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Year 11 News
Message from Mr Fletcher
Please see below some key dates for Year 11 between now and the end of their year 11 studies and exams here at Roding Valley!
Key Dates
Year 11 Mock Results Day - Thursday 30th March Period 6
• Year 11 GCSE first official exam- Monday 15th May- 21st June
• Year 11 Last day in school & beginning of study leave- Thursday 18th May
• Year 11 Leavers Assembly and Prom - Tuesday 27th June 2023
• Year 11 Transition to 6th form day- Thursday 29th June 2023
Year 11 Mock Results Day - Thursday 30th March period 6
All students will have a short assembly before being given their envelope containing the results from their last set of PPEs. This experience will give students the opportunity to experience what their actual results day will be like in the Summer. As per as usual procedure, parents will also receive the detailed progress report containing all of this information.
Year 11 GCSE first official exam- Monday 15th May- 21st June
A full examination timetable will be shared with you all very shortly. The first official GCSE exam will take place on Monday 15th May. Students will continue to be in lessons as normal, if they are not sitting exams until the official last day of school.
Year 11 last day of school & start of study leave Thursday 18th May- There are two exams on this day. History GCSE in the morning & Business GCSE in the afternoon. All students will be expected to be in lessons, as normal, on this day. They will only be out of lessons to sit these exams.
From Friday 19th May, students will only be in school to attend their examinations. From the week beginning the 22nd May, there will be a number of targeted sessions offered to students to assist them in their exam prepar ation. This schedule will be published for students and parents closer to this date.
Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly & Goodbye (27th June 2023)
• Students arrive at the Sports Hall entrance at 9.20 am in school uniform - please ensure your child’s uniform is im peccable. They do not need to wear their blazer, but all other uniform expectations remain as normal.
• There will be an opportunity for photos and signing of shirts before assembly starts at 9.45am.
• Students will leave school at approximately 10.45 am.
Year 11 Prom (Tuesday 27th June 2023)
Tickets are £32 and include: a 'red carpet reception', a buffet, security and entertainment. Tickets are available to purchase on the school website via ParentPay. Details have already been sent to all parents and students earlier this week. Venue - Woolston Manor -Time 7pm- 11pm
Year 11 Transition to 6th form day - Thursday 29th June 2023
This day will be held in school for all students that have applied to our RVHS 6th form. The day will involve a selection of induction lessons for the subjects that they have applied for.
Have a great weekend - Mr Fletcher
6th Form News
In the past fortnight, Year 12 have had sessions on university applications and applying to the world of work. We invited them to consider both pathways and we know that many students will be considering making applications to universities and the world of work. Depending on their next steps, they were given the following tasks to make progress with this term:
Here are the last two Sixth Form Bulletins to support them with some of the tasks listed on the left:
Sixth Form Bulletin No. 24
Sixth Form Bulletin No. 23
Law Day - Mayors and City of London Court, Guildhall Buildings
On Thursday 9th March 2023 we took a group of year 12 students to experience a life in the day of a lawyer. His Honour Judge Hellman and His Honour Judge Saunders spoke of their experiences of being a solicitor and a barrister and now a Judge in court. Their individual and different pathways into the career.
The law trip gave us the opportunity to meet two judges who provided a useful insight into what it is like to be a judge and how to pursue a career in law. The case study at the end also allowed us to experience what it is like to argue a case in a real court
The law trip was quite useful as I got to hear the first-hand experiences of two judges. Through them I have gained a better insight on what it takes to have a career in law and what possible routes I could take -
The law trip on the 9th of March was an extremely interesting experience. The opportunity to ask current judges questions about their journey to getting to where they are, from solicitor or barrister, was invaluable. This trip was very helpful in supporting my choices and pathway for the future - Keira