A Walk in the Park Newsletter

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection

Special points of interest: ~ Winged Deer State’s Complex of the Year! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Calendar of Events

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Winged Deer State’s Complex of the Year! USA Softball of Tennessee week named Johnson City’s Winged Deer Park the state’s 2018 Complex of the Year last month, citing the Parks and Recreation Department’s long-established relationship with the organization and the city’s decision to expand its athletic fields. Mayor Jenny Brock accepted the award in Chattanooga at the annual USA Softball of Tennessee Hall of Fame Banquet. “There were several great nominations this year, and we ultimately chose Winged Deer Park due to the longtime partnership with USA Softball, the number of events held there and the commitment from Johnson City to expand their offerings,” said Tina Gale, State Complex of the Year Committee chair. Winged Deer Park opened in April 1991 and boasts five championship-caliber fields. The state-of-the-art complex has a four-field, wagon wheel design with an additional fifth field added a few years later to better accommodate league and tournament play. The city recently purchased an additional 36 acres adjacent to the park and plans to add additional diamond and rectangular fields in the near future. “This will enhance the city’s league and tournament offerings,” said James Ellis Johnson City Parks and Recreation director. “The relationship between the city and USA Softball began during Howard Johnson’s tenure as the first park director, and it continues today some 50 years later. We have hosted hundreds of invitational, state and regional tournaments in addition to 16 USA Softball National Tournaments. “The National events held here include all four age groups of the girl’s slow-pitch divisions, the girl’s 10U fast-pitch nationals on three occasions, girl’s 18U fast-pitch twice, the Men’s Major Open Slow-pitch Nationals three times, the Men’s Super-Slowpitch Division twice and the men’s Major Church National. These events have pumped millions of dollars into the local community and the Convention and Visitors Bureau, the hotels and other businesses have fully supported these efforts.”

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