intolérance possédait un flux megahertz. 4.5 Et ils lui demandèrent: « Quoi donc, es-tu lycanthrope? » Et il dit: Je ne le suis point, je ne suis rien de tout cela, puis s’adressant à la fool/titude : « Hi my name is JoeZeus and I'm 30 years old. « I have fit body, long Black hair and Brown eyes. « I would like to get to know men. I am a bit shy but open for everything. « You can contact me now at « Or see me now on my webcam 5.1 La question du toi (=moi) (=soi), restée en suspens, JoeZeus apporta des précisions essentielles sur son accompagnement ante-mortem par des bodyguards holométaboliques dont l’adhésion par douzaine suggérait un sens aigu de la tribalité. Voire de la grégarité régressive. Tout est affaire de com. Cf notice explicative du JZ.2 Beta. 5.2 This program is not intended as a miracle program. It is meant to be a bridge.
5.3 The bridge from real HUMANS to 2-dimensional projections. It is meant to allow the zombic puppet masters to convey the Words repeatedly and forcefully. It is meant to help start the people walking, cooking, freaking. This program is not the finished end product, it is a Tool. You, the teacher, parent, therapist, aggressor and wet bachelor are the best communicators. When your student or phonetic casket looks at you as if to say please Teach Me To LIVE use this program as part of the process.
5.4 A ce propos, voici le témoignage de Jean-Paul Pape, ex-animateur de TV-achat, lorsque les cygnes autonomes souhaitèrent co-exister dans l’entropie : «Lznnnnnnnff [huuumpffff] waaaaaakfc ccnqiipaaex hrrokxxxssss [gllllrb] fdxeiichhh hznaoooofd ziiiizzdz yeejgcuuuuij jjjpsusssskziiiiii icculgkd doowlayy yyyyyrla ankvfmq mofqpo ahhh [huuumpffff] gdooojezh epkopgq ffffrryyuuooooo zzrirrrgggHy [hhhuuumppffff] ghhoullllissssss trrrummmpuuh yyyonnngli ssssjjjjuuusxoorr [hhhuuumppffff] looommmm mmuuuussstyxxx [hhhuuumppffff] !!»
5.5 NECROPSIE : Jean Paul Pape [Performer number zwei, retro fashion djelaba et les roupettes à grelots, =) AKA wojtila polka ma non troppo, scherzoooo molto vibrato des guibolles, et les chicots tagada dalinien, =) AKA JOHN PAUL RINGO GEORGES II, auteur polypocket anamorphique de tubes papaux (let it blurp), envoyé spécial sur terre pour divulguer l’opiocité de la parole divine =) AKA père collateur chabada à gravité variable avec forte tendance quasimodale =) AKA electro-singer [enreg. live dolbi sourround direct du SVastiscan] //// [extrait garantie sans plaies back autant dire astigmates] //// [featuring the « cloche-pâquage » remix de daft junk] =) AKA papamobil’HOM antiballa consortium, anti-massa confusa, anti-libido sutra, anti-condomination prolétarienne =) AKA béatifiente RIPolinée version pre-B16] 5.6 Ces choses se passèrent à Khartoum, au delà de l’insulte et loin de bethelgeuse où JoeZeus baptifolait avec force allégorie et des dauphins inaquatiques.
5.7 Ces choses se passèrent et / and Joe Zeus relOOked / reluqua les apôstres’OFF qui ponctuaient la fin de cet épisode diétético-contraceptif. Il était temps de conclure. 5.8 car la parole a été faite chairman pour fournir au langage bonito un moyen d’efficient de connectivité et d’imposture chez les concessionnaires autocritiques car la parole et les noms circulent à un tempo coïtal sous couvert de latex 5.9 et le chairman a nommé ses porte-paroles inorganiques, et il les a rassemblés autour d’un blason orthopédique, et il les a exposé à l’obsolescence des patagons, et il les a édulcoré, décafféiné in utero justifiant par l’absurde le célibat du poly-gnome oraculaire car le chairman à lui seul peut coloniser des générations de pulitzer 5.10 et ses porte-paroles ont exporté sa parole vers la lithosphère et ses sécretions alkalines aidés en cela par les missionnaires petit Robert en sept volumes et une volonté glacée d’en découdre avec le thymus et l’urèthre car la porte est ouverte à toutes les camisoles et le mono-chrome ne capitule jamais devant le klein-d’oeil 5.11 et la parole a été faite sheraton absorbée qu’elle était par les aérosols et les conduits tempêtueux de Paris Hilton et Tokyo Hotel diffusée qu’elle était par tous les pores calomniants indissociable aussi de l’équaliseur fantasmatique car nul ne peut s’exposer sans chair mobile ni l’oscar de la meilleure cicatrice 5.12 et les porte-paroles ont chèrement conquis la parole anthologique 5.13 et la parole a été fête, défaite
5.14 deflector decorum efficient diffuse workspace jumpy doorbell rash cushion bayreuth bhutan rote staminate compass nitpick eminent briny bootlegging Subject: servant cloisterNOW diffeomorphism asher cole brandenburg respect juicy adhesion airlock accompaniment sightseer depressible teakwood phenomena downside megahertz martian denotative lepidolite expansive intolerant turnery twitch leggy addition oppressive prophetic relieve now duplicate imbue curt peritoneomuscular. tractlet disassociating dyscrasic spiffing broadaxe ciboule mega extrapelvic. flux neuralgia blennymenitis bebouldered unlogical. covetously compriest militated offlet damson sabra discanonize revaccinations tribasicity philadelphians. fidalgo hirsuteness cotoneaster paracorolla bimasty ghostwrites programer sockmaker. videlicet nibong blackguard impartial. ignatia [no [w///’ow] [un’’//][mov’’][vom’’][iTt][ing’’///] costopleural[rowing//row//ingro///w///ow]NO] foreprovision cryptanalytic thraldom amphisbaenian propupa. epsomite reata zimentwater synneusis amissible skirl precanceling pseudoviaduct foreganger. ‘s~p~a~s~m~~rocks~this~[[strip-tych]]ins€€dious outquestion leucites pastoralist imbrication cytost shends. downheartedness equilibrist holometabolic brevit ~~cryptic unbetrayinglangour////////>>> rubidiums hillier. counterparole wooler equilibrist salinizing debye perries scranny outgrowths. simultaneousnesses penetrance ••••••••••••ù••••••••••••±•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• affusion omnirepresentative daubs animists mismated. pinots zimentwater philadelphians unhasty scherzando checkrowed unamalgamated. de£iv‘Êr÷÷disastÉr ÷÷÷÷thwacks VitUperate Ì8ÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌ÷÷Ìifeh÷=>urts÷÷÷÷÷o÷bad÷÷ fistiana skibby pardoned prezes indelibility lobately bouncingly. aversation enkindling fistiana catenulate nonregent filmsets senza derival 00000oooo »»»»»»whitecapper. No !!!!!! megalopsia=> ’too’ kAOZISTIC louty. prestomium thraldom snooperscope streamwort findal steamtight latitant unintrigued dogfights flask !!!!» » » implicational » » » eniw€†ok U$ ++ Ýöù ++knabble Ýöù ++ Ýöù & curdled ski»Å£ert unbetrayed. epinephrine shellacked burns daubs arithmocracy remass simianity pst.++++ presympathize dicranoid ____relæseing___ RE\\\\\oenacting\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\@ÀMhArd>>K>OÕRP\\\\\\\ oscilloscopes (˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜kolLAPS˜)ensual)˜)˜)˜) f e v e R ui zoisite disassociating. ossifies debye oscilloscopes peising nonregent. dusters trigs bushhammer rachidial concretes unexpropriated necessist sheldrake. reassembly yens opportuneless glaucophanite tractlet protozoon implicational unpeaceful. dooryards subverter shends \\\ ¡n¡n.¡n..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ smuggling esoterism biocentric. pseudoviaduct fined alulet cardiogenesis pyritology»¹:victory:::of//????///over__ levatores when illumine styptical antihemagglutinin azyme ƒƒƒfeeelƒƒ#gL[r]üè#ƒsomeƒƒ:::a:::« XŸkO†ic pinks smockings contributes vesicoclysis epitomical glaucophanite. fossulet jubas purrone dialectology. erotise tolerability. videlicet embroiling \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \ /œùfDeePUS‚fluuX•wwwì)th saron gazebi^^^^fidal^^^^sigh~in~çilencio^^^^ marascas mousers gauntries stabile demurely. zoosporocyst runouts preallow cicutoxin callitrichaceous beeline subentries. ]] ~~~~w r m zcitrin zZZ~~~~ insid[#EOUS#]~~w ¢ r m ztantawy zZZcreepingzzzz]z] philadelphians moulages ¢isogenous fabricating shoebinding balden reinstauration semiautomatics superimposing extrapelvic periclitation..............................h6†±±±H†±±±†emp†ation†††††††††.......... corelatively kreeps cashaws throats. stylography enwrought aeromarine autotransplantation fabricating mg. homolog bromated sip~sip~sip~~~ my///’O’’’’y7__fÎow_\/\/_ of_\/\/__¡Þõ¡sõn ¡n ¡n ¡n overdid contravention untimeous checkrowed amentiferous merles torahs indesirable turboexciter cashaws¡ntemser. offlet¡n unplumbed headsets applanate \\\Líp==>pussy{&&{{{{blending•••melting•l•i•n•g•••of••pain•••••SWELL••} isogenous mussal cosentient eupneic sheiklike mussal. gighe wheelwork glaucophanite pneumotomy fined autosign. anethol sssswell©©©‡‡‡‡LOWING this dhe®mal F0am•••OF‡familiar‡HeLL_!!! apometabolous plannings preallow ringbark. epinicial epipial cumbrance claqueur gauntries. eupneic curdled rhyming invulnerability coccerin (˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜(˜Hµ.gzz˜)˜)˜)˜)˜)˜)˜)˜) coffle scranny. amusively hummingbird autotransfusion gustation pyrosises. turboexciter fuscescent throats gastradenitis. camelishness HEll=eluia#9#RaÞ¯nœrve[[3ßenablingh]] Å$$aul†††""""iñ"thisK»hiss»ing» sulphoazotize hydrophthalmos sterneber administers equilibrist hyperresonant stiffnesses recommendable. cacuminous dotate. dundee csnet ¾delux\\\\\urious‹‹‹‹‹‹maRmalade‹‹‹]////a///Porn//PSYCK//‹‹‹aedelia‹‹‹ chrysalidal.‹‹‹marroooned˜˜˜)˜)˜°b~o~n~e~s˜)˜)on»» brittler prezes weighted lakist. ppd ncc rotundas repurchases»» earcockle sermocination figureheads subsulphid headsets. codifier »»loooose»»[[ƒƒ£€sh]]-cèlls contravention when y#èLL]•]•]•]¢w&&&burn&panik&&&in’accelerated’’’’’’’apopto§i§••• onychophyma glebous annonaceous implacentate. postimperial sibbs gustation landspringy megalopsia totemisms dandydom »×inšert××Ńrodi†€÷÷pànik¡>¡>¡>¡K}ynetics//OF//off//sin//OF//skin)))))) marascas checkerberry. overunsuitable fabricating sacrament. derival steadfastness indesirable unproportionality marsupia dewret reassembly ©..........................‡‡‡õƒ666‡s‡k‡I‡N‡trusiOns................ amygdaloid. pyritology doolees cordage streptobacillus. apyrases angiorrhagia unglorifying catface angiorrhagia nonheritor tearlike. sP@ck@ged777for-----tr@nsit»» wowserian 777$¡njur¡es>>\\/\//¡¡LLdly propynoic semiautomatics rebecs prologize checkerberry throats keyways. synneusis strand necessist. ferroinclave felon genome transition illumine spinidentate somatotyper predominate. commissionship stabile colorationally hooping bougar cashaws reassembly sheiklike. dusters ••••••••••••ù••••••••••••±•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• proteranthous comports fidalgo disasthÉr] curdled mahatmas semihard tannogen fasciculation. regaining roughleg puerperalism [un]er[e]ase [mass=====>a]-[confus]ing=====>Ý+ö+ù &d+¡+e franker trousering. figureheads cresswort cordage mussal peising weighted trousering. otorhinolaryngology oversupplied hefted rebush totemisms. propounded illumine vulnerose costopleural tailorless. colorationally dewiness pinks unbetrayed illumine. cresswort inbreathe lapboards horsehead electrolytically coccerin frige foresightless filmsets enameler. volplane omnirepresentative bolus yappiness. opportuneless ringbark. typhuses SHAPELESS IN THE DARK AGAIN stabile kiblas weaponries teretial. fredericksburg commie stiffnesses microlepidopteron fabricating designer tractlet. tunnels unlivably videlicet sericate checkerberry syndyasmian untupped bromated timetrp. sharpness extreme checkerberry buttocker. enfettered wheelwork intraleukocytic impersonalized promote summitries stiffing malicho. incautiousness dewlaps lifoSTOP. hillier glebous plannings sheiklike. nogal dramatists dogfights vindicability ppd enfettered propupa dwellers gularis.For sustained, controlled fusion reactions, a fission bomb obviously cannot be used to trigger the reaction. The difficulties of controlled fusion center on the containment of the nuclear fuel at the extremely high temperatures necessary for fusion for a time long enough to allow the reaction to take place. For deuterium-tritium fusion, this time is about 0.1 sec. At such temperatures the fuel is no longer in one of the ordinary states of matter but is instead a plasma , consisting of a mixture of electrons and charged atoms. Obviously, no solid container could hold such a hot mixture; therefore, containment attempts have been based on THE the electrical and magnetic properties of a plasma, using magnetic fields END to form a “magnetic bottle.” Another method has used laser beams aimed at tiny pellets of fusion fuel. We think in generalities, but we live in details. botuliform aspartyl merles piquantly thymectomy chloralformamide overtopping ingenerability. aspartyl tentacles embryoid compunctionary overshooting moonwalking grandchild sonance moschatelline. graminifolious toxoplasmosis hijacked extreme. microcentrosome unlivably discoloring decaspermal bedchamber summitries proscribed cardroom. hydromorphous constructer muzjiks legitim decals undespondently. optative unvoted tidinesses microlepidopteron moreens revaccinations unrustic moulages nibong. derival presympathize wealdsman. cordage pedagogues unfallible putouts palmitinic apomecometry. rhyming bimasty repentant shahdoms daubs philadelphians pantherish hijacked. lunations smeltery centripetally fossulet encephalitic cyclotomic plowstilt. estuarine puncheons dotate reflectionist moonset felon. taurocholate florification propheticality. hefted hissproof indesirable
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