C I T Y O F J O H N S O N C I T Y, T N Annual Report
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City of Johnson City Municipal and Safety Building 601 E. Main St. Johnson City, TN 37601 www.johnsoncitytn.gov
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council-manager form of government Johnson City adopted the council-manager form of government in 1939. This form combines the benefits of elected legislative representation with a professionally managed government. The Board of Commissioners is comprised of five leaders elected at large by the citizens. Commissioners are elected to four-year overlapping terms. Elections are held every two years, rotating two Commissioners one election cycle and three Commissioners the next. The Board of Commissioners hires a professional city manager to manage and direct day-to-day operations of city government. The Board of Commissioners selects the mayor and vice mayor from among their group following each election. The mayor presides at all City Commission meetings and represents the City of Johnson City at a variety of community and public functions. All meetings of the Johnson City Board of Commissioners are open to the public. Commissioners meet in regular session on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal and Safety Building. Special meetings may be called as needed by the mayor, two commissioners or the city manager. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Commissioners are televised live on Charter Communications channel 16 and Comcast channel 17. Meetings are retelecast on the following Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. on the same channels. Citizens may address correspondence to the city commissioners to: Municipal and Safety Building, P.O. Box 2150 Johnson City, TN 37605-2150
Board of Commissioners
Mayor Ralph J. Van Brocklin Term expires May 2015
(423)913-1378 thegenuine@comcast.net
Vice Mayor Clayton Stout Term expires May 2015
(423)283-4373 stoutclay@aol.com
Commissioner Jeff Banyas Term expires May 2015
Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.
(423)283-0954 jeffdds4@aol.com
Commissioner Jenny Brock Term expires May 2017
(423)791-1262 jbrock@johnsoncitytn.org
Commissioner David Tomita Term expires May 2017
(423)534-7680 dtomita@johnsoncitytn.org
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Annual Operating Budget - $210,007,051
$12,023,160 $27,238,000
The Finance Department facilitates the sharing of accurate financial information with citizens, members of the governing body, management and city staff and to safeguard the financial interests of Johnson City while maintaining a high level of compliance with all pertinent Federal, State and local rules and regulations.
$10,108,123 $5,092,194
• Awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. • Closed on a $32,555,000 bond issue to provide funding for stormwater improvements in the downtown area, numerous water and sewer system projects, and improvements to school facilities, at an overall interest rate of 3.12 percent. • Worked with accounting software provider to restructure general ledger chart of accounts and to implement Windows-based version of the general ledger program, allowing for greater flexibility in the reporting. • Coordinated delinquent tax sale with the delinquent tax attorney and Washington County. • Implemented internal control procedures for the new Memorial Park Community Center activities. • Staff accountants continued to strengthen skills by participating in the Municipal Management Academy and by passing parts of the Certified Public Accountant exam.
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fire • Through coordination with Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, EMA demonstrated need for Small Business Administration Loan Declaration in the wake of the Aug. 5, 2012 Dry Creek flood disaster. The declaration allowed qualified residents and small businesses to receive low-interest loans.
It is the vision of the Johnson City Fire Department to provide diversified emergency services through trust, dedication, teamwork, professionalism, and pride ... pursuing the highest standards of safety for all those who may face the loss of life, property or livelihood FIRE MARSHAL DIVISION TOTAL ALARMS - 8,785 FIRES - 268 RESCUE/EMS - 5,462 HAZMAT/HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS - 260
• Installed sprinkler systems at stations 2, 4 and 7. • Fire Administration offices relocated from Station 3 to Bert Street building. • Purchased new HazMat and Urban Search and Rescue trailers along with OPS 1 Road Tractor to transport trailers. • Received 100-foot aerial platform truck.
EMA provides the most efficient and effective
• Received a $9,600 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant, allowing the Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee to host a statewide conference.
• Placed more than 200 severe weather radios in Washington County child care facilities and government buildings through the National Weather Service Storm Ready program. EMA met reaccreditation requirements for the program in FY2013.
available in the
• Trained 50 citizens for the Community Emergency Response Team Training. • Operations and Training Officer Chad Bruckman received the Certified Emergency Management Professional designation from the Emergency Management Association of Tennessee.
of resources mitigation of; planning and preparation for; response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters.
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“Officer Hensley sets a good example for the
In partnership with the community, the Johnson City Police Department strives to provide
Police Department as
service based on excellence to ensure a safe and secure environment.
JCPD Part I crime clearance rate: 46.7% National average: 32.1%
both a CPS technician and
• Reduced Part I crime rate (homicide, aggravated assault, rape, robbery, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson) to 4,942 – the lowest rate recorded during a consistent downward trend since 2004. Increased clearance of Part I crime rate to 46.7%. Average national clearance rate of 32.1% (FBI Uniform Crime Report, 2011). • Received $20,450 from the 2012 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) to fund the City’s Special Prosecutor Program.
traffic officer.” - Chief Mark Sirois
• Traffic Officer Tim Hensley (above) was honored by the Northeast Tennessee Traffic Safety Network for his accomplishments as a certified child passenger safety seat (CPS) technician. Officer Hensley has become a premiere CPS instructor and has trained approximately 500-600 CPS technician in the last 13 years as an instructor. His efforts as an instructor have helped save countless numbers of lives on Tennessee roadways.
Connect with us Facebook: www.facebook.com/johnsoncitypolice • Continued to collect hundreds of pounds of disposed medications through disposal events and permanent drop box at Police Department. Due to the huge popularity of the program, the Police Department installed a larger disposal box in the front hallway of police headquarters. Since the program’s inception in 2008, the Police Department has collected over 2,000 pounds of disposed medications. • The Police Department conducted two Citizen’s Police Academies in FY2013. The Citizen’s Police Academy is a program that gives citizen participants 48 hours worth of training in various areas of the Police Department, including crime scene investigation, traffic enforcement, police weapons training, and officer ride-alongs. The program aims to give citizens a greater general knowledge of the different aspects of police work. • Earned first-place honors for traffic safety program among Tennessee law enforcement agencies its size (101-200 officers) at the Tennessee Department of Transportation Governor’s Highway Safety Office 25th Annual Tennessee LifeSavers Conference and 8th Annual Tennessee Law Enforcement Challenge.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/423JCPD News Release Page on Blogger: http://jcpd.blogspot.com/ Crime Mapping: www.raidsonline.com
In Fall 2012, the JCPD accepted an offer from the Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice Programs (OCJP) to become the seventh city in Tennessee to implement the Targeted Community Crime Reduction Project (TCCRP). The OCJP initiated a strategic planning process with funds totaling $45,000 to successfully implement the program in Johnson City. The goal of the TCCRP is to demonstrate with actionable data how effective community collaboration can be for preventing violent and drug-related crime, revitalizing higher crime areas, enforcing community standards on such crimes, and preventing re-arrests and probation violations among offenders in selected areas of the community. TCCRP project director Becky Haas’s role is to oversee all the aspects of the strategic planning process and have primary responsibility for ensuring the plan is completed and submitted to OCJP.
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Memorial Park Community Center
parks and recreation Parks and Recreation is committed to enhancing community wellbeing by providing responsive recreation, leisure and cultural services, a diversity of recreation opportunities, quality open space and management of natural habitats, and innovation in all aspects of our service operations. • Princeton Arts Center hosted an international traveling exhibit, “Greek Mythology and Masks” and “Golden Poetry,” featuring artwork produced by children and adults with disabilities.
On Dec. 10, 2012, more than 1,000 citizens attended the grand opening of the City’s 67,000-square-foot intergenerational community center. In FY 2013, Memorial Park Community Center hosted approximately 15 special events including six family fun nights, a block party, princess day and an Appalachian Chorus concert. MPCC also started an after-school program that buses in students from Mountain View Elementary, North Side Elementary, and Indian Trail Intermediate schools for homework help and recreation activities.
seniors services
Seniors Services provides innovative services to enrich the lives of adults 50+.
• Repaired over 1,600 maintenance/turf-related issues.
• Registered more than 800 new senior participants.
• Launched the department’s first Facebook page in October of this fiscal year, with daily postings about parks offerings, activities, and programs. Page receives an average of 2,500 views per week.
• Through a partnership with Mountain States Health Alliance and Mountain States Foundation, a community services nurse is available for information and referral services for seniors, up to 20 hours a week at new Seniors Services location at Memorial Park Community Center.
• Winged Deer Park hosted the ASA 14u Class B Southern Championship.
• Started new intergenerational theatre program with child and senior adult participants learning acting skills together, culminating in a dinner show performance of “Stone, Parchment, Blades.”
• In partnership with ETSU, students volunteered $4,260 worth of volunteer time to improve the Buffalo Mountain Park trail system. Students methodically removed accumulated old fallen timber, re-blazed total trail system, recorded new GPS points for updated park trail map, and correctly ‘abandoned’ poorly designed or dangerous trails.
• Presented a Positive Images in Aging Award for Creative Programming at the Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging annual conference.
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freedom hall
Freedom Hall Civic Center is a multipurpose arena with a fixed-seating capacity of 5,600 and a maximum event capacity of 7,500, serving the Johnson City Schools, the entertainment
Golf provides a high-quality experience to citizens
industry, and the Tri-Cities TN/VA region.
at an affordable cost, involving people from all backgrounds and generations, and coordinating
• Staged 46 events attended by approximately 165,000 patrons, generating more than $2.4 million in gross revenue and $159,600 in taxes from ticket sales, concessions, novelties, parking and other revenue sources.
with schools and nonprofit organizations to create
• Major events included Sesame Street Live, Disney On Ice, the Harlem Globetrotters, TNA Impact Wrestling Live, WWE Live! Wrestling, PBR Touring Pro Division Bull Riding, Elton John, Willie Nelson, Third Day, Brantley Gilbert, Mannheim Steamroller, NewSong’s Very Merry Christmas Tour and WAEZ-FM Electric 94.9 Acoustic Christmas.
recreational opportunities and services that enhance the quality of life while maintaining environmental
• Hosted the 27th annual Pepsi Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks with an estimated 75,000 patrons on the Liberty Bell Complex.
stewardship through management of vital green spaces and serving as an economic development tool.
• Hosted six performances of the Jericho Shrine Temple-sponsored George Carden World Circus International with an attendance of more than 22,000 over three days. • Hosted numerous community programs and events including church services and conventions, symphony concerts, home and garden shows, college fairs and other ceremonies. • Provided space for classes, athletic practices, special events, photographs, concerts and other school-related activities. • Completed installation of new exterior doors and rekeying of all exterior doors.
• Celebrated Pine Oaks’ 50th Anniversary. • Supported area high school programs through free practices, matches and staff instruction. • Launched new website with expanded data collection capabilities. • Updated and expanded Golf operation Business and Marketing Plan, to include increased use of social media. • Designed new logo for Pine Oaks • Upgraded irrigation control/computer system at Pine Oaks. • Hosted more than 100 charity golf outings, leagues, and special events. • Hosted first annual Senior Foundation 5K Race at Pine Oaks, “Run for the Links.” • Increased e-club to more than 1,000 members. • Initiated weekly golf league for Senior Center members. • Constructed new tees at Buffalo Valley holes 11 and 12. • Constructed bunkers and green apron on hole 4 at Pine Oaks.
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information technology
development services
Information Technology deliver innovative, cost-effective technology solutions, service, and
The Development Services Department is committed to a comprehensive approach to guide
support to all City departments through enhanced customer service delivery, automation,
and shape quality development in our region.
and collaboration.
Rolled out new, state-of-the-art website and implemented www.johnsoncitytn.gov • Expanded Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to Memorial Park Community Center, all nine fire stations and the Johnson City Public Library, saving a large investment in replacing JCPL’s aging phone system. • Purchased and installed iPads, WiFi connection and Active 911 at each fire station.
• Expanded document imaging and management software (DocStar) to Human Resources, IT, Risk Management, Senior Services, Juvenile Court, and Police. • Implemented new antivirus software, and network and website monitoring throughout the City. • Collaborated with Water and Sewer Services and Community Relations to deliver an automated Water Quality Report, saving $13,000 in printing and mailing costs. • Reduced costs and increased productivity by partnering with Purchasing and Verizon to implement better, more cost-effective mobile devices. • Revamped process of sharing large amount of data through Share File. • Added Freedom Hall to City’s network and email domain, and combined its website with the City’s. • Automated agenda packet for City Commission meetings.
• Partnered with Community Relations to replace archaic Info-line with modern text alert system.
Development Services ... guiding today, shaping tomorrow.
• Under the Community Development program, a 24-unit senior housing development at the Village at King Springs and two duplexes in the Keystone neighborhood, all developed by Eastern 8 CDC, have been completed and are available for occupancy by low-income households. • Completed and adopted a comprehensive update to the sign regulations. • In partnership with Washington County Economic Development Council, developed economic development materials and resources, maps and demographics to utilize in retail recruitment.
Increased remote productivity through the implementation of iPads, virtual desktops and remote network access through Citrix.
• Cut legal costs for accessory structures by presenting them to municipal court rather that the Board of Dwelling Standards and Review. • Created the plan for and began the implementation of the code review of the entire downtown area. • Completed a full annexation study of the major corridors and doughnut holes.
Adopted the “Rails to Trail” master plan in coordination with the City of Elizabethton.
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public works The mission of the Public Works Department includes: o Protecting the health of the community through the proper collection and disposal of garbage, debris and yard waste; o Enhancing the safety of the community through proper maintenance of roadways, traffic control devices, and pedestrian ways;
Completed construction of Cardinal Park entrance plaza
o Protecting the welfare of the community through the development of a public infrastructure capable of accommodating and encouraging future growth and stabilizing existing commercial and residential areas; o Maintaining and upgrading the aesthetic quality of the community through urban forestry initiatives and landscaping public places; and o Providing environmental stewardship through stormwater and ground water protection initiatives. • Completed construction of Lone Oak bridge and roadway realignment.
• Developed program for recycling asphalt shingles and food waste.
• Removed dilapidated buildings in the block between Boone Street and Montgomery Street to provide space for a water detention facility.
• Completed construction of roadway upgrades to Bristol Highway.
• Began construction of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) involving connecting traffic signals along major arteries with fiber optic lines and adding visual monitoring cameras.
• Began roadway widening of North Roan Street (SR 36). • Completed design of upgrades to Broadway Street/ Main and Walnut streets/ State of Franklin Road intersections.
Began construction of Founders Park detention basin, including daylighting 600 feet of Brush Creek
Began downtown Constructed Science Hill Veterans Memorial
streetscape enhancements
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mass transit
Johnson City Transit provides safe, efficient, affordable, and accessible public transportation services to the residents of the Johnson City area, thereby enhancing the livability of the community. • Increased total ridership by 3 percent from previous fiscal year. (Ridership totaled 733,159.) • Renewed contract with ETSU to provide campus-area BUCSHOT fixed-route service during 2013-14 academic year, including an expansion of service and routes provided. • Completed Phase 2 of Transit Center electrical upgrade (90 percent funded by federal and state grants). • Purchased three lift-equipped minivans for JCT Demand Response service. • Installed 24 benches at stops on JCT fixed routes, with 25 more ordered to be installed. • Secured a capital grant award for a FTA State of Good Repair, for the purchase of bus(es).
Fully implemented the real-time passenger information (via new bus stop signage, texting, and internet) portion of the ITS project (90 percent funded by federal and state grants, including American Recovery and Reinvestment Act monies).
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The mission of the Johnson City Schools is to enable all students to achieve excellence in learning, social responsibility and self-worth. • Out o o o o
of 135 school districts in Tennessee and based 4th in grades 3-8 reading/language arts 4th in grades 3-8 math o 9th in Algebra I o 3rd in Algebra II o
on 2012-2013 test data, Johnson City Schools ranked: 6th in English I 6th in English II 2nd in English III
• Science Hill High School’s 2013 ACT scores significantly exceeded state averages in English, Math, Reading, and Science. • SHHS had seven semifinalists for and four recipients of National Merit Scholarships. In addition, $14 million in scholarships was offered to seniors with $10 million accepted. • Fairmont Elementary, Lake Ridge Elementary, and Towne Acres Elementary were named Reward Schools by the Tennessee Department of Education. • Chris Bowen, Liberty Bell Middle School science teacher, was named one of nine finalists for Tennessee Teacher of the Year. • Tammy Pearce, Liberty Bell Middle School principal, was named one of nine finalists for Tennessee Principal of the Year. • Facilities improvements included: o Eight classroom additions at Indian Trail Intermediate School. o Complete re-roofing of South Side and Woodland elementary schools. o Replacement of curtain rigging at the Science Hill Auditorium. • Implemented district-wide Olweus Bully Prevention Program. • All Johnson City schools have a door-entry buzzer system for visitors to request entry. • Increased police presence in our schools with additional officers on school campuses.
school transit
School Transit provides safe, efficient, effective and reliable transportation for school-age children to and from schools, with route service and curb-to-curb service for special needs children. This division operates 40 large school buses in the regular school bus service and 17 small school buses in the special education service. School bus service is provided for eight elementary schools, one middle school and one high school. Special Education students are transported from ages 3-21 throughout the system. In addition to daily service, School Transit provides transportation for afterschool activities, charter trips and athletic activities. Total ridership in FY13 was 1.2 million, with 522,207 total service miles.
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animal control center
The Washington County/Johnson City Animal Control Center strives to protect the rights of
Through both traditional materials and
people against the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and to protect animals
emerging technologies, the Johnson
from the mistreatment and abuse from people. We envision the day when animals will not
City Public Library offers a multitude of
suffer because of human abuse, neglect or ignorance and the over-population problem will
learning opportunities and entertain-
diminish to prevent more destruction of thousands of unwanted animals.
ment choices in a dynamic center for the community. • A record-smashing 512,687 items were checked out, and a record-breaking 278,088 visits were logged. • Freegal Music Service was offered to patrons, allowing up to three free song downloads a week. Freegal is available 24/7 from the library’s website, www.jcpl.net, and as a free app for iPhone/iPad and Android devices. From the launch of Freegal in January 2013 through June 30, 457 patrons downloaded 7,694 songs from a selection of millions. • JCPL virtually checked out 39,128 books through the Regional eBook & Audiobook Download System (READS), available 24/7 with a valid library card through the library’s website. E-book checkouts were up 64% over last year.
e-book checkouts up 64 percent over last year
• Reached new record in the Washington County Imagination Library with more than 4,500 children enrolled in the program!
A Celebration of Achievement On June 20, 2013, the Johnson City Public Library reached a milestone 118 years in the making. When the first “storefront” library opened in 1895, a respectable number of books were checked out each year. When the library opened at 100 W. Millard St. in August 1999, it was anticipated that the yearly circulation would continue to climb toward the half-million mark. On June 20, 2013 at 11:30 a.m., Nora Pugh - daughter of Joey and Rachael Pugh - checked out the 500,000th item. She came to the library with her three sisters to watch the Summer Reading Program featuring Safari Greg. Nora’s dad said, “At first I thought they were saying that as a family we checked out half a million books.” The Pugh family, regulars at the library for many years, was delighted to share in this exciting event.
Animal Control officers responded to 7,284 calls in Johnson City and Washington County during FY 2013. The center took in 7,057 animals. Of those, 624 were returned to their owners and 2,432 were placed in homes. The center also worked with nationwide rescue groups to place 358 animals. Unfortunately, 109 bite cases were quarantined and 4,001 animals had to be euthanized. The Animal Control Board purchased land to build a larger and more modern animal shelter to service our community. The City of Johnson City has committed $1.5 million for the new facility, and the board is continuing to raise funds.
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juvenile court
Johnson City Juvenile Court conducts judicial proceedings involving children and families
Washington County/Johnson City Emergency Medical Services Inc., a joint venture of
who are referred to the court for reasons of abuse, dependency and neglect, delinquency,
Washington County and the City of Johnson City, was created to provide excellence in
truancy and unruly behaviors. The Court conducts judicial proceedings involving parents
emergency medical and rescue services and the highest level of care available to all citizens
on issues of parentage (paternity), custody, visitation and child support. The Court seeks to
of Washington County and those living within the city limits of Johnson City.
protect the safety of our children, protect the public safety, hold juvenile offenders accountable, and coordinate treatment and rehabilitative services tailored to the needs of each child and his/her family.
• Total calls: 40,876 o Ambulance: 29,001 o Rescue: 11,875
• Began renovations of former Senior Center, with Juvenile Court operations set to transition to new site in early 2014.
• Replaced four ambulances.
• Youth on probation with Juvenile Court completed 3,838 hours of community service for nonprofit organizations, elderly, or disabled persons.
• Instituted and inventory control system and purchased new software in order to better control medical supplies and reduce costs.
• Juvenile Court has continued to successfully partner with the Johnson City School System in truancy intervention programs for students with the goals of improved attendance and reduction of number of “at-risk” children. • Custodial parents/guardians received approximately $1.625 million in child support payments as the result of child support orders entered in Juvenile Court. • The Specialized Foster Care Review Board of Juvenile Court has continued to operate as one of the pilot sites in Tennessee to assist in the preparation of youth in custody of the Department of Children’s Services (who are 14 years old and older and who do not have parental guidance) for a successful transition to adulthood. Juvenile Court probation officers Andea Gentry, Barry McGlothlin and Libby Murphy (pictured right to left) were recognized in 2013. Gentry was recruited by the Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts as a technical assistant in the training of Specialized Foster Care Review Boards. Her recruitment was based on the success of the Specialized Foster Care Review Board, which was implemented as a pilot site by the Johnson City Juvenile Court. McGlothlin was selected by the Tennessee Juvenile Court Services Association to serve on the statewide Programs Committee. And Murphy was recruited by East Tennessee State University as a member of the Unaccompanied Youth Task Force, to assist disadvantaged youth in linking resources for housing, legal guidance, transportation, education, and financial support in order to be functional and independent.
• Instituted a new promotional process for all leadership positions in which candidates go through a testing process to include a written test, practical test, research paper, and oral interview. This process ensures the best and most qualified candidates are selected for leadership positions. • Revitalized “special friends” program in which residents are provided with medical information sheets that can be filled out and placed in a pre-designated location for first responders to find in the event of an emergency. • Expanded the “Fit Responder” program and promoted a healthier staff and healthier workplace. Also instituted a “Fit for Duty” test through Work Steps that now tests employee’s abilities to perform the duties of the job post-job offer and before returning to work after an extended illness or injury. The Fit for Duty testing was implemented in an effort to reduce worker’s comp claims and ensure employees are able to perform at the level needed.
In FY13, EMS leadership team went through significant changes. With the retirement of the executive director a national search was conducted and new director Dan Wheeley (right) was chosen. This left open positions in the leadership team and after a stringent testing process, several new officers were promoted. EMS dedicated significant time to developing the culture of the organization and building a strong leadership team.
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water & sewer services The Water & Sewer Services Department efficiently provides and delivers potable water and wastewater services, meeting all local, state, and federal regulations for domestic, commercial, industrial and public safety uses.
• Installed 10,200 feet of 20-inch water transmission main and replaced 3,000 feet of sanitary sewer interceptor with a new 24-inch line as part of the Broadway-State of Franklin Utility Improvements Project. Project is important to provide increased water delivery and fire protection to downtown and western portions of Johnson City. Project cost – $3.1 million. • Completed replacement of the Downtown Brush Creek Interceptor, consisting of 3,600 feet of 42-inch sanitary sewer interceptor along with installation along the route of 2,500 feet of 12-inch water line for improved water service and fire protection. Project is important to ensure wastewater collection and delivery capacity through downtown. Project cost to date – $3.5 million. • Installed of 9,400 feet of new water line, replacing old galvanized line serving a portion of Washington County’s Oak Grove area. Project cost – $645,000.
Water produced 5.855 billion gallons Wastewater treated 5.320 billion gallons
• Began Phase I (design, installation and bidding) of the Liberty Bell area transmission line, which consists of 4,415 feet of 16-inch water line, reinforcing the water distribution system in the areas surrounding the Liberty Bell Complex Project cost – $636,000. • Completed State Route 75 water and sewer improvements, consisting of 17,000 feet of 12-inch water main, 19,000 feet of sanitary sewer lines, and a key wastewater pumping station. Improvements helped to provide increased service levels to the Tri-City Airport area of Sullivan County. • Continued State Route 36 utility relocations, consisting of 21,000 linear feet of water line and 18,000 linear feet of sewer line.
• Scored 99 out of 100 on State of Tennessee inspection of water system operations. • Recognized with National Association of Clean Water Agencies Peak Performance Awards for 100 percent regulatory compliance at both water treatment facilities and three wastewater treatment plants. • Water and wastewater plant efficiency improvements (electrical and chemical) resulted in $211,000 in annual savings. • Replaced, rehabilitated or abandoned 57,000 feet of water line and 28,000 feet of sanitary sewer line, which reflects a 1 percent annual system replacement. • Cleaned 301,000 feet, videoed 271,000 feet and smoke tested 281,000 feet of sewer line as part of the sewer collection system Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) program. Also installed improved monitoring and reporting technology at 37 sewer lift stations. • Read 509,000 meters, responded to 60,000 telephone inquiries, and created 25,000 work orders in customer service division.
• Implemented Tennessee Department of Energy and Conservation Clean Energy Grant for lighting and wastewater aeration electrical efficiency improvements.
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