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Year 7 News
Message from Miss Reed
As we approach the end of another week, I would like to remind students of our extra-curricular provision we have on offer here at RVHS. We have lots of Y7 students involved in clubs within different subject areas however it is always great to see new faces. Please encourage your son/daughters to check out our extra-curricular timetable on the school website here.
Parents/Carers should now have received your son/daughter's school report which indicates an attitude to learning grade and a grade for each subject which gives an indication of where students are in relation to their Y11 target grades. The reports are extremely pleasing as the Y7 Progress Leader and I am extremely proud of all the students. If you do have any concerns with a grade given for a particular subject, please do not hesitate to contact the subject teacher
A reminder that Y7 Parents Evening will now take place on Thursday 4th May. Further information on how to book appointments will go out nearer the time. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
I would like to wish everyone a great weekend and As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact academic mentors or myself (hreed@rodingvalley.net
Top BEDROCK Students
Top 5 students with highest ARE
Points are:
Sophie Jones
Maya Ahmed
Isabella Casali
Ciena Julien
Cameron Marchant
Top 5 BEDROCK students are:
Kaiden Phillips-Boyle
Rosie Seymour
Ben Cassidy
Charlie Moore
Elizabeth Lungu
Highest Attendance
7 Flourine